Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Deal with a Devil [Akkuma]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Meet me at Providence at 19:45. was all the handwritten note said. She trusted it would meet its intended recipient, Miroku Akkuma. She was in need of something the demon specialized in whether he realized it or not. So she did several things that were rather uncharacteristic: first, she was meeting the demon of her own volition. Second, she was eating in a public place. This meeting would be visible to those curious ans aware enough to take note. Finally, she did not choose attire appropriate for the venue. She was the sort of woman that often endeavored to blend in, to hide in plain sight. She was not too bright, not too dim, somewhere in-between. She dressed as she often did, a pair of earth-colored cargo pants and heavy leather boots. She wore a simple white button-down shirt that was buttoned to her neck and a jacket over top. The ladies here wore diamonds and silks, not cottons and leathers but she did not seem to care as she carried an aura of confidence. This was something she did well even if nobody here would quite realize it [her meeting with Akkuma, not the contents of the conversation but the fact one happened you have permission to know] but she was good at predicting outcomes and there was one intended for here whether he realized it or not.

She arrived at 19:30, the actual time of her reservation. She wanted to be the first seated so that she could see Miroku enter. So she could have control over the situation and then try to maintain it. Initially the host tried to turn her away, her attire inappropriate but she gave him a sum of yen sufficient to look the other way. There were glances, more like glowers of disgust. She stood out like a vegan in a slaughterhouse, but she wanted that. In fact, she half expected a showy or loud entrance from Akkuma as well, which would only serve to further facilitate her ends. She ordered for them both, claiming that her 'date' was late and not standing her up. She ordered him a sandworm steak, a specialty of pricier restaurants and 'adventurous' eaters. She ordered a salad for herself, she was watching her figure. She had a wedding and a proposal to accomplish. Sparkling water for herself and while her first instinct was hard liquor for the demon the last thing she needed as an inebriated demon on her hands trying to mate with the coat on the back of her chair she she opted for some sparkling white wine.

Then she waited for the demon to emerge.


Dec 18, 2017
OOC Rank
Lying in his bed, the nine year old demon couldn’t stop replaying the events that happened in his mind. Not too long ago, he had gone on his first ANBU mission with Shinku Kaen, who would later reveal himself to be an Ancient by the name of Homura. His power was earth shattering in comparison to the small power he harnessed. The power he harvested within himself wasn’t enough. The Shinigami within him granted him reality bending powers, but how far could tricks get him? He needed there was something within him forcing him to yearn for more. He couldn’t stomach it--the thought of being so dwarfed in power was enough to send the boy into a mad craze. He respected Kaen a lot. Not only had he earned the boy’s respect, but he had put him in place before; however, there was the underlying thought in Kanmuri’s head that echoed like a yell in a never-ending cave. What would Kanmuri do if the literal god that was Shinku Kaen stood in between him and his goals. Of course the possibility of that was slim, but Kanmuri had learned at a young age not to trust so easily. People with power abused it, and those beneath them had no choice but to obey. That is why Kanmuri aimed to be the strongest. He would force those who misuse their gifts to obey him...or they would be culled. It’s the same reason why there was only one person who he trusted with his life right now. It was the first person to ever show him love and compassion in this sick, dark, twisted world, Miroku Akkuma.

However, Kaen’s display of power wasn’t the only thing on his mind. His father had gone to Tea recently to take part of some tournament. Throughout the Miroku’s portion of the Toraono Dojo, Kanmuri occasionally heard whispers of his father’s loss. He wasn’t too worried about his father’s loss. His father was a King after all and Kanmuri his prince. Where his father made mistakes, Kanmuri would clean them in the future. That was his job. His father was strong--Kanmuri knew that--but Kanmuri also believed that one day he would surpass his father, and once he did, no one would ever question the strength of the Miroku clan again.

The thought of how quickly he had grown brought a smirk onto the face of the nine year old. Not only had he broken the rules of the world of some random, weak Ancient. He had caused it to kneel before him. The memory of the black, slimy ancient on its knees would cause Kanmuri to raise his head with a smile. Multiple memories of the event would begin to flood through Kanmuri’s head. He’d begin to stand and close his eyes as he tried to re-enact everything that took place. However, his thoughts would be cut short by murmurs outside. Sucking his teeth in annoyance, the young demon would step outside his living quarters and confront the source.

There would be a group of Miroku guards surrounding one which seemed to hold a note. To them, Kanmuri would declare, “What seems to be the issue here?"

One of the guards would turn around with a bow and reply, “Ah! Young Master, we did not mean to disturb you. You have out humblest apologies.”

Scratching his snow-white hair, the nine year old boy would let out a sigh before ordering the guard, “It’s fine. It’s fine. Lift your head. What’s going on?”

“Well, your father, Master Akkuma, has received a note.” Another guard would reply

“And?” the young prince interrupted.

“His presence is demanded at Providence at 19:45” said the guard immediately.

The wording would cause the young boy’s heart to skip a beat as he remembered what Kaen had told him. People in high places were out to get his father. Why? Kanmuri did not know, but with this chance in front of him, there was no way he was going to deny it.

“Follow standard protocol. Slide the note under his door and continue on with your duties. You guys should know better than to worry about Akkuma. He is more than capable of handling his business, and you’d all be wise to remember that.” Kanmuri had started off his response with confidence and indifference, but he ended his message with a snarl. The absence of their king had caused some of the guards to forget their purpose and place, but Kanmuri would not let them forget that. His pride forbade him to.

However, the biggest thing of note was the conditions of that note. Kanmuri didn’t have to prepare much; his weapon was a part of his. Having mastered it, he was able to summon it out of his being. What he planned was simple. He’d meet with whatever party demanded his father’s presence before Akkuma would arrive. If his father was to be ambushed, then having two on his side was much better than having to face it all alone.


The time was 19:35. Kanmuri was dressed in his normal attire, black tee coupled with white shorts and shoes. However, he stood out much like a sore thumb. Everyone around him was drowning in luxurious clothing. From diamonds to brands that could buy the restaurant he was in, it seemed like every square foot of the establishment was surrounded by wealth--all except a few. Kanmuri was young and under dressed, but his name and facts carried weight. He told the hosts and hostesses that he had a reservation at 19:45, but when that wasn’t enough, he told them that he was the son of Miroku Akkuma, and that was all they needed to hear. From snow white hair, to his scarlet eyes and sharp canines, it was more than abundantly clear that the boy was the son of the renown Demon. When led to his seat, the other person at the table stood out just like him--in fact she was getting more looks than him. Her out of style, baggy cargo pants along with her attention drawing leather boots made it impossible for her to not get criticized. Everyone, including Kanmuri, would be thinking the same thing. Why did she come to this establishment dressed like this. The young demon would cringe as he slowly, but wrongly, came to the conclusion that this woman may be here to meet with his father. Her presence alone would be mortifying enough to lower the people’s perception of his father. Little did the young demon know, Miroku Akkuma didn’t need this woman’s help to lower her perception, if such a thing was even possible anymore.

Upon reaching the seat, Kanmuri saw that the woman, despite her appearance, had an air of confidence. It didn’t seem deserved, but it was there nonetheless. The young demon would pull out his chair seat himself. Because of his short stature, 4’2 to be exact, he had to sit on the edge of the chair in order for his feet to touch. In front of him was a steak of some kind, of course he had no idea what it was, but he took note of it nonetheless. There was no way he would eat it, but that was the second thing on his mind. First things first, he had to deal with whoever was in front of him.

With an outstretched hand and staring into the green eyes of the woman, the young demon would greet, “Good evening, my name is Miroku Kanmuri, son of Miroku Akkuma. It seems you have some sort of business with my father. I’d like to know exactly what that is.”

His voice wasn’t overconfident or commanding, but his scarlet eyes told it all. He was neither here to play nor to beat around the bush.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Someone entered, ten minutes early and came to her table. The boy was certainly not Akkuma yet he seemed intent on crashing her dinner meeting. Fascinating, the boy did not look to be over ten, unaccompanied by a parent. Her eyes skimmed his arms and his legs. Secondary sex characteristics such as hair on legs starts around 12 to 13, he is not simply a midget unless he waxed regularly. Hair, cotton-like in color. Either prematurely grey or congenital. His eyes, red. The reddish hue was caused by a lack of pigment in the iris, this is a recessive genetic trait and quite uncommon. When he took a seat, Michi would comment on his presence simply. "Miroku Akkuma has sent a child consul in his stead," she was disappointed until he opened his mouth.

“Good evening, my name is Miroku Kanmuri, son of Miroku Akkuma. It seems you have some sort of business with my father. I’d like to know exactly what that is.”

How fortuitous. "He sent his son in his station?" She sought clarification. Assumptions are the enemy of logic. "Fascinating..." She looked over him once again, there was a resemblance. Miroku hardly seemed like the paternal type, however she had meant one of Akkuma's other heirs years ago. The gears in her head were turning. She could use him, she could use them both. "You look so much like youth father," she commented. He likely heard it a lot, some children regard such comparisons with gaiety while others express enmity towards such comparisons.

She would accept her sparkling water and salad from the waiter, gesturing the sandworm steak in front of the boy. "Another one of those if you would please," she requested as she gestured towards the sandworm steak. "Bloody if you will," she assumed that the demon child likely ate his meat almost raw. That steak left for Akkuma was too cooked for the average demon in her academic opinion, she just wanted to see how he reacted to it. Better for the juvenile anyways, too young for raw meat but he would still need some blood to keep it wet. "And some..." she attempted to recall the menu, her memory was near picture perfect but it sometimes took a moment to sift through the metaphorical archives. "chocolate milk," she added. There was a reason for this, a set-up that she was testing. A reaction she was seeing if she could stir. This was how you discovered the cracks beneath the surface, Yes, there were always fractures, even in the newest and most pristine of subjects.

"I was supposed to meet your father to discuss his business," Michi admitted choosing to remain vague. "I am afraid that it would not be the most appropriate to discuss with a youth, can you tell me where I might be able to find your father?" It was possible he was just late, or rather 'on time' but that only meant that she had ten minutes without parental intervention. She would play the kid for that entire time. After all, the thing most kids are insecure about is the fact that they are kids. They wanted to be seen as mature, as a peer. They did not want to be reminded of their youth, however as they age they will be looking back at these youthful days with envy.

"I have met your brother Miroku Riyota," well his face met her book. "How many children... or wards does your father have here in Sunagakure? Afterall, you look nothing like your brother." She observed. She was also digging of course, learning what resources the demon wielded. He was definitely younger than the other one she met those years ago, she wondered if that was relevant. Well, she would know soon enough. "He should be close to eighteen by now," she was giving the boy an easy train of logic to follow. "Perhaps you can call him over if he is using proxies regarding such affairs."


Dec 18, 2017
OOC Rank
"Miroku Akkuma has sent a child consul in his stead,"</COLOR><i></i>

Kanmuri had heard the words before introducing himself, but he wasn’t going to respond. They had ten minutes to speak assuming his father came on time. He needed to get the truth out of this encounter before it was too late.

"He sent his son in his station? Fascinating..."<i></i> The green eyes of the woman would study the boy from head to toe, which wasn’t very long given the boy’s height, before saying, "You look so much like youth father,"<i></i>

“Yes, I am aware, but that’s besides the point. I’d like to know why you want my father.” The boy would reply immediately. She was wrong, of course, he didn’t come in his father’s place, but that assumption played to his advantage. If she believed that his father wouldn’t show, then she’d have no choice to talk to him and hope that he relayed the message to his father; at least that was the boy’s childish train of thought.

A waited would come to the table and hand serve a glass of sparkling water to the woman in front of him before gesturing to the steak in front of Kanmuri. The boy would just stare daggers at the waiter in front of him creating this awkward tension that would be broken by his green eyed acquaintance."Another one of those if you would please," Kanmuri continued to glare at the waiter, who would more than likely feel uncomfortable. Not only was he serving a child, but said child glared with the eyes of a killer. What normal person wouldn’t be uncomfortable. It might have been to the waiter’s relief that he heard the words of the black haired woman. There was something else he could divert his attention to, an order. However, Kanmuri could have cared less. He wasn’t going to eat anything provided. She was just wasting her money. "Bloody if you will." She had said his trigger word, blood. The young demon had an yearning towards blood--even eating the game he killed raw. The thought of bloody steak in front of him was enough to make his mouth water….a little too much. Saliva came tearing out of the boy’s mouth, but before he had a chance to suck it back in, the woman would continue her verbal assault. "And some...chocolate milk.”<i></i>

She really thought he was a child. This woman had no idea who she was messing with. The demon that sat before her was one of the pride family, and the mere mentioning of chocolate milk was more than enough to crack his pride. His stern, scarlet eyes would redirect themselves to the woman in front of him and his jaw would drop. His face contorted to one of confusion and his eyes would squint as his head cocked to its right. The message, and saliva, on his face was self-evident.


Kanmuri’s leg would start to bounce with impatience as his face only got tighter. He was truly at a loss for words. As he stood there wide-jawed, the saliva from mouth would continue to fall, but his pride wouldn’t let him suck it up. Not yet. He wouldn’t let this slide. His pride forbad him.

"I was supposed to meet your father to discuss his business. I am afraid that it would not be the most appropriate to discuss with a youth, can you tell me where I might be able to find your father?"<i></i>

His face remained constant.

"I have met your brother Miroku Riyota. How many children... or wards does your father have here in Sunagakure? Afterall, you look nothing like your brother. Perhaps you can call him over if he is using proxies regarding such affairs."

Blah, Blah, Blah.

After a certain point, that was all Kanmuri heard. There would be a pause afterward, so that he could ensure that the lady in front of him was done talking. Once confirmed, the disgustingly drooling demon would say, <COLOR color="#FF00BF">“I’m not a child, lady.”

Seemed like his pride was more important than his mission.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
"Yes you are," she replied with a slight smile. She had gotten under the boy's skin, that was all she needed. Now she needed to take control of him. "But there is nothing wrong with being young, that is like being upset because you were born with a pale complexion. Window dressing," she claimed. She was subtly patronizing him, but the words were what the kid wanted to hear. "But look," she was trying to draw the salivating demon boy to the topic she wanted. "Your father should not be sending his son to meet his lady friends, I could be dangerous," she most certainly was. "It would be a misuse of his resources to send his heir into potential peril when he could have sent one of his older children or himself to meet his own obligations," she was calling Akkuma reckless and lazy in a roundabout way. "Heirs are far too precious to risk," she was salving his pride whilst simultaneously needling it. Children liked to think of themselves as strong, as capable, as something that could meet or exceed their power, prestige and skill of their fore bearers and it was likely Kanmuri was no exception to this generalization.

It would not take long for the waiter to return with chocolate milk and an almost raw sandworm steak. It sat in a puddle of blood.

She continued, the waitstaff did not need to deal with a child's tantrums. The silver spoon in the kid's mouth was obvious. "And I need Akkuma to provide my future husband with..." she mentally searched for PG terminology. "A safe place to have a nice party. But the sort of party I am looking to have is an adult party," if he asked her to elaborate she would say "...dancers." He was too young to elaborate, but that was exactly why such curious children have fits. The concept of exclusion. The notion of waiting for what would seem like a protracted period of time. When you are 10, a year is 1/10th of their life. When They are 30, it would take three years to have the same contextual impact. "There are rules and laws as well as social mores that prevent me from discussing the sort of dancers that your father generally provides as a service." Sure, the kid cold probably figure it out but the coyness of her explanation was intentional like everything else she had done since he became a relevant variable.

He would feel compelled to prove his maturity. His independence.

"Shouldn't..." her voice trailed off. "No... you probably would not be capable of doing that," bait. "What can you tell me about your father's security in his..." what was the best term to use for this that the kid might understand. "Private venue," the one with the locked doors. "It is not every day that a Sennin gets married, I require assurances that my future husband will be kept safe. Celebrating an important man's wedding means that other important men will want to share his spotlight, creating a more dangerous situation as their enemies may also strike while my darling" that felt weird "future fiance is near, he might be harmed because he was in proximity to other foolish, famed men." Make him feel like he was let into a secret. In a way he was, but it was not a particularly big one. But this is where he would either provide her with additional information regarding himself to prove his worth or he would share information regarding his father's establishment to demonstrate his intelligence and maturity. If she was exceptionally fortunate, he would do both.


Dec 18, 2017
OOC Rank
"Yes you are,"</COLOR><i></i> the woman would say with a slight smile. "But there is nothing wrong with being young, that is like being upset because you were born with a pale complexion. Window dressing."<i></i> Whoever this woman was, she was smart--dangerously so--and Kanmuri knew it; however, his genetics would doom him to fall for trap after trap after trap. They say pride comes before the fall, and in this case, this shadowy, conniving woman was manipulating Kanmuri like a mastermind manipulates their marionnette. There was so much the little demon wanted to say, but the verbal onslaught only continued. "But look, your father should not be sending his son to meet his lady friends, I could be dangerous. It would be a misuse of his resources to send his heir into potential peril when he could have sent one of his older children or himself to meet his own obligations. Heirs are far too precious to risk.<i></i> Yes, this woman was pushing all the right buttons.

The boy, finally, would suck up his saliva. She said something very interesting--something that sparked a small fire in the body of the boy. Heirs. What heirs could she have been talking about? As far as Kanmuri was concerned--as far as Kanmuri knew--he was the only heir. He was the only child of Miroku Akkuma. Not once in his year with his father had he even heard a hint of other children. What was going on? Was he being baited? Was this woman toying with him. Regardless, his pride was quickly quelled. What he wanted were answers.

“What are you talking about, lady. I’m the only heir. I’m the only one of Miroku Akkuma’s children. I believe you’re mistaken,” so desperately, the young demon wanted to ask if he was wrong, but he was unable to. His mouth wouldn’t change its form after he had spoken. The hubristic demon in him disallowed for him to be wrong. All his mouth would do was salivate once again because it was time to eat. The waiter had just brought the plate of bloody steak, and a mad grin would overtake the boy as he could only imagine how it tasted. Fresh kills were his favorite, but this would certainly suffice.

"And I need Akkuma to provide my future husband with..."<i></i> Before the woman could even begin talking, the boy had begun to devour his bloody meal. There was no etiquette in his actions, what the emerald eyed woman would see in front of her was the feasting of a demon. However, that feasting would halt when Kanmuri heard the pause in her words. Of course it was another trick she was using to get his attention, but what could the boy do? She was a pro at manipulation; he was destined to fall for every single one of her tricks. "A safe place to have a nice party. But the sort of party I am looking to have is an adult party."<i></i>

One of the boy’s eyebrows would raise in confusion again. This lady was being unnecessarily roundabout and difficult. It urked him for some reason. His brain was screaming Just get to the point! However, the young demon wasn’t always slaved to his desires--just his pride! So, he’d willingly play into her hands and ask, “Lady...just what are you talking about,” and almost as if it was automated, she would immediately reply, "...dancers."<i></i>

See, Kanmuri was more in the dark than he unfortunately realized, and because of that a lot of the aspects of the conversation he was having with this woman didn’t make sense to him. “You want my father for dancers? We don’t even have dancers, lady. All we have are guards in the Toraono dojo, and you’re out of luck if you want those stiff guys to bust a move.” He’d swiftly make his way back to devouring the little meat that was left on his plate. The meat was soon gone and all that remained was blood. Now, Kanmuri was a half-breed. Sure Akkuma’s genes replaced most if not all of his original genetic structure, but Akkuma himself was not fully demon. Miroku Akkuma was part human, and that human portion expressed itself in Kanmuri. The blood on his plate called out to him like the moon to a werewolf. The demonic enzymes within him began to rage, but there was no euphoric buzz like in battle. It was an immense urge--a yearning.

"There are rules and laws as well as social mores that prevent me from discussing the sort of dancers that your father generally provides as a service."<i></i> She was right; in fact, Kanmuri was more than aware of that. It were those very same social mores that made his human side plead with him to not slurp the pool of blood on his plate. He was at his climax. His biology was tearing him apart. Sooner or later he’d have to choose.

"Shouldn't...No... you probably would not be capable of doing that." Another form of bait. There was too much going on. Too many buttons were being pushed, and the boy could no longer control himself. He slurped the blood. It was quite the scene. In a craze, Kanmuri would swipe, twirl, and roll his long in the blood on his plate. There were murmurs filling the restaurant and the demon could feel the eyes on him, but he couldn’t stop. The lady’s bait had pushed him over the edge. Whereas his brain could have delayed another, it chose to give in to everything. Right now, Kanmuri was a slave to his desires. There was no more thinking.

“I am capable of anything. Anyone who says anything else is stupid.” His hubristic biology was taking over, and his word choice took a steep decline. It was clear that some switch had been turned off. There was no telling what a demon half-breed would once it gave in completely to its demon side.

"What can you tell me about your father's security in his...Private venue."<i></i>

“Doesn’t exist.” Kanmuri, unfortunately, would give an immediate, incorrect, reply to the woman in front of him who continued to speak."It is not every day that a Sennin gets married-"<i></i>

“I don’t know what a Sennin is,

<COLOR color="green">"I require assurances that my future husband will be kept safe. Celebrating an important man's wedding means that other important men will want to share his spotlight, creating a more dangerous situation as their enemies may also strike while my darling--future fiance--is near, he might be harmed because he was in proximity to other foolish, famed men."<i></i>

Unfortunately, it would become clear very quickly that Kanmuri was uneducated--not only in regards to the true nature of his father but to the world as a whole. The woman must have been thinking how someone of that age didn’t know what a Sennin was, and try as she may, she’d find no hints of lies in the face or body language of the boy who was now gulping down his chocolate milk. In his defense, he had only been in Sunagakure for about a year, and he only graduated the Academy early due to his combat prowess and the state of war requiring as many soldiers as possible. Unfortunately, the child in front of her was the result of a warring times, or maybe just a flawed system. The conversation quickly turned into one where more knowledge was being gained by the little boy than the woman with questions.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
“What are you talking about, lady. I’m the only heir. I’m the only one of Miroku Akkuma’s children. I believe you’re mistaken."

That was precious, Akkuma keeping secrets from his own children. An odd one to keep and one she was not contracted to maintain. "I am not," she insisted. Akkuma was a known, what would the kids call them these days --'man whore.' Yes, that was the right word but too strong a term to tell a youngster such as this. "I met him eight years ago, just a twig really then. But I am certain he grew into a fine young man," she reminisced as she wondered if she had a picture of him. She did, this was the Miroku tome after all. She had many books, it was no surprise that by now she had a book dedicated to nearly every conceivable subject from basket weaving to families. The book was on her lap and she lifted it to the table alongside her meal. This was certainly not the time or the place to discuss literature but she was not overtly concerned with blending in on this fine day. She would flip to an early chapter in her book, she did not have much on the boy consider his greatest impact was the dent he left in the book she was chronicling. The picture was of a young bot holding his nose, wincing. Yes, that was the image that she captured because that was what she saw. In the margin some notes. Approximate age at the time of the picture the date the picture was drawn, alleged height, weight, hair color eye color, skin tone and a mention that he did not have many obviously demonic features suggesting the demonic nature was likely either recessive or latent in the young boy. Also, the name: Miroku Riyota. "There he is," she pointed her finger at the picture drawn with impressive skill. "He ran into this very book when he was running through the halls of the Toraono Dojo," She picked up the book to reveal a sizable dent before she rested the book on the table and let the book look at what she had.

"I am what they call a scribe, I record histories," she explained keeping things simple for the child.

At some point the boy would eat his bloody meal, be it before or after she shown him the book. But if before she would grab a napkin and wordlessly insist he wipe his hands or accost him with a napkin if he did not take the hint. She was not going to have bloody little demon child fingerprints all over her book.

“You want my father for dancers? We don’t even have dancers, lady. All we have are guards in the Toraono dojo, and you’re out of luck if you want those stiff guys to bust a move.”

Should she keep Akkuma's secrets? Should she share his secrets. It was obvious now the boy was not sent by the fleshpeddler, a boy cannot run his father's business without understanding the intricacies thereof. Yes, she was sugar-coating it for the youth, it was obvious and if the boy had a brain in his head he would be able to see it but she would not be the villain here but rather the hero in this rare instance."I am certain that your father would have explained this when you got older..." she was pushing that button again as she slid his chocolate milk in front of him. "It is good for your bones," she commented before she continued. "Your dad did not send you here did he?" She revealed her hand regarding this not long after she was certain of the truth already. Considering the way he ate and his lack of understanding for terms such as Sennin she wondered if Akkuma kept the child in a cage. It was concerning and she let out a sigh, "are you safe with your father?" She might regret asking the question, the boy seemed quite self-assured but the child was a dullard, not that she could have expected much from a youth such as him but the child did not know his own brother, the term for a village leader or how to eat a very expensive piece of steak. "Because he will be here soon," she eyed the door. If this kid was in some sort of trouble, he made a terrible call coming to the place Akkuma was expected but thus far the child was not a shining beacon of intellect or enlightenment.


Dec 18, 2017
OOC Rank
"I am not. I met him eight years ago, just a twig really then. But I am certain he grew into a fine young man."</COLOR><i></i> The dark haired woman was responding to Kanmuri’s first statement. Apparently, Kanmuri lacked simple information such as having a brother, but the boy refused to believe it. His faith in his father was stronger than the manipulations of this shadowy lady. If she wanted to convince him, she’d need proof, and proof was exactly what she had. Kanmuri had missed it upon his initial inspection, but the woman would lift a book. It was weird. The certainty in which she picked it up almost caused Kanmuri to doubt his father for a moment. Almost. Upon opening the book, Kanmuri watch the woman as her long, clean nails flipped to an early chapter. Curiosity began to overtake the book, as was expected. If anyone had met someone with a book of information on their family, it’d only be natural to be curious of the contents inside. She’d stop flipping the pages once she reached her desired destination and turn the book to Kanmuri.

"There he is. He ran into this very book when he was running through the halls of the Toraono Dojo"<i></i>

Kanmuri was speechless as he looked at the page being displayed to him. It was extremely detailed. To begin with, there was a hand crafted picture of the boy along with his name Miroku Riyota. Within the margins, there was all the possible information someone could ask for, height; weight; hair color; eye color; defining feature, and the list went on and on. Although Kanmuri wasn’t the brightest bulb in the closet, he wasn’t stupid. The woman had come to meet his father and had a book of information containing everything she knew about them. She didn’t make it up. This was real, and Kanmuri had to come to terms with one, sorrowful truth. His father was keeping secrets from him, and not just small ones. If Kanmuri had siblings, he wanted to meet the. He wanted to know the truth and legacy of his clan and kinsmen. Why was his father not giving him the necessary information about his clan...the people he would lead. It made him wonder...Just how many more secrets were there.

"I am what they call a scribe, I record histories."<i></i> The more she talked, the more doubt began to flood the nine year old’s had. It was a sad thing really. First he was tortured everyday for seven years of his life. Then, when he finally thought he found someone who loved and cared for him, he finds himself neck deep in secrets and questions. How much more would it take a child to endure before they reached their tipping point? Kanmuri’s eyes wouldn’t be able to meet the woman. Looking at his blood stained fingers, all the boy could do was lick his fingers and receive the napkins from the woman.

"I am certain that your father would have explained this when you got older..."<i></i> The words had cut deep. He was doing everything for his father. Infiltrating the Sunan Ranks, attempting to quickly scale them, grow as quickly as possible. Hurt was not enough to explain the pain these revelations made the young boy feel. The green eyed woman would then push the chocolate milk toward him. "It is good for your bones."<i></i> Kanmuri wouldn’t deny the gesture. He was completely in the palms of her hands.

"Your dad did not send you here did he?"<i></i> The boy’s head would turn and lower. A silence would overtake the two. The voices of other customers along with the clatter of plates and utensils would be all that was hears before he softly replied “...No…"<i></i> Any skilled manipulator would recognize the cues. The young demon was emotionally open and vulnerable. He was now a much easier target. "are you safe with your father?"<i></i> The woman would egg on her emotional appeal to the boy, who would whisper just loud enough to hear, “I...I don’t know anymore."

"Because he will be here soon."<i></i> Those words alone would cause the boy’s heart to jump into his throat. The young demon’s head would rocket up and snap the to entrance. The woman was right. This shadowy woman with all the knowledge he desired would soon be snatched away from him by his father’s presence. She had a whole book of information, if not more, on his father, alleged brother, and clan. He could not let this pass him by. This was his only chance.

With a quick turn of his head, Kanmuri turned his scarlet eyes to the emerald eyes of the woman in front of him and quickly said, <COLOR color="#FF00BF">“Lady, what’s your name and where can I meet you, if I ever want more information on my clan...and father?"<i></i>

After receiving his answer, Kanmuri would depart from Michi—trying his best to avoid potential interaction with his father. Right now, his mind was scattered. Feels of mistrust, betrayal and fear picked and prodded at the nine year old’s brain. If his father really were to appear, he wouldn’t look him in the eyes—he couldn’t look at him at all. His mind needed to piece together all the information it had just received, and that required alone time.

[Topic Left - Unless stopped]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
The poor boy suffered a series of revelations. The most notable being that his beloved and trusted father was holding secrets and not minor ones like a surprise party or a lewd mistake in his past but the contents of his actual family. Coupled with a lack of education and social graces, the boy was hardly more than a beast in human wrappings. It was unfortunate, there was even a pang of sympathy for the unfortunate creature that would ultimately become a pawn in her cruel plans.

And with that simple betrayal of trust a boy came to fear his father,

Divisions such as this were the easiest to exploit. The unfortunate youth and the equally unfortunate father. Yes, she saw Akkuma in a different light than most. Yes, he was a demon. Yes, he was evil. There was no denying either, these were statements of his nature but not necessarily his will. And will is malleable.

He asked where he could find her. He was making this easy for her. "I am in a coffee house on Tuesdays in the Diamond District," she claimed "Creme, between eight and ten-thirty in the evening." She was a woman of routines, a purposeful act as it made her easier to track. She wanted to be found as odd as that might seem.

She speared a leafy green with the tines of her fork. The salad here was sensational. "But my personal recommendation would be to ask your father. A question cannot be answered if it is never asked." She was putting the ball back into the demon's court, knowing full well he lacked the foresight to answer the child correctly. That he would damage his standing and leave a festering wound in his defenses because even a know-nothing kid like this could topple even the most paranoid king. There were things written in their blood that could not be denied.

"You are physically safe in my presence, I assure you." Physically at the very least.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
(OOC; This is before the fight so still Kitsune Akkuma XD)

The shift in the air would give way to his arrival before he stepped through the threshold of the doors. Those many tails of his swinging behind him as those who recognized him greeted him & the two beings that hung off either of his arms like accessories. A rather attractive specimen of man & a succubi were his company for the night. Passing by them he stopped & acknowledged them all by name. There was both fear & respect in the eyes of those that recognized the man. Some though held gratitude for the demon had taken care of their 'problems' for them. His gaze fell on his son preparing to leave the table of a woman. Presumably the individual who had requested an appointment with him. How foolish it had been of his messenger to pass the information on to Kanmuri. But it had been true he'd been rather buried in his work as of late. Smiling that devilish grin he would chuckle. "Isn't this a curious sight to behold." he'd say with a chuckle as he summoned the seat with a few seals of a single hand.

Taking a seat his gaze would rest first on Kanmuri unsure on if the boy would leave or stay. For the youth had yet to look him in the eyes. The demon had many questions as to why he'd chosen to come here tonight. Something seemed off about the youth & Akkuma's gaze shifted slightly to the woman who was seated next to him. Something about her seemed familiar but there was something about her that he could not make an accurate guess as to what had done this. Before he could speak the succubi who had arrived with him leaned over his shoulder & draped her arms around him. "Master may I go dance with the humans while you attend to your business?" she asked the demon in a seductive tone. "As you not stray too far." he would say with a nod of his head to the side she would kiss him on the side of the cheek before running off. "Imagine my surprise when I come to an appointment made for myself & my youngest son is present. Curious that I cannot recollect ever meeting you..." his gaze would rest upon her features again. "I cannot deny though that there is something about your gaze that is familiar."

There were many questions running through his mind his curiosity burned to know the answers to all of them. But the most immediate one he was burning to know was why his son was here. Kanmuri had proven himself thus far to be more suitable then his brother. But what could have drawn him here? What questions did the boy have that were causing him to involve himself in the demons affairs? Was it a desire to protect him? Did he suspect something & want answers? Had he been blind to the side of himself that he'd shown the youth? There were so many questions but none of which he was wiling to ask just yet. Taking out a pipe he would pack a herbal mixture into it before sparking the contents aflame with a snap of his fingers. Inhaling he would sit back before exhaling slowly. The smoke swirling around the Kitsune & those seated around him. Little did the Kitsune know that tonight he was going to be in for a surprise even greater then that of finding Kanmuri here.


Dec 18, 2017
OOC Rank
He could feel it in the air. His aura was there. It was unfortunate for Kanmuri. His father, Miroku Akkuma, had arrived. Panic set in as the majestic Chaos Demon slowly walked through the restaurant. His tails swayed behind him and confirmed his presence. Those who recognized his father began to bow as he walked passed them, and behind him were people Kanmuri had never seen before, an attractive woman of some kind. Then Kanmuri could feel it, the piercing eyes of his father, but he refused to raise his head. He could not look him in the eyes at that moment. It wasn’t from embarrasment or awe; it was purely a result of a bond seemingly beginning to crumble.

"Isn't this a curious sight to behold."<i></i>

“Greetings, father,”<i></i> the young demon would say with a boy as he made way for his father to sit. The woman, who’s beauty only increased with proximity, would share a short exchange of words with his father before leaving Akkuma to address his son once more.

"Imagine my surprise when I come to an appointment made for myself & my youngest son is present. Curious that I cannot recollect ever meeting you...I cannot deny though that there is something about your gaze that is familiar."<i></i>

“My apologies...I came to see if the scene was safe or some kind of set-up. I was not my place to do so. I will allow you two to continue your appointment alone. Have a good night.<i></i> With a bow, the ten-year old would leave. It wasn’t too obvious, but Kanmuri was a nervous wreck. He refused to stay with the two any longer, and so, he’d leave rather promptly and think about not only the events that took place but the information he had learned.

[OOC - Topic Left; You two have fun. Try not to kill yourselves, you halfbreeds]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
The intended target would ultimately arrive. The Miroku clan and their famous or infamous standing depending on who is asked in this community at this very moment was the recipient of the attention of Sunagakure's most affluent citizens. One Miroku Akkuma arrived with a lovely creature on his arm, "creature" being an apt description of the succubus, but upon a peripheral glance Michi would have been unaware of that tidbit of information but she did not require specifics regarding Akkuma's escort. His display just now told her volumes about the demon. His union with Toraono Seika was far from a private or a trivial matter, not only was the link between the two great clans noteworthy but something of public record and essentially "common" knowledge even to to superficially interested.

Some might call Akkuma a cad for blatantly displaying his mistress in full view. However, even if Michi lacked more than a casual understanding of the demon, she would be able to glean from the mood of the room that this was not unusual. There were no stunned expressions, no statements of surprise expressed. This was not some scandal, this was merely a Monday night for the demon if she were to take stock in the reactions from the others in the room. Of course Akkuma had not been seen publicly with Seika in years, at least if there were any public outings she had not crossed that chunk of knowledge in her broad studies. Their, being Akkuma and Seika's, union might potentially be loveless and political. However, that would mean that Akkuma's heart belonged to the woman that had kissed the demon farewell and the oracle did not think so. The woman might have entered in the company of Akkuma but she had parted ways shortly after arrival. When you are with someone that you desire to be around for the sake of affection, concern or dare one say love you actually want to spend time together. You seek reasons. You come to them first when you have a need. You create that need if necessary. This woman was content to find enjoyment elsewhere and Akkuma was content to allow her to leave. Akkuma's relationship with the woman could be entirely sexual in nature. Akkuma was the sort that was easy to label as a sexual deviant given the nature of his business and his heritage as a demon, but he never took any great measures to disprove these prejudices. It was possible that Akkuma's relationships were dictated by his penis, to be fair there was something about the woman that stirred something deep within even Michi. She stared perhaps a second longer than intended, her gaze resting on the hip and then breast before she willed herself to mind the matter at hand. Maybe, but that was not the case at this very moment. If it was about sex, then they would still be tangled up in his sheets. It would be like taking your ox for a walk when there are fields that needed to be plowed -- plowing in her case would likely be relegated to Akkuma's estate, not a meeting being requested by a near stranger. No, one brings a pretty girl into the public as a bit of 'eye candy'. As a trophy. As a way to garner the attention of others. For the prestige of saying "this is mine."

Fascinating that he felt the need.

Her attention would deviate towards Kanmuri as the boy started to make a hasted exit. She already knew that the boy came here on his own, not at the behest of his father. Possibly this immediate departure was to avoid the disciplinarian's heavy hand, but if so it would prove too late as 'father-dearest' spied the Miroku heir. She had learned much from the assuredly youngest Miroku heir unless he had others younger still. She had learned that Akkuma was keeping secrets from the boy. It was a contradictory situation, having a child that bore his name and obviously possessed the pride of the clan but was wholly uneducated in the ways of the community in which he lived, his own family and the family business as a whole. There was such a thing as partitioning learning in such a way that what the boy needed to know was provided and taught, however this boy was leaving with a gaping hole in basic information a servant would be expected to have if they were expected to serve a community. The boy was not the intended heir, that much was certain. Taking the reins of a clan, the family business or even developing into a shinobi of Sunagakure would prove to be a life-long process that has been utterly neglected in this boy's case. So why have a child such as this?

She stood up when Akkuma made eye contract with her and finished addressing his son who seemed to almost slither off. On peripheral assessment Akkuma was a physically stunning creature, much his like guess before they parted company. "Miroku akkuma I preseume," Michi announced in greeting as she extended her hand to shake. Yes, a bow was customary, a handshake was more common in foreign territories and she did not seem concerned as she confidently extended her hand forward. Of course nothing she did at the time was done without reason or on a whim. she wanted to touch him, not because he was beautiful, but rather to perform a tactile assessment of the kitsune. Warmth, girth, grip, grit, hygiene and scent. she was taking in everything she could about him and cataloging her findings internally. That was how you own them. That was how you break them.

Akkuma did not recognize her. She half-expected her transition to be documented and disseminated widely, however it would appear that the intelligence gathered would remain relegated to the inner circles of the uppermost shinobi echelon. "My name is Michi, but you likely remember me better as Fuu," she replied before adding "we met once before almost a decade ago" she reminded him. "Your older son, Riyota was but a child back then..." she allowed her words to trail off. Apparently without knowing she has unwittingly divulged some of his secrets. "Your younger son was strangely unaware of his elder brother," she continued, digging ever so slightly and carefully as she did. She had decided to shoot the elephant in the room before the demon could ask any questions. "I apologize for the slip of tongue, i was unaware that the boy'd lineage was in any way a family secret given the casual nature of our previous meeting those years ago." She was of course playing a mind game with the demon that would not be apparent until after the meeting here was done and over with and they were both gone.

Michi would sit back down and gesture towards the untouched plate of steak and the corked bottle of wine. "Sandworm steaks and a dry earthy red pair well," she reasoned, a veritable sommelier. "Con't let it spoil." There was a vacant space where Kanmuri once was with an empty plate with a puddle of blood and a glass of either consumed or ignored chocolate milk that marked his abandoned space. "How much demon does your youngest Miroky Kanmuri have in him?" She chose a 'bloody steak' for more reasons than just one. Such meats cooked in such ways were not popular among the juvenile youth and the boy hungered for it with an almost ravenous nature. Michi took a sip of her sparkling water and then speared a vegetable with the tines of her fork. "Leaving such a youth in the dark in many matters will prove more harm than benefit Mister Miroku," she warned with a strange aloofness that was characteristic of the Oracle.

Insert leafy morsel and chew. Chew like a human would.

She was not here to lecture Akkuma's parenting skills. "As for why i have requested an audience with you Mister Miroku," she wanted to get this conversation back on track before the demon grew impatient. "I would like to rent your venue, the The Devil's Lair Casino." She was keeping her sentences short in case Kanmuri's dimwitted was genetic. "I plan to marry Sennin Senju Kazuki in a few weeks and I wish to use your establishment to host his bachelor's party the night before the wedding." She explained the most basic aspect of her needs in a single sentance. "Payment will be in cash, of course," she added despite the fact that payment was likely the furthest thing from his ming at the moment. Yhe choice statement would be notable to some, a potential red flag to others. "I have already contacted Steward Takahashi Sousuke regarding this affair. I have asked him to take the reins in planning the bachelor's party and he is aware that I with the hold Sennin Senju's bachelor's party in your establishment." It was odd but true, Sousuke had already agreed to organize the blowout and he was already aware and amendable to where it would be held. "I am well aware that Sousuke might not be the best choice regarding the social aspects of a bachelor's party, personal interaction has allegedly been a weakness of his for some time," she admitted as she planned for any potential point of refutement internally or verbally shared. "Which is why I need someone with ...well your particular sensibilities," she conceded. A compliment to some and an underhanded comment to others. Of course the use of Sousuke in the first place was a calculated decision. Sousuke has been notoriously tolerance of known criminals and lacked the skill set necessary to be effectively duplicitous. Sousuke represented an aspect of 'trust' and a sense of 'reassurance' that would would wield like a weapon in these coming weeks. Afterall, the Steward would never intentionally harm the Toraono in-law. yes, she had done her homework, to excess.

She would empty the remainder of her glass of sparkling water down her throat. She was partial to the bubbly, not that she would admit such an inane preference. If Akkuma failed to pop the cork yet on the sealed bottle of wine, she would open the bottle herself and mention, "if I was trying to hurt you, I would have chose a more private meeting place for this tête-à-tête." She would pour a small quantity, perhaps two ounces in her empty drinking glass and take a sip to demonstrate the safety of the wine. If he had started to drink, she would take none and say nothing regarding the bottle of wine.

"I do have a few questions. More specifically, concerns." she continued. This is where the bride turns into a bridezilla. She would reach into her bag she had already written out a list of questions she wanted to ask on her way to this establishment. The paper was not in her possession long enough to be used to track her so she would relinquish her possession of the sheet.
The Note said:
  1. Are you able to provide entertainment in the form of exotic dancers and prostitutes? Will you be able to provide this entertainment in both genders?
  2. Are your men and women routinely checked for venereal diseases? Can you submit to me medical clearance within the last 6 months for each of your men and women to corroborate this?
  3. Explain to me the security of your establishment?
  4. Are uninvited guests capable of entering your club, if so how and can this be prevented?
  5. Can guests within the party leave the party on their own or are they dependent on someone to provide them with a means of egress?
  6. Do you trust those with security clearance necessary for #4 and #5, if so, why?
  7. Can their permissions be temporarily revoked? If so would you be willing to revoke their permission, less your own for the duration of this bachelor's party?
  8. How will catering and ancillary staff be managed in terms of security?
  9. Can these entertainers be chakra capable men and women? I need about 50.
  10. Will you be present? Will you require anything for your personal protection and well-being?
  11. Can I have a means of reliable, direct contact with you so I can get in touch with you during the period of time leading up to the bachelor's party? If so, can you please provide me with this information?

Her handwriting was neat, perfectly straight on lineless paper in a simple, easy to read cursive script. She waited for the demon to digest everything that she shared.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
"Miroku Akkuma, I presume." his gazed shifted to the hand that was extended out to him. 'Ah for business.' he thought to himself as assessed the woman before him. He shook the woman's hand unaware she was gauging him as she did so. She'd feel the many scars that littered his hand that may not have been noticeable at first glance. From the constant training he put himself through. But perhaps most noticeable was that his claws wore well kept. Although perhaps it wouldn't be surprising that he'd take such care. His grip would be firm yet not rough, maintaining eye contact & giving a warm smile with no attempts to hide his curiosity. While the Kitsune wore robes it was obvious that underneath was body of a being that trained regularly.

Upon being so close to him Michi may just even pick up the faint scent of peaches. Since taking this new form the Demon had picked up quite the taste for the fruit. "You presume correctly." he'd say with a chuckle. His flesh would be warm to the touch & his gaze powerfully alluring. But within that gaze was the soul of a being that wanted everything. Akkuma had become more protective & possessive of the things he considered his. The demon had placed this down to another aspect of the Kitsune shift. Two white fox ears twitched with interest listening to his sons footsteps as they departed. He'd definitely missed something interesting before his arrival. The woman next words caused the Kitsune to sift through his memories. But he found the encounter eventually even giving a chuckle at the reminiscing of her book colliding with Riyota's face. "I see I'm not the only one to have gone through some changes since we last met." he would say casually eyeing the woman wondering what had caused the change.

Most importantly though was the new moniker used by the woman. It wasn't just her name that had changed. "How young he was then...could barely even keep himself alive." he said with a chuckle even Fuu's book had proven formidable to the youth. She spoke of the words she'd said to Kanmuri & the Demon chuckled. 'So that's what had him in such a rush to get out of here..' he thought to himself knowing the boy must be going to confirm the knowledge. "I'm surprised he didn't confront me about it...must be going to brood. Yes myself & my eldest have had quite the falling out." a smirk brief flickered across his face. 'Falling Out' was an understatement. The boy had fallen hard for the new Lady of the Toraono, another being who would eventually be made to see his way. Until then he would let her think she would succeed in her manipulation of his son to kill him.

Each had been put on their path they just needed the right push. Everything else would just happen on it's own. "By the time Kanmuri found me we weren't on speaking terms. I decided it best not to cloud his mind with the thoughts of a brother who wished to kill his father." he'd said the word so casually that one might have thought it was common place at the Miroku table for talk of murder between one another. Although this was not untrue as there were only two ways to claim the title of Clan Head. By decree of the council or by the rite of challenge. A matter that would not end until the old Clan Head was dead or the challenger defeated.

He raised an eyebrow at her meal pairing. "Sandwyrm? Curious this is the first time I've tried it in all my time here." he said with a chuckle. He sliced into the meat his tongue tracing the edge of his mouth before he lifted the piece to his mouth. Her next question made him chuckle as the Kitsune eyed Michi. "Curious you should ask..." a smile formed upon his face as the Kitsune smiled once more. "...he's a hybrid so it's hard to calculate. But I'd say he's more Demon then Man." he said casually after all he had to make up for the weakening of genetics somewhere. Then he reinforced it with a seal using the enzymes of this form. There was no telling what the child would become. One thing would be true he had the potential to be a weapon.

Those crimson eyes looked over the Oracle as she gave him her warning. "Despite what others yourself or others think I'm in this for the long haul...Kanmuri is not being raised to be the child I need him to be." he would say to Michi a statement that would no doubt raise more questions. If Kanmuri was not being raised to be the Heir to the clan than what was he being raised for? His eldest would no doubt soon unite the houses of Toraono & Miroku forever given enough time. He'd grown to be a man of justice who desired nothing but to help & protect those around him. He didn't have the heart of a killer but he had the heart of a Leader. Kanmuri was on the path to becoming a monster. But Akkuma had hopes that the village would hone his rage & fashion him into an invaluable asset.

In truth there was one single recurring pattern between Akkuma & those he kept in his company. Trouble tended to follow them & power seemed to be something each achieved effortlessly. In truth in the time of his arrival he was almost sure that there had been a noticeable rise in capable shinobi & many of which had been his subjects. The Demon had turned Suna into his personal Lab. With such a wide variety of genetics & beings it had proven an ample place to set up his studies. Even his brief forced stints at the Academy to assess the progress of the students being at the Academy had taught him one thing. His methods worked. Even if it resulted in the whole village despising him he'd see them all strong enough to face any threat that it faced, no matter the cost.

He'd said for now to surely raise more questions from the being known as Michi & savored the pairing before him. Giving a tilt of his head to acknowledge the success of her pairing he would listen to the reason of why she came here. Once more he found himself raising an eyebrow as his ears twitched. Swallowing the contents of his mouth he would gauge her for a moment listening intently to what she had to say. There was a curiosity in his gaze as the woman uncorked the bottle after speaking & pouring the contents. While he'd not suspected poison he had other questions. Akkuma sat forward & his eyes gleamed with excitement. "You're marrying Mister 'I'm Death.' Haha. Of course you would be." there was a liveliness to his voice that might've been unexpected.

"Let me get this straight. You wish to hire my venue to House the Sennin's bachelor party? You understand that Sousuke has...issues with much of my work." again another understatement. The Steward had directly ordered him to cease much of that work immediately. "Sensibilities? How like you to be so eloquent or perhaps tactful is the better word?" he was sure she would correct him of which would be most suited. "Though it is true if you're to have any luck of them unwinding it will be at one of my venues." he said with a chuckle. After all how could he say no to hosting a bachelor party for one of his allies even if it was due to ties via the Toraono.

Perhaps most intriguing of all was the series of requests that Michi had & the information she required. Part of the Demon couldn't help but be suspicious towards the Oracles request. "In regards to your requests...Yes & of course, yes I'll have the documents forwarded to you. Security is taken care of by Clan members. Each in possessing a Curse Seal & chakra capable just as the security. Re-enforced walls & anti chakra sealing engineered into the building. The only way in or out of the Private Function area will be via accompaniment of one of my staff." a chuckle escaped his lips when he saw the uninvited guests question. "Not unless they're a prodigy at reverse engineering seals & even then if they don't get lost the patrols will find them." he would scan down the rest of the questions.

"Only those with my Binding Seal may work here...there trust is beyond reproach." he would say as he continued going through the list. "None shall intrude upon your Event Michi...all my staff are chakra capable & trained in the shinobi arts. Some of them are also demons..." he would say with a smirk as his gaze shifted from Michi to the succubi that had accompanied him. His gaze would shift back to Michi & if her gaze had been drawn to the being he'd give a chuckle. Leaning back in his seat he held Michi in his gaze "I'll be present...all I require for my personal protection is myself & equipment." all that left was the final request. Removing from his pocket a direct headset that was linked to one of Akkuma's channels.

"Use that as a means to contact me...instead of cash I require something else as payment from you my dear. Should be simple enough...I'd just like the chance to discuss some of what you've learned in regards to a few subjects. Is this acceptable? A trade of knowledge as payment for my services?" he would say to the Oracle. He still couldn't get over the fact that she had come to him of all people. Granted her reasoning were sound in logic, at least to the Demon.



Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Guarded but relatively pleasant considering his reputation, Michi continued to appraise the demon for weaknesses and strengths. She had lived the life of a tool, she understood her utility and she also understood that of others as well. She did not find the concept of utilizing people as resources as inherently offensive, people were a necessary part of the social construct she intended to manipulate. She learned a few things about the demon during this exchange as well, such as the fact that his faith was greater in his employees than it was in his own son. That he was not as paranoid as she had hoped regarding those around him, leaving him liable for a future betrayal or incursion. It was not that she had any particular affection for the demon, but she did have concerns regarding how this would affect his utility. He also never answered if he could or if he would be willing to remove the ability of his employees to enter and leave the club for the duration of the event.

He seemed confident in his staff's abilities to defend his establishment, she did not believe him. Of course he simply assumed that she wanted to know if he had any chakra-capable staff to defend the club from an intrusion but that was not the case at all but it was a presumption she would work with. "I envy your trust in your subordinates," she admitted. She trusted perhaps two people, but even in their case there were things she could not trust either with. Such as her true intentions for this event or the fact that there was no intended outcome where she would survive. The fact that she believed that either would potentially turn on her if they felt truly sleighed did not help things either. Humans were fickle, but that was not the heart of her concern. "With the use of henge, remote control of others and varied means of infiltration, I am astonished that you have such confidence Miroku Akkuma." She mused as Akkuma claimed he needed no assistance or assurances to ensure his safety.

She received the headset, eyeing the channel the device was set for the channel it was preset to, just in case she was somehow separated from the device. Yes, she could not be too careful. She kept the headset on the table, Akkuma gave her something that was associated with his person. She did not want to dilute the chakra she would use to track the demon later. Yes, she was making sure that she had primary and secondary plans and means of contact whenever possible. It was time to make a deal, Akkuma needed no convincing, no manipulation. It was easy, too easy in fact. Had she known it would have been so simple, she would have asked more on this first meeting but she was being careful, dare one say 'cautious' to avoiding spooking the demon. "Service for knowledge," she repeated "would be acceptable terms." And with that a binding deal was made if the demon realized it or not, Ancients were creatures of laws and in her case Faustian deals.

Then let's carry on.

"I will need your people to keep every guest within the confines of your club until 0901 the next morning," she added as she moved her gaze upward to meet the demons. "Precisely 0901," she repeated. She did not offer a reason. All eyes were on the wedding, not the rowdy right of passage most men and some women enjoy before entering their new life as a married person. "Would your people be capable of keeping them there... without harming Sennin Senju," her voice turned stern as she stated Kazuki's name. She seemed incapable of referring to him in a casual manner. "Or Kasha," if she could find him. One might care enough to stop her, one might try to stop her because it was simply in his nature to interfere.

This is where things would get sticky. This was where things would get tricky.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
He chuckled at her words before poking out his tongue & revealing a type of Fūinjutsu he'd created. One that worked much like a compact from the Eldritch days. Once he was sure she'd noted it he would return it to his mouth. "I think we can both agree trust is for fools. My staff & the clansmen who are apart of my projects are all sealed with a Binding Fūinjutsu of my own creation. A compact if you will. Should the terms of the agreement be breached, the party who does so pays the price." he would say with a devilish smirk. The implication was quite obvious & didn't need elaborating. "This works both ways...I'm not blind to my nature. This is a means of ensuring I don't break my compact. It usually quells most doubts in both parties minds, why worry about trust when a compact can be enforced. One just has to ensure they're specific..." he would say calmly as if he'd not just told her he didn't even trust himself. Although the last few words he said to her would tell her everything she needed to know about the seal.

When she said the terms would be acceptable the demon extended his hand. "Specifics must be stated while the seal is placed, after the terms are established & set it will complete the process." he would say with a shrug. "There may be a scratch or two but he'll be fine. I have trained medics on my staff, my own Summon also has quite the vast Medical skillset. You do understand who it is you're asking me to detain? I can only gather that their company will be of the same caliber...the request might require some force if they are...determined to depart." he would say calmly being honest after a pause to evaluate his own forces against that of his patrons for the Event. His eyes would glint as he spoke his next words "Earlier you accepted the terms of information for my services. Specifics must be set for today's business the subject of me & tell me everything you know of them." for he had little doubt on the thoroughness of the Oracles investigations when she got curious about something.

Information was power. Having an Oracle or two who's vast information resources he could utilize was not something he could pass up on. "In order to ensure that my parameters of security will be enough I need a detailed list of all who will be attending." he would say to the Oracle before him. If Kazuki was going to be there & the Steward Sousuke he had little doubt that it was merely going to be a simple gathering of individuals. As thorough as many of his protocols were he needed to be sure with the Binding Seal being placed. The Demon would not bring up that the only ones not to be harmed were Kazuki & an individual known as Kasha. For if that was not corrected it may be something he could use to his advantage & the Demon had been more than generous with what he'd given the Oracle so far.


CRPJ - Binding Seal
Binding Seal Jutsu

Link to Approval:

CRPJ's Effects & Limitations
May only have five-ten binding seals in effect. [Must have OOC approval of target of Seal]
Death upon breaking contract terms [Of course naturally anyone is more then able to roleplay the seal simply burning or not even doing anything at all as per the getting to choose if it affects them clause. Its up to the individual players whether they follow through with the death.]
(Mainly for Akkuma so if he breaks one of these contracts he dies [obviously at Suicide Costs/Penalty])


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
She was a master manipulator, not that the demon realized it but she had already gotten something out of him. Akkuma exposed his tongue and she saw it, a seal. There was something about fūinjutsu that made her uncomfortable. She would never forget what Nao did to her and in time, hopefully soon, he would pay for his sins. Her stomach churned and the bitter taste of bile could be sampled in the back of her mouth, but she swallowed the fire that crept up her throat. "Nope" her head declared, it was not a plead but a command. She was not going to allow any ink to touch any part of her body ever again. She believed that she would never volunteer to tether her will to an external force. Little did she know that Kazuki would demand just that in a few weeks time. A price to pay if she wanted his compliance, the only truly essential part of this farce. There was a difference: she would not live long enough for Kazuki's demand to become relevant to her. The same could not be said of Akkuma's request.

"I think we can both agree trust is for fools. My staff & the clansmen who are apart of my projects are all sealed with a Binding Fūinjutsu of my own creation. A compact if you will. Should the terms of the agreement be breached, the party who does so pays the price."

"What Price?" She almost instinctively asked but another word popped into her head. "Nope!" The word seemed to echo in her mind. Akkuma's expression was unsettling. That mischievous smirk. She could not control how she felt but she could control how she reacted. Be it pain, fear, anger, or something else entirely she could maintain a clinical facade. There was a safety in the measured reactions, it hid the truth of what could hurt her and what she feared. She might be compelled to speak only the truth, however honesty was a luxury she would never be able to afford.

"This works both ways...I'm not blind to my nature. This is a means of ensuring I don't break my compact. It usually quells most doubts in both parties minds, why worry about trust when a compact can be enforced. One just has to ensure they're specific..."

He continued to explain, but he really did not explain anything. How would the seal ensure compliance, fidelity, or in her case veracity? The demon failed to say. Nope. She had no assurance regarding that fact beyond his word that he would be tethered in any way, or exactly what the seal would do to her if she acquiesced. In both her extensive studies as well as personal experience, she knew full well what seals could do and how will alone was not enough to betray the nature a seal could manifest. He extended his hand when she stated specifically that service for knowledge would be acceptable terms. She was not going to touch him. Nope!

"Specifics must be stated while the seal is placed, after the terms are established & set it will complete the process."

She smiled, this one not like her usual awkward expressions where she forced a social platitude. There was something wrong with the expression all the same, there was no mirth or warmth in the expression. "There is no way in the nine hells, the dunes of Godsfall or the celestial spaces of Fuujin that you could convince me to accept a seal." There was a bit of a chuckle. Did she find this funny? No, not at all. "I have no reason to believe that seal will do what you claimed," she added. She could simply tell him the truth, that she could not lie but there was no way for him to know that for certain. This would mean that they were at an impasse. There was no way for either of them to know with any level of certainty that the other was worthy of trust.

The question was -- what does a girl do now?

Nothing new, the plan had not changed. She did not expect the man to accept what would have been a suicide mission. The demon might be a fool, but he was not a complete idiot. He did however go on.

"There may be a scratch or two but he'll be fine. I have trained medics on my staff, my own Summon also has quite the vast Medical skillset. You do understand who it is you're asking me to detain? I can only gather that their company will be of the same caliber...the request might require some force if they are...determined to depart."

He went on to mention that there might be some minor injuries but that her supposed paramour would be in the end intact. "I have every expectation of that," Michi admitted. "Which is why I wanted the incarceration to occur there," she admitted. Was he selling her or was she selling him? A lady always lets the man lead.

"Earlier you accepted the terms of information for my services. Specifics must be set for today's business the subject of me & tell me everything you know of them."

"Indeed," she replied.

"In order to ensure that my parameters of security will be enough I need a detailed list of all who will be attending."

"But I will not agree to a seal," she announced her limit. "However," she had more to say on the matter. "You will be compliant regardless," a cocky statement from a woman that was likely half the demon's size with no known fighting abilities beyond a sizeable knowledge of the varied means of war. "Because, you are going to figure something out... all by yourself," she knew he was not capable of thinking very hard, she could almost see the hollow space behind his eyes. "And you will have a sudden need to be in the right place at the right time, because for once you are going to play the hero." and this is when a smile emerged. A real smile came over her face, "and you are going to either stop me now or seek me out in a few weeks... requesting that I use your service for this celebration." This was something that she could not bottle feed the man, he was not an infant.

She put down her fork, the salad was half-consumed and attempted to stand up. "Dinner is paid for, enjoy your meal. I know it is already cold, but the scene will be a familiar one," she was leaving and his meal would be alone. Alone like so many other meals. "Your roots are too deep in this community for you to play the disreputable demon any longer," she had identified his weakness years ago on the day they met. The day he forced her to have a meal with him. The day she met his 'son.' The years between that meeting and next painted an image of him that he had all but proved to her. "You are an incredibly lonesome creature, you remain in Sunagakure by choice and... you'll probably be getting me killed soon. Just not today." He did not know she could not lie, so it might have sounded melodramatic but there was a terrible truth hidden in those words. "And when you are ready to make this deal, without a seal," she wont ever trust a seal. "We will have an exchange, a book waiting for you at your venue the night of the celebration with more than you ever needed to know about those topics of interest as well as a few tidbits I feel you might benefit from," how sweet a freebie. "Your job," one she knew he would not actually do but oddly enough that did not matter because it would happen regardless of his intentions. "Keep them occupied until 901 the next morning. I don't care if it is with sex, drugs and rock 'n roll or with chains. Simple."

She would lean over the table and do one more thing. Attempt to kiss Akkuma on the lips before she departed. Yes, she was leaving. Yes, she was attempting to achieve physical contact of what would appear to be of a mildly intimate nature in... a public venue. Yes, she was doing something to the demon, something terrible. Success or not, it did not matter, she would not assail the man for a kiss. A rejection would be almost as good as the real thing. "Have a good evening."
[She attempts to leave the topic. I have a lot more I can do in this thread or a fresh thread with you, but this would be her next series of moves. @ Jiro: I swear i am not stealing your man. >_<]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
