Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Contract Search Adventure to the port.

Akira Roka

New Ninja
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
It had been a number of days since the last time Roka found herself with even a little bit of down time. Between work at the village's hospital, and herb collection missions, there wasn't much time for anything else. But today was different, and with Titan by her side, Roka had found herself at one of the more liveliest towns outside of her village in the region. Her first stop was at the countries most renown port, Port Cirrus. From there, she had plans to head down further south to a city known as Kelmura. While most would view these two cities as a place where wealth could be made, Roka saw it as a place to just sight see and window shop. Many of the merchants down here sold and bartered with international goods. While down this way today, Roka hoped to find a specific type of meat and some snacks from the fire country she hadn't had since she was little.

As she walked the outskirts of Port Cirrus, she'd reach down by her side and pat the top of Titan's head. "If were lucky, we might find some brazed pork belly and spicy candies from the fire country!" She told him, with a bit of excitement in her voice. Titan, who was twice the size of an average grey wolf, began to shake his tail in excitement. While the candies weren't for him, he was all to familiar with the taste of brazed pork belly. Even though it had been a long journey on foot, their first stop was now less than half a mile away.

[Wc: 269] [Marked for Training]
[Using an ASP Card: Crustacean]
[Topic Entered]
[Might be dual, might not, don't know]
A faint drizzle clung to Shiro’s cloak as he trudged off the main trade route and onto a smaller path leading toward Port Cirrus. By now, anyone looking at him might think he was simply another traveler passing through on business. In truth, he was taking an unplanned detour: there was something he had once owned, something important, that he suspected might still be here. The need to reclaim it had weighed on him ever since leaving the gathering with the Ryuu in the main of Kumogakure, present in his mind even as he raced through the halls of the country's most notorious prison.

With every step closer to the bustling port, Shiro felt a strange sense of familiarity, as though the swirling tide and sea-salt air held echoes of a memory he couldn’t fully grasp. He’d told himself that he would move on to his next objective without distraction. Yet the nagging pull of that missing possession was too strong to ignore.

Now, as he reached the edge of Port Cirrus, the sight of colorful stalls and the hum of distant chatter steered him further in. The crowd was thick, but Shiro’s gaze was sharp, scanning faces in hopes of spotting a clue or crossing paths with someone who might help. A large wolf and a kunoichi caught his eye, an unusual pair that stood out amid the throng of merchants and sailors. The sight of shinobi and canine side by side harkened him back to younger times, to an era that had now come and past. "Inuzuka... I would've remembered that..." The stormcaller thought, a furrow flashing on his brow beneath his Konohagakure headband. Suppressing the surge of unease that came with the realization that already things were changing, the Time Walker eased his way through the gathering crowd, drawn onward towards that familiar shop by the unshakable feeling that he was closer than ever to returning to what he’d lost.

[Topic Entered]
[WC .:. 323 Words]
Finally, Roka and Titan had arrived to Port Cirrus and at first glance, the crowds were just as massive as ever. Glancing down at her faithful friend, she nodded and began to make her way through the busy streets of the ports. Her first stop, a gift shop usually dedicated to couples. They had everything from fine jewelry, new and old, to snacks, and other types of gifts one would give a loved one. She didn't know if her spicy candies were even in season, but it seemed like the right time of year anyway.

On occasion, she'd bump shoulders with a stranger here and there. While she made an effort to apologize and excuse herself, they tended to be to preoccupied to even care. "Rude.." She thought, as she glanced at Titan sniffing about. "I know you smell it too boy." She'd tell him, as she closed her eyes and took in the aroma of freshly cooked street foods. "We're definitely gonna pig out while we're down here. I just want to find our snacks first." Said Roka, as she patted his head once again.

Before long, she found herself at a small building with a sliding door. Sliding it open, she glanced at Titan and watched as he took a seat next to the door. Upon entering, she took notice as to how the merchants display counters seemed full of jewelry. Some from this country, and others from all around. Her eyes lit up for a second, before quickly shifting to the back of the shop where the goods were usually stored. Walking past the merchant entirely, she quickly scanned the shelves.

[Wc: 274 for Contract]
Shirokouu stepped inside the shop with steady purpose, briefly scanning the shelves and counters arranged along each wall. A quick glance confirmed what he had both feared and suspected: the small trinket he recalled, a simple band with a distinctive design, was nowhere to be seen. Whether it had been sold long ago or had never even been made in this timeline was impossible to say, and the realization brought with it a mixed pang of regret and resignation. "Things are already changing..." He took a slow breath, quietly allowing himself a moment to quell his disappointment and fear of the unknown before turning his attention to a set of vials near the counter. They contained finely layered sand in vibrant shades of red, white, gold, dark purple, and a deep steel blue, each carefully dyed to create striking patterns.

As he turned the vial over in his hand, Shiro felt a subtle prickle at the back of his neck. Glancing up, he took in the lone customer who had just entered. The large wolf at her side was immediately eye-catching, its height and bearing a clear testament to a life well-trained and well-traveled. His gaze shifted to the young woman, noting that the beast at her side was not just a simple companion, but a hallmark of her Inuzuka heritage. Though she seemed occupied with her own search, moving with the ease and self-assurance of a trained shinobi, her presence served as a reminder that he was not the only one here with specialized skills. For a moment, he considered slipping out quietly, but the memory of what had brought him here, the chance at replacing a piece of his past, kept him rooted.

Deciding that improvisation was the best course, he approached Roka and lightly tapped the glass of the vial to catch the woman's attention. He offered her a polite nod, acknowledging her companion with a quick glance. "Excuse me miss," he began, holding up the miniature container of brightly hued sand. "Hope I'm not bothering you, but I was hoping to get your opinion. I'm buying this for someone special to me... What do these colors make you think of?" There was a carefully measured warmth in his voice, and he shrugged in a show of uncertainty. The question was partly genuine. On the surface, dyed sand might simply be a decorative item, but he knew that with a precise application of his own unique lightning-laden abilities, it could be shaped into something far more significant. Even so, he wanted a second opinion, preferably from someone who might have lived a more well-adjusted life than the time-scorned Santaru had. He looked with a slight smile down at the massive canine. Then, turning his attention from Titan back to the kunoichi, he waited for her response with a politely inquisitive look, all the while reminding himself to tread carefully. Something about the wolf and its handler told him that she was not someone to take lightly, and he preferred to keep his own secrets buried until the time was right.

[WC .:. 513 | Total .:. 845]
As she focused on the shelves before her, someone began to tap vial behind her. Turning to glance back behind her, she noticed him nod at her. Fully turning, she crossed her arms and listened to him speak while he held a small container of colored sand. He seemed polite, and genuinely just making conversation, so she relaxed a little bit as her arms slipped down towards her hips. "Hmm. Does this special someone like going to a beach, or something like that?" She answered. Roka wasn't the type of girl who liked trinkets and nick knacks. After asking that question, she'd provide a little context to why she asked the question. "Because, it reminds me of one of those little gift shop items from tourist shops. It's kinda hard to look past the vial and not image that." She stated.

Glancing out of the corner of her eye, she saw a box laying on the floor beside one of the display cases. Shifting her focus to it, for a brief second, he eyes widened. Her favorite candies were right there, waiting for some space on a shelf to have some clear room. "Hey shop keep, how much for that entire box of those candies in the box?" She asked, before glancing back towards the man with the sand in his hand.

"Ma'am, that'll be Twenty five thousand yen." The keep stated, as he watched Roka's eyes slightly widen in disbelief. "That's like a whole missions pay right there, how?" She thought, as she once again turned her focus to the guy with the vial of sand. Raising her hand up towards her head, she pointed her thump towards the shop keep. "He's lost his mind, hasn't he?" She asked the guy. "Ma'am, that's the price. Take it or leave." Said the keep, as Roka slightly began to shake her head.

Letting out a quick "Whistle", Titan sat up and glanced into the building. "Lets go boy." She said, as she slowly began to pass by the man who had spoke to her earlier. As she approached the door, a suddenly explosion rang out in the distance, shaking the very ground beneath their feet.


The sound of the explosion rang out, almost as if it were echoing through the entire city, before coming to a brief silence. Startled by sound, she stopped dead in her tracks and glanced back into the shop. Then, the screams of panicking citizens, tourists, and locals shrieking in fear filled the streets. "That sounded like it came from the harbor!" Shouted Roka, as her and Titan took off in the direction without another word. Both her and Titan took to the streets, and began weaving through the civilians who were now rushing in the opposite direction.

This trip was supposed to be for leisure, but even here Roka had an obligation to the civilians of the lighting country. While she was a Shinobi, she was also a full fledged Medical Shinobi. An explosion like this would've caused mass destruction, and who knew how many people could've been caught up within it. Glancing back towards Titan, she saw him bash through a group of civilians, knocking them to the ground on accident. "Sorry! I'm a Medic and thats my assistant. Get somewhere safe!" She called out to the guys, as she continued towards the Harbor.

[Post Word Count: 560]
[Word Count for Training: 250] [Marked]
[Word Count for Contract: 310] [Contract Word Count Total: 584]
Shirokouu dipped his head in a polite half-bow, acknowledging Roka’s thoughts on the vial. Part of him knew it was asking too much of a stranger, especially without context, to gauge the worth or sentiment behind his intended purchase. Still, he managed a quiet smile. “I appreciate the honesty,” he said, tone calm as ever. “I suppose I was hoping the colors would speak for themselves.” He glanced once more at the container in his hand, thinking how little sense it might make to anyone else. Yet he refrained from explaining that he had hoped to reforge these grains into something symbolic. Lightning and sand had their reaction, after all. So instead, he merely gave a slight, reflective nod.

A sudden roar, the boom of an explosion, rattled the windows, and Shiro’s attention snapped to the world outside. In the space of a single heartbeat, he acted. What Roka and any bystanders might perceive as a momentary blur was in fact Shiro channeling his mastery of both lightning-laced speed and the malleability of time he now commanded. In one instant he stood inside the shop. In the next millisecond he was by the counter, depositing more than enough yen to satisfy the shopkeeper. Just as swiftly, he was at the door, face set in steely resolve. That single explosion reverberated in his mind, reminding him that any hesitation could cost lives. With one final glance, he saw Roka sprinting into the street alongside her massive wolf. A sense of respect for her quick response flickered through him, and he answered her purposeful stride with a small, resolute nod.

Emerging into the chaos, Shiro’s focus honed on the harbor where panicked citizens rushed inland, fear and confusion written across their faces. He darted through the throng with practiced ease, mind already cataloging the potential hazards. Bits of shattered wood and scattered debris told the story of something violent, but that was hardly the only surprise. As he wove through the narrow alleys leading to the docks, he noticed people pointing and screaming in alarm. He skidded to a stop at the edge of the waterfront and watched in stunned silence as a near-infinite wave of red crabs scuttled across the wharf, their chitinous bodies clicking against the wooden boards. The spectacle was both bizarre and unsettling. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, crawling and snapping their claws in unison, spreading through Port Cirrus like a restless tide of crimson red.

Sparing a quick glance over his shoulder, Shiro saw Roka and Titan closing in with similar urgency, their expressions mirroring the confusion he felt. Whatever had triggered this invasion, it posed a clear threat to the port’s inhabitants. With no time to exchange words, he simply locked eyes with the Inuzuka medic and dipped his head in acknowledgment as if to say, "Let's go." He had learned well, from all his harrowing experiences, that in moments like this, cooperation between skilled individuals often meant the difference between disaster and salvation. Stepping forward, Shiro focused on both the unrelenting tide of crabs and the path he would need to carve through it, silently hoping their combined efforts would be enough to keep Port Cirrus from descending into utter chaos.

[WC .:. 537 | Total .:. 1382]
1st wave of Red Crabs
Mass Heath Pool:
50,000 - 860 - 2500 = 46,640.​

- Keep Ap in Mind
- Let's do a D2 roll for our hit or miss. (1 = hit & 2 = Miss) (Roll ur own! Honor system =D)
- AoE spam time, if you can. Multiple AoE damage by times hit.

As the duo approached the Harbors, a massive wave of neigh uncountable red crabs began to flood the Port. At first glance, Roka couldn't figure out where the explosion came from, but right now that was neither here nor there. Glancing back towards Titan, and then towards the man from the shop, Roka nodded in unison. There was no need for words, only actions. Instantly, she shifted into both her Lighting Style and Feral shift. As lightning began to form around her body, Roka raised her hands and began clapping; using her thunder clap Technique. After which, she jumped forward as Lightning based Chakra began to channel throughout her arm, engulfing her hand; Chidori!

As her Chidori technique ringed out, a large group of crabs cleared an opening. "No way!" She shouted while in shock, before she glanced over to see what the stranger was doing. "How are these things able to coordinate a dodge like that?" She asked herself, before changing tactics. Instinctively, she knew targeting this large group of crabs with area of effect techniques would prove best, but Roka just didn't have access to techniques like that. While unfortunate, she continued as she held out her palms, focused her chakra, and let loose a bright beam of electricity that appeared almost like a beam of energy; Gigavolt Cannon. Once again, the horde of crabs somehow evaded her technique.

In pure frustration now, Roka performed hand seals once again as she held out her palms. "Third times the charm!" She thought, as she saw the wave of crabs form tightly together. Once again, her chakra focused around the palms of her hand before letting lose another bright beam of electricity. Instantly, the beam of electricity shot out, landing directly on a cluster of the crabs! "Lets go!" She thought, once again glancing at the other guy. Hopefully he'd catch on soon, otherwise this would probably prove to challenging for Roka alone. Quickly, her glance turned towards Titan. He hadn't been with her since she jumped into the fray. "Wait, where's titan?" She asked herself.

He had never been one to leave her side, especially not in a situation like this. Usually they were in sync while fighting alongside each other. Right now though, she just didn't spot him on the battle field at all. Upon realizing this, a sudden since of concern shot into the back of her skull. However, before she could further worry the swam of crabs around her began to regroup, drawing her attention to the immediate situation once again. Her eyes began to shift, side to side, as she wondered what to do next, before yelling out to the other guy. "If you know any area of effect techniques, it'd be rather useful!" She'd shout, before to went on the move again.

[Wc: 468] [250 for training, 218 for contract] [Contract Total: 802]

2 styles (-1ap)
Thunder clap (-1.5ap) [1,1,1,2,2,2,2 = 860 damage]
Chidori (-2.5ap) [1 = miss]
Gigavolt Cannon (-2.5ap) [1 = miss]
Gigavolt cannon (-2.5ap) [2 = 2500 damage]

Current Ninpocho Time:
