Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Drink // Roku

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
She area's around this place, were surely something to be seen... The most... An intruding thing she saw, was certainly the black market. Yet she cursed her family line right now, she had males gawing at her in awe as she had walked past. This due to the Haku bloodline rushing through her body, yet her firely reactions were part of her father's bloodline, which made her lucky to keep people at a bay.
She was glad she was out of that place and started to look just a little around. "Hmm..." Was a sound resonating through her throat as she tilted her head slightly to the side. " do..." A finger was tipping against her cheekbone and emerald hues were scanning the area. At one moment she found out something like a bar like a place. "A drink..." And at that moment she thought back about the time she met that person... A drink... "Maybe I can just ask him too... ah... after that meeting, he probably doesn't even want to meet up..." She sighed loudly and had placed her hands behind her head, looking slightly annoyed towards the front. At least she had dumped her advisor. Just thinking back to that time made her shrimp a little backdown. "They say a drink does wonder..." She muttered and would walk inside, trying to order something to drink just an adult would do... Yet there started to be a slight argument.

"What do you mean I am too young?!"

WC: 249
OOC: Sorry, I am not that good at it either :p
Open for Roku, others please Pm to join.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Who needs an invite to drink when you are already drinking?! For Roku this was a two-fold routine that he indulged in, even if it had gotten to be increasingly rare for him recently. First, it allowed him to build up, especially within the sketchier parts of Suna, that "Roku" was nothing more than the "drunk Sennin", previously the "drunk Shinobi". That allowed his maskless persona to build a natural alibi for a myriad of things, most notably why he would disappear frequently. "Must be sleeping off a bender", "Unreliable drunk!", or "The scamp is probably out on another bender" were all impressions he created for himself. The second thing is it allowed him, the real him, a moment of therapy. Sure, self-medication with alcohol was a dangerous issue, but he knew his limits. This just gave him a reason to completely unwind, and even if he didn't always get overly intoxicated, he could still act like it and enjoy himself. His life consisted of too much brooding, too much stress, too much pressure, if he didn't do this he would probably die of a heart attack well before the Daimyo could kill him.

Well tonight was one of those moments he was indulging himself, and at the complaint of a young woman, he would also chime in.

"Oy, give her a damn drink! She is old enough!"

After vouching for a stranger, he naturally would want to know who the hell she was, and if he had made the right around and see the cute red haired female, which was a plus, but there was something about her. With red cheeks and glazed eyes, he would begin to stare down the woman.


I know her... how do I know her...OH SHIT!


His head would begin to tilt.

It's the little princess of Leaf or whatever the hell her title was... Ko-ko-ko... Kokori? Is that right? That sounds right and wrong...


Probably shouldn't say that again, probably coming off weird.

"...wait, are you old enough to drink!?"

He would ask as his pupils seemed to shrink into the white of his eyes, his face seemed to turn to stone and his mouth hung open like an idiot.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
She was about ready to throw this fit at the person denying her a drink. A whole scene went through her mind. She stood there, ready to throw a fit. The barman would scold at her for being such a brat. A brat, the wrong word to choose for a woman as Kotori to use against. "ORAH!" She would scream and grab the man by the color, the bar freezing cold with ice hanging around soon enough. The haku bloodline lingering, making everyone silent. "Give... me... a...drink..." And soon she would get one, there was no disagreement on that matter. Yet this scene remained in her head as a familiar voice would start to rattle beside her. "Oy, give her a damn drink! She is old enough!"

A grin formed, yes! A guy was vouching for her! This particular guy was vouching for her for a drink! "Helloo~!" She would sound as sweet as possible after the gained what she wanted. It was... In a wooden mug, it would seem, something white on top. ' this..?' She would look towards the person, saying for the many times hello... Slowly she started to wonder at something. "Hmm? How old I am..?" She was now thinking quick, she was 15... how could she possible reply with a no or a yes now... Slowly the mind of the captain started to think quickly. "5 478.63298 days" She would start to say, lean on a hand...

"Oi...?" She would mutter and wave in front of his eyes... Yet something changed and it did creep her out a little. He... froze? 'S..should... I hit him..?' Were questioning thoughts and she would try to reach out to pet the other on the head. "Oi oi... waky..." She would say and was a little unsure if this was even a right approach, what was the best approach? Was it a hit after all?

Ooc: 'Like this is her thoughts. I am lazy...shhhh XD'


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

He would snap back to his senses as his metallic left arm would dart outward, quickly snatching up the mug from in front of the girl and then tossing the beverage down his own throat. There might have been a small momentary concern that the man was going to choke from inhaling the drink in the fashion he had consumed it, but a long satisfying sigh following his last gulp would prove otherwise. Wiping his mouth with his right, still fleshy arm, he would turn his attention back to the girl from Leaf.

"5 thousand and fitty-three-eight.... days old?! Is this some kind of riddle? That number seems awfully light... so you are like 10 years old???"

He would then cross his arms.

"Ain't no 10-year-old getting hammered in my upstanding establishment."

From behind him a fight could be heard, and seen if wanted just wanted to look in that direction, breaking out. This was his upstanding establishment.

"I don't know what is driving you to drink at a young age, princess of the guys, and all your trees. "Oh look at me, I got trees"... oh yea, we got trees."

Well, this was an interesting road to travel down.

"They are dead trees... so, you, Kokori. Why are you in a bar? Where is your body guard?"

The waning between mess and coherent, this was going to be an interesting ride.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
A frown started to show onto her face, slowly her arms started to cross... 'Think diplomatic... think diplomatic and wreck him....' were her inner Sakura like moments as she held a closed fist as she watched him, she watched him gulp it all down towards the last and single drip. "So.... What I think right now..." She muttered and her words started to turn towards a soft whisper. "I... I think... That is having an affair right now..." And as she said that she looked towards her own beer and the beer the man had been using just now in the past.
"L-light?!" She hugged as she saw her drink getting snatched away. "O-Oi!" She said and saw it was already disappearing. "Heeeey! that was mine!" She said as she gave a quick pout soon. "It wasn't 5 thousand... it was million... I am 15... almost 16!" She said with a huge pout."

"I don't know what is driving you to drink at a young age, princess of the guys, and all your trees. Oh look at me, I got trees... oh yea, we got trees. They are dead trees... so, you, Kokori. Why are you in a bar? Where is your bodyguard?"

"Please don't call me that... Being here is already risking my life... just as usual day..." She said with a soft huff as she would lean back onto her cheeks. Her hand palms having her cheeks cupped. "I tried to ditch him... I don't fancy a jackass who doesn't help me as how he claims to be an advisor... Yet doesn't even let me learn to do a single thing after I came back from 6 years vanish..." She said and would place her face sideways on the bar. "So... As how I was told... People drink to forget bad things... So far... I have felt humiliated, worthless and not even being needed in anyone's presence..." She was fair, honest and maybe harsh about her feelings. But there were true, sjeesums. What kind of path were they circling towards. "So... What about you then? Mr. shirtless..?"


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

He would squint at the girl when she said her age was essentially sixteen before turning to the bartender.

"Give the girl a tea... you like tea, right? Yea, you like tea. She will have a tea. Give me a beer... just, keep giving me beer until this all makes more sense. Thanks, bub."

He would turn in his chair, propping his head up with his left arm and look over to the girl. It had to be tough, I mean she didn't even realize he got her name wrong. To be fair, he didn't even realize he got her name wrong. Honestly believes she is "Kokori". It had to be tough though, a young person being tasked with such responsibility.

"Me? Why am I here? Just something to do I suppose... maybe I am one of those people trying to forget bad things, but honestly, chasing happiness at the bottom of a mug isn't the best idea. No one chasing that dream is going to find it here, hell--this stuff doesn't even help you forget. Maybe in the moment, but the truly dark things... you never stop seeing them... welp, anyways~~"

His last line would come off a bit more cheerful as he was almost humming along with them.

"You need to stop being harsh on yourself--let's break this down. You are a shinobi, correct?"

A part of him knew the answer was yes, but even so there was a small inkling of doubt creeping up on him.

Holy shit... she is a shinobi right....right!?

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Kotori was looking towards his man, was he real... He blabalntly went over the fact she would be one to drink tea all the time while he could think that Applejuice with cream.... Atleast, that is how it looked like for her. "Yeah.... i do drink it...." She would agree on it for just this time, but most certainly not for all the times. At those words she started to wonder a few things, but her thoughts she spoke out loud. "When we were young, we always thought that the monsters were under our beds, yet once we grew up... We realized that the monsters are inside of us..." The thoughts were muttered out loud as she looked towards her own refletion in the mug. A soft sigh was given as she looked back towards the male. "How do you wish to break this down.? I have no other choice then to be this hard on myself, because I am having no choice then to follow. I..... Am a shinobi yes, one of the higher ranks inside the leaf village. Yet my name cannot be named nor what I do. As that is hidden from the world." At this she hoped that this militairy man had a slight idea to what her riddle was refearring towards.
" What about you... mystery boy?"

ooc: Tablet typed, cannot change grammar mistakes or such, sorry if it short on tablet this looks long!


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

She would finish and he would immediately start to wave his hands like he was trying to brush away her ideals

"Don’t give me that shit. ‘I can’t be me because...daddy, the village, my position...blah, blah, blah’. None of that. A weak person looks for those obstacles and sees them as a dead end, a stronger person sees them as walls, something that might be in your way but that can be climbed over—overcomed. Is that word...sounds, off.

Well he had a point, wasn’t sure if he nailed the landing with it, so for good measures, one more attempt. But first, he would chug another cup of apple juice with cream... *shifty eyes*

"Hold on. Wait. Hold on...hold on...ok, what I’m trying to say is this; being bound by the expectations of others can be a prison. It’s your life, no matter what you do or who brought you into this are the one making choices. Don’t let others choose for you.”

Completely ignoring he literally chose her drink just moments earlier without her input.

"Me? Hell, I ain’t interesting. I’m just some old guy that happens to have a title. Got all those tragic past cliches...ya,know? Everyone has a sad story, everyone, so...whattya think of the Village Hidden in the Sands?”

Ooc-sorry for the delay,posting on a phone and the holiday time has been hectic

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
"Then... how would you react... Ever since you could talk, move or think... You were taught and trained to become something you don't even feel like yourself..? You have seen it inside the room there. This was probably my test, to see if I were ready. Yet no one keeps notice of the fact, I am still a child. I have been fighting my life for 5 years and without their politics pieces of training and what not... And they couldn't even entrust me giving a note..." She would drink a bit of her tea.
' Don't let others choose for you.'​
"Easier said then done... If you don't know how else anyways..." She would mutter and look towards the others drink... She had an idea... With the next one, he would order she would try to snatch it and tape a gulp... In her mind she would gulp on till the mug was empty, trying to prove a point then place the tea in his place... But that was a scenario going through her mind. A soft giggle would leave her on that thought, maybe a strange thing to be done. "Sorry. Inside joke." She would comment and straighten her back as she looked towards the empty mug of tea and ordered a coffee. "I was... probably the youngest inside the Branch of Shinobi I am in now... Hence, maybe still the youngest... So we both got a share of past already huh... I tell you what... I was born with genes of my mom, froze my backpack once and the whole hallway... but once I tried to bake cookies... I burned the Clanhouse done with a fireball jutsu." She would snicker at those thoughts, they were so long gone anyways. "So..What my opinion is about sand..? It.. looks so different from the time we had the war with Frost... Everyone in our village seemed so terrified..." She would say and look around. "Yet look here.. The old man getting drunk as he might not cast a jutsu straight and all else... The people here look calm like they know what to do. It gives a visitor like me... a sense of doing it easily and feel protected... Even while all this is unknown. I wish to see more, to get to know the people here like I try to at home..." She would hold a small smile as she gained the coffee and thanked the man behind the bar. "Question... Maybe someone as you can answer this... as I never found an answer yet. Can you hold people dear to yourself, love them as you hold a double life which may endanger them?"
Once he would have answered, she would turn more towards him, take a stance that was more of herself. Leaning on the bar with her upper arm while holding her head. "You know... Maybe you ain't half brained at all." And she made sure she would say it airly and positive unlike in the moment inside that room.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Roku said:

He would laugh at the girls response, and questioning, that gave him the impression that much of her life had been dictated to her.

"Well, aside from potentially being someone who was abducted by my birth parents, tortured and experimented on and made into a monster... who was then probably brainwashed and manipulated to come here and betray this village, I would have to say that my brother, well I consider him my brother as I never knew otherwise until several years ago, always was pushing me to be like him. My other... siblings, well they probably want me to just mindlessly join them and their side..."

His backstory was very... odd.

"So what would I say... what would I do? Fuck'um... oh, shit... cursing... sorry!”

He would go redder face as he was now embarrassed for talking like a sailor in front of the young woman.

"But seriously, to hell with them. I would do what I am doing now... well, not drinking per se, but just doing whatever I wanted. If there isn't a path ahead of you that takes you to where you want to be, to where who you want to be can be found, then you are going to have to forge that damn path. I blew a hole into the Kazekage tower earlier, not because I had to and not because anyone wnated me to, I mean I got chastized by that cat girl, but you know what? Who gives a shit. I am happy being who I am, and I ain't got the time to be living someone else's life for them. Your dad, he probably means the best, you should know that, but sometimes you just need to hear it from someone other than your family, but if he is trying to forge you into this perfect image of his--then he is wrong. If that ain't you, then that ain't you.”

Even drunk, he knew it was time to probably step out of the murky waters of challenging someone's parenting.

"Anyways---live a double life and have love? Great question."

His mind reflected on a couple of faces, faces of people he knew, faces of people he had lost, he had left, that had left him, and that held a place within his heart. People that he wanted to know better, people too painful to forget. He would smile a bit as he turned over to the girl. She was young, there was so much that she was still trying to figure out.

"No. You can live in the shadows like you and I and in the light. We can balance, we can find connections, but we will never grow close. Those attachments, you will always worry that they will be hurt because of you; either their death or your own... and you won't be able to stomach it. It will gnaw at your heart, it will make your soul feel heavy and your mind will always be creating new boxes to isolate those feelings. You will hurt people to keep your distance, you will hurt yourself..."

He would look at her once more, she was still young but entering into a time of her life that she would define herself. She would either heed these warnings or she would in time, but if he had to guess it would probably be something like this; in her young age she will find love and she will try to keep both, her life in the darkness and her life in the light with them... and it will tear her apart.

He would smirk as he slid the still full alcohol over to the girl.

"But you are strong, probably stronger than me, probably stronger than your father... and he find his happiness, right? Your mother, you... he probably has better answers than I on this subject. I... well... am here after all."

He would laugh, his eyes would shut, and he would laugh.


Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Hearing about what the other had in his life... she was considered lucky. That was at least the way her thoughts were going... She had a family, didn't get tortured... Made in a monster... well, she did kill a person around her age. After the explanation she would smile a little, it was so strange yet welcome to hear about others their history. Even... how odd they were, that didn't matter for the small female. "Erm... Okay... But... I was told to not do that literal... whatever that means." She would comment and lean back on her elbows as she let her cheeks rest in the palms of her hand.
Her smile faded a little as he heard about being double life not possible. 'So... Being literally in the shadows... cannot make you step in the light easy... Because of being an ANBU... I will never get the light side... How did Brother even do that then... Or my dad...' A soft sigh was given as she thought just a little bit further on that subject, but she was shaken out of those thoughts as she got the alcohol. Glancing once more towards the man, she would slowly nod. She wanted to have a sip. This was adulthood, this was what adults did and not tiny children. In return, she slid her tea over. A fair trade in her mind, a drink for a drink. With two hands she picked up the mug, first tried to smell... Not really smell was coming from it... "Hmmh mm... I do appreciate you talking to me, you are one of the first out here to talk towards me other than business or... erm. Rather for my looks..." She would comment. Smile after that, heck even laughed a little and got a small blush as she had laughed out loud. A chuckle was soon found after as she held back those laughs.
Then she took a gulp. Such bitterness, that was one thing she didn't think that would happen. A few coughs were given and out of older habit, she stuck out her tongue a bit. "E-eww... T-trade back?" Maybe she was too young, or it just wasn't her taste yet. "I know what it tastes like now... P..please trade back, I will be fine with the tea... This is... so bitter..." She would comment and try to grab her tea back, shift the beer back. She was a curious one, had to try everything, this was one thing she wouldn't try now. She was a sweet tooth.
"Maybe... you have a question onto this, I couldn't ask the last missing boy... or the others... What is freedom like?"


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

He laughed a bit at her reaction to her first sip of the alcohol, and much as she requested he would trade back drinks with her. She was a good kid, at least that is what he thought. While she might have tasted the bitter reality of the drink before her, a drink she thought she so badly had to try, he could not help but wonder if this was life presenting her, and him, with some deeper metaphor. Based on the path she continued down, she would be tasting a lot more bitterness.

"People that runaway... are they truly free?"

His tone was pondering at first.

"I mean, on one hand, they don't really have to follow rules. I mean our worlds, the world of a shinobi, is built upon rules and hierarchy. They escaped that, so I guess that is freedom."

His tone made it seem like he wasn't completely sold on this idea.

"But you are hunted, which is there any freedom in a feeling that someone might be after you? That you can never return 'home' without fear of death or imprisonment?"

Back to pondering.

"But you know what I think, even with the hunting aside, I don't think I can bring myself to believe someone who is running is truly free. Whether it's for a better life, whether it's for this personal idea that you are being liberated, whether it's because someone has hurt you or you feel the need to go and hurt someone else... once you abandon everything, are you really that free? Do you just stop thinking about what you left behind? Do you stop thinking "I should be there"? Do you forgive or forget the reasons that made you leave?"

He took a long sip of his alcohol.

"Hell, I dunno. My ass is built that way. I am here, this is my life, this is my job, this is my purpose. I am a stubborn shit, does that make me free? Hell, I dunno that either. This freedom talk is non-sense away... and I don't want to make this sound like I am some shitty sad person, but honestly, we are all going to die, right? So "freedom" is just some idea we came up with to give us some sense of control? Like seriously... what the hell is freedom!? Unless you plan to live alone in some dense wilderness, you are always going to find this idea of freedom challenged. Relationships bind... that's the truth. If you plan on being involved with another person, whether through family, romance, work... you lose a bit of freedom."

His tone was more upbeat by the end of his tirade, but honestly, he was starting to make himself dizzy.

"Little boys and girls running around in the wild, hiding and then building their own little hobbles of wayward people... people running from one place and going to another... they aren't out there tasting freedom, no more so than you or I and I am sure in many cases less than us. I mean, at the end of the day they are looking for a place they belong... so I dunno."

While he could not see for himself to verify, he was reaching the point of his drinking that his eyes felt like they were trying to cross one another. He was going to need to lie down in a bit, but he pushed onward to see if there was any last bit of advice he could give before going and passing out for an absurd amount of hours.


Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
The small redhead was listening towards the old man's rambles, and as he continued to ramble she would look towards him. Slowly starting to play a little with her hair. 'He really is in a lot of thoughts by that specific question it seems... Wonder if he thinks about equal much as I do...' She would lean on her hand and look towards him again. Her other hand would be on the mug, the warmth was really welcome. Eventually, he started to form his own opinion on this matter and she couldn't help but leave a silent chuckle. The emerald orbs shifting towards her tea and picking it up to sip of it. Finally... She had an answer to what she had been searching off, an answer that she could never ask anyone else. "You know... You aren't half as bad as i thought... You are actually an amazing person." She would say with a soft and warm tune. "Maybe... Maybe things aren't as worse as I orginally thought... I mean... I am free at my own terms, I just need to make some in stone for myself and not think I am locked up." She would smile towards him as she finished her tea in a moment. Slowly that warm and happy smile made a turn towards a worried face. "Are.... you alright..?" She had a small amount of idea how alcohol was working, but had never thought this was one of the ways it had been going.
"Before... something happens with you... Because you look.... like a sick man right now..." She commented that sick man in between of a breath so it would be half heard. "Thank you, thank you very much for talking with me, sharing your thoughts and giving me advice." she would then grab some money out of her jacket and place it on the table. "I am buying you that... bitterness drink off one of them. Because... I know memories are unpayable." She smiled once more and looked towards him.

Sorry for this late reply on this topic, might happen a little more often that there is more time than usual. As stated in Discord, I am currently without a laptop. This would mean I write them to hand out first then tablet, so please be aware there might be more grammar mistakes. Do not hesitate to poke me for clarification or so.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
