Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Contract with a Demon [DA app] -- INW

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017

A Contract with a Demon

Chapter 1

The air was cold with an eerie stillness. The wind had ceased and the animals that normally inhabit the area near Kyo had gone silent. This caught the his and his wolf's attention. Kyo and Dakota looked around at the sudden silence. Usually if things go dead silent, at least with the natural inhabitants of an area, something wasn't right. Kyo sniffed the air and shook his head, turning to look towards Dakota. She sniffed the air and turned to look towards Kyo as if to tell him that they didn't have anything. Standing up, Kyo pulled out his bow and threaded one of his primitive arrows into the bow. The sound of a bow-string bouncing could be heard, causing Kyo to turn around and loose an arrow in the same direction as the noise. As Kyo's arrow flew through the air, it collided with an opposing arrow. The other arrow, made of a superior design and materials, tore through Kyo's arrow, splitting it down the middle before proceeding towards Kyo. Moving a hand off of his bow, he turned his body and caught the arrow in his hand.

He turned the arrow around and looked around to find where the arrow came from, stringing the caught arrow and aiming erratically to find the source. The sound of another bowstring's 'twang' could be heard and Kyo tracked the source of the arrow and shot the same arrow that he caught earlier towards the new-to-arrive arrow. The two collided with one another, deflecting the on-coming arrow down to the ground and his arrow skyward. "Show yourself, coward! Who are you and what is your purpose?" Kyo shouted out only for there to not be a response.

The person remaining in hiding holds their head to to their ear where a headset laid and a voice entered his ear.
Introduce yourself and tell him your purpose
With a confirming nod, the man stood up to reveal himself, having hid himself in a mound of snow. He brushed off some of the powder from his shoulder, holding a very powerful-looking bow with several quivers attached to his back. The man stepped forward in the snow with his footsteps being so light that his very steps do not leave an indent in the snow. His traces would be incredibly difficult to track, the markings of a true assassin. Kyo caught this as he pulled out yet another arrow and strung it, aiming directly for the man's throat. The man stopped once he got within vocal range of Kyo and shouted out. "I am Hironaga Kiku! I have been sent here to kill you on order of Ryong Ki-Moon!" the man shouted out.

Kyo growled and turned the arrow upon the bow-string to increase the tension. Sensing this, Dakota stood up and took a fighting stance directly next to Kyo. "No. This one is mine, Dakota. Back me up if anyone else arrives," Kyo said before Dakota lets out a loud bark. Her eyes scanned the horizon for anyone else that was sent to kill Kyo. She backed up and kept her attention on the assassin, in the event that he'd use her as leverage against Kyo, while also keeping her view on the surrounding for an ambush. Kyo released his arrow towards the man only for the arrow to instantly disintegrate. The man's form had changed to something unholy. His hair turned a pure white, as white as the snow and strange, cutaneous horns appeared over the man's skin, acting as a form of armor. He strung yet another arrow into his quiver and pointed the weapon at Kyo. A single word was spoken to him.
The command caused him to release an arrow covered in dark energy towards Kyo before the arrow struck him in the chest. Kyo had blood splattered all over the ground and took a knee. After a brief moment, Kyo's appearance changed to that of a wooden log with an arrow stuck through it. The demonic man strung another two arrows into the bow and pulled the bow back. In the distance, hiding himself within a nearby wooded area, Kyo started to breathe heavily. He encountered demons before, one having granted his power to take other people's power by consuming them, but he had never encountered one in the flesh. He never encountered someone who actually took the form of a demon, one that made a body and soul contract with one.
The man turned his eyes towards the wooded area only to see Kyo's left arm sticking out from behind a tree. With a release of his fingers, black energy formed around the arrows, causing the arrows to fly in a helix-like trajectory before taking on the shape of twin black dragons, swirling around one another towards their destination. Kyo figured he'd be safe from the dragons before seeing them phase completely through the trees and rocks that Kyo attempted to use as cover. Seeing this as a bad sign, Kyo attempted to jump out of the way only for his right arm to get grazed by the swirling black dragons. After recovering, Kyo felt a burning sensation coming from his arm. Kyo felt the burning go all the way up his arm, causing what looked like necrosis to slowly spread. From the blackness of the curse, he saw black tendrils pop out of the wound. His eyes grew large at seeing this abominable curse take him. Fighting through the pain, Kyo started to laugh. His laugh went from something an evil villain would do to something more maniacal and unhinged.

The unhinged laughter caused the demonic man to raise a brow before Kyo made himself openly visible to him, holding his arms out. His arm was searing with the black energy with the black tendrils wriggling around mindlessly. "That's it! That's all I need to complete myself! All I have to do is defeat you and then eat you! Then I will get all the power I could ever hope for! To eat a demon would be the ultimate feast!" Kyo said. He was always one for being long-winded and monologuing before doing something drastic. It had dramatic flare and also accentuated his own personal pride and haughty character. Before Kyo was able to finish talking, the man let out a single arrow towards Kyo, taking the arrow on the shoulder of the cursed arm. The tendrils wrapped themselves around the arrow. Kyo dropped the bow he was using earlier and equipped his Mother's Fur gloves. A look of bloodlust could be seen in Kyo's eyes, like the eyes of a hungry wolf toying with his prey, as he started to run towards the man, moving onto all fours to run like an animal.

As Kyo ran on all fours, the arrow that was stuck into his arm ripped out, leaving a massive and gaping hole in his arm where his blood tracked upon the pure white snow. As Kyo approached, the demonic man dropped the man-made bow before a bow-shape started to form in his arm. The bow was massive, larger than he and all formed out of his own flesh. He pulled something from out of his chest, appearing to look like a muscular arrow. The arrow was dyed black as if burnt by the fires of hell. He strung the arrow with a long pull. With the release of the arrow, it flew towards Kyo at a supersonic speed, causing a massive 'BOOM' as it flew towards him. Knowing this was something he wouldn't want to be hit by, Kyo stopped and anchored his foot to turn the other way to avoid the arrow. As it touched down onto the ground, a massive explosion pushed Kyo forward towards the man pulling out yet another hell-fire arrow. The momentum was great and impaled Kyo upon the arrow.

His body went limp upon the arrow. Kicking Kyo off of the arrow, he let his body sit in the snow as he started to bleed out. Turning around, the demonic man pressed his hand up to his ear and simply stated. "Target eliminated," were the only words he said.
He's not dead, you idiot!
The demonic man heard in his headset before looking down to seeing a hand sticking straight through his chest. With that, the man collapsed to the ground and fell over dead. After the adrenaline of the fight drained out, Kyo growled and quickly used Mystical Hand upon his chest. "That trait from that damn deer actually came in handy, ugh!" he said as he slowly started to heal himself after lasting much longer than he should have. While he healed himself, he saw the man revert to his original form. With a grumble, Kyo finished healing himself back to the land of the living and took a knee beside the man and ripped the headset out of his ear and started to consume the man's flesh. Dakota decided to join Kyo and enjoy a well-deserved meal. While consuming the man, Kyo's face showed regret due to his lack of interest in eating human flesh. After consuming the man's flesh, both he and Dakota were completely covered in the man's blood.

Intense pain shot through all of Kyo's body and his body turned completely black with those same black tendrils covering his entire body. Even through this pain, Kyo still laughed hysterically. "Oh yes! I can feel this intense power!!" he said before continuing to laugh. The blackness enveloped him for a moment before the tendrils wrapped him up in a cocoon-like shape before vanishing. Kyo stood up, licking the blood from his fingers. His hair turned a blood red color. He ran his fingers through his new red hair before walking over to the headset and pressed it to his ear.

"Hello, Ki-Moon," Kyo said only to hear a feminine voice respond back. "Hello, dearest brother," she said. Kyo stepped back, stunned at what he heard. "Stop this charade! Ki-Moon is a man!" Kyo said in response. He was in complete and utter disbelief at what he heard. "It seems your memory fails you, brother. I wonder what else the ANBU have done to you while you were unconscious. Probably a lot since you were out for 6 months," Ki-Moon responded. "Six months? It was only 3 days! Stop with your lies, impostor. I'm going to kill you for impersonating my brother," Kyo said before ripping out the headset and throwing it onto the ground. He stomped on it soon-after, destroying the electronic device.

Kyo let out an audible groan before turning to look towards Dakota. "Pack up, we have an impostor to find and kill. Telling me lies about my past. What do they know?" he said before moving towards a clean patch of snow, picking it up and rubbing it over his body to clean the blood off of him. Dakota does the same by rolling in a patch of snow. After cleaning themselves off, for the most part, the duo returned back to Kumogakure.

WC: 1839

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Chapter 2

A ninja knelt down in front of a black-haired woman sitting on what looked like a throne. The woman looked at the kneeling shinobi with disinterested eyes before she turned her head to the side and sighed. She lifted a single hand and made a hand gesture to signal to him 'carry on' before the man stood up and placed his balled-up-fist upon his chest. "Madam, Ki-Moon. Kyo-Moon has returned to Kumogakure. What would you like us to do?" the nameless, faceless assassin asked the woman sitting in the chair. With a lingering look of disinterest, she turned to look at the shinobi dead-on before saying, "Don't kill him. Bring him here. I wish to speak to him in-person," she mentioned before the shinobi nodded and stated. "I will have it bring Kyo in," he said before stepping backwards and then vanished to who-knows-where.

"It's been 15 years now, Kyo-Moon? Let's see how much of a man you've become in those many years," she said as a small grin crept across her lips.

Meanwhile, Kyo entered the village through the gates and was making his way back towards the estate. He had to jump through hoops to explain all of the blood on his body, clothing, and all over Dakota. The simple answer was that the two of them went out hunting only for their catch to be taken by a massive clutch of bears. While that was kind of a weak excuse, it was enough to fool the guard. Kyo and Dakota made their way towards the mansion with an angered expression upon their face. The people walking on the street noticed the angered expression upon Dakota's face and instantly made way for fear of their own lives. Kyo had every mind to walk to the Sileo Tempesta and begin questioning the ANBU that took him in, in the first place, and get answers there. However, the ANBU were a crafty bunch and going straight in to question them would bare no fruit. They were hardened and trained to resist interrogation -- besides that would be seen as some form of treason.

Kyo's eyes caught a silhouette staring down at him from one of the rooftops. Kyo was stunned upon seeing this creature, yet another abomination sent by his brother? Kyo nudged the massive wolf and turned his head towards the strange shadow that was looking down at him. The creature just looked down with a non-intimidating posture. It seemed to only be observing. After Kyo and Dakota observed the creature for a moment, assessing that it wasn't threatening, the two of them continued their way towards the estate. The creature that was stalking them moved in an amorphous manner, always keeping the masked face upon them. As the body moved, the mask remained to stay static, not conforming to any of the bouncing and jiggling from it's movement, maintaining a smooth movement like a camera on rails.

The abomination flowed as it followed Kyo and Dakota, jumping from building to building in a manner that one would imagine water moving. It was an eerie sight and only one that Kyo and Dakota could see. The two of them noticed that nobody else paid the creature a single mind as it drifted very visibly noticeable in the public. Kyo pat Dakota twice on the side before the two started to bolt towards the mansion only for the spooky mass to jump from the building and appear directly before Kyo and Dakota. It's body started to inflate and vibrate before a haunting howl could be heard from it. From out of it's amorphous body, a mouth appeared bearing massive teeth before devouring Kyo and Dakota whole, enveloping them in darkness.
So this is what it's like
Kyo and Dakota awaken to find themselves in an extremely bright right. The walls, ceiling, and floor were white, as if they were made out of lights themselves. Kyo shielded his eyes for a moment to let his eyes adjust to the new lighting before seeing a woman with black hair sitting upon a throne-like chair. The woman stood up from her seat and held her hand out towards Kyo. Dakota got thrown to the other-side of the massive room while Kyo was being pulled in towards the woman. Not having fully aroused from the darkness, Kyo started to panic as he dug his claws into the floor only for the floor to not be penetrated by his claws. This caused a loud squeal to be heard as his claws scraped against the floor. As the woman stopped, Kyo was forced onto his feet a mere 8 feet away from her.

"Hello, brother dearest," the woman said with a smirk upon her face. Kyo spit in her face, causing the woman to wipe the fluid off with her hands. "It's been 15 years and that's how you treat our reunion?" she said before walking up to Kyo and slapping him with the open palm of her left hand. Kyo's head snapped to the side and his face turned a deep crimson color. That slap stung like hell. "Ki-Moon is a man. Ki-Moon is my twin BROTHER. You are an impostor, a fake! How could you do that to Ki-Moon's good name!" he said before the woman who claimed to be Ki-Moon walked up to Kyo and ran the tip of her finger over the line of his jaw.

"Those ANBU must have really screwed you up, dear brother. Ruining your memories like that. It seems they did make a lamb out of a wolf," she said before leaning in to Kyo's ear and started to speak quietly into it. Kyo's expression went from annoyed to shocked. He shook his head and took a step back, crumbling down to his knees. He shook his head and looked up to the one that called themselves Ki-Moon. "Those are nothing but lies!" Kyo shouted out before his body started to change. While his body started to undergo it's transformation, Ki-Moon simply looked at him with a smug look on her face. She started to untie the tie around her neck and before Kyo was able to finish his transformation into an unholy creature, Ki-Moon flung out her tie, impaling Kyo in the stomach with it.

"Don't be a naughty boy, now Kyo-Moon. Just accept reality for what it is. Don't deny the truth that I told you. But consider yourself lucky, dear beloved twin brother. If we weren't related by blood, I'd have killed you by now," the woman said before pulling the rigid tie-weapon from Kyo's body, causing blood to spray all over the pristine looking room. "Come back when you're stronger, big brother, okay?" she said with a big warm smile upon her face before Kyo passed out.

"Dump the body outside of the village. It would draw too much attention to drop him off somewhere in the village," she said to the strange creature that had brought Kyo here. With a nod, the creature once again devoured Dakota and Kyo, disappearing from the once pristine white room. "I have told you the truth, Kyo. It's up to you whether or not you want to believe me," Ki-Moon said before taking a seat back upon her throne.

WC: 1208
[Topic Finished/Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
