Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Handful of Future [Private]

Mar 4, 2017
A dream led Miyako to the Valley of the End, little does she know that the only decision she made on this fateful night would be one to change her life forever. She chose the easy way out, the way that her sensei was proud of her for not taking. One could say it was impatience, though others could view it as desperation. These thoughts race through Miyako’s mind as she runs through the almost enormous forest between the Village and the Valley of the End, a single, but very important piece of anatomy cradled in her hand. Her skin at this point almost feels sticky, her blood drying and clotting on different parts of her body as it rolls downward from her empty right eye socket.

In the dead of the night, Miyako approaches the Konoha Byoin, sobbing at the top of her lungs. Blood has poured all over the right side of her face and even cakes into her usually beautiful dark hair. As her long locks trail behind her, they nearly blend into the night sky that follows her. Bursting through the front door, Miyako almost gapes at the receptionist before dropping to her knees and crying out. “Mikasa!” She roars, not even capable of being formal at this point. With no sign of her eyepatch, Miyako sits in the center of the waiting room at the Konoha Byoin, waiting as patiently as possible for her sensei and the Mednin Sennin. The longer she waits, the more blood pools in her open right hand, her left clutching something loosely and seemingly carefully. The woman behind the counter at these hours surely was not expecting something of this caliber to happen, standing so quickly that her chair hits the ground with a large clash as she rushes to kneel next to Miyako and wrap an arm around her shoulder, trying to get the small young woman to stand, but to no avail.

She doesn’t seem to have taken any other damage, her body unscathed though covered in her own hot, crimson blood. Her cries are desperate, even though it would only take a few moments for Mikasa to arrive it would feel as though there were an eternity between now and the time that she bursted through the front door.

[Calling Mikasa]
Disheveled, the medical sennin raises her forehead from against the desktop, platinum locks combat against cool surface in hopes of not having to truly rise. Loud cries echo throughout the corridors, far too early within the morning to awake the patients for their daily breakfast. Curiously the kunoichi opens the door to the office to pear out into the hallways, the cries of agony intensifying and immediately her senses become fully alert. Crows feet aside, spectacles resting upon the desktop, the kunoichi streaks through the corridors and the sound of her leather boots echoing in her wake.

Screeching to a halt, raven locks catch against her gaze, crimson blots and stains are clearly abundant upon Miyako and an unseen object clutched tightly within the grasp of the developing medical nin. Droplets of perspiration cause the frazzled mane to cling tightly to the neck of the sennin, gesturing for the faceless receptionist to release her grasp and allow Mikasa to mimic, "Miyako-san, what on earth . . ." the medical sennin is truly perplexed, at a loss of words and upon narrowing her gaze upon the unclothed optic of the lass does the world begin to make sense once more. There would be no words spoken, from the kunoichi's perspective, Miyako gouged out her weaker eye. Placing her weight against the medic in training, with the aid of chakra, the two rise upwards and begin to head towards the nearest available room.

"If your optic nerves is severed then there may not be a way for medical techniques to mend." Mikasa murmurs aloud to herself, wracking her mind for a potential fix. Foremost the main focus would be of alleviating the pain of the Uchiha. Upon entering the nearest room, the sennin forcefully places the lass upon the examination table. Weaving a set of hand seals her digits press against the left temple injured woman, "You'll feel a temporary relief, but I need you to tell me what happened. We don't have much time." the superiors vocals stoic, masking her potential fears for the teen.​
The small girl quivers in the grasp of her superior. Miyako hasn't spoken a word other than calling the name of her ever trusted Sensei. The events surrounding this incident aren't easy to explain and Miyako knows what it looks like to Mikasa, apparent in her motions and her expression. Her breathing is heavy and she continues to hold the purple hued and rippled dojustu in her hand, slowly opening it and offering the slick, throbbing organ to the talented medical sennin. The sight of her empty eye socket is gruesome and continuously oozes blood.

The chakra that seeps into her temple brings what feels like a breath of fresh air to her head, the pain alleviating almost instantly. She breathes in deeply, reaching outward to grasp at Mikasa's midsection. For her, things would be hard to explain and she hesitates for a moment to release a shaking breath. Her voice cracks in an attempt to explain and her trembling digits continue to offer the Rinnesharingan to the panicked and tired woman before her. "I.." She hardly starts, studdering for a moment again before continuing on, "It was a spirit, Mikasa." her voice is a mutter and her words seem like a lie that even she doesn't necessarily believe. "He said he was my grandfather.."

What started as a message from a dream brought her to a prophecy driven by the spirit of her grandfather, a missing nin that was once a man of the Leaf. He possessed the power of the Rinnesharingan, a very unique trait that only blooms in certain branches of the Uchiha clan. Unable to develop her sharingan, and at a loss for options Miyako took a deal with the entity that was her grandfather in exchange for the incomparable power that is the Rikudo Sennin. In a sense, Miyako did gouge out her own eye and her own shinobi spirit. Taking a deal with a shinboi of the past and damning her own future was dangerous, with the potential to pay off, however. She gulps, still holding tightly onto Mikasa's midsection.

Kazamatsuri 'Kaza' Sho

Trembling fingertips grasp a hold of the midsection of the Sennin, seeking a sanctuary and guiding light. In return she grasps a hold of the object to reveal a brief glimpse at the Rinnegan. Time freezes, the world about her grows still and the sound of all around the kunoichi muffles into nonexistence. A single voice calls out within her thoughts, "How long do you feel you can continue our charade? This farce? At every turn you face what you are." the listless vocals resonates prior to vanquishing against the vibrant and bustling hospital, "Come, we don't have very long. The damage to your socket may be irreparable if we do not make haste." Mikasa murmurs as she stares down on the exposed crimson flowing wound.

Regrettably the raven hair Uchiha lass had not heeded her advice, this were not the time and place to discuss the serious nature of the matter. Clutching tightly against the frame of the youth, she guides them through the corridors and waves off those who wish to aid the duo. Pressing to an emergency ward she struggles to press the youth against the table frame, "Lay down." she murmurs, the usual shimmering ocean view gaze dull. Mikasa's fingertips press against the side of the socket applying additional chakra to act as a temporary blood clot; the medical jutsu coagulation.

Glancing downwards, blotches of crimson stain her ivory coat, an expected results all things considered. Casting her gaze to the side, her non gloved hand trembles for a brief instance, "The Rinnegan is complex, we will be receiving aid from one who has considerable knowledge of the doujutsu." she explains, in an almost fearful tone. On cue the door swings ajar to reveal a raven hair shinobi, icy glacial eyes stare forward and the detailed spiral hues lock against the pair, "Let us repair the sustained injury, Mikasa-sama." his words listless, nearly dull and void, yet the honorific bringing a smirk to his lips.

Strutting through the room, he halts above the younger kunoichi, his hands already washed and gloved, "I pray you walk down the right path, child. You should've have heeded your Sensei's words." he murmurs, releasing a familiar teal veil of chakra around the stray Rinnegan; Miyako capable of noticing the similarities between the set of eyes gazing down on her pitiful form - their eyes and chakra identical. "This will be painful, I can only numb so much." she explains, "You'll have to endure this."

Current Ninpocho Time:
