Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private A Necessary Update, From An Undead Messenger (Req Migoya)

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
To say the sight had been peculiar to the Gate Guards was an understatement. For it was not often they a living corpse would pass through their Gates. When they approached it would bark at them to return to their posts, that it was on a mission from the Sennin of International Affairs. A few quick headset calls later & the monitored process of the undead was left unhindered. The guards returning to their posts as it continued on it's journey into the desert wasteland. Unbothered by the harsh environment around it & the hazards that it carried the being would carry on with a singular purpose. Once it was out in the Luminous Dunes the unliving messenger would retrieve a headset from it's side. Activating it the messenger would speak into the device, it's words being carried onto the preset channel. "The Presence of the Yamikage Lord Migoya is requested within the Luminous Mountains. At the peak where your fate became entwined with my Master's." the Messenger would repeat the words as a mantra on it's path to the meeting location.

Once it arrived the undead Messenger would stand at the peak & wait for it's intended guest or any who would attempt to coerce it's contents from it. If the Yamikage arrived the undead would produce for him a box. Within it would be three secure headsets, each running on a series of predetermined encrypted channels. "Lord Akkuma has provided these so that he may communicate with you & your kin in a secure manner." The rotting individual would hand the finely crafted box containing them over & continue by saying. "If you would like one, Lord Akkuma is waiting on the line to provide an update." It would stand there patiently, he was bound to serve to serve after all. At least it's duties allowed it to see such wonders as the Diamond Ocean from atop the Luminous Mountains.

However should the first arrival not be the Yamikage the undead Messenger would hold them in it's gaze before saying. "You are not who I requested, please leave the area. This is Official Miroku Clan business." To which there would be a matter of fact curtness. Should they persist & remain they may be able to win the undead over. But failure to do so might carry great risks.

[NPC Undead Messenger Used, CRPJ Listed in Profile]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Black eyes stared down the rocky surface of the mountainside, observing the sand lap at its base akin to waters on a sandy shore beaking against the cliff face.

How pointless it all was. Even these majestic mountains would wither away into sand and be blown about. Thus these villages would do the same - they would fall despite their arrogance and ignorant belief that they would stand firm against all.

A crackle would spark on his headset, a preset channel used by the Myakashi and their… employers. Normally Mikki would be able to communicate directly with the headset - an ability he had passed on to Migoya - and for not the first time Migoya felt a tinge of regret for letting his companion go. But such things were necessary for the both of them.

“The Presence of the Yamikage Lord Migoya is requested within the Luminous Mountains. At the peak where your fate became entwined with my Master’s”.

Ah… so formal Akkuma-sama. Migoya thought to himself. Either he is being polite, or this is a trap. Either way… speaking with him to clarify… things is necessary.

His gaze turned towards the mountain - Akkuma’s domain. It would be guarded as usual, and Migoya would simply pass by them as usual. A causal thought and the summoning of his new-found powers would propel Migoya through time and space to land exactly where the trio had met. Instead of the Devil, Migoya gazed upon an undead creature. Such things were a rarity outside of Yamigakure, and as such gave a measure of assurance that it was directly from Akkuma for few would flout such creatures… apart from Migoya of course. Another similarity. Migoya stared at the corpse, admiring the simple yet effective necromantic binding. Akkuma gave this one the ability of speech it seemed as it presented Migoya with a box and an explanation. Black eyes would scan for danger, feeling any trace of unfamiliar chakra or the like - for it would be easy to fill a box with exploding notes and remove any unwanted affiliations that might embarrass a newly minted Sennin of the Sand… But there was no such danger.

A pale, hairless hand reached forward towards the box, noting that the corpse made no attempt to dissuade him as he opened it. Three headsets were there… perhaps Akkuma had expected Kiko or Yong… in any event, relevant information would be shared with the clan as was protocol. Picking up on of the headsets, Migoya noted its encrypted nature through the use of his ‘Mikki’s chats’ jutsu, enabling him to converse with inanimate objects. The encrypted channel was committed to memory for future reference as Migoya placed the object on the side of his head and over his ear, absently trying to push away hair that was no longer there. The headset would be pressed.

“Lord Akkuma-sama. I have received your message. For what purpose does the newly exalted Sennin of Sunagakure wish to converse?”

Normally there would be a hint of sarcasm in Migoya’s tone, a subtle reminder and question against Akkuma’s loyalties, but for some strange reason no emotion could be heard in his ‘hollow’ voice.

[CRPJ 'Mikki's chats' listed in Profile - though I don't think it matters anymore... *le sigh]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Fogged over eyes gazed upon the newly materialized form of the Yamikage. The undead Messenger would perform it's duties as directed. Watching patiently as the Sage took the box after some inspection & began to inspect it's contents. Afterwards he would place the headset on in order to establish a connection with the undead messenger's Master. Now that it's task had been completed he would bow, dissolving into ash upon doing so. The ashes of his messenger would hit the luminous grains that danced across the peaks surface. A signal carried across the winds from Migoya back to his cohort within Sunagakure.

"Ah Migoya-sama it is good to hear your voice my friend. I'm glad my messenger was able to make contact. Well I thought an update was overdue...the Gods of Change have been busy since our last meeting." he paused trying to find the right words to capture the events that had transpired. "Ryuzaki Raizo is missing, he is no longer the Kazekage. He is replaced by Kazekage Shin, Overseer of the Chikamatsu Clan." the first of what would be many resounding village updates, some of which Migoya would already know from his last departure in the village. "Lady Uchiha Asuka is missing..." he let the words hang in the air. He could barely hide his delight, for he had no part to play in either of their disappearances. Yet he knew already that there would be whispers of suspicion surrounding him, especially given his rise to Sennin.

"..I am Sunagakure's Sennin of International Affairs now. With this appointment I would like to invite the Yamikage & Myakashi clan to Sunagakure." he let the announcement & it's words hang in the air. It was no small thing, yet there was such potential for betrayal as well. But the demon Sage had given them no reason to believe he would do so, at least not yet. Then again Migoya had not survived this long by ignoring his instincts. "All the Sennin are being sent to the villages to gauge tensions, while also searching for Kirigakurians & ensuring they know Sunagkure is a safe harbor for them now." Akkuma's words were a lot to take in if true, had he somehow gained this roll to achieve safe harbor for his people? The truth was it had been Shin's idea to seek out Kirigakurian shinobi, while gauging the current relations with other villages.

"The new Kazekage doe's not approve of the fact a foreign Anbu was sent to operate within Sunan walls. I'm being sent to Kumogakure with two guards, while the others go to Konohagakure." he let the announcement hang in the air. But when last they had spoken Akkuma had planned to confess his crimes. Going to Kumogakure would surely be a death sentence. Then again it seemed this new Kazekage was not the type who would take the execution of his newly appointed Sennin lightly. "Oh I thought it pertinent you know, that Kiko is in 'the villages Bingo Book as of the Sennin Game's. For the attacks against Kumogakure & Konohagakure. Silent the Anbu from Kumogakure wanted that, according to Kazekage Shin. The Kazekage said Sunagakure no Sato has no alliances, while it's come to his attention Konohagakure & Kumogakure are in one. I would like to start building our alliances with less traditional powers, Lord Kazekage Shin see's the value in doing so." there was much information to digest here for the Myakashi Sage.

First one of his kin was being hunted by all of the villages. Yet if he was to believe the demon made Sennin there was potential for a deal to be struck with Sunagakure. Secondly this provided even more insight into the type of individual & leader that the new Kazekage was. Not that Migoya was completely unaware as he had already met the shinobi once before. "Naturally with so many variables at play & so much opportunity thanks to the chaos. After my new position I had be sure no...concerns had arisen between us." he would finish with a devilish chuckle that would have burnt any doubt the Yamikage had about Akkuma's loyalties to cinders. To redraw the map the blood of shinobi had to be the ink. 'If they already call me a villain, what will they call me when I succeed?' he thought to himself pondering the question as he finished packing the gear for his journey to Kumogakure.

[OOC: Haha fair, I guess kind of cause you can still use it for other things!]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Upon taking hold of the box containing the headsets, Akkuma’s undead creation faded into dust just like everything would eventually. How fitting. Akkuma’s abilities were impressive indeed, and he was clever enough to cover his tracks. Migoya's cold dead gaze looked with a small measure of respect at the ash drifted off into the wind. Silence would greet the great Sennin as he finished his gift of information to the Yamikage, a heavy moment where it was clear that Migoya was digesting all of the information he had been given, categorising it into minute pieces and storing it away in the vast cavern of his mind. You could take the blood from a Nara, but not the way their mind worked it seemed.

Raizo has gone missing… Shin has taken over…
Lady Asuka is missing…
Akkuma in charge of International Affairs…
Kumogakure sending in ANBU to spy on Suna…

Missions to the other villages…

Migoya’s mind whirred, and he knew first and foremost that Akkuma would know this. Akkuma was sharp, as was expected of one of the Ancients… or at least one of their bloodline. Oh yes, Migoya knew more than he let on about the ancients, and he knew Akkuma was the same - always knowing more than he showed. He let out a sigh, more to let Akkuma know he was still there than anything. He was unsure if Akkuma was unaccustomed to those he worked ‘with’ speaking to him as an equal rather than as a subordinate. In any event, Migoya was in charge of his and his clans destiny, and his voice always spoke with both authority and an edge of threat.

“Thank you Akkuma-san. Congratulations on your efforts, and the acknowledgement of your peers in your abilities. It is deserved. Suna seems capable in acknowledging those that would suit positions well. Your information is appreciated, and provides much needed clarity. Indeed as you can see such Chaos provides much opportunity for change, where it is needed of course.”Oh, Migoya liked this one… he understood the game and played it exceptionally well. A valuable ally indeed.

“I was recently in Suna to witness your… Sennin games, and met with Shin-sama. An interesting individual - one more akin to our own interests and understanding of the importance of alternate methods of… development. One possessed by another more… aggressive spirit. He was capable of reading a document written in Runic Terran, a language which I believe now is only permitted to be known by a select few… Oracles, another shinobi informed me. A fortunate situation to have someone well versed in ancient knowledge as your leader“.The fact that Migoya knew Runic Terran, and had just let Akkuma know that he knew it, spoke volumes as to the trust Migoya was now placing on the Sennin. He continued.

“ I trust you had nothing to do with the previous Kazekage’s… disappearance. I would hate for such a situation to tarnish your already… glowing reputation.”
A slight hint of humour would attach itself to Migoya’s words, yet it was a cold humour, as if providing a drop of water to a dying man. Whatever power had melded with Migoya tried desperately to remove any and all hints of the man’s previous sarcastic nature, replacing it with cold efficiency. It didn’t work most of the time.

“In any event, I will accept your invitation with several provisions - not that such should diminish our established trusted relationship. I simply want something in return from Sunagakure, and her new Kazekage.” Migoya was a mercenary first and foremost. He would play the cards he had, hoping for a return in the investment that he had risked much in joining. Kiko, Yong, himself… all had been tarnished by Akkuma’s machinations, even if the ancient devil’s viewpoint was similar to their own.

“One. A formal recognition, in writing, of the existence, legal authority, and autonomy of Yamigakure as an independent and acknowledged mercenary shinobi village, capable of accepting and transacting shinobi contracts of all types, without discrimination. In so doing, removing any formal ties and acknowledgement of Tsukigakure as the presiding shinobi village in the jurisdiction of Moon Country. This shall be sent to all significant shinobi villages and feudal lords, with an invitation to join with Sunagakure in this acknowledgement. You could blame religious zealotry or the like… I’m sure you are creative enough to establish an effective reason”.

He waited for the weight of his own offer to linger in the devil’s mind before continuing.


“Two. Any Myakashi or citizens of Yamigakure, unless proven guilty of a crime against Sunagakure, is not to be viewed as a missing nin, held without due reason or attacked by any shinobi of Sunagakure. You can claim you have them on your books for the benefit of other villages… but it shall not be enforced. We will be provided with diplomatic passports befitting our status as trusted friends.”

Unfettered access to Suna by a foreign force. Could that be possible?

“Naturally such measures are to be established to protect myself and my kin. Tsukigakure cares little for any outside of its borders, so it should not pose any significant issue that we cannot remedy. Sunagakure itself has nothing to fear from my clan or village as it has done nothing to warrant such. I would also be pleased to offer you and the Kazekage the opportunity to come to Yamigakure itself, so you can see with your own eyes that I am simply not ‘making things up’."

A significant step. Yamigakure was true to its namesake, hidden amidst the shadows on the side of the mountains in Moon Country. A hidden village to be certain, haunted by spirits and powered by the undead. Akkuma and probably Shin would find it… homely. And more importantly, an acknowledgement of Yamigakure as a village proper would fly in the face of Konoha and Kumo, causing tensions to increase further. A powerbase of shinobi that could be called on my the smaller countries for aid… true mercenary power.

Migoya’s creation due to Konoha’s child-killing and abandonment of its most talented shinobi… acknowledged. He would love to see Takashi’s arrogant, smug face when he saw that.

“Understood. If my clan come across any other Kirigakurians, we will pass on the offer, though most, as you know, are content either staying in their homeland, or have gone underground. In my recent trip there I found no trace of life in Kirigakure itself - only the icy curse that pervades it all. Yamigakure has some few refugees from there, and I will inform them of Suna's offer. With regards to your new position, I have sent Mikki to Iwagakure covertly to ascertain their current status, though I doubt they would act against their puppet master Konohagakure in any event, unless doing so was in their interests. Sand and Stone sounds rather touching does it not? Tsuchigakure is as obstinate and irrelevant as always, preferring to stay on their knees to make-believe Gods than embrace any sort of destiny on the world stage. Kurosawa bends to whomever has the most money for that is their God. Snow, Demon, Iron, Waterfall, Grass… all small players that could easily be utilised as allies by Sunagakure as a display of power, should you provide them with suitable reasons. I know that Snow has a particular dislike for Konoha… In any event, the alliance of smaller countries with that of Wind is a possible and… grand opportunity for Sunagakure. I will continue to provide updates to aid you, as is fitting in our mutually beneficial relationship.”.

Indeed, the Myakashi could and would stir things up in the smaller countries to get them to request aid from Suna, or indeed Yamigakure. All part of the bigger picture.

A moment of silence then came as Migoya pondered what to do with the more… personal information. Kiko… both a pride of the Myakashi, but also a wilful servant of destruction. She was a rabid dog, set to task she was a vicious and effective assassin, but sometimes… just sometimes… Migoya hated the fact that he had created such a perfect weapon. He loved her as a father and wished for her safety as he had wished for her grandfathers, her uncles, and now her actual father, but at the end of the day she lived for battle and blood. What the villages failed to realise is that pronouncing her ‘villain’ only encouraged her more.

“Kiko. Yes. She is a willful creation, but there is beauty in that. I will inform her of her current status, though I think she would rather enjoy it. To prevent possible incidents I will encourage her to remain outside of the villages for the interim, unless there is reason to use her. Perhaps to hunt down this 'Silence' for slander...”

Perhaps with a certain diplomatic convoy headed to Migoya’s most hated rival. He had promised never to act against Sunan shinobi, nor would he harm a Turaono out of respect, but if he could slide an agent into that entourage… no. It was not the time.

“Lady Asuka. You might know of our… difficult background. Simply put, if I see her, I will kill her and banish her soul to the infinite void. She, under orders from Takeshi, conducted the killing of children for simply speaking out against the Hokage, hardly warranting a death sentence. As a result, my own clan was implicated and banished from Konoha and branded ‘missing’. I know now if you had anything to do with her disappearance, our relationship could benefit from you.. I dont know… providing me with her head…”.

Migoya was not a good man, but he was fair. Few times had Migoya taken the life of a shinobi, particularly a Leaf shinobi, but it was clear that Aksuka held a special place in his cold, dead heart. There was naturally more to the situation than the Myakashi would let on, but for now he had provided Akkuma with a measure of information to do with and digest, much like the feast Akkuma had provided him.

Yes. Both would feast well on the information shared between them, for the more they ate the hungrier they got.

'If they already call me a villain, what will they call me when I succeed?'

Akkuma would feel the smile down the headset.

“They will call you Master.”

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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
