Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A more advanced experience [Tutor]

May 7, 2017
Waiting outside the entrance to the academy it was the second time Yukio would be waiting for Juko to arrive, the boy showed potential and that’s what brought him here if he could pack more information into the students mind then the process of integration into the ANBU branch would only become easier from there.

It was later in the afternoon than before he had confidence he didn’t need to test the kids sense of timeliness again his enthusiasm had already been proven in the first lesson. This one would require someone to be a bit more awake and focused to accomplish the task at hand, Advanced elements and focussing on casting jutsu would take some effort and sharpening someone’s reflexes.

The wind brushed through the Hyuuga’s hair as the light hue of his eyes blended into the afternoon light as it split through the clouds, it was nostalgic to him though he had not received tutor sessions with his peers until he was much stronger than most here were now the perks of training them now at least to him were more than obvious.

If he could bring recruits into the branch stronger than they were expected to be then overall, he was helping the village become safer and more secure every passing moment and if those he taught when to another branch the same result would still be achieved. Life had been busy for all those who had left the academy in recent weeks with missing ninja and caravans coming and going needed escort to their respective destinations there was rarely a moment to relax and take some time to take a load off.

This didn’t bother Yukio much a job was a job and he would always see it that way, just as he had taught to by his teachers when he was but a young and naïve academy student.
Walking slowly Juko thought about the upcoming tournament. He hadnt partaken in anything like that since the very first entrance exam for the ninja academy which was already quite a while ago. Also at that time there were no necessary skills to show, just a certain attunement to chakra and physical fitness, both at which he had shown a more or less mediocre display of skill. But a real tournament... with fighting... fighting against actual students. Not just sparring or exchanging kata... A shiver ran down his spine as he recollected the last sparring session against the strange boy a while ago. That was the closest he had gotten to a real fight against a real opponent and yet they had both tried to show as little of their skills as possible.
Juko looked at the strand of hair hanging from the side of his head that had been cut by the academy student in their sparring session. We didnt mean anything by it and yet he was fighting with sharp weapons... people wont be so hesitant in the tournament id wager... His eyes focussed on the ninja academy in the distance.
Thats why its even more important for me to become stronger! I need to learn more jutsus and improve on those i already know! Excitement flushed through his body. And just how lucky am i to have somebody from the Anbut, THE ANBU! Train me, personally. That will surely give me an edge above all of the other kids! Making his knuckles snap, the long haired blonde approached the academy. Few other students had still been here and were now leaving the academy, most of which either ignored Juko or chuckled when they noticed him. Damn. Ill show you soon enough.
He could hear their comments behind his back, mostly about his latest "incident". Farting in class.. good job. Moreso after eating porridge...
Finally he made it down the seemingly endless street and aimed towards the man standing next to the entrance.
Good day, Sir! Comeon Juko, show your best side! His body immediately proceeded to go into his typical finger-pistols pose only to stop halfway and awkwardly transform it into a military seeming salute.
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Waving his hand Yukio dismissed the salute preferring these sessions to be more chilled out than complete professionalism, it was easier both to teach and to learn if that was the case considering it would make the atmosphere less tense. Being professional was important that was the truth but being able to connect and close the gap between teacher and student also took the same level of priority as that.

“Good to see your still in high spirits now before we begin have you been improving on what we learned last time?”

The question was simple as Yukio began to walk into the same field they had been in before tilting his head back to the student to continue speaking upon hearing an answer.

“I also wish to know what types of jutsu elements you have at your disposal at this point in time, it will make it easier to map your progression on the road to becoming a shinobi of the leaf village.”

The lesson he had in mind for the day was going to be on advanced elements as he had shown off in the previous lesson, they were not always the easiest thing to pick up that much would becoming obvious over the next few hours but if Juko managed to get a hands-on approach to creating such jutsu he wouldn’t have the same problems as Yukio had once had discovering such jutsu.

Advanced elements were sometimes the pinnicle of a fighting style, especially if it was once that relied on a mix of ninjutsu and Taijutsu and being able to use them in harmony could spell out the difference between life and death during the more intense battles that could be fought in the near future. That was for later though right now information was more important than thinking about where Juko would end up further down the line for that would be many years ahead.

[WC: 320]
Juko's chest swole with pride and glee when the Anbu motioned him to drop his serious looking salute and behave more casually. I guess he really does see something promising in me when he already allows me to forgo the official greeting. Or atleast i think that it should look like that. His pride quickly lost all air however when his sensei asked him about his training, shrinking to a managable size as he remembered the "assignment" he had received last time and the actual amount of time he had spent following it. It wasnt that he hadnt practiced at all, but without someone looking over him and helping him guide the whole process it had soon become somewhat... boring and most of all discouraging to try and maintain his concentration while doing taijutsu.
Uuh, yes, yes of course i have. He lied, trying to fake courage and confidence. When he remembered that his teacher possessed a superior eyesight however he reluctantly added:
But its harder when i have to do it alone... i get distracted easily i think... Juko lowered his eyes to the ground and tried unsuccessfully to look like he had spotted something incredibly interesting between the small cracks of the stones.
Shit, i shouldve tried harder! Im sure im getting an earful now... Nevertheless he continuied, trying to speak fast enough to not give his teacher a real chance to follow up his revealment with actual punishment. My elements? So far i can do mostly air and fire. But ive also tried practicing some genjutsu now, a friend of mine is really good with it and has shown me a trick or two! Maybe i can get some bonus points that way.... no need to tell him that i had to look through the library to even find descriptions of genjutsu...
WC: 305​
A sigh escaped the Hyuuga’s lips, upon hearing the words distracted he could assume not much had been done since their last session but even if it was a little it was better than nothing though his eyes traced the boy from head to toe as he crossed his arms in front of him tilting his head to the side as he pondered.

“What I will say is from here on out it will be getting harder to train, we will be covering some rather advanced things today and it will take time and effort to make the best use of what im about to show you”

Walking over to the centre of the field he turned back to Juko placing his hands in his pockets, as much as he wanted to give the kid more of a talking to about his commitment there was other more pressing matters to attend to at this moment in time.

“What we will be speaking of here is advanced elements, similar to the jutsu I showed you last time to attack the training dummies, they are something you will learn later down the line however I inform you of this, so you can start preparing early on.”

Moving his hands he placed them parallel with his palms facing together as a shard of mirror jutsu began to form between them, remaining suspended in the given space as Yukio concentrated his Chakra to form it.

“An advanced element is when two elements of jutsu are brought together to form something new, such as this mirror style of jutsu formed from wind and water style jutsu. Each element mixed in a certain way can create something like this.”

Taking the shard of mirror jutsu he handed it over to Juko to allow him to inspect the shard in whatever way he wished so it would make sense to him what had occurred.

[WC: 317]
Scratching his head Juko smiled his unsaid apology to the Anbu. Yeee i guess soo... He saw straight through me, eh... thats an Anbu for you... The young boy nodded as his teacher continued talking while they continued walking towards the training field where the first lesson once had taken place. We will be covering advanced things today? Boy oh boy, good thing i didnt eat to much porridge today, i feel like throwing up in excitement! In the young boys mind he saw pictures of himself creating all kinds of elements, not only the five regular kinds, fire, wind, earth, lightning and water; but also other kinds like steel, ice, light and other more exotic elements. It was no surprise that his eyes immediately took on that very same sparkle as the time before as he imagined himself wielding all the elements in the world.
Yes yes, advanced elements, when am i going to learn them? Is it today? Will we really learn them today?? Booooooy i am E-X-cited!
He watched the man hovering his hands in front of his body and gathering chakra withhin each palm. Ooooh thats the thing you did last time! Woooow, so cool! A single piece of mirror started growing from withhin the emptiness in between soon taking the shape of a sharp shard.
While his teacher explained how he created the jutsu Juko made big eyes and moved his head around to get a proper look at the shard from every angle. When he was finally handed the fragment it took all of his willpower not to shout out loud in glee. The shard felt light yet solid, and Juko could see his reflection on each side of it. So.. you got this from... mixing wind and water? What other kinds are there? WHy did it not become Ice instead? Could you... could you make it a mirror... but made from ice? Thatd be soo cool! Wait wait wait a moment, what would happen if... if I mixed Fire and Wind? Would it be smoke? Or Ash... maybe Coals? No no...
The young boy rubbed his chin. Maybe just hot air then? Like... a heat wave, what you see above a fire sometimes? Damn, i need to know! He reached out and gave back the mirror piece then put his own two hands together, in a similar position as his sensei before and started pouring chakra in each palm. So... mixing the elements, eh! Easy i bet! The sarcasm was so strong in his sentence it might as well be its own advanced element.
While he could not see it Juko could feel the chakra moving along his body towards his hands, gathering at their ends and producing the same jittery feeling as ever. But... no advanced element yet. Maybe i have to mix em more... direct? Instead of mirroring his mentors move he now did a couple of handseals to guide his chakra properly and opened his palms again. A small flickering flame left his mouth as he exhaled and at the same time his hands did a slight shoving motion creating a tiny version of the popular wind blast jutsu.
Yiiieeeeks, not good nooot good!0
Juko shouted loudly as he almost burned off his eyebrows.
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He couldn’t help but smile at the boy’s excitement and attempts at creating such advanced elements on his own, his efforts were admirable but unfortunately it wasn’t always so easy to create such things. Yukio had accomplished the creation of mirror style jutsu during an accident while training the act of merging together the two elements occurring of its own accord though the more he thought about it the more obvious it became as to how it occurred.

“Well it’s not always so easy to create, and if you can’t get the balance correctly then it can backfire quite spectacularly. The act of creating elements like this comes from finding the right balance of two types of chakra such as my mirror jutsu being just the right mix of wind and water chakra but there are others that can be made with the same process.”

Bringing his hands together against he formed a ball of light in his hands this time creating photon style jutsu as the light danced around his hands in fluent and smooth motions a smile crossing his face at his own ability to control it.

“This is another example known as photon style jutsu the creation of light through the mixing of wind and lightning chakra and even for me these two styles are all I know. I am yet to discover what can be made from other elements of jutsu”

He wasn’t lying it was a complicated process to for even him to use more than two advanced elements right now and his basic jutsu mastery still needed work if he was to discover more.

“The easiest way to learn these types of jutsu is to work on your base jutsu elements and when you begin to perfect them you start to get a better feeling for creating such things and as that happens you’ll create your own elements to work with as you grow”

[WC: 320]
Just when Juko thought he couldnt be impressed any more his sensei pulled out another trick from his sleeves, creating a shiny, glittering orb of pure and raw light between his hands. The youths jaw seemed to drop to the floor as he opened his mouth wide enough that it seemed he wanted to swallow the light. WOW! And this is real, yes? This is not a parlor trick to impress little children, right? Or a genjutsu?? He reached out for the glowing ball only to notice that the light was not emitting any heat, atleast not at this distance. But who knows, i am sure he is capable of creating lazers with it! Oh boy, and then he can use the mirrors to reflect and redirect the lazer! His imagination failed him as tried to conjure a mental image of such a jutsu.
How long, how long did it take you to learn this? Do you know about the tournament? Do you think i could learn something like this until then? Juko could feel his energy boiling as he started standing on one leg, switching legs every second seemingly.
Doesnt have to be much, just like...uh... one or two laze... i mean Jutsus!
The boy tried producing an advanced element again, this time only carefully trying to mix the chakra. However, regardless of how much he tried he just couldnt manage to have both fire and wind chakra in use at the same time, the balance always either tilted to one or the other with the result that he felt slightly feverish. He stopped trying to get there for now.
Say, what other known elements are there? Do the Uchiha have an own element or something like that? Everyone at the academy always talks about how their fire jutsus are just better and cooler than those of the others. Others being Me. Suckers.
WC: 315​
The questions made sense for the topic there was many a jutsu type to go over and Advanced elements spanned over a great range of jutsu with Yukio only known two his knowledge on them personally was limited though he had seen some other styles while training with his tutors and being out in the field.

“Well I personally can use Photon and Mirror style advanced elements, but I have seen things such as ice and gravity style jutsu while training within the ranks of the ANBU branch.”

The second question went into a different sector of teaching each of the bloodlines having their own unique affinities to certain elements and going even deeper Kinjutsu could further enhance those base elements though the Hyuuga would not dare bring up such a subject with a student.

“Well the Uchiha have a natural affinity with things such as the base element of fire, thus their bloodline greatly amplifies their power to use that element, it is the same with the Hyuuga clan our eyes allow us to specialise in the art of unarmed Taijutsu to a greater extent because we can see the chakra system flowing through other people’s bodies”

He understood the child’s need to learn the tournament was something he had heard come from many a student’s mind and it could open many doors in their futures to allow them to advance quickly within the ranks of the villages branches.

“Well advanced elements take a greater understanding of the base elements you are capable of using so unfortunately you I am not sure you will be capable of mastering something like this before the tournament but if you start learning now you will sharpen the skills with your current base elements and if you find the effort to commit to the training of those elements you will find your first advanced element in no time.”

[WC: 315]
Ooooh Ice and Gravity?... His thoughts traveled back to that one time he founf himself out hunting stray cats with some other supposed students. Didnt one of them create a weird cold version of a water jutsu? And didnt he even call out something about ice? Would that be already considered an advanced element? Could it be he wasnt a student after all, given his ability to use not only ice but also... doing jutsus one handed?... Jukos face froze as he recalled the meeting, but already a few minutes later he eased up again as his mind unconsciously trailed back to the gravity style advanced element. I wonder how Gravity looks like. How does gravity even look like... He tried imagining a ninja wielding the power of gravitation which ended up with his brain creating the picture of a spectacularly round and fat ninja pulling enemies to himself.
He caught himself staring into empty air as his teacher continued talking and teaching him about the advantages of being a part of one of the great clans of the village. Ah, i see, so i was right, he DOES belong to the hyuuga. Juko nodded to himself and took another look into the pale seeming eyes of the man before him.
I see, so theres no chance as of now, eh? Thats what your telling me, isnt it... to bad, well guess ill just have to win with basic jutsus then. Good thing i have some other tricks up my sleeve hehe... The young ninja academy student patted his right arm that was still hidden in thick bandages.
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"as unfortunate as it is yes, there is little chance of learning elements like that until your further down the line on the road to joining one of the branches, this tournament coming up will be the best opportunity to prove yourself and make everyone realise the potential you may have."

He nodded his head to Juko it was true that if he performed well and fought to whatever end without giving up during the tournament the door to the ANBU branch would more than likely become open to him, becoming one of the few tasked to watch over the village and ensure its safety from behind the scenes.

"And so if you have any questions now would be the time to ask them, sooner rather than later."
Uuuuh, hmm, well... Questions, eh? Jukos finger seemed to be glued to his face as he first scratched his head, then his nose, then rubbed the bottom side of his chin, trying to come up with questions. This is a good opportunity to get some inspiration and learn some tricks when fighting the other students... if only... i could actually think of something to ask! So uhm... What do you think would be the best conter to... me? Jukos face suddenly lightened up as this rather indirect question popped into his head. This would allow him to get an insight into another ninjas opinion of his skills and, more importantly, weaknesses while at the same time learn what to look out for in the other participants of the tournament. That aside though... i really wanna hear more about your Anbu work! He blinked before realizing what exactly it was he was asking from his teacher.
That, er... is, if you can tell me anything. Like, what was the last ninja you fought, what kind of jutsus can i learn and uh.... what are the other members of the Anbu like? Do they have cool advanced elements too, like you? Juko was smiling like a kid as he did a few steps around the Hyuuga, performing some basic strikes and kicks while jumping around.
In his mind he was again wielding the greatest elements of all, Time, Gravity, Reality, Hilarity, everything that came to his mind was transformewd into dragons and tigers and jutsus.
Oh, oh oh, also, what do you think is the most important skill of a ninja? Tai-, Nin- or Genjutsu?
The young academy student was glad to have been given such a great chance at improving his skills. Most other ninjas he had heard from had only been approached by the Anbu starting from the rank of a genin or even chunnin. Every answer he would be getting was a most valuable addition to his pool of knowledge.
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Taking a seat on the grass Yukio pondered on those questions, they were all expected of a young student who wanted to know more about the world of the ninja. Though it could become quite a complex place and wasn't going to be something so easily explained especially concerning what his activities within the ANBU branch were, such things were kept for a large majority of the time. As for his counter that would come down to common jutsu counters.

"Well considering your specialties things of the opposite elements to yours may start to cause problems, Genjutsu will always be another thing but that's something all ninja will have to deal with at some point there are ways around it mostly by increasing your awareness of such things."

As for his work in the ANBU branch the majority of that was secretive and under cover least sensitive information leak to less reputable individuals.

"My work in the branch is unfortunately a secret, there are many things I cannot mention or speak of only letting you know not everything we do would be applauded or met with open arms by others. We are the eyes and ears of the village both in and out, and as such we do things no one else has to nor do they want to. The branch can be a thankless job I won't deny that however you will see an experience more things than most people would in multiple lifetimes"

He wasn't lying most of the things he had experienced while working for the branch he never thought he would ever come across and some he couldn't even imagine.

"As for those three that is personal preference, some specialise solely in one others take a balanced approach to all three"
Juko nodded as his teacher talked to him and for once he ment it that way. He knew of course that opposite elements of his own would be especially effective against his own jutsus, same with Genjutsus. Having practiced a few particular genjutsus to support him in his fights he had quickly come to the conclusion that he would never be especially talented in using those.
A kind of dissappointing revelation then. Shit, and here i was hoping for some tactical tricks. Still, he pondered a bit about the words his teacher had said, trying once more to find a hidden meaning in them. Failing to produce any results with that he turned his attention towards the next sentence, all the while walking around in small circles around his sensei's lying form in the grass.
So...what exactly does that mean "not everything we do would be applauded or met with open arms by others" ? Like... he tried to imagine what kind of tasks an Anbu could be receiving that would NOT also get the ultimate approval of the village.
I mean your probably not er... betraying the village... at the command of the hokage, are you? Juko started to slowly unravel his right arms bandages and moving his hand over the concealed seals lining his arm while he thought over what he just sayd. Would the hokage give you a task that implied hurting... him? Like something along the lines of "Attack me, because of..." something?
Finally he sat down with the anbu shinobi, crossing his legs over in the grass.
So that aside... can you maybe... like show me already some jutsu i CAN learn? Teach me maybe some small Anbu Jutsu for winning a fight before it begins? Juko scratched one of his knees. Or maybe i could see your mask?
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the child seemed concerned at Yukio's words but he was telling it as it was, at the end of the day the ANBU branch was in charge of assassination and espionage within the leaf to act in its defense and that was something now always approved of.

"No we do not do things such as that, we work from the shadows for the betterment of all how we get to that point is solely up to us and in those cases it comes down to the actions of the ANBU during the mission"

As for his second question it was something he could not show the mask was the face only ever shown when within the ranks of the ANBU and would only be revealed to those who joined their ranks officially that and he hadn't earned the right to wear his yet but that was something that didn't need to be said.

"ANBU to not show their masked selves to those outside of the branch, that is our first line of defense where we carry no name nor face. as for standard jutsu i specialize in Wind, Water and lightning style jutsu something i find myself quite proficient in"

With swift motions of his hands he created first a slicing scythe of wind, followed by a piercing spike of water and then finally a bolt of lightning from the tips of his fingers.

"These are some of the more basic jutsu elements even you can have at your disposal with some training"
Aww thats to bad. Juko allowed his body to fall backwards into the grass, spreading his arms and legs to form a star. Guess ill have to do this on my own after all... Yeah... so are you guys going to watch the tournament too? Maybe ill be able to get a look at the other members of the anbu... He wiggled his toes a bit inside of his shoes and took a look at his teacher. The man seemed pretty young himself and also pretty much down to earth, compared to some other teachers of Juko. The way he was sitting just across the younger academy student made him seem more like a fellow student, if only a little bit older. I wonder how old he is... and i wonder whether he is a genin or chunnin or even higher than that... he must be pretty strong though to be taken in by the Anbu...So... this time he didnt ask me to show anything and aside from the advanced element thing he didnt really tell me that much more... The wind was moving the grass now, tickling Juko and reminding him of times when he hadnt been in the academy yet. Also, it reminded him of the slowly settling sun.
So...uh... are we, are we gonna train anything else today? Cause i feel like it IS getting kind of late now and i would really like to train more for the incoming tournament. He tried to say it as carefully as possible, not wanting to rush or disappoint the hyuuga in front of him.
WC: 265​
Yukio knew time was passing, he could see that he had spent longer here than originally intended as a sigh escaped his lips, it was not often he lost track of time but this was one of those moments. With a swift motion of his hand gestured for the student to be allowed to leave as he took a few paces to leave himself.

"I will be watching and i expect alot from you with all you've learned these last few weeks, there is no more for me to teach you during this time but i wish you luck though it will be your own power that pulls you through."

With that he strode away leaving Juko to his thoughts and training, hoping his lessons here would assist him in the future and give him the drive to keep growing the longer he remained a Shinobi.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
