Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Good Day for an After School Special (Open)

Sabaku Hifumi

New Ninja
Jul 1, 2021
OOC Rank
Hifumi lifts her arm to shield her eyes as they adjust to the change from the darker hallway of the academy to a clear and bright desert sky. She let out an annoyed sigh as she thought about what she was going to do with the better part of an afternoon. Classes were done for the day and today was supposed to be her rest day in her training routine. She had even finished her assigned chores back home. Briefly contemplating going back to the training ground and pushing off her rest day again, Hifumi’s shoulders drop as she decides she needs to stick to what her teachers laid out for them. Dejectedly, she steps away from the Academy and decides to find something that will pass the time until she is due home.

“What to do? What to do?”

Hifumi talks to herself as she walks down the street doing her best to hug the wall and stay in the shade offered by buildings and awnings. The street appeared to be almost empty as most of the citizens seemed to have decided to avoid as much of the hot Suna afternoon as they could. As she walks, Hifumi spots a small pebble a little ahead of her. A bored kid, a seemingly empty street, and a small pebble, it doesn’t take a scientist to figure out what happens next. Hifumi swings her foot backwards and then forwards and kicks the pebble down the street. Apparently underestimating the strength of her kick, the pebble goes flying after contact. She gasps as her eyes travel up hoping no one is in the path of the little missile.


Kurejī has had his first week of being out of the hospital coming to a close as he had started to train to become a better ninja, with no real goal in mind but to just train and not be sticking out like a sore thumb to where he could possibly be sent back to the hospital. He was training with his Teddy Bear, an eight foot tall puppet made to look like a fluffy teddy bear, but a little bit more menacing as it glows in the dark. Kurejī was not someone to be really into close combat, so he had opted for long range, that and he likes teddy bears, so it was a win win for him.

Not really doing any crazy things with Teddy, he practiced basic things such as strikes and techniques. There was something amazing such as seeing an eight foot tall bear move so gracefully and yet also seem terrifying as it could swing around its claws faster than a normal bear would. Kurejī was starting to get the hang of controlling his puppet when a pebble had hit him in the back of his head. "Ow!" He yelled out, rubbing the back of his head, and since he didn't let go of his puppet, it merely mimicked him as if it was the one that was hit in the head. "Hey! Don't copy me!" He pointed at Teddy, but it pointed one of its claws back at him. "I said stop!" He looked over at the pebble and made Teddy come over and smash the pebble into bits of pieces. "Yeah! That'll show that pebble whose boss!"

Of course someone was in the pebble's path. Hifumi winces and covers her mouth as she watches the little pebble collide with the back of Kurejī's head. She was about to hurry over and apologize when she noticed the giant teddy standing near the boy. It was intriguing and menacing how it could look so cute and creepy at the same time. That is, until it started copying the boy. A smile spread across her face as she watched the teddy rub that back of it's head. And she had to stifle a laugh as boy and teddy pointed at each other. She recognized that the boy was probably a puppeteer. There were a few in her class, but she hadn't seen any in a situation as absurd as this one. The humor of the situation quickly faded though as the boy maneuvered the teddy to destroy the pebble. Remembering that she started the chain of events that led to the Kurejī's irritation, Hifumi hurried over. She bowed deeply as she began to quickly apologize.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. And I didn't mean to kick it so hard. I only meant to send it a little ways down the road. I wasn't thinking. I should have known better. I'm so sorry. I…"

Hifumi would continue to ramble on with her apology until interrupted.
With the evil of the random pebble destroyed, Kurejī went back to his training with his Teddy. That is, until a random girl had shown up and started apologizing to him over something. He was a bit confused as to why she was sorry, not putting two and two together of the aforementioned pebble and her apologizing so he simply waved her off. "You're all good um... what's your name?" He rubbed the back of his head again, still not aware that his chakra threads were still attached to Teddy in which case, it merely copied him. If he had to guess, the girl was younger than him by little more than a few years. But what was striking was her eyes. It was weird, but in a good way.

"Your eyes are cool looking. I'm Kurejī." He held his hand out to shake should the girl want to, or shake Teddy Bear's paw, since her was still unaware that it was copying him.
Hifumi stood back up after her apology was accepted. She was relieved, albeit a bit confused herself, by Kurejī's response. Hifumi smiled as the boy, and giant teddy who kept copying him, waved off her apology.

"I'm Hifumi."

Hifumi looked from Kurejī's to the teddy's hand and back as Kurejī introduced himself. She debates which one to shake before reaching out towards Kurejī's hand. Unsure how to respond to the compliment, Hifumi awkwardly chuckles.

"They're nothing special, but thank you. It's nice to meet you Kurejī. So, I assume you're the one controlling this big guy?"

She motions towards the giant teddy bear still copying Kurejī. She cranes her neck upwards a bit to get a better look at the puppet.

"He sure is interesting. And strong. I saw what he did to that pebble. You must practice with him alot to make him move so well. I could never use something like this."

Hifumi looks over the sharp claws and fangs of the giant bear and wonders what kinda damage they could do to someone who crosses the duo. At the same time, she wonders if the fur is soft and resists hugging the oversized teddy to find out. She pushes away the latter thought as rude and weird. This thing is clearly an advanced ninja tool and not a toy. With that thought though, she does wonder how the puppet would hold up against a barrage of punches and kicks. She knew the basics of puppetry from classes at the academy, but she hadn't seen them in action beyond a passing glance at the training grounds.

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He shook her hand as she introduced herself. He smiled underneath his mask, man! Making friends is easy, he doesn't know why the hospital didn't want him out in the real world, he seems to fit just right in. He realized that Teddy was still copying him, and then he realized that his chakra threads were still connected to the bear. Chakra threads disappeared between him and Teddy as the bear slumped over, but he wasn't prepared for it to fall over onto him.

"What? TEDDIE GET OFF OF ME!" It wasn't as if Teddie was too heavy, he was just got caught by surprise. He managed to push Teddy off and spoke to the girl again, "Yep, he's my puppet, and he shown that pebble what would happen if it kept being an evil scum pebble! And yeah, I practice a lot with him. I was told that I can be a great puppet master if I keep training." He remembered Uzuike's words as the man had assured him that he would turn out to be a great ninja.
Hifumi covered her mouth and giggled as the bear collapsed on the boy. As the boy seemed to be caught off guard, Hifumi helped push the large puppet of him. It wasn't heavy, but it did seem to catch the poor boy off guard when it's large body immediately came crashing down. Hifumi brushes the hair out of her face. Hifumi jokes as she looks at the large puppet resting on the ground.

"Teddie definitely seems to be a handful. But I guess it was good that he was here to deal with that pebble."

Hifumi awkwardly rubs the back of her head still a little confused on why the boy seems to hold a grudge against the pebble and not her, but she wasn't going to question it. She squatted down next to the puppet and poked it as she could no longer resist seeing if it had soft fur like an actual teddy bear. After a quick poke, she realized that it might be considered rude and decides to only look with her eyes after the first poke.

"I've seen a few other puppet users at the academy, but none in my classes. So I've never gotten to see one up close. They aren't my stule, but I can definitely see the upside of not having to get up close like I do."

Hifumi looks up at Kurejī and really takes in his appearance for the first time. She especially takes note of the unique mask he's wearing. While it's definitely different, Hifumi had grown accustomed to some of the more eccentric outfits worn by ninja.
Kurejī nodded and said, "Yeah, and thanks for helping me get him off of me." He seen her poke his puppet and he followed her example. Teddie was once a giant stuffed Teddy Bear, so the exterior was soft as expected. The only way this thing isn't ripped to shreds is his own chakra when it runs through the puppet.

"He is so pokable. Was a real giant teddy bear before I made him a puppet. won him as a bingo prize on a Monday at a hospital. Afterwards. he is now my trusty companion that has been with me ever since." He gave Teddy a big hug, even though the puppet just stood there, slumped over. Once he was done hugging his puppet, he turned to listen to Hifumi. He nodded, "Yeah, up close fighting isn't my thing. And I feel more at ease using a puppet rather than other ranged weapons. So it kinda fits me."

Kurejī nodded to Hifumi. "So what do you like to specialize in? Other than ranged tai, I feel a little bit comfortable with genjutsu."

He wouldn't really use genjutsu as of now, because either she won't really see it, or he might just end up hurting her. And the girl seems nice enough, his second friend made outside of the hospital. He wouldn't want to scare her away. Those idiot doctors thought that he would be bad for society. He has sure proved them wrong. Now how would his guardian feel of him making friends this fast outside of the hospital.

Hifumi was surprised by how soft the giant teddie actually was, but that faded as Kurejī explained the origina of the puppet. Of course something that used to be a giant toy aimed at kids would be soft. Turning a toy into a ninja weapon seemed odd, but interesting, to her. It definitely hid the strength of the puppet. Hifumi watched with just a little bit of jealousy as the boy hugged the giant stuffed bear. She was caught off guard when the boy casually mentioned that he made the puppet himself. She couldn't even begin to imagine what went into getting something to move and stand with nothing but chakra threads, especially something with that much strength. "You made him yourself? That's really cool! Who taught you to build things like this?"

Hifumi absent-mindedly started doodling in the dirt as Kurejī' finished his hug and started talking about his fighting style. She didn't appear to be drawing anything in particular as her attention was turned towards Kurejī'. As he finished and directed his questions at her, she stood up and stretched. With a bit of a laugh, she answers him. "I guess I'm pretty much the exact opposite. I'm not particularly skilled in genjutsu. I know a little bit of earth jutsu, but my specialty is getting up close and personal. I focus mostly on taijutsu, particular punches and kicks." With a bit of a hop in her step, she mimed a few jabs and a swift kick. She shadow-boxed for a few seconds with a serious face and then relaxed with a big grin. "It's nothing too flashy, but I'm light on feet and I pracrice every day."

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When she had asked him who had taught him how to build things, Kurejī only shrugged. "Nobody, really. Just one day, decided to give it a try and liked it ever since. Built some other puppets, but none can surmount to Teddy here. First one that I really got into making puppets and whatnot. They are really creative weapons with only limitations are your own imagination."

He waited as she got up and laughed before telling him what she can do. Earth jutsu and close ranged taijutsu, mostly punches and kicks. It was cool to see. She was fast. Kurejī would not want to be hit by her if she ever was serious. "Being flashy means nothing if you can't hit an enemy. I can see that you being light on your feet would be good to not get hit and have an advantage against people who are heavy footed."

He then figured it would be time to ask that question. Even with his messed up mind as it is, he knows he is about to ask a very generic question, but he would like to get to know this Hifumi girl a little bit better. "So what made you want to become a ninja?"

He was still looking for his own reason as to why. After Uzuike had helped reach into his memories, he found out that this Void thing had changed him. Doctors or rather sand shinobi had seen that he had potential with this void, and would think it would be a good idea to try and have him master this power for his own and become a ninja. But what does he himself want? He pondered on this question as he waited for Hifumi to answer.

Hifumi didn't need long to answer. "I'm trying to become a ninja to serve Suna. I ended up here as a refugee after the explosions years ago. While the orphanage was far from glamorous, it provided for us. Those of us who made the cut for the academy see it as a way to make a good living, especially since we don't have family or wealth to start. And some of us, like me, also see it as a way to repay Suna's hospitality for taking us in." Hifumi flashes Kurejī a determined smile. "That's why I put in so many hours at the training grounds. I need to get strong to pay back all those who provided for me since I've arrived here."
Hifumi gets a little too caught up in her ramblings and shakes it off with an awkward chuckle. "But I'm not there yet. I still need to graduate from the academy. One day though. Just need to keep working so I'm ready when it's time." Hifumi takes a nother look at the teddy before turning back to Kurejī. "So if you're self taught, then what made you decide to your talents to fight? What made you become a shinobi?" Hifumi couldn't help but think what other paths the boy could have followed in the arts or artisan fields. The jump from creating puppets to using them as weapons seemed like a leap to her. But then again, she had always preferred her fists and feet over other weapons anyways.

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Current Ninpocho Time:
