Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Countess and Her Maid [Private/Free RP]

Oishi Shichimenchou

Faithful Ninja
Oct 29, 2012


INPC Li Bububeri

Li Bububeri had once been a News Reporter (in training), but found herself out of work with advances in journalism. Namely, no one read newspaper anymore. The industry had been hard when people realized that reading was for NERDS and that cool people spent their time running and carrying weights inside a cubicle. At least that was Li figured people must have thought. The book shops she visited rarely had anyone else besides herself and the owner. These running cubicles, gyms as they were called, on the other hand seemed filled with people whenever she passed them. Was she just going to the wrong book stores? Or was it that these gyms were fronts for an evil organization bent on destroying the world?

At any rate Li switched careers and was now resident maid to a minor member of the nobility.

It was not an awful position. Her mistress, the Countess Bakunin, was a widow and had no children. Li spent her mornings cleaning the house, but after serving an early lunch was free to do as she wished with her day. The busiest days were during the holiday when the Countess cared for her two nieces, but those were rare islands in an ocean of tranquility. In return for her work she got a modest stipend and housing.

Currently Li was drinking a cup of tea in her room. It was already evening and she had tucked the mistress in. She tilted her head when she heard a faint ring. Did the mistress want some warm milk? She stood up and walked up stairs.



INPC Countess Bakunin

The Countess Bakunin was a retired shinobi and heiress of the Bakunin fortune. The Bakunin, as readers are reminded, were one of the early progenitors of the indoor toilet. It was a simplistic invention that had been little improved upon, but had made them a less than small fortune. It was this fortune that allowed the Countess to have retired from public life and still afford to live in one of the expensive districts of the Hidden Cloud Village.

The Countess was nearing her forty second birthday and had recently begun to re-examine her life. She had been married before, but was a widow now. She had a fling with the Chancellor, but that ultimately went nowhere. She had no children of her own. The comital title and family headship would be inherited by her eldest niece when she passed. She did not even have a pet. The Countess did not lead a difficult life, but she had lived in such moderation that it could be wondered if she had lived at all.

It was evening when she stood up from her bed. She had been trying to sleep, but try as she might she could not do so. At first she thought that a pea had hidden itself underneath her mattress, but when she looked all she found was a carrot and an old adult magazine. She frowned and rang for her maid.

At the sight of her servant she motioned for her to take one of the chairs.

"Blueberry, I have been thinking..." The Countess said.

"I have been thinking of taking a trip abroad."
INPC Li Bububeri

"A trip!?"

Li got up and was about to run to prepare her bags before she thought better of it.

"Oh a trip..."

Li took her seat again and played with her fingers.

"And you wish me to prepare your luggage Madam? I can start preparing your dresses immediately. If you have a destination in mind I can start sending some of your luggage ahead of time so that you have all the comforts of home abroad..."
INPC Countess Bakunin

"Oh no no.."

Bakunin shook her head.

"I wont be needing the comforts of home. I wish to go on a trip to escape the comforts of home.."

She grabbed the portrait by her bed side, it was of her and her husband on their wedding day.

"It is strange I am sure, but when you read my age you wish to have one last adventure. I suppose that is why middle aged men sometimes wear dresses or buy themselves new teeth. You will understand yourself if you live long enough to reach my age."

"I'm not actually sure where I want to visit. It has been sometime since I have left the village. I think I might go to Wind Country. I could use the change the weather. It is always so cold here. By Raiden's beard, you would think that with so many shinobi running around someone would have invented a jutsu to warm the village up by a few degrees!"
INPC Li Bububeri

Ah! So the Countess wanted to go on an adventure! Li resisted the urge to jump. There was a chance that they might actually explore then! She half feared that the Countess simply planned to go play bingo at one of the neighboring villages.

"Yes, I hear Wind Country is lovely this time of the year!"

"Matter of fact I had some room mates in college who went there during Spring Break. They went to.. what did they call it? Briny Beach or something alone those lines. They swore it was the best beach they had ever been to. They had quite an adventure with some boys there..."

Li put her hand over her mouth. "Pardon me Countess. Such a story is not fit for someone of noble blood such as yourself."

"Do you wish me to at least pack a small suit case with the bare essentials?"
INPC Countess Bakunin

"Hmm? Oh no I would not want you to do that. I can do that. What I wanted to tell you was to remember to water my flowers and pay the milkman during my absence. I doubt I will be missed much, but I am trusting you to maintain the estate. I could not show myself in polite society if my estate was seen dirty."

"I think I will leave tomorrow. I need to get my passport approved of course, so that may take a few hours. I doubt they will keep me long. It is not like I have many state secrets. The worst that could happen if I defected is those barbarians getting rid of their out houses and Raiden knows that would be an improvement for everyone's sake!"

The Countess wore a sly smile.

"But that is all Blueberry. You can go to bed now. I will leave you money under the vase for the expenses and your wages. I will be gone no more than a month. I want some adventure, but not too much."
INPC Li Bububeri

"Oh yes house sitter. Of course I can do that madam."

Li stood up and walked slowly towards the door. Of course, only house sitter. After she closed the Countess' bedroom door behind her she shrugged. At least she could throw a wild party while her boss was away. What the Countess didn't know wouldn't harm her would it?

When she reached her downstairs room she took out her little black book and began writing letters to her friends for the aforementioned party. Yes, a little black book, because gmail and its handy dandy contact list doesn't work yet. As simplistic as the little black book may appear it was relatively sophisticated. Only a few generations ago papers was difficult to acquire and you simply had to remember all the people who had borrowed manga from you.

[Topic Left/End]

Current Ninpocho Time:
