INPC Li Bububeri
Li Bububeri had once been a News Reporter (in training), but found herself out of work with advances in journalism. Namely, no one read newspaper anymore. The industry had been hard when people realized that reading was for NERDS and that cool people spent their time running and carrying weights inside a cubicle. At least that was Li figured people must have thought. The book shops she visited rarely had anyone else besides herself and the owner. These running cubicles, gyms as they were called, on the other hand seemed filled with people whenever she passed them. Was she just going to the wrong book stores? Or was it that these gyms were fronts for an evil organization bent on destroying the world?
At any rate Li switched careers and was now resident maid to a minor member of the nobility.
It was not an awful position. Her mistress, the Countess Bakunin, was a widow and had no children. Li spent her mornings cleaning the house, but after serving an early lunch was free to do as she wished with her day. The busiest days were during the holiday when the Countess cared for her two nieces, but those were rare islands in an ocean of tranquility. In return for her work she got a modest stipend and housing.
Currently Li was drinking a cup of tea in her room. It was already evening and she had tucked the mistress in. She tilted her head when she heard a faint ring. Did the mistress want some warm milk? She stood up and walked up stairs.