Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Little Swim [Contract Search]

Oct 23, 2012
Peace and quite away from the city, a nice forest with nobody but him around, and a clear mostly clean lake. This was the perfect place for Sanyu to do some training. Away from the watchful eyes of his village, he was prideful but he couldn't let everyone in the village know his secrets he was trying his hardest to keep a low profile so that when he pops off it comes with more of a wow factor. It became increasingly harder to do so after his fight with the Hokage. Though they never actually completed the fight Sanyu was able to go toe to toe with the man, and because of that many people began to look at Sanyu with more analyzing eyes. Granted, he wasn't promoted or anything, so clearly his fight wasn't as impressive as he though, but that was neither here nor there. He wasn't too keen on a promotion at the moment, it was more work to be a jounin and he liked being a chuunin, he could do nothing but teach classes and nobody would bat an eye.

Traveling through the forest Sanyu discovered a flowing river, which was exactly what he was looking for. The travel here was arduous and he could tell the dirt of nature was sticking to him. He came prepared to swim, wearing jammer swim trunks underneath his clothing. It seemed pretty elementary, yes, but he didn't want to get caught changing out here, no matter how unlikely it was. He dove into the river, quickly as he knew it would be freezing cold and wouldn't want to get in if he tested the water first. It took a while to get used to but Sanyu began to swim against the current, though it wasn't a fast moving river. After a while he got out of the water and used the heat of the sun dry himself, and he began to think.

Part of the reason he came out here was to train, yes, but he also had another reason for coming out here. At the end of his fight with the Hokage he was given a glimpse of the special chakra that Umashi had utilized all through his fight, Senjutsu. This energy required the bond and training of a group of creatures not quite of this world. While there are many animals that inhabit this world there are those gifted with chakra and similar abilities to that of the shinobi that run the current world. Sanyu had a run in with one of these creatures before, a giant spider, but not liking spiders much he understandably fled the scene. After meeting and fighting the Hokage he came to understand the strengths behind this "Sage" mode, and he desired to achieve that same strength. Sanyu realized that these creatures, these "Contract Summons" didn't traverse through highly populated like villages, so he came out to the forest, hoping to find one, if only by chance. This time preferably not a giant, creepy spider.
[MFT & Using the SS Gift: Discovery of Choice, for the Fox Contract]​

Tears streaming down his panic fueled expression, a tiny, average-looking man rocketed across the foresty plain and plunged into the calm, serene lake. Splash! After the man's spontaneous jump, a small rumbling could be heard toward the wooded area east of the blue waters. A humongous, grotesque arachnid then burst into the scene as it cried out viciously. Propping its front legs into sky, it utilized its towering size and its level of ascension to amplify its intimidating presence. It neared the lake. The man plopped his head out of the water and waved his arms in a frenzy. “Save me! I can't swim!” he screamed frantically. His anxious eyes then darted toward the spider. “But get me away from that thing! I rather drown than get eaten!” He then sank. Bubbles popped aggressively on the surface.

In a showy display, the terrifying eight-legged creature hissed as it snapped its fangs into the waters toward the man. From an unsuspecting naked eye, it would appear to be your common bestial-in-forest attack, but someone with a trained sight would notice particular oddities that held more depth than the lake they swam. First, the portion of the lake where the man was drowning was noticeably shallow. Second, as the spider snipped at the lake, it appeared as there was no visible impact. The waters didn't move. Lastly, and most obviously, there were small blue flames that hovered behind the spider's giant end. They crackled inaudibly as the spider boasted its distracting screech.

Today's quiet little swim shifted into a grand muddled mess. What would the Leaf shinobi do?
'Oh God damnit.' Sanyu had heard the screams quite clearly, as the only sound in the forest was the river moving and his strides through the water. He moved to the shallow end of the water so that he could stand still and get a good look at the commotion, not completely realizing that a man just leaped over him into the water. Knowing the dangers of diving into the shallow end Sanyu was about to reprimand the man until he heard the footsteps of the apparent threat.

Sanyu stood in fear for a moment as the spider attacked the man. Sanyu was about to spring into action when he realized something wasn't quite right. When a giant creature such as this strikes, you'd expect a strong gust of wind, and when it attacked the water there should have been a wave, but there was nothing. The man wasn't injured, so something was an illusion, and it definitely wasn't the water he had just been swimming in. Sanyu knows what genjutsu looks like, and this is quite similar to something he was capable of doing, but not the exact same. Sanyu took a rock that was near his foot underwater and threw it at the spider, throwing weapons being his expertise. If his assumption was correct the rock would move straight through the spider.

Sanyu would look at the man, wondering if he was also an illusion. Though short wouldn't drown from the shallow end, if he was short enough to do so he wouldn't be able to outrun such a large creature, he was probably an illusion as well. Who would be doing this, if they wanted a fight there were better ways at going about it, yet this was accomplishing almost nothing. Sanyu took a quick look around to see if he could find the source when he noticed the small blue flames behind the spider. Normally this meant nothing to Sanyu, but it was definitely out of the ordinary. A quick flurry of hanseals and Sanyu summoned a torrent of water, Grand Waterfall, attempting to slam into the flames and douse them.
Beauty? Check. Brains? Check. Power? Check. She was now sure of her plan.

As the Leaf shinobi expertly tossed a rock at the large, vile arachnid, his suspicions would be confirmed as the rock phased through it as if some type of mirage. As he collected the lake's sources for his ninjutsu, the drowning man was swept away as the floating, azure flames sizzled out upon impact. The image of giant spider instantly vanished. The cowardice man, on the other hand, coughed out the water he inhaled as he grasped for a solid breath. “Thanks, Mister. You saved me!” He then ran off, leaving the scene as speedy as he entered. It turned out Sanyu was half right – the panic-filled dude was just your average-joe victim.

As the chaos that stirred came to an end thanks to the shinobi's initiative, the birds remained singing their usual song as the sun shone as bright as ever. The day resumed as if nothing had happened. Before it became too quiet, Sanyu would be alerted by the brushing sounds of a nearby bush. A few seconds passed until the creature revealed itself by simply plopping out.


A small fox, with eyes like sapphire and with a snowy coat best fit for winter, made its appearance. It boasted an innocent grin, but possessed a hint of mystery in its aura. After gazing at the man for a few seconds, it trailed off into an unpaved path in the forest. It's body language was inviting – did it want Sanyu to follow? If he did so, the shinobi would soon find himself following the puffball down a maze of trees, thistles, and branches. It would soon grow clear that their venture was entering unfamiliar territory deep within the expanses of the forest. Exotic cries of beasts emitted every which way as the wildlife appeared more exotic with each step. Sanyu would see giant centipedes, multi-colored monkeys, two-headed canines, and many more oddities. Where exactly was he?


It wasn't long until the Leaf shinobi found himself in front of a dark cave's mouth. It almost looked as if a den, but it was ten sizes too big for that. The cavern was adorned with crystals that fashioned various hues and shades. The unknown earthen chamber radiated a sense of peculiarity, buts it depths were almost alluring. The little fox finally stopped in front of the cave. It took a quick at Sanyu, nodded its head, and dashed into the crystalline territory. It wanted him to continue forward with it. What would he do?
Sanyu looked down at the man for a second. He was half correct, the giant spider was an illusion but apparently the man wasn't? How did he get himself in such a situation, and why was he out in the forest in the first place, this wasn't really a place for one to be if they cannot protect themselves. He wanted to speak to the man but he sped off after he saved, which Sanyu wanted to stop as there were actual real dangers within the woods, but he was long gone by then. If he died he died, oh well. Sure Sanyu could catch up to the man, he was definitely faster than him, but that was a distraction from the actual issue at hand. The illusionist.

Sanyu looked back up to where he attacked the blue flames and saw nothing but the clear skies above. He was hoping that the illusionist was merely surrounded by the flames, but those must also have been part of the illusion. His senses were on high alert when the bushes nearby began to rustle. Sanyu immediately grabbed another rock nearby to throw in case an enemy arrived. What popped out of the buses was unexpected, however, as the most adorable little white fox made its entrance. Wait... White? From everything Sanyu knows the fur of an animal typically stems from their environment, and white furred animals typically lived in colder climates with a lot of snow to blend in.

The creature seemed like it was studying Sanyu as much as he was studying it, but then it turned around, seemingly wanting to lead Sanyu Somewhere. Sanyu wasn't completely sure if he should follow , it could be another illusion, especially seeing as the fox shouldn't even be that color in this area. Alas, he decided to follow the creature silently, picking up his gear though leaving his normal clothing behind, he could replace those. He certainly looked weird, wearing nothing but swimming jammers, with two pouches filled with ninja tools such as shuriken and kunai. He followed the fox for what seemed like hours, and became increasingly wary of the situation as the area began to drastically change, the wild life taking more fantastical forms. He periodically attempted to Cancel any genjutsu that he was under, if any at all.

Once he got to the cave he watched the fox. There had been no threatening moments or anything, even though the animals seemed weird they left them alone. He did know that foxes were notorious tricksters, and this cave could very well be a trick. Before going in he created a Spirit Lanter a small glowing green orb that just slowly circled Sanyu's head. "Ok little one, where are you taking me." He spoke to the fox like it was a child, and as big as the other creatures seemed here, it seemed logical though there was no telling. Sanyu took another step toward the cave, indicating that he would indeed follow the creature.
As the Leaf shinobi utilized his Cancel jutsu throughout the oddities he encountered in the forest, he would see that no type of illusion was dispelled. Every strange creature appeared real, and the white fox that he followed was even more so. As the fox glanced back at Sanyu, paused, and dashed into the colorful crystal cave, it seemed Sanyu made the choice to equip himself with a Spirit Lantern and follow. What would happen next?

As Sanyu trekked forward into the cavern, he’d notice the crystals in the cave emitting a soft, glowing light. While the cavern was dark, the lucent crystals provided some visibility for the man. He’d also hear a soft, yet high-pitched noise ringing from the crystalline shards that surrounded him. It seemed to almost follow him, as both the light and noise faded from his previous steps and followed him to his next. It was quite the walk as the path was long, but Sanyu would soon catch the scent of smoke. The smell of burned wood began to fill the cave as its tendrils slowly enwrapped around Sanyu. They would feel tangible, almost real as the smoke grew increasingly more violent. Was it alive? To his luck, the green orb he had summoned before entering the cave did its job in dispelling whatever brought life to the smoke. Was it an illusion?

The tunnel would soon lead to a large opening with a small campfire and some wooden benches. Nearby the fire was the white fox. Its azure eyes flickered an almost green color as the red flames clashed with its hue. Near the fox was another. Unlike the small creature, there was a young man in a grey kimono, probably around his late teens, glaring at the shinobi as he made his way. His golden eyes were piercing as his expression shot daggers. He hovered over the smaller creature as if he was protecting it; the fox-boy was on the offense.


“Who are you? I’ll give you 10 seconds to state your case before I decimate you with my fiery wisps.” he spat as his fox ears twitched. His accent was foreign, but more notably, his voice was like ice. His tone indicated he meant every word he said. Suddenly, small, blueish-white flames manifested around the silver-haired fox-boy. They looked very similar to the one Sanyu encountered behind the spider in the forest. With a low snarl, the fox-boy readied himself. “Tell me!” He grew increasingly more aggressive by the second. How will Sanyu respond?

Current Ninpocho Time:
