Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

3 Doors Down [Medic Team Meet and Greet]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

If I go crazy . . .

Sitting in a wheel chair, Umashi was doing his best to try and understand the nonsensical man before him. The guy . . . one of the psych ward types was going on and on about his days in the war and before there were ninja with their fancy ninjutsu tricks and yadda, yadda, yadda. Was this perhaps how people tended to look at him when he went off on his tangents? One could hardly tell but for all of the man's antics, it probably didn't help that Umashi looked like a masked monk with a terrible rash. All these disguises were really starting to probably wear thin on the reading audience but Umashi wasn't about to be one of those wear-the-same-thing-everyday types. No sir, his appearance was about as predictable as the weather and the weather around this time of year was pretty unpredictable if you lived in the general Mid West to North East lake area; call it poetic justice for the botched up super bowls that he'd found a bit deflated the other morning.

Practicing a wheelie in the wheelchair, Umashi moved on to the next less than interesting patient that he could find. Personally he liked to call these less than important persons NPC's but according to some circles it wasn't all that nice to be so crass. As he landed a less than stellar trick with his wheelchair, he noticed the sound of something plastic hitting the ground behind him. Whirling around he looked at the ground and picked up what appeared to be a name tag. Had this been on his wheelchair? It was just sitting in the middle of the hallway when he grabbed it and decided to have some fun. Wait . . . was this one of those times where people were directly associated with being crazy just because they were found in a group of crazies? Was Umashi even in his right mind in the first place? Did Koba ever drag himself through glass due to v6 not coming out on time? The insurmountable evidence was clear, some things just didn't need to be questioned, but nevertheless, according to a very fancy looking name plate, Umashi was now Jo Ku, or patient #1337. Let the shenanigans begin!

OOC: Umashi's appearance can be referenced to the pic posted at the top.
Jul 18, 2014
Fukkatsu walked down a average hallway in the hospital, his 10 zombies following him perfectly. He always kept the masked nuns around himself when no one else walked him somewhere, for the void of another person was always a difficult toll to handle. The strange eyes of the timeless doctor seemed to stare into the spiritual essence of the world, but who could tell? The gazing eyes locked onto a man practicing the art of doing a "wheelie" in his wheelchair. Fukkatsu walked to the man calmly, why did he try such a, strange stunt? He was by himself in this hallway, was he just bored? Fukkatsu said, "Pardon, Mister..." He leaned his head to the left, marking the name tag, finishing his sentence, "...Jo ku. I am here to give you your medicine, and listen to your story everyone said you were rambling about. Shall we go back to your room?" The tall Goliath in front of Umashi stood 7'2 feet tall, his scrubs strangely matching his eyes. But, his eyes instead of being white were a bright blue. The pure white dots that made up his pupils looked like something out of a horror movie if the blue were instead the blackest night.

The man silently gripped onto the wheelchair, showing physical strength in keeping it steady. He tried to gently push him forward, walking down to a large open space near the mess hall if Umashi let him. Raito grabbed a medical box from one of his servants, while they walked off to a small open space he called the garden. Fukkatsu said, "I will be giving you some Methotrexate to help with your cancer. Shall I give you your treatment?"

(Topic left)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Wait, that’s not how it was supposed to work. There were supposed to be gags and laughs along with the afore mentioned rag time hour. Alas, without the much needed attention that he was used to garnering, Jo Ku the clown ended up being one sad clown at least on the inside. Outside there were all smiles, and for the briefest of moments something more than even that. Sadly though for him, the games were over and the show would go on without him for one monkey could never stop the entirety of the show. Questions about the who and the what, the when and the where . . . those would come later but playing a patient in this nut house, bah, the doppelgangers could handle the rest of the stuff on the home front. Certain characters faded from memory simply due to having nothing to do with the main story, others knew when to take their bow. Hopefully he’d fall somewhere in between but closer to the later.

OOC: Topic left/ended

Sorry about taking so long to respond and all that jive.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
