Peace and quite away from the city, a nice forest with nobody but him around, and a clear mostly clean lake. This was the perfect place for Sanyu to do some training. Away from the watchful eyes of his village, he was prideful but he couldn't let everyone in the village know his secrets he was trying his hardest to keep a low profile so that when he pops off it comes with more of a wow factor. It became increasingly harder to do so after his fight with the Hokage. Though they never actually completed the fight Sanyu was able to go toe to toe with the man, and because of that many people began to look at Sanyu with more analyzing eyes. Granted, he wasn't promoted or anything, so clearly his fight wasn't as impressive as he though, but that was neither here nor there. He wasn't too keen on a promotion at the moment, it was more work to be a jounin and he liked being a chuunin, he could do nothing but teach classes and nobody would bat an eye.
Traveling through the forest Sanyu discovered a flowing river, which was exactly what he was looking for. The travel here was arduous and he could tell the dirt of nature was sticking to him. He came prepared to swim, wearing jammer swim trunks underneath his clothing. It seemed pretty elementary, yes, but he didn't want to get caught changing out here, no matter how unlikely it was. He dove into the river, quickly as he knew it would be freezing cold and wouldn't want to get in if he tested the water first. It took a while to get used to but Sanyu began to swim against the current, though it wasn't a fast moving river. After a while he got out of the water and used the heat of the sun dry himself, and he began to think.
Part of the reason he came out here was to train, yes, but he also had another reason for coming out here. At the end of his fight with the Hokage he was given a glimpse of the special chakra that Umashi had utilized all through his fight, Senjutsu. This energy required the bond and training of a group of creatures not quite of this world. While there are many animals that inhabit this world there are those gifted with chakra and similar abilities to that of the shinobi that run the current world. Sanyu had a run in with one of these creatures before, a giant spider, but not liking spiders much he understandably fled the scene. After meeting and fighting the Hokage he came to understand the strengths behind this "Sage" mode, and he desired to achieve that same strength. Sanyu realized that these creatures, these "Contract Summons" didn't traverse through highly populated like villages, so he came out to the forest, hoping to find one, if only by chance. This time preferably not a giant, creepy spider.
[MFT & Using the SS Gift: Discovery of Choice, for the Fox Contract]