Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A lot to do about nothing.

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The life of a military leader wasn’t as many people inspected. The role of Tsuchikage was not just going out and taking the most dangerous missions, killing the worse of the bad guys, and celebrating the victories with their comrades. Instead, it was paper work, lots and lots of paper work. For the Tsuchikage, they had to look at every mission, making sure the groups that were taking the missions were not taking missions they were over or under qualified for. It was Hissori’s job to make sure that the whole village was running smoothly, which he had practice on running the hospital. Dealing with the promotions, demotions, complains, and accolades were all part of the job for the strawberry blond male. Today was just one of these days.

Moving a large pot of what seemed to be like stewing green tea, Hissori was staring down at a grey personnel folder. The green eyes of the Tsuchikage were staring down at a private ANBU file as he stroked his defined chin. The man who was dressed in the classic Kage robe for brown and white. Hiding beneath that was a professional business attire of black slacks, white business shirt, and a navy blue tie.

Leaning over, the man pressed an intercom button to the headset system of the village. “Akira Amaya, can you report to the Tsuchikage office for a meeting please.” Hissori would say in a polite but stern tone as the man would release the intercom and stand up.

As Hissori adjusted the robe on that hung form fitting from his skinny body, he would returned to the pot of tea going to bring it over to a relaxing looking coffee table. He would put it down followed by two matching tea cups as he took a seat, the folder in front of him as he waited for the ANBU to show up for her meeting.

MTF 300 words.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
“Akira Amaya, can you report to the Tsuchikage office for a meeting please.”

A look of surprise swept Amaya's face as her head set rung a message very peculiar. It wasn't easy to surprise Amaya and even harder to get the stern look she wore to swap for a surprise one. She place her hand on the head set and keyed up to respond, "Moving Hissori-Sama!"

There was a lot going on right now with the turn out of recent events, random attacks, and Kumogakure ambassadors but her hunch was toward that of the current new comers but still none of this gave clue to why the Kage requested her presence specifically. She was reassigned to the branch in order to get members trained and their battle rymthum exceeding Iwagakure's standard. Maybe he wanted a progress report on how things were going. Either way, Amaya's pondering ended once she was face to face with the kage's office door. She would clear her throat and ready herself to enter before knocking on his door.

"Akira Amaya requesting permission to enter."

She would wait to get the okay before entering but once allowed she would step in and walk over toward his desk and stand about five feet from it. Her walk was graceful with her head held high and her emerald green eyes forward. She was dressed in a custom designed metal armor which was composed of a light weight metal alloy which in appearance looked light and covered vital organs. The armor was a sleek black with silver lining and tactical in its design having slots filled with ninja items like Flash grenades and the likes. A katanna was on her back but it looked much like a really big cross between a katanna and a broad sword. Lined across her right thigh was several short throwing daggers. Amaya had short black hair and on her right cheek, there were three scratch like scars in symmetry. Her face held much esteemed as well as the way she stood.

"Good evening Hissori-Sama, Akira Amaya reporting."

[Topic Entered ]

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
-Sama, a word that Hissori would never get use to people calling him. In fact when he heard the reply, the former medic cringed in his chair. Maybe it was that the island man was not use to be the leader of a village, but Hissori never felt he was the Master of anything. In fact even in the hospital, most of the petty argument that Hissori was apart of was yelling at people to stop calling him –Sama. He felt weird when people did that, he felt superior. He had a time thinking of that when Akira finally asked to come in

“You may.” Hissori replied in a nice even and loud tone as he closed the folder in front of him and got up. Brushing off his dress slacks behind the Tsuchikage robe he was forced to put on every day, He would move towards the large wooden doors and open right one to let the lady in.

In a chivalrous way, Hissori would hold the lady ANBU as he would slightly bow towards her. “Good evening.” Hissori said as he slowly closed the door behind him.

“Please, have a seat on the couch. Would you like some tea or coffee? I am hoping this won’t last too long.” Hissori said taking a seat in one of the empty seats across from the ANBU.

“So, I have been reviewing your ANBU file. How do you think you are doing? Furthermore how do you think your branch is doing at the moment?” Hissori asked the women as he went to pour himself a set of green tea and whatever else she wanted if she wanted anything.

MFT 250+

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Amaya heard a voice from the other side of the doors that replied with an invitation to enter. Before she could reach the door handle, it would open to a strawberry blond man dressed in traditional Kage robs. A polite man at that who was confident and humble in his jesters. He gave Amaya a slight bow and Amaya quickly reciprocated with a humbling bow which extended much lower than her kage's. The emerald eyed woman was big on respect, proper courtesies, and traditions. It spoke volumes to one's character or so she felt. With no clue as to what this meeting was about or why she was summoned, Amaya took the seat that was offered. Her posture was up right and disciplined. Her head slightly tilted up and her eyes confident despite the worries dancing in her mind. A choice of coffee or tea was wasted on her as she politely refused with a simple hand gesture. The set up and questions posed to her made her feel like she was at an interview board, something like the first day at her academy and even before she was excepted to join the ranks of anbu. The Tsuchikage seating across from her seemed interested in her work and so happy to tell, she did.

"To be honest sir, I am managing the best I can with the resources available to me. It's been an up hill battle but as always it's nothing I can't handle plus there has been much progress. The Anbu branch has always met the standard, however, the branch has encountered some major temporary restrictions due to exogenous factors affecting efficiency. The Guardian program has reached way below it's minimum manning level with only one known surviving member left. Operatives have been working independently and without direction due to the lack of leadership in the branch. Administrative work has fallen behind as members documents are out dated and skill evaluations need to be conducted... I have begun to mitigate what I can in these areas but that is why I was reassigned to the anbu corps."

The dark haired woman paused there unsure if the Kage wanted to know more in detail. Amaya wasn't known to ramble and so she wouldn't allow herself to start now even if she was passionate about the subject at hand. For now she would allow the Kage to interject as he saw necessary.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Not wishing to overly disturb Hissori, Umashi quickly ran the letter about the marriage event going on in Suna up to the Tsuchikage's office. A quick knock on the door and then leaving the letter stuck in the crack of the door, Hissori would have it literally fall before him. That or he'd catch it and read it. Umashi really hoped that he caught it and gave it a nice looking over. He had plans on going and it would be nice for the village Kage to make an appearance too. Umashi was busy though, so he didn't linger in front of the closed door and thus he was off.

OOC: Topic entered and left. Alerting Hissori to the Suna events going on.

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
“You can relax, you aren’t in trouble.” Hissori would say out of more habit. The man had been use to being in leadership positions since the young age of thirteen, and many times he had to call people to his offices to talk with them or discipline them. The man even had to fire people before and demote medics who had done something dangerous. The man would take a sip of his tea as he waited for her to explain and answer his questions.

As she explained what was going on in the neglected ANBU branch, It was partially true. Ever since the assassination of Inu Endo the branch had basically become a ghost town. Most of the jobs had fallen on the main branch, which was putting an unneeded strain on the main branch. This eventually would lead to some major problems if Hissori did not solve the problem right now.

“The truth is that the the ANBU branch is lacking a serious push for recruitment. Because of this we lost the use of the Gaurdian branch to the point that only one member of the village even knows the inner workings of it. It’s unfortunate, but I do believe that it is time for this village to move from it and forward to an official ANBU group like most modern villages. I know it will be hard for the village but unifying the group is extremely important.

When it comes to everything else, this is why I have called you in today. For years the village has been without a leader for that branch, and unfortunately after so many years specializing in medicine, I have neglected most of my ancestry that was routed so deeply in the ANBU branch.”
Hissori said with a bit of a sigh as he recalled his family that had been long since frozen over.

The lanky man would get up brushing off slacks, the man would go to retrieve the letter that had been wedged between the doors to his office. Opening it up, the man’s emerald eyes would scan over the letter’s fancy writing before pocketing it. After all, Ayame was the focus on this meeting not some letter from sand. Drawing a deep breath the Tsuchikage sat back down and rubbed his thighs some.

“Anyway. I would like to officially ask you if you would be interest to take over the name of ANBU Sennin in order to fix and lead a new progressive ANBU branch?” Hissori finally spoke towards the promotion for the ANBU.

MTF 300 plus

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

“Anyway. I would like to officially ask you if you would be interest to take over the name of ANBU Sennin in order to fix and lead a new progressive ANBU branch?”

Amaya struggled to keep composure at the words lead by her Kage. He had given her the opportunity to make a greater difference than she had ever had before. In his words were confidence in her and trust that she was fit for the job and as so it was Amaya's duty to not disappoint. Her face expression did not falter, staying fixed in it's usual pristine smirk much like that of a porcelain doll both delicate and stern. However, she was screaming in the inside, a battle mixed emotions. On one hand she had battled to prove her worth to her superiors and peers but on the other hand she had never expected anything to come of it. It was as if chasing an unrealistic dream that it's journey would make you stronger however reaching the dream wasn't in the design. An anxiety filled her like no other and so she stood from her seat and gave an honoring bow. Her dark curls would fall as she did bow, her posture elegant and disciplined.

"Thank you Hissori-sama, I will not disappoint you. I swear this by the Gods that I will lead a progressive Anbu Branch under the name Sennin. Is there anything else you will have of me?"

She would raise from her bow and await Hissori's reply. There was much work to be done but first she wanted to make sure that there were no further pertinent information he needed to transfer to her.

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
HIssori would offer a genuine smile as the elder shinobi stood up. He would adjust his robe as he began back to move towards the side of his desk. The strawberry blond would pause a moment before moving to take his seat at his desk.

“I am sure you will be a great leader of the branch Amaya.” Hissori would say kindly as he put his glasses on. “If you need anything please don’t hestitate to ask, and I can assume you can see yourself out?”

Topic Ended Unless Ayame has something else.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
