Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Day in the Clouds [Closed RP]

Uchiha Arata

Feb 9, 2016
It was near midday, just before noon. At this time, the sun was high and the sky was blue. Though, that also meant the streets were bustling with people. Everybody had their own thing to do, and their own reason for being so busy. Sora on the other hand, was on a casual stroll. He stood out some, wearing his black hoodie with the Uchiha Emblem slapped dead center on his back, enlarged and everything. The sleeves were up to his elbows with the edges being red, along with the bottom of the hoodie, and the inside of the hood as well. Complimenting the above, he wore a black pair of 'sports pants' that were easy to move in, and comfortable. At times as he traversed about, his black hair, which was rather long for guys, but still short as it was easily above shoulder length, dropped down into his vision some. Though it soon moved out of the way after a few moments of moving around.

To most, it would seem to be hot out, if not for the constantly moving, gusts of wind that were blowing by. This made it rather cool. Among all the people, Sora was found strolling around, hands buried within the pockets of his pants. He had his usual, bored, nonchalant expression upon his face, which was really expressionless at that. His piercing, coal colored oculars scanned the area as he casually made his way down the street. From behind, there were a few girls following him around, like usual. It seems wherever Sora went, there were some girls following him around, whether the same girls or different. Sora seemed to rarely notice, though when he did, the girls always flushed a bright red in embarrassment that he actually noticed them, and then they quickly scurried away with a squeal of joy. Sora never understood why, he thought perhaps he looked scary? This time though, Sora didn't notice with all the people around, and continued on with his sight seeing.
Re: A Day in the Clouds [Open RP]



INPC Li Bububeri

"Babies for sale!"

Li Bububeri, or Blueberry as her friends called her, was the private maid of the Countess Bakunin.

"Come and get them! Babies for sale!"

The Bakunin family were perhaps best known for their role in creating the modern indoor toilet. Three out of four times, chances were that you were using a Bakunin toilet. The royalties from the invention had allowed the family to accumulate a fortune. Compared to the wealth of the shinobi families, with their ties in the military sector, this was a modest fortune but a fortune all the same.

"We have two babies for sale here! Not, one, not three, but two babies for sale!"

As a maid to the Bakunin family Blueberry wore nothing less than the finest made blue-colored maid uniform available. Her light blue hair was topped by a white headdress and on her lapel was the insignia of the Bakunin family, a turkey perched on a bird bath.

"Hey you there lad!" Blueberry called towards Sora.

"Would you be interested in buying a baby? Buy one, get one free."

True to her word the maid had two babies on her. One, the eldest, was standing up on her own and held the maid's hand. The other baby was being carried on the maid's back, on one of those baby carrier things.
Re: A Day in the Clouds [Open RP]

His day was going great, beautiful day, nice people, fresh air, and babies being sold... Wait what? His thoughts were interrupted by a woman attempting to sell him children. Is she messed up in the head or something? Who asked a 9 year old to buy a baby? Though, his thoughts didn't show. He kept the nonchalant attitude as he usually did. "So, what makes you think a nine year old would be interested in buying a child? " As he spoke he walked up closer to her, piercing, coal colored oculars set upon her.
Re: A Day in the Clouds [Open RP]

INPC Li Bububeri

"Babies can do plenty of things." Blueberry said.

"I once heard of a school teacher who used a baby as his secretary. You could be a school teacher. Why not? I remember there was once a Jounin who was only nine years old. What was his name? Kato? Hato? Mato? I think it was Jako."

She nodded to herself. "I am pretty sure it was Jako."

"Play along won't you? I'm trying to teach this one a lesson." Blueberry whispered as she quickly pointed towards the older of the two babies.

"What do you say then Mister? I'll give you the baby on my back here for..twenty five cents eh? You see, her older sister over here wants to buy candy even though I told her we only had enough money for the groceries. With twenty five cents she can buy all the candy she wants. She won't have her little sister anymore, but those are a dime a dozen."

Throughout the whole exchange the eldest of the two babies for sale, the one standing on her own feet, was beginning to tear up. Her younger sister on the other hand was smiling without a care in the world - but she was in that point of life where babies still enjoy playing peek-a-boo.

"Or twenty five cents in your case."
Re: A Day in the Clouds [Open RP]

This girl obviously had a few screws loose. He obviously wasn't even a Shinki yet, as he didn't have his headband with him. There was no way he could afford to raise a baby. " Err.. Sorry but it's hard enough living with just me and my brother. I'll have to decline your offer. Perhaps somebody else could have the luxury to afford paying for another child. " At that, Sora closed his eyes and sighed. Yep. Definitely more than a few screws knocked out.
Re: A Day in the Clouds [Open RP]

On a casual stroll through the Seki District, Moro looked up at the beautiful sky and smiled. It was a nice day. No work, no missions, just a day to relax. He'd heard a rumor that some of the higher-ups were going to be gone for a while, so a lot of people were trying their best to fly under the radar and take it easy until their bosses returned.

"Hmmn? Is that...?" It was! There was a young boy up ahead, named Uchiha Sora. Moro had met him quite recently. They had never had an official introduction, but it hadn't proved difficult for Moro to figure out his identity. Sora's physical features, age, and ties to the Uchiha clan were enough to look him up in the shinobi database. Moro was unsure if their last interaction had gone the way it should have. Honestly, he had never been very good at talking to people so much younger than he was. Perhaps he could try again and record the interaction for something to study later. Plus, he'd just learned a jutsu that let him do that and who doesn't love trying out new jutsu? With his next blink, he was recording. [hidden action - Snapshot] How exciting! As Moro began to approach him, he realized that the young Uchiha was already engaged in conversation with someone. He couldn't help but overhear part of their conversation as he got closer.

He couldn't believe his ears. Was this person really selling two small children for only twenty five cents? What a deal! Admittedly, Moro was quite jealous that Sora had gotten here first. Surely, he'd take the woman up on her offer. Two kids for the price of one? Moro called out to Sora, "Hey there Uchiha-born!" Moro quickly turned to the woman Sora had been talking to and offered a quick bow. It was rude to interrupt people, but really, Moro wanted to get in on this deal before Sora could. "My apologies for interrupting you, ma'am. Also, I couldn't help but overhear a bit of your sale's pitch. Are you really selling these children? And for such a low price?" Moro's eyes were wide, inquisitive. He did the best he could at keeping his lips together and stationary. First rule of negotiating: Don't let them know how badly you want the product.

Moro observed the woman's appearance before continuing. She was wearing a stunning blue maid's uniform. He hair was a gorgeous shade of blue and adorned with a white headdress. She was quite attractive. Her lapel had some sort of insignia. Was that a turkey sitting in a bird bath? It was nothing Moro could recognize, but he was more interested in the children anyways. "To be quite honest with you, ma'am, I'm more interested in the older one. The small one looks unable to do menial chores. However, I don't want to break the set, so I have no qualms about purchasing the both of them. I trust you're discreet in your transactions..?"

[Topic entered, what a deal!]
Re: A Day in the Clouds [Open RP]

INPC Li Bububeri

"Oh you aren't interested. That is a shame. Miss Bakunin here won't have enough money to buy candy then.." I said.

It was then that a newcomer came and bowed. How quaint! My pride as a maid wouldn't allow his bow go un-returned, so I too bowed.

"WEEE-!" The baby on my back shouted. No doubt from its perspective it felt like it was riding a roller coaster.

"YES!" I shouted upon hearing the man's interest in buying the babies. Finally someone who would play along and help me teach this brat a lesson.

"Yes, these two babies are up for sale. As I was telling this young man here Miss Bakunin, that's the older baby, wants to buy candy even though we only have enough budgeted for the groceries. So we're trying to raise a bit of extra money."

It was here when Miss Bakunin raised her left hand and shook it. "I-I'm sorry! I don wanna anymore candy! Just don sell us!"

I pretended to not hear.

"So for the pair, that will be fifty cents."
Re: A Day in the Clouds [Open RP]

As Sora was about to turn upon the heels and leave, he heard a voice. It was rather familiar before he turned. It was the dude from the Spa. He gave a slight wave to him before hearing his conversation with the other. Eh? He actually wants to buy these kids? " Oh, hey, you here to deliver the letter? Or is this just a coincidence? " he spoke nonchalantly to the new man who arrived in the area.
Re: A Day in the Clouds [Open RP]

"Raising money to buy candy for the child? But that doesn't make any s-" The synapses fired up and Moro realized what was going on here. This maid was simply teaching the child a lesson. "Damn, there goes my chance to impress the higher-ups." Oh well.

He addressed the eldest of the two children. "Candy..? Ha! There'll be no candy. All you'll get to eat is spinach and beansprouts. And only after you do housework all day!" Moro put on his best evil grin for the child, before looking back to their caretaker. "That's a heck of deal, I'll take both of them." Moro dug into his pocket, jumbled some change around his hand and offered it out to the woman.

He'd almost forgotten about the Uchiha until he spoke up. " Oh, hey, you here to deliver the letter? Or is this just a coincidence? "
"Hmn? Oh, no. This was purely by coincidence, haha. I'm still making preparations. You'll be receiving that letter soon, though." Moro winked at the Uchiha-born and then turned his gaze back towards the maid who was unfortunately *NOT* participating in illegal human trafficking.
Re: A Day in the Clouds [Open RP]

INPC Li Bububeri

I made a big frown at the sight of the man's money and shook my head at him.

"Oh no, no. I'm sorry to say I don't accept Lighting currency. You know how bad inflation has been ever since the new Raikage took control. I only accept Craftsmen currency."

I turned my head to Miss Bakunin and patted her, "I'm sorry Miss Bakunin but it seems there won't be any money for candy after all. So why don't we go home and I will make you and your sister some nice spinach soup with beansprout jelly for dessert?"

I tugged Miss Bakunin's little hand. After a momentary struggle she gave in and followed me. The man's threat to have her do housework all day must have done the trick.

I whispered a 'thank you' to the man (Moro) as I made my departure.

[Leaving Topic]
Re: A Day in the Clouds [Open RP]

Sora watched them leave before nodding in approval. " Osu.. Now. I look forward to what you have to teach me. I assure you I won't disappoint in the slightest. " he spoke nonchalantly as usual, before he heard a bunch of girls squeal. He turned and saw them get all flustered and point to him as some of the girls yelled out to others across the street, letting it known he had been found amongst the masses of people.
Re: A Day in the Clouds [Open RP]

Moro watched the woman leave with the two children, glad he could help but honestly dissapointed that she was not, in fact, a criminal. Sure, it's good that she was a law abiding citizen, but it did nothing to help Moro gain any favor in his branch. Oh well.
" Osu.. Now. I look forward to what you have to teach me. I assure you I won't disappoint in the slightest. "
Moro turned to face the young Uchiha. "Heh, well, we'll just have to see about that. I have high expectations for you, Uchiha-born. Now, I must be going as my attention is needed elsewhere. It won't be much longer before I contact you. Until then." Moro raised is eyebrows in a quick motion and returned them to their normal, at rest position. He turned to walk away as his young companion noticed the flock of strange women squealing and causing a commotion over him.

"How odd."

{Topic Left}
Re: A Day in the Clouds [Open RP]

Sora ignored the girls as his attention was towards that of the man leaving. He then realized that he wasn't socializing with anybody now. They had all left. And so at that, Sora turned, hands in pockets as he went back to strolling down the street. Looking up at that beautiful sky.

Current Ninpocho Time:
