Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A different view [Tutor]

May 7, 2017
Striding through the halls of the academy Yukio was wondering what was causing him to spend so much time here over the last few days his contact with the students had been much more practical than he had initially expected. Most seemed to take interest in what he had to say or at least probing his mind of the experience that he had earned during his time outside of the village.

Walking into one of the empty classrooms he expected his newest addition to the growing list of students under his wing to make a timely arrival. With everything going on time was limited but it did make him curious what questions he would be asked today or what demonstrations would be asked of him. It was all for the betterment of the village he knew that much and whatever he had to do it would be done at the professional level that was expected of him.

Looking out the window a moment it still felt different to him, the renovations made to the academy still being something he wasn't quite used to and being so different from when he was but a young child with hope and wonder in his eyes. The curiosity of what he teachers could truly do if they were to fight seriously, as of late he had begun to scratch of those topic though whether he wanted to see what lay beneath that layer of kindness they had shown them was another matter entirely.

The classroom itself was empty but would be sufficient enough for the lesson at hand anything practical could be done on a smaller scale and still achieve the same results but the hope was that this would be a lesson of gaining new knowledge to help the young Shinobi grow. At least that was the basic idea of the whole thing.

Keeping it simple... Suyashi managed to pull himself together early in the morning with his morning routine getting his body ready for the upcoming tournament. Giving himself a big push though this was the week that he would calm down leading up to the tournament. He didnt want to stress his body out, but he wanted to keep himself limber for everything. He was going to get some scratches. He was gonna leave busted up, but he wanted to win. And thats why he took to this different cool down regiment that he'd learned from watching his mother when they were still travelling. She would work her body out tirelessly for weeks on end until she felt adequately ready for anything then they would move, and she would simple keep her body in combat mode until she picked it up again. Never stopping her training, but bringing it from a ten down to a three, then back up to ten. She never didnt train in the early days... And Sushi would take this, knowing that she was a Kage herself in the past, that would do him some good having a similar ideal in terms of the general upkeep of her body.

Today though he was turning it down to a three, keeping his eyes focused he knew that this was going to be a quick lesson that was planned out. He signed up for something simple... just to continue to keep his mind and body sharp. What better way than learning from a guy that had just made it into a higher rank? Well, then again did Sushi really know that? He didnt... but it was good in theory, right? After eating his breakfast, eggs and toast, even keeping his meals light, Sushi would trot down the alleyways to jog from his apartment to the academy for his lesson. Simple. It didnt at all matter, he wasnt trying to go overboard, nor was he trying to impress just yet. He was setting out to ensure that he would be able to get his body and mind keen. Even jogging through the halls weaving through students, and keeping his pace consistent he made his way to his designated classroom before stopping.

"oioi Sensei, Minamoto Suyashi reporting for class... May I ask whats on the lesson today sir?", he'd speak in a full honorable bow, his chest to his knees, before standing again. The honey-dew blond came across as completely wanting to be formal. This was someone he did not know, but he looked a bit like Kuro? Maybe, just maybe... Then again it would not matter if he could get things well off with all things considered. Maybe he would learn something interesting? Maybe it would be boring? Who knew? But at the end of the day... who cared, he was here to learn everything possible.

Turning his head to make a gesture of greeting towards the boy Yukio seemed rather calm and relaxed about the whole thing regardless of the fact the was meant to be a teacher. He found it was the easiest way to relate to them as he too was a student not so long ago in the grand scheme of things.

"Well I know it may seem boring but its one of the most useful things you can learn, even just having the knowledge of such things can be a game changer in a sticky situation and as such I begin by asking you a question how much do you know about visual Jutsu?"

It was a basic question but one that could go rather in depth with enough knowledge and time though this would cover the basics and a bit more than that, with everything going on within the village he wanted to know what each of the students could do and why they were trying to progress through the academy to become whatever Shinobi they wanted to be.

The question itself was rather obscure to say the least whether he was hinting at Genjutsu or some of the other clans visual jutsu within the leaf village could not be truly narrowed down and the rather content smile on Yukio's face showed such a thing would not be revealed until an answer was given.

Both would be the potential topics in this particular lesson, visual jutsu of all types could make or break a Shinobi and having next to no knowledge of such things could cost someone dearly in the middle of a battle. The suggestive abilities of the Sharingan and the universal vision of the Hyuuga clan being the first two on this list of potential encounters though the Hyuuga himself did not know if any of his clan besides himself resided within the village.

It didnt take long for the snow maned male before him to begin the lesson with a question back to Sushi, 'He looks like he is my age... Then again maybe he is a newer teacher?', nodding as he made his way to a desk he'd begin thinking about all the different types of jutsu, but nothing struck him as something that was completely visual. He didnt know much about genjutsu, so maybe that was what he was talking about but then again... wasnt every jutsu some sort of visual thing? They all had to have some sort of line of sight? so with a tilted skull, Sushi's jawline would shake for a moment as he searched for the verbiage that he wished to use. "Uhm, I would guess that all jutsu are visual to some extent? I didnt know there was a visual type of jutsu... Maybe I need to read more scrolls! Haha..", rubbing the back of his spikey honey hair.

It was true that he didnt know alot about certain jutsu, but he was no prodigy as some people seemed to think. Born of Two Former Mizukage, he had to have extensive knowledge of water jutsu right? That couldnt be further from the truth, he was the worst with water jutsu, he could barely hold a simple water gun technique, but how he was able to make sparking Fire Techniques? And his prowess with Lightning element was matched by no one in his class. He knew he was the best with it, hands down without a second guess. However, would that be enough? Maybe... Maybe not. He didnt have any choice in the matter he was born how he was born! And there was definitive notions surrounding this. He knew that if he went too hard, and succeeded he would be forced into raising his game everytime he did anything... but if he grew into himself he would be able to push and surprise the world. He liked surprising people when they doubted him.

However, That was where things stopped in his brain... He wasnt even thinking about Visual Jutsu anymore, so he would shake his head and speak once again, "Uhh... Are you talking about Genjutsu? Cause I'm no good with that brain stuff...", he'd mutter trailing off as he went into his own brain again. He was interested, but he didnt want to make a foo of himself here.

[WC - 402]
Raising an eyebrow Yukio tilted his head to the side as he heard Suyashi's response, it was somewhat surprising having no concept of visual jutsu seemed rare to him but then again he had been blessed with such eyes and his teacher had become accustomed to being around such things. But he was on the right track so it was a start.

"Well yes, there are Genjutsu most of which hamper the senses but some are done through direct eye contact though when you do encounter them it is up to your own willpower to break out of such things. The other type of visual jutsu are the Clan bloodlines who are blessed with visual prowess from birth giving them a wide range of abilities once they have managed to awaken those eyes."

as he spoke he turned to the board drawing two charts and showing a basic outline of both the Sharingan and the Byakugan they were perfect but then again they didn't have to be just getting the point across would be enough and seeing as he could use himself as an example it didn't really matter.

"You see at any point you could come across either of these visual based jutsu we know them as doujutsu and they tend to be specific towards the clans of the Hyuuga and the Uchiha. Now for all they are powerful do be aware they are not unbeatable, everything has a weak spot and if you can find and exploit it then you can gain the upper hand in such conflicts."

He spoke in a slow manner making sure everything being said was being taken in by the student, too much information could be overwhelming.

"If you need to ask anything at any point feel free to stop me, even I had trouble with things like this when I was in the academy"

Nodding to Yukio, he'd open a scroll out before him as he would write down notes of his own, making a silly diagram of what was on the board to help him remember what he'd seen. It would be there just to spark memory. Though, he spent most of his time listening, this was valuable information. He'd read on the Uchiha alittle, but e didnt know much about their eyes. Tis would be undeniable intel for him to take with him into the tournament. 'So, Hyuuga and Uchiha use visual jutsu? Maybe there is a way to counter act it? Maybe... Maybe...', he found himself writing frantically as he muttered lowly. It was creepy honestly. Muttering and muttering, and the words were inaudible to anyone aside from Sushi. He'd have to see if there would be a way to connect this to his training a while back with Shida and that damned feline. He hated cats from the time he fought them in an alley way that night... only to meet more when he was helping Shida become the Alpha.

"I see I see, I've heard tales of those eyes, The Sharingan to the Uchiha and the Byakugan to the Hyuuga. To be fair, just looking at them the Hyuuga eye seems scary. Almost like they are blind...", nodding he would continue writing down his notes and moved over the scroll to create more room on the parchment. Though, thinking a bit about what Yukio said maybe this wasnt something he would want to get involved with if he could control it. "If they arent unbeatable... How does one have a chance of beating eyes that... Well, what do they do?", looking up from his paper Sushi found himself staring for a moment. Pondering if he could answer his own question, his head had been rocked so much in his fight with Sho maybe he was having relapses? Who knew...

Then again, maybe he already had a way to beat them and he didnt know? Maybe it was simple, like some simple think like... Wait? What was the thing you needed most if you relied on those eyes? 'Think Suyashi Think!', he was drawing literal blanks in his head not knowing where exactly he was going with the thought in his head. Looking for a jumpstart, "So... If they rely on their eyes, wouldnt the idea be to take the power of their eyes away? But how?"

[WC = 406]
Yukio listened to the boy his muttering and writing showing he knew how useful this information would be and his questions were ones that could be expected from someone faced with these new and curious abilities. It would be beneficial to teach him sooner rather than later what they could do in some form of detail as defending against them took a particular set of skills or reactions depending on the situation.

"Well the Sharingan are all about eye contact and watching the movements of an opponent, blocking vision with smoke of flash weapons or anything that causes blindness really can be a pain for any visual jutsu. The Byakugan on the other hand provide three hundred and sixty degree vision and through the ability to see Chakra they can see through things like smoke if they have enough training. But that's just it, should you come across someone at your level with these visual abilities then you can be certain they are not completely sure what they are capable of."

He wondered what else could beat his own eyes he had been in situations where even he had been caught off guard when not paying attention or when something had taken his mind elsewhere. Another weakness of such visual abilities being focus.

"Focus is another big one, having experienced such things for myself a lot of visual jutsu takes great amounts of focus and practice to be able to use. The focus of keeping sure you have all the information you want on the battlefield can make it so you miss minor details and what should usually be obvious to you"

He made note of everything he said under each drawing of the eyes turning his long explanations into the short important facts that would be of more help than the filler information.

[WC: 304]
Nodding and scribbling again, his head more downwards at his desk than up to Yukio he would find himself continuing, trying to grasp at the situation. Grasp the type of jutsu needed to take out such power, but as Yukio would explain, the Sharingan was easier to counter than the Byakugan. Which was true, then... they were the scarier form of eyes than the Sharingan. so with a huff he would nod, going to figure out how to make flash bombs, but it wasnt going to end there, with his new ideas he would channel the thoughts that would all surmise to say the least, he would be able to counter Hyuuga and Uchiha at his level, but as he would grow, he would have to figure out ways to take them on without relying on simple tricks. Maybe this was a chance that he would be able to take to the tournament, he was sure he would run across Uchiha in the tournament. Hopefully though, he wanted to face the stronger of the two. The Hyuuga.

"Focus. Right, because if you yourself lose focus on the task as well, you'll fall victim to the visual jutsu... If you can throw off their focus, then that may help? Such as the Flash bombs and Smoke bombs. That deter their focus on a singular target... Hm! Ok! I think I'm getting it now, Hnnng...", a moan of satisfaction from what was presented to him, the young knuckle head would smile brightly to Yukio before turning his head back down to the scroll. Hnnng, This was like a study hall, but the information he would learn here he'd most definitely continue with this...

"Alright, Thank you Sensei. Aye aye, I think I'm going to be ready for this tournament! Heh!', nodding he'd turn his focus to finishing the last bits of details that were spoken to him as Yukio would so finish.

WC = 318
Rather out of character Yukio smiled and chuckled, it was rather interesting to see how each student would take this tournament and how eager they all were to improve and get all the information they could to give themselves the upper hand during the tournament as he waited for the boy to finish his notes.

"I see the tournament is coming up, I will be watching to see how you all do being the future of leaf your potential to find a path in life could very well begin here and by doing all this learning before hand you are only improving those chances of winning."

He looked back erasing what was written on the board after Suyashi was finished making whatever notes he needed before stretching.

"Just remember to put things you have learned here and put them to practical use and make sure you are ready for anything, you may all only be students but I suspect each of you have some tricks up your sleeves. Having a trump card of some kind will be a great asset to you as well do something they can never expect that's something I always tried to keep in mind when I was younger."

He spoke as if he was an old man which sent a shiver down his spine, he wasn't even that old but the activities asked of him over recent weeks had taken their tole and were beginning to wear him out as he walked over to the door holding it open for the young student.

"And with all of that you are free to leave if you so wish, I'm sure you want to do everything you can to prepare for the coming days."

[WC:287/WT: 1500+]
[Tutor session complete please hit WC and rewards will be requested]
Nodding he would listening to Yukio, nodding once again this was a good learning event for him, this would bring him over the top with the skills and such he would take with him. It didnt come down to raw power, any person could manage that with a few Exploding Tags. It was how you used your jutsu against different people. How you stacked your offenses against their defenses. It was fair enough to say that Sushi was prepped and ready. He'd take a few days to get himself together but he knew with this session he would have an edge above most of the other students.

"Thank you Sensei! I appreciate you teaching me everything today! I promise you'll see it put into good work and good use.", nodding he'd wrap up his scroll before bowing once again and trotting off to train his body once again. Though maybe he'd turn it up to a four now? Who knew...

TWC = 1500+
[Topic Left - thanks for the tutor!]

Current Ninpocho Time:
