Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

a place of old (Private)


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Mar 16, 2015
Suna, a place of wonder and excitement, as well as a place of some of the most horrible things humans have done, yet with all of the chaos, it was what Hansame called home, and what better thing is there to do on a free day then explore. Hansame was amongst the rubble of what used to be the old Kazekage tower. Hansame hadn't been to the surface yet, but he had heard news of a new Tower being placed up in the surface. So he walked around the remains of the old tower's hall, looking at the walls, the columns, practically looking at everything but where he was going.

Continuing to make his way down the hall after a turn, the little blond started to really think about his life, perhaps because of the immense destruction, or maybe it was just one of those days. Nevertheless, the small child was lost in his trail of thoughts stemming from what kind of person he wanted to become, from protecting people in the village, or throwing it all away once he became strong enough and living his life the way he wanted to, even if it meant hurting people. With the practically infinite amount of choices to choose from, the small blond still retained his bright smile, though his light purple eyes seemed to look dim, like he was almost in a trance. Making his way towards the end of the hall and towards a seemingly dead end, Hansame continued to ponder what he actually wanted to be.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Topic Entered With NPC ~ Miroku Touka
Touka had been making her rounds through the village giving out aid where needed as instructed by Akkuma, she was sitting back admiring the ruins of the Kazekage Tower. In its own way the ruins were beautiful, she was mentally debating whether or not to go retrieve her drawing pad and do a sketch of the ruins when she noticed something peculiar. A small blonde haired youth entering the ruins 'What is he doing?! Those ruins could collapse on him at any moment.' she thought to herself, deciding to follow the youth into the building. Entering through the same way she looked around seeing the young sunan walking around the corner "Wa..." before she could finish her words he had vanished around the corner with a sigh she proceeded down the hall. Her heels sending resounding knocks echoing ahead of her, after following the boy for quite sometime she finally caught up to the youth in a dead end.

"Excuse me! But what are you doing? These ruins could collapse further at any moment, do you know how dangerous this is?!" she asked slightly in a disapproving and frustrated tone. In truth this was only because she worried that something might happen to the boy and being a civilian she would have been unable to help. That was a thought she couldn't stand if there was one thing she hated it was people being foolish, more often then not she had to drag Akkuma off from these types of situations. 'What is it with males and being so foolish?' she thought to herself maybe it was in their genetics, all she knew was that she would set this youth on the right path.

Edited to fix IMG link mistake


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Mar 16, 2015
Hansame's attention snapped back to the world of the living when a sort of stern voice called out. Blinking a few times as his eyes returned back to their sparkly normal point rather then the dim point it had when Hansame seemed to be in deep thought. The smol child turned around and was surprised to see a rather attractive lady in front of him. He stared at the figure for a moment before hearing the next part of what she said. Hansame looked a little ashamed at the scolding he had received, though he still had a bright smile on his face, albeit a slightly embarrassed one.

He was still a little starstruck because of the presence he felt from the woman, but he managed to snap out of it and managed to think straight again. The stranger kind of reminded Hansame of a motherly queen, though he had no questions about why she herself was in the crumbling temple, mainly because the boy was still at the age where he hadn't seen parts of the ugly sides of the world yet. "Oh, er, I'm sorry miss, i was just exploring the temple because i was kind of curious about the temple and how it looked on the inside, but i guess i got a bit distracted doing a bit a thinking, like about the future, but i'm sorry." He said cheerfully despite the situation at hand, and even gave a small bow for respect.

Miroku Akkuma

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Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Touka couldn't help but give the sunan youth a small smile, his words took her back to when Akkuma and her often explored the ruins in the waste. She noted the boys bow and he seemed a bit embarrassed to have been scolded by the woman he didn't know. "Haven't you ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat?" she would ask with a giggle, her voice was soft and sweet. She carried herself with a sense of authority even in this foreign land. 'It seems this one is a bit of a dreamer...' she thought to herself, just as Akkuma was and look how far he had come. Giving the youth a nod she motioned for him to follow her "Come now let us leave these ruins before we find ourselves trapped within them." she said warmly waiting for the boy to walk with her, those crimson eyes held a stern yet warm feeling to their gaze.

"So what future were you thinking of? What path do you think you will walk in this life?" she asked him trying to distract herself from the fact they were in an unstable wreckage, capable of collapsing further in on them at any time. There was something about Touka's warm nature, that often made it easier for people to trust. Not to mention the way she carried herself, one would no doubt think she was of noble birth. But this was not the case she had been born and raised in a small farming village. She had become the person she was today due to her time spent with her Lord.

"My name is Miroku Touka, may I ask what yours is?" her voice was smooth and enticing, those eyes held their friendly almost entrancing gaze. Something about her more often then not seemed to catch the interest of those she encountered, making her a person one did not easily forget.


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Mar 16, 2015
Raising his head and looking slightly confused for a milliseconds at the change of tone in the voice of the matriarchal figure, and the warm smile on her face, causing Hansame to smile even brighter and nod his head. Still not knowing or evening asking basic questions like why the woman was in the temple if it was so dangerous. He watched the woman leave, and when she motioned and told him to follow, the optimistic blond quickly followed after her, finally catching up and walked side by side with her.

Hansame looked at the woman as she asked him about what exactly he was thinking about. "I was just sorta thinking about life and all the news that's been happening, and all of the destruction, so just wondering when it's going to be over, that's when my parents said they were going to come back!" he exclaimed, and his eyes were filled with so much hope and optimism it was clear that he had little to no idea about the slim possibility of his parents coming back, or even knew about the truth about why his parents left the village even, though it had been probably written in a little file somewhere.

He continued to speak right after the pause, with little to no change in tone. "I kinda want to protect people because i just want to see people smile and be happy, and i don't want them to get hurt by things i could've stopped, but i don't really know what kind of path i want to take…" he trailed off, still smiling. "Oh, and I'm Ehime Hansame, nice to meet you!" he added

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Touka sighed at the youths words it was a story many of the Sunan youths had been told, some found out their parents died. Others found themselves back safely in the arms of those they loved, others two often found out nothing left to wonder. She gained a stern look in those eyes once more, but there was a warmth that she could not hide. "I'm sure you'll find them soon enough or they will find you. Things are rather chaotic at the moment..." she would say words warm, she took them down the same paths they had taken to get here as he spoke.

"Well to me it sounds like you want to take the path of a Hero...or a Legend. We can only know once you start to walk your path." she would say "Well Ehime Hansame it is my pleasure to meet you." her voice enchantingly warm and sweet. Smiling once they had neared the exit of the building, for then she would let the youth feel her wrath.

One they were outside the buildings ruins she stared down at Hansame, that aura of power and authority once more emanated from her. Attempting to grab the boys ear (much in the way a mother or older sister would) if successful she would lead him away from the ruins. "Just because you're a shinobi, it doesn't mean you can throw your life away. How would those who loved you feel?" she asked him seriously before remembering that he was not a Miroku child, she blushed brightly letting go of his ear (if she had succeeded in maintaining hold of it or even being successful).

"Please forgive is not my place." she would ask of him, giving the youth an apologetic bow. "Hansame I am sorry, I'm so used to be the stern sister with the children of my clan. I only do this because I care..." she would say before deciding to explain just a little. "I've seen a lot of horrible things in my time...the world could use more heroes. If you want to protect those you care about, you have to think carefully about the choices you make. My Lord Akkuma, I think you would find him an interesting man. Perhaps you should meet him..." she thought to herself Akkuma did have a way with ambitious shinobi.

At least when it came to conversation on the paths people took he possessed a genuine interest. Besides he was one of the craziest fools she knew, he had survived this long maybe he would be able to give the boy some pointers. Shaking the thought briefly from her mind. "As for the path you take...why not just forge your own one?" she would ask, so long as Hansame followed his heart he would surely have no doubts. But then again she was not a shinobi she didn't face the same decisions as the ones thrown upon a shinobi.

Edited to fix color Code


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Mar 16, 2015
Hansame smiled and nodded his head, the hope in his eyes never leaving, though they were slightly interrupted when Hansame failed to notice the hand coming for his ear when they exited the remains of the temple. Feeling the initial pain at first, slightly worsened due to the surprise, he could only really follow Touka as she marched forward away of the ruins, feeling embarrassed and slightly guilty about the actions he made, that could of easily have ended his life. Almost a soon as they got away from the crumbling ruins, the red haired lady let go, and looked just slightly embarrassed with herself.

Rubbing his ear and feeling some of the pain fading away from his head, The young sunan listened to Touka apologize for what she just did. At first, Hansame had little idea as to whether or not he should say it was ok or be mad, or any reaction, but after he heard the reasoning about why she had done so, Hansame smiled and felt a little emotional too. His mother had been away more often then not, so Hansame never really had a moment like that with her, and the fact that Touka mistook him for part of her family made Hansame pretty happy. With the mention of her Lord, curiosity began to build up inside of Hansame, about what he looked like, or even who he was in the first place. With so many thoughts about who Akkuma was, Hansame almost missed the next statement the woman made. Looking up at her almost in a way a little brother would to his big sister, the admirable way, not the i will annoy you so much way, he thought about making his own path in life, and nodded his head. "Yeah! i'll do that, that way, i wouldn't have to worry as much about what people thing of me. What about you miss Touka? what kind of life did you have growing up?" the small blond asked.

Miroku Akkuma

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Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Touka couldn't help feel another pang of guilt when the youth rubbed his ear, she did hope she hadn't hurt him. It seemed Hansame was deciding on how he felt about what she had just done. Though when he smiled she felt relief 'Well it seems he isn't upset.' she thought with a sigh. When he looked up at her she saw admiration in his eyes. Hansame's words made the woman smile warmly. "I look forward to seeing what path you forge for yourself." Her words were warm and sincere. She couldn't help but wonder just how much of her past she should tell the boy. Before deciding she would let him know most of it, at least most of the important details.

"Well my childhood was pretty average for the most part. I grew up in the Outland Wastes, it's a rough and unforgiving place but we made do. Our village lived off the land, farming it. We used our excess stores to pay off the local bandit group, in return we were protected from the other smaller gangs." she would say with a warm smile looking up at the sky above them. Letting out a sigh she would continue on.

"One year we suffered severe droughts most of our crop didn't make it to harvest. Unfortunately the local bandits cared little about that, they still demanded their tribute. We barely had enough to feed ourselves, we couldn't give them the tribute." she would say quietly, a brief flash of grief would go over her gaze. "I was thirteen then, my father told me to run. Leave the village, he was going to try to work things out with the group...I could tell by the look in his eyes that would be the last time I would see him." she looked away wiping away a small tear that had formed in the corner of her eyes.

"So I did the only thing I could and ran. I can still remember hearing their screams as I ran, I didn't stop until my legs could no longer carry me. Then I dragged myself until I could no longer move, finally exhaustion made me pass out." those crimson eyes looked into those incredibly hope filled eyes of Hansame. "When I awoke I had been bathed and was sleeping in a tent. Someone had found me and bathed me, I was terrified at the thoughts of who it could have been." she said that warmness returning to her eyes. "An elderly women entered the tent, telling me to rest until I was better and that I was safe." she chuckled as she remembered her reaction.

"I demanded to see who was in charge. So she took me to meet him...and that's when I first met Miroku Akkuma." there was a fondness in her eyes as she said the mans name. "Even back then when he looked more human he still terrified me. The half-demon Dark Sage from Mist, little did I know he would become my Lord." she said watching Hansame's reaction when she mentioned he was a demon. "He explained they had found me, asking what I was doing out there by myself. Back then he was just a teenager, a few years older then I was. When I explained what had happened he flew into a rage, dashing through the wilderness following my tracks...I pleaded with his kin to follow him, that they would surely kill him." she giggled at the memory of them all laughing.

"Have faith in our Lord and he will never disappoint. That's what they told me, I mingled with the clan getting to know them while we waited for Akkuma. Just as the sun started to rise we could see him approaching on the horizon." she started to blush at remembering how she had acted. "When he came back into town I told him he was a fool! That he could have been killed...he just laughed and threw the heads of the bandits down at my feet. 'They'll never bother anyone else again.' he told me. I screamed so loud it even made him jump, I passed out after that." she would say with laugh. "It took time but slowly I grew to know Akkuma and the path he walks. It is a path he walks for the sake of all who are precious to him. Even through all the pain it has brought him not once has he strayed from it. That is why he became my Lord and the being I admire." she would say before looking back at Hansame, realising she had been talking for sometime.

OOC: Sorry for the wait! Hope Touka didn't talk Hansame's ear off!


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Mar 16, 2015
All of Hansame's attention and focus was on Touka as she began the story of her life. Staring at her with a smile, he tried to imagine her in that life, and felt that he did a relatively good job at it. The small blond also saw and noted the emotion in her eyes as she told her tale. When she got to the part about the bandits and how she ran, for the first time in a while Hanse's smile faded away, and a look of worry and sorrow formed. Even though he knew deep down that it was all over and it had happened years ago, he still couldn't help himself for feeling sad about it, and almost felt a tear form in his eye himself but before he could, his new friend continued about what had happened next with her story. His train of thought was halted when Touka brought up the fact about how her Lord, Akkuma, was in fact a demon.

At first Hansame simply thought it was a title he held, but when he realized that she meant a literal demon, the young boy put a stop to all other thoughts to think about what was being said. "A real demon miss Touka? i thought those were only in books he exclaimed before thinking of how different he would imagine the world would be now that he had the knowledge that the demonkind truly existed outside of the books. He hadn't fully grasped the concept of how demons were real, but was sure to be thinking about it later. At the part about how Akkuma actually killed all of the bandits and maybe beheaded them afterwords, the small optimistic blond had a bountiful amount of questions to ask Touka.

"Woah, so your lord is pretty strong, and he wants to protect the ones he loves too, but what else is he like? he sounds like a pretty interesting person" he smiled

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Touka watched Hansame closely as he listened to her intently, surprised that he had managed to stay interested in her story. Though naturally the thing that intrigued him the most was her Lord, after all he was a being of great renown. Chuckling at the young sunans words she would give him a warm smile. "Haha yes he is. So did I before I met him, one thing he taught me was that monsters are real in this world. Spirits, demons and monsters...they are real." she would say with a sigh, hoping she hadn't completely shattered the boys thoughts of this world. She watched closely as he seemed to be deep in thought before his next words about her Lord made her giggle.

"Well...he's a complicated being. Akkuma can be caring, fiercely protective, compassionate capable of risking his life for someone he's just met. But at the same time he can be monstrous, terrifying and a brilliant tactician. Truthfully...I've never met another being close to him, I think I could spend a lifetime with my Lord and still not know what he is truly thinking or planning." she would say with a small smile before deciding to tell Hansame a bit more about her Lord, seeing as he seemed so interested in the man. Those crimson eyes looked down at Hansame as she spoke "My Lord can summon the undead, other demons, creatures from other realms. Akkuma is capable of moving through dimensions, when it comes to sealing arts there is probably no one who could come close to his skill. Even the kage's listen to his words, no matter if they care for him or not. Across all the great nations my Lord is respected or feared, sometimes both." she would say with a small chuckle after all before looking down at the gaze of Hansame.

"Half Human & Half Demon...all monster. He lacks patience when it comes to most things, I remember when he burst into the Raikage's private quarters. Not too mention he tends to have a tendency to battle Anbu, whether in Stone, Mist, Cloud he has battled at least one in each of them. No doubt it's only a matter of time till he finds one here that he considers a worthy challenge, perhaps it was due to the fact he used to be an Anbu." she said with a shrug before giving a sigh, the sun had started to set and the cold night was starting to set in. "Have you been in the Toraono Dojo before? The Toraono Clan has demonic heritage too I believe, they are our sister clan." she would say with a warm smile perhaps she would see if he could meet a nice demon before being thrown into a meeting with Akkuma. Often even grown men and skilled shinobi shuddered at his presence, his aura made the bravest of souls shudder with fear.



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Mar 16, 2015
Still sort of in a daze and trying to accept the fact that the monsters and demons were really in this world, Hansame nearly dazed off and didn't hear Touka's in depth description of her Lord. Hansame started to count all of the different traits and faces of Akkuma, trying to picture what the man looked like, the small child picturing something like a tall hooded figure with a heart of gold, and maybe some medium to long length hair that was a bit spiky, just for an aesthetic purpose on the child's behalf, though it was just his imagination, so it didn't really matter as much. But he took out his trusty notepad and an array of colored pencils, and began to draw while they were walking, albeit his main focus was on Touka.

At the talk about his past actions, the child looked down and added a few more details to his little drawing before taking a small break to give his full attention to his new friend. He nodded his head excitedly when asked about if he had visited the Toraono dojo in the past. "Yeah! I went there before, it's pretty big and always clean, so it's a little scary at first, but it's a really nice place to train and stuff!" he smiled brightly, but looked interested in the Toraono clan and it's aspects. "What's the Toraono clan? I heard of them before, but i don't really know of them, what are they like?" he asked curiously, and after he had his answer or not, he would hold up the picture of what he thought Akkuma was, a tall pale muscular figure with long spiky dark grey, almost black hair that went down to his tailbone, and crimson eyes. The drawing Akkuma wore a black ragged cloak, shirtless, and his chest was riddled with some blood, scars, and muscle, also pitch black pants. Around the Akkuma in the picture were a few dead bodies were littered about, shown by some x's over the eyes, and various weapons imaled in them. Even though his drawing looked a bit crude, his details were fairly well, and Hansame considered it a pretty good attempt at what he thought akkuma looked like. "Does Mister Akkuma look something like this Miss Touka?" he asked, smiling, and his eyes seemed to sparkle a little bit more.

Miroku Akkuma

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Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Touka watched Hansame sketch as she talked, wondering what it was he was drawing. "It can be scary true...thee is a lot of history within those walls. Lord Akkuma thoroughly enjoys training with the Toraono Clan, they are exceptionally resilient and quite proficient in martial arts. They have demon heritage, in fact my Lord Akkuma is betrothed to Lady Seika of House Toraono." she leaned in to whisper to the boy.

"She actually has an Angel bound to her, that angel used to be Lord Akkuma's love in a past life. It seems even after reincarnation they were meant to be together...its Fate." she would say with only the tiniest hint of jealously in her voice. Hansame held up his sketch which he had been working on while she spoke, asking her if it resembled Akkuma. She chuckled warmly no doubt Akkuma would have loved the dead bodies in the background.

"It possesses a remarkably similar appearance to him...except he has two large horns protruding from his forehead, one eye looks like it's a diamond or jewel. He has claws, a long demonic tail and razor sharp teeth. But other then that it's almost spot on, even including the scars. Though some of those would actually be curse seals on Akkuma...the similarity is remarkable." she would say her gaze shifting from the drawing to Hansame.

"You're quite talented Hansame, to draw something so close to him with so few details. You must have a keen memory for details and a vivid imagination to see him so clearly." she said with a sweet smile, her words were genuine as she complimented him on his skill. "Perhaps you can show Lord Akkuma when you meet him, I'm sure he would appreciate it." Touka said with a warm smile, she who knew maybe he would end up getting the boy to do a portrait of him. Her Lord was unpredictable, but she knew he would certainly enjoy this depiction of the himself.


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Mar 16, 2015
Hansame marveled at the Toraono Clan's speciality and traits, wondering if all of them had demonic traits imbued in them, and if they were shown. 'come to think of it, wasn't there one other classmate who was from the Toraono?" he thought to himself as the two strolled along, and would have to ask his classmate later about the subject, for now he had other things to think about. Continuing to listen, especially about the part with the angel, Hansame became even more intrigued and couldn't wait to see what Akkuma was like, but before he could speak again, he paused, looking slightly confused as he heard Touka’s tone of voice change slightly, from a cheerful informing tone to a still cheerful tone, but with a slight, almost unnoticed undertone of a malignant emotion to it. Blinking a few times as he clutched his drawing, he looked mildly worried, but just like the hint of jealousy in Touka’s voice, his worry was subtle and generally unnoticeable to most, but not all.

When Touka gave her thoughts on the Akkuma drawing, Hansame beamed at the compliment, glad that some of the artistic liberties he took paid off, though when he heard some of the details he had missed, Hansame became even more eager to see the person that Touka spoke so highly of. With a small skip in his step, He looked slightly embarrassed at the compliment given to him ”Oh, I’m not that good, there are a lot better people, and I’m much better at other things, and I mean I took a few artistic liberties, but thank you for the compliment!” he said taking a small pause before continuing ”Do you really think Mr. Akkuma’ll like the drawing? he asked, feeling a little nervous for some reason the more he spoke about Akkuma.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Touka couldn't help notice Hansame clutch his drawing closer to him and she couldn't help but wonder if he sensed that she was not entirely pleased with the wedding. Though when she complimented him on his artistic abilities, noting that he seemed to gain a bit more of a happy skip to his steps. She gave Hansame a warm smile as he tried to brush off her compliment with modesty. "Nonsense...just because there are others who are better at something then you, does not make the skill you have any less impressive." she would say warmly with a friendly look in her eyes. Those Crimson eyes of hers starring warmly into Hansames bright, hope filled eyes.

When he asked her if she thought Akkuma would truly like it she would chuckle. "I'm sure he will...Lord Akkuma will certainly like it. Its not often he gets someone drawing him...particularly in such an Akkuma-like scene." she would say with a chuckle, for its true he was often surrounded by demons and the dead. But sometimes the dead did not stay dead for he was a capable of many magnificent feats, even bending death to his every whim.

"Wold you like me to tell you more about my Lord?" she asked him with a warm grin, clearly the boy seemed interested in him. Maybe it was the fact he was demon, maybe it was because he was a powerful shinobi or maybe it was just because of the stories she said about him. If Hansame wanted to find out more about her Lord he just might have another mind blowing experience. For the Miroku were far from normal and their Lord was even more unique and interesting.


New Member
Mar 16, 2015
Hansame smiled a little more on the inside when Touka assured him that his artistic talent was indeed valid, and began to feel like Touka was more of a big sister to him, or maybe even a motherly figure on a stretch despite the short time that they met each other. As they continued to stroll down, one of the two slightly skipping, he couldn't help to notice a boy that was about in his 3's or 4's playing with his family. Pausing to observe the happy moment between the three people, he smiled for a moment, then continued as a nostalgic warm feeling entered his body, before a cold, empty feeling surfaced inside of him, causing the blonde to stop and space out as his eyes became uncharacteristically dim, before after a medium sized pause, he blinked again and shook his head. At first he still looked a little out of it, but after a deep breath he then went on like nothing happened at all.

Continuing to move, he clutched his sketchpad and nodded his head with a certainty when Touka asked if he wanted to know more about the half demon hell lord. "I would love too big sis-I mean Miss touka. he said, correcting himself and looking slightly embarrassed at his slip of the tongue, but once again managed to push down his unwanted feelings and smile like there had never been a mistake. So many questions were inside of his mind and Hansame wondered what other mysteries that the dark lord held.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Touka walked with Hansame and was glad that he seemed to be enjoying her company, for she was enjoying his. Though she couldn't help notice the boys appearance took on a that of someone who was suffering. 'Poor Hansame it breaks my heart to see someone so young without family.' she thought as she felt a pang of sadness for the boy. Before she could say anything he composed himself and went on as if nothing had happened. After he had answered her she gave the sunan youth a warm smile "Its fine I don't can call me big sis if you like." she would say in a smooth voice giving him a warm smile, those crimson eyes burning with compassion for the youth.

"Well where should I begin...well you know he is a demon, but he is also capable of summoning other demons." she would say hunching over Hansame doing her best creepy voice. "Even the dead cannot escape my Lord, he's capable of summoning multiple undead minions. There's whispers he can even bring back elite shinobi to do his bidding even in death." her words and behaviour was much like one would expect to see among siblings. "Even creatures from different realms have given their loyalty to my Lord. Such as Bikou...he is a forty foot tall polar bear, who is adorned in incredible golden armour." she would say offhandedly as if it were the most normal thing she had such said. Smiling she would look down at the boy she had begun to care for "Who do you stay with Hansame? I mean while your parents are gone?" she would ask him compassion and worry in her gaze. Fates forbid she heard he was staying on the streets she might very well take him in as her adopted brother. After all she doubted Akkuma would object and if the boy didn't have any family here it would really be his decision.

OOC: Aw Hansame breaking my heart poor little fella.


New Member
Mar 16, 2015
Hansame gave a small laugh and a big smile when Touka smiled back and said that she didn't mind if Hansame wanted to call her big sis. So he nodded his head as well and felt that familiar warm feeling returned to him. When Touka began to elaborate on the feats and abilities of Akkuma, he couldn't find a way show any more curiosity and interest about the subject, mainly because he was pretty close of hitting his limit on excitement, though the small child did look just as excited. Laughing a bit at the creepy tone that Touka spoke with him, Hansame wasn't at all creeped out, more giggling and laughing for how he thought Touch's change in tone was sort of amusing and funny to him.

He tried to imagine what Bikou looked like, and almost reminded him of a book he had read before, but then had trouble imagining a ruler of the undead and demons riding a polar bear into battle, or even trying to imagine what a polar bear was. But out of all the things he had heard today, this wasn't the strangest that he had heard. At the moment when Touka asked Hansame of his place of residence, the small Sunan grinned. "Oh! I live in the middle-ish class of Suna, but it's sort of near the red lights area, but it's not so bad! It's also where i work and it's nice. It's just me, so it's ok if no one's around, i mean, everyone get's lonely, but i'm either at school or working so I barely notice!" he exclaimed happily.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Touka giggled with Hansame her smile was radiant and full of joy. She wondered what Hansame saw in his mind at her description of the comrades her Lord had. Though she started to worry once more when he said that he lived and worked near the red light area. She stopped walking and looked down at Hansame "...if you could, would you want to come stay with my clan? Just until your parents came back, that way you wouldn't have to worry about work. That way you would have all the time you wanted for your shinobi studies and you wouldn't have to be alone. There are other children in our clan you could play with, there's always someone doing something interesting and fun. Maybe you could even become friends with young Riyota." she would say, he was the adopted son of her Lord. Not that the Miroku cared if someone was blood, once you were invited into their family they would always support their kin.

"I know it's not my place to say or these things...but I would worry less knowing you weren't by yourself. Our clan estate should be complete soon enough, but there is plenty of room at the Toraono Dojo. Though meals can get a bit chaotic, well and incredibly festive. I know you don't really know me, but if you don't want to stay with us. Would you mind me visiting you? Just so I know you're okay?" she would ask him, it was no wonder Hansame was beginning to think of her as a big sis. She couldn't help it but, Touka wouldn't be herself if she didn't care about those around her.



New Member
Mar 16, 2015
Hansame had a bit of a late reaction when Touka stopped in her tracks, and when he noticed he wasn't accompanied by his new friend. Quickly scootering back to her, the moment she looked down right at Hansame, the small child had the feeling something big was about to occur. Blinking and trying to comprehend the offer that Touka gave to him, Hansame was rendered speechless as Touka explained to him all of the benefits and what he could do while staying at the Toraono dojo with her and her clan. The small blond thought about it for what seemed like an eternity to him and was about to make his decision when a little small detail crept up behind him. The promise he made with his first friend just a while ago, how they were going to travel the world and explore it's depths together, and maybe some other goals. He then remembered how his friend also lived at the Toraono dojo as well, but he still felt bad for some reason. A guilty look crossed his face as he took a small breath and began to speak.

" really really want to go with you and live at the dojo, but I made this promise to a friend. We made this promise to stay friends and go explore the world as soon as we can, or maybe sometime." he began, taking a small pause before continuing. "And i feel kind of bad becoming part of this big clan even though I don't know how long i'll stay at your home before i leave with my friend Yanji, so i don't know what to do. I guess i could stay for a bit, if that's alright, i mean, i don't know how long i'd be living with your i feel bad about staying with you knowing i'd eventually leave sometime..." He said, his tone sort of sad, but still retained that familiar happiness.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Touka smiled warmly at Hansame "Sure thing! You don't have to worry if you want to travel you can. Most of us travel to another country at least once a year, we're a nomadic tribe. Plus if you get to know Akkuma you might end up making a lot of allies for your travel." she would say excitedly with a warm grin.'Yanji..' she thought to herself wondering who that was. Little did she know Yanjiro was her Lords kin "Even if you go away...if you need somewhere to stay or need help. Just ask me, okay?" she would say as she gave his hair a brief ruffle.

"So who's Yanji? He's not going to lead my little bro into trouble now is he?" she would ask her tone joking and a sisterly teasing smile played on her face. She started walking again making sure to stay by Hansame's side as they talked. They headed towards the Toraono Dojo, those Crimson eyes looked down upon him listining intently to the youths words.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
