"It sure does make things suck a bit less," she said before draining the rest of the sauce down her throat and placed the floating tray and the bottle into the bucket that sat upon the edge of the hotspring. She placed everything in the bucket and held where the towel was clasped together next to her breast. "Sure, if you want to come, that's fine," she said as she turned her eyes away from Kyo. "It was a pleasure meeting you, but I have other things I need to tend to right now," she said before clearing her throat and stood up in the hotsprings. Her towel clung tightly to her body, leaving any little curve upon her barely up to the viewer's imagination. She stepped out of the hottub and gathered the bucket in her free-hand, turned her eyes down towards Kyo for a moment.
"At least the people in your village aren't murderers," she said with ice-cold eyes before turning her back towards him and returned to the dressing room.
[Short Exit is short.. we should RP some time later on, Kyo ]
"At least the people in your village aren't murderers," she said with ice-cold eyes before turning her back towards him and returned to the dressing room.
[Short Exit is short.. we should RP some time later on, Kyo ]