Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Dare Hakase

Dare Hakase

New Member
May 20, 2021
Name: Dare Hakase

Age: 13
Gender: Female
Sex assigned at birth: Female
Rank: Academy Student
Physical Description: Hakase is five feet tall and lean. She has amber hair and amber eyes. She wears a hand-me-down school uniform provided by the academy. Asides from her night gown, it is her only clothing. She hand washes it every night. She works afterschool and is saving her wages in the hopes of getting a second uniform set in the near future. The only ornament she wears is a golden locket around her neck with a photograph of her family.

Hakase is at the cusp of adolescence and is quickly growing. When she first arrived in the village hidden in the clouds, she looked malnourished and was severely underweight. The regular nutritious meals provided by the academy have helped balanced her diet and jump start her physical growth. She starts every morning by marking her height against her bedroom wall. She has grown a whole two inches since arriving!

Mental Description: Hakase is a quiet person. She was raised to defer to her parents and older siblings, so she tries to avoid bringing attention to herself when possible. Since arriving in the village hidden in the clouds she has started to assert herself a bit more, but still suffers a bit from social anxiety. She dreams of passing the academy's examination and finding employment in a non combatant role. She doesn't dream of becoming the next Kage or anything like that - she just wants to be financially independent. She is eyeing taking the medical division's examination when she is eligible. Maybe one day she'll even have enough to afford a cat or some plants.

History: Hakase was born in a rural fishing village near the border with the Democratic Kagoshiman Republic (DKR). Her father was, unsurprisingly, a fishermen and her mother was a homemaker. As the youngest daughter of five siblings, Hakase had been raised to one day become a homemaker as well. It was a chance encounter with a shinobi that changed her life trajectory. The shinobi was a member of the Chakra Potential Screening Service (CPSS) and had been travelling to test an applicant when they made a detour to buy a meal in Hakase's village. There the screener noticed the young Hakase's chakra potential. Hakase herself was thrilled when she saw the results. There are few opportunities for a woman in a rural fishing village. If she could become a shinobi, even if she never moved beyond the lowest ranks, it would open up more opportunities for her. Her parents were reluctant to allow her to leave, but even they recognized that there was little future for her in the village. Truth be told, they doubted they had enough to pay her dowry. On her 13th birthday she set out to the village hidden in the clouds to begin her training in the academy...

Bloodline/Core ability: Sunaku.

On her mother's side Hakase is distantly descended from the Sunaku clan. A member of the Sunaku clan married into the fishing village many generations ago. The Sunaku ancestor did not teach their children about the chakra arts and the bloodline became dormant. Hakase's parents first observed her dormant Sunaku abilities when she was a young child. Whenever she would throw a temper tantrum outside, Hakase would unconsciously manipulate nearby sand to lash out against the cause of her distress. As rural folk, her parents tried to discourage her abilities in fear that they were manifestations of some demonic entity.

One day, a passing member of the CPSS observed Hakase unconscious manipulation of sand, and realized it for what it was. Hakase had been fighting with an older sibling and had formed a small dust devil in her anger. Luckily the CPSS screener calmed her down and no one was injured. After a few tests it became obvious that Hakase was a chakra adept and was recruited into the village hidden in the clouds' academy.
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Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Name: Dare Hakase

Age: 13
Gender: Female
Sex assigned at birth: Female
Rank: Academy Student
Physical Description: Hakase is five feet tall and lean. She has amber hair and amber eyes. Hakase is at the cusp of adolescence. She starts every morning by marking her height against her bedroom wall.

Mental Description: Hakase is a quiet person. She was raised to defer to her parents and older siblings, so she tries to avoid bringing attention to herself when possible. Since arriving in the village hidden in the clouds she has started to assert herself a bit more. She dreams of passing the academy's examination and finding employment in a non combatant role. She doesn't dream of becoming the next Kage or anything like that - she just wants to be independent. Maybe even get a cat or some plants.

History: Hakase was born in a rural fishing village near the border with the Democratic Kagoshiman Republic (DKR). Her father was, unsurprisingly, a fishermen and her mother was a homemaker. As the youngest daughter of five siblings, Hakase had been raised to one day become a homemaker as well. It was a chance encounter with a shinobi that changed her life trajectory. The shinobi was a member of the Chakra Potential Screening Service (CPSS) and had been travelling to test an applicant when they made a detour to buy a meal in Hakase's village. There the screener noticed the young Hakase's chakra potential. Hakase herself was thrilled when she saw the results. There are few opportunities for a woman in a rural fishing village. If she could become a shinobi, even if she never moved beyond the lowest ranks, it would open up more opportunities for her. Her parents were reluctant to allow her to leave, but even they recognized that there was little future for her in the village. Truth be told, they doubted they had enough to pay her dowry. On her 13th birthday she set out to the village hidden in the clouds to begin her training in the academy...

Bloodline/Core ability: None.

The Physical Description: has to be 100 words and up. If you don't mind, flush out the appearance a bit more please.​

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Welcome to NINPOCHO!

On behalf of Council, I welcome you to the Village Hidden in the Clouds! Please continue to follow the steps in the First Timers' Guide.
We will add you to the user group giving you access to the village and give you your starting yen. Please put up a profile in the appropriate area and have fun!

If you happen to have any questions about NC or Cloud feel free to contact any Council Members. A list of these can be found here!

ALSO! Feel free to join Ninpocho's own Discord. Many of us use it for arranging roleplay and general chat!

Do your best to have fun and engage in jolly co-operation with your fellow Kumo-nin!

Starting Stats:
Agility: 5/50
Stamina: 5/50
Taijutsu: 5/50
Ninjutsu: 5/50
Genjutsu: 5/50
Chakra Control: 0/50

Yen paid:
0 on hand + 500 = 500​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
