Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Fallen Friend or Foe? (Req Yasei)

Kimari Bōmu

Active Ninja
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Keniwa had been on his way to try out a new strategy for conversing with others, however he was instantaneously taken aback after hearing "Woah!" as he watched a small figure fall from the trees above. Instantly taking a defensive stance with the use of Zaiken style becoming much less vulnerable to some sort of attack. He had been training for this moment practically his whole life, his first fight, a rush of adrenaline entered his body his eyes remaining razor focused keeping an eye on his prey. Although immediately softening his Zaiken style as soon as this brown haired boy began to speak. The more he spoke the more relaxed Keniwa got, although he struggled to keep up with how fast Yasei spoke. 'He talks so fast... such speed could rival the speed at which even the teachers could perform hand seals.' He was near but numb to most of what he said however some key words remained, 'Friends.. Spar... Kiriyomi? Who's that..?' Keniwa's form had soften however he remembered this boy's face, possibly someone from his class?

"Hasegawa... how do I know you are who you say?" Keniwa now holding a serious facial expression ready to fight if his life depends on it. His fists began to crack and small rock like spikes protruded from his knuckles, as his light blue eyes slightly darkened removing their previous bright youthful light they once had. "You had hoped to ambush that frail sandy haired boy?" He retained his once battle ready stance allowing him to strike at the potential Hasegawa at any moment.
"No not today, I was just running around in the trees for fun then I stepped a branch that wasn't sturdy so it fell I don't have any plans to ambush Kiriyomi today! I usually ask if wants to spar then Ambush him randomly through the day it's more fun that way!" Yasei exclaimed with a grin as he stared at Kenawi. "Oh that's cool, you do rock skin stuff! Is that because of your clan? I don't have a clan but it's fun hanging around the village, My mom is pretty cool!" he clearly fallen into his rambling again his hands rapidly moving in tune with his talking.

"Uhh how do you know I'm Hasegawa? I dunno ask my mom it's her name I just took it after she adopted me, I mean like I carry anything to identify myself, Do you? I mean we've seen each other in class a few times if I remember correctly but I get not remembering! I forget names sometimes, people always call me scatterbrained but I don't get it all my thoughts are there and I know what I'm saying so how does that mean I'm scatter brained?" he rambled on as he adjusted his hair that was threatening to break out of it's band.
Well Keniwa had certainly learnt one thing, this boy was not a threat, whilst he did had appeared somewhat menacing in terms of facial features,, his personality was as soft as a rabbit. Keniwa had no clue what to do in this situation completely out of his depth in any friendship related topics. Yasei despite having only spoken to Keniwa for a minute or two was probably already the closest thing that Keniwa had to a friend. "Scatter brained.. would be... uh.. softening the truth... " Keniwa was slightly embarrassed clearly visible with his stiff stature, he could barely understand what Yasei was saying.

"Those wrappings of yours... do you specialise in taijustu?" Keniwa had yet to really talk to anyone his age that was like minded to him in terms of a fighting style, although he couldn't help but be curious, due to Yasei's energetic demeanour, he leant aside a tree with his hands in his pocket whilst he stared at Yasei's wrappings, in an attempt to still give off an intimidating vibe. Unlikely to look convincing with his cheeks still slightly red.
"Taijutsu, Yeah I do specialize in taijutsu I tried genjutsu but I couldn't really get the hang of It, There's a mental aspect I just can't seem to get while Taijutsu is easy. It's physical attacks of varying degrees, It's simple and just feels right I don't exactly know why!" He said with a shrug he knew it was vaguely related to some innate ability about him but he didn't know exactly what it was so he didn't bother mentioning it. "My mom got me these wrapping when I got into the academy, I know they aren't great for making me strike harder but it's always nice to be able to fight properly without risking breaking anything in my hands. I assume you also use Taijutsu? Ooo what's your favorite technique you've seen? There are many cool taijutsu techniques!" Taijutsu had always been a big interest to him so being asked about him gave him a great opportunity to ramble.
'My favourite technique...?' Keniwa had not really actually specialised so much in specific Taijutsus, as much as he had been specifically training his body and his iron will. However he had seen one specific taijutsu from his father which he wished to replicate. "Shattering strike... That's what i wish to use. It had the immense power to break through and sort of shield that anyone could uphold." Keniwa related to Yasei in his specialisation in Taijutsu, in comparison to ninjutsu and genjutsu.

He looked down and quietly chuckled, he remembered the times where he had attempted to use genjutsu. A grin beginning to form on his face."A few years ago I tried to use a genjutsu which failed instantly, alongside my body becoming very weak and tired, i remember my head falling face first in to my dinner, my mum's expression was unforgettable, you should have seen it!" Keniwa became more relaxed and his speech began to become more open and fluent, Yasei's ramblings to Keniwa were somewhat distracting however in a peaceful way, despite the continuous bombardments. However with his body becoming more relaxed and calm he started to slowly slide down the tree he leant on, quickly losing his footing. Keniwa knocked his head on the trunk of the tree letting out a "Uff!" Holding the back of his head and gritting his teeth with his eyes closed. He couldn't activate his tetsukawa to blunt the blow in time due to how relaxed he was prior to the slip. He laid in pain on the ground, his head now resting on the trunk of the tree.
"Seems like we're both going to be falling all over!" He exclaimed with a chuckle a smile still lighting up his face as he put his hand out to help Keniwa "Like Ma always says 'Everyone needs a hand sometimes, no matter how stubborn they are!'" He appeared to be attempting to imitate a voice which he clearly didn't have the vocal range to actually mimick even still that didn't him from trying and doing so with Gusto. "I've never heard of shattering strike before is a clan thing? Personally I've always wanted to learn Primary Lotus, It's such a cool drop technique and the names also really cool I mean primary Lotus that's really cool for a jutsu name!" His hand was still out to help but he had clearly started to ramble again which at this point probably seemed like the only way that Yasei ever communicated with others for as fast as talked he thought ten times faster to point if someone ever read his mind they'd have to decipher what thoughts of his actually were important and what was just background noise.
"Did you hurt you head bad? Do you think we should go to the infirmary or do you think was just a small fall? I'd hate for you to be hurt especially given your one of my new friends, Mom always said I struggle to make friends because I talk to much but I don't get that aren't all friendships built on talking I mean otherwise how would anyone makes friends without talking, It's a fundamental part of friendship!" After finished his ramble he stopped for a moment to take a few deep breaths.
Keniwa could keep up with Yasei's ramblings whilst he was completely conscious however with his head dazed all of it was too much for him, it was like he never stopped, it just kept going like a fly trying to get out of a house. Keniwa could see Yasei sticking his hand out towards Keniwa. He couldn't help but think about how lucky he was to make a friend, Yasei was a kind guy, he was glad he finally had someone who he could possibly be friends with. "Yeah no my head is okay, just a small fall im okay." Yasei's kindness reminded him of his mum's caring nature and playful attitude, his mum was right that maybe he did talk a lot but Keniwa thought he was okay. Keniwa grabbed Yasei's hand as he got up to stand next to him, using his other hand to rub the back of his head where he could feel a small bump where he had hit his head.

Keniwa could see Yasei running out of breath of talking, they were polar opposites in that regard, Keniwa did not speak much as the only one he would really speak to was his mother, only having very very small interactions with his father. Keniwa let out a small chuckle before saying, "Hasegawa... how come you have stuck around to talk to me?" I've been at the Academy for a couple weeks now... yet i just expected you to go back to all the other kids or go chase Kiriyomi. Why did you stay to talk?" Like a rock beginning to crack Keniwa wanted to know more about Yasei.

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Current Ninpocho Time:
