Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Chance Encounter... Of Song?

Kobayashi Yuuko

New Ninja
Jan 5, 2019
Yuuko would move through the halls a bit sluggishly today. It was a rather slow day for her today. She had just sat through a class which comprised mainly of listening to a teacher talk. She enjoyed learning the information. Yuuko just wasn’t as enthusiastic about listening, and learning. Especially compared to the other lessons she had taken such as one of her first. Yuuko wished she had something more exciting to do. She was likely to just go, and practice with her ninjutsu.

As she made her way through the hall something would catch her attention. A small noise that sounded like someone’s voice. It wasn’t a normal voice though. Not the voice of someone speaking at least. It was quiet, very quiet, and whoever it belonged to seemed like they might be singing. The voice was though very quiet, and hard to hear. With a mix of curiosity, and boredom she would go towards it. Following it as best as possible through the quiet, and unusually empty hall. She had nothing left scheduled to do today. She had time to lose, and so off she went. The noise was seemingly getting louder, and it was only a matter of time before she found the source.
Seeing as she was alone Akemi could often be found singing when she was all by her lonesome. Dancing and singing to her own tune she swayed back and forth twirling her dress lifting up a bit as she did so. She was finished with all her classes for the day and was just kind of enjoying herself out in the open of the hallway that was rather barren of visitors this time of day. This made her confident that there wouldn't be anyone to peep on her and notice what she was doing which would greatly embarrass her.

Suddenly as she was singing and dancing she heard a footsteps coming closer and closer as if they were headed straight for the white haired girl. In a fit of panic she misstepped during her twirl and got caught off balance ultimately resulting in her falling down to the floor in the middle of the hallway. The footsteps were just around the corner and there was nowhere Akemi could hide so as to not look like a klutz she simply got back on her feet and waited the arrival of whoever those footsteps belonged to in anguish.

[WC: 196 TWC: 196]
Yuuko would see a corner that appeared to lead to the singing. She was almost there when suddenly the noise stopped. It was though followed by another noise which seemed like the sound of someone falling. Yuuko would pick up the pace a bit no concerned someone had gotten hurt. She’d turn the corner and see a white-haired girl who was quite a bit taller than her. She’d look at the girl with a bit of a concerned look. “Hi there I was following a noise, and I heard something that sound like someone falling, or dropping something. Did you see anything?” She’d ask speaking pretty quickly, and stumbling over her words just a bit.
Seeing a green haired and rather short girl approach her from around the corner Akemi simply walked back towards her hearing her ask a few questions stating some thing she had heard from around the corner. She couldn't decide whether to say she hadn't heard anything or whether it would simply be better for her to explain what actually happened. The girl in front of her seemed unsure herself of what she heard saying it in a spastic manner stumbling over her own words as well.

"Well what you heard was me. I was singing and dancing as I normally do when I am alone or at least I perceive myself to be alone as I did this time. Hearing your footsteps however startled me as I am not one to like to perform and sing or dance in front of others. Being thrown off balance by the sudden recognition that you were coming closer to me I fell and crashed down to the floor before picking myself up quickly and calmly brushing the dirt off of me before you got around the corner."

Finishing that last sentence she took a deep breath and offered the younger looking and much shorter girl her hand and a bright smile to go with it. Anyways my name is Akemi Yuki and I am pleased to meet you. What is your name? Asking that question and holding her hand out she simply couldn't stop smiling at the girl happy to meet new people that may eventually and hopefully become her friends and maybe even future teammates and allies.
“Oh I see.” Yuuko would say nodding along as the girl talked. “My name is Kobayashi Yuuko, and I’m pleased to meet you to Yuki.” She’d say giving a short bow to her. “Your singing is really nice from what I heard. I’m sure your dancing was good too.” She’d say smiling kindly. “How long have you been at the academy? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”
Listening to the girl speak in her soft and smooth voice she almost lost herself in the voice had it not been for the girl saying her last name first which was quite weird to her. Maybe it was a mistake but she couldn't tell if it was that or maybe she was making fun of her for it. As the girl finished asking and complimenting her she giggled a little bit before clearing her throat and getting ready to speak herself."Thanks for the compliments but I don't think I'm very good at either. My first name is Akemi by the way Yuki is my last name. As for how long I have been at the academy I am relatively new to here so not having seen me before isn't a big surprise. I am glad to have met you too Yuuko. Offering her hand out to the girl she smiled kindly at her making sure to remember her manners that she had always been known to upkeep back at home.
Yuuko would listen to the girl reply a bit baffled that she thought she couldn’t sing well. She was also embarrassed as she realized she had said her last name first. She’d figured it was part of her stressing out over the sound of someone falling. Though it was also likely to be just a normal slip of mind. Either way she felt quite embarrassed having done that. Yuuko would reach out shaking the girl’s offered hand politely. “Ah I’m so sorry not sure why I did that.” She’d say smiling a bit nervously. “I’ve been at the academy for a bit now. Though I’m also kinda new. Maybe we could help each other out sometimes? I’m always looking for new friends to train with!” She’d say with a happy smile, and beaming eyes.
Smiling as the girl seemed to be very embarrassed at the fact that she had said the wrong name. It was quite funny and happens more than one would think. As they shook hands the girl seemed to have a shaky handshake but it was quite alright as she seemed very embarrassed while she was also apologizing for that. "Sure I would love to make new friends. That's what this is all about right. Meeting a lot of like minded individuals that you can help and that can help you achieve your ultimate goals and grow and bond with. We could most definitely train together. It should be a lot of fun to do so and I'm looking forward to some training with you Yuuko."
Yuuko was quite happy talking to Akemi. She seemed like a very nice person who understood the values of friendship. Yuuko was very well versed in the powers of friendship, and had witnessed it first hand. Friends were like a source of power just waiting to be tapped into. Not to mention they were also incredibly fun as well. That was what Yuuko really cared about. “Me too I’d love to train with you! We could train our ninjutsus or maybe go tree climbing together!” She’d say excitedly. “Then we’ll be really strong, and awesome!” She’d finish positively beaming.
Smiling at the girl she simply hadn't realized the time and started to walk away abruptly from her not very fast but she walked right passed the girl and bumped in to her. "Hey sorry I really have to go I am going to be late to my next class I didn't realize what time it was until now. Maybe we can catch up later today if your're not all that busy you know? I really have to go tho sorry!" Feeling bad for the girl she was going to make it a point that she would seek this girl out later on in the day or the next day.
[Left Topicsssssss]

Current Ninpocho Time:
