Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Fools Challenge (Sovereign/Shoma Challenge)

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Standing in the sands before the Dojo he stood waiting to see if any of the Sovereign would be brave enough to answer his call. The banner of the Miroku Clan flew in the wind behind him. In the sands before him there was an open grave, he intended for it to be the resting place for the loser of this duel. Standing now at a height of 6'2ft with a slim build he was quite different in appearance to the demon that had made the challenge.

With hair as white as snow the only sign that he was the same shinobi was that pair of mismatched eyes & the many glyphs that covered the mans body. The various names of those who had failed their contracts with him burned into his skin, hidden by the blood red robes he wore. Underneath he wore a black training Gi with a pair of Geta as his footwear. It was almost time, this was the third day he had come been here for dawn. If they did not come today there would be no denying their cowardice.

A small crowd stood nearby waiting to see if the battle would take place, there was a musician who had been making a decent earning providing music for the atmosphere. When the sun broke the Horizon he sighed "It would appear the Cabbal are incapable of answering an open challenge. Their cowardice shows how weak they are..." he would call out to the decently sized crowd that now stood there as he spoke, hearing them murmur in agreement.

This was how he would get the Cabbals attention by taking away the villagers fear. "Capable of hiding only in the shadows...targeting untrained civilians & children...these are the actions of weak cowards incapable of facing true opposition." his words echoed on the wind as he spoke to the crowds. That massive scythe & his gauntlets strapped to his body. "Should the Cabbal face me I'll give the Daimyo a chance to reclaim that which is his." now by this statement Akkuma meant there would be less of a foreign power in Sunagakure, meaning the locals would have less allies. Little did the Dark Sage know that something else had been stolen from the Daimyo, something he desperately wanted back.

He could feel the chakra approaching but who would it be, foe or friend? Whatever they were they would be met with the same expression a creepy smile. White chakra seemed to ebb from the shinobi who was eager to try his new combat techniques out. How would Sousuke or indeed even Kuro react when they found out the Dark Sage had made a public challenge to the group. More so what would they think when they discovered he was no longer a demon. Such an extreme change ought to be impossible, but there were Ancient ways around such things. Perhaps Shoma was indeed prepared to settle their score out in the open.

A chance to redeem himself against the Master Swordsmen that had gotten the better of him in Soragakure. He could still remember the unwavering will in the eyes of that man. The kind of will that was capable of changing fates if guided properly...but it would have to be done properly. He prepared himself for whatever was to come but little did he know it would not be anyone he expected just yet.

Edited; Spectators are welcome to join! (Also to add the Shoma update from Casino thread)


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
The day, has come. While Shoma recovered from injuries of betrayal, Akkuma was free doing as he pleased. Although the demon himself did not subdue the swordsman, he was spark that started to violent scene. And although they both carried wounds of betrayal from the other shinobi present at that time, this would be all that the two had in common. The grudge the Fire Native hold against the Toraono in-law, the needless slaughter of the samurai guards of Sky Country. Shoma would not know the true intention of those lawmen even though spoken by others. No proof was ever submitted to him to verify the claims of the many shinobi that, in his belief, simply wanted an alibi to evade consequence for their part in the massacre.

After his time in the 'den of sin', Shoma used much of his remaining funds to repair his armor and equipment. As he approaches the arena it is evident that he is prepared for war. He battle attire would be much like before: a black ninja gi without the mask as the base, topped with red padding and armor consisting of shin guards, left high knee pad, wrist guards, and left shoulder pauldron. He is visibly equipped with a sheathed katana with a black and blue grip and a red ribbon tied to it, a Sparker(he doesn't know the proper name for a revolver) tucked into his shoulder pauldron, and a newly equipped(still very used/preowned) Burster(sawed-off shotgun) in a holster on his right thigh.

This being a honorable duel, or at least honorable in Shoma's mind, he had already prayed to the Samurai Spirits:
Sephiroth: One with Nature
Musashi: Clever, and the Bravest of Fencers
Samanunosuke: Strength of the Soul, and One with his Enemies
Lubu: Great Strength of the Body and Blade
and a spirit he himself has hesitated to pray to until now...
Nobunaga: Precise, Cunning, and Ruthless

Normally he would pray in full view of all, but today is not a today to practice the foolishness of assuming a demon like Akkuma has honor. He approaches slowly, letting the Demon say what he may, noting the open grave(s) nearby. But he would respond after the demon finishes, "Still,... you prance around,... pretending,... blaming this, ?Cabin?... playing hero. Murderer, is your name... You are nothing more than that... You are the one in debt Demon, one of blood. And today... you shall bleed much, and pay it in abundance. Yet I will grant you this mercy, tell me what you know of the ones that betrayed each of us, and know that they shall know your name as they follow you to the underworld." He steps in the arena.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The sage smiled as he heard the voice of the Samurai known as Shoma, he turned to face the man with a smile upon his face. He listened intently to what the swordsmen said, really the samurai possessed such foolish notions. In truth the Sage was surprised that Shoma had recognized him perhaps the swordsman had been dwelling on the demon. Giving a deep bow to the Samurai he would respond "Yes I do blame the Cabal...the Sovereign & the Daimyo. I also blame you for the events that took place that forced my hand. Things would have escalated no matter what I chose, so I sacrificed the few in place of the many." he said simply as he straightened up continuing to speak as he did so.

"Do not get me wrong Master Shoma I find no fault with you when it comes to standing against your enemy with courage. However very few lack the strength to sheathe their weapon once it's out. As for this debt of blood you believe I owe...this evil you perceive me to be. When there is evil in this world that justice cannot defeat. Would you taint your hands with evil in order to defeat evil? Or would you remain righteous even if it means surrendering to evil itself?" he would ask the Samurai, while he spoke various clan members dragged out camera's connected to massive cables. Those cables fed to monitors that were being set up around the makeshift arena. While the camera's were positioned on the inside of where the barriers borders would be.

"To defeat evil I will become an even greater evil...I will not however deny those that wish to hold me accountable for my actions the chance to do so. I thought I could be the bridge between humanity & monsters. But in the end I was nothing more then a monster. In order to accomplish what is needed I have cast aside my lineage, my humanity & my soul. Know this before we battle that you are not facing the same being you fought that day in Soragakure." with a clap of his hands a dark barrier would erupt into place around the Arena, maintained by his kin. They were under strict orders to not allow anyone to interfere. The camera's came to life & the monitors soon showed a live feed from the arena camera's. Technically this duel was taking place outside the village gates & for Akkuma that meant they had no authority on the duel.

"In regards to your offer...the only mercy from life is death. Unfortunately you interfered in matters that are rather close to my heart. You know nothing of what is taking place, stumbling around like a newborn child. Warriors such as yourself disgust me..." he would say to the Samurai malice coating his voice. Pure white chakra began to pulsate from the Sage as he spoke his next words. "..they call certain methods of fighting good & others bad, acting as if there were some nobility to the battlefield. Such illusions perpetuated throughout history have led countless young men & women to their bloody deaths. All for the sake of some foolish notion of valor & glory." his voice boomed around the Arena & his rage was more then apparent. Yet there was a coolness to his body language that showed he was indeed much more focused then he was acting. In deed he was trying to lure the Samurai into a false sense of security, making him think that despite his physical changes the Sage would be just as reckless as ever.

[OOC sorry on the wait, I'll have a thread up shortly for anyone wishing to spectate. I'll place a link for this thread in that one & vice versa. Whoop looking forward to this. Do you want to call the bmod or shall I?]
Edited to fix & add spectator thread link


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Fated Battle Theme

As they meet, the Demon greets Shoma with a bow. For this man with a new image to act with etiquette after the thing the Guardian saw, is interpreted as mockery by the human of the two combatants. The words that he speaks place blame on the Cabal as well as the swordsman himself. After standing upright commends the Samurai on his act of bravery, but then possess a question to him. This question isn't hard for the Masuda Disciple, "Do you suggest that you practice wickedness for the for the sake of rightness?.... If so, you fool only one of us. And you have done this very well, if you believe I caused the worsening of the exam. I had 'kneeled', lowered MY head, at ready to be responsible for my action whether I knew or did not know what happen. And I then, was the ONLY one who would do so. It is not what you said, but the inverse of it. You sacrificed the lives of many, *points to Akkuma* for one."

People move about on the outside around this time, but they do not draw Shoma's attention. The Miroku goes on to speak how he would become, or perhaps became evil in order defeat it. Yet following this he mentions that he is not the same as before. The same could be said of the Samurai, for his heart is a little more closed off from the world than before. After the Demon summons a dark barrier, as Shoma would have guessed as the barrier is indeed dark, Shoma would remain still and allow the creature to continue. As the Toraono in-law speaks on he mentions matter close to his heart to which the Samurai swiftly interjects, "It is doubtful you still have one, a heart I mean." He supernatural energies flare as he speaks of war and warriors. It would be at this time Shoma speaks in response to most of what Akkuma said before. He begins pacing, or perhaps stalking, around his opponent, glaring with eyes drained completely of fear. "Those who claim to do evil deeds for the sake of good greatly deceive themselves. You who blacken your hearts are like crabs in a bucket, selfishly dragging each other down to try to secure a higher place for yourself. Your supposed fight against darkness serves only to build your own empire. The world is only black and white, there are no shades of grey. This grey area is merely a work-bench where excuses are crafted and stored, laying in wait, to be used by those who choose to hide themselves from the truth."

He stops pacing while his left shoulder faces his foe. "And the truth is this, for those that died needlessly, for denying me a chance to make things right,... you deserve this, and so much more."

[Marked for training]
[I'll call for the mod, calling B-mod]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank

The Sage listened to the responses of the shinobi & found himself unsurprised by the Samurai's ability to see where his fault had been. 'This fool can he see nothing...' he thought to himself finding it only cementing that which needed to be done. It was obvious Shoma's reality had been blurred greatly by his beliefs, his shortsightedness made him incapable of seeing the greater picture. Akkuma would shatter his beliefs of this world & force him to see the darkness of this realm. No longer would he allow the supposed Hero of Justice to maintain this unrealistic belief of how the world functioned.

When Shoma made his comment about Akkuma not having a heart during his statement, his need to throw such trivial insults reminded him of a particular AiT. Which only further fueled his frustration with the Samurai just another fool unable to cast aside their prejudices &
truly assess something. Unwilling to let the comment halt him he continued with his statements, when Shoma had his own rebuke the Sage shook his head. "Those unable to view the world from the perspectives of others are incapable of truly knowing the reality of the world. Things are always more complicated then they appear." he would say with a sigh mirroring the steps of the Samurai as he spoke.

Once more he spoke of those that had passed & how he would make things right for that day. This caused the Sage to laugh a sound that held pure contempt & clearly mocked the Samurai. "You poor fool, do you truly have no idea what you were asking? Those shinobi had techniques & knowledge that could not be allowed to enter the hands of our foes. The implications that would have fallen upon us if they had done as you wished & submitted themselves to Soragakure's forces would of been dire. With war the lives of thousands could have been at risk. Even though you acknowledge you knew nothing of those events you still acted, knowing nothing of countries current state you acted!" his voice thundered around the barrier even though he still seemed to be speaking normally.

Chakra pulsated from the Sage as he spoke those words this time a warning "You cannot defeat Fate Master Shoma,
this world is beyond your comprehension. Allow me to give you a glimpse into the truth of this reality..."
he would say to the Samurai before giving a small nod. Now they would battle &
to those who eagerly watched things were going to get interesting.​
[ooc: Actions & stuffs will be sent when Bmod posts]
Edited to add music & fix something

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Welcome to your Modded Fight!

I will be your moderator for this fight! Send, in a PM, your actions and all your battle information: Stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc.

When sending this information, I would prefer to have hyperlinked stuff or regular links. This greatly decreases the time it takes for a moderator to mod as it cuts down on searching.

If you feel that I may miss something, please feel free to add in a list of passives or effects that you wish to be given special attention, or just a list of all of your passives works as well, whichever.

Lets have a nice fun fight on this one, remember both of you will be under a 48 Hour time limit since the B-Mod goes up. Right now lets get ready to rumble!​

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

HP: 42,000
CP: 30,000 – 820 = 29,180
AP: 10 – 10 = 0 AP  10 AP next round
Status: Earth Flow Effected, Fire Chakra Style, Defensive stance

HP: 36,000 – 209 – 67 +209 + 67- 150 - 75 + 75 = 35,850
CP: 33,000 – 1,800 - 450 = 30,750
Corrupted Energy: 9,900 - 2,000 = 7,900
AP: 10 – 9 AP = 1 AP -> 11 AP Next Round
Status: Temperal Strider, Hasted Step, Chakra Suppression Seal, Sprained Legs!


Zombie Tea Party
Zombie 1
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 2
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 3
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 4
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 5
HP: 1,442 – 1,442 = Gone (Bind Broken)
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Gone back to dust

0 Seconds – Shoma draws Cloud Whisperer
0 Seconds – Akkuma Enters Temperal Strider
0 Seconds – Akuma Entered Hasted Step Chakra Effect
0.25 Seconds – Shoma attaches Chakra Suppression Seal
0.25 Seconds - Shoma does a hidden action towards Akkuma targeting Legs with Ninja Wire Crit!, Leg Crit!, Leg Hit!, Hand Miss!, Hand Crit!
- Akkuma has a chakra suppression seal attached!
0.25 Seconds - Shoma uses basic strike towards Akkuma targeting Hands with Ninja Wire - Miss
0.5 Seconds – Akuma Entered Defensive Stance
0.75 Seconds - Shoma uses basic strike towards Akkuma targeting Hands with Ninja Wire – Miss
1.25 Seconds – Akkuma uses Renewal to cancel out Shoma first hits on him!
1.25 Seconds - Shoma uses basic strike towards Akkuma targeting Legs – Hit (Sprained Legs!)
1.75 Seconds – Shoma enters Fire Chakra Style Flare Touch
1.75 Seconds – Shoma attacks Akkuma with three called for shots, Neck with Ninja Wire Miss, Arm with Ninja Wire Miss, Arm Partial Hit! (50%)
1.75 Seconds – Shoma follows up with Iron Point Prison with Cloud Shaper Missed!
2.25 Seconds – Akkuma uses Renewal which happens on the Partial Hit!
2.25 Seconds – Shoma uses Cloud Shaper Augment: Wired and Misses!
2.75 Seconds – Shoma uses called for shot on Akkuma foot with Nina Wire but misses!
3.75 Seconds – Akkuma casts Corpse Soil to raise 5 Zombies, 1 attemps to grab Shoma
- Shoma is bound in place!
5.25 Seconds – Shoma breaks free of the bind!
5.25 Seconds – Shoma Sheaths Cloud Shapper and draws Cloud Wonderer
5.25 Seconds – Akkuma uses Cyclone Movements!
6.75 Seconds – Akkuma uses Earth Flow River at Shoma Hits!
7.75 Seconds – Shoma Casts Polarity Shift!
7.75 Seconds – Zombie 1 Strikes at Shoma but Misses
7.75 Seconds – Zombie 2 Strikes at Shoma misses!
7.75 Seconds – Zombie 3 Strikes at Shoma Misses
7.75 Seconds – Zombie 4 Strikes at Shoma Misses
8.25 Seconds – Shoma takes up a defensive stance​

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

HP: 42,000 - 1,680 – 142 – 200 – 142 – 284 - 71 = 39,481
CP: 29,180
AP: 10 – 0 = 11 AP next round
Status: Earth Flow Effected, Fire Chakra Style, Defensive stance

HP: 35,850 + 1,680 + 1,080 = 38,610
CP: 30,750 – 1,100 + 1,008 = 30,658
Corrupted Energy: 7,900 + 1,680 – 4,400 – 2,200 – 550 = 2,430
AP: 10 – 9 AP = 1 AP -> 11 AP Next Round
Status: Temperal Strider, Hasted Step, Chakra Suppression Seal, Sprained Legs!

Nara Satoshi
HP: 18,900
CP: 14,400
AP: 3.5 = 3.5 AP Next Round
Status: Has summoning sickness!


HP: 34,500
CP: 25,000
AP: 6 - 3 AP = 6 AP Next Round
Status: Going for full clawing abilities!


Zombie Tea Party
Zombie 1
HP: 1,442
AP: 2-2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 2
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 3
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 4
HP: 1,442 = Tranformed into earthbound
AP: 2 – 1 = Tranformed into earthbound

Zombie 5
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

0 Seconds – Shoma is effected by Dark Invitation
0 Seconds – Akkuma enters temporal step
0.5 Seconds – Akkuma casts Ring of Fire at Shoma - Misses
3.5 Seconds – Akkuma summons Zangyaku into the fight
4.33 Seconds – Zangyaku attacks Shoma with a basic strike – Hit
5 Seconds – Zombie 1 Attacks Shoma but Misses!
5 Seconds – Zombie 2 Attacks Shoma but Misses!
5 Seconds – Zombie 3 Attacks Shoma and hits!
5 Seconds – Zombie 5 Attacks Shoma and Misses!
5.16 Seconds - Zangyaku attacks Shoma with a basic strike - Hit
5.5 Seconds – Akkuma casts Earhbound to Summon Nara Satoshi
5.99 Seconds - Zangyaku attacks Shoma with a basic strike - Miss
6.82 Seconds - Zangyaku attacks Shoma with a basic strike Crit!
7.65 Seconds - Zangyaku attacks Shoma with a basic strike Partial hit (50%)
8.48 Seconds - Zangyaku attacks Shoma with a basic strike Miss
9.31 Seconds - Zangyaku attacks Shoma with a basic strike Miss
10 Seconds – Zombie 1 Attacks Shoma but Misses!
10 Seconds – Zombie 2 Attacks Shoma but Misses!
10 Seconds – Zombie 3 Attacks Shoma but Misses!
5 Seconds – Zombie 5 Attacks Shoma and Misses!



Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
In the blink of an eye, the two combatants burst into motion. A sawed-off shotgun suddenly appears in the samurai's hand from his thigh holster and the device is aimed at the latest image of Akkuma. Upon pulling the trigger, Shoma releases the gun and allows the recoil to send it away, somewhere in the arena. This action is followed up with the use of his revolver, with rubber bullets shot from the hip. Ammunition sprays toward the demon but, in the mist of the gun fire, the effects of some of his shots vanish. "What? More demon magic I see." he mutters to himself. But he would observe that not all hits fade. 'Hmm'

He changes his tactic to go close, but finds this new form of conjurer far more difficult to hit than before. The evasive foe brings forth the soldiers of the underworld to contain him, and one would succeed in taking hold of him as Shoma tries to stop him. It would take two attempts to yank himself free before he strikes the undead one by driving his sheath into it's head. As this occurs, the winds around the evil sorcerer begin to pick up swirl violently, as to protect himself. The swordsman braces himself from the gale,... for the gale before the field around Shoma yet again. The terrain is no longer a friend to the samurai if it ever were, for now it produces fiends and muddy, unstable ground. Shoma's aggression is halted greatly and the withered soldiers take there turn at him. Tossing his sword to another location in the arena, he pulls on the attached ninja wire to slide himself out of reach of the minions. "Ahhh, I see you have learned much since our last encounter, more than just a few new tricks. It would seem you hold the better hand now. So... is the advantage truly yours?"

This question is not solely rhetorical like most would think. What Shoma desires now is to check the confidence of his adversary. The swordsman would actually have to think topple his opponent this time. 'Show me your worth then.' As he struggles to think of a strategy, Akkuma presses his advance by increasing his numbers. The swordsman gets rushed from all side with more and more creatures appearing. One of those minions would find his mark quite easily. But as Hell begins to rain down upon the samurai like a nightmare, Shoma finds his center. Even in the midst of chaos, the Otandai finds a moment of clarity, that he may place order to certain things. And then he would smile, finding just the opportunity that he needed. Scathed but far from broken, the samurai resets himself to a readied position. "Surely you have more than this to offer. Come, show these people why I 'should' fear you."

[Marked for training]
[Prepping Actions]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage was surprised to see that he was not the only one to have changed since their last encounter. Suddenly something appeared in his foes hand a look of surprise came across Akkuma's face as he realized what the item was. 'A fucking shotgun?!' no sooner had he realized what the item was a hail of rounds were sent propelled towards him. Letting the recoil of the weapon remove it from his hands the samurai quickly moved to grab a revolver. Shoma's hands clasped his weapon as the shotgun volley pelted the demons body. With a snap of his fingers the air rippled around the demon & most of his wounds vanished. As if they had never even hit him, the act not going unnoticed by his foe. Thinking it demon magic like the fool he was, however this did not stop the Samurai from simultaneously releasing another volley of rounds this time from the revolver.

Next his opponent dashed towards him but the demon prepared himself by utilizing his superb defensive technique. Weaving out of the way of his foe doing his best to ensure he didn't find his target. Hands moving through handseals so fast it would seem like a blur, upon completion four zombies clawed out of the earth around Shoma. A fifth attacking from below the shinobi its decaying limbs wrapping around him trying to hold him in place. " fate. I've transcended my lineage." he would say his hands flying through yet another series of handseals. Upon completion the winds around the Sage would spiral violently, adding an extra defensive measure. But he was not done yet instantly his hands continued on into another set of seals. This time forcing a constant stream of shifting mud to be beneath the Samurai.

Using ninja wire his foe pulled himself away from the zombies & appraised Akkuma for the first time. It seemed the rage that had been driving him had been forced to submit to that warriors will of his opponent. For blind rage would get him nowhere in this battle against the Sage. Shoma noted his new abilities saying he had the better hand now. Asking him if the advantage was truly his "You speak as though either of us control the outcome of this is Fate who shall decide the victor." he would say while the Samurai continued to watch him trying to formulate a means best to counter his wicked tactics. Unfortunately for him this was folly, to give him the chance to rally his numbers was to invite death upon himself.

Hands running through a series of handseals upon completion flames erupted onto the field. Disappearing when they missed his target. Running through another set of handseals a fiery void would open & out stepped Zangyaku. An ancient evil & perhaps one of Akkuma's closest companions. "You must be a glutton for punishment to want to cross our paths again." it would say to the Samurai dashing straight for him striking out the Samurai again & again. The Samurai was quickly pursued by the swarm of zombies that proceeded to try & tear flesh from him with their teeth. "I wont fall so easy this time." he would say with a snap of his fingers causing one of the zombies to cry out as shadowy tendrils tore it apart.

Out stepped a shadowy figure lifting a black Oni mask to its face. He summoned the being in an instant a feature that should have been impossible for any normal shinobi. "The result will be different this time. That you can be assured." it would say to the Samurai those dark eyes holding Shoma in it's gaze. Zangyaku & the zombies continued the assault against their Master's foe. Only Zangyaku was able to find his mark against the Samurai although he was proving himself quite capable against the sword wielding foe. Akkuma did still have one issue with the Samurai What the fuck kind of Samurai are you packing a sawn off & revolver?" he would ask an incredulous look upon his face. Perhaps to others it might seem comical but he was genuine pissed. He hated digging bullets from his flesh, the shrapnel was always a bitch. He wondered if his foe had made himself a good strategy to face this new foe.

"You fear me? This is much bigger then you just you Shoma." he would gesture to the crowd. "This is for shinobi...they've forgotten their strength & so have our foes. They need a are just the start." he would say to the Samurai as his malevolent chakra lashed out around him. Akkuma was not the same being Shoma had faced & he would learn that by the end of this fight. Shoma now faced three foes who were a decent threat & a series of smaller ones. The battle was still early in it's stages the Sage was only getting started. Preparing himself for what was to come he could only hope he would pull off this move if he did his foe would be vastly more cautious.

[Whooooop battle underway!]
[Sending Actions]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

HP: 39,481 – 1,579 – 200 – 200 – 381 = 34,371
CP: 29,180 - 560 = 28,620
AP: 11 = 10 AP next round
Status: Fire Chakra Style,

HP: 36,000 + 1,579 – 150 – 150 – 150 – 791 - 150 - 150 - 150 - 150 = 34,159 (cannot exceed max HP with DI)
CP: 30,658 – 110 – 1250 – 625 = 28,673
Corrupted Energy: 2,430 + 1,579 = 3,509
AP: 11 – 10.5 AP = 0.5 AP -> 10.5 AP Next Round
Status: Hasted Step, Heart Sprained, Chakra Suppression Seal, Poisoned x2

Nara Satoshi
HP: 18,900 – 150 – 150 – 300 – 150 = 18,150
CP: 14,400 - 400 - 400 - 400 = 13,200
AP: 3.5 – 3.5 = 3.5 AP Next Round
Status: Ninja Wire on Hands, Suppressed, Poisoned x1


HP: 34,500 – 150 – 150 – 150 – 150 – 150 – 150 – 150 – 1600 – 1,200 - 150 - 150 - 150 (Last round) = 30,200
CP: 25,000 - 3,025 = 21,975
AP: 6 - 6 AP = 6 AP Next Round
Status: Going for full clawing abilities!, Poisoned x2


Zombie Tea Party
Zombie 1
HP: 1,442 – 400 = 1,042
AP: 2-2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 2
HP: 1,442 – 400 = 1,042
AP: 2 – 2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 3
HP: 1,442 – 400 – 400(from last round) = 642
AP: 2 – 2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 4
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

0 Seconds – Shoma is effected by Dark Invitation
0 Seconds – Akkuma transforms into Zangyaku
- Shoma knows which is the real Akkuma
0 Seconds – Shoma sheaths Cloud Wonderer
1 Second – Satoshi casts Shadow Possession but Misses!
1.5 Seconds – Shoma Casts Armor of Thorns
1.5 Seconds – Shoma drops Defensive Technique
1.5 Seconds – Shoma attacks with Cloud Whisperer at Akkuma and Hits!, Zangyaku and Misses and Satoshi and Hits!
- Akkuma uses Flock of Shadows to Avoid the attack!
1.5 Seconds – Shoma swaps weapon with Cloud Splitter and attacks Akkuma but Misses , Zangyaku Hits and Satoshi Hits
1.5 Seconds – Shoma does a hidden action and attacks Zangyaku and Hits 5 Times!
1.5 Seconds – Shoma attacks Akkuma with a Basic Strike but Misses!
2 Second – Satoshi casts Shadow Possession but Misses!
2 Seconds – Shoma does two basic strikes at Akkuma and Hits Twice!
2.5 Seconds – Akkuma uses Earth Spike at Shoma and Hits!
- Shoma uses Polarity Shift to avoid the attack!
2.5 Seconds – Shoma does two basic strikes at Zangyaku one Hit! One Miss!
3 Second – Satoshi casts Shadow Possession but Misses!
3 Seconds – Zangyaku uses utter Chaos towards Shoma and is hit!
3 Seconds – Shoma preforms two basic strikes at Satoshi and Crits and Hits!
3.5 Seconds – Akkuma uses Crystal Eye
3.5 Seconds – Zangyaku uses basic strike towards Shoma and is Hit!
4 Seconds – Zangyaku uses basic strike towards Shoma and hits!
4 Seconds – Shoma attacks Akkuma and hits! Zangyaku misses! and Satoshi misses!
4.5 Seconds – Shoma uses basic strike against Akkuma – Hits!
5 Seconds - Zangyaku uses Shifting Shades
5 Seconds – Shoma uses basic strike against Akkuma – Hits!
5 Seconds – Zombie 1 Attacks Shoma with Basic Strike and hits!
5 Seconds – Zombie 2 Attacks Shoma with Basic Strike and misses!
5 Seconds – Zombie 3 Attacks Shoma with Basic Strike and hits!
5 Seconds – Zombie 4 Attacks Shoma with Basic Strike and misses!
5.5 Seconds – Zangyaku uses basic strike towards Shoma partial hits (25%)
5.5 Seconds – Shoma uses basic strike against Akkuma – Hits!
5.5 Seconds – Akkuma uses Inner Earth Reflection Lure
- Akkuma has entered into stealth!
6 Seconds – Shoma uses basic strike against Zangyaku – Hits!
7.5 Seconds – Akkuma uses Skeletal Fortification on himself
10 Seconds – Zombie 1 Attacks Shoma with Basic Strike and Misses
10 Seconds – Zombie 2 Attacks Shoma with Basic Strike and Hits
10 Seconds – Zombie 3 Attacks Shoma with Basic Strike and Misses
10 Seconds – Zombie 4 Attacks Shoma with Basic Strike and Misses



Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
The Samurai of Stone and Fire begin to battle back in the fray. The demon had many allies, and Shoma believed that it was time to start to push back. Truth be told, he wanted Akkuma to bring as many creatures into this fight as possible. He wanted to be challenged, but not just this. He wanted to utterly brutalize the one now calling himself 'Fate' and all he allied himself with. To the Otandai, the battle field is the equivalent of a doctor's table, and Shoma is the surgeon. The mere mortal wanted the Toraono in-law to experience the helplessness that he believed Akkuma tried to instill upon the samurai at the exams that day, and for this, Miruko needed to be at his peak.

Akkuma had much to say in addition to his ascension from Demon-hood, and so did he fiendish friends. The swordsman sneers at each blow he receives, and though he is taunted by the hell-spawneds and shadow-born, the pain he feels centers him, for it reminds him of his own mortality. Brash bloodlust did not/would not assure victory. "I intend to inflict punishment this time." he responses to the beast. "Yes, stand for as long as you can." he replies to the summoner. "Indeed, but I assure you, it will not be the one you intend or desire." he rebuttals to the shadowy figures. "Haha, I am simply keeping up with the times." he laughs when asked about he weaponry. "As a shinobi, like many shinobi, your only strength would be your numbers. But what would you do without them?" he questions. Shoma intends to find the answer.

[Sending actions]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage listened to the exchange between his summons & the Samurai as the battle raged on. He was quite impressed with the skill his foe faced, perhaps once he could have beaten Akkuma but those days were gone now. Those mismatched eyes held the Samurai before him with an appraising look at his words. Perhaps if he were willing to adapt his battle style the mans ideals might be made to see the truth. Shoma asked him what he'd do if his summons were removed from battle the question made the Sage laugh. "You forget yourself Shoma...I'm a Dark Sage the only way they will die is if you destroy them like any other foe. Conventional means of dealing with my summons won't let this battle begin in truth." he would say as he vanished into the sands below them.

Now Akkuma was prepared to go to battle, those summons of his were prepped & he had the ability to conjure more. With his subordinates poised to strike it would only be a matter of time. No doubt his foe had already begun underestimating him. A considerable lack of foresight on his foes part, to believe he could end his summons. The corpses could regenerate & were impervious to dispelling techniques. At least those that would be at the Samurai's capabilities. Once more he would remind his foe that he would not be underestimated, that his creatures would not be so easily shrugged off. Akkuma was a summoner class shinobi & a Dark Sage. But his specialization in conjuring didn't end there, no he was one of the few shinobi who were Contract Masters. His bond so strong with his summons that they were capable of sharing power between them, something that would be of great concern to most shinobi. But the most useful thing at Akkuma's disposal? That ability to use a corrupted chakra that sustained his summons, it tethered them to the realm in a way that most shinobi were capable of replicating.

[Actions Sent]
[Edited to Fix]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

HP: 34,371 – 1,374 – 180 – 180 – 180 – 1950 – 5,780 – 303 – 2,750 – 180 – 360 = 21,133
CP: 28,620 - 560 – 300 – 2,750 – 3,030 = 21,980
AP: 10 – 9.5 = 0.5 AP -> 10 AP next round
Status: Fire Chakra Style, Armor of Thorns, Active Camo

HP: = 34,159 + 1,374 – 687 – 4,840 + 929 = 30,935
CP: 28,673– 560 – 560 – 2,480 – 2,750 – 929 - 500 = 20,394
Corrupted Energy: 3,509 + 1,374 = 4883
AP: 10.5 - 10 AP = 0.5 AP -> 10.5 AP Next Round
Status: Hasted Step, Chakra Suppression Seal, Defensive Stance, Crystal Eye

Nara Satoshi
HP: 18,150 – 4,840 = 13,310
CP: 13,200 – 2,750 = 10,450
AP: 3.5 AP Next Round
Status: Ninja Wire on Hands, Suppressed, Poisoned x1


HP: 30,200 – 400 – 4,840 = 24,960
CP: 21,975 – 2,300 – 719 = 18,956
AP: 6 – 5.25 - .5 AP = .25 AP-> 6.25 AP Next Round
Status: Going for full clawing abilities!, Poisoned x2


Zombie Tea Party
Zombie 1
HP: 1,042 – 400 = 642
AP: 2-2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 2
HP: 1,042 – 400 - 36 = 606
AP: 2 – 2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 3
HP: 642 – 400 – 400 = Gone for Now
AP: 2 – 2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 4
HP: 1,442 – 400 = 1,042
AP: 2 – 2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

0 Seconds – Shoma gets hit by Dark Invitation!
1.5 Seconds – Shoma uses Active Camo
1.5 Seconds – Shoma attempts to enter stealth but fails!
1.66 Seconds – Zangyaku uses Venomus Bite on Shoma and Misses!
2 Seconds – Akkuma heals his sprained heart
2.5 Seconds – Shoma uses Critical Exposure on Zangyaku and Satoshi, Hits!
- Zangyaku becomes supressed
4 Seconds – Akkuma uses System Shock Mastery on himself and removes the poison effecting him!
5 Seconds – Zombie 1 attempts to strike Shoma and Hits!
5 Seconds – Zombie 2 attempts to strike Shoma and Hits!
5 Seconds – Zombie 3 attempts to strike Shoma and Hits!
5 Seconds – Zombie 4 attempts to strike Shoma and Misses!
5.44 Seconds – Zangyaku uses Hate Spite against Shoma and Hits!
5.5 Seconds – Shoma uses Odama Rasengan targeting Akkuma, Zangyaku, and Satoshi and Misses All!
7 Seconds – Akkuma uses Earthen Magnitude on Shoma and Hits!
- Akkuma is out of Stealth!
8.5 Seconds – Shoma uses Gate of Enma targeting Akkuma and Hits!, Zangyaku and Hits, and Satoshi and Hits!
8.57 Seconds – Satoshi casts Shadow Dimension casting everyone into the Shadow Dimension!
10 Seconds – Akkuma uses Dragon Flame Bomb towards Shoma and Partial Hits (50%)
10 Seconds – Zombie 1 attempts to strike Shoma and Misses!
10 Seconds – Zombie 2 attempts to strike Shoma and Misses!
10 Seconds – Zombie 3 attempts to strike Shoma and Crits!
10 Seconds – Zombie 4 attempts to strike Shoma and Hits!
10 Seconds – Akkuma uses healing factor special ability


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Despite the large number of attacks Shoma had made, the sum of his offensive effort would prove inconsequential. This perplexes the swordsman, for what tactic could he deploy that would not be so easily waved away. For now he would focus on staying in the fight. But the question would be, how could Shoma turn the tide of combat in spite of his lack of fortune? There were a few more things he could do to turn the tide in his favor. It would be slow, but he would not give the demon this match on a platter. In fact the way the samurai views it, though more difficult than predicted, he would still show Akkuma his mortality. Although thrashed, he is far from finished.

[Actions Sent]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage stood before his foe having unleashed just a taste of his wrath upon the Samurai. Sand flew around them & the ground itself had erupted from his devastating chakra. Attack after attack was launched at his opponent & while his foe had managed to deal an impressive blow to him. In the end it would amount to nothing the wound would be easily healed with time & the otherworldly energies that crackled around the Sage. "Your folly lies in trying to punish a is our purpose to endure. Pain. Hate. Despair. These things are nothing to a true shinobi it is our duty to endure through them all. We are the shield & sword to the realm of man in a way Samurai could never be. It is your ideals that make you weak Lord Shoma, these beliefs will only hinder you. To further follow them would only turn you into one of those you seek destroy. So I shall help you strip away these lies you've told yourself about reality...see that nothing is ever as it seems. That Chaos is the very foundation of life." with those words darkness would erupt from his undead subordinate engulfing all on the field.

In this void of darkness even those spectating beyond the barrier would be unable to see what was going on within this darkness. What landscape altering moves would be used, nor the ideal crushing monologue of the Sage to the Samurai. How peculiar it was that even in this moment of battle Akkuma was trying to 'enlighten' his adversary. To baptize his foe in Chaos so that he may be reborn a new being. No longer a servant of Order instead becoming a Lord of Chaos. Capable of commanding his own fate once more & truly being capable of helping others. Because only when one was unhindered by the morals or ethics could they truly do what was needed to achieve peace. For humans were fickle creatures & there was one immutable truth in the Sages eyes. Nothing could be gained without sacrificing something of equal value. Would his efforts end up bearing fruit from this encounter or would he only further drive his foe into the arms of Order like a scared babe.

[Actions Sent]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Uchiha Takeshi said:

HP: 21,133 – 633 – 5,500 – 100 – 200 – 6,292 – 2,200 + 4,800 = 11,008
CP: 21,980 – 1,200 – 2750 = 18,030
AP: 10 – 9.5 = 0.5 AP -> 10 AP next round
Status: Fire Chakra Style, Active Camo, Shadow Dimension, Utter Chaos Effected

Medical Assistance!
Clone 1
HP: 9,240- 6,292 = 2,948
CP: 6,600
AP: 2.5 = 2.5 AP next round
Status: Shadow Dimension, Ready to assist
Clone 2
HP: 9,240- 6,292 = 2,948
CP: 6,600
AP: 2.5 = 2.5 AP next round
Status: Shadow Dimension, Ready to assist

HP: 30,935 + 633 = 31,568
CP: 20,394 – 2,750 = 17,644
Corrupted Energy: 4883 + 633 – 500 = 5,016
AP: 10.5 - 10 AP = 0.5 AP -> 10.5 AP Next Round
Status: Hasted Step, Chakra Suppression Seal, Defensive Stance, Crystal Eye

Nara Satoshi
HP: 13,310
CP: 10,450 – 3030 – 1,300 = 6,120
AP: 3.5 AP Next Round
Status: Ninja Wire on Hands, Suppressed, Poisoned x1


HP: 24,960
CP: 18,956 – 710 - 1,515 = 16,731
AP: 6 – 5.25 - .5 AP = .25 AP-> 6.25 AP Next Round
Status: Going for full clawing abilities!, Poisoned x2


Zombie Tea Party
Zombie 1
HP: 642
AP: 2-2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 2
HP: 606 – 400 = 206
AP: 2 – 2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 3
HP: 1,442 – 400 = 1042
AP: 2 – 2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 4
HP: 1,042
AP: 2 – 2 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

0 Seconds – Akkuma uses Dark Invitation against Shoma and Hits!
0 Seconds – Shoma is hit by Shadow Dimension!
1 Second – Akkuma uses Fatetwisting on himself
2.5 Seconds – Shoma summons two medical clones!
3.5 Seconds – Shoma Enters into Defensive Stance
4 Seconds – Akkuma uses Rasen-Nova at Shoma and Hits!
5 Seconds – Zombie 1 attacks Shoma and misses!
5 Seconds – Zombie 2 attacks Shoma and hits(50%)!
5 Seconds – Zombie 3 attacks Shoma and hits!
5 Seconds – Zombie 4 attacks Shoma and misses!
5 Seconds – Zangyaku uses Venomous Bite at Shoma but misses!
6.5 Seconds – Shoma uses Hurricane on himself and medical clones!
6.5 Seconds – Shoma sheathes Cloud Hopper and draws Cloud Splitter
7 Seconds – Akkuma uses Dragon Flame Bomb at Shoma but it hits the wall instead!
8.57 Seconds – Satoshi uses Gates of Enma at Shoma and Hits, Clone 1 Hits! And Clone 2 Hits! (Fails to bind!)
8.75 Seconds – Zangyaku uses Hate Spike at Shoma but fails
9.5 Seconds – Shoma uses Regeneration
10 Seconds – Zombie 1 attacks Shoma but misses due to hurricane
10 Seconds – Zombie 2 attacks Shoma but misses due to hurricane
10 Seconds – Zombie 3 attacks Shoma but misses due to hurricane
10 Seconds – Zombie 4 attacks Shoma but misses due to hurricane
10.5 Seconds – Medical Clone 1 Fails to complete Action
10.5 Seconds – Medical Clone 2 Fails to complete Action​


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
The Review was completed on Fri Sep 08, 2017 12:05 am. Parties had sufficient time with full view of the logs to place any concerns. They were directed to send actions to myself or Takeshi Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:55 pm. As per ROE players have 3-5 days (depending on if they have posted anywhere else on site) to send actions otherwise they will be placed in Defensive Stance for the round.

Findings of the Review: The mod was too complex for the moderator. The conclusion was that there was no cheating in Akkuma's favor as both participants had things missed by their mod.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
HP: 42,000 [-135] 41865
CP: 30,000 [-799] 29201
AP: 10 – 10 = 0 AP => 10 AP next round
Status: Fire Chakra Style: Flare Touch, Defensive Stance, Polarity Shift (+2.5 Dodge), Backpack (-2 dodge), White Blessing (+2 Accuracy), Spiritual Chakra (+10% damage to all Ninjutsu. This damage counts as 'Light' element and cuts through half of Ninjutsu damage reduction. This bonus applies to all other Spiritualist light chakra techniques as well.), Poison Mastery (Poisons last a round longer and cannot be purified until the second round it's in use. Poisons also gain a +2 Poison DC.), Bloody Mess (The user's Critical hits will always increase bleeding rank), Human Anatomy (The user gains +1 Critical Range to all attacks. All critical hits deal 2.25x Damage.), Called Shot (Called Shots only take half the usual accuracy Penalties. +5% Called Shot chance.)|
HP: 36,000 –1372 34628 [+1080 Passive]
CP: 33,000 [–2748] 30252 [+990 Passive]
Corrupted Energy: 9,900 [-2,000] 7,900
AP: 10 [–9 AP] = 1 AP -> 11 AP Next Round
Status: Tracer (-1 Stealth and the user gains a +5% Auto Detect Chance against the target for 2 rounds.), Wired (-3 Dodge), Ninja Wire (Hand) (Inflicts an additional +0.1 AP Cost), Hand Sprain (Deadeye) (5% chance for Jutsus to fail, resulting in AP lost. and +0.1 AP to cast), Chakra Suppression Seal, Conservative Motion (Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.), Sixth Sense (awareness check, the user has a 25% chance to auto-detect the target.),
Deflection (Partial hits upon the user are treated as one rank lower, IE a 75% hit becomes a 50%, 50% becomes 25%, and 25% becomes a miss. This does not overwrite effects which state partial hits are treated as full hits. Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target (does not stack with the previous note). Deflected attacks that target another victim are chosen at random and use the attacker's accuracy type with the user's accuracy secondary.), Summoner (A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.) Danger Sense (+10% Auto-Dodge), Walk of Aons (+3 dodge), Temporal Strike (All the user's Ninjutsu have a 20% chance to inflict a -.5 accuracy/dodge penalty on those they hit, stacking up to four times on the same target. The effect lasts for two rounds. Does not effect other Temporal Striders.), Hasted Steps (up to two actions per round may be "accelerated" for no additional cost. An "accelerated" attack is modded as being 1 AP faster than it's base AP cost. All jutsu cast by the user cost 5% additional CP.).

Zombie Tea Party
Zombie 1
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round

Zombie 2
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 3
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 4
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 5
HP: 1,442 – 1,442 = Gone (Bind Broken)
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Gone back to dust[/spoiler][/col]

0.00 Seconds - Akkuma's Dark Invitation goes off.
  • Nin Check (Shoma) 20 Failed
    Nin Check (Akkuma) 1
0.00 Seconds - Shoma Quick draws Cloud Whisperer.
0.00 Seconds - Shoma Quick draws Chakra Suppression Seal.
0.00 Seconds - Akkuma declares Temporal Step.
0.25 Seconds - Shoma scribes Chakra Suppression Seal.
0.50 Seconds - Akkuma enters Hasted Steps Chakra Style.
0.50 Seconds - Shoma attaches Chakra Suppression Seal.
  • Accuracy Type undefined. Roll required for melee (1) v ranged (2). Roll: 2 (Ranged)
    Attack (Shoma) 7 + 2 (White Blessing) 50% Hit => 25% Hit Deflection Ability
    Evasion (Akkuma) 7 + 1 (Walk the Aeons.)
    • Danger Sense: 10% auto-dodge chance. Roll: 50
0.50 Seconds - Shoma Quick draw 4 uses of ninja wire from backpack.
0.50 Seconds - Shoma uses Strategist free basic strike (sneak attack bonus) as 1st Deadeye special action on Akkuma's limbs in this order: leg (Ninja wire), leg, leg, Hand, hand with 1 ninja wire use.
  • Attack (Shoma) 19 (Crit), 19 (Crit), 12 (HIT), 1 (Miss), 20 (Natural Crit)
    Evasion (Akkuma) 13, 5, 12, 7, 19
    • Called Shot: 78, 45, 50, 86 All Failed
      Suppression Roll: 89 Failed - this is still a single attack split into multiple attacks so there is not a bunch of procs for this.
      Bleed I - this is still a single attack split into multiple attacks so there is not a bunch of procs for this.
      • Danger Sense: 10% auto-dodge chance. 57 Failed
0.50 Seconds - Shoma uses Class free basic strike as 2nd Deadeye special action on Akkuma's Hand with 1 ninja wire use.
  • Has 2 Ninja Wires in his hand, 20 in his inventory.
    Attack 3 Miss
    Evasion 20
    • Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target (Deflection Ability). Roll: 8 This attack has been deflected.
      • Attack (Akkuma) 1 Miss
        Evasion (Shoma) 14
0.50 Seconds - Shoma's conditional procs and Shoma Quick draws 4 ninja wires. There is no handheld capacity.
  • Has 6 Ninja Wires in hand and 16 in his inventory
0.50 Seconds - Shoma's conditional procs and Shoma Quick draws 4 ninja wires. There is no handheld capacity.
  • Has 10 Ninja Wires in hand and 12 in his inventory
0.50 Seconds - Shoma's conditional procs and Shoma Quick draws 4 ninja wires. There is no handheld capacity.
  • Has 14 Ninja Wires in hand and 8 in his inventory
0.50 Seconds - Shoma's conditional procs and Shoma Quick draws 4 ninja wires. There is no handheld capacity.
  • Has 18 Ninja Wires in hand and 4 in his inventory
0.50 Seconds - Shoma's conditional procs and Shoma Quick draws 4 ninja wires. There is no handheld capacity.
  • Has 22 Ninja Wires in hand and 0 in his inventory
1.00 Seconds - Akkuma uses his conditional Renewal to negate the effects of his last attack.
  • 0.50 Seconds - Shoma uses Strategist free basic strike (sneak attack bonus) as 1st Deadeye special action on Akkuma's limbs in this order: leg (Ninja wire), leg, leg, Hand, hand with 1 ninja wire use.
    • Attack (Shoma) 19 (Crit), 19 (Crit), 12 (HIT), 1 (Miss), 20 (Natural Crit)
      Evasion (Akkuma) 13, 5, 12, 7, 19
      • Called Shot: 78, 45, 50, 86 All Failed
        Suppression Roll: 89 Failed - this is still a single attack split into multiple attacks so there is not a bunch of procs for this.
        Bleed I - this is still a single attack split into multiple attacks so there is not a bunch of procs for this.
        • Danger Sense: 10% auto-dodge chance. 57 Failed
    Note: This makes the missed rolls for this irrelevant.
1.00 Seconds - Shoma performs a basic strike with 2nd Deadeye special action on Akkuma's Hand with 1 ninja wire use.
  • Has 21 Ninja Wires in hand and 0 in his inventory
  • Attack 11 Hit
    Evasion 8
    • Called Shot Chance. Roll: 58 Failed, however on hit with this deadeye this would actually cause a SPRAIN. This Sprain can be removed by removing the weapon from his hand for 0.25 AP.
      Suppression Chance: 30 Failed
      • Danger Sense: 10% auto-dodge chance. 93 Failed
1.75 Seconds - Shoma Use basic strike as 1st Deadeye special action on Akkuma's limbs leg with 1 ninja wire use.
  • Has 20 Ninja Wires in hand and 0 in his inventory
  • This would be a basic strike because the first action cannot be used twice.
    Attack (Shoma) 13 Hit
    Evasion (Akkuma) 1
    • Called Shot Roll: 8 Sprained Leg.
      Danger Sense: 10% auto-dodge chance. 80 Failed
2.00 Seconds - Akkuma uses his conditional Renewal to negate the effects of his last attack.
  • 1.75 Seconds - Shoma Use basic strike as 1st Deadeye special action on Akkuma's limbs leg with 1 ninja wire use.
    • Has 20 Ninja Wires in hand and 0 in his inventory
    • This would be a basic strike because the first action cannot be used twice.
      Attack (Shoma) 13 Hit
      Evasion (Akkuma) 1
      • Called Shot Roll: 8 Sprained Leg.
        Danger Sense: 10% auto-dodge chance. 62 Failed

2.25 Seconds - Shoma activates Fire Chakra Style: Flare Touch.
2.25 Seconds - Shoma Quick Draws 3 Ninja Wire from backpack.
  • They are already drawn
2.25 Seconds - Shoma uses Weapon Mastery: Projectile ability: Assault to perform 3 called shot to Akkuma's neck (ninja wire), arm (ninja wire), arm... with the use of Initiative.
  • Has 17 Ninja Wires in hand and 0 in his inventory
  • 4 (Miss), 5 (75% Hit => 50% Hit due to Deflection Ability), 4 (Hit)
    18. 7, 1
    • Called Shot Chance 72 Failed
      Bleed Chance 61 Failed
      Danger Sense: 10% auto-dodge chance. 92 Failed
2.25 Seconds - Shoma follows previous attack using Quick Switch augment to equip Cloud Shaper to use Piercing Tai: Iron Point Prison(Mastered) aided with 2 uses of ninja wire.
  • Has 15 Wires in his hand
    Attack (Shoma) 11 Miss
    Evasion (Akkuma) 20
    Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target. Roll: 100 Failed
2.75 Seconds - Shoma uses Cloud Shaper's augment: Wired to target Akkuma with Melee accuracy.
  • Has 14 Wires in his hand
    Attack 2 Miss
    Evasion 13
    • Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target (Deflection Ability). Roll: 73 Failed
3.00 Seconds - Akkuma enters Defensive Stance (+4 dodge, -2 accuracy, 10% DR).
3.00 Seconds - Akkuma casts Corpse Soil Mastered: Raises up to 5 Zombies. Special Action Used - Grasp of the Unliving: Must be perform at the time of casting Corpse Soil. The user may choose to target a number of participants in battle equal to the number of Zombies to be created. A Stealth Check is made against this target and if successful, binds the target with a Zombie, preventing them from moving. Failed checks against the target or if a target breaks free from a Zombie immediately destroys the Zombie. 1 Zombie may only be assigned to a target at the time of casting Grasp of the Unliving. Cast Using; Corrupted Energy & Hasted Steps Twice
  • Stealth 17 Failed (Due to Tracer Augment reducing Akkuma's stealth sufficiently.)
    Awareness 16
    Single zombie destroyed
3.25 Seconds - Shoma's conditional procs and Shoma uses Cloud Shaper's augment: Wired to target Akkuma with Melee accuracy.
  • Has 13 Wires in his hand
    Attack 11 Hit This inflicts a -3 Dodge penalty on victims. An entangled opponent may un-entangle themselves for 1 AP.
    Evasion 6
    • Danger Sense: 10% auto-dodge chance. 54 Failed
3.25 Seconds - Shoma Quickdraws last use of ninja wire from backpack.
  • All Wire has been drawn
3.75 Seconds - Shoma performs a called shot to Akkuma's foot with a ninja wire.
  • Has 12 Wires in his hand
    Attack (Shoma) 2 Miss
    Evasion (Akkuma) 6
    • Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target. Roll: 9 success
      • Attack (Akkuma) 17 Hit
        Evasion (Shoma) 7
        • Called Shot Roll: 74 Failed
          Bleed Roll 29 Failed
3.75 Seconds - Shoma uses his Quick draw ability to freely sheath Cloud Shaper, then quickdraw Cloud Wonderer.
4.50 Seconds - Shoma cast Polarity Shift mastered with AF move: One-handed Seal (-10% cp cost and one-handed).
5.00 Seconds - Shoma enters defensive stance with defensive tech -4acc (-2 with Steady) for +4 dodge.
5.50 Seconds - Akkuma casts Cyclone Movement Mastered.
5.50 Seconds - Shoma attacks Akkuma with a basic strike.
  • Attack (Shoma) 4 Miss
    Evasion (Akkuma) 15
    • Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target (Deflection Ability). Roll: 60 Failed
6.00 Seconds - Shoma attacks Akkuma with a basic strike.
  • Attack (Shoma) 9 Hit
    Evasion (Akkuma) 15
    • Danger Sense: 10% auto-dodge chance. Roll: 2 Success, auto-dodged
    6.50 Seconds - Shoma attacks Akkuma with a basic strike.
    • Attack (Shoma) 17 Hit
      Evasion (Akkuma) 4
      • Danger Sense: 10% auto-dodge chance. Roll: 82 Failed
        Bleed Chance 60 Failed
    7.20 Seconds - Akkuma casts Earthflow River.
    • Shoma uses Polarity Shift special action to auto-dodge.
8.00 Seconds - Akkuma's Zombies attack Shoma.
  • Attack (Zombies) 4 (Miss), 11 (Miss), 12 (Miss), 13 (Miss)
    Evasion (Shoma) 6, 5, 18, 8


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
HP: 41865 [-1680] 40185
CP: 29201 [-390] 28811
AP: 10
Status: Fire Chakra Style: Flare Touch, Defensive Stance (-2 Acc, +4 Dodge), Polarity Shift (+2.5 Dodge), Backpack (-2 dodge), White Blessing (+2 Accuracy), Spiritual Chakra (+10% damage to all Ninjutsu. This damage counts as 'Light' element and cuts through half of Ninjutsu damage reduction. This bonus applies to all other Spiritualist light chakra techniques as well.), Poison Mastery (Poisons last a round longer and cannot be purified until the second round it's in use. Poisons also gain a +2 Poison DC.), Bloody Mess (The user's Critical hits will always increase bleeding rank), Human Anatomy (The user gains +1 Critical Range to all attacks. All critical hits deal 2.25x Damage.), Called Shot (Called Shots only take half the usual accuracy Penalties. +5% Called Shot chance.)|
HP: 34628 [+1080 Passive][+1680] 37388 => 36000 Max
CP: 30252 [–6130] [+990 Passive] 25112
Corrupted Energy: 7,900 [+1680] [-2000] 7,580
AP: 11 [–8 AP] = 3 AP -> 11 AP Next Round
Status: Tracer (-1 Stealth and the user gains a +5% Auto Detect Chance against the target for 2 rounds.), Wired (-3 Dodge), Ninja Wire (Hand) (Inflicts an additional +0.1 AP Cost Negated), Hand Sprain (Deadeye) (5% chance for Jutsus to fail Halved, resulting in AP lost. and +0.1 AP to cast Negated), Conservative Motion (Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.), Sixth Sense (awareness check, the user has a 25% chance to auto-detect the target.), Deflection (Partial hits upon the user are treated as one rank lower, IE a 75% hit becomes a 50%, 50% becomes 25%, and 25% becomes a miss. This does not overwrite effects which state partial hits are treated as full hits. Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target (does not stack with the previous note). Deflected attacks that target another victim are chosen at random and use the attacker's accuracy type with the user's accuracy secondary.), Summoner (A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.) Danger Sense (+10% Auto-Dodge), Walk of Aons (+3 dodge), Temporal Strike (All the user's Ninjutsu have a 20% chance to inflict a -.5 accuracy/dodge penalty on those they hit, stacking up to four times on the same target. The effect lasts for two rounds. Does not effect other Temporal Striders.), Hasted Steps (up to two actions per round may be "accelerated" for no additional cost. An "accelerated" attack is modded as being 1 AP faster than it's base AP cost. All jutsu cast by the user cost 5% additional CP.), Cyclone Movement, Corpse Soil.[/col]

[col]|Nara Satoshi
HP: 18,900
CP: 14,400
AP: 3.5 = 3.5 AP Next Round

HP: 34,500
CP: 25,000
AP: 6

[col]|Zombie Tea Party
Zombie 1
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round

Zombie 2
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 3
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 4
HP: 1,442
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Sipping some tea

Zombie 5
HP: 1,442 – 1,442 = Gone (Bind Broken)
AP: 2 – 1 = 2 AP next round
Status: Gone back to dust[/spoiler][/col]


0.00 Seconds - Shoma is in defensive stance, maintains Fire Style: Flare Touch and Polarity Shift.
0.00 Seconds - Akkuma uses Temporal Step.
  • This cannot be used as this can only be used every other round.
0.00 Seconds - Akkuma maintains Hasted Steps, Defensive Stance, Cyclone Movement and Corpse Soil.
0.00 Seconds - Akkuma's Dark Invitation goes off.
  • Nin Check (Akkuma) 10 Success
    Nin Check (Shoma) 12
0.45 Seconds - Akkuma casts Ring of Fire Mastered Cast with Hasted Steps (Used Twice) to reduce modded timing of jutsu by 2ap. Targeting Shoma attempting to trap him inside (leaving himself outside)
  • Attack (Akkuma) 7 Miss
    Evasion (Shoma) 14
    • 2.5% chance to auto fail (sprained hands and wired hands) 82 Failed
0.45 Seconds - Akkuma drops Ring of Fire.
3.63 Seconds - Akkuma casts Contract Summoning Mastered to Summon Zangyaku S-Rank Youkai using Corrupted Energy to Cast. Ap cost reduced by 1ap due to Due to Ability Contract Mastery.
  • 2.5% chance to auto fail (sprained hands and wired hands) 29 Failed
4.08 Seconds - Zangyaku draws Brief Despair.
5.00 Seconds - Akkuma's zombies attack Shoma
  • Note: No accuracy type was listed for the zombies. Zombies can attack with nin or melee. Random roll for accuracy. 1 - Melee 2 - Nin. Roll: 1 (Melee)
    Attack (Zombies) 13 (Miss), 4 (Miss), 16 (Hit)
    Evasion (Shoma) 17, 8, 4
    Two zombies were forgotten.
    Attack (Zombies) 4 (Miss), 12 (Miss)
    Evasion (Shoma) 12, 9
  • All 5 zombies attack Shoma as the one zombie is not yet transformed.
5.90 Seconds - Akkuma casts IWR/Earthbound to Summon my Nara Satoshi the Damned Shade (destroys 1 of the 5 zombies, so four zombies + iwr on field)
  • No fail chance, this is a special action attached to a jutsu that is already cast.
6.08 Seconds - Zangyaku performs a basic strike attack on Shoma.
  • 0.5 AP is added.
    Attack (Zangyaku) 3
    Evasion (Shoma) 1
7.23 Seconds - Zangyaku performs a basic strike attack on Shoma.
  • 0.5 AP is added.
    Attack (Zangyaku) 11
    Evasion (Shoma) 2
8.03 Seconds - Zangyaku performs a basic strike attack on Shoma.
  • 0.5 AP is added.
    Attack (Zangyaku) 10
    Evasion (Shoma) 9
9.03 Seconds - Zangyaku performs a basic strike attack on Shoma.
  • 0.5 AP is added.
    Attack (Zangyaku) 20
    Evasion (Shoma) 9
9.97 Seconds - Zangyaku performs a basic strike attack on Shoma.
  • 0.5 AP is added.
    Attack (Zangyaku) 7
    Evasion (Shoma) 19
    Would not have gained enough AP to perform requested attack.
10.0 Seconds - Akkuma's zombies attack Shoma.
  • Note: No accuracy type was listed for the zombies. Zombies can attack with nin or melee. Random roll for accuracy. 1 - Melee 2 - Nin. Roll: 2 (Nin)
    Attack (Zombies) 14 (miss), 6 (miss), 5 (Miss)
    Evasion (Shoma) 18, 7, 11
    1 zombie was missed
    Attack (Zombie) 10 Hit
    Evasion (Shoma) 3
    Satoshi: (Earthbound/IWR) does not make any actions the round it is created.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
