Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[Actually returning] Tsuyoshi Aya --> Sukuna Kiyo

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Tsuyoshi Aya

Old Village/Missing: Kumo

OCR Type: From Inactivity

Last Known Where-abouts: Somewhere in Kumo

Old IC Rank: S

New Character Name: Sukuna Kiyo

Preferred Username: Sukuna Kiyo

New Village/Missing: Kumo

New BL/CA: Chakra Attuned

Custom Class:

Deep Well
HP: (45+lvl) x stamina
CP: (55+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Melee Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Chuunin Main Branch

IC Rank: S

Character Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sex: Female

Character's Physical Description:

Sukuna Kiyo is a young woman who stands at about 5’5” (165 cm). She has medium length snow white hair, often messy and unkempt. Her eyes are a vibrant blue color, resembling an ocean, or gemstone, they could be described as showing the depths of her Chakra attuned state, the deep well of chakra that resides inside of her. Kiyo has fair skin, she has a faded scar on her left side from a past battle where she nearly kicked the bucket, but it is the only noticeable scar she has. Kiyo is fit, though she looks a little squishy, under that squishiness lies her hidden strength.
Kiyo likes to wear baggy jackets, with large hoods, she has a decently sized collection of jackets she’ll swap around. She enjoys styling her wardrobe and showing it off. She often wears a tube top, and either shorts or pants. She likes to have pockets or pouches, so she can hold items without worry.


Character's Mental Description:

When Kiyo was younger, through her Academy days, and Genin years, she was serious, reserved, and hard-working. She was proud of her skills in chakra manipulation, and her prodigy-like intelligence, and strived to make her parents proud. However, after her six-year-long mission she was sent on after reaching Chuunin rank, Kiyo returned with a new mindset. To her friends and certain comrades, she is playful, relaxed, and carefree. She acted on whims, and some would describe her as an idiot. To her enemies, she is disrespectful, rude, and sarcastic. Overall Kiyo still shows her cocky arrogant side sometimes during fights, and she likes to banter. But when she is not in a fight, she is carefree. She developed this new attitude as a coping mechanism for the harsh realities she had to face, the friends she had lost, and realized she wasn’t actually the best of the best like she believed she was as a kid. Kiyo still is determined to become a legendary ninja, and earn her name in the history books as one of the best, but she plans on doing it her way, she wants to enjoy it somewhat and make allies along the way.

Multiple Personality Application: N/A

Character History:

Sukuna Kiyo was born into a family of ninjas within Kumokagure. Her parents, Akira and Yuki, were both average shinobi who were never able to become as accomplished as they dreamed to be.

Kiyo's journey as a ninja began in the prestigious Hidden Cloud Academy, where young, aspiring ninjas like her received their formal training. Kiyo's early days in the academy were marked by a quiet determination that set her apart from her peers. As a child, she exhibited an innate talent for chakra control, a trait that didn't go unnoticed by the academy instructors. From a young age, Kiyo's parents instilled in her a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility, pushing her to excel in her studies and training. Her childhood was filled with hours of intense practice, molding chakra, perfecting basic jutsu, and mastering the art of the ninja. She quickly rose to the top of her class, earning a reputation as a prodigy. But it wasn't just her impressive skills that made her stand out. Kiyo had an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She pored over scrolls and books in the academy's library, often spending her free time absorbed in the intricacies of chakra theory. Her instructors were impressed by her intellectual curiosity and encouraged her to explore the deeper aspects of ninja techniques. Her dedication and pursuit of excellence earned her the respect and admiration of her peers, despite her initially reserved demeanor. Kiyo's few close friends knew that beneath her serious exterior, there was a warm and caring heart. She would often offer assistance and guidance to those who struggled, nurturing a strong sense of camaraderie among her classmates.

After graduating from the Hidden Cloud Academy, Sukuna Kiyo was assigned to Team Gojin, a well-balanced ninja squad known for its versatility and strong teamwork. The team consisted of three members, each with unique skills that complemented one another. Under the leadership of their sensei, a seasoned jounin named Gojin Hideo, Kiyo's abilities began to flourish, and her journey toward discovering her Chakra Attuned core ability truly began. The team consisted of Kiyo, Takeshi, Mai, and their leader Gojin. During their time as genin, Team Gojin undertook a series of missions that exposed them to a wide range of challenges and threats. These missions not only tested their skills but also played a significant role in Kiyo's discovery of her chakra-attuned core ability.

Team Gojin's first mission was to investigate a series of mysterious disappearances in the dense "Forest of Shadows." Here, they encountered an elusive rogue ninja who utilized stealth and ambush tactics. It was during this mission that Kiyo began to notice something unusual about her chakra control. While trying to develop a jutsu to detect hidden foes, she inadvertently unleashed a burst of chakra that disrupted the enemy's cloaking techniques, draining his chakra, and leaving him open to attacks, allowing the team to triumph. In their next mission, Team Gojin was tasked with exploring a complex network of underground catacombs. The team faced numerous traps and encountered a hostile group of rogue ninja attempting to claim hidden artifacts. Kiyo's chakra control continued to evolve as she found herself unconsciously manipulating chakra flows to neutralize traps and obstacles. Her unique ability helped them navigate the labyrinthine catacombs and secure valuable artifacts. During a critical mission to thwart an assassination plot against a high-ranking Hidden Cloud official, Kiyo's chakra-attuned ability manifested in full force. When confronted by a powerful enemy, she channeled her chakra into her jutsu with unparalleled ease. The energy emitted from her attacks consumed the chakra of her foes, rendering them powerless. The team, shocked by her newfound abilities, managed to thwart the assassination attempt.

Over time, Kiyo's understanding of her Chakra Attuned ability deepened, thanks in large part to her team's support and the guidance of her sensei, Hideo. They recognized the uniqueness of her talent and helped her harness and control her newfound power.

Through their missions, the bonds within Team Gojin grew stronger, and Kiyo's confidence in her abilities soared. She became a versatile asset to the team, seamlessly transitioning between support roles and direct combat. Her journey as a genin on Team Gojin not only developed her Chakra Attuned ability but also instilled in her a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that would prove invaluable in the challenges she would face in the years to come.

At the age of 16, after she passed her Chuunin exam, Kiyo was assigned a long-term mission that took her outside Kumokagure's borders. Her mission was to gather data on plant life, animals, and water samples from various countries, a task that was initially meant to last a few months. However, as the years went by, the mission extended far beyond her expectations. She found herself in uncharted territories, battling dangerous creatures, and conducting extensive research.

In the early days of Kiyo's mission, she was teamed up with other ninja from other villages, Jun, from Sand, Rin, from Fire, and Yukio, from earth. They started in Moon country, gathering data. They were a team for almost a year, and while they were researching they were given some extra instructions her the area they were in. They were tasked with collecting samples from a remote forest rumored to be inhabited by dangerous creatures and rival ninja clans seeking to steal their research. This forest was nicknamed "Crimson Canopy," named for the reddish hues of the leaves that filled the thick canopy. The region was rich in unique flora and fauna, but it came with its own set of challenges. While exploring the Crimson Canopy, Kiyo and her team encountered a fierce and skilled rival ninja clan that sought to seize their research for themselves. A heated battle ensued, and despite their best efforts, Kiyo's team suffered heavy losses. Some of her closest companions fell in the conflict, a devastating blow that left Kiyo deeply shaken. In the aftermath of the battle, Kiyo was left severely injured and near death. She had sustained life-threatening wounds and was on the brink of succumbing to her injuries. It was in this dire moment that a fortunate twist of fate occurred. A group of wandering medical ninja from the Moon Country stumbled upon the aftermath of the battle. They had been tracking the rival clan for some time and arrived just in time to save Kiyo.

Kiyo managed to keep the data safe, though unfortunately Jun, Rin, and Yukio lost their lives. Kiyo sent in her report of this event, though the mission was still on. After Kiyo recovered she continued her journey in Moon Country, determined to finish the mission, despite the early losses.

One of the skilled medical ninja, named Shizuku, took charge of Kiyo's treatment. With her expertise and the unique medical techniques of the Moon Country, Shizuku managed to stabilize Kiyo and nurse her back to health. During her recovery, Kiyo developed a deep respect and friendship with Shizuku, who played a pivotal role in saving her life.

While on her mission, Kiyo encountered a wandering ninja named Hideo. He had a reputation for surviving in the most hostile environments and became her mentor during the early years of her mission. Under his guidance, Kiyo honed her survival skills and learned to adapt to different terrains and climates. Hideo disappeared one day without a word, leaving her with a stronger resolve and a deeper understanding of the world beyond her village.

In the Land of Earth, Kiyo faced off against a colossal, earth-manipulating creature known as the Earthshaker. The battle was grueling and pushed her abilities to the limit. With unwavering determination, she eventually defeated the creature, gaining valuable combat experience and further developing her chakra manipulation skills.

In Earth Country, Kiyo encountered a reclusive tribe of water-affiliated ninjas who possessed unique and ancient water manipulation techniques. After a tense initial encounter, she managed to gain their trust and spent several months studying their techniques. While she was still in Earth Country, Kiyo formed a friendly rivalry with a mischievous ninja from the Titans Keep named Riku. The two engaged in a series of battles, which sometimes escalated into outrageous prank wars. Despite their rivalry, they built a strong friendship and became pen pals, exchanging letters even after Kiyo left Earth Country. Riku was the reason why Kiyo started opening up more, and learned to live life as it came. The rivalry made her discover a piece of herself, a new side of herself, when she left the land of earth, she was more carefree and cocky.

Kiyo entered the land of fire and soon met a fellow traveler, Ryuto, who was a botanist who shared her interest in plant life. They bonded over their research and eventually became friends. Kiyo often acted goofy and carefree around Ryuto, forming a unique bond during their travels. Though the two went their separate ways after Kiyo finished her research in that region, she will never forget the bond she formed with Ryuto.

During her mission, Kiyo faced a critical challenge when she encountered a group of rogue ninja near a hidden oasis in the Land of Wind. The battle was intense, and Kiyo's cocky attitude helped her maintain her composure and emerge victorious. This incident further solidified her carefree demeanor.

After her six-year mission, Kiyo finally received a message to return to Kumokagure. Her journey had transformed her from a hard-working, stern prodigy into an aloof, carefree ninja. She brought back a wealth of knowledge, an expanded skill set, and a laid-back, cocky attitude that baffled her family and friends. Kiyo's transformation was the result of not just her experiences but also the people she had met and the battles she had endured on her mission.

Kiyo now wanders Kumokagure's streets with a grin, seemingly not taking life too seriously, but her strength, skill, and depth of character remain hidden behind her goofy, carefree facade. She's more than ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead with her newfound outlook on life and her incredible mastery of chakra.

After reuniting with her team following the grueling six-year mission Kiyo learned their team leader and Sensei unfortunately passed away, but the three decided to keep the name and continue on in his memory. The team embraced their new dynamic, and the changes in Kiyo’s were painfully apparent, she still had the drive to become a legendary ninja was still there, but she had opened up more, she was more relaxed, playful, and carefree. She had learned a lot on her mission and discovered new parts of herself. While Kiyo was away, Takeshi, and Mai had also become chuunin, and their skill levels grew greatly.

Once the team had settled into their old routine, Team Gojin was sent on a mission to either capture or assassinate a Rogue ninja by the name of Miyoshi, either way, they needed to bring his body back to Kumo. Details of the mission told them that this rogue ninja had been messing with time and space, he was a temporal strider and was attempting to summon a beast. He was an A-rank rogue ninja, at least from the reports they had on him. So three Chuunin should have been able to take him on. This was classified as an A-Rank mission. Unfortunately upon tracking down the Rogue ninja, the team would discover this should have been an S-rank mission.

Sukuna Kiyo found herself thrust into a perilous battle against the formidable rogue ninja, one who wielded a mysterious and deadly power. The rogue ninja, Miyoshi, had summoned a monstrous beast, an amalgamation of fearsome creatures bound by dark chakra. The battle that ensued was unlike any they had faced before.

The confrontation took place in a desolate, otherworldly landscape, where the very fabric of space and time seemed to warp and twist. The battle was unlike anything Kiyo had ever faced. Her adversary wielded strange temporal abilities, manipulating time itself to attack with uncanny precision and foresight. Kiyo, alongside her loyal comrades Mai and Takeshi, fought valiantly, but they were caught in a relentless temporal dance that left them at a severe disadvantage. The monstrous beast, fueled by the rogue ninja's malevolent intent, rampaged through the once-serene landscape, laying waste to everything in its path.

Takeshi, Mai, and Kiyo were determined, and confident they could handle this battle. Takeshi the team's main fighter dealt powerful blows to the beast, tweaking it greatly along with Kiyo's Chakra Attuned abilities. Mai was their support, helping them keep their senses alert. Even though it had been six years since the team had fought together, it felt like muscle memory at this point. Kiyo made a bet with Takeshi during the battle, whoever dealt the killing blow on the beast would get to pick their lunch spot for a month, and the other two would have to pay for it. In the midst of battle, Kiyo was showing her playful side to her teammates, despite the situation they both took on the bet.

However, slowly, the team realized this was not an easy battle.

For what felt like hours, Kiyo and her team clashed with the rogue ninja, enduring a ceaseless onslaught of time-altering jutsu. Mai's chakra-sensing abilities were consistently nullified, and Takeshi's powerful physical attacks were easily evaded. The enemy, with each calculated move, seemed to always be one step ahead. As the battle raged on, the situation grew increasingly dire. Mai and Takeshi, both brave and skilled ninja, were gradually worn down by the relentless assault.

Kiyo's desperation grew as she watched her friends suffer, and a sense of helplessness consumed her.

Takeshi, the team's frontline fighter, was gravely wounded in a fierce confrontation with the monstrous beast. Mai, the sensory ninja, was overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the rogue ninja's dark chakra.

Despite their heroic efforts, both of Kiyo's teammates fell, leaving her to face the rogue ninja and the beast alone.

Despair washed over Kiyo as she watched her comrades fall. Her sense of helplessness and rage melded together into an indomitable resolve. Kiyo had no time to even process what had happened, she knew she had to push past her limits to avenge her fallen friends and protect her village from the malevolent threat.

It was in this moment of despair that her Chakra Attuned abilities sparked, a flicker of something even greater. Desperation turned into a ferocious resolve, and she pushed herself beyond her limits. Her combat style shifted, becoming more feral and unpredictable. The rogue ninja, momentarily caught off guard, found himself on the defensive. However, his temporal powers still gave him an edge, and the battle raged on.

In a climactic moment, as Kiyo fought with a savagery fueled by grief, her powers awakened. The space-time rifts that had plagued the battle suddenly responded to her chakra in an entirely new way. She felt the very fabric of time bend to her will.

As she confronted the rogue ninja and the monstrous beast, Kiyo's eyes locked onto a mysterious tear in space and time that appeared amidst the chaos of the battle. The tear seemed to beckon to her, offering a glimmer of hope in her darkest hour. With her heart filled with anguish, she reached out and grasped the tear, triggering a surge of energy that coursed through her. With newfound mastery over the rifts in space-time, she unleashed the full potential of her Temporal Strider abilities. With each passing second, she manipulated time, gaining the upper hand in combat. The once relentless rogue ninja found themselves unable to predict Kiyo's moves and their temporal jutsu faltered against the might of her emerging power.

At that moment, something within Kiyo changed. Time itself seemed to bend to her will, granting her newfound abilities as a Temporal Strider. She felt moments elongate and contract, and she saw her adversaries move as if trapped in slow motion.

With her new powers, she unleashed the full fury of her chakra, manipulating the flow of time to her advantage. Her movements became faster, her dodges more precise, and her attacks impossibly swift. She attacked the rogue ninja and the monstrous beast with a ferocity they couldn't match.

The rogue ninja still put up a fight, but with the new surge of energy and drive from Kiyo, his was becoming worn out quickly. By the time he realized she had been sapping away at his chakra, it was too late, the tide of the battle had shifted in Kiyo’s favor.

In her feral rage, Kiyo showed no mercy to her enemy. Her newfound mastery over time allowed her to outmaneuver their attacks and retaliate with unparalleled force. The battle was relentless, but Kiyo's newfound abilities gave her the upper hand. almost as if she enjoyed toying with him before honing in on the kill, using her newfound abilities to make him feel the same hopelessness and sense of dread. In the final moments, Kiyo activated the Broken Timeline ability for temporal strider, giving her an upper hand in the battle, and Kiyo took out the beast he had summoned with sadistic ease before targeting the rogue ninja himself. After Kiyo took out the beast, The rogue ninja kept fighting but started to grow tired. Kiyo was consuming his chakra to keep herself in the fight for longer, and the chakra from the beast she slayed also gave her a boost. The rogue ninja finally surrendered to Kiyo, but it was too late, Kiyo decided he was not coming back to the village alive. Without mercy, or even giving him a chance to say his last words, Kiyo killed him using a mix of her Chakra Supernova technique, and Chronostasis to delay it. Almost giving him a sense of hope for a few seconds, before his own chakra turned on him, ultimately killing him in a painful way. After the battle, the landscape Kiyo, and her team were in faded, bringing them back to the outskirts of Kumo. Kiyo was exhausted, mentally, physically, and injured. Once she was sure the battle was over she turned to her fallen teammates and took her time to grieve them. This was not the first time she experienced loss, but this time hurt more than any other time. She knew this wouldn't be her last time either, she would not allow this to deter her drive to become a legendary ninja.
Kiyo collected her team, and the Rogue ninja's bodies in body bags, and sealed them in a scroll to return them home.

Kiyo had unlocked Temporal Strider, however, it came at a great cost. The battle had claimed the lives of Mai and Takeshi, leaving Kiyo to grapple with the immense loss of her friends. The power of her Kinjutsu was now in her hands, but it was a bittersweet victory, a manifestation of her anguish and her unwavering will to protect those she cared about.

Sukuna Kiyo, the Chakra Attuned Temporal Strider, now stood as a warrior with mastery over time, determined to ensure her comrades' sacrifice was not in vain and to protect her village and loved ones with her newfound abilities.

Clan Request: N/A

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A

Old Profile:

Old Training:

Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: None

Old Stats: Rank S

Agility: 600/600

Stamina: 600/600

Ninjutsu: 600/600

Taijutsu: 600/600

Genjutsu: 600/600

Chakra Control: 600/600

power level: 3,600

Old OOC Rank: S

Stat Cut: 0

New Stats:

Rank S

Agility: 600/600

Stamina: 600/600

Ninjutsu: 600/600

Taijutsu: 600/600

Genjutsu: 600/600

Chakra Control: 600/600

power level: 3,600

New OOC Rank: S

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:


[M] = mastered



The One-Two[M]

Low Sweep[M]


Uncalled For Shot[M]


4-Hit Combo[M]

Spinning Wind [M]

Dynamic Entry [M]

Dynamic Finish [M]

Nut Buster [M]




Body Switch[M]


Combination Transformation [M]

Crystal Eye [M]

Cancel [M]

Spirit Lantern [M]

Contract Summoning [M]


Jutsu Sealing [M]

Stunt Double[M]

One Element Sealing[M]

Elemental Negation[M]

Elemental Clone[M]




Charge [Mastered]

Grip [Mastered]

Fleeted [Mastered]

Block [Mastered]


Basic Safeguard [Mastered]

Brandish [Mastered]

Eagle Vision [Mastered]

Muscle Control [Mastered]

Shadow Play [Mastered]


Barrage [M]

Chakra Absorption [M]

Chakra Extension [M]

Dynamic Art [M]

Expel [M]

Feint [M]

Gather [M]

Shadow Dance [M]


Anabolic Frenzy [M]

Concealed Steps [M]

Counterstrike [M]

Cover [M]

Endure [M]

Focused Assault [M]

Unbound [M]

A-Rank Awakening [M]

Devastating Aura [M]

Insatiable Hunger [M]

Limit Break [M]

Unleash [M]


Dragon Assault [M]

Tiger Hook [M]

Step-In Flash [M]

Shoryuken [M]

Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku [M]

Roaring Combination [M]

Grapple [M]


Suplex [M]

Primary Lotus [M]

Shadow Step Strike [M]

Seismic Toss [M]

Submission [M]

Spear Hand [M]

16-Hit Combo [M]


Falcon Punch [M]

Eagle Drop [M]

Dance of the Waxing Moon [M]

Fist of Virtue [M]

Fist of Sin [M]


Cursed Sealing[M]

Shadow Shuriken[M]


Energy Transfer[M]

Leech Seal[M]

Chakra Shield[M]



Morality Sealing[M]

Nature's Guard [M]

Gate of Enma [M]

Stardust Nova [M]

Perfected Rasengan [M]

Five Element Seal [M]


Infernal Ember[M]

Thermal Maw[M]



Immolation Armor[M]

Combustive Seal[M]


Dragon Fire[M]

Searing Eruption[M]

Scalding Ash Cloud[M]

Heat Wave[M]


Infernal Hellfire[M]


Spontaneous Combustion[M]

Ring of Fire[M]


Dragon Flame Bomb[M]

Fire Tempest[M]

Abysmal Harbinger[M]

Flame Shield[M]


Storm Bolt[M]







Zeus Flash[M]

Lightning Torrent[M]


Volt Charge[M]

B Rank

Chidori [M]

Gigavolt Cannon [M]

Lightning Beast [M]

Amp Field [M]


Raijin's Vengeance [M]

Chidori Control [M]

Kirin [M]

Thunderdome [M]


Pressurized Mist[M]

Water Gun[M]


Water Whip[M]

Aqua Fang[M]

Rinse Off[M]


Grand Waterfall[M]

Impaling Hydro Jet[M]

Water Prison[M]

Rain Dance[M]


Torrential Vortex[M]

Hydro Tidal Shockwave[M]

Water Shark Bomb [M]

Mystical Pond [M]


Grand Hydra Excavation [M]

Water Dragon Bullet [M]

Scorn of Aquarius [M]

Supreme Aqua Realm [M]


Mask Summon

Critical Exposure



Chakra Sense[M]

Active Camo

Mental Infiltration



Intangible Passage

Shadow Servant



Physical Imprisonment Seal


Flock of Shadows

Black Blockade


Chakra Gates Kinjutsu Ability

Hot Blooded -Kinjutsu Ability

Go Beyond - B-Rank [M]

Morning Peacock - B-Rank [M]

Sure-Kill Strike - A-Rank [M]

Night Guy - S-Rank [M]

Other Refunds: idk tbh - it's been too long xD

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
Hachimon -
Swapping it to Temporal Strider (App for it above)

Still, actively roleplaying in any other threads:

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Tsuyoshi Aya

Old Village/Missing: Kumo

OCR Type: From Inactivity

Last Known Where-abouts: Somewhere in Kumo

Old IC Rank: S

New Character Name: Sukuna Kiyo

Preferred Username: Sukuna Kiyo

New Village/Missing: Kumo

New BL/CA: Chakra Attuned

Custom Class:

Deep Well
HP: (45+lvl) x stamina
CP: (55+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Melee Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Chuunin Main Branch

IC Rank: S

Character Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sex: Female

Character's Physical Description:

Sukuna Kiyo is a young woman who stands at about 5’5” (165 cm). She has medium length snow white hair, often messy and unkempt. Her eyes are a vibrant blue color, resembling an ocean, or gemstone, they could be described as showing the depths of her Chakra attuned state, the deep well of chakra that resides inside of her. Kiyo has fair skin, she has a faded scar on her left side from a past battle where she nearly kicked the bucket, but it is the only noticeable scar she has. Kiyo is fit, though she looks a little squishy, under that squishiness lies her hidden strength.
Kiyo likes to wear baggy jackets, with large hoods, she has a decently sized collection of jackets she’ll swap around. She enjoys styling her wardrobe and showing it off. She often wears a tube top, and either shorts or pants. She likes to have pockets or pouches, so she can hold items without worry.

Character's Mental Description:

When Kiyo was younger, through her Academy days, and Genin years, she was serious, reserved, and hard-working. She was proud of her skills in chakra manipulation, and her prodigy-like intelligence, and strived to make her parents proud. However, after her six-year-long mission she was sent on after reaching Chuunin rank, Kiyo returned with a new mindset. To her friends and certain comrades, she is playful, relaxed, and carefree. She acted on whims, and some would describe her as an idiot. To her enemies, she is disrespectful, rude, and sarcastic. Overall Kiyo still shows her cocky arrogant side sometimes during fights, and she likes to banter. But when she is not in a fight, she is carefree. She developed this new attitude as a coping mechanism for the harsh realities she had to face, the friends she had lost, and realized she wasn’t actually the best of the best like she believed she was as a kid. Kiyo still is determined to become a legendary ninja, and earn her name in the history books as one of the best, but she plans on doing it her way, she wants to enjoy it somewhat and make allies along the way.

Multiple Personality Application: N/A

Character History:

Sukuna Kiyo was born into a family of ninjas within Kumokagure. Her parents, Akira and Yuki, were both average shinobi who were never able to become as accomplished as they dreamed to be.

Kiyo's journey as a ninja began in the prestigious Hidden Cloud Academy, where young, aspiring ninjas like her received their formal training. Kiyo's early days in the academy were marked by a quiet determination that set her apart from her peers. As a child, she exhibited an innate talent for chakra control, a trait that didn't go unnoticed by the academy instructors. From a young age, Kiyo's parents instilled in her a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility, pushing her to excel in her studies and training. Her childhood was filled with hours of intense practice, molding chakra, perfecting basic jutsu, and mastering the art of the ninja. She quickly rose to the top of her class, earning a reputation as a prodigy. But it wasn't just her impressive skills that made her stand out. Kiyo had an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She pored over scrolls and books in the academy's library, often spending her free time absorbed in the intricacies of chakra theory. Her instructors were impressed by her intellectual curiosity and encouraged her to explore the deeper aspects of ninja techniques. Her dedication and pursuit of excellence earned her the respect and admiration of her peers, despite her initially reserved demeanor. Kiyo's few close friends knew that beneath her serious exterior, there was a warm and caring heart. She would often offer assistance and guidance to those who struggled, nurturing a strong sense of camaraderie among her classmates.

After graduating from the Hidden Cloud Academy, Sukuna Kiyo was assigned to Team Gojin, a well-balanced ninja squad known for its versatility and strong teamwork. The team consisted of three members, each with unique skills that complemented one another. Under the leadership of their sensei, a seasoned jounin named Gojin Hideo, Kiyo's abilities began to flourish, and her journey toward discovering her Chakra Attuned core ability truly began. The team consisted of Kiyo, Takeshi, Mai, and their leader Gojin. During their time as genin, Team Gojin undertook a series of missions that exposed them to a wide range of challenges and threats. These missions not only tested their skills but also played a significant role in Kiyo's discovery of her chakra-attuned core ability.

Team Gojin's first mission was to investigate a series of mysterious disappearances in the dense "Forest of Shadows." Here, they encountered an elusive rogue ninja who utilized stealth and ambush tactics. It was during this mission that Kiyo began to notice something unusual about her chakra control. While trying to develop a jutsu to detect hidden foes, she inadvertently unleashed a burst of chakra that disrupted the enemy's cloaking techniques, draining his chakra, and leaving him open to attacks, allowing the team to triumph. In their next mission, Team Gojin was tasked with exploring a complex network of underground catacombs. The team faced numerous traps and encountered a hostile group of rogue ninja attempting to claim hidden artifacts. Kiyo's chakra control continued to evolve as she found herself unconsciously manipulating chakra flows to neutralize traps and obstacles. Her unique ability helped them navigate the labyrinthine catacombs and secure valuable artifacts. During a critical mission to thwart an assassination plot against a high-ranking Hidden Cloud official, Kiyo's chakra-attuned ability manifested in full force. When confronted by a powerful enemy, she channeled her chakra into her jutsu with unparalleled ease. The energy emitted from her attacks consumed the chakra of her foes, rendering them powerless. The team, shocked by her newfound abilities, managed to thwart the assassination attempt.

Over time, Kiyo's understanding of her Chakra Attuned ability deepened, thanks in large part to her team's support and the guidance of her sensei, Hideo. They recognized the uniqueness of her talent and helped her harness and control her newfound power.

Through their missions, the bonds within Team Gojin grew stronger, and Kiyo's confidence in her abilities soared. She became a versatile asset to the team, seamlessly transitioning between support roles and direct combat. Her journey as a genin on Team Gojin not only developed her Chakra Attuned ability but also instilled in her a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that would prove invaluable in the challenges she would face in the years to come.

At the age of 16, after she passed her Chuunin exam, Kiyo was assigned a long-term mission that took her outside Kumokagure's borders. Her mission was to gather data on plant life, animals, and water samples from various countries, a task that was initially meant to last a few months. However, as the years went by, the mission extended far beyond her expectations. She found herself in uncharted territories, battling dangerous creatures, and conducting extensive research.

In the early days of Kiyo's mission, she was teamed up with other ninja from other villages, Jun, from Sand, Rin, from Fire, and Yukio, from earth. They started in Moon country, gathering data. They were a team for almost a year, and while they were researching they were given some extra instructions her the area they were in. They were tasked with collecting samples from a remote forest rumored to be inhabited by dangerous creatures and rival ninja clans seeking to steal their research. This forest was nicknamed "Crimson Canopy," named for the reddish hues of the leaves that filled the thick canopy. The region was rich in unique flora and fauna, but it came with its own set of challenges. While exploring the Crimson Canopy, Kiyo and her team encountered a fierce and skilled rival ninja clan that sought to seize their research for themselves. A heated battle ensued, and despite their best efforts, Kiyo's team suffered heavy losses. Some of her closest companions fell in the conflict, a devastating blow that left Kiyo deeply shaken. In the aftermath of the battle, Kiyo was left severely injured and near death. She had sustained life-threatening wounds and was on the brink of succumbing to her injuries. It was in this dire moment that a fortunate twist of fate occurred. A group of wandering medical ninja from the Moon Country stumbled upon the aftermath of the battle. They had been tracking the rival clan for some time and arrived just in time to save Kiyo.

Kiyo managed to keep the data safe, though unfortunately Jun, Rin, and Yukio lost their lives. Kiyo sent in her report of this event, though the mission was still on. After Kiyo recovered she continued her journey in Moon Country, determined to finish the mission, despite the early losses.

One of the skilled medical ninja, named Shizuku, took charge of Kiyo's treatment. With her expertise and the unique medical techniques of the Moon Country, Shizuku managed to stabilize Kiyo and nurse her back to health. During her recovery, Kiyo developed a deep respect and friendship with Shizuku, who played a pivotal role in saving her life.

While on her mission, Kiyo encountered a wandering ninja named Hideo. He had a reputation for surviving in the most hostile environments and became her mentor during the early years of her mission. Under his guidance, Kiyo honed her survival skills and learned to adapt to different terrains and climates. Hideo disappeared one day without a word, leaving her with a stronger resolve and a deeper understanding of the world beyond her village.

In the Land of Earth, Kiyo faced off against a colossal, earth-manipulating creature known as the Earthshaker. The battle was grueling and pushed her abilities to the limit. With unwavering determination, she eventually defeated the creature, gaining valuable combat experience and further developing her chakra manipulation skills.

In Earth Country, Kiyo encountered a reclusive tribe of water-affiliated ninjas who possessed unique and ancient water manipulation techniques. After a tense initial encounter, she managed to gain their trust and spent several months studying their techniques. While she was still in Earth Country, Kiyo formed a friendly rivalry with a mischievous ninja from the Titans Keep named Riku. The two engaged in a series of battles, which sometimes escalated into outrageous prank wars. Despite their rivalry, they built a strong friendship and became pen pals, exchanging letters even after Kiyo left Earth Country. Riku was the reason why Kiyo started opening up more, and learned to live life as it came. The rivalry made her discover a piece of herself, a new side of herself, when she left the land of earth, she was more carefree and cocky.

Kiyo entered the land of fire and soon met a fellow traveler, Ryuto, who was a botanist who shared her interest in plant life. They bonded over their research and eventually became friends. Kiyo often acted goofy and carefree around Ryuto, forming a unique bond during their travels. Though the two went their separate ways after Kiyo finished her research in that region, she will never forget the bond she formed with Ryuto.

During her mission, Kiyo faced a critical challenge when she encountered a group of rogue ninja near a hidden oasis in the Land of Wind. The battle was intense, and Kiyo's cocky attitude helped her maintain her composure and emerge victorious. This incident further solidified her carefree demeanor.

After her six-year mission, Kiyo finally received a message to return to Kumokagure. Her journey had transformed her from a hard-working, stern prodigy into an aloof, carefree ninja. She brought back a wealth of knowledge, an expanded skill set, and a laid-back, cocky attitude that baffled her family and friends. Kiyo's transformation was the result of not just her experiences but also the people she had met and the battles she had endured on her mission.

Kiyo now wanders Kumokagure's streets with a grin, seemingly not taking life too seriously, but her strength, skill, and depth of character remain hidden behind her goofy, carefree facade. She's more than ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead with her newfound outlook on life and her incredible mastery of chakra.

After reuniting with her team following the grueling six-year mission Kiyo learned their team leader and Sensei unfortunately passed away, but the three decided to keep the name and continue on in his memory. The team embraced their new dynamic, and the changes in Kiyo’s were painfully apparent, she still had the drive to become a legendary ninja was still there, but she had opened up more, she was more relaxed, playful, and carefree. She had learned a lot on her mission and discovered new parts of herself. While Kiyo was away, Takeshi, and Mai had also become chuunin, and their skill levels grew greatly.

Once the team had settled into their old routine, Team Gojin was sent on a mission to either capture or assassinate a Rogue ninja by the name of Miyoshi, either way, they needed to bring his body back to Kumo. Details of the mission told them that this rogue ninja had been messing with time and space, he was a temporal strider and was attempting to summon a beast. He was an A-rank rogue ninja, at least from the reports they had on him. So three Chuunin should have been able to take him on. This was classified as an A-Rank mission. Unfortunately upon tracking down the Rogue ninja, the team would discover this should have been an S-rank mission.

Sukuna Kiyo found herself thrust into a perilous battle against the formidable rogue ninja, one who wielded a mysterious and deadly power. The rogue ninja, Miyoshi, had summoned a monstrous beast, an amalgamation of fearsome creatures bound by dark chakra. The battle that ensued was unlike any they had faced before.

The confrontation took place in a desolate, otherworldly landscape, where the very fabric of space and time seemed to warp and twist. The battle was unlike anything Kiyo had ever faced. Her adversary wielded strange temporal abilities, manipulating time itself to attack with uncanny precision and foresight. Kiyo, alongside her loyal comrades Mai and Takeshi, fought valiantly, but they were caught in a relentless temporal dance that left them at a severe disadvantage. The monstrous beast, fueled by the rogue ninja's malevolent intent, rampaged through the once-serene landscape, laying waste to everything in its path.

Takeshi, Mai, and Kiyo were determined, and confident they could handle this battle. Takeshi the team's main fighter dealt powerful blows to the beast, tweaking it greatly along with Kiyo's Chakra Attuned abilities. Mai was their support, helping them keep their senses alert. Even though it had been six years since the team had fought together, it felt like muscle memory at this point. Kiyo made a bet with Takeshi during the battle, whoever dealt the killing blow on the beast would get to pick their lunch spot for a month, and the other two would have to pay for it. In the midst of battle, Kiyo was showing her playful side to her teammates, despite the situation they both took on the bet.

However, slowly, the team realized this was not an easy battle.

For what felt like hours, Kiyo and her team clashed with the rogue ninja, enduring a ceaseless onslaught of time-altering jutsu. Mai's chakra-sensing abilities were consistently nullified, and Takeshi's powerful physical attacks were easily evaded. The enemy, with each calculated move, seemed to always be one step ahead. As the battle raged on, the situation grew increasingly dire. Mai and Takeshi, both brave and skilled ninja, were gradually worn down by the relentless assault.

Kiyo's desperation grew as she watched her friends suffer, and a sense of helplessness consumed her.

Takeshi, the team's frontline fighter, was gravely wounded in a fierce confrontation with the monstrous beast. Mai, the sensory ninja, was overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the rogue ninja's dark chakra.

Despite their heroic efforts, both of Kiyo's teammates fell, leaving her to face the rogue ninja and the beast alone.

Despair washed over Kiyo as she watched her comrades fall. Her sense of helplessness and rage melded together into an indomitable resolve. Kiyo had no time to even process what had happened, she knew she had to push past her limits to avenge her fallen friends and protect her village from the malevolent threat.

It was in this moment of despair that her Chakra Attuned abilities sparked, a flicker of something even greater. Desperation turned into a ferocious resolve, and she pushed herself beyond her limits. Her combat style shifted, becoming more feral and unpredictable. The rogue ninja, momentarily caught off guard, found himself on the defensive. However, his temporal powers still gave him an edge, and the battle raged on.

In a climactic moment, as Kiyo fought with a savagery fueled by grief, her powers awakened. The space-time rifts that had plagued the battle suddenly responded to her chakra in an entirely new way. She felt the very fabric of time bend to her will.

As she confronted the rogue ninja and the monstrous beast, Kiyo's eyes locked onto a mysterious tear in space and time that appeared amidst the chaos of the battle. The tear seemed to beckon to her, offering a glimmer of hope in her darkest hour. With her heart filled with anguish, she reached out and grasped the tear, triggering a surge of energy that coursed through her. With newfound mastery over the rifts in space-time, she unleashed the full potential of her Temporal Strider abilities. With each passing second, she manipulated time, gaining the upper hand in combat. The once relentless rogue ninja found themselves unable to predict Kiyo's moves and their temporal jutsu faltered against the might of her emerging power.

At that moment, something within Kiyo changed. Time itself seemed to bend to her will, granting her newfound abilities as a Temporal Strider. She felt moments elongate and contract, and she saw her adversaries move as if trapped in slow motion.

With her new powers, she unleashed the full fury of her chakra, manipulating the flow of time to her advantage. Her movements became faster, her dodges more precise, and her attacks impossibly swift. She attacked the rogue ninja and the monstrous beast with a ferocity they couldn't match.

The rogue ninja still put up a fight, but with the new surge of energy and drive from Kiyo, his was becoming worn out quickly. By the time he realized she had been sapping away at his chakra, it was too late, the tide of the battle had shifted in Kiyo’s favor.

In her feral rage, Kiyo showed no mercy to her enemy. Her newfound mastery over time allowed her to outmaneuver their attacks and retaliate with unparalleled force. The battle was relentless, but Kiyo's newfound abilities gave her the upper hand. almost as if she enjoyed toying with him before honing in on the kill, using her newfound abilities to make him feel the same hopelessness and sense of dread. In the final moments, Kiyo activated the Broken Timeline ability for temporal strider, giving her an upper hand in the battle, and Kiyo took out the beast he had summoned with sadistic ease before targeting the rogue ninja himself. After Kiyo took out the beast, The rogue ninja kept fighting but started to grow tired. Kiyo was consuming his chakra to keep herself in the fight for longer, and the chakra from the beast she slayed also gave her a boost. The rogue ninja finally surrendered to Kiyo, but it was too late, Kiyo decided he was not coming back to the village alive. Without mercy, or even giving him a chance to say his last words, Kiyo killed him using a mix of her Chakra Supernova technique, and Chronostasis to delay it. Almost giving him a sense of hope for a few seconds, before his own chakra turned on him, ultimately killing him in a painful way. After the battle, the landscape Kiyo, and her team were in faded, bringing them back to the outskirts of Kumo. Kiyo was exhausted, mentally, physically, and injured. Once she was sure the battle was over she turned to her fallen teammates and took her time to grieve them. This was not the first time she experienced loss, but this time hurt more than any other time. She knew this wouldn't be her last time either, she would not allow this to deter her drive to become a legendary ninja.
Kiyo collected her team, and the Rogue ninja's bodies in body bags, and sealed them in a scroll to return them home.

Kiyo had unlocked Temporal Strider, however, it came at a great cost. The battle had claimed the lives of Mai and Takeshi, leaving Kiyo to grapple with the immense loss of her friends. The power of her Kinjutsu was now in her hands, but it was a bittersweet victory, a manifestation of her anguish and her unwavering will to protect those she cared about.

Sukuna Kiyo, the Chakra Attuned Temporal Strider, now stood as a warrior with mastery over time, determined to ensure her comrades' sacrifice was not in vain and to protect her village and loved ones with her newfound abilities.

Clan Request: N/A

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A

Old Profile:

Old Training:

Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: None

Old Stats: Rank S

Agility: 600/600

Stamina: 600/600

Ninjutsu: 600/600

Taijutsu: 600/600

Genjutsu: 600/600

Chakra Control: 600/600

power level: 3,600

Old OOC Rank: S

Stat Cut: 0

New Stats:

Rank S

Agility: 600/600

Stamina: 600/600

Ninjutsu: 600/600

Taijutsu: 600/600

Genjutsu: 600/600

Chakra Control: 600/600

power level: 3,600

New OOC Rank: S

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:


[M] = mastered



The One-Two[M]

Low Sweep[M]


Uncalled For Shot[M]


4-Hit Combo[M]

Spinning Wind [M]

Dynamic Entry [M]

Dynamic Finish [M]

Nut Buster [M]




Body Switch[M]


Combination Transformation [M]

Crystal Eye [M]

Cancel [M]

Spirit Lantern [M]

Contract Summoning [M]


Jutsu Sealing [M]

Stunt Double[M]

One Element Sealing[M]

Elemental Negation[M]

Elemental Clone[M]




Charge [Mastered]

Grip [Mastered]

Fleeted [Mastered]

Block [Mastered]


Basic Safeguard [Mastered]

Brandish [Mastered]

Eagle Vision [Mastered]

Muscle Control [Mastered]

Shadow Play [Mastered]


Barrage [M]

Chakra Absorption [M]

Chakra Extension [M]

Dynamic Art [M]

Expel [M]

Feint [M]

Gather [M]

Shadow Dance [M]


Anabolic Frenzy [M]

Concealed Steps [M]

Counterstrike [M]

Cover [M]

Endure [M]

Focused Assault [M]

Unbound [M]

A-Rank Awakening [M]

Devastating Aura [M]

Insatiable Hunger [M]

Limit Break [M]

Unleash [M]


Dragon Assault [M]

Tiger Hook [M]

Step-In Flash [M]

Shoryuken [M]

Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku [M]

Roaring Combination [M]

Grapple [M]


Suplex [M]

Primary Lotus [M]

Shadow Step Strike [M]

Seismic Toss [M]

Submission [M]

Spear Hand [M]

16-Hit Combo [M]


Falcon Punch [M]

Eagle Drop [M]

Dance of the Waxing Moon [M]

Fist of Virtue [M]

Fist of Sin [M]


Cursed Sealing[M]

Shadow Shuriken[M]


Energy Transfer[M]

Leech Seal[M]

Chakra Shield[M]



Morality Sealing[M]

Nature's Guard [M]

Gate of Enma [M]

Stardust Nova [M]

Perfected Rasengan [M]

Five Element Seal [M]


Infernal Ember[M]

Thermal Maw[M]



Immolation Armor[M]

Combustive Seal[M]


Dragon Fire[M]

Searing Eruption[M]

Scalding Ash Cloud[M]

Heat Wave[M]


Infernal Hellfire[M]


Spontaneous Combustion[M]

Ring of Fire[M]


Dragon Flame Bomb[M]

Fire Tempest[M]

Abysmal Harbinger[M]

Flame Shield[M]


Storm Bolt[M]







Zeus Flash[M]

Lightning Torrent[M]


Volt Charge[M]

B Rank

Chidori [M]

Gigavolt Cannon [M]

Lightning Beast [M]

Amp Field [M]


Raijin's Vengeance [M]

Chidori Control [M]

Kirin [M]

Thunderdome [M]


Pressurized Mist[M]

Water Gun[M]


Water Whip[M]

Aqua Fang[M]

Rinse Off[M]


Grand Waterfall[M]

Impaling Hydro Jet[M]

Water Prison[M]

Rain Dance[M]


Torrential Vortex[M]

Hydro Tidal Shockwave[M]

Water Shark Bomb [M]

Mystical Pond [M]


Grand Hydra Excavation [M]

Water Dragon Bullet [M]

Scorn of Aquarius [M]

Supreme Aqua Realm [M]


Mask Summon

Critical Exposure



Chakra Sense[M]

Active Camo

Mental Infiltration



Intangible Passage

Shadow Servant



Physical Imprisonment Seal


Flock of Shadows

Black Blockade


Chakra Gates Kinjutsu Ability

Hot Blooded -Kinjutsu Ability

Go Beyond - B-Rank [M]

Morning Peacock - B-Rank [M]

Sure-Kill Strike - A-Rank [M]

Night Guy - S-Rank [M]

Other Refunds: idk tbh - it's been too long xD

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
Hachimon -
Swapping it to Temporal Strider (App for it above)

Still, actively roleplaying in any other threads:
Taken into council lands

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank
(Edited to change the Backstory a bit)

Old Character Name: Tsuyoshi Aya

Old Village/Missing: Kumo

OCR Type: From Inactivity

Last Known Where-abouts: Somewhere in Kumo

Old IC Rank: S

New Character Name: Sukuna Kiyo

Preferred Username: Sukuna Kiyo

New Village/Missing: Kumo

New BL/CA: Chakra Attuned

Custom Class:

Deep Well
HP: (45+lvl) x stamina
CP: (55+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Melee Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Chuunin Main Branch

IC Rank: S

Character Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sex: Female

Character's Physical Description:

Sukuna Kiyo is a young woman who stands at about 5’5” (165 cm). She has medium length snow white hair, often messy and unkempt. Her eyes are a vibrant blue color, resembling an ocean, or gemstone, they could be described as showing the depths of her Chakra attuned state, the deep well of chakra that resides inside of her. Kiyo has fair skin, she has a faded scar on her left side from a past battle where she nearly kicked the bucket, but it is the only noticeable scar she has. Kiyo is fit, though she looks a little squishy, under that squishiness lies her hidden strength.
Kiyo likes to wear baggy jackets, with large hoods, she has a decently sized collection of jackets she’ll swap around. She enjoys styling her wardrobe and showing it off. She often wears a tube top, and either shorts or pants. She likes to have pockets or pouches, so she can hold items without worry.

Character's Mental Description:

When Kiyo was younger, through her Academy days, and Genin years, she was serious, reserved, and hard-working. She was proud of her skills in chakra manipulation, and her prodigy-like intelligence, and strived to make her parents proud. However, after her six-year-long mission she was sent on after reaching Chuunin rank, Kiyo returned with a new mindset. To her friends and certain comrades, she is playful, relaxed, and carefree. She acted on whims, and some would describe her as an idiot. To her enemies, she is disrespectful, rude, and sarcastic. Overall Kiyo still shows her cocky arrogant side sometimes during fights, and she likes to banter. But when she is not in a fight, she is carefree. She developed this new attitude as a coping mechanism for the harsh realities she had to face, the friends she had lost, and realized she wasn’t actually the best of the best like she believed she was as a kid. Kiyo still is determined to become a legendary ninja, and earn her name in the history books as one of the best, but she plans on doing it her way, she wants to enjoy it somewhat and make allies along the way.

Multiple Personality Application: N/A

Character History:

Sukuna Kiyo was born into a family of ninjas within Kumokagure. Her parents, Akira and Yuki, were both average shinobi who were never able to become as accomplished as they dreamed to be.

Kiyo's journey as a ninja began in the prestigious Hidden Cloud Academy, where young, aspiring ninjas like her received their formal training. Kiyo's early days in the academy were marked by a quiet determination that set her apart from her peers. As a child, she exhibited an innate talent for chakra control, a trait that didn't go unnoticed by the academy instructors. From a young age, Kiyo's parents instilled in her a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility, pushing her to excel in her studies and training. Her childhood was filled with hours of intense practice, molding chakra, perfecting basic jutsu, and mastering the art of the ninja. She quickly rose to the top of her class, earning a reputation as a prodigy. But it wasn't just her impressive skills that made her stand out. Kiyo had an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She pored over scrolls and books in the academy's library, often spending her free time absorbed in the intricacies of chakra theory. Her instructors were impressed by her intellectual curiosity and encouraged her to explore the deeper aspects of ninja techniques. Her dedication and pursuit of excellence earned her the respect and admiration of her peers, despite her initially reserved demeanor. Kiyo's few close friends knew that beneath her serious exterior, there was a warm and caring heart. She would often offer assistance and guidance to those who struggled, nurturing a strong sense of camaraderie among her classmates.

After graduating from the Hidden Cloud Academy, Sukuna Kiyo was assigned to Team Gojin, a well-balanced ninja squad known for its versatility and strong teamwork. The team consisted of three members, each with unique skills that complemented one another. Under the leadership of their sensei, a seasoned jounin named Gojin Hideo, Kiyo's abilities began to flourish, and her journey toward discovering her Chakra Attuned core ability truly began. The team consisted of Kiyo, Takeshi, Mai, and their leader Gojin. During their time as genin, Team Gojin undertook a series of missions that exposed them to a wide range of challenges and threats. These missions not only tested their skills but also played a significant role in Kiyo's discovery of her chakra-attuned core ability.

Team Gojin's first mission was to investigate a series of mysterious disappearances in the dense "Forest of Shadows." Here, they encountered an elusive rogue ninja who utilized stealth and ambush tactics. It was during this mission that Kiyo began to notice something unusual about her chakra control. While trying to develop a jutsu to detect hidden foes, she inadvertently unleashed a burst of chakra that disrupted the enemy's cloaking techniques, draining his chakra, and leaving him open to attacks, allowing the team to triumph. In their next mission, Team Gojin was tasked with exploring a complex network of underground catacombs. The team faced numerous traps and encountered a hostile group of rogue ninja attempting to claim hidden artifacts. Kiyo's chakra control continued to evolve as she found herself unconsciously manipulating chakra flows to neutralize traps and obstacles. Her unique ability helped them navigate the labyrinthine catacombs and secure valuable artifacts. During a critical mission to thwart an assassination plot against a high-ranking Hidden Cloud official, Kiyo's chakra-attuned ability manifested in full force. When confronted by a powerful enemy, she channeled her chakra into her jutsu with unparalleled ease. The energy emitted from her attacks consumed the chakra of her foes, rendering them powerless. The team, shocked by her newfound abilities, managed to thwart the assassination attempt.

Over time, Kiyo's understanding of her Chakra Attuned ability deepened, thanks in large part to her team's support and the guidance of her sensei, Hideo. They recognized the uniqueness of her talent and helped her harness and control her newfound power.

Through their missions, the bonds within Team Gojin grew stronger, and Kiyo's confidence in her abilities soared. She became a versatile asset to the team, seamlessly transitioning between support roles and direct combat. Her journey as a genin on Team Gojin not only developed her Chakra Attuned ability but also instilled in her a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that would prove invaluable in the challenges she would face in the years to come.

At the age of 16, after she passed her Chuunin exam, Kiyo was assigned a long-term mission that took her outside Kumokagure's borders. Her mission was to gather data on plant life, animals, and water samples from various countries, a task that was initially meant to last a few months. However, as the years went by, the mission extended far beyond her expectations. She found herself in uncharted territories, battling dangerous creatures, and conducting extensive research.

In the early days of Kiyo's mission, she was teamed up with other ninja from other villages, Jun, from Sand, Rin, from Fire, and Yukio, from earth. They started in Lightning country, in the Marshlands, gathering data. They were a team for almost a year, and while they were researching they were given some extra instructions her the area they were in. They were tasked with collecting samples from a remote forest rumored to be inhabited by dangerous creatures and rival ninja clans seeking to steal their research. This forest was nicknamed "Crimson Canopy," named for the reddish hues of the leaves that filled the thick canopy. The region was rich in unique flora and fauna, but it came with its own set of challenges. While exploring the Crimson Canopy, Kiyo and her team encountered a fierce and skilled rival ninja clan that sought to seize their research for themselves. A heated battle ensued, and despite their best efforts, Kiyo's team suffered heavy losses. Some of her closest companions fell in the conflict, a devastating blow that left Kiyo deeply shaken. In the aftermath of the battle, Kiyo was left severely injured and near death. She had sustained life-threatening wounds and was on the brink of succumbing to her injuries. It was in this dire moment that a fortunate twist of fate occurred. A group of wandering medical ninja from the Kumo stumbled upon the aftermath of the battle. They had been tracking the rival clan for some time and arrived just in time to save Kiyo.

Kiyo managed to keep the data safe, though unfortunately Jun, Rin, and Yukio lost their lives. Kiyo sent in her report of this event, though the mission was still on. After Kiyo recovered she continued her journey in Moon Country, determined to finish the mission, despite the early losses.

One of the skilled medical ninja, named Shizuku, took charge of Kiyo's treatment. With her expertise and the unique medical techniques of the Moon Country, Shizuku managed to stabilize Kiyo and nurse her back to health. During her recovery, Kiyo developed a deep respect and friendship with Shizuku, who played a pivotal role in saving her life.

While on her mission, Kiyo encountered a wandering ninja named Hideo. He had a reputation for surviving in the most hostile environments and became her mentor during the early years of her mission. Under his guidance, Kiyo honed her survival skills and learned to adapt to different terrains and climates. Hideo disappeared one day without a word, leaving her with a stronger resolve and a deeper understanding of the world beyond her village.

In the Land of Earth, Kiyo faced off against a colossal, earth-manipulating creature known as the Earthshaker. The battle was grueling and pushed her abilities to the limit. With unwavering determination, she eventually defeated the creature, gaining valuable combat experience and further developing her chakra manipulation skills.

In Earth Country, Kiyo encountered a reclusive tribe of water-affiliated ninjas who possessed unique and ancient water manipulation techniques. After a tense initial encounter, she managed to gain their trust and spent several months studying their techniques. While she was still in Earth Country, Kiyo formed a friendly rivalry with a mischievous ninja from the Titans Keep named Riku. The two engaged in a series of battles, which sometimes escalated into outrageous prank wars. Despite their rivalry, they built a strong friendship and became pen pals, exchanging letters even after Kiyo left Earth Country. Riku was the reason why Kiyo started opening up more, and learned to live life as it came. The rivalry made her discover a piece of herself, a new side of herself, when she left the land of earth, she was more carefree and cocky.

Kiyo entered the land of fire and soon met a fellow traveler, Ryuto, who was a botanist who shared her interest in plant life. They bonded over their research and eventually became friends. Kiyo often acted goofy and carefree around Ryuto, forming a unique bond during their travels. Though the two went their separate ways after Kiyo finished her research in that region, she will never forget the bond she formed with Ryuto.

During her mission, Kiyo faced a critical challenge when she encountered a group of rogue ninja near a hidden oasis in the Land of Wind. The battle was intense, and Kiyo's cocky attitude helped her maintain her composure and emerge victorious. This incident further solidified her carefree demeanor.

After her six-year mission, Kiyo finally received a message to return to Kumokagure. Her journey had transformed her from a hard-working, stern prodigy into an aloof, carefree ninja. She brought back a wealth of knowledge, an expanded skill set, and a laid-back, cocky attitude that baffled her family and friends. Kiyo's transformation was the result of not just her experiences but also the people she had met and the battles she had endured on her mission.

Kiyo now wanders Kumokagure's streets with a grin, seemingly not taking life too seriously, but her strength, skill, and depth of character remain hidden behind her goofy, carefree facade. She's more than ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead with her newfound outlook on life and her incredible mastery of chakra.

After reuniting with her team following the grueling six-year mission Kiyo learned their team leader and Sensei unfortunately passed away, but the three decided to keep the name and continue on in his memory. The team embraced their new dynamic, and the changes in Kiyo’s were painfully apparent, she still had the drive to become a legendary ninja was still there, but she had opened up more, she was more relaxed, playful, and carefree. She had learned a lot on her mission and discovered new parts of herself. While Kiyo was away, Takeshi, and Mai had also become chuunin, and their skill levels grew greatly.

Once the team had settled into their old routine, Team Gojin was sent on a mission to either capture or assassinate a Rogue ninja by the name of Miyoshi, either way, they needed to bring his body back to Kumo. Details of the mission told them that this rogue ninja had been messing with time and space, he was a temporal strider and was attempting to summon a beast. He was an A-rank rogue ninja, at least from the reports they had on him. So three Chuunin should have been able to take him on. This was classified as an A-Rank mission. Unfortunately upon tracking down the Rogue ninja, the team would discover this should have been an S-rank mission.

Sukuna Kiyo found herself thrust into a perilous battle against the formidable rogue ninja, one who wielded a mysterious and deadly power. The rogue ninja, Miyoshi, had summoned a monstrous beast, an amalgamation of fearsome creatures bound by dark chakra. The battle that ensued was unlike any they had faced before.

The confrontation took place in a desolate, otherworldly landscape, where the very fabric of space and time seemed to warp and twist. The battle was unlike anything Kiyo had ever faced. Her adversary wielded strange temporal abilities, manipulating time itself to attack with uncanny precision and foresight. Kiyo, alongside her loyal comrades Mai and Takeshi, fought valiantly, but they were caught in a relentless temporal dance that left them at a severe disadvantage. The monstrous beast, fueled by the rogue ninja's malevolent intent, rampaged through the once-serene landscape, laying waste to everything in its path.

Takeshi, Mai, and Kiyo were determined, and confident they could handle this battle. Takeshi the team's main fighter dealt powerful blows to the beast, tweaking it greatly along with Kiyo's Chakra Attuned abilities. Mai was their support, helping them keep their senses alert. Even though it had been six years since the team had fought together, it felt like muscle memory at this point. Kiyo made a bet with Takeshi during the battle, whoever dealt the killing blow on the beast would get to pick their lunch spot for a month, and the other two would have to pay for it. In the midst of battle, Kiyo was showing her playful side to her teammates, despite the situation they both took on the bet.

However, slowly, the team realized this was not an easy battle.

For what felt like hours, Kiyo and her team clashed with the rogue ninja, enduring a ceaseless onslaught of time-altering jutsu. Mai's chakra-sensing abilities were consistently nullified, and Takeshi's powerful physical attacks were easily evaded. The enemy, with each calculated move, seemed to always be one step ahead. As the battle raged on, the situation grew increasingly dire. Mai and Takeshi, both brave and skilled ninja, were gradually worn down by the relentless assault.

Kiyo's desperation grew as she watched her friends suffer, and a sense of helplessness consumed her.

Takeshi, the team's frontline fighter, was gravely wounded in a fierce confrontation with the monstrous beast. Mai, the sensory ninja, was overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the rogue ninja's dark chakra.

Despite their heroic efforts, both of Kiyo's teammates fell, leaving her to face the rogue ninja and the beast alone.

Despair washed over Kiyo as she watched her comrades fall. Her sense of helplessness and rage melded together into an indomitable resolve. Kiyo had no time to even process what had happened, she knew she had to push past her limits to avenge her fallen friends and protect her village from the malevolent threat.

It was in this moment of despair that her Chakra Attuned abilities sparked, a flicker of something even greater. Desperation turned into a ferocious resolve, and she pushed herself beyond her limits. Her combat style shifted, becoming more feral and unpredictable. The rogue ninja, momentarily caught off guard, found himself on the defensive. However, his temporal powers still gave him an edge, and the battle raged on.

In a climactic moment, as Kiyo fought with a savagery fueled by grief, her powers awakened. The space-time rifts that had plagued the battle suddenly responded to her chakra in an entirely new way. She felt the very fabric of time bend to her will.

As she confronted the rogue ninja and the monstrous beast, Kiyo's eyes locked onto a mysterious tear in space and time that appeared amidst the chaos of the battle. The tear seemed to beckon to her, offering a glimmer of hope in her darkest hour. With her heart filled with anguish, she reached out and grasped the tear, triggering a surge of energy that coursed through her. With newfound mastery over the rifts in space-time, she unleashed the full potential of her Temporal Strider abilities. With each passing second, she manipulated time, gaining the upper hand in combat. The once relentless rogue ninja found themselves unable to predict Kiyo's moves and their temporal jutsu faltered against the might of her emerging power.

At that moment, something within Kiyo changed. Time itself seemed to bend to her will, granting her newfound abilities as a Temporal Strider. She felt moments elongate and contract, and she saw her adversaries move as if trapped in slow motion.

With her new powers, she unleashed the full fury of her chakra, manipulating the flow of time to her advantage. Her movements became faster, her dodges more precise, and her attacks impossibly swift. She attacked the rogue ninja and the monstrous beast with a ferocity they couldn't match.

The rogue ninja still put up a fight, but with the new surge of energy and drive from Kiyo, his was becoming worn out quickly. By the time he realized she had been sapping away at his chakra, it was too late, the tide of the battle had shifted in Kiyo’s favor.

In her feral rage, Kiyo showed no mercy to her enemy. Her newfound mastery over time allowed her to outmaneuver their attacks and retaliate with unparalleled force. The battle was relentless, but Kiyo's newfound abilities gave her the upper hand. almost as if she enjoyed toying with him before honing in on the kill, using her newfound abilities to make him feel the same hopelessness and sense of dread. In the final moments, Kiyo activated the Broken Timeline ability for temporal strider, giving her an upper hand in the battle, and Kiyo took out the beast he had summoned with sadistic ease before targeting the rogue ninja himself. After Kiyo took out the beast, The rogue ninja kept fighting but started to grow tired. Kiyo was consuming his chakra to keep herself in the fight for longer, and the chakra from the beast she slayed also gave her a boost. The rogue ninja finally surrendered to Kiyo, but it was too late, Kiyo decided he was not coming back to the village alive. Without mercy, or even giving him a chance to say his last words, Kiyo killed him using a mix of her Chakra Supernova technique, and Chronostasis to delay it. Almost giving him a sense of hope for a few seconds, before his own chakra turned on him, ultimately killing him in a painful way. After the battle, the landscape Kiyo, and her team were in faded, bringing them back to the outskirts of Kumo. Kiyo was exhausted, mentally, physically, and injured. Once she was sure the battle was over she turned to her fallen teammates and took her time to grieve them. This was not the first time she experienced loss, but this time hurt more than any other time. She knew this wouldn't be her last time either, she would not allow this to deter her drive to become a legendary ninja.
Kiyo collected her team, and the Rogue ninja's bodies in body bags, and sealed them in a scroll to return them home.

Kiyo had unlocked Temporal Strider, however, it came at a great cost. The battle had claimed the lives of Mai and Takeshi, leaving Kiyo to grapple with the immense loss of her friends. The power of her Kinjutsu was now in her hands, but it was a bittersweet victory, a manifestation of her anguish and her unwavering will to protect those she cared about.

Sukuna Kiyo, the Chakra Attuned Temporal Strider, now stood as a warrior with mastery over time, determined to ensure her comrades' sacrifice was not in vain and to protect her village and loved ones with her newfound abilities.

Clan Request: N/A

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A

Old Profile:

Old Training:

Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: None

Old Stats: Rank S

Agility: 600/600

Stamina: 600/600

Ninjutsu: 600/600

Taijutsu: 600/600

Genjutsu: 600/600

Chakra Control: 600/600

power level: 3,600

Old OOC Rank: S

Stat Cut: 0

New Stats:

Rank S

Agility: 600/600

Stamina: 600/600

Ninjutsu: 600/600

Taijutsu: 600/600

Genjutsu: 600/600

Chakra Control: 600/600

power level: 3,600

New OOC Rank: S

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:


[M] = mastered



The One-Two[M]

Low Sweep[M]


Uncalled For Shot[M]


4-Hit Combo[M]

Spinning Wind [M]

Dynamic Entry [M]

Dynamic Finish [M]

Nut Buster [M]




Body Switch[M]


Combination Transformation [M]

Crystal Eye [M]

Cancel [M]

Spirit Lantern [M]

Contract Summoning [M]


Jutsu Sealing [M]

Stunt Double[M]

One Element Sealing[M]

Elemental Negation[M]

Elemental Clone[M]




Charge [Mastered]

Grip [Mastered]

Fleeted [Mastered]

Block [Mastered]


Basic Safeguard [Mastered]

Brandish [Mastered]

Eagle Vision [Mastered]

Muscle Control [Mastered]

Shadow Play [Mastered]


Barrage [M]

Chakra Absorption [M]

Chakra Extension [M]

Dynamic Art [M]

Expel [M]

Feint [M]

Gather [M]

Shadow Dance [M]


Anabolic Frenzy [M]

Concealed Steps [M]

Counterstrike [M]

Cover [M]

Endure [M]

Focused Assault [M]

Unbound [M]

A-Rank Awakening [M]

Devastating Aura [M]

Insatiable Hunger [M]

Limit Break [M]

Unleash [M]


Dragon Assault [M]

Tiger Hook [M]

Step-In Flash [M]

Shoryuken [M]

Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku [M]

Roaring Combination [M]

Grapple [M]


Suplex [M]

Primary Lotus [M]

Shadow Step Strike [M]

Seismic Toss [M]

Submission [M]

Spear Hand [M]

16-Hit Combo [M]


Falcon Punch [M]

Eagle Drop [M]

Dance of the Waxing Moon [M]

Fist of Virtue [M]

Fist of Sin [M]


Cursed Sealing[M]

Shadow Shuriken[M]


Energy Transfer[M]

Leech Seal[M]

Chakra Shield[M]



Morality Sealing[M]

Nature's Guard [M]

Gate of Enma [M]

Stardust Nova [M]

Perfected Rasengan [M]

Five Element Seal [M]


Infernal Ember[M]

Thermal Maw[M]



Immolation Armor[M]

Combustive Seal[M]


Dragon Fire[M]

Searing Eruption[M]

Scalding Ash Cloud[M]

Heat Wave[M]


Infernal Hellfire[M]


Spontaneous Combustion[M]

Ring of Fire[M]


Dragon Flame Bomb[M]

Fire Tempest[M]

Abysmal Harbinger[M]

Flame Shield[M]


Storm Bolt[M]







Zeus Flash[M]

Lightning Torrent[M]


Volt Charge[M]

B Rank

Chidori [M]

Gigavolt Cannon [M]

Lightning Beast [M]

Amp Field [M]


Raijin's Vengeance [M]

Chidori Control [M]

Kirin [M]

Thunderdome [M]


Pressurized Mist[M]

Water Gun[M]


Water Whip[M]

Aqua Fang[M]

Rinse Off[M]


Grand Waterfall[M]

Impaling Hydro Jet[M]

Water Prison[M]

Rain Dance[M]


Torrential Vortex[M]

Hydro Tidal Shockwave[M]

Water Shark Bomb [M]

Mystical Pond [M]


Grand Hydra Excavation [M]

Water Dragon Bullet [M]

Scorn of Aquarius [M]

Supreme Aqua Realm [M]


Mask Summon

Critical Exposure



Chakra Sense[M]

Active Camo

Mental Infiltration



Intangible Passage

Shadow Servant



Physical Imprisonment Seal


Flock of Shadows

Black Blockade


Chakra Gates Kinjutsu Ability

Hot Blooded -Kinjutsu Ability

Go Beyond - B-Rank [M]

Morning Peacock - B-Rank [M]

Sure-Kill Strike - A-Rank [M]

Night Guy - S-Rank [M]

Other Refunds: idk tbh - it's been too long xD

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
Hachimon -
Swapping it to Temporal Strider (App for it above)

Still, actively roleplaying in any other threads:

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank
Removed the ninja from Fire country - changed locations from fire/sand to Bear and Marsh. other NPC/no face ninja/no face NPCs are now from either bear, lightning, or marsh.

(Edited to change the Backstory a bit)

Old Character Name: Tsuyoshi Aya

Old Village/Missing: Kumo

OCR Type: From Inactivity

Last Known Where-abouts: Somewhere in Kumo

Old IC Rank: S

New Character Name: Sukuna Kiyo

Preferred Username: Sukuna Kiyo

New Village/Missing: Kumo

New BL/CA: Chakra Attuned

Custom Class:

Deep Well
HP: (45+lvl) x stamina
CP: (55+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Melee Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Chuunin Main Branch

IC Rank: S

Character Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sex: Female

Character's Physical Description:

Sukuna Kiyo is a young woman who stands at about 5’5” (165 cm). She has medium-length snow-white hair, often messy and unkempt. Her eyes are a vibrant blue color, resembling an ocean, or gemstone, they could be described as showing the depths of her Chakra attuned state, the deep well of chakra that resides inside of her. Kiyo has fair skin, she has a faded scar on her left side from a past battle where she nearly kicked the bucket, but it is the only noticeable scar she has. Kiyo is fit, though she looks a little squishy, under that squishiness lies her hidden strength.
Kiyo likes to wear baggy jackets, with large hoods, she has a decently sized collection of jackets she’ll swap around. She enjoys styling her wardrobe and showing it off. She often wears a tube top, and either shorts or pants. She likes to have pockets or pouches, so she can hold items without worry.

Character's Mental Description:

When Kiyo was younger, through her Academy days, and Genin years, she was serious, reserved, and hard-working. She was proud of her skills in chakra manipulation, and her prodigy-like intelligence, and strived to make her parents proud. However, after her six-year-long mission she was sent on after reaching Chuunin rank, Kiyo returned with a new mindset. To her friends and certain comrades, she is playful, relaxed, and carefree. She acted on whims, and some would describe her as an idiot. To her enemies, she is disrespectful, rude, and sarcastic. Overall Kiyo still shows her cocky arrogant side sometimes during fights, and she likes to banter. But when she is not in a fight, she is carefree. She developed this new attitude as a coping mechanism for the harsh realities she had to face, the friends she had lost, and realized she wasn’t actually the best of the best like she believed she was as a kid. Kiyo still is determined to become a legendary ninja, and earn her name in the history books as one of the best, but she plans on doing it her way, she wants to enjoy it somewhat and make allies along the way.

Multiple Personality Application: N/A

Character History:

Sukuna Kiyo was born into a family of ninjas within Kumokagure. Her parents, Akira and Yuki, were both average shinobi who were never able to become as accomplished as they dreamed to be.

Kiyo's journey as a ninja began in the prestigious Hidden Cloud Academy, where young, aspiring ninjas like her received their formal training. Kiyo's early days in the academy were marked by a quiet determination that set her apart from her peers. As a child, she exhibited an innate talent for chakra control, a trait that didn't go unnoticed by the academy instructors. From a young age, Kiyo's parents instilled in her a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility, pushing her to excel in her studies and training. Her childhood was filled with hours of intense practice, molding chakra, perfecting basic jutsu, and mastering the art of the ninja. She quickly rose to the top of her class, earning a reputation as a prodigy. But it wasn't just her impressive skills that made her stand out. Kiyo had an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She pored over scrolls and books in the academy's library, often spending her free time absorbed in the intricacies of chakra theory. Her instructors were impressed by her intellectual curiosity and encouraged her to explore the deeper aspects of ninja techniques. Her dedication and pursuit of excellence earned her the respect and admiration of her peers, despite her initially reserved demeanor. Kiyo's few close friends knew that beneath her serious exterior, there was a warm and caring heart. She would often offer assistance and guidance to those who struggled, nurturing a strong sense of camaraderie among her classmates.

After graduating from the Hidden Cloud Academy, Sukuna Kiyo was assigned to Team Gojin, a well-balanced ninja squad known for its versatility and strong teamwork. The team consisted of three members, each with unique skills that complemented one another. Under the leadership of their sensei, a seasoned jounin named Gojin Hideo, Kiyo's abilities began to flourish, and her journey toward discovering her Chakra Attuned core ability truly began. The team consisted of Kiyo, Takeshi, Mai, and their leader Gojin. During their time as genin, Team Gojin undertook a series of missions that exposed them to a wide range of challenges and threats. These missions not only tested their skills but also played a significant role in Kiyo's discovery of her chakra-attuned core ability.

Team Gojin's first mission was to investigate a series of mysterious disappearances in the dense "Forest of Shadows." Here, they encountered an elusive rogue ninja who utilized stealth and ambush tactics. It was during this mission that Kiyo began to notice something unusual about her chakra control. While trying to develop a jutsu to detect hidden foes, she inadvertently unleashed a burst of chakra that disrupted the enemy's cloaking techniques, draining his chakra, and leaving him open to attacks, allowing the team to triumph. In their next mission, Team Gojin was tasked with exploring a complex network of underground catacombs. The team faced numerous traps and encountered a hostile group of rogue ninja attempting to claim hidden artifacts. Kiyo's chakra control continued to evolve as she found herself unconsciously manipulating chakra flows to neutralize traps and obstacles. Her unique ability helped them navigate the labyrinthine catacombs and secure valuable artifacts. During a critical mission to thwart an assassination plot against a high-ranking Hidden Cloud official, Kiyo's chakra-attuned ability manifested in full force. When confronted by a powerful enemy, she channeled her chakra into her jutsu with unparalleled ease. The energy emitted from her attacks consumed the chakra of her foes, rendering them powerless. The team, shocked by her newfound abilities, managed to thwart the assassination attempt.

Over time, Kiyo's understanding of her Chakra Attuned ability deepened, thanks in large part to her team's support and the guidance of her sensei, Hideo. They recognized the uniqueness of her talent and helped her harness and control her newfound power.

Through their missions, the bonds within Team Gojin grew stronger, and Kiyo's confidence in her abilities soared. She became a versatile asset to the team, seamlessly transitioning between support roles and direct combat. Her journey as a genin on Team Gojin not only developed her Chakra Attuned ability but also instilled in her a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that would prove invaluable in the challenges she would face in the years to come.

At the age of 16, after she passed her Chuunin exam, Kiyo was assigned a long-term mission that took her outside Kumokagure's borders. Her mission was to gather data on plant life, animals, and water samples from various countries, a task that was initially meant to last a few months. However, as the years went by, the mission extended far beyond her expectations. She found herself in uncharted territories, battling dangerous creatures, and conducting extensive research.

In the early days of Kiyo's mission, she was teamed up with another ninja, Jun, Rin, and Yukio, from Cloud. They started in Lightning country, in the Marshlands, gathering data. They were a team for almost a year, and while they were researching they were given some extra instructions her the area they were in. They were tasked with collecting samples from a remote forest rumored to be inhabited by dangerous creatures and rival ninja clans seeking to steal their research. This forest was nicknamed "Crimson Canopy," named for the reddish hues of the leaves that filled the thick canopy. The region was rich in unique flora and fauna, but it came with its own set of challenges. While exploring the Crimson Canopy, Kiyo and her team encountered a fierce and skilled rival ninja clan that sought to seize their research for themselves. A heated battle ensued, and despite their best efforts, Kiyo's team suffered heavy losses. Some of her closest companions fell in the conflict, a devastating blow that left Kiyo deeply shaken. In the aftermath of the battle, Kiyo was left severely injured and near death. She had sustained life-threatening wounds and was on the brink of succumbing to her injuries. It was in this dire moment that a fortunate twist of fate occurred. A group of wandering medical ninja from the Kumo stumbled upon the aftermath of the battle. They had been tracking the rival clan for some time and arrived just in time to save Kiyo.

Kiyo managed to keep the data safe, though unfortunately Jun, Rin, and Yukio lost their lives. Kiyo sent in her report of this event, though the mission was still on. After Kiyo recovered she continued her journey in Moon Country, determined to finish the mission, despite the early losses.

One of the skilled medical ninja, named Shizuku, took charge of Kiyo's treatment. With her expertise and the unique medical techniques of the Moon Country, Shizuku managed to stabilize Kiyo and nurse her back to health. During her recovery, Kiyo developed a deep respect and friendship with Shizuku, who played a pivotal role in saving her life.

While on her mission, Kiyo encountered a wandering ninja named Hideo. He had a reputation for surviving in the most hostile environments and became her mentor during the early years of her mission. Under his guidance, Kiyo honed her survival skills and learned to adapt to different terrains and climates. Hideo disappeared one day without a word, leaving her with a stronger resolve and a deeper understanding of the world beyond her village.

While still in the land of Lightning, Kiyo faced off against a colossal, earth-manipulating creature known as the Earthshaker. The battle was grueling and pushed her abilities to the limit. With unwavering determination, she eventually defeated the creature, gaining valuable combat experience and further developing her chakra manipulation skills.

Later on, Kiyo encountered a reclusive tribe of water-affiliated ninjas who possessed unique and ancient water manipulation techniques. After a tense initial encounter, she managed to gain their trust and spent several months studying their techniques. While she was still in Lightning Country, Kiyo formed a friendly rivalry with a mischievous ninja from the Titans Keep named Riku. The two engaged in a series of battles, which sometimes escalated into outrageous prank wars. Despite their rivalry, they built a strong friendship and became pen pals, exchanging letters even after Kiyo left. Riku was the reason why Kiyo started opening up more, and learned to live life as it came. The rivalry made her discover a piece of herself, a new side of herself, when she left the land of earth, she was more carefree and cocky.

Kiyo entered bear country and soon met a fellow traveler, Ryuto, who was a botanist and a kindred spirit for plant life. They bonded over their research and eventually became friends. Kiyo often acted goofy and carefree around Ryuto, forming a unique bond during their travels. Though the two went their separate ways after Kiyo finished her research in that region, she will never forget the bond she formed with Ryuto. Ryuto was a traveler, from the Marsh.

During her mission, Kiyo faced a critical challenge when she encountered a group of rogue ninja near a hidden meadow. The battle was intense, and Kiyo's cocky attitude helped her maintain her composure and emerge victorious. This incident further solidified her carefree demeanor.

After her six-year mission, Kiyo finally received a message to return to Kumokagure. Her journey had transformed her from a hard-working, stern prodigy into an aloof, carefree ninja. She brought back a wealth of knowledge, an expanded skill set, and a laid-back, cocky attitude that baffled her family and friends. Kiyo's transformation was the result of not just her experiences but also the people she had met and the battles she had endured on her mission.

Kiyo now wanders Kumokagure's streets with a grin, seemingly not taking life too seriously, but her strength, skill, and depth of character remain hidden behind her goofy, carefree facade. She's more than ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead with her newfound outlook on life and her incredible mastery of chakra.

After reuniting with her team following the grueling six-year mission Kiyo learned their team leader and Sensei unfortunately passed away, but the three decided to keep the name and continue on in his memory. The team embraced their new dynamic, and the changes in Kiyo’s were painfully apparent, she still had the drive to become a legendary ninja was still there, but she had opened up more, she was more relaxed, playful, and carefree. She had learned a lot on her mission and discovered new parts of herself. While Kiyo was away, Takeshi, and Mai had also become chuunin, and their skill levels grew greatly.

Once the team had settled into their old routine, Team Gojin was sent on a mission to either capture or assassinate a Rogue ninja by the name of Miyoshi, either way, they needed to bring his body back to Kumo. Details of the mission told them that this rogue ninja had been messing with time and space, he was a temporal strider and was attempting to summon a beast. He was an A-rank rogue ninja, at least from the reports they had on him. So three Chuunin should have been able to take him on. This was classified as an A-Rank mission. Unfortunately upon tracking down the Rogue ninja, the team would discover this should have been an S-rank mission.

Sukuna Kiyo found herself thrust into a perilous battle against the formidable rogue ninja, one who wielded a mysterious and deadly power. The rogue ninja, Miyoshi, had summoned a monstrous beast, an amalgamation of fearsome creatures bound by dark chakra. The battle that ensued was unlike any they had faced before.

The confrontation took place in a desolate, otherworldly landscape, where the very fabric of space and time seemed to warp and twist. The battle was unlike anything Kiyo had ever faced. Her adversary wielded strange temporal abilities, manipulating time itself to attack with uncanny precision and foresight. Kiyo, alongside her loyal comrades Mai and Takeshi, fought valiantly, but they were caught in a relentless temporal dance that left them at a severe disadvantage. The monstrous beast, fueled by the rogue ninja's malevolent intent, rampaged through the once-serene landscape, laying waste to everything in its path.

Takeshi, Mai, and Kiyo were determined, and confident they could handle this battle. Takeshi the team's main fighter dealt powerful blows to the beast, tweaking it greatly along with Kiyo's Chakra Attuned abilities. Mai was their support, helping them keep their senses alert. Even though it had been six years since the team had fought together, it felt like muscle memory at this point. Kiyo made a bet with Takeshi during the battle, whoever dealt the killing blow on the beast would get to pick their lunch spot for a month, and the other two would have to pay for it. In the midst of battle, Kiyo was showing her playful side to her teammates, despite the situation they both took on the bet.

However, slowly, the team realized this was not an easy battle.

For what felt like hours, Kiyo and her team clashed with the rogue ninja, enduring a ceaseless onslaught of time-altering jutsu. Mai's chakra-sensing abilities were consistently nullified, and Takeshi's powerful physical attacks were easily evaded. The enemy, with each calculated move, seemed to always be one step ahead. As the battle raged on, the situation grew increasingly dire. Mai and Takeshi, both brave and skilled ninja, were gradually worn down by the relentless assault.

Kiyo's desperation grew as she watched her friends suffer, and a sense of helplessness consumed her.

Takeshi, the team's frontline fighter, was gravely wounded in a fierce confrontation with the monstrous beast. Mai, the sensory ninja, was overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the rogue ninja's dark chakra.

Despite their heroic efforts, both of Kiyo's teammates fell, leaving her to face the rogue ninja and the beast alone.

Despair washed over Kiyo as she watched her comrades fall. Her sense of helplessness and rage melded together into an indomitable resolve. Kiyo had no time to even process what had happened, she knew she had to push past her limits to avenge her fallen friends and protect her village from the malevolent threat.

It was in this moment of despair that her Chakra Attuned abilities sparked, a flicker of something even greater. Desperation turned into a ferocious resolve, and she pushed herself beyond her limits. Her combat style shifted, becoming more feral and unpredictable. The rogue ninja, momentarily caught off guard, found himself on the defensive. However, his temporal powers still gave him an edge, and the battle raged on.

In a climactic moment, as Kiyo fought with a savagery fueled by grief, her powers awakened. The space-time rifts that had plagued the battle suddenly responded to her chakra in an entirely new way. She felt the very fabric of time bend to her will.

As she confronted the rogue ninja and the monstrous beast, Kiyo's eyes locked onto a mysterious tear in space and time that appeared amidst the chaos of the battle. The tear seemed to beckon to her, offering a glimmer of hope in her darkest hour. With her heart filled with anguish, she reached out and grasped the tear, triggering a surge of energy that coursed through her. With newfound mastery over the rifts in space-time, she unleashed the full potential of her Temporal Strider abilities. With each passing second, she manipulated time, gaining the upper hand in combat. The once relentless rogue ninja found themselves unable to predict Kiyo's moves and their temporal jutsu faltered against the might of her emerging power.

At that moment, something within Kiyo changed. Time itself seemed to bend to her will, granting her newfound abilities as a Temporal Strider. She felt moments elongate and contract, and she saw her adversaries move as if trapped in slow motion.

With her new powers, she unleashed the full fury of her chakra, manipulating the flow of time to her advantage. Her movements became faster, her dodges more precise, and her attacks impossibly swift. She attacked the rogue ninja and the monstrous beast with a ferocity they couldn't match.

The rogue ninja still put up a fight, but with the new surge of energy and drive from Kiyo, his was becoming worn out quickly. By the time he realized she had been sapping away at his chakra, it was too late, the tide of the battle had shifted in Kiyo’s favor.

In her feral rage, Kiyo showed no mercy to her enemy. Her newfound mastery over time allowed her to outmaneuver their attacks and retaliate with unparalleled force. The battle was relentless, but Kiyo's newfound abilities gave her the upper hand. almost as if she enjoyed toying with him before honing in on the kill, using her newfound abilities to make him feel the same hopelessness and sense of dread. In the final moments, Kiyo activated the Broken Timeline ability for temporal strider, giving her an upper hand in the battle, and Kiyo took out the beast he had summoned with sadistic ease before targeting the rogue ninja himself. After Kiyo took out the beast, The rogue ninja kept fighting but started to grow tired. Kiyo was consuming his chakra to keep herself in the fight for longer, and the chakra from the beast she slayed also gave her a boost. The rogue ninja finally surrendered to Kiyo, but it was too late, Kiyo decided he was not coming back to the village alive. Without mercy, or even giving him a chance to say his last words, Kiyo killed him using a mix of her Chakra Supernova technique, and Chronostasis to delay it. Almost giving him a sense of hope for a few seconds, before his own chakra turned on him, ultimately killing him in a painful way. After the battle, the landscape Kiyo, and her team were in faded, bringing them back to the outskirts of Kumo. Kiyo was exhausted, mentally, physically, and injured. Once she was sure the battle was over she turned to her fallen teammates and took her time to grieve them. This was not the first time she experienced loss, but this time hurt more than any other time. She knew this wouldn't be her last time either, she would not allow this to deter her drive to become a legendary ninja.
Kiyo collected her team, and the Rogue ninja's bodies in body bags, and sealed them in a scroll to return them home.

Kiyo had unlocked Temporal Strider, however, it came at a great cost. The battle had claimed the lives of Mai and Takeshi, leaving Kiyo to grapple with the immense loss of her friends. The power of her Kinjutsu was now in her hands, but it was a bittersweet victory, a manifestation of her anguish and her unwavering will to protect those she cared about.

Sukuna Kiyo, the Chakra Attuned Temporal Strider, now stood as a warrior with mastery over time, determined to ensure her comrades' sacrifice was not in vain and to protect her village and loved ones with her newfound abilities.

Clan Request: N/A

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A

Old Profile:

Old Training:

Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: None

Old Stats: Rank S

Agility: 600/600

Stamina: 600/600

Ninjutsu: 600/600

Taijutsu: 600/600

Genjutsu: 600/600

Chakra Control: 600/600

power level: 3,600

Old OOC Rank: S

Stat Cut: 0

New Stats:

Rank S

Agility: 600/600

Stamina: 600/600

Ninjutsu: 600/600

Taijutsu: 600/600

Genjutsu: 600/600

Chakra Control: 600/600

power level: 3,600

New OOC Rank: S

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:


[M] = mastered



The One-Two[M]

Low Sweep[M]


Uncalled For Shot[M]


4-Hit Combo[M]

Spinning Wind [M]

Dynamic Entry [M]

Dynamic Finish [M]

Nut Buster [M]




Body Switch[M]


Combination Transformation [M]

Crystal Eye [M]

Cancel [M]

Spirit Lantern [M]

Contract Summoning [M]


Jutsu Sealing [M]

Stunt Double[M]

One Element Sealing[M]

Elemental Negation[M]

Elemental Clone[M]




Charge [Mastered]

Grip [Mastered]

Fleeted [Mastered]

Block [Mastered]


Basic Safeguard [Mastered]

Brandish [Mastered]

Eagle Vision [Mastered]

Muscle Control [Mastered]

Shadow Play [Mastered]


Barrage [M]

Chakra Absorption [M]

Chakra Extension [M]

Dynamic Art [M]

Expel [M]

Feint [M]

Gather [M]

Shadow Dance [M]


Anabolic Frenzy [M]

Concealed Steps [M]

Counterstrike [M]

Cover [M]

Endure [M]

Focused Assault [M]

Unbound [M]

A-Rank Awakening [M]

Devastating Aura [M]

Insatiable Hunger [M]

Limit Break [M]

Unleash [M]


Dragon Assault [M]

Tiger Hook [M]

Step-In Flash [M]

Shoryuken [M]

Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku [M]

Roaring Combination [M]

Grapple [M]


Suplex [M]

Primary Lotus [M]

Shadow Step Strike [M]

Seismic Toss [M]

Submission [M]

Spear Hand [M]

16-Hit Combo [M]


Falcon Punch [M]

Eagle Drop [M]

Dance of the Waxing Moon [M]

Fist of Virtue [M]

Fist of Sin [M]


Cursed Sealing[M]

Shadow Shuriken[M]


Energy Transfer[M]

Leech Seal[M]

Chakra Shield[M]



Morality Sealing[M]

Nature's Guard [M]

Gate of Enma [M]

Stardust Nova [M]

Perfected Rasengan [M]

Five Element Seal [M]


Infernal Ember[M]

Thermal Maw[M]



Immolation Armor[M]

Combustive Seal[M]


Dragon Fire[M]

Searing Eruption[M]

Scalding Ash Cloud[M]

Heat Wave[M]


Infernal Hellfire[M]


Spontaneous Combustion[M]

Ring of Fire[M]


Dragon Flame Bomb[M]

Fire Tempest[M]

Abysmal Harbinger[M]

Flame Shield[M]


Storm Bolt[M]







Zeus Flash[M]

Lightning Torrent[M]


Volt Charge[M]

B Rank

Chidori [M]

Gigavolt Cannon [M]

Lightning Beast [M]

Amp Field [M]


Raijin's Vengeance [M]

Chidori Control [M]

Kirin [M]

Thunderdome [M]


Pressurized Mist[M]

Water Gun[M]


Water Whip[M]

Aqua Fang[M]

Rinse Off[M]


Grand Waterfall[M]

Impaling Hydro Jet[M]

Water Prison[M]

Rain Dance[M]


Torrential Vortex[M]

Hydro Tidal Shockwave[M]

Water Shark Bomb [M]

Mystical Pond [M]


Grand Hydra Excavation [M]

Water Dragon Bullet [M]

Scorn of Aquarius [M]

Supreme Aqua Realm [M]


Mask Summon

Critical Exposure



Chakra Sense[M]

Active Camo

Mental Infiltration



Intangible Passage

Shadow Servant



Physical Imprisonment Seal


Flock of Shadows

Black Blockade


Chakra Gates Kinjutsu Ability

Hot Blooded -Kinjutsu Ability

Go Beyond - B-Rank [M]

Morning Peacock - B-Rank [M]

Sure-Kill Strike - A-Rank [M]

Night Guy - S-Rank [M]

Other Refunds: idk tbh - it's been too long xD

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

Name of Kinjutsu you own:
Hachimon -
Swapping it to Temporal Strider (App for it above)

Still, actively roleplaying in any other threads:

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Refunded the sellback value of the Kinjutsu stuff - You have to go sell the items from your inventory yourself to get the remaining amount.
Also added to Cloud usergroup, handled name change, and banner change.

Welcome back!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
