Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Game of Tag [Tutor]

Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Keiyaku had sent it just this morning, the note. Moru had delivered; the adolescent Shiba Inu dog who now stood, bolt-upright and at attention by the shinobi's side, sticking close to his leg like he was guarding him. Tsuki would have received the note in the usual fashion whenever Keiyaku needed a courier; the young student would find this same Shiba dog approach him, clad in a battle harness, carrying a small, dirty, hastily written scroll in his mouth, inviting the student to the interest of the Forest of Death in order to attend a class he'd signed up for. The Inuzuka and his partner had never been one for classrooms and studying, and, in fact, even at the academy, they both tended to coast by on their coursework where they generally performed quite poorly. Much like you could not restrain the sea, nor could you restrain the wild instinct to roam free that possessed all wolves, dogs, and of course, the humans that shared their same soul.

The Inuzuka was tall and slightly overbearing as he stood waiting, arms folded, his slit-pupilled eyes gazing down the dirt path in silence. He seemed to be lost in contemplation. He didn't look that well either; his skin had a pallor, and his eyes were very baggy, as though sleep and regular meals were foreign concepts to him. Nonetheless, a slight smirk traced his lips, and his eyes showed a definite warmth.

"Reckon he's gonna be easy-going, Moru?" Asked Keiyaku, looking down at the dog glued to his leg, who gave a few growling grunts in reply. Keiyaku snickered, "hey, I seem to remember you were just as much of a little shit as I was, buddy. Yeah, I seem to remember a lot of hole-digging and rolling in mud."

It hurt a little bit to think back on those days, back in the time when his family was whole and life was simple. Now things were so much more precarious. He shook his head, pushing these thoughts aside. Right now, he needed to focus on this student, and he was interested to see what he'd be working with.

WC: 355/1000

OOC: So, just simple class rules - 1000 words across 5 posts to pass. We won't worry about a time limit, since it's just the two of us.

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Tsuki wiped a bit of sweat from his brow after sweeping the dust and dirt away from the doorstep of his home. It had gotten a bit bad in his absence, the cleanliness of the house. Then again, he couldn’t blame his adoptive father. Nao had experienced a lot in his years away, and it felt good to clean up the mess because it gave Tsuki a reason to remain for some time. His eyes traced across the yard, wondering what he should work on next.

Don’t forget, you have a class today.

The voice that rang in his skull nearly made Tsuki jump.


Tsuki rushed back inside, replacing the broom in its proper place and rushing to change into a fresh set of clothing he could train in. “I can’t believe I almost forgot about the class,” he huffed as he slipped his shoes on and grabbed his gloves.

You’re always the scatterbrain. Why are you even surprised?

“You could have reminded me this morning so I would have finished up sooner and made time to actually get ready,” he replied, snatching the scroll off his bedside table and rushing out the door. “I’ll be back later, Nao! I have a class to get to.”

His rush to the forest thankfully didn’t wind him. Seems like the years of training paid off. Tsuki slowed once he made it to the forest entrance, rolling his shoulders to stretch them out and approaching his teacher. “Apologies for running a little late, I had to clean the house because my father is injured. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”

Tsuki would bow his head in respect before righting himself to take in who would be training him today. Keiko had filled Tsuki in on some learning of the Inuzuka bloodline, given that his canine partner was the one to deliver the scroll with clear intent. It was a well trained dog, one that you could simply tell had seen the battlefield. His gaze raised to meet that of his teacher’s, seeing tired eyes that Tsuki understood all too well. He faced many sleepless nights of his own on the regular, so he had grown accustomed to working with little rest.

“I haven’t come here in quite some time,” he would hum, his gaze shifting to take in their surroundings. He had gazed down the dirt path a few times in the past, never trusting himself to make it out in a forest named after one of the things he feared most. With his counterpart wishing to dive forward at the mere sight of blood, and Tsuki’s own prone to clumsiness, he never dared step foot down that path. Now, though, he felt more ready. “I look forward to learning from you. What did you have in mind for today?”

WC: 471/1000
Post 1/5

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts

OOC: Sounds good to me!
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Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
"Here he is," muttered Keiyaku with a smirk as a white-haired boy came running up the path toward the two of them, evidently having forgotten the time, "yeesh, this kid reminds me of me."

Moru gave another whine and Keiyaku rolled his eyes, brushing off his little brother's snide comment as he crouched down onto his haunches to give the dog a scratch behind the ears.

"Bout time, kid!" Said Keiyaku spitefully as Tsuki bowed his head and asked what to expect in the class today. He suddenly gripped his shoulder tight, his clawed fingers digging in ever so slightly, "wanna know what happens to students late to my class?"

His dark, slit-pupilled eyes staring into the blue of Tsuki's, Keiyaku let out a startling snarl, baring a set of canine-like fangs that looked like they could puncher flesh like a marshmallow. There was something of the wolf about his face, the way the bridge of his nose wrinkled as he snarled, and the way his tongue poked between his teeth as he bared them. Then, all at once, his face broke into a roguish grin which, despite looking much more human, still carried something of the animal. Keiyaku playfully patted the boy's cheek and stood upright above him. His nostrils flared a little and he thought he detected a familiar scent on the boy.

'So, this must be another one of Corvus and Nao's adoptees... Go figure.'

"Nah don't worry about it; we're all late from time to time. Sometimes bein' late saves you from an ambush. Ain't a bad skill to have, kid," said the Inuzuka, his voice now considerably less gruff and much warmer. Teaching these things could get dull, and sometimes you needed to make your own fun.

"Gonna keep it super simple today; it's all about tracking," said Keiyaku, reaching into his pocket and throwing what was inside. With blinding speed, Moru caught it out of the air before it found its mark in the tree, his tail wagging happily as he looked back at his big brother.

"Gonna teach you to rely less on these," he said, pointing to his own eyes, "and more on these and these." He tapped his nose and then pointed to both of his ears. Keiyaku looked over at the Shiba dog and began grunted and growling at him. Evidently, this made sense to the dog who, with a skip in his step, bounded once around the boy's legs and then shot off into the forest.

"It's gonna be pretty dark in there, so you better put all that training to use. Game's simple; get that kunai off Moru and you win a prize."

Keiyaku got down low to the ground, on all-fours, and at once seemed much more comfortable and graceful than he had looked to be when he was on two-legs.

"But don't let me catch ya. I'll give ya a good headstart, and if ya need any tips, I'll be sure to teach 'em to you, if you ask real nice. So go on then."

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Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
When Tsuki was met with a harsh gaze that seemed almost dangerous, his eyes widened in surprise and a slight hint of fear. A thick swallow and a roll of his shoulders followed the pat that was given to his cheek, and Tsuki tried to calm his racing pulse. "I'm not usually the type to run behind," he attempted to reassure, but his first impression was definitely not the most supportive of his argument. With a small sigh, he paid close attention to what his lesson would teach him.

Tsuki's gaze fell upon Moru as the dog caught the weapon that had been thrown. He moves with impressive speed. Definitely a battle dog, Keiko voiced inside his head. Tsuki nodded his approval, looking back to Keiyaku after his counterpart circled Tsuki and bolted into the shadows of the forest trees.

Upon hearing that Keiyaku would be tracking him while he tracked Moru, Tsuki let out a nervous laugh. I'm going to bust my ass before getting anywhere close to that dog.

You have to give it a shot at least. Part of training. If you suck, I'll take over, Keiko replied.

With that plan in mind, Tsuki nodded his head and shook out his legs to prepare himself. "Sounds like a fun game. Let's go!" Tsuki looked towards the woods and took a deep breath before taking off after Moru.

He tried to think of anything he had in his training arsenal for hunting or tracking, but none of the jutsu he learned or practical lessons from Nao really applied. His first instinct after thinking back on what his teacher said was to use his eyes less, so he stopped and closed them after reaching a good depth of the forest. With his vision removed from him by his own volition rather than trying to adjust to the darkness, he focused on the sounds around him, attempting to differentiate the sounds of nature from his target and his own hunter.

Don't sit still for too long. We don't want to be a sitting duck.

I got a head start, remember? We have a little bit of time to orient ourselves.

WC: 831/1000
Post 2/5

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Moru was definitely showboating, like the little drama queen he was, as he bounded off happily into the woods, skipping along rather like a schoolgirl picking flowers. Whether it was meant to taunt the student was unclear; even Keiyaku always had trouble staying mad at Moru when he saw his happy, carefree face. What was more, Tsuki seemed to have a pretty good attitude about the whole thing; yeah, a game is exactly what it was, but not all games were, strictly speaking, 'safe fun'. Keiyaku waited, his clawed fingers digging into the dirt, the anticipation of the hunt welling up in his chest, but he had to calm it, restrain it. This wasn't the real thing as much as he wanted it to be, and above all, he had to make sure Tsuki got something out of it. When he charged off into the woods, the Inuzuka hung back, counting silently in his mind, he would give him three minutes, and then enter the fray himself.

Moru darted through the woods at blinding speed, the kunai clutched tight in his mouth as he allowed his muscle memory to guide him through the familiar landscape. When he felt like he was a good distance ahead, he paused, sniffing around, his ears twitching in an attempt to separate the sounds of human footsteps from the critters harmlessly gambling about the forest. Here and there, the dog even made sure to snap a twig, such that Tsuki might experience sounds from several different directions.

Keiyaku wasn't far behind, having finally entered the woods. Taking the path less traveled, he scaled the first tree and leaped from branch to branch, his muscle memory carrying him like a bird, jumping between the trees on all fours. Tsuki's scent was intrusively apparent among the other, more natural scents; the familiar scent of Nao, a man who knew well, and something oddly metallic... a little bit like...

'Ah!' thought Keiyaku as he leaped to another branch, his eyes finally alighting on the boy running through the clearing. Naturally, he didn't pounce, he just wanted to observe while remaining hidden, to see what he would do. He could already hear Moru deliberately stepping on twigs and trying to disorient the student. And then, a streak of brown fur darted from the trees, through the clearing past Tsuki, and into another set of trees. As he did this, Keiyaku sent a kunai flying just past Tsuki's arm. It was a warning shot.

'Let's see what ya do when faced with the threat of ambush, little pup...' he thought.

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Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Tsuki tried to calm his mind as he began to listen for traces of life around him. He heard some birds in the distance, definitely the skittering of a squirrel or few. Twigs snapped on occasion around him, though he was struggling with the amount of patterns.

To your right.

His body moved almost on its own, shifting just slightly to the left as a kunai shot past his arm. Tsuki's eyes snapped open, and he flicked his gloved hand backwards, letting loose one of his darts. He had been sure not to dip them in poison before his departure since he didn't want to cause any lasting damage.

Tsuki took off into the woods himself, knowing that his own hunter was hot on his tail.

He's toying with you. Don't let your guard down, keep an ear out for the dog.

You have your own skills with the ears, right? Help me out a little. We have to do this shit together eventually.

Fine, Keiko groaned. Tsuki felt as though his sense of hearing was a bit dulled. It was a strange sensation, but he supposed he had to let go of his own ears for Keiko to be able to use them properly. He listened to Keiko's directions, running through the trees whilst trying his best not to lose his footing. He still hadn't fully adjusted to the darkness, and he knew nothing that could help him cast a light.

Fire jutsu, need to learn that later.

I'm not your personal journal. Focus.

Tsuki tried to hear what his counterpart was hearing. For a moment, though not very loud, Tsuki heard a heartbeat. A faint pulse. Another as well, once he paid closer attention. One behind, above, the other off to their left. Tsuki took off to the left, hoping he was interpreting Keiko's information correctly.

Dart. Throw left.

Tsuki did as he was told, though he was a bit nervous to hurt his teacher's teammate. He didn't really want to get in trouble or cause himself a harsher hunt.

Another, right. Over your shoulder, tree branch.

Tsuki did as told again, this time glancing back. He watched his dart his a squirrel dead in the eye, toppling it to the ground in a bloody heap.

Why am I killing random animals?

Because we have a scent. The blood will help confuse them, hopefully.

With a bit of a heavy heart, Tsuki hid himself in a branch a little far from the squirrel, hoping he could get a glimpse of his target rushing below.

Post WC: 426
Class WC: 1257/1000
Post 3/5

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Keiyaku couldn't help but smirk. He heard a yelp just after the first dart was thrown, yet Keiyaku didn't detect any trace of his little brother's blood on the air; it was not just a ruse from the little dog, but a prearranged signal to his big brother that he was ready to put a very specific plan in action. The Inuzuka could still smell the familiar scent of his student and could pretty accurately guess where he was based on the sound of his feet hitting a tree branch from above. A faint metallic odour clung to the air, the scent of some small creature having been injured. Impressive.

'This kid is something else alright. Killing a critter to cover his scent, and then moving into cover. The kid's thinking like an Inuzuka. I should be flattered the kid's using our own tactics against us.'

Moru trudged out slowly from his hiding place, his ear twitching upwards as he walked along the clearing beneath where Tsuki watched from above, nosing curiously at the dead squirrel. There was a conspicuous lack of any dart in the dog's side as he investigated the scene, apparently oblivious to Tsuki's presence, the kunai clutched tantalisingly in his mouth. Meanwhile, Keiyaku leapt silently from branch to branch, his feet never even making full contact with the wood, like the air was cushioning his feet and hands. He got into position, eyes on the clearing, watching his little brother with the squirrel. If Tsuki jumped down now, he would tackle him out of mid air, digging his claws into his skin to punish him for falling into the ambush trap. Would the kid be smart enough to abstain from the bait, he wondered.


Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Tsuki watched with baited breath as Moru made his way over to the squirrel he had just killed. He was doing his best not to look at the squirrel itself, hoping not to get triggered away by the sight of blood and lose control to Keiko this early in. Even so, he could almost feel the itch that Keiko was desperate to have some fun.

It doesn't look like my dart hit him, he thought, shifting his weight as silently as possible to move to another branch overhead.

The dog yelped though. Looks like a trap to me.

But he's right there, if I can move fast enough I could just grab it before I'm caught.

I don't think those two would let you win that easily. They've worked together a lot longer than we have. They probably have plans and cues we don't know ourselves.

The itch got stronger every time Tsuki inhaled. Even if his nose wasn't as keen, he could still smell the blood in the air from his fresh kill. It was a bit nauseating. Tsuki grit his teeth, deciding to retreat a bit. If Keiko was right, then his hunter was likely already aware of his position. And if he wasn't, the tumble that Tsuki took when his foot slipped up on a branch he didn't land on correctly definitely made enough noise for anything nearby to be made aware of his presence.


Tsuki sprung to his feet, looking down only for a moment to check if he was injured too seriously before moving. He took off into the forest, knowing his own blood from the fresh cuts on his knees would be enough to help them locate him if they really did use their noses as well as he thought. Moru would know, at least.

That's it. Let me out of here.

Tsuki felt his vision shift, and his dizziness from the nauseating scent of iron wasn't really helping him keep control. Before he knew it, he was watching from behind as Keiko pulled out another dart and coat it in the blood from their knee.

Keiko threw the dart, coating another after shifting to another branch around the clearing and throwing it as well. If he could spread his own blood around, maybe it would make it a bit harder to track him than simply using dead animals. He did slice his hand as well with another dart, the blood on his knee drying up given it was a shallow scrape from the wood. He dipped each of his remaining darts in his blood, prepared to use his own skills if necessary.

Don't hurt them too much, please. We're proving our strength, not trying to form mortal enemies.

I know, I'm not stupid. We might end up working with this one.

Keiko repositioned himself once he felt he was evenly spread, tying a strip he ripped from his shirt around his hand to hopefully dull the strength of his own scent.

Post WC: 499
Class WC: 1756/1000
Post 4/5

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
'You've done your sensei proud,' thought Keiyaku, smirking at his new student's tact in not giving in to overwhelming temptation and attempting to seize the prize right then and there; in fact, it seemed like Tsuki was taking flight again to come up with a new strategy. Moru suddenly looked up, responding immediately to the student's movement and bounding along the forest floor beneath him. It seemed like, while still pretending not to see him, he was trying to giving him some active prey; something to pursue rather than to hunt. But then, Moru froze. He looked up. His nose twitched. The scent, that was...

At the same time as Moru, Keiyaku leapt into action, silently bounding from tree to tree in an effort to shadow his new student to see if he was on the cusp of catching Moru now that his partner had also taken flight. His nose twitched, and suddenly, he felt a small pang in his stomach. The kid must've scraped himself.

'Big mistake, kid. Blood's easy to follow by scent,' he mused to himself, continuing to leap through the trees, but making sure to keep his distance. But then, the scent became confused and much more widespread somehow.

'Well, well, well, that's a pretty neat touch,' he thought as he admired a dart stuck in a nearby tree, smeared with a few drops of blood from scraping up his knee. Clearly, Tsuki was getting much more used to dealing with his and Moru's style, coming up with creative ways to throw them off. It might've worked, but he knew Moru had eyes on Tsuki dead ahead, even if the Inuzuka himself was hanging back. It was Moru's turn to give the kid something to chase.

As Moru looked up, that metalic scent grew stronger and more invasive, and it became immediately obvious the kid had done himself another injury, and from what he could see, it had been self-inflicted. Moru figured he could deduce why, but that wasn't his concern. The kunai dropped slowly from his mouth. He needed to find his brother.

The Inuzuka was hesitant to even breath. Out of nowhere, like a great damn had just burst, the stink of human blood had gotten that much stronger, like someone had opened a wound in their own skin. Keiyaku's stomach gave a strong, cramp-like pain, forcing him to clap his hand to his abdomen, his eyes growing wide in panic.

"No," he said gruffly through gritted teeth, "it's.... it's not full moon yet, asshole... I won't let you-...."

But it was already starting to happen. The air throughout the forest was starting to feel heavier, like gravity itself had slightly tensed its fist around the universe. The Inuzuka's breathing became laboured as he steadied himself against the tree trunk. He could taste the life essence on the air; it was thick like a heavy miasma, and rich like fresh meat. The thing inside him was clinging onto it, trying to force its way to the surface.

Moru dropped all pretense. He grabbed the kunai and leapt up into the trees, darting quickly between then, following the scent of blood until he found Tsuki. With a stricken look on his face, he offered the kunai to him to show that the game was now over. Sure enough, when he saw the blood running from his hand, the ninken's worst anxiety was confirmed. He barked and yapped at him with surprising authority, as if to see 'get out of here! Go! Back to the village.'

But then it came. A noise that rent the air apart like the slash of a chainsaw. It was a long, drawn out howl. A wolf, maybe? But no animal made a sound as unholy as that; like a twisted abomination between a wolf's lament and a lion's roar.

Bucking up his courage, Moru bounded through the trees. He needed to find Keiyaku. Now. At any cost.

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Keiko felt like his little scheme was working, especially when he heard the heartbeat of his hunter picking up and not moving any closer. It forced a grin to slip across his lips, though his eyes remained focused, listening for his own prey. He was surprised, however, when the beast bounded up to him. He raised a dart in case it was an ambush, but the kunai was gifted to him free of charge.

Something's off.

The dog barked at him, its eyes filled with something negative. Concern perhaps? No, it's more. He had a feeling it was some sort of command to leave, that their game had ended. Had he taken it too far? If they were scared of the blood, they were definitely no fun. But he also didn't think they knew anything of his bloodline yet. At least, he hoped as much. It would be helpful to have a few tricks up his sleeve in the future. When he heard an animalistic cry ring out a good distance from them, his grin spread slightly wider.

Out of curiosity, and a bit of Tsuki's internal prodding to make sure no one got too hurt, Keiko followed after the dog after Moru bounded away. He kept a good distance behind as to avoid trouble if something else came up. He listened closely as he followed the heartbeats, far more reliant on his ears than his nose. Despite the delectable scent in the air, Keiko knew he needed to focus. He heard the Inuzuka's heartbeat shifting, beating rapidly as if in stress.

Something is definitely off. Seems like our teacher has a secret too.

What do you mean?

I'm not sure yet.

Keiko moved closer, leaving a few more trails of his blood at a good spread just in case his curiosity was to backfire. He only came close enough that he could see Keiyaku from a good distance. Something was happening to him, but Keiko wasn't sure how close he should get. He had limited knowledge of the Inuzuka, and this was far outside his studies. Whatever was happening before him was something he had no way to properly predict.

"Looks like I'll get to have a little fun after all," he hummed in a hushed tone.

Class WC: 2134/1000
Post 5/5

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Keiyaku knew why this was happening. Usually he had a handle on it, even when confronted with a possible trigger, he could hold it back; the full moon was only two days away, however, which meant the thing in him was bubbling close to the surface. Close enough in fact, for a tiny drop of blood to set it off.

"Please no! Please no! Not now! Not now! Not now!!!"

Moru bounded on ahead of 'Tsuki', keeping a his eyes trained on every tree in front of him until he came to an abrupt stop. Turning his head quickly, he shot the boy behind him a sharp, short bark, clearly ordering him to stop. What was it with this kid? When he turned up to class he seemed to nervous and innocent; now his eyes were set, and there was a kind of glee on his face as he confronted the prospect of imminent mayhem. Torn between worrying about his big brother, and wondering if this kid was secretly a genuine threat, Moru tried to make a list of priorities. Whatever happened, he needed to get the kid out of here safe; Keiyaku wouldn't be aware of his actions.


The whole turned into a shriek. Keiyaku had fallen from the tree and was crouched on all fours in the forest clearing, claws digging into the ground, his body quivering with strain. His mouth was wide open, and the sound bellowing from it was one of pure, undiluted agony. He didn't even seem like he knew where he was anymore. The scent of blood suddenly becoming overwhelming as great streams of it poured from the Inuzuka's mouth; his prominent fangs grew larger, forcing themselves further out of his gums.


The sickening sound of breaking bones stabbed through the air, each one snapping with the force of a starting pistol. Keiyaku could no longer scream. Even his vocal cords had torn themselves until he could do nothing but growl and snarl as his skeleton shifted and changed, hunching over. The bones in his face were forcing themselves outward, his skin becoming thick and leathery, his head turning side to side to ease the transition as his face became a sharp, saw-toothed snout. His muscle mass grew, tearing partially through his clothes to reveal coarse, fur-like hair. The creature that used to be Keiyaku stood on two legs now, hunched over, its yellow eyes locked with the student's above it.

Moru jumped down from the branch, his expression determined, crouching on all fours to face off with the great beast before him. It was his duty to protect his student, and he took that duty seriously.

It tilted its head back, letting out another sonorous, ear-splitting howl, before fixing its gaze on 'Tsuki', its cold, unfeeling stare boring into him. The three of them seemed to be locked in a standoff.

[Class reward conditions met! Rewards can be claimed here: ]

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Keiko eyed the form of their mentor, a twisted sort of joy filling his chest as he heard the cries mixed with the growls, He missed the sounds of pain, the sounds of his sacrifices as they screamed and begged for mercy. The sounds of bones cracking as the new form took shape before him were like a symphony. When yellow eyes met his own, he could see that the beast before them was no longer their teacher. Keiyaku was gone, for the time being. This thing that took his place, it looked feral. A sight that sent a thrilling chill up Keiko's spine as he shifted his weight on the branch to prepare to move.

"This game just got a lot more interesting."

The game is over! We need to get out of here. The dog looks like he knows what he's doing.

"Would you just shut up and let me have some fun please? For Jashin's sake, I need this. Unless you want me to massacre every animal I can find later." Despite bickering with his weaker half, Keiko's eyes remained on his new foe.

Keiko knew this was likely a bad idea, but the thrill of the chase was too entertaining to give up now, especially since the stakes had grown. Even if they did want to escape, this thing was likely a seasoned hunter. That snout would sniff him out beyond the village gates.

"Come and get me," he teased, proclaiming it quite loudly as he stood himself up tall and proud.

Are you insane!? We are going to die, Tsuki cried out. Keiko could feel the panic in his chest just slightly, but he paid it no mind.

Keiko took off across the branches, listening to see if his predator was on his tail. He was glad he had decided to spread his scent around, it should help with a little confusion. If all else failed, Keiko knew he would make a beautiful display of blood for his god. And perhaps this beast could carry on the massacre after.

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Keiko's taunting sure did do the trick. The creature's eyes, locked curious on the student, had narrowed in determination, and as the kid took off over the branches, some kind of instinct activated inside its brain and it took off after him. As it jumped from branch to branch, it barely even made contact with each one, like a current of air was cushioning every movement. Its snout wrinkled grotesquely as it scented the air to keep of 'Tsuki's' trail, and it seemed to have no problem shadowing him.

Moru had joined in the chase too, barking madly at 'Tsuki' as he took off; though the dog wasn't speaking with actual words, his tone was unmistakable; if he could have spoken, it might have sounded something like YOU IDIOT!!. The ninken had some success in slowing the creature down, biting at its ankles, causing it to strafe to shake him off, reducing its speed, but it seemed singularly focused on its prey, rather than the little dog annoying it.

Finally, the beast caught sight of 'Tsuki', and this time, it pressed its advantage.


The roar rang out with an ethereal echo, and it seemed to blast outwards with an almost physical force. That force got stronger, and stronger, and stronger. Suddenly, it was like the air itself was pushing violently outwards, tearing branches off trees. So all-encompassing was the force, that it sent both Moru and 'Tsuki' flying, and once again, the great hulking beast pushed its advantage. Before 'Tsuki' had even hit the ground, it pounced, pinning him violently to the floor, but it wasn't just its physical strength that pinned him, it was like the very force of gravity itself was holding him down. It bared its teeth which dripped with saliva, ready to bite into squishy, fragile flesh.


An cream-coloured blur crashed through the underbrush and with surprising strength, tackled the creature, knocking it flat on its back. Something strange seemed to happen to it. Moru stood on the creature chest, growling and snarling at it, while the creature snarled and snapped in return, but neither of them tried to physically harm each other; each time the creature tried, it was almost as though a physical barrier prevented it, like it literally could no harm the dog no matter how hard it tried. After keeping it pinned for a minute or so, the creature became frustrated, thrashing about like a child in a tantrum. But then, the snarling seemed to became oddly human, and much more familiar. The thing's was shrinking and once again, with the sound of cracking bones, its snout began to shrink. Finally, Keiyaku was left there, pinned by Moru, painting, looking pale and weak.

"Sh-Shit," he said suddenly, scrambling to his feet without even looking at Moru, and quickly moving over to 'Tsuki'. He could rememeber most of what had happened, but he still had to make sure he wasn't hurt.

"Pup! Are you okay?" He demanded of the boy like a frantic parent, "it didn't bite you did it? If it did, I need to know!"

The Inuzuka's clothes were stretched and torn in places, but he was still pretty much covered up. Moru trotted along beside Keiyaku, looking as though he'd just averted a serious catastrophe, and looking ready to pass out.

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
To see that his tricks had done him no good with this new beast set Keiko back a bit, but it did not deter him from the chase. However, being blown off his feet with a force he'd never experienced before caught him completely by surprise. Keiko found himself face to face with the beast, feeling as though a boulder had pinned him to the ground. The force felt so much heavier than the beast looked to be, and given that hitting the ground under the force of the pinned position had knocked the wind out of him, Keiko struggled to take a deep breath.

Keiko could hear Tsuki going over a thousand thoughts as quickly as possible, trying to find them an out from this situation. Thankfully, the dog from before tackled their enemy off Keiko's body, finally letting up on the force that was taking his breath away. Keiko sat up quickly, gasping for a breath to catch before looking over to see the two beasts fighting each other. Sadly, he didn't get to see a ferocious display of art, but it might be a good thing that they were spared. Keiko wanted to see more of this beast in action.

Once the teacher had returned to something human again, Keiko's grin split open with a boisterous laugh. "What was that force? I didn't know I could be thrown without being touched." Keiko's fiery eyes gazed into their mentor's with a newfound passion. I need to learn that, if it's something I even can.

To prove he hadn't been bitten, Keiko shifted back up to his feet and looked across all of his wounds. "I cut my own hand, and the knees were from a tumble. Otherwise, unharmed." Well, aside from some bruising that would likely light up his back later after some rest. That beast wasn't holding back on him. Keiko hoped he could get the chance to face it again when he grew into his abilities.

Keiko looked down to Moru for a moment, locking eyes with the small beast and grinning."I didn't know you guys were hiding a secret like that. But I'll keep it to myself. Might not be a bad idea to warn people though, I didn't realize trying to be creative would earn me a fight like that." Not that he was complaining, oh no. Keiko had a blast getting a chance to see something so powerful. A new challenge for him to overcome.

WC: 412

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
As the boy shifted around, Keiyaku's eyes were rapidly scanning his body, and only after glimpsing each and every scrape and slash, did his shoulders finally drop with an exhale of relief.

"No bites, okay... good," sighed Keiyaku, getting properly to his feet, looking down at the boy apologetically, "that wasn't meant to happen. I'm shit-sorry 'bout that, pup, but, for what it's worth, you handled it like a champ."

The Inuzuka was taken aback as the boy let out a sudden laugh; his attitude, his demeanour, even the way he was holding himself seemed different from when they had first met. Was it just from everything that happened? Did the shakeup knock a whole new personality into him?

"Gravity," Keiyaku said, a little distractedly as he pondered the boy's sudden change, "it's a rare form of Ninjutsu known as Gravity Release. But there's plenty of time to explain that later on."

The Inuzuka gazed intently into the boy's eyes; they were fiery now, no longer meek and shy, and he seemed to be buzzing with an excitable kind of energy. This sure wasn't Tsuki... or maybe it was? He'd seen something akin to this happen before; certain people developed a kind of dissociative identity seperate from their own after a traumatic event. Maybe Tsuki had really been through some shit in the past and this was his way of coping?

Moru seemed to be thinking along similar learns, tilting his head as he and 'Tsuki' momentarily locked eyes.

I'll keep it to myself.

"I'll say this once," started Keiyaku, becoming suddenly very severe and intense, all fatherly look of concern dropping from his face, "what you've seen here today. You take it to the grave. Is that understood, pup?"

But then, the stern expression melted. He seemed very tired and lacking the energy to be angry. Without asking, he took his student's hand in his after performing a few hand signs, holding his hand over the cut, and with a faint greenish glow, the cut began to close over and heal until it was nothing more than a small scab. Keiyaku sighed.

"Well, the big secret is, I'm a Werewolf. Trust me, it's way worse during the Full Moon. But nevermind that; you did an amazing job with what you were given. Trying to throw me off the scent was a stroke of genius. It was very... Inuzuka of you, actually."

Finally, the wound healed.

"But that's not the big question. The big question is: who am I speaking to," he said, a slight smirk playing across his lips, "because there's a real weird feeling in my gut telling me you ain't Tsuki. Come on; I've shown you mine, so why not tell me yours?"

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Gravity. There's a chance I could control gravity.

Don't let it get to your head yet. We couldn't even fight whatever that thing was.

Even so, Keiko was enthralled by the opportunity for more powerful opportunities. He ignored the apologies in favor of imagining what he could do with this new information. However when Keiyaku's tone shifted to something stern and discomforting, his gaze refocused. Is he threatening me?

Just shut up and listen. This is a big deal.

Keiko relaxed his shoulders, rolling them back and turning his head with a nod of understanding. The energy seemed to drain from the man after a moment, and he went about healing Keiko's self-inflicted wound. It upset him for a moment, having enjoyed the buzz, but it was a strange comfort, reminding him of someone he'd rather not think about at the moment.

Keiko returned his attention to Keiyaku once more, listening as he explained himself and the beast they had gotten a surprise from. Upon mention of his tricks, Keiko's grin slowly returned. "You mentioned at the start that we'd be using our ears and nose more. I figured that meant you rely on yours a bit more, and basic hunting tactics came to mind. When dealing with prey or predator, a scent can give a lot away, but it can be used to your advantage. And blood is a strong scent."

Although he was attempting to mask his experience with Tsuki's smarty pants talk, Keiko's grin widened the slightest bit when he realized it was entirely unnecessary. This guy pays attention.

"I guess it's only fair. Eye for an eye." Keiko took a single step back, letting out a breath. "Keiko, proud Jashinist and guardian angel to the sweet and charming Tsuki." He gave a slight bow, laughing at his own antics. "I come from a line of Chigokai blood. Or rather, we do, but this one is too scared of his own blood to realize the potential it holds."

Keiko raised a hand to his neck only to remember that Tsuki doesn't wear his charm as openly as Keiko does. With a slight roll of his eyes, Keiko took one of his darts and ripped a hole in his sleeve to reveal a portion of the occultist marking on his shoulder. The eye peered out from the hole, giving Keiko a sense of calm in the midst of the chaotic energy surrounding them from their chase. "I tend to take over when he can't do things for himself. Survivalist, he likes to call me."

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Keiyaku couldn't help but smile as 'Tsuki' launched into an explanation of his tactics. He was remarkably sharp on the uptake to have formed a strategy like this so quickly; it was brilliant even.

"Keiko," Keiyaku repeated, finally seeing the truth and figuring out the advantage this guy had. So, he could work towards a certain goal while there was another part of his brain, computing strategies and tactics independent of the main's personality's thought. Oh, how he could put a thing like that to use in so many ways. In spite of himself and how exhausted he was, the Inuzuka gave his usual toothy grin, but it seemed warmly paternal now.


His smile momentarily faltered, but he kept it on his face like a mask to conceal what he was thinking. Dammit... this kid was showing so much promise. Chigokai too; the blood-style masters originally from Kumogakure. It was a double-whammy. The Inuzuka was visited by a brief vision, of men, dogs, and boys standing outside of a ruined, burned house, all of them blackened with soot, some having lost their ninken, which, for an Inuzuka, might as well mean having lost part of their soul. A little boy sat in an interrogation room, his body branded with the same tattoo as he confessed to the crime.

Another voice visited him. A gruff, low one. The words in his head echoed from the mouth of a large black, shaggy dog.

Nobody is beyond redemption.

And as he looked into Keiko's fiery eyes, and after seeing the tactics he had used today, he couldn't help but see himself at 12 years old, standing before his own sensei.

"Chigokai, huh? Well, you've seen the use blood can be put to in the battlefield here today. But you've only scratched the surface, pup. You might be a survivalist, but your teamwork could use some improvement."

Keiyaku patted the kid, slightly harder than intended, on the shoulder, "spend less time bickering with each other and you can realise some serious potential. Not many Shinobi can focus on a task, and simultaneously compute a whole other task in their head. It could be... valuable to me."

He stood up, Moru standing cautiously at his side, staring at him, as though looking for signs he might go nuts again.

"Go on, little pup. Get lost," snickered Keiyaku, rolling his head side to side with a groan of tiredness and heading off further into the woods, "I got some serious napping to catch up on. Go tell 'em I passed you, or whatever."

[Topic Left unless stopped]

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Keiko shifted on his feet, far too much adrenaline still pumping through his system for him to keep entirely still. To hear he had only scratched the surface intrigued him; he hadn't used all of his knowledge yet, and boy had the cult taught him plenty, but he never passed up an opportunity to learn more. He was surprised, however, to hear Keiyaku say that they could both be a valuable asset.

I agree. Teamwork could be useful.

You're annoying.

You're impossible.

Keiko watched as Keiyaku began to make his way through the woods. "That's it?" he muttered under his breath.

At least we passed.

Keiko let out a small groan, starting back towards the village. He needed something to get his energy out with, but given what happened with the blood earlier and the clear exhaustion his mentor had shown before leaving, Tsuki stated that hunting was out of the question for now. Keiko decided training would get enough of it out of him for now; he'd have more fun later with the beast.

Keiko made his way out of the forest and through the village, twirling his dart between his fingers.

Topic left, thanks for the amazing class!

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
