Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Flame in your Heart! (Open!)

Apr 19, 2018
Riku woke up with a groan, glancing about the clean hospital room with a raised eyebrow. He expected that would happen, but he didn’t expect to get beaten up that badly. He tried to rise from his bed with a small yelp, feeling the burns on his chest flare to life. With a pained cough, he collapsed back in the bed before giving a small grin. He suspected he’d be blamed for all this mess, but for now, he had a bit of free time to think.

“Sooo …” Riku said aloud, looking for a distraction, “Guess I figured out that I suck at fighting.”

He gave a pained laugh at that, glancing about the hospital room. He’d have to do something while he was here, the chance was just too good. With a grunt, he tried lifting himself up again, a tear coming from his eye at the pain, how can his chest hurt so bad?! With a yell, he managed to pull himself over the bed side, collapsing to the hospital floor. With a sigh, he crawled up to the side of the bed and lied his back on it.

“Well, this is terrible.” He commented.

Riku had to wonder what happened to the other one in the fight, Sato was his name, if the letter was to be believed. He didn’t get to catch much of a sight, but it appeared he got hit harder than Riku did. With a pained sigh, he rested his arm on the hospital bed side, readying to try and heft himself. Sato may have been killed by those blows, a cold moment passed at that thought. He let the moment pass as he painfully lifted himself up, the pain in his chest felt like a million jagged needles, squirming at every movement.

“So,” Riku asked, his eyes winced in pain, “Anyone else get the pleasure of visiting this place of joy?”
Rayne walked through the hospital, anger in her eyes. She didn't say what she wanted to say before the boy got blown up. That weak, worthless idiot thinking he can get away with stuff like this. Well, she was going to put a stop to it. A stop to everything he might do. Walking through the halls she looked at the door numbers, she was close. Her feet echoed through the empty halls. Alone, this was better, privacy was all she wanted.

Rayne stopped, she looked at the door number, this was it. This was the right door. Slowly she opened the door, wanting the tension to rise as much as possible. And there he was, the idiot who started everything, the idiot who was sitting on the floor like the trash he was. Rayne gave him an angry, an annoyed smile. "Hello." She stated, closing the door behind her, her eyes never leaving his. "How are those wounds of yours? Do they hurt?" Her new Leaf Headband shined from the lights, placed neatly on her forehead.

"I came here to simply talk, one human to another. You're up for that." Rayne made fists with her hands, signifying for him not to try anything funny. "Get back to your bed, don't sit on the floor as if you're a worthless child."
Riku gave a blank stare for a moment at the sight of the person walking in. His luck couldn’t be this bad, could it? He considered the idea that he was cursed before giving a rebellious grin to the girl, noting the headband with a raised eyebrow. Had he been knocked in a coma or something? He rose to his feet with a grunt, his hand going into a fist to help with the pain.

“Sorry Eyes,” Riku said, still using the nickname, “Can’t go sleeping on beds, it’s my constitution you see, terrible on the stomach.”

He gave a wink with that, the grin never leaving his face. He rested his arm on the side of his bed, he turned his eyes towards his rooms window, looking outside towards the sight of the arena. He had to figure out what happened to the crew later, they probably got out better than he did anyway, they should know when it’s a lost cause. The white-haired boy looked back at Asuka with the same light-hearted grin, deciding to sit on the bed.

“Calling me worthless is a touch rude,” Riku admitted with a shake of his head, “It wasn’t myself that devastated what appeared to be a friend of yours … unlike yourself, I don’t demean myself to that level.”

With those words, his eyes flared a touch more harshly at the girl, wanting to get his own message across. He still wasn’t sure if that boy was dead or not, his own blows hurt badly and he’d been here for who knows how long, that could’ve killed him. With a touch of satisfaction to his words at the arena, he nodded with a grunt at the headband.

“Betray your friends to rage, obliterate those weaker then yourself over games …” Riku said, looking at her with a playful face, “And they made you a shinobi for it. In all honesty, I’m not sure if we can talk human to human. Are we still human once we become shinobi?”

He asked that last part hesitantly, not out of fear of the girl, but out of fear of what’d he had signed up to become. This may be a wake up sign he was realising, what if he did the same to Kira? He couldn’t stomach the thought, refusing to keep making eye contact, his eyes drifting back to the window.

“Still,” He replied, lightening the mood a touch, “Suppose we can always talk human to shinobi. That might be a bit more fitting … congratulations are in order anyway!"
Rayne just couldn't believe the arrogance this pipsqueak had. Every word that came out of his mouth was poison to his ears, it seemed he didn't know the reason she was here. A laugh escape her lips, truly an idiot that escaped her lips. "Your constitution. Are you always this arrognant?" She stepped closer to him, she wouldn't be here unless she wanted to send a message. A serious expression appeared on her face. "I wasn't asking. Get on your bed!" Rayne pushed him hard with the intent of him getting unto his bed.

Her eyes changed, the red glow of the Sharingan replaced them. "You're mistaken to think I feel even a bit guilty on blowing both your asess up. I don't give a shit, hell. If it was up to me you would be dead, the spectators saved you from that fate." Her cold, angry face didn't leave his. "You're mistake was involving Asuka in one of your schemes." He ignored his blabering, she wanted to make it crystal clear what had transpired.

"So, in order to do that I want to make something clear." She came close to his face, the rage on it could not be measured. "Don't think I had mercy on your worthless, ass. Do not think I "over did it" to send a message. I had the full intention of killing you." Rayne let the silence sip in for a few seconds. "You're alive thanks to Yukio, you're alive thanks to Takeshi. You're alive because they showed up and it would've been more of a problem for Asuka if you died."

Rayne gave him a small smile before getting inches from his face. "But do not think that exempts your stupidity from me. This time you were lucky the situation ended the way it did. You pull this kind of shit again and I swear to you, you're going to wish you were dead. Are we clear?"
Riku listened to the outburst with an ever-growing grin, his eyes returning to meet hers, despite the sharigan that had formed. A sparkle returned to his eyes at the words, his posture relaxing just a bit more. By the time the angry girl was up in his face, he could hardly hold back his words to let her finish. With a wide smile, he finally replied to her threat.

“So …” Riku said, eyes sparkling, “You’re telling me it was a good idea to bring the crowd, huh?”

With those words, he broke into a fit of laughter, the pain in his chest flaring to life as he moved to lie down on the bed, a tear coming from his eye out of joy and pain. Once he settled, he looked back towards her, his eyes still sparkling as if this was the results of an elaborate prank.

“Nice to know you didn’t care about Specks,” Riku replied with a wink, “Was wondering on that one.”

His eyes drifted towards the hospital door in thought, he was supposed to meet Kiramaru here, it was going to be painful if she was still here barking at him when he arrives. Riku looked back towards Asuka with a chuckle, returning to a upright position, but remaining on the bed.

“Nice to know you really are human,” Riku said with a smirk, “You’d be amazed how often I hear similar speeches in the streets. Granted, they’re from men mostly. Said men tend to also have a bit more …”

Riku gestured towards Asuka’s torso, his hands moving apart before he made an imitation flex. He did those actions with a smile, the tension he brought up disappearing from his words. His eyes stopped glancing towards the door as he returned to Asuka’s eyes, his own still sparkling in entertainment.

“You know …” Riku commented, a playful look on his face, “Those eyes don’t match you at all. We should get you some contacts, I think purples more your colour. Mingles with the hair better.”
Rayne hasn't been this worked up over a single person, usually they were understanding and both parties could come up with an agreement, this idiot, this fucking idiot was just pushing the right buttons. Just blabbering away thinking this was some kind of joke. She just could not believe he couldn't comply with a simple request. He just wanted to be a problem for her, a problem for Asuka. She breathed in deeply and walked away from his talking. She couldn't even consider him a smart, functional human being. She has seen broken people, this was just pathetic. Once he was done she turned back around. Her smiles and playful expressions left her face. Leaving a cold and unfeeling stare. "You just think I'm playing. That my bark is louder than my bite. Well, in most cases it is. Not going to deny that. Unfortunately for you, this is different."

She slowly took steps towards Riku. A beam of light quickly illuminated the room before it subsided, revealing her weapon. Oathkeeper, and hell was it sharp. She spoke, disgust filled her voice. "Almost everyone here would give you a second chance, would let you go with a punishment. Me? I take care of the problems. I get rid of the problems." She raised her weapon and pointed it towards him. "I exsist to keep Asuka safe by all means necessary. I take care that those that even seem to be a liability, a fucking pain in the ass, dissapear." She kept slowly walking forward, her blade coming closer to him, ready to pierce his chest. "You have become a liability, a future threat to Asuka."

Her blade touched his chest, not going any further but keeping enough pressure that death could be felt. "But I'm not going to just end you. No, no. I'm going to enjoy it. I am going to love seeing that smug in your face dissapear as you your skin tears apart, your muscles break and you start to slowly loose blood." She didn't move her blade but she did stared straight into his eyes, the seriousness on it couldn't be mistaken. Rayne was serious for the first time. "So, any last words."

[OOC NOTE: Not actually going to, considering the rule, but this is for Riku to learn that pissing off the wrong people has dire consequences.]
Then as the figurative heat was rising in the place,Kira would enter the hospital and head to the receptionist and ask for directions to Riku's room,then as directions we now given,he then quickly navigates around the hospital to find Riku,after a few minutes of walking,he then finally reaches the room.

As he was now in front of the door,he then lifts his hand and knocks on it for about 3 times,after doing so,he then slowly pushes the door to open it and after seeing Riku and an unknown girl with a weapon,he then simply watches and then saying.

"Ummmmmm.....what's going on in here?"

After speaking,the dog on his chest,clinging inside his jacket starts to bark at her,as the girl seemed to be a threat to the dog's eyes because of the weapon she was holding,to stop the dog from barking,he then starts to stroke it's head to calm it down.
Riku gave a glance towards the door as Kiramaru walked in, he turned back towards the girl with a weapon at his chest with a smile. He grabbed hold of the bed and pulled himself away with a grunt, relying on the distraction for a moment.

“Alright then,” Riku said, throwing his hands up as he leaped off the bed, grunting at the pain, “I hereby swear to you that I’ll leave Asuka out of future schemes that could risk her neck …. It wasn’t my intention anyway.”

He started to pace towards Kira and the door, his eyes watching the girl a wide smile growing on his face, he had a plan. He turned towards her fully before giving a wide grin.

“Course,” Riku said with the sparkle in his eyes, “That doesn’t remove my statement about the contact lenses. I think you’d be adorable with them on.”

He gave that comment with a challenging wink, roaming past Kiramaru but first placing a hand on his shoulder, he grunted in pain at that, but he then gave a very slight nod to Kiramaru, their plan was to proceed.

“Maybe a ribbon …” Riku pondered aloud as he walked into the hallway.
Rayne smiled lowering her weapon, it seemed she wouldn't have to kill him after all. She laughed, apparently he wasn't that much of an idiot as it seemed. "Good." She stated "Although you should've been cowering in fear. I'll let you live this time, but don't try that shit again."

Just as she was turning to leave, the idiot had to open his mouth. Insult her yet again, she clinched her teeth as he started talking, this truly was not going to end well. This was not a good day. But what could she do to the guy without getting into trouble, she needed to think fast as he was walking away. She followed him, quickening her pase to catch up and stand in front "Does it look that I'm up for insults? Want to be burned again? Turn those 3rd degree burns into 4th degree burns? Because I can, and I will."

Rayne pushed him against a wall, not really caring who saw what was going on. "Don't take this as a joke." She stated, the anger on her face could not subside. "Do you think I will not hurt you? Do you think this is just a test? Go on, try it. So how well that goes." She squeezed his shoulder, hopefully causing some pain.
Then as he watched the scene's figurative heat coold down,he then says something at Riku,implying how much the gap of power where between him and the Uchiha,then after that,he then also adresses a quote at him that states he should what he's fighting against.

"You know Riku,if I was anymore honest,I would tell you how dumb was your planning fighting an Uchiha,but guess what,I already said it".

After he says his words,he then sighs,why Riku,why battle a half beast of power,why,he thought,as his current experience isn't enough to go toe to toe with the Uchiha.

While they were walking,he then hears footsteps behind him,after that he then notices the Uchiha they were with came nearer to Riku and pushed him against the wall,Kiramaru then reacts by pointing all ten of his fingers at her,showing out the his sharp armament of keratin knives on each finger,as he did so,he then said to the girl,but he won't attack thought,as it was just a reflex,after that,he then lowers his knife filled hand,sighed and pleaded to her.

"Can I cordially request you to not kill someone and cause collateral damage please,I beg you,people won't let the killing and collateral damage slide".

As he said so,his face could be seen lifeless,no emotion,but his request or plead was still what it is,a plead or request,as it was not a perfect to cause trouble,and it would be even worse if she attempted to kill Riku and probably cause collateral damage,and as he thought of that,he uses those words to make her regret what she will probably do,to defuse the situation Riku is,as he may not have received enough beating in his mind,his body is obviously no longer asking for it.
Riku grunted at the pain, well he probably deserved it, but he was willingly to take a few more extra bruises to the pile. What made his jaw almost drop was when Kiramaru stepped in and started adlibbing the plan. Can his luck really get this bad, he wondered to himself as he used the faint distraction Kiramaru’s words may cause to shift to the side of Asuka and continue down the hallway. As he did, he noticed a few eyes shifting to the situation, he was running out of time.

“Kiramaru is right, Eyes,” Riku said with a small shrug as he walked down the hallway, “I know it’s in the blood and all but you really should control your monstrous tendencies …”

With that, he continued to pace down, trying to ignore the burning sensation in his chest as each step. In his view, he saw the room he was looking for, the pharmaceutical storage room. He reached into his pocket with an internal hiss, the burns in his shoulder flaring up at the action as he pulled out his deck of cards, relieved they hadn’t been removed from him.

“You know,” He said, spinning around once he reached the doorway, “I don’t think your nickname suits you, eyes. I’m thinking we come up with a better one … maybe gloomy?”

As he taunted Asuka, giving the same playful twinkle in his eyes, he paid careful attention to the sound of the door behind him. To his relief, he heard it click open as a staff member left the room, with a quick movement, he flicked one of his cards into the doorway, blocking the closing door from properly locking. He glanced over to Kiramaru, his job was to be lookout at this point, he just needed to prevent the staff members from catching Riku … His thoughts vanished as he refocused on the angry girl infront of him, he needed to balance out the anger or this’ll escalate before intended.

“Look …” Riku said, trying to cause a small distraction as he watched the staff member leave, “Maybe gloomy is a bit harsh actually …”

As the staff member turned a corner, he took a quick glance towards Kiramaru before flicking the door open and quickly sliding inside. He had a quick wait to see if Asuka bothered to follow, a card in his hand ready to block the lock again when the door closed. He took a glance inside the room with a grin, his eyes sparkling even more at the sight.

“Maybe I should call you wildcard.” He commented with a laugh.
Rayne didn't answer to his stupid attempts at mocking. Now she was seeing exactly what he was doing, and in this instance she was going to let the higher ups deal with him. She didn't even want to acknowledge the others exsistance. In this stupid argument, it was between him and her. Without missing a bit she giggled. "So that's your end goal." She let him go and simply watch him walk into the room. This was.... god, this idiot was even worse than the puppet. A lot worse.

With a sigh she deactivated her Sharingan, this wasn't worth wasting the chakra. Even if the staff in this hospital were incompetent, this wasn't her concern. This wasn't her time to cause trouble. "I hope you and your pal get caught. And I hope even more, I'm the one giving you the punishment." With that she walked away, no linger caring what he said or did. This was over. But she hoped he never had that bratty attitude with him or they're will be trouble.

[Topic Left]
Then,as the little dillema over the two was over,he then sighed,what a deadly gitl to be around him,and worst of all,she's an Uchiha who can easily destroy both of them combined,then as saw he go away,he then jokingly said to Riku.

"You made your grilfriend angry,sheesh".

After doing so he giggles and waited for Riku do the first step on his plan,Kira then did what he is supposed to do,to be a lookout,while he did so,he rests his back next on a door and cautiously and unnoticeably looked around,and to make it less suspicious,he then squatted down and pats his dog,to look like he's just playing with it,hoping that what he's doing can be easily assumed as him,just playing with his dog.

Then,as that was taken care off,he turned his head onto the hallways of both sides,to see if anyone that looks like they will enter the room Riku was in,then while doing that he notices a man and a woman pass by,slowly sweating as he thought they will enter the room,but it was once close call,they just passed by and walked further away,but it wasn't a time to rest for him as some people will possibly enter still.
Riku watched Asuka leave with a slight amount of astonishment. He hadn’t expected her to catch on before entering the room. He had entirely intended to lock her in here to take the blame in their stead, a small payment for the assault at the arena. His senses returned as he heard Kiramaru’s joke, to which he responded with a grin.

“Sorry, Kira,” Riku said, walking over to the supplies, “I’m into blondes personally.”

With that, he began collecting a few individual containers of medicine from shelves, placing them in his pockets with care. He made certain to not entirely clear any one shelf, to keep the semblance that no robbery had occurred. As he worked he thought back to the situation at hand, when he had agreed to the fight, he suspected an occurrence like this would happen, he should be mad at the results … but he had to appreciate the human responses afterwards. That was an odd person, had to give the bloodline shinobi credit for that much.

“Wildcard it is.” Riku said with a grin, spinning back towards the door.

He gave a grunt as he pushed the door open again, giving a nod to Kiramaru as he grabbed hold of him for support. He gave a weak grin, he really shouldn’t of tried exerting himself this much, but he wasn’t going to sit around here till they figured out the thievery. He let go of Kiramaru and began walking off towards the hospital exit, hiding the pain at each step with a pained grin.

“No matter what option they picked,” Riku said, remembering the arena, “I’ve already won.”

[Topic Left]
After the agressor of Riku had left,he thought in his mind,Damn,these type of people are a problem for flourishing business,and the bigger problem is how to get rid of 'em,then,as his mind was reditected as Riku responded,about his personal interest in blonde's,he then replies.

"Well,seems like you found a good match,but not a couple like relationship,but more of a,talk turf wars,if you know what I mean".

He said to him,suggesting that both of them,make a good match for so called talk turf wars,what are those?It's a war with words,each side continuously spewing words at ech other for a pretty long time,and with Riku's cockiness and the female Uchiha's temper,it just couldn't get any better.

Then,as Riku crept out of the room,he then acted as a support of him,because of that,his dog had to walk rather then be on his chest,while doing so,he then rifled through his pockets and pulled out a cigarette,then saying.

"Remember this?....You're going to help me how to light this up"

Then after nearing the exit,he hid it onto his pant's pocket,fearing the cigarette to be seen and confiscated by some people,after they were out,he then grinned,because of the success of the "extraction" of medical supplies.


Current Ninpocho Time:
