Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private A Familial Face [Req. Senju Aria]

Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
Akio was nearly sprinting as he and Aria headed towards the Senju Clan Complex that bordered one of the forests that laid within the Village Hidden in Leaves. Excitement poured from the young boy's expression. After all, it was the first day he'd get to introduce Aria, a young kunoichi that he and his grandfather had discovered to be Senju, to the rest of the clan. Plus, on top of that, Itsuki had promised to show both he and Aria some of the other things that members of the Senju clan could do. For the young nature-lover, it was certainly cause for jubilation, not that it took that much to put Akio into that kind of state.

Turning back towards the white-haired young girl, he bounced in his jog as he said, "Oh man! This is gonna be awesome Aria! You'll get to meet my mom and dad and cousins, see the whole clan complex, and we'll even get to learn some stuff from Grampa!" The boy's voice was bubbly and uplifting, his natural optimism obvious in the way he spoke. "Are you as excited as I am!?" Akio asked with a smile as he began to run backwards so he could see the young Senju girl's reaction to what today would bring. Little did either of them know that at least one member of the Senju clan had already been introduced to Aria, long long ago.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
Aria felt apprehensive as she followed Akio as he jogged up the path ahead of her. Her first experience being involved with a clan had not been the best but the forest they were currently walking through did help with easing her worries slightly as she stopped for a moment to look around at the vibrantly growing trees that seemed to exude an aura of ease as if the people that cared for it nurtured them with only positive emotions. The Wisteria clans forest on the other hand had exuded a deranged sense of bloodlust that threatened to consume the weak. Snapping herself out of her thoughts she jogged after Akio as he came back all excited at showing her the clan.

"I'm certainly feeling some thing Akio!"

Aria said with a grin but really Aria didn't feel one way or the other since she didn't really have a concept of a family instead she just took in Aiko's energy and ran with it as the boy began running backwards. Giggling at him Aria could see what she assumed was the clan building starting to come into view at the end of the path so she jogged up to Akio's side.

"Race ya!!"

Aria shouted with a cheeky grin and then started to run towards the building.

Senju Akio

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Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
Akio's smile widened at Aria's enthusiasm, even if it may have been a bit feigned, and replied to her challenge with a determined grin. "You're on!!" The sunny Senju exclaimed then immediately began a mad dash towards the complex, hopping onto a nearby wall as he bounded headlong towards the clan houses. "Hope ya can keep up!" He yelled back as he utilized a simple taijutsu that caused his chakra to begin flooding through his legs to increase his speed and make his footfalls more Fleeted.

While the air of the Senju Complex gave off a welcoming and tranquil vibe, there was a pragmatic diligence to the people that worked within its walls. It was a facet of the clan that stood in stark contrast to the demeanor that the excitable young shinobi-to-be exuded. The same could likely be said of Aria as well. Nevertheless, it was home and a place that Akio knew better than just about any other within the village. Rushing into the courtyard with Aria, Akio suddenly slid to a stop as he saw a foreboding figure.

A quick glance was shot Akio's way from his stern father, Senju Miki. The man had piercing green eyes and always seemed to have an intensity about him that belied his relatively young age for a clan leader. "You need to get serious Akio. Before long you'll be taking the exams and representing the clan. And you know better than to come with outsi-" The man's voice trailed off as he took a second look at Aria. Akio had very rarely seen his father at a loss for words, but something about seeing the young girl had given him uncharacteristic pause.

"What are you doing here today, son?" He asked sternly. Akio simply smiled as he raised a hand to scratch the back of his sandy blonde hair. "Ah! Aria and I were just coming to see the complex and visit Grandpa Itsuki! He said he had some stuff to show us!" He'd neglected to mention the fact that Aria was a Senju herself. Probably unwise, but Akio's mind was elsewhere considering his excitement and the race they'd just partaken in. Still, there was a steely look in Miki's eye as he stared towards Akio, then over to Aria to give her a look over, then back to his son. It was something that was impossible for the sunny young Senju to not take notice of. But rather than question it, Akio simply looked back to Aria as he headed off with a beckoning wave and said, "Come on! Grandpa should be over this way! I'm sure he's waitin' for us!"
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Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
Aria was surprised at how quick Akio was as he took off and even began to use chakra to cement his victory which Aria tried to match but even a subtle use of the Muscle Control Jutsu failed in keeping up with the boy so Aria was stuck just racing after Akio desperately but fortunately the court yard came into view in short order along with a figure that stopped Akio in his tracks, Aria soon caught up huffing and wheezing before she hunched over to drag in deep breaths as Akio spoke with the man. After a moment of wheezing Aria finally stood up as her chakra circulated around her body quickly riding her of her fatigue with the natural regeneration of their clan. Intense was the first word that came to Aria as she stared up at the older man before he trailed off when he caught sight of her.

'Huh That's weird. Why is he giving me that look?'

Aria mused as burning orange eyes stared back into leaf green ones. Aria unlike other Senju didn't have many of the features of normal Senju clan members due to the selective breeding of the Wisteria clan which meant she was basically a mini clone of her mother with the only feature of her father being the markings that appeared on the skin of many Senju. Said markings were usually covered by bandage wraps going up the entirety of Aria's other wise bare arms but due to her Muscle Control Jutsu and the frantic run after Akio those bandages now hung loosely off her arms allowing for the laurel patterned markings that ran up Aria's arms to be seen before she noticed the state of her clothes and quickly began to rewrap the bandages. To a Senju these marking were clan symbols but to Aria who didn't understand what they were, the marking were scars or possible brands from her family that haunted her steps in her new life.

After a moment the man questioned Akio and revealed himself to be the boys father which wasn't surprising since they looked very similar. Akio mentioned that they were here to see Itsuki and encouraged Aria to get moving but strangely enough a far off memory of Aria being taught on the etiquette for visiting another clans home came to her and wanting to give off a better impression here than with Itsuki Aria impulsively decided to introduce herself to Miki.

"Hi there! Names Senju Aria and it's nice to meet you."

Aria chirped in a bubbly manner which would have made her mother cringe at the poor manners but to Aria this was the politest she had ever been as she followed Akio down the hall while waving bye to Miki.

"Haha nailed that greeting! Who says I don't have manners. Oh was that dude your dad or something? He seemed strong."

Aria cackled proudly to Akio as she followed him through the complex.

[MFT WC: 488]
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Senju Akio

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Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
The intense Senju Clan Leader stared with a quirked eyebrow as Akio mentioned his business with clan elder Itsuki, content to let the children leave. However, when Aria stepped forward and introduced herself by name, his expression changed. It was subtle, something that only a trained eye would notice, but for a brief millisecond the man's eyes went wide. Within a mere moment he'd regained his composure and replied, "A pleasure young Aria." His response was simple and seemed to be little more than business as usual, however as soon as the two walked off towards the tree-laden gardens towards the back of the complex, Senju Miki walked inside with an uncharacteristic haste in his steady step. Unbeknownst to Akio, something was certainly amiss.

However, his father's scolding did little to dampen the young nature-lover's spirit. With a bright smile he waved towards some of his other more distant family members and said, "Hey guys! This is Aria! She's a Senju just like us! We're gonna go train with Grandpa Itsuki!" He said with a toothy grin, his hand gesturing over towards his newfound relative in an introductory posture. A few of Akio's cousins quickly crowded around to greet her. "Hi Aria! Good to meet you, I'm Keiko." "Hi Aria! Good to meet you, I'm Kiyoka." Two of his cousins said in near-unison, shy smiles adorning their youthful faces. The two young girls, likely no older than seven or eight years old, appeared to be nearly identical aside from the colors of the woven beads in their hair, even wearing the same traditional clan attire. Likewise, another of Akio's cousins, a young man a few years Akio's elder said. "Ah, I can't believe we haven't met before. Mako. Good to meet ya!" He said with a gregarious attitude that he seemed to share with Akio.

After making their way through the introductions, Akio beckoned once more, exiting out the back of one of the sliding paper shoji that separated the side building they'd walked through from the gardens in the back. "Ahhh~ you've finally arrived. Akio. Aria." The elderly Itsuki said with a smile and a nod, not fully diverting his attention from the pruning he was performing on some of the growing saplings that resided at the edge of the small forest the clan had been cultivating at the rear of the complex. "I hope you're prepared to learn. I have something special to show the two of you." Akio's eyes lit up with his characteristic determined optimism as he replied, "Heck yeah! How 'bout you Aria!?"


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
'Hm he seemed nice.'

Aria mused to herself as she watched Miki hurry away after returning her greeting leaving the girl to follow after Akio. To Aria this placed seemed strange, A large complex overground with members all smiling and talking to each other while plants grew in pots here and this just seemed too Alien for Aria to reconcile this place as a clan. To her it seemed to be the family thing Keiyaku had once described and explained to her not that she really understood it. As she contemplated the architecture Aiko came across cousins of his and technically hers who were quick to greet Aria pleasantly but Aria herself just found it overwhelming as she was surrounded for a moment and she had to resist the urge to punch someone.

"Err Hi nice to meet you."

She awkwardly said collectively to the Senju members as they walked away after their greeting. Aria waited for them to round a corner before she slammed her head into a nearby wall leaving a slight dent in the wood.

"Ugh that was stressful......Akio why are there so many people here? You sad this was a clan not a war compound."

Aria whined with her face still pressed into the indent she had made as she used the pain to refocus and amp herself up a bit since she was still really bad at the whole social interaction thing. As Akio moved on to Itsuki study Aria dragged herself from her focusing dent and followed after the blonde boy with a step full of trepidation as she awkwardly returned greetings from the people she walked by before Akio opened a shoji door and stepped through while the white haired Senju scrambled after him. Itsuki greeted the pair quickly as Aria paced out on to the veranda that Itsuki stood on as she looked out into the small forest of various tree the clan was growing. For a moment the aroma of a Wisteria tree drifted across Aria's nose causing the girl to grimace and frown at the smell before turning back to the other Senju.

"This isn't going to be one of those thinking types of lessons right since I would prefer to just punch something."

As Aria said this she stuck her first out into the air for emphasis as if boxing an invisible opponent while she bobbed her body about.

Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
Akio couldn't help but laugh as Aria seemed to get a bit flustered when surrounded by all his cousins. Their cousins. And when she'd mentioned how stressful the situation was, he closed his eyes, smiled at her, and simply said, "Not a war compound. A family. And even if you're not from here, to me, you're part of this family too." His tone was genuine and his words heartfelt, but the boy certainly couldn't have known just how close to the truth they had struck.

As they entered Grandpa Itsuki's garden and he'd explained that he had something prepared, Akio had responded with his usual over-the-top enthusiasm, while Aria mentioned her preference for something more physically focused. "Aria... I have a question for you. It is one that I've asked Akio many times in his days studying at the academy and even before that." The elderly Senju's words were soft and sagacious, his dignified tone well-practiced over his many years. "What do you believe of destiny?" He asked, stifling a cough, before continuing. "And what do you see as your own destiny?"

The words brought Akio back, his jubilant expression being replaced by one of genuine self-reflection. In the past his answers were simple. 'I wanna make tons of friends.' Or, 'I wanna be strong like dad.' Or, 'I wanna be a great shinobi.' But as he continued in his training, his dreams and ambitions had more detail, like a painting that started off as vague impressionism adding stroke after stroke of color until it painted a realistic and vivid picture. Today, he felt the core of them. 'I want to grow. To one day be the kind of man that people can count on. To be like you, Grandpa.' The words were silent and internalized, but Itsuki smiled and nodded at the young boy like he could hear them right from his mind. Akio didn't know it, but Itsuki understood the harsh reality that he would not always be there and that the time would come when Akio would have to tread his path alone was sooner than he'd wished. However, for today the wise old man expelled those thoughts and looked back towards Aria. For he knew things that she yet did not as well.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
Aria crossed her arms and frowned as she looked down at the floor. Mulling over Itsuki's question was difficult for the little girl, especially because the question was very philosophical in nature and Aria had always been one to live in the present because to her only the present matters. However the question did stir up memories of her time back with her Mother.

-Flashback No Jutsu-
Aria's first memory was of the room, It was called that because that's all it was, a very long room full of children birthed by the clan with most of the kids being of Senju birth but some of them had other bloodlines due to the way recessive genes worked but to the clan that didn't matter as long as they were strong. The children were taken care of by a single parent, not that they ever revealed themselves to be parents instead they just stood sentinel and watched over the children only intervening if a child was hungry, dirty or about to die. If a child did die which did happen the guardian of said child would incinerate the body and then leave with their duty fulfilled. When the child was old enough their guardian would then become their trainer and spend four years training the child and that was how Aria started her training under her teacher. Aria never got to see her guardians face as they each wore a plain wooden mask with no features but she could discern that she was a women and most likely her mother from the snippets she had heard from other Trainers, but was never confirmed for her as the women focused on training her with all other matters considered useless and unneeded. On her fourth year of training most of the other children had been deemed acceptable and taken from the room which left Aria and a few others behind. Aria wasn't sure what happened next as everything was blurry but she remembered being struck by trainer and the sound of children crying before she lost consciousness.

Aria was jolted awake suddenly as something tightened around her throat causing her eyes to shoot wide open only to see natural light for the first time and the slowly retreating form of Trainers back as her feet dangled helplessly in the air. Hands shot to her throat to desperately claw at the fibrous rope constricting her neck as she felt it getting harder to stay awake a primal rage awoke within the girl.

'I won't die!'

Something clicked within the girl and the rope fell away from the tree causing the girl to drop harshly to the ground as she dragged in deep raspy breaths taking only a moment to rip the now loose rope away from her before she looked back at the tree. The branch she assumed she had been hanging from was now coiled and rolled back on itself having shaken the rope from it free the girl. Not sure how she did that Aria looked around. The light burned her eyes and made it hard to see but eventually she adjusted enough to see wisteria trees everywhere with a multitude of corpses hanging from them like a ghastly festival. The horror of it all broke something deep inside Aria that day as she walked away from the mass grave of the Wisteria clan but she did promise herself one thing.

I wont ever die!

-Flashback No jutsu Kai-

Aria finally looked up at Itsuki with a serious expression as she took a deep breath. "I don't believe in destiny because that would mean I would have to accept everything I don't like about this world. I'm gonna become a sage that will equal heaven and earth so that I can smash any fate that comes my way and live the life I wanna live no matter what!" With that said Aria finally grinned again as she let the bad memories sink in the mire that was her memory because she didn't need them now. All she needed was a good fight and that one promise she had made to herself long ago. Aria looked back over at Akio as he seemed to be in deep thought too and just smiled at the kind boy hoping that he could smash his own fate too.

Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
Itsuki smiled softly at the two. The wrinkles around the old man's eyes creased as he watched the two Senju children deep in thought about the question he had asked. When Aria finally responded, it harkened back to the last time that he and Akio had spoken on the subject on the day before the boy was to be enrolled into the Shinobi Academy. Meanwhile, Akio looked inspired by the girl's words. "Yer right Aria! I think we're both gonna crush whatever this life throws at us! And in the end, I think it's our choice what path we take to get there!" He said with a bright smile

The old man coughed out a genuine laugh. "Well said, both of you. The path you take is yours and yours alone. But do this old man a favor and listen closely to these words." Itsuki said, pausing for a moment to walk over towards one of the small gardens nearby, where he'd recently planted rows of apple trees. He knelt down beside a sapling and gently touched the two leaves that barely poked out from the surface, then began a lesson that he'd taught every young Senju that had been born into the clan for the past several decades. "See this little apple tree Aria?" The man asked, his voice a little ragged from his recent respiratory struggles.

Akio's smile brightened as he remembered perhaps the most important lesson that he'd been taught by his kind old grandfather, but he didn't speak up. Instead, he was interested. Akio was curious about the young girl's history with seeing plants grow. After all, even if she didn't know it, she was a Senju. In his mind she had to have at least some experience with nature. "Not long ago, I put these little saplings in the ground as seeds. The little things didn't look like much, they didn't know what they were or the tree they might eventually grow into, and they have no knowledge of what the future holds... But you and I both know they're moving towards apples. That's what destiny is like." Something about hearing these words again made Akio's eyes instinctually start to water, but he choked it down and listened in reverence.

"Just like I planted this little sapling, the universe plants us. It plants its Will in us. And we slowly move toward bearing the fruit that we are made to. That apple tree might not survive. It might fall to a wintry night, or random circumstance, or be made a meal for an animal that didn't appreciate what or who put it there. But just like that apple seed, the universe has placed you here Aria. Here and now. And it hopes that one day you will bear its fruit. The tree doesn't know what fruit it will bear. And we don't know the meaning that our lives will eventually provide to the world. But we don't have to know it, or even accept it, to be moving towards it. That, my dear girl, is destiny." While this is where he'd last ended his prior lesson, this time the old man added to it. Itsuki had listened to what Aria had said, felt her heartfelt words flow out, and understood. After all, at times the old man had his own misgivings about this sometimes cruel world that they lived within. "Sometimes the path we take towards our destiny is a winding one with many forks. So I do not ask you to accept those things that you do not like about the world. In fact, I would urge you to embrace those feelings. Keep growing. Fight for a world that you think is better. And who knows? Perhaps your destiny will be to change all those things about it that you don't accept."

After this, the man was silent, allowing the girl and his grandson to let what he'd said sink in. "You're gonna do great things Aria. I believe in you!" Akio said after a brief pause. "And I want ya to know that no matter where ya came from, we're family and I'll always have your back. So let's find the paths we wanna take towards our destinies together!" The boy's smile was beaming and infectious, and it was clear that his words were genuine and heartfelt. Despite this being a lesson he was taught once before, he felt more connected to his unknown sibling by sharing it with her. Maybe that was their grandfather's intention all along.
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Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
Aria's face was inscrutable as she listened to the words of the old man and her unbeknownst to her brother, Aria felt conflicted by their words or at least what she understood as a vague jist since honestly the plants metaphors got away from her a little bit but she really didn't agree with the philosophy these two spoke about as it was an anti thesis to how she had lived her life but more than that it would justify the lives she had seen lost back at home as just something that was destined for those she had left behind. In fact she found the teachings of these Senju members to be too soft in general and the care they had for their plants bewildered the young Senju as Aria had been taught that her ability allowed her to exploit the battlefield and any life that was created or destroyed was coincidental to the results of the battle. Eventually the girl turned around and took a few steps away from her family members and just looked up into the air for a moment with their back to them while she rested her hands on her hips as she contemplated her response before finally she burst into laugh, filling the air with tinkling mirth, Aria began to speak.

"Destiny... The world... Fate and the paths we take are all grand concepts that far surpass my understanding. I don't care about the world honestly and I don't believe I follow any path. I have no lofty ambitions or goals in mind because I don't give a damn about that crap nor do I want for anyone to expect anything from me. So let me make this clear to you right here and right now so that you don't talk to me about that junk!" As she said this Aria spun around with a joyful grin on her face but the grin seemed almost broken like she didn't process human emotion, People Infront of her did not understand her morality nor could she understand there's and instead she operated on her own sense that would most likely not mesh well with the world. "I don't fight for good and I don't fight for evil, I just fight!" As she said this a tempered madness could almost be seen swirling within those orange eyes as they only held the promise of a life time of joy filled fighting for the girl as she once again turned away from Akio and Itsuki. "Anyway thanks for the speech old man but I aint changing for no one nor am I bearing fruit or whatever. Hey Akio is there anything to eat in this place?" Aria began to walk away as she said this. She had long lost interest in the old man. He was strong yes but their minds were too far apart to see common ground and thus she had long lost interest in talking to him but Akio still held interest as someone who could get strong enough to fight her.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
