Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Manager Will Manage [ended]

Oct 22, 2012
Tomo internally sighed as he pressed a poster onto the building in front of him. His siblings, specifically his pesky twin Tama and manipulative elder sister Kimiki, had shoehorned him into being the manager of some ridiculous play that Tama had come up with. From the looks of the poster, the play would be an action adventure starring a young woman, presumably Tama, in her struggles to save the world. Tomo gave a snort. More like destroy it. However, he couldn't complain. He got to be the manager this time. Last time the production starred him...and he had to play a girl.

Tomo heard a whistle from behind and instinctively covered his behind with the extra posters in his left hand. Ever since the dress code for main branch kunoichi had become miniskirts, including Tomo for some reason, not a single day has gone by that he hasn't been whistled at. Tomo blushed lightly as the perpetrator passed. Tomo had long ago accepted the fact that he looked and sounded feminine, but he just couldn't get used to being treated like an object. They could at least like me for my mind. Realizing what he had just thought, Tomo began to rub his right temple. Listen to me. Now I'm starting to 'sound' like a girl. Tomo shook his head and returned to his task. With the Seki District so full of well to do people, it seemed like the most logical place to start with the promotional posters. The next place would be the Dawnbringer's Plaza.

However, Tomo realized that not many people were stopping to look at the posters. He scrunched his face, frustrated that people weren't drawn by the colorful design he had worked all night to perfect. Hmm...I should have taken into account how self-absorbed some people can be. Maybe the Dawnbringer's Plaza would be the better destination. But first... Tomo found a nearby bench and sat down. He had spent all morning putting up posters and boy was it tiring. Tomo took of his glasses and rubbed his eyes. They were fake and sometimes were a slight strain on his eyes, but he needed them to even stand a chance of not being mistaken for his sister. He replaced his glasses and looked around. I guess the most effective way to promote the play in this district is to talk to people. Tomo eyed people, trying to find someone to ambush who didn't seem too busy to talk.

WC: 413
Re: A Manager Will Manage [PM Haru for permission to enter]

Bursting awake with a yell, nothing new for little Haru, this time the dream too jolt him awake had been him opening a book that would answered the questions of the universe, the pages were blank, how ironic. Haru couldn’t find the answers too the universe even in his dreams. To make it even worse he never read the authors name, because he knew who the author was, he, or rather it had no name, it was that over ruling force than controlled everyone’s life and planned their life and death from the beginning, the world in fact can never be what it seems.

Flustered from the failure in his dream Haru lazily got dressed and headed out the door toward the Seki village, most of the morning had already passed and the usual crowd was rumbling and large as always. Still blinking the sleep out of his eyes the colorfully designed posters were irritatingly bright and artsy.

Once Haru began reading the poster he came to the conclusion that it was about a girl who went on adventures of sort, or something like that, plays were something Haru didn’t have the time waste watching. Haru noticed a few people reading the posters, but they were mostly being annoyed. How anyone could ignore that bright of a poster was beyond him. Standing out from the crowd he saw a young girl examining the crowd, they made eye contact and Haru immediately regret it, he was not one for unneeded social interactions.

WC: 251
Re: A Manager Will Manage [PM Haru for permission to enter]

Tomo looked around to see the people who stopped to look at the posters. Some seemed interested, some not so much. He was tempted to go up to the annoyed ones in an attempt to persuade them otherwise, however they were mostly adult males. Tomo figured it would be pointless, along with the chance that they would either hit on him or beat him up.

However, Tomo did glance a boy around his age who had apparently deemed the poster annoying based on his face. This was something Tomo could work with. The boy seemed to look like the Hiashi that was recently sent to the academy. Tomo, being the manager that he is, looked into each clan that is known in and near Kumogakure. Tomo didn't know much about the Hiashi clan, only that they were known to be philosophers and had some kind of tradition of only having one kid. So, knowing that information and having heard that a Hiashi was in the academy, and including the fact that this boy seemed to hold himself in a certain manner, Tomo deduced that this kid was probably the one he had researched about. He also may have seen the kid around the academy and heard his name once. So...a philosopher huh... Tomo thought he might be able to win over the if he bent the truth a little. Lucky for Tomo, the boy met his eyes, meaning they had to battle...with their intellect.

Tomo rose from the bench and made his way to the boy. Turned out that this boy happened to be an inch taller than Tomo. He lifted his glasses as he stopped before the kid, looking up so he could look the boy in the eyes. Rule number one of communication, look the client in the eyes to let them know that you are invested and hopefully in control. "Good day. I am Mochizuki Tomo, manager-in-training to the Mochizuki Troupe. I couldn't help but notice that you were looking at the poster before you. Might I elaborate on the content of this epic before you? You will find that it has much more depth than you would originally think. It is quite...philosophical." Tomo gave a slight smile, hoping that his deduction had been accurate. If not, he would need to rethink his entire speech.

WC: 388

[OOC: I wasn't sure how much people would know about the Hiashi clan. If Tomo knows more than he should, let me know and I will edit the post!]
Re: A Manager Will Manage [PM Haru for permission to enter]

As Haru saw the girl rise from the bench he tensed up, this was going to be troublesome, new bonds he would only need to break to isolate himself and get away from the force controlling everyone on the world.

As the girl approached, being a solid inch shorter than Haru, she said, "Good day. I am Mochizuki Tomo, manager-in-training to the Mochizuki Troupe. I couldn't help but notice that you were looking at the poster before you. Might I elaborate on the content of this epic before you? You will find that it has much more depth than you would originally think. It is quite...philosophical."

Haru listened to the speech without much interst, then after the slight pause and the word Philosophical Haru’s eyebrow shot up in surprise, better not bite yet, see if she explains it to me before I ask. Haru cleared his throat and replied, Nice, to meet you Toma, I am Hiashi Haru of the Hiashi clan. Philosophy, isn’t really something I am interested in sorry. Slowly beginning to scoot around Toma, now is her chance to strike, if she can convince me of the true philosophy this play will prove to the mind, then I’m in Haru waited on the girls movement as her last few seconds of opportunity began to slip away.

WC: 216 [OOC: No the Hiashi are rather unknown you know about as much as you could if you had studied them, well done!]
Re: A Manager Will Manage [PM Haru for permission to enter]

Tomo noticed the slight rise in the boy's eyebrows. Bingo! However, the boy stated his disinterest in philosophy and started to make his way around the now baffled Tomo. What the...but...ooooooh. Tomo gave a wry smile, one the boy now couldn't see. If this boy was in fact a Hiashi, which Tomo was almost positive he was, then the boy might resort to reverse psychology to avoid the situation. However, the boy gave it away with the tiny moment of surprise. If Tomo hadn't been focusing on the boy's face, he might have missed the subtle change. So...playing hard to get are we? Alright, time to put my skills to the test. Tomo turned and using the little skills he had learned since joining the village, gracefully swerved around to once again face the purple-eyed boy.

"I'm sorry, but maybe I need to expand upon my claim. You see, this play is more about the girl's actions and how they affect the world around her. It begs the question, is she really saving the world? You see, this girl forced herself to become the role of the hero. By doing this, she might be taking the place of the person who was fated to do it. Are her choices to change her fate morally sound if her attempts to change fate ultimately affect the fates of others? And don't get me started on whether or not the girl is actually working to save the world or only doing what she 'thinks' is helping the world. And believe me, that's just the tip of the iceberg. And might I ask you who you think the star of the play is? Is it the girl? Or is it the side characters watching and observing as the girl makes choices on a whim, only to appease her ideals of right and wrong? And don't get me started on the so called 'enemies' in the play."

Tomo took a small breath. He had put his heart and soul into that performance. Luckily he had some material to work off from, because without realizing it till now, Tomo had described many of the frustrations he had with his sister. Her habit of forcing herself into a leading role, making judgments without thinking of who she was affecting, and so on. Realizing that he had paused for a little longer than he meant to, Tomo returned his attention to the boy before him. "If that doesn't sound intriguing, then I'm not really sure what else to say." Tomo waited for the boy's response, hoping that he had at least started a bit of a spark. Oddly enough, Tomo was finding this small game interesting. He wasn't often challenged by someone younger than him. This Hiashi was going to be formidable.

WC: 464
Re: A Manager Will Manage [PM Haru for permission to enter]

"If that doesn't sound intriguing, then I'm not really sure what else to say." Haru listened to the girls entire speech about the philosophy the play involved, was the girl saving the world or harming it. Haru thought saving the world, ha there we are far too doomed to be saved by anything .

What’s even more intriguing, is that you seem to have just pulled that out of the top of your head, that isn’t something easy to do, so congratulations for, how shall I put this -- capturing my interest. Sounds like an inspiring play, good luck, I won’t be in attendance unfortunately.

Haru didn’t agree with the philosophy being used in the play again chuckling how wrong these people are, thinking the world isn’t doomed to failure. He began to step around her prepared to be stopped again, the play was actually quite interesting sounding, but how bad did the girl want it to be viewed.

When he was about a step past Toma he turned back for a moment, Saving the world is an impossible thing to achieve, we all different visions of a saved world, and we are all simply being controlled by an unknown force, our lives all end in death and carry no value whatsoever, this world is too doomed to be saved by anyone or anything. he then continued to walk still waiting for the girls objection.

Re: A Manager Will Manage [PM Haru for permission to enter]

Tama stepped out gleefully into the Seki District of Kumogakure. She had just had her first practice for the play in a long while, and it felt good to be onstage again. Granted the long lecture had been boring as hell, and the punishment of Kimiki had been exceedingly harsh and frightening, but on the whole she was glad to be moving forward.

Tomo’s been working hard, she thought to herself as she saw all the posters her brother had painstakingly placed around the District. It was their first project together, her as the lead character as Tomo as the man behind the scenes. Tama was excited about it.

Continuing on her walk into the Seki District, she spotted Tomo conversing with someone else. Tomo clad in his now required miniskirt. Interested, she hurried over to join their conversation. “Oi!!!! TOOOMOOOO!” she screamed loudly as she dashed over. She caught the tail end of the new kid’s speech. Something about this world being doomed and other pessimistic nonsense, Tama didn’t care. In her eyes, the world could never be doomed, because she existed.

“Tomo, who’s the new audience member? Is he coming to my show? He’s coming right? You’re coming right?” she asked quizzically. She eyed the boy up and down. Tama didn’t have the same knowledge of Kumogakure’s clans that Tomo had and so didn’t recognize that the boy was from the Hiashi clan. All she noticed was his somewhat pessimistic attitude from the scrap of conversation she had heard whilst rushing to join the two. Tama wasn’t a fan of pessimism, but would overlook it if he was coming to her show.

WC: 274
Re: A Manager Will Manage [PM Haru for permission to enter]

Tomo stared at the boy, slightly perturbed that Hiashi-san had figured out that Tomo's speech had been crafted off the top of his head. The boy continued by saying that he was intrigued. This got Tomo to smirk slightly. Alright, goal one complete. However, Tomo didn't have long to celebrate because Hiashi-san finished with his declaration of not attending. As the Hiashi moved past Tomo, his eye began to twitch. He said he was interested the little...

Tomo's train of thought was interrupted by the far off sound of a certain twin. Tomo gave an inward sigh. This isn't going to go well... Tomo turned to face the boy leaving in time to hear talk about how the world is doomed and no one can save it. Everyone will live and die eventually and the like. Tomo agreed to an extent, but he knew his sister wasn't going to feel the same. This really isn't going to go well... Tomo braced himself for the inevitable meeting between the Hiashi and his sister. These two had to have the most polar opposite personalities ever. Tama finally made her way to them and opened with a bombardment of questions, the first three to him and the last to the boy. Tomo gave Hiashi-san a slightly apologetic look. Now that Tama knew about him, it was going to be nearly impossible for the boy to get out of seeing the play. Tomo was frustrated that the Hiashi had still been playing hard to get earlier, but even that didn't warrant being forced to go by Tama.

Feeling slightly sorry for Hiashi-san, Tomo turned his gaze to his sister, choosing his words carefully to try and get the boy out of trouble. "He said he was interested, isn't that right?" Tomo turned his eyes back to Hiashi-san. Tomo purposely didn't reveal the boy's name, knowing that it would make it more difficult for Tama to stalk the boy when it got closer to performance day. Not that it would stop her, just make it a greater challenge. Now it was time for Hiashi-san to play the game and the roles were changed. Time to see how a Hiashi defends himself.

WC: 366
Re: A Manager Will Manage [PM Haru for permission to enter]

It was quite the interesting conversation to listen to, even though I had only come in toward the end of it. It was this rather depressing boy's words that first got my attention, but more likely, my concern. A person with this mindset was a threat to anyone at any time really. In my mind, those who believed that life was outside their control walked a dangerous line; their morals weren't in line with others, in my experience. So as a responsible individual of Kumogakure, I quickly turned my back to the group and used the transformation jutsu to change some of my features so that I wouldn't be recognized. In this new form I would be following them to listen to this conclusion... and perhaps learn the name of the boy. But thank goodness I had changed the way I looked, or else the one known as "the Hand" would surely have recognized me. That annoying female just seemed to show up out of nowhere and put cacophonous strain on my eardrums. Not only that, but she changed the subject of what I really wanted to hear. Perhaps I would need to stay longer to eavesdrop on anything else that might be of a concern.
Re: A Manager Will Manage [PM Haru for permission to enter]

“Tomo, who’s the new audience member? Is he coming to my show? He’s coming right? You’re coming right?”
"He said he was interested, isn't that right?"

It sounds, interesting yes, but I don't have time for this. Haru was uncomfortable with all the attention that was being brought to him. He dashed past the group without another word.

[Topic Left]
Re: A Manager Will Manage [PM Haru for permission to enter]

"It sounds interesting yes, but I don't have time for this," the young boy said as he attempted to dash away from the twins. Admirable, a mere Academy Student attempting to run away from a Genin and Chuunin of the Main Branch not to mention any unseen eyes that might have been watching him (not that Tama would have noticed any such eyes). If either of the pair had wanted to, they could have caught the boy in a flash. Tomo would probably just run, in Tama's opinion. And she would have caught up to the boy running backwards on her hands while rolling on a ball. Where she might have obtained the ball, and why she would even bother with such a stunt was of little importance. The fact of the matter was that Mochizuki Tama chose not to chase the boy, and that was why he was able to leave.

Tama's face was curiously blank as she watched the boy go. She turned to Tomo and asked in a very calm and falsely sweet voice, "Dear brother, would that boy happen to have a name, perchance?" He had not even tried to speak with Tama, so Tama could not decide if he was an interesting enough person to bother. Therefore, Tama needed to force a confrontation with the boy in order to determine this. She didn't have to pursue him now, his lack of a headband or adherence to the uniform policy meant he wasnt a member of any of the branches, so he must have been an Academy Student, at least that was how Tama saw it. The idea that some shinobi might not wear their headbands or branch uniforms at all times had just never occurred to her. So if he was an Academy Student, he would be somewhere inside Kumogakure. All she would have to do is look. But she would need a name, so she turned to her brother for his response.

WC: 328
Re: A Manager Will Manage [PM Haru for permission to enter]

Tomo watched as the Hiashi ran away. That...was probably the worst possible choice to make. Tomo looked to his sister. She wasn't chasing him, so that meant Tomo shouldn't either. What surprised him was the look on his sister's face. She was just staring blankly towards the direction the kid went. Oh boy...this will not go well for the future of that Hiashi. Tama finally turned to Tomo and asked politely for the name of the boy. Tomo paused for a moment. Should I tell her? To be honest, the Hiashi had been more trouble than he had been worth. He made Tomo work to get him to admit being slightly interested in the play, he continually tried to walk away from Tomo, and finally, he ran from Tama. No one runs from a confrontation with Tama. The fact of the matter is, that boy was let go for now. Tomo knew that he would be continually bothered by his twin until the Hiashi's name was revealed and the boy hadn't given Tomo any reason to defend him. Tomo met his sister's eyes, and for the first time in quite a while, he was okay with letting her get a bit over-the-top. "Academy student Hiashi Haru."

Tomo looked around him, hoping to find someone else to talk to other than Tama. One guy seemed to meet his eyes. Tomo approached him, trying to shake off his previous failure. Little did Tomo know that this guy happened to be a certain ninja in disguise. "Good afternoon sir. Might I interest you in a tale of adventure?"

WC: 262
[OOC: Feel free to ignore Tomo if you don't want to keep this topic going Zaku]
Re: A Manager Will Manage [open]

Uh oh. Think fast. What to do? What to say? Come up with a character...

In a moment, I strained my eyes at this ninja who some how in the busy life of being a full time soldier found the time to be an actor. I made my voice deep and raspy in a sense, and began to fidget alot. "I h-h-have b-b-been in enough a-a-dventures in my shoo-oort lifetime." I said, almost in a regrettable manner. "And w-with my w-w-wounds it forces me to g-go p-p-p- uh urinate so m-much that it's really just a b-big distraction." I explained.

Meanwhile in my head, I'm kicking myself in the teeth over the persona I had taken on. I needed to escape before I came up with anything else that was crazier than this. "Sp-peaking of urination. I must be off to take c-c-care of that duty. G-goood day."

I bid them farewell, and went on my merry way.

[Topic Left unless stopped]
Re: A Manager Will Manage [open]

Academy Student Hiashi Haru. Tama filed this information away in the 'Must Drag To Performance' section of her brain. She would find him and do her utmost to make sure he showed up for her play. Tama giggled to herself, it wasn't often that she tried to coerce others into doing stuff she wanted them to do, but that boy was begging for it, thinking he could escape Tama for long. It was only a matter of time.

Turning to find her brother, she saw him speaking to another potential audience member, but he too seemed to hurry off away from the pair. People just don't appreciate the fine arts, and my play is probably a masterpiece! A classic! Even though it hasn't even been performed yet, she thought to herself as she approached her brother again. "Did you get his name too? Why'd he leave so suddenly? Why's everybody trying to avoid seeing my play? You need to do better Tomo, be more enthusiastic, like me!" Tama did a little twirl, causing her skirt to fly up, revealing the pair of shorts underneath that she wore to keep any interested parties (if there even were any) from seeing anything of interest. She was a girl after all, and the idea of just anyone being able to catch a glimpse of her underwear was more than slightly embarrassing. She had refused to let Tomo wear a pair of shorts though, he was a guy, and guys walked around shirtless all the time, and there was nothing embarrassing about seeing a boy in his underwear.

Her mind drifted off to that event where Barfight-sennin had said that wearing shorts defeats the purpose of the mini-skirt, she didn't quite understand what he meant by that. Tomo's smart, maybe he knows. Also, he's wearing the skirt without shorts so maybe he could tell me the difference that way too. Not registering the fact that she had just insulted all the hard work her brother had put into selling the play to the public, and that Tomo would have no reason to answer her naive question, she asked him, "Tomo? Do shorts defeat the purpose of the miniskirt?"

WC: 364
Re: A Manager Will Manage [open]

Tomo ignored the ramblings of his sister. He was too frustrated with failing not only once, but twice. He gave a sigh and decided to move to a different area. Maybe someone in the Dawnbringer's Plaza would listen to him.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
