Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Learning Lots


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Muscles are not the only aspect of a shinobi which requires training. ’An untrained mind can be just as disastrous in battle as an untrained body,’ thought Kazu, repeating to himself an old mantra his father had often said, as he entered the grand halls of the Oracle’s Library. The Ryuzaki Clan valued not only physical prowess, but mental and spiritual aptitude as well; no subject was to be ignored or left undeveloped. Since his time here in Sunagakure, Kazu may have been shirking, somewhat, that duty. It was time to rectify this imbalance.

Polished wood filled every corner of Kazu’s vision, from the tall and strong bookshelves to the sweeping, graceful, balustrades on each of the three stories, which was a marvel in and of itself. The desert was no place for trees. ’Yet here it seems exist enough to fill a forest.’ The luxury that exuded from this place made him feel small, unworthy, and even a little intimidated to be wandering freely and unescorted through these halls. Yet, the library was open to the public, and was said to contain much of the Oracles’ knowledge — or, at least, as much as they would allow to be shared with those outside of their Order — so, Kazu had decided he would take full advantage of the opportunity presented. ’I have every right to learn as much as any other Sunan,’ thought the young boy as he strolled the aisles and shelves looking for subjects of interest. ’The only question is...what about?’

Not knowing where to start, Kazu started with the obvious: his formal education on the ins-and-outs of Sunagakure was rather limited, and it was past time he’d corrected that. Its history, mythologies, traditions, and languages; there was much he was unfamiliar with. Meandering through the sections on geography, political science, and even weapons-crafting, Kazu eventually settled somewhere between history and anthropology — a dusty old tome, which filled his nose with the musty smell of parchment when he slid it off the bookshelf, named ”Sunagakure: An Overview.” His plan was to take the book to one of the available tables, pour over it as long as he could, learn as much as…

...before he got two paces from that spot, another title caught his eye. ”Summons Studied; Contract Beasts and Rare Creatures.” Kazu had recently encountered a ‘contract animal,’ a snake that could talk, which had greatly piqued Kazu’s curiosity. Picking up this book as well — a less worn, newer book — he began to flip through the pages standing next to the bookshelf. ’Just because I ought to learn something, doesn’t mean it needs to be all boring and serious stuff!’

Lost in thought, Kazu forgot he was still standing in the middle of the bookshelf aisle. The world around him melted away; the words on the page the only thing on his mind right now.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia hummed to himself, closing the tome he was reading through while making sure to have a mental note of where he left off. As much as he had gotten a renewed appreciation for books and scrolls of any kind since embarking on his quest and accepting his Oracle position... but some of these older historical sources were to dense with everything. Name's, places, familial lines... He could feel his head pulsing from it all. Or maybe it was the coffee. Still, he did dig in deep, and ironically enough couldn't find much leeway into what he was looking. Sunaku Naito had a very public face after he returned and united the scattered desert clans... but he sure was secretive about a lot of his life.

Still, he was making slow progress, especially since he joined the Oracles officially. He still felt far away from knowing just what kind of power he had inside of him, but he felt confident in keeping it at bay... though learning more wouldn't hurt. He mused to himself as he picked up the tomes with the intention of bringing them back while looking around the library. While it was quite the place was quite busy. Some were studious and teaching themselves on all the subjects here, some used it more as a place to simply relax, enjoy the quiet atmosphere and the elegant form of the place. It was all fine as long as they played with the rules. And while he was not on official duty, his Oracle masked tucked away in hiding, he still liked to make sure the peace was kept. He was doing the potential troublemakers a small favor really. Some of the men behind the oracle masks could be quite harsh...though they were quite chill with the masks of. But it was fair, they did represent an important part of the village after all.

The Sand bending Shinobi hummed to himself after finally putting the tomes back in place, he pounder what to do next as he moved around before seeing something a bit out of the norm. A young man entranced in one of the tomes and just reading it. Always a good sight to see, though technically he was blocking the space just slightly. He figured snapping him out of his trance wouldn't hurt. And he was slightly curious just what captivated him so.

He would try to sneak behind the younger Shinobi and peek through his shoulder, after which he would say "Mmm...Rare creatures huh? Looking to find someone to aid you in your future battles?". Once Kazu would turn around he'd see a tan figure with brown hair and green eyes looking at him with a friendly smile, his eyebrow quirk upwards in slight amusement.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Crimson red eyes floated over the carefully scripted words on the page, while eyebrows furrowed in increasing concentration, as the boy became more absorbed in each new word and idea presented…

”Summons Studied; Contract Beasts and Rare Creatures” said:
Chapter 1: Contracts Conceptualized

Not much is known about the mysterious creatures known as “Contract Summons.” They, generally speaking, tend to resemble natural creatures — of various species — but with an equivalent, and sometimes superior, intellect compared to the average human. It has been theorized, by many, that such creatures, while difficult to find, are actually quite common in nature, comparatively. However, they seem to avoid contact with humans for reasons that may include solitary natures, a general dislike or distaste for humans, or their customs, and possibly even fear of violence or other such predatory practices commonly observed in the relations between humans and other more common species of animals. As such, the whereabouts — and, frankly, much other such information that could be considered accurate or credible — as to these fantastical creatures is unknown.

While the exact nature of these creatures, their habits, and how they came to be is unknown, what is known is that they do exist and sometimes form a “bond” with exceptional individuals whom they share a great kinship. There are many accounts of great warriors, and in more recent times shinobi, who are able to call upon these “Contract Summons” — so named because the individual in question is said to form an unbreakable contract with these creatures, who are then able to be “summoned” at the individual’s call — into battle or in other times of great need. The exact conditions needed for establishing this contract are also unknown, despite many attempts by researchers to ascertain the knowledge from those individuals initiated with these secrets.

Individuals who have formed a bond with a “Contract Summon” do note that the experience is not without its dangers. Many recall challenges or hardships in their quests to seek out and find one of any number of mystical beasts that are said to….

"Mmm...Rare creatures huh? Looking to find someone to aid you in your future battles?"

Mid-way through a sentence, Kazu hears a voice from directly behind him — and jumps ever so slightly in surprise! The book slams shut loudly, accidentally, due to the boy’s shock, and his face quickly begins to redden in embarrassment from how startled he was. ’I didn’t even hear anyone approaching!’ The young boy tends to get lost in thoughts easily enough as it was; a book focusing on a subject he was interested in was like being sucked directly into a whirlpool of attention-grabbing qualities. Thankfully, despite the sudden panic, Kazu hadn’t turned around at the same time he’d jumped — he still had a chance to compose himself, somewhat, with a soothing breath before turning around to face the voice.

As he does, Kazu takes in the face that peered down on him with an amused — or perhaps, smug — smile and a quirked eyebrow. Tan skin and brown hair were unremarkable in the desert climate, though it did say that the man must have spent a good deal of time outdoors. Green eyes, that seemed to radiate an inquisitive and curious mind, beheld the boy. His clothes were casual, unlike the formal robes of the Oracles who stalked the halls looking for troublemakers and those who did not respect the rules of the library. ’Maybe he’s just here to read, too?’ Whoever this man was, Kazu felt the need to explain himself.

”Uh…not exactly. I, uh, was just kind of curious, you know? I met a talking snake the other day, who claimed to be a Contract Beast, and so…yeah.” Kazu just realized how crazy it might be to say he’d met a talking snake, but it was too late to take it back now. Ignoring the rising jitters in his stomach, Kazu continued on. ”The book says that it’s really hard to find one yourself, and that no one really knows where they live or how to go about searching, so I don’t think I’ll be able to find one. It would be really cool, though…”

Kazu’s gaze seems to stare out into space, as he reflects on how awesome it would be to actually find one of these Contract Beasts of his own. He had no idea what it would be like, but the thought of being determined worthy of acknowledgement by such an elusive creature was an attractive notion. Suddenly snapping back to reality, Kazu redirected his attention back to the man.

”I’m sorry, I must be blocking your way, right? What kind of book are you looking for?”

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia held in a laugh as the boy jumped up in a startled fashion as he spoke to him. He hoped he wouldn't be too taken aback by the little surprise... Though as the boy turned the older Shinobi's expression would be amused but more apologetic than smug. He mostly meant to poke a bit of fun at the transfixed reader. After all, Shinobi should have eyes around their heads at all times.

It did seem the boy wasn't too taken aback after he took a moment to compose himself. He talked about his general interest in the topic and a chance encounter with what seemed like one of such beasts himself. He nodded after he spoke saying "Well, that is true. you might say these beasts are a lot like the Shinobi clans you see around the world. Quite protective of their secrets and who they trust. Often times getting in contact with them is a bit of a game of chance, as it was with myself..." he paused for a moment, shaking his head before saying "Eh, sorry for the tangent there. I can't say if the snake you spoke with was actually part of the beast clan, but the fact an intelligent animal showed some interest in you is a good sign. The question of how to pursue it is a bit more tricky"

The red-eyed boy asked him a question of his own. With a bit of a chuckle, he said "I do apologize for interpreting you that abruptly, I can understand getting lost when reading. Right now I'm giving myself a bit of a break. As much as I'm interested in the subject reading about the geography and mapping of the deserts can be a bit tedious, even with how much I enjoy roaming the desert. Speaking of which, my name is Sunaku Harupia, whats yours?" he asked, offering his hand in a more official greeting to the younger Shinobi.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Well, that is true. you might say these beasts are a lot like the Shinobi clans you see around the world. Quite protective of their secrets and who they trust. Often times getting in contact with them is a bit of a game of chance, as it was with myself..." 'Huh?' Kazu's ears perked up at that last bit, his mind raced with considerations, and his eyes seemed to laser focus onto the man. 'Did he just say what I think he did?' Before the young boy has a chance to question the man, he continues on. "Eh, sorry for the tangent there. I can't say if the snake you spoke with was actually part of the beast clan, but the fact an intelligent animal showed some interest in you is a good sign. The question of how to pursue it is a bit more tricky."

"Oh no, it's no problem at all! That's actually quite reassuring, to tell you the truth." Reaching his right hand up, the book held firmly in his left, the boy scratches at his nose in a sort of nervous manner that buys him a moment to think. 'Does he know something about Contract Summons?' Kazu is a curious and inquisitive child, but having grown up in a strict household taught him to be respectful of not overextending past reasonable expectation — coming right out and asking this stranger such a question was certainly a stretch — yet there were lots of things the boy had outgrown from his childhood since coming to Sunagakure. Having met lots of different people, and seeing many different ways of doing things, one of the prevailing lessons that Kazu has taken away from this village's mentality is the value in being direct. 'If I don't ask him, then I'll never know!' Pushing down the fluttering butterflies in his stomach, Kazu prepares himself to bring the subject up...

...until the man moves the conversation right from underneath him. "I do apologize for interpreting you that abruptly, I can understand getting lost when reading. Right now I'm giving myself a bit of a break. As much as I'm interested in the subject reading about the geography and mapping of the deserts can be a bit tedious, even with how much I enjoy roaming the desert. Speaking of which, my name is Sunaku Harupia, whats yours?" Panic sets in. The butterflies take flight, again. 'How am I supposed to ask about Contract Summons now?' It wasn't really Harupia's fault, it's just that Kazu tends to overthink too much. Analyzing and pondering; questioning and planning. It was a deeply set part of his personality, and something which he had very little control over. His mind kept turning over the conversation in his head, trying its best to make sense of what it was he could say, or do, or mention that could let the man know that he was interested in talking more about his experiences on the matter....

...until the boy realized he hadn't said anything for a moment after the man's question was asked. Embaressment. Kazu floundered, a little, pulling himself back into the moment. His face was turning a little red, and his eyes darted around nervously. Biting his tongue to try to ground himself, the young boy blurts out, "Oh, really, it's no big deal! You were just having fun, and I guess I was just too absorbed in the book, and these things happen, so it's no big deal, really, I just-" Kazu forces himself to stop. He closes his eyes, takes a few deep breaths, and slightly bows his head. Another deep breath, and the boy opens his eyes again to look up to the man with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little nervous. Let me start over..."

Extending his hand out towards the man's own, Kazu grabs it firmly and gives a nice easy up and down handshake. If someone just walked into the conversation at that moment, they'd never have been able to tell the boy had been nervous at all. "It's very good to meet you, Sunaku Harupia. I'm Ryuzaki Kazukura, but you can call me Kazu." Taking his hand back, Kazu grips the book with both hands tightly — he seems to be clutching it as if it were the only thing capable of floating in a vast and empty ocean. "You seem really knowledgeable about a lot of things! Contract Beasts, Geography, Cartography, and apparently you're even well traveled! I'd really love to talk about all of it with you, actually. I've got a lot of questions, if you have time for them all?"

Kazu's eyes burned with passion, but also uncertainty. The young boy was not very self-assured yet, however he seemed to possess an innate desire to want to know more, be more, do more, and see more. Perhaps that would outshine his earlier nervousness (and rather awkward social skills)? The young boy certainly hoped so, as he gazed up at Haru inquisitively.
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Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Haru waited patiently for the boy to speak even after the somewaht longer pause, looking pretty stoic all things considered. Years of teaching students int the academy had made him good in hiding amusement if he felt it would fluster them further. He didn't really mean to mess with him too much. He listened to him speak up again, a torrent of words following before another pause as the younger Shinobi re-centered himself. With a smile, he said "Its fine. Again, I apologies for startling you. And well met indeed" he finished as they shook hands. Hmm, that was quite fast. Almos a startling turnover with how calm he was. That sounded familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it...

As they separated he saw the boy held onto the book before he spoke again. He looked him in the eye, seeing the very, very curious look in his eyes. Still a bit of uncertainty in it but it was pretty clear he wanted to learn more. Harupia had a hunch about which specific topic ost of all, but he couldn't blame him. The contracts between beast and Shinobi are a fascinating thing... Though he was lucky enough to have kind of stumbled upon one by almost pure coincidence.

After a moment he spoke up "Well, I've been teaching in the Academy for a while now, and its good to know a bit about many things in case your students are inquisitive. I dont have any particular plan right now. I'm not sure just how much I'll be able to help with your questions but I'll try my best" he ended with a wide smile before saying "We probably can find a bit of a better place to talk over, like one of the benches, unless you were planning to take another thing to read? Regardless I'm all ears as to what you'd want to ask" he finally finished, leading them towards a more comfortable spot unless Kazu needed something. Ryuzaki...he was sure he heard it before. Perhaps a bit of an exchange of information would be at hand.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Well, I've been teaching in the Academy for a while now, and its good to know a bit about many things in case your students are inquisitive. I dont have any particular plan right now. I'm not sure just how much I'll be able to help with your questions but I'll try my best."

A deep smile takes over Kazu’s face. His eyes brighten as they stare up into Haru’s. ”Really? You mean it?! Thank you so much, Mister Harupia, sir! I really, really appreciate it!” The young boy seems to bounce from foot to foot, as if he were psyching himself up for what was to come. ”I’ve never been to a formal Academy, or had a real teacher! Mostly just home tutors, or other old guys who liked to talk, and talk, and seemed to owe my Father some favors, or something…getting to study at a real school sounds nice!” Perhaps he was a tad over-eager for one so young, but Kazu didn’t often encounter people so knowledgeable in the areas he was most interested in. ’I’ve got to use this opportunity while it’s in front of me!’ Heck, maybe the young boy would even make a new acquaintance, or possibly even a friend, while he was at it?

The green-eyed man motioned towards some comfortable-looking benches for them to sit at while they talked, and inquired whether Kazu had all the books he’d intended on looking through. Holding the book ”Summons Studied; Contract Beasts and Rare Creatures” in his hands, Kazu made sure to grab the first book he’d originally picked up, ”Sunagakure: An Overview,” as well. ’Musn’t forget why I came here to begin with!’ Nodding that he was ready, Kazu began to follow along behind the man…until a third tome caught his eye at the end of the aisle. ”Surviving the Beasts and Flora of Wind Country,” promptly joined the other two to create a small stack that weighed the young boy down by a considerable amount more than he’d anticipated. The sight of the young boy carrying so many books considerably thicker than his own wrists was probably quite humorous to anyone watching. When he managed to set the pile down on the bench next to where he was to sit, Kazu let out a relieved sigh.

”Whew! Guess I won’t need to do a workout later today!” Kazu wasn’t too serious of a person, except when it mattered. A good joke here and there helped to grease the social wheels, after all. ”Well, I suppose I’d better just start asking, huh? How’d you do it? How’d you meet your contract? You must’ve used your knowledge of the desert wilderness to hunt them down, huh?” Kazu’s legs kicked back and forth, a bit, as his excitement grew. The boy’s smile grew wider by the moment, and that gleam of giddiness in his eyes was ever-present. ”Father used to take Enishi and me — he’s my brother, you see — out into the desert all the time to hunt critters and beasties, but I’ve never known there were any out there that could talk! You know…there was one beastie I always thought would be super cool to make friends with…”

Grabbing the newest addition to his growing collection of books, ”Surviving the Beasts and Flora of Wind Country,” Kazu flips it open to the Table of Contents and begins running his finger down the list of entries. ”It’s got to be…let’s see…maybe…AHA!” The boy skips forward, to a page that includes a sketch of a massive lizard with the name Archer Lizard printed underneath it. Pointing directly at it, as if he wasn’t explicit enough, Kazu exclaims excitedly, ”This one! Father always said this one was too dangerous to go near, but I’m a lot tougher now! I bet I could take it on! Imagine how cool it would be to fight alongside one of those things!”

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
He had to admit, it been a long while since he'd seen someone as enthusiastic about studying. Whenever he had one on one meeting with one of his peers it usually meant something less pleasant for one of the sides. But the enthusiasm was appreciated. The fact he mentioned not being formally schooled was slightly surprising, but then again, he did receive quite a bit of training at home as well before he started attending the academy. Perhaps he was from a notable house too? seemed familiar but he couldn't quite put a finger on it... Whenever he spent to much time peering through maps his head felt a bit clogged up.

He mentioned as they walked "Studying with a tutor isint that different than attending a class. It allows for a bit more focused approach...than again being able to train and learn with people around you age can be beneficial as well" pausing as the younger man went to the side for another book. Quite a stack he had. As they reached their destination and Kazu set the books down, he laughed a bit before saying "I'll say. I wanted to offer a hand but I see you had it well under control" before receiving his first question...amongst other things. Kazu was quite talkative now that he'd offered his attention. Not that he minded at all, part of his job was to learn.

It seemed that his family was more nomadic than noble. Perhaps they had settled in the village walls more recently? After he scrolled through his third book till he found the picture of a particular lizard, he looked closer before nodding "Ah yes, Archer Lizards. I can imagine you grew a lot stronger over the years but these ones are not to be underestimated. Ironically enough even in nature, they seemed to fight similar to Shinobi in a way. What they lack in size and pure power they makeup in cunning and using a powerful weapon. I've seen up close what their acid can do" he said with a shudder.

After a moment he leaned back on the bench saying "You see, the funny thing is my relations with the Lizards had to develop for a while. When I first encountered them, it was more by chance...or accident, depending on how you look at it. I was training in the desert, trying to sharpen my control sand and it turned out it was territory watched by one of the Lizards. He was massive, at least twice my size. Imagine my surprise as it asked me whether I was looking for the child..."

Ha paused in what he felt like a somewhat dramatic moment before turning to Kazu "You said your father took you and your brother out to hunt in the wild. Tell me, have you ever had encounters with a Sunan crow? Not the normal ones...the BIG ones" he added for emphasis, turning to the appropriate Sunagakurian Crow page a few ones before adding "Or perhaps have you seen the vultures feasting on the carcass of some other beast?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Studying with a tutor isn’t that different than attending a class. It allows for a bit more focused approach...than again, being able to train and learn with people around your age can be beneficial as well." Kazu contemplates over this for a moment, before stating quite simply, and calmly, ”Hmm, I guess you’re right. I guess it didn’t feel the same, since I never really ‘went to school’ — they’d all come teach me at our estate.” Pondering a bit more over that, Kazu decides to engage the topic a bit more. ”What made you want to be a teacher, Mister Harupia?”

The topic of reptiles fascinated Kazu. Hearing the man speak of his experiences dealing with powerful beasts like the Archer Lizard brought a smile to Kazu’s face, though a slightly sullen pout soon replaced the grin when the man predicted that the young boy was still not ready to face one himself. Kazu tried to hide it, but he was not very good at concealing his emotions quite yet. Competitive, and highly motivated to prove himself, Kazu saw this feat as somewhat of a challenge that he would overcome. ’I’ll make that beastie hop when I tell it to!’ There were times when Kazu could be stubborn as an Armatunk; mentally, the boy was definitely digging his heels in on this one. ”I’m not scared,” was all Kazu had to say on the matter.

His face brightened once more when the man began to speak of his own encounters with the Lizard Contract Beasts, describing the start of what sounded like a battle. This made Kazu very excited. It appealed to the warrior mentality he had grown up with in the Ryuzaki Clan, and only strengthened his convictions to one day find and challenge these Contract Beasts into acknowledging him. Perhaps it was folly, and perhaps it was overconfident hubris. But either way, the boy’s eyes seemed to sparkle when Haru spoke of battle and conflict.

But, just as the man was getting to the height of the conflict, he paused in his story and asked Kazu what seemed to be a totally unrelated question. "You said your father took you and your brother out to hunt in the wild. Tell me, have you ever had encounters with a Sunan crow? Not the normal ones...the BIG ones.” Blinking for a moment, Kazu wondered if the man felt he ought not to be sharing the knowledge he was with a boy so young. ’Perhaps he thinks I’ll be squeamish, or something?’ Whatever the reason, Kazu remembers that respecting the people who are helping you, not only is polite, but is also the right thing to do. Remembering his patience (with a bit of an effort on the young boy’s part), Kazu studies the page on the Sunagakurian Crow before him, for a moment, before answering.

”I…didn’t know they could get that big! I’ve seen the normal sized ones plenty of times, but never one…” Kazu does a double take as he reads the description and information closer, not sure if he believes what his eyes are telling him, ”…EIGHT FEET LONG?!?” A loud ‘SHHHH’ echoes out of nowhere, and the boy winces with embarrassment at the shaming. Lowering his voice significantly, Kazu’s eyes remain bug-eyed and wide with amazement. ”Legatus…” he says breathily, half under his breath, as if it were a curse of some sort, ”…I didn’t realize they were that massive! That’s…actually rather terrifying…”

The worried expression on Kazu’s face makes it plainly clear that the boy is seriously reconsidering his trek into the desert. Yet, still behind that fear in his eyes, was a spark of determination. Of hunger, or maybe thirst, for danger. Perhaps Haru’s teaching was opening the boy’s eyes to the true vastness of the world around him; or, perhaps, it was simply making him more anxious to make his mark.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Estate...huh. From the earlier description, he was imaging the boy's family more in terms of the desert nomads, roaming and hunting in the lands. But tutoring at one's house seemed to suggest something else entirely. Maybe their house raised to health more recently. Ryuzaki... he knew he heard the name before, but where?!

The question from the boy managed to shake him out of his pondering. With a laugh, he said "Well, that is a bit of a funny story. My father started training with me from a pretty young age. He was...pretty rough with me and the fact I couldn't quite get a grip over our family techniques of controlling sand... constant sparring, drills, training. I think my father would fit the nightmare vision anyone would have of a teacher" he said with a slight shudder before continuing "My mother had a bit of a different idea. She started showing some smaller jutsu, controlling sand in a minor way...somewhat like this" he paused, extending his hand, and focusing his chakra slightly.

Suddenly, from around them, specks of dirty, dust, and seemingly sand right from under Harupis robes swarmed and focused in his palm, creating a miniature shape of a Manki Neko "She noticed how I always watched in awe wherever any sorts of wandering artist or show happened within the village and showed me how I could do things like that, and even more by myself if trained hard enough. And since then I've slowly but surely grown stronger." he mused, setting the small snd sculpture on the bench between them "Remembering that at some point, I decided I wanted to try and see if I can apply a less standard teaching style int he academy, and so it started...I like to think I did a decent job" he finished with a smile...despite some of his...less than stellar examples, he did enjoy teaching.

After they got back on the topic of reptiles, he saw Kazu's frown slightly before speaking up. He hummed a bit as he said "Even if you were to be afraid, it's not exactly bad. Fearing something you dont know, or know is dangerous is simply natural, your instinct to survive. The Important thing is to not let the fear freeze you in your tracks, but rather to help it focus your mind. Understand why your fearing your opposition and thinking about ways to work over it" He wasn't sure if the last part didn't sound to...overreharsed, but it was something he believed. It was just something you couldn't really teach...but he could at least plant the idea.

He continued with the story and waited for Kazu to catch up on reading about the Crows. His eyes widened a bit as the boy shouted out, turning around towards the source of the shushing with an apologetic smile. He was partially suprised anyone was even there... The more seasoned Oracles were pretty good with sneaking up on you.

With a bit of a cough, he said "Indeed, they can be quite the morbid sight. And their scary enough as it is wild animals. But imagine them being able to set traps on the people wandering the desert. Like leaving the still partially intact corpse of their victim, and then collapsing the ground under your feet..." he paused, leaning in a bit closer, more for the dramatic effect as he said "Trust me, when I headed out into the desert to train, I was not expecting to be stuck in the middle of a conflict between a lizard warrior and a clan of desert vultures... but as you probably know from your own hunting with your family, the desert can hold many surprises.



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
“Well, that is a bit of a funny story,” began Haru. Kazu listens intently to the man’s story; a tale that started with expectations and rough lessons. ’That’s something I can truly understand.’ Kazu father, Ryuzaki Ryohei, was a tough man who believed in gaining strength through adversity. Often pushing Kazu to extremes in order to further the boy’s training, Ryohei seemed — always — to expect more. When Haru says, ”I think my father would fit the nightmare vision anyone would have of a teacher,” Kazu’s head begins to bob up and down, thoughtfully and knowingly. ”I can definitely relate to that.”

Understanding quickly fades, though, as Haru continues on to speak of his mother. The yin to his father’s yang, Haru’s mother sounded much more patient, encouraging, and nurturing. Adjoining his tale of how she helped to foster his growth in mastering his family’s technique with a demonstration of the sand-manipulation abilities he’d mentioned, Kazu could only gaze in awe at the tiny cat statue conjured literally from thin air. Hearing the tale of how Haru’s mother had helped him to unlock his potential — not by pushing harder, but by paying attention to the things which caught the mind of a young Haru — made Kazu feel…odd. ’I wonder if my mother was like that, too?’

Kazu had never known his mother. His father had found him as a baby, he’d been told, during the Cabal attacks over a decade ago; his mother had not survived the incident. Kazu had always wondered what she was like, but Ryohei did not speak of her much. It seemed a… painful topic for him. Kazu had never been close to his adoptive father’s wife, either, and she tended to avoid interacting with the young boy as much as possible. To Kazu, a mother’s love seemed a distant thing. ”Your mother sounds lovely,” said Kazu, as Haru finished his tale of how his mother’s compassion had sparked his flair for teaching. How he wished to be a teacher to others as his mother had been a teacher to him. Kazu forced a smile on his face. ”I think that’s a wonderful reason to teach! The world needs more people like that in it; compassion is hard to come by, and does wonders for the people around you.” That smile, however, was slightly sad.

Something seemed to nag at the back of Kazu’s mind, however. Something about sand-manipulating abilities that his father had once told him about. Perhaps he was simply imagining it, but Kazu could have sworn there was something he was forgetting here. Something about… what? ’It’ll come to me,’ concluded Kazu, as the conversation went on.

Pouting slightly as Haru mentions how it’s okay to be afraid, Kazu begins to show some of his stubborn side. ”I’m definitely not afraid,” he maintains, folding his arms across his chest and closing his eyes in indignation as he digs his metaphorical heels into the subject, ”and I would never freeze up! Ryuzaki never flee from a fight!” Of course, Kazu conveniently seemed to have forgotten multiple accounts of him verifiably being afraid. He had definitely also frozen up at the sight of hulking monsters and insurmountable obstacles. But he’d be damned before he admitted that; his pride would not allow even a small concession of fear! Still, one of his eyes opens to regard Haru with a side-long, knowing, gaze. ’Focus the mind, huh? Survive, and work over it… that’s good advice…’

His stubborn mood passes faster than a dust storm as Haru regales the young boy with a brief tale of his encounter with the Lizard Warrior and a clan of Desert Vultures — instead, the boy’s attitude shifts to one of awe and enrapture. ”Whoa… that’s so cool!” Danger seemed to be the last thing on Kazu’s mind, despite just having considered how big and terrifying Sunagakurian Crows could be. ”Do you think I’ll be able to meet them too, one day?” The boy looks hopeful, the dream of being a fierce enough warrior to be acknowledged by such primal warriors clearly visible on the boy’s face. ”I’d really like that. Maybe if they acknowledge me, then perhaps father might…” His voice trailed off, a touch of regret painting the edges of his expression. ”Sorry, that’s not… what I mean is…”

Suddenly, Kazu had shifted from determined to embarrassed. His eyes slid past Haru’s gaze, avoiding eye contact. This was a new color on the determined boy, who seemed to want nothing more than to prove himself. Scratching at his nose with his index finger, Kazu tries to play it cool while looking every which way but at Haru.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
While to someone on the side it might have looked like Harupia was absorbed in spinning his tale while Kazu listened intently, he did keep a keen eye around him. He did noticed Kazu's interest...not necessarily fade as he spoke about his mother's help seemed he became more somber, even with his surprise at his little sand creation. It seemed to grow as he spoke about his mother. Harupia didn't want to assume too much, but he knew how...harsh the world could be. It wasn't fo him to pry regardless, he simply nodded with a smile "I do try my best. I can understand my father's harshness in retrospect. He had to face his own trials, and face them he did, but he become guarded and hardened to everyone around him, except my mother at first. She found her ways to loosen him up. And as I grew up, even if he did have some...doubts about my disposition, my skill, and hard work earned his respect and trust. There is a delicate balance between caring too little and to much about others, something only time can teach. I just hope I can guide people in the right direction, and make sure they have the tools to face their own hardships" he ended with a nod.

He chuckled at Kazu's stubborn rebuttal. Young fearless warriors, a not uncommon sight. He at least didn't seem to reckless from talking to him. Then again it seemed hot blood ran in his family. Ryuzaki...Ryuzaki, he was sure...wait a second. Ryuzaki... Raizo. This kid was the current Kazekage himself?!

The realization came to him suddenly as he had a pause in his tale, while Kazu was speaking. How did he forget that?! Was he daft?.. Well, he did have a history of...neglegtinc the times where Suna wasn't led by the least he didn't completely forget it. Before he could berate himself up more about it, he was brought back to earth by the young Boys' voice. Doubt, and embarasment...not that his body language was hiding it. He heard the boys excitement fade after he spoke about his father before seemingly starting to look for an escape route.

His face softened slightly as he said "Kazu my boy, I know it may sound like a trained phrase, but trust me, I know how it is to have a parent who expects a lot from you and shows little satisfaction at what you are now. I don't know your father, but I can imagine it'll be a rough road..." he paused for a second before continuing "The main thing that changed after the story I told you is that, rather than doing it to gain someones approval, I started to train harder to be able to do the things I saw myself, and than even more. I wanted to better control my gift, and after that, all the possibilities Ninjutsu had to offer. The fact your here, seeking to learn more shows you have the right mindset. I'm sure you already have a feeling or preference as to what you feel comfortable training or doing. If not, keep looking until you find it, and work hard, as hard as you can, at mastering it. And if you do that, and put all your dedication and hard work into it, no matter if its a clan of lizards, demons, or humans, people around you will have no choice but acknowledge your ability" he ended, tightening his fist a bit in front of himself... Before linking several times " a little too excited there. Next thing you'll know they'll be hushing me here"



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
“There is a delicate balance between caring too little and to much about others, something only time can teach. I just hope I can guide people in the right direction, and make sure they have the tools to face their own hardships.”

Kazu nodded at the man’s words, trying to take them to heart. This was wisdom which the young boy could greatly use, even if he didn’t quite realize how important it was for him. The boy’s instinct was to help people, to defend against the wrongs he saw around him, and to do what he could to live up to his, and others’, expectations of himself. Only...perhaps he cared too much about meeting those expectations? This was a lesson that Kazu needed to truly feel, not just think about; he wouldn’t fully learn this lesson today, but the seed had been planted to sprout and grow at a later date.

“I know how it is to have a parent who expects a lot from you and shows little satisfaction at what you are now.” These words resonated deeply with Kazu; even though he couldn’t bring his eyes up to face Haru’s directly, he could at least bring them to the hands he had balled up in his lap. Frustration, and anger. ’But...I don’t know how to change anything,’ thought the boy. He wanted, so badly, to be acknowledged as he was; yet, that goal seemed always just out of reach. And yet, somehow, Haru’s next words managed to slice through the fog of emotions: “The main thing that changed after the story I told you is that, rather than doing it to gain someones approval, I started to train harder to be able to do the things I saw myself.”

The currents of helplessness, and self-defeatism, were interrupted completely by these words. ’Haru-sensei just...stopped trying to prove himself…to anyone but himself?’ This was an odd thought to a boy who had always strove to prove himself to everyone except for himself. If it wasn’t Ryohei’s approval, it was Enishi’s. If it wasn’t Enishi’s, it was his peers. If it wasn’t his peers, it was the nameless people surrounding him whom he was sure expected just as much of him...even though they didn’t necessarily know him…

’Wow,’ thought Kazu to himself, ’when I put it that way, I sound kind of paranoid.’ When faced with the truth of what he truly, fundamentally, was unconsciously thinking and acting upon, Kazu realized that it sounded silly. His tightened fists relaxed, a little, and a shudder of relief ran through his body — Kazu only now realized he’d been rather tensed, and had been holding himself rigidly, without noticing it. He wouldn’t cry, not even a little, but a surge of emotion like a knot untying itself seemed to flow through the boy from head to toe. “I'm sure you already have a feeling or preference as to what you feel comfortable training or doing. If not, keep looking until you find it, and work hard, as hard as you can, at mastering it. And if you do that, and put all your dedication and hard work into it, no matter if its a clan of lizards, demons, or humans, people around you will have no choice but acknowledge your ability."

Abruptly, the boy began to laugh. Full of mirth, life, and joy, he didn’t even seem to care about whether a librarian came to shush him or not. A hand went up to wipe at the eye on the other side of Kazu’s face from where Haru sat, but that was because he was laughing so much. ’Something just got in my eye,’ the boy thought, sniffling just a tad bit in-between chuckles. A beaming smile split the boy’s face in two.

“Haru-sensei, you’re an incredible teacher. I’m really happy I met you today.” Kazu, finally, brought himself to look the man in the eye. Admiration, and appreciation, were plainly apparent in the young boy’s eyes. Then, all of a sudden, something shifted. A thought had resurfaced. An internal connecting of dots had been made. Kazu still looked directly at Haru, but the boundless glee he’d had a moment ago seemed somewhat...tempered...all of a sudden.

“Haru-sensei, I just remembered something.” The boy began slowly, almost nervously, as if he didn’t want his question to alarm the man. “Your sand-manipulation abilities...are you a Sunahoshi?”
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Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
He did see that as he spoke the boy tensed a bit, which he did except. Sometimes it was hard to take a different perspective on something so ingrained in you mind. Technically, he might have spent his whole life trying to gain the approval or praise for his work. He knew to be too liberal with encouragement could have ana adverse effect, get someone to be complacent, but it seemed a lot of the grizzled veteran Shinobi went a bit too far in the opposite direction.

So he spoke, trying to explain how he saw it. Of course, this was something he realized with age, but it was true at the time. Trying to learn more and be better with his gift became a goal in itself, rather than a means to get his father to ease up. And once things started to fall into place, and his abilities improved, so did his father's harshness.

He did see Kazu relax as he spoke. It sounded simple, almost banal as he spoke about it...but he knew better than anyone trying to look for complicated solutions wasn't the best way tog o. He just hoped that the boy's father was stern as a means to motivate his family, and not for any other reasons...but that was an entirely separate issue.

He smiled as the boy let out a laugh, quickly turning to the side raising his hand at one of the other librarians passing by, letting them now he had a handle on this. He could see the effects of the previous tension on the boys face, but it also shifting into a wide smile

He chuckled slightly at the boy praised him "Well, it is a bit easier when there is only one student rather than a full class of them. But I do appreciate the praise". There was a hint of sadness that went through his eyes, thinking about some of the students he wasn't able to really help or guide properly, but it was mostly overwhelmed by a hopeful warmth. Hoping he gave the boy a motivational boost he might not have realized he needed.

Than something change, a more thoughtful gaze coming upon Kazu face as he asked a question, his tone quite careful. Heh... it has been a while since someone asked about this. might be a product of the boy not leaving in the village before "I can understand your question, though I did hint at the answer before. But no, I am not. Sunaku is the name of my clan. We are a separate clan from the Sunahoshi. A group of nomadic desert tribes trying to survive the middle of the unforgiving sand dunes, fighting for supremacy against each other... Until one man came and united them all under one banner. The banner that fought against the Ancients along with their former slaves, and thus joining the alliance which would form the village were in today... But that is a story which might take more than a day for me to properly retell. Honestly, part of the reason I'm here is trying to get a better grasp of my clans history." he ended with a nod. He didn't want to derail the boy's own questions with another of his stories... and to be frank, it was something he knew much about...and yet, he felt he knew so little.



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
“I can understand your question, though I did hint at the answer before. But no, I am not. Sunaku is the name of my clan. We are a separate clan from the Sunahoshi.”

The slight current of nervousness disappeared from the boy – the answer he got was different from the one he had expected – though, quickly it was replaced by a small eddy of embarrassment. A touch of color made its way into Kazu’s cheeks as he realized the blunder he had made. ‘One of the first things he said to me was his name! Sunaku Harupia! How did I forget that?!?’ Embarrassment, and self-directed anger, formed a viciously compounding cycle in the young boy’s mind. Dissonance like blaring sirens ran throughout his head; he almost barely did not hear the man’s words about the time of Primus – almost.

“Oh…right. Sorry, I…I guess I got so excited about everything we were talking about…I just kinda…sorta…” His voice trailed off, excuses drying on his tongue like spilled water in the midday desert heat. He had made a mistake. There was no getting around that and the only proper thing to do would be to acknowledge it. “I’m sorry, Haru-Sensei, I won’t forget again.”

Then, his mind snapped back to the last half of the man’s words. The binding of the First Men. The great unification. The fall of the Ancients, and the rising of Humanity. The Ryuzaki Clan had a long memory, and made it a point to teach all members of their clan the true history that had occurred. The tales of how Legatus had marvelously slain his enemies, told to him as a young(er) boy, had captured Kazu’s imagination even at a young age. Then, there were the admonitions of the Sunahoshi Clan – not hated, but certainly not well-liked by any of the Ryuzaki. The “blessing” bestowed upon Primus and his kin still left the taste of bitter ashes upon many of the descendants of Legatus. Kazu had never taken to the rivalry, though with a message so deeply ingrained into him, it was hard not to be way of a potential Sunahoshi.

Haru-sensei’s clan was one of the others who had followed Primus’ kin. Nomads, and warriors attuned to the ways of the sand, who had found a tribe to accept them. ‘Of course he would forget Legatus’ name,’ thought Kazu, unconsciously, repeating back muttered words he’d have picked up from bitter elders of the Ryuzaki. Consciously, he held no animosity. Yet, still, there lurked a touch of a desire to explain to the man before him the “true” history. Instead, Kazu merely smiled.

“It is a very long story, isn’t it? Too much to cover in one sitting, or even in one day.” Kazu hopped off his seat, stretching his legs, arms, and back, having only just become aware of the strain accumulated into his muscles from sitting so tensely on the bench for so long. He let out a satisfied sigh as his muscles stretched fully. He thought he had even heard a few *pops* and *cracks* in all the most satisfying joints. “I’m not much of one for History. The tutors were always so dull… but maybe if you’re the one teaching the subject, Haru-sensei, I might find it more interesting!” Clutching the books he had picked up earlier – ‘Summons Studied; Contract Beasts and Rare Creatures,’ ‘Sunagakure: An Overview,’ and ‘Surviving the Beasts and Flora of Wind Country– Kazu held the three tomes tightly so as not to drop any of them.

“Technically, I’m not an Academy Student; but, if you’re able to find out more about your Clan’s history, I’d be delighted to sit in on one of your classes! There’s still so much about Sunagakure that I don’t know about…” Wonder and possibility passed over his eyes as if they were gleaming lights in the sky that all could see. It took a moment or two for Kazu’s mind to touch back down to earth, but when it did the boy gave the olive-skinned man a wide smile of appreciation for everything they had discussed. ‘I’m really glad I met Haru-sensei today.’

“Good luck with your search, Haru-sensei! I should get cracking on these books, too.” Kazu would hang around for a moment, exchanging the last of the pleasantries owed to a newly found friend and mentor, before making his way to the checkout counter at the front of the library. The boy had a new sense of hope and purpose: improvement for his own sake. Somehow, he felt lighter – it was as if a heavy burden had been lifted, even if just a little, off of his shoulders.

[ooc: Topic Left, Unless Stopped.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
