Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private A Long Time Coming

Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
The evening sun overhead, she was adorned in civillain garb as she entered the Byoin, the double-doors swinging open to recieve the Captain as she strolled to the desk. For once, things were not in a panic and she had been looking to get this matter resolved for quite some time. She cast a secondary glance at the place where her arm should have been wincing almost as the memory flashed through her head. Probably better not to think about it however she had to find an suitable replacement and that was the purpose of her visit today. Hopefully, it would be quick and painless as compared to the last time or so she hoped with all the advanced procedures and concepts they had now, she was so looking forward to being able to hold a sword with two hands again. That is if the operation went successful, she trusted the staff here. Run by a well-respected Sennin and her medical-nin, they had saved her life on more times than she could count.

"Nanjirou Soku, I believe I was scheduled for the prosethetic surgery?" She inquired to the physican on duty and after being gestured to the waiting room, the female would take a seat glancing at the various other patrons who would come and go as their names were called, some injures more gruesome than the others. She only hoped this wouldn't hinder her ability to perform on the front line in any way. It was well and good to obtain a second functioning arm again but if came at the price of reducing her battle effectiveness, she was probably better off the way she was. The thought of how this had come about still lingered in her mind. People were out there and they were after her. 'The Shepherd, huh."

He had tried and he had failed. She didn't know if his true aim was to off her but one thing was clear, he held some sort of hatred for her, the source of which had been pretty much revealed during their last encounter. She hadn't heard of him ever since and that made her jumpy. A whole lot. Regardless, the next time they met, he would be the one wounding up in the Byoin, not her. "On second thought, might not even give him that luxury." She said to herself. A little pain here and there would be worth it compared to the suffering she had recieved at the hands of the Shepherd.


Ranji was going over everything in his examination room. He had to be prepared for the next one as they would most likely be doing the actual surgery today already. He remembered how his own surgery went... and he had a sour moment as he shook his head. It was a painful but rewarding process... All that there was to do was re-check the measurements, the requirements, and the exact material and the way she wanted it attached. He had a limited amount of options, as he wasn't that far in mechanical... But at least he knew how to fix it almost like a real arm.

As he had everything ready he would walk towards the waiting area, with a clipboard in his hand as he looked at it and called out her name. "Nanjirou Soku, please follow me." He would walk in front through the hallway until they got to where the examination area was. "So... talking about replacing the arm... We have a lot of methods and ways to do so." He talked about the bouijin made all these discoveries, but he knew by trail and error how things were supposed to go now. "We have a casual wooden one, you won't be able to cast jutsu with it though. But by tensing some muscles around the place you can move the arm a little. This can be done without surgery... The other one is where it is made out of metal parts too, this will let you cast Jtusu around it, but not fully optimize it. This is done by just inserting a little metal rod... The most advanced one, the one I am using too. Is where it has been altered into the system. This will require a long surgery under anesthetic. As this isn't pleasing to do without. The arm will consist of two parts... And you won't be able to use it directly... You will have to get used to the plate first, then you will get the arm itself which has an added weight... under anesthetic, we will weight your arm in 'dead' weight. You will be able to use it, channel through chakra... as it will have 'chakra' ports.. It is attached to a nerf system... However, please keep in mind that this is a process still in development by myself, used by myself too... So complications will arise... Even I have sometimes difficulty in using it fully... I fell through the water once too." He laughed about it, fully remembering how he took a nose dive through the water.
She rose as the Medical Chief beckoned her as they made their way to the examnation room where Soku was sure she would be subject to all sorts of pricks and pokes as they got underway with replacing what had been ripped away from her. Just the thought of needles made her shudder, somehow getting stabbed, thrown around and ambushed was less terrifying than the thought of being pricked with a tiny needle, the gravity of such scenarios just didn't make sense in a sane person's head. She listened as Ranji went over the various options of replacments they could perform her mind judging the pros and cons of each option. Well, the wooden one just wouldn't do, sure it was a step-up but if she ever found herself in a hairy situation like last time, it wouldn't be much help to her.

"Still in development, huh." She mused mulling over the possibilites in her head. Still, it seemed like the most appealing option and allowed her more leeway than the others. Sure, the timeline to get used to such a complex procedure would be long but Soku wasn't in any rush. Nor was the Shepherd. After last time's scrape, he was bound to be holed up somewhere licking his wounds before he even dared show his nefarious face again. "I think we'll go with the developemental arm, doc, the third option. Won't know till we try." She said looking at the medical-nin. After all, if it was good enough for the chief, it should be good enough for her. As long as it didn't blow up on her or malfunction in some really odd way, Soku reckoned her chances of living with it weren't that bad.

The mention of a long duration to implement said arm wasn't pleasing at all but it had to be done. "How long are we talking? 4 hours? 6? A day?" The idea of someone poking and prodding her with all sorts of tools while she was out of it wasn't exactly a comforting thought. She was immensely grateful she would be under the effect of the anathesia while all this took place. "Well, no one said it was gonna be easy, I suppose. Do what you need to do." She tried not to picture how the surgery looked in her head and tried to focus on happy thoughts. Just an arm, that was all it was. It seemed so simple in her head.


He went over all of the possibilities he had with the other, as she had to be informed of all... As she went for the one in a more experimental side... He would disconnect his own leg and place it on the table. It looked sturdy enough, it had a dent in it which he could perfectly explain. "Easier to explain what I will be doing to you when I use myself as an example." He would first explain how the leg was working, how he used it all together, and how she could learn how to 'quick fix' stuff too. It was a bit on a heavier side then his real leg probably, but that was also due to poor patching up from his side and not fixing it properly due to not having the time for it yet. " It will be linked to your nerf system in a way..., the prosthesis does not usually require an external energy source, and can be moved at will like a natural appendage, taking electrical pulses and your chakra. The limbs is made with a full steel skeletal frame layered with steel armor-plating to protect the various wires and intricate machinery inside. Now the attach point is on your skin, in very hot days, please be sure to cover it up as it might burn your skin sooner... The cold it might frostbite a little earlier..." He had felt that the hard way... And scarred his own leg a little because of it. "Now other than that... It was quite durable. This dent in here was caused because children did not hold back kick the sheen..." He sighed softly at it, muttered, and out of his natural response a bit of his devilish aura leaked out as he muttered about their behavior a little more. As he took a breath the aura stopped and he would straighten himself, re-attaching the leg, and stand up to make sure it was sitting right. "The operation... Just to place down the disc for the prothese is around 10 hours... that is if everything goes as it should. On myself... it took a bit longer... but I needed breaks." He was honest as he had done all of this on himself. Using himself to improve for other's sake. "Please don't worry about one thing, it won't blow up in your face... It will hurt if the disc gets damaged though." He was honest at that part as the disc held the nerf systems in it to feel the pressure of that arm. it gave a sense of motion with it. "As you will be recovering from the operation or even waking up from the anesthetics I will be working on the arm. I will be next door over in my office... as I reserved the other room for you already..." He was looking towards her to see if she still wanted to go with it.. .if it was a yes, he would bring her to the other room where she could change, place her belongings into the white crate standing there. It was a lovely room, it held some color instead of being lab white.
She listened as the practiced physcian calmly explained the various procedures and things that would have to be done in order to attach said developmental prostethic arm to her. It seemed like a straightforward enough measure, one thing the Captain was thankful for was that she would be under when all of this would be taking place. She'd rather not feel the various pokes and prods that would be gnawing at her as they worked, she could only imagine the unbearable pain without the anthesia so for that, she was grateful. She noted the fact about taking good care of it in certain weather conditions which to Soku was not really a major concern as she usually wore long cloaks and stuff of a similar nature so covering said arm would not be a issue, not unless she was really careless which was how she had wound up in this situation in the first place. "Rest assured, I'll take proper care of it. I'm not trying to wind up here more than I have to."

No, she rather not so with that, Soku followed the medic to the other room where she began unstrapping all of her garb and equipment. Slipping into the surgical gown that was required for such a measure, the Captain briefly wondered if she would remember anything once she went under. "Probably better not to think about it, Soku." She muttered to herself undoing her bun so her hair fell down to her shoulders as she placed her weapons and other things into said white crate. She cast a longing glance at it before turning to leave the room. As long as she woke up at the end of this all, she reckoned she would be alright. "Ranji-san? I'm ready." Ready to get poked and prodded by various medical tools and machines, in a sense the Byoin was pleasing but yet terrifying, she didn't know which adjective suited it better.

Soku had encountered a lot of things in her life, fought various enemies, and you would think an ANBU Captain wouldn't think of this as any different. Truth was however, the Captain wasn't exactly the most keen to letting another tinker around with her limbs and such. The last time that had happened, the results had been..traumautic to say the least but at least this time, she was in good hands. Besides, she was sure once Soku drifted off into the tempoary sleep, she wouldn't feel a thing and that comforted her in a sense. It was a necessary thing and besides, holding a sword one-handed was hard enough already when she didn't have to. It could prove to be a vulerability later down the line so better to get this resolved sooner than later.


As she was ready, he too nodded towards her. It wouldn't be an easy procedure. But one that was promising to say the least for this individual. He was at least glad to hear that the other was going to take better care of it then he had been doing. Then again, he was the one trying out everything and all. There had to be a master, but to be the master you had to fail, stand up, and learn from it. This was often done multiple times in a row.
"Follow me please" He urged her to follow him into the room where you would be treated before surgeon. As he started to prepare the drug to make Soku sleep, he would let her lay down on it. Insert a needle on her hand where they could easily administer fluids. "Just take a deep breath... count till 20..." He said as he inserted the sleep drug.

Once she was under, he would start to move and prep himself and Soku further for the operation.
Fade to black.

He sat there, slightly exhausted from the operation, the disc had been placed and he was working on the arm as Soku was probably sleeping the drug off. He often had moved towards the side where Soku's real arm was, to mimic it proportions, often changing bits and pieces. It would be silent in the room where she would be laying down. The only sounds would be of tiny scratches on metal, the squeaks and ofcourse the Doctor shifting in his sitting. Once Soku would wake up Ranji would move towards her, placing the arm on a towel on the desk from where he had been sitting. "Good morning to you too.." He said and would smile slight. "The operation was a success. Just... took a moment longer then expected. But it was a success... your prothese is almost done too..." he would point towards the table and move back to the chair beside the bed to sit down on. "How do you feel right now..? There should be a block in your arm to lessen the pain from the operation. This fades away proximate few hours till 24 hours maximum... I hope for you teh full 24 hours... That would mean the less pain you have afterward."
Right. Count to 20. She tried not to think about the image of what the good doctor was doing as she began the mental countdown. Suddenly, Soku felt fatigued. Extremely exhausted. "Hey doc? I don't feel so go-." She was barely able to finish the sentence before the ANBU Captain let the drug overpower and just like that, Nanjirou Soku slipped into a state of unconciousness as Ranji went to work. It didn't seem like she had slept as her eyes fluttered open blinking a few times to take in her surroundings. That had been a weird experience. How long had it been? Was she done? Why did her arm ache? Where was she? "Wait, we're done?" She asked incredously as if in disbelief. It didn't seem like she had gone to sleep at all though that was probably what the drug aimed to achieve. She hadn't felt a single thing which in her case, she was grateful for. The idea of feeling every needle, every scalpel and tiny tool Ranji used was not a thought she entertained to any degree.

"Just a minor ache but aside from that, I feel fine. She wasn't dead so Soku considered that a plus in her book. "What time is it?" How long had she been under? Judging from Ranji's reply, it had been an extensive operation but thankfully successful even if the Captain hadn't been aware of it. This way, at least she had resolved one problem. She now had full restoration of her arm even if it was a prosthethic, this way she didn't have a useless limb. That was Soku's philsophy about a shinobi, every extension of your body was a weapon and that included her arms and the less weapons you had, the more likely you were to lose so she had intended to repair that minor inconvenice.

"Hey, doc? I owe you. You guys are miracle workers." Their job was to fix the people who went out into the field to get broken again. It was a pattern that was endless and she admired them for it and she would make it a point to tell them each time she visited the Byoin. She could tolerate 24 hours, it was a day. She felt like a weight had been lifted off her chest, now she could perform to her full potential once again. Well, almost. Once she found the Shepherd, there would be anwsers to be answered. She would have to address that later, for now, she was just content she was not as vulnerable as she had been.


"What time is it?" He heard the other speak and he started to look up from what he was doing. "It is currently 7 in the evening..." He would mention and place down a cup of water beside the bed with some painkillers. His head was still with everything else that had been going on, the operation and the arm laying on the desk.
"Hey, doc? I owe you. You guys are miracle workers." "W-ere is not that special... honestly..." He would look away, unsure how to take a compliment like this actually. "So Uhm... We will keep you here for the night, mainly due to it is dark outside, the blocker is still in... as soon as you start to feel something, please notify us. If it is tingly, notify us directly. Other than that... after tomorrow's breakfast and there are no complications over the night, you are free to go. " He would sum it up, place a few magazines or books beside the bed for her to read. He would be taking the arm to the next by the office of his and start working and tweaking it till it was done.

[Topic left unless stopped]
Seven in the evening, that was how long she had been clocked out. Those things really worked wonders though it seemed like only mere seconds had passed since Soku had gone under. She attributed it to the skills of her attending physician, sure, Ranji might wave it off as nothing more, nothing less but Soku was essentialy grateful to the Chief. She had given her back a part of her body that she thought she might never see again. She now had the ability to fight more effectively, defend her village more prudently all thanks to a simple surgery and for that, she was grateful to the Konohgakure Medical Corps for providing her yet another chance to prove her worth as a shinobi. "Thanks, doc. Keep doing amazing things and if you ever need anything, you know who to call." She said grinning shooting the medical-nin a thumbs up. They had done wonders and it was one of the primary reasons the Captain always held a deepfound respect for them. She for one could never do the tasks they did but admired the passion with which they worked to diligentl bring people back to life.

She watched as a few reading materials were deposited on her bedside table for her to partake in until her discharge tommorow. Perhaps the hospital knew they could not keep an kunoich as her too long, her duties called her and to be fair, Soku was feeling a little bit peaky since before the surgery. That feeling of nervousness was gone replaced with the feeling that she was whole once more. "Cheers." She said snagging a magazine investing her eyes into it as the time ticked by. Soon, morning would hit and she would be out of a bed and on her own two feet though she planned to take it easy for the first couple of weeks. After all, she had just gotten the arm, it was wise not to put it through undue stress more than she could afford.

[Topic left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Time:
