Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Pleasant Encounter at an Unpleasant Location [PM to Enter]

Oct 22, 2012
Summers in Kumogakure were too short for Kahako’s tastes. She leaned back in the chair outside her aunt’s café and sighed. A crisp breeze blew caused a few colored leaves to tumble across the streets. It would only be a few short weeks before it was too cold to enjoy the outdoors. For now, her bright red cloak was doing a fair job at keeping the fall chill off her shoulders.

Kahako leaned back, her hood down for the moment as she enjoyed the sights and sounds of the civilians around her. ‘I’m here to protect them.’ She thought nonchalantly as she felt her weapons shift with her body under her cloak. It was the second reason why she was wearing the red thing. She never carried much, but it was always better to be prepared. Lately, she had taken comfort in the presence of non-shinobi around her. Maybe it was because this area was like that of her home near Kalmura. Maybe it was because she was tired of all the death. Her last mission involved too many dead. Too many plagued villagers that didn’t deserve what happened to them. This place was nothing like that quiet village. This place was happy and filled with people. With children laughing and chatter and gossip. The people of Kumo have lived in a peaceful bliss for a very long time. While those outside the village lived in almost constant fear. Her last mission really made her realize how large an illusion Kumogakure really was. Kahako silently worried how long it would really last.

“You know what’s wrong with Lightning country these days? Everyone’s obsessed with death.” She said to no one in particular.
“That reasoning would only be because of your profession, Kahako-chan,” came a voice from beside her. Kahako didn’t need to lift her head to realize that the voice was coming from her aunt. She wasn’t really surprised either, as she was currently sitting outside of her café. The older woman placed the cup of tea and small ramen bowl on the table beside Kahako.

“I wasn’t exactly talking to you, Sei-obasan.” Kahako said as she grabbed for a pair of chopsitcks from the stand in the middle of the table.

“When you speak your mind to no one in particular, you should be prepared to hear the opinions of others overhearing you.” Her aunt said. She crossed her arms as she looked at her niece.“Why are you here anyway, Kahako-chan. I told you that I haven’t received a letter from your mother in a while.” Kahako sighed as she started to pick at her ramen, wishing that her aunt would go back to her work. It would be a cold day in hell before she would admit to the woman that her cooking tasted exactly like the cooking of Kahako’s mother.

“I am a patron, no? I can eat wherever I please.” She said simply as she took a bite of her food. Sei scoffed and lower her voice so that none but Kahako would hear.

“Well hurry and finish eating. You’re scaring my patrons.” With that Sei turned and walked back into her café.

Kahako gave a sullen glare at her aunt. “They live in a shinobi village; the only person scared of me is you.” She said quietly as she took another bite of her noodles. She’d be damned if that woman ruined her meal.
Re: A Pleasant Encounter at an Unpleasant Location [PM to En

He wasn't lost, really. He knew where he was, geographically speaking. He was in Kumo, in the mountains, in Lightning, on the continent in the world that he was used to. So not knowing which street this was certainly seemed small in comparison. It did seem rather big of an issue without that comparison however.

Hoshikata had spent the day simply wandering and taking in the sights to anyone who looked. In truth he was checking to see if he was being shadowed and memorizing what he could of the layout of the village and any major structures he could bring down should the need arise. He hoped it did not since he preferred not to get caught in a pitched battle in this place. He was here for a peaceful reason and so long as Cloud remembered that it would remain peaceful.

As his eyes alighted on a cafe off the avenue he would turns his steps and look behind him surreptitiously. He knew that his lack of seeing anyone didn't meant he wasn't being followed, however. Hoshikata, for all that he did not miss many details, did not have a perfect memory for people and he'd seen enough of them this day to have his fill of faces for a while. He would be happy for some peace when he got back to his room.

As he looked for the hostess of the place, he would find her arguing with another woman. Odd, did this place not know how to remain professional? The Seer begins to step closer, the crystal cap on his staff tapping against the floor as he moves. And he would begin to hear the subject. They seemed close, but the younger one appeared to be acting coldly.

He smiles and clears his throat to get their attention. ”Which of you lovely ladies would be the proprietor? I find myself desiring some nutrition and a drink.” His voice was soft and warm, but it would be easy to tell that under the silk of his tone hid something harder than iron. A man used to people responding and obeying. And should they look, they would find nothing like they expected before them.

He stood just under six feet tall, and his skin was like burnished gold. His hair was long and shock white and it fell around his shoulders. He wore purple robes, trimmed in gold with black runes in the trim, and black boots were on his feet. A staff, nearly as tall as himself, was gripped in one hand. The foot of it was capped in a sharp crystal point, and the shaft was made of sturdy ironwood. At the top was a crystal globe held by four talons.

But the most striking thing were likely his eyes. The irises matched his skin in their golden tint, but his black pupils were not circular as they should be. Instead, staring at the two from that inhuman visage, were two black hourglasses.
Re: A Pleasant Encounter at an Unpleasant Location [PM to En


Awaking in a dark room, on an unfamiliar bed, flesh in his mouth, the soft gasps of emptying from the women's mouth as his own left her throat, leaving two pin sized holes that bled slightly. Of course she wouldn't die from this, he made a quick glance over to make sure. She was weak, faint, he did not care. This was simply a women who served on the streets. His care for any life was rather dime, but as the haze of thirst waned, his eyes slowly tinted back to an olive green, then darkened. Life didn't last long in his form. He felt dreary from coming out of "the Haze", his own term to describe when the demon took over at night to feast till the day light hours.

This was the last person on his list to feed from. He dropped the small sack of yen by her side, the women reached over and took the coin. She tried to make an audible sound, but sleep soon took her. The demon grinned at the satisfied look on the women's face as he left her room through the window and landed in the streets below, drawing only a few faces to look at him. a man tall as a giant, frame rather wide yet not very muscular, very lean. His hair long and unrevealed. He didn't give a shit bout how he looked in the morning. shaking his mane to loosen it, unbuttoning his nice colorful tropical shirt with some nice shorts on. it was so nice in fall weather and cold out, breathing in deeply the fresh crisp air, the smell of baked goods and other assorted foods hung in the air with. It was a nice day to go for a walk, maybe get something to eat that wasn't liquids for once. His stomach growled anticipating a real meal fit for most humans. Heavily sighing as he drew his pack of cigarettes and walked down the block. Lighting his smoke with a snap of his fingertips. He forgot his lighter at the temple. The thought of that old run down place brought the thought of that swordsage, a chill runs up the demons spine. "Fuck, I forgot to tell him I'd be out for a bit, he's probably looking for me in the usual spots." Mumbled the demon under short breaths of the cigarette smoke.


The soup was very good, reminds him of what his mother used to make for him as a child, the sweet nostalgia brought a smile, hidden under the long wafts of the elders beard. In the morning he always loved to browse about the stores and restaurants to eat and get his bit of exercise. he himself, Kotsurugi looked like a giant old man clad in white robes, his walking stick leaning on the counter by his side, a nice big bowl of rabbit stew in front of him. Just the warmth he needed for the weather was getting a tad nippy for his liking. He also wondered where the demon ran off to, without a note or odd speech bout needing to get laid. It was always a worry for the old man when the demon was walking amongst normal humans, his lust for blood was astounding. It was almost in a way, growing each coming months. The elder followed the demon once, his standard consumption was mostly five pints a day, taking one pint from five individuals. But now, it was gaining to seven people a day he would visit to drink from. Kotsurugi looked deeply into the bowl of noodles while he ate and listened around him, the window not far from him was open a bit, he could hear the voices outside. One he knew enough was a friend to the demon. Maybe he would catch Satou here. Of course, being here wasn't really a coincidence.
Re: A Pleasant Encounter at an Unpleasant Location [PM to En

Sei did not get very far before a voice made her pause. Her head turned to the sidewalk just as the man in robe walked up to him. If Sei had been on edge with Kahako around, it increased ten-fold with the man before her. However, true to the Higa name, Sei hid her surprise well.

“Irrashaimase, Okyakusama,” Sei said as she bowed. It was the customary greeting any hostess would give a patron upon arrival, and as she rose she hid the shiver that ran up her spine as she looked into the odd man’s eyes. “Welcome to Shonagon’s. I am the owner and hostess of the place.” Her smile remained reserved as he walked closer. From head to toe, he was odd. And not in a good way in Sei’s eyes. ‘Best keep him outside,’ She thought to herself. “Please, Okyakusama, have a seat. Unfortunately, many of our tables inside are full. But the air is still warm, and I suggest enjoying it while it lasts.”

As Sei guided the new patron to a table, Kahako’s attention was on the man for another reason entirely. Just as her aunt found the man odd, Kahako found him intriguing. She knew he was no citizen, but he did not carry any cloud shinobi insignia on him. It wasn’t unheard of for Kumo shinobi to hide their badges or headbands, but a man his age would be high enough in command that she should recognize him. ‘A foreigner?’ she wondered idly. It was possible, but then again she hadn’t met every person in the village. He could just as well be a comrade.

One of the main doors to the café opened as a young girl barely the age of 15 came out carrying a small pot of tea. A quick glance inside would show that it was in fact quite busy inside and the sound of loud chatter floated out with the girl. She walked up to the old man in white seated at another table and smiled at him.

“Would you like more tea, Okyakusama?” She asked him. Her cheery demeanor was natural as if she truly enjoyed her work. “Maybe even some fresh dango? It’s still waaaarmmmm~” She would continue to tended to the old man until he was content or shooed her away.

Meanwhile, Sei led Hoshitaka to a table near Kahako. “Mura Saki will be your waitress, Okaykusama. I will let her know of your arrival.” She bowed as a hostess should and walked over to the young teenager tending to the old man. “Saki-chan, you have another customer. He’s sitting by Kahako.” Sei didn’t point to the man. She knew it would seem quite rude, and she expected Saki to know exactly who Sei was talking about. Saki turned to her employer in an almost elegant spin and made a sincere salute. “Aye Aye boss~” she said before walking away. Sei looked at the old man sitting next to her. “I hope everything is to your liking?” she said with a calm smile, engaging in polite conversation with him.

Saki returned this time with a cup and what looked to be a different pot. “Pumpkin spice tea! On the house for all new customers.~” She said in a sing-song voice. ”Plus it’s great for the turn of the season, no? Now, what can I get you?” She said as she set the tea down next to Hoshitaka.

Kahako smiled at Saki and continued eating. She was still curious about the new man at her aunt’s café. If he was a shinobi, then he might have overheard the conversation with her aunt, and despite their blatant differences, she didn’t wish for a patron to have a negative opinion of Sei. So when Saki left, Kahako decided to speak to him yet keep her voice low enough that Sei would not hear her as she talked to the old man in white robes. “Don’t worry about my aunt. Despite our personal differences, she is a great hostess and even better cook.”
Re: A Pleasant Encounter at an Unpleasant Location [PM to En

It was hard to hide things from him, when he could see the very soul attached to your body and judge by it what was happening. He could also pick up the minute twitches of muscles under the skin, and had been raised to judge people's motives and minds. It didn't take him long to figure out this woman, for all her professionalism, wanted nothing to do with him. It would probably have bothered many other people to know this, but to him it was merely another thing going on to not care about in this village.

Hoshikata watches her bow, not returning the gesture. One did not bow to the lesser beings, and sadly for all present he knew what he was and knew it was above this woman. Plus one did not bow to the owner of the place they were going to spend money, it was just weird. Instead he would follow her to his seat, sinking into the chair without a sound and letting his staff go. The weapon would stand straight up at his side, still and without support. ”Thank you much.”

And then he smiled. It was warm, it was full of promises. And it was fake, though none could ever tell with him. A politican to his dying breath, this one. As the waitress steps over and hands him a tea, he would accept it, and sip at the hot liquid within the cup. Another sip followed before he looked up at the girl and gave her a smile also. ”It is very good. I would like some soup to begin, something that isn't rich. And I'll let you pick the main course, my dear. And more of this tea, it is quite delicious and I find good food goes well with lovely staff such as yourself.”

The Seer takes another sip of the tea, letting it sit on his tongue briefly before swallowing. In truth he hadn't a care if it was warm, cold, or scalding hot. He couldn't tell anymore, just like he couldn't tell how warm or cold it was around him. Apparently he had lost some things in his little transition and not even noticed back in Mist, where he was used to the climate. As he begins another sip the woman who was arguing with the proprietor begins to speak to him. He finishes the cup off, setting it down and turning his head to look at her.

”It's no worry, really. I'm aware of how family can be.” In truth he certainly was, he had his own to worry over right now. One member here in the village, but his other brother nowhere near him. Hoshikata had never been close to Karu, but he did not like the fact that the younger Isaki had chosen to remain in Kirigakure when the rest of the clan left. He would have to do something about that. He voices nothing, however, and smiles at the woman instead, holding out a hand. ”Isaki Hoshikata, Patriarch of the Isaki Clan and former Mizukage.”
Re: A Pleasant Encounter at an Unpleasant Location [PM to En


His movements were slower then most, he took his time with each moment his large gaunt hand was elegant with the chop sticks when taking the noodles and eating them then silently drinking the broth. The sounds of voices echoing through his ear. New voice, nothing of importance to him, but his eyes looked up upon the foreigner. He scanned the man but nothing more then to take in and acknowledge.

Kotsurugi turned his eyes to the cheerful girl who offered some delicious food, but was soon bothered by the owner of the establishment to take care of another customer. At which point the patron herself was now waiting for him to reply. "The soup is really delicious, many thanks. Also, the girl mentioned Dungo. I'll buy four sticks, the flavors are not to worry over. One for the lone girl sitting by herself, one other for the new customer who was just seated and two for myself...Also, some green tea please." He smiled warmly as his long low braided beard blew gently. Stroking it with his other large free hand.

"I'm waiting on someone as well, he'll be arriving shortly. A cup of coffee suits him well." He then reaches into his robes and lays out enough Yen to pay for his meal,the Tea, Coffee, and the Dango. "What time I spend here, I'll be fattened up!" He laughs rather deeply as he continues to finish his soup.


Satou was getting antsy, he made it to the quaint place where he sniffed out Kohako but paused in step, and in breath when seeing the old man sitting at a table outside as well as the head of the foreign group who arrived not to long ago. He didn't know what to do at first, should he just leave them be. But he was worried about Kohako, he did not know what this foreigner was capable of or what his motives were. "Maybe you're just over thinking shit..."whispered the demon in his head.

"Maybe....Shut up, I don't need you prattling on right now."
He casually continued walking towards the small establishment. Soon to be in clear sight.
Re: A Pleasant Encounter at an Unpleasant Location [PM to En


Sei’s eyes filled with mild surprise that the old man was offering Dango to her niece and the new stranger. She could easily deduce that the old man didn’t know Kahako as he called her ‘girl’ instead of her name, but maybe he knew of her? Sei ceased her inner thoughts. Kahako was a shinobi, so her deeds may be known to many in the field. ‘But would that make this old man a shinobi as well?’ Sei thought with slight dismay. She hoped not. He seemed too kind to be connected with that ilk. “As you wish, Okyaku-sama. Four dango, a cup of coffee, and green tea.” Sei said and she gave a small bow and disappeared into the noisy café.

On the other side of the outdoor seating area, Saki quickly took Hoshika’s order without writing anything down. She giggled, taking the compliment in stride. “Our food is even better when patrons like you grace our doors, Okyaku-sama~” Nothing really affected Saki’s usually upbeat personality, as she could control her emotions very well. “Understood, another cup of tea, Pillow Book Miso Soup, and Genji’s Delight coming right up!” With that, she also slipped into the café, her heart set on serving all of her patrons to her best degree.

When the man offered his name and hand to Kahako, she really didn’t know how to accept the greeting. For one thing, hand shaking wasn’t a common method of greeting in Kumogakure. Usually upon first meeting someone, the people of Lightening would bow as a sign of respect. Another issue was that he stated that he was a former Mizukage. So as she reached for his hand to shake, he would immediately tell that she was not skilled in this form of greeting. She felt uncomfortable addressing someone who deserved more respect this way, but she would try her best to understand his custom. “Higa Kahako,” she said with a smile. “I am a kunoichi of the medical branch. If I may ask, what brings you so far from the center of the village, Mizukage-sama? Or so far from home even?” Kahako had no ulterior motives. Truly, she was interested in the man from another country, never being out of Lightening Country herself. Maybe he would tell her more about his home before the day was over.

After a short while of him speaking and her listening, Kahako shifted to the edge of her seat. “Mind if I joined you for lunch?” She asked. "Eating with company always seemed better in my opinion." It was odd to have a conversation with him from another table. Just as she was about to get up, however, she felt a familiar pulse and looked around. Most people wouldn’t feel it unless the owner unleashed it with intent. But Kahako had been around the man enough to feel it whenever he was near. In many people it would cause uneasiness, but Kahako knew it was just natural for her friend. Or maybe it was because her connection to him went beyond friendship and comrade? For all she knew, their very souls could be connected. She wasn't really sure, but she would always sense him none the less. At least, when he wanted her to.

When he came into hearing distance, Kahako showed a full smile. “Satou-san!” Kahako said standing up and giving him a slight bow from her table in greeting. “It is good to see you again. Staying out of serious trouble, I hope?” she said teasingly as he walked up to the café.

After he would respond, Kahako took a step back to give both Hoshikata and Satou a clear view of each other. “Ah, Satou-san, this is Hoshikata-sama. We just met today, coincidentally. He is from Water Country. Hoshikata-sama, this is Ketsueki Satou. A…” she paused just short of admitting their true connection to each other. “…companion of mine.” Kahako stepped back to allow their own introductions.

Saki emerged with a tray that was quite large and almost too heavy for her to carry. She walked over to the old man first before walking toward Kahako and Hoshikata. “Two dango, one cup of green tea, and one cup of coffee, Okyaku-sama,” she said smiling. “Shall I invite our other two patrons to join you this afternoon?” She asked waiting for his answer before turning to them.

It took a second before she noticed Satou. “Irrashaimase!~” she shouted to him in greeting. From were she stood next to the old man. “You must be the patron that Okyaku-sama here bought coffee for!” Saki was completely oblivious to the conversation the trio were having.

Re: A Pleasant Encounter at an Unpleasant Location [PM to En

He would smile as the girl scampered off to get his food, his eyes moving over to Kahako. The fact that she was unsure of how to respond to him was obvious, as was his near amusement at the situation. Once she finally took his hand and shook it, he would lower it to the table and begin to drum softly on the surface. ”A pleasure to meet you. I too was a member of my village's medical branch, quite the calling. And I'm merely sightseeing. This village is very different than Mist. Kirigakure is built in the caldera of a volcano, filled with water. The buildings are all on the islands that litter this lake, and the beaches are of the most beautiful onyx sand.”

There was a wistful tone in his voice, as if he loved to talk about home. In truth he was bored with Mist, but he figured it best to not show that. ”I came to Kumo on business with the Raikage, and am staying to take in some sights before I go. And not at all, company makes for a better meal I find.” He slides his seat over, his staff sliding along beside him though he hadn't touched it. And then he froze, his entire body. His face would freeze into a mask, his eyes widening slightly and the pupils, those hourglass centers, shrinking. It was not fear, however.

Hoshikata rises and turns around, taking in the soul of the thing approaching even before they were visible. The same thing from the gates, that thing that was no human but had the guise of one. Could it recognize Hoshikata for what he was, as he did it for what it was? The Seer begins to flex his fingers, letting the muscles work out any kinks they have, and was about to reach for his staff when the lady he had been speaking with called out to it. Satou. The beast.

The next moments were a blue, but then she introduced him to the thing. He did not bow, did not nod. His eyes remained on that thing, those golden orbs seeing beyond the flesh, to the spirit behind it. The spirit that belonged to no human he had ever met before. A companion of her's then. He remained standing even as the girl brought his things out. Nothing said in the intervening moments.

It was with an effort he finally snapped his eyes from the demon to the woman, his mouth having gone to a thin line without his knowledge. ”I see.” And he did indeed. A line between their spirits, a link between them that was more than any couple he had before seen. ”Then you know what your companion is, I suppose.” He hoped she had a leash for that thing. OR a muzzle.
Re: A Pleasant Encounter at an Unpleasant Location [PM to En


Time was passing effortlessly to the elder, his narrowed eyes on the road. Of course he knew the feeling. The presence of a demon effected every living creature around it. Satou wasn't one to make a show of his presence. But the Elder felt the peculiar aura change, hostile. Satou was unraveled by something. A grin had spread along the elders lips as he was soon brought his tea and treat. With a giant giants hand he took the drink and dessert and dug in. The aroma of the tea was calming, the cup of coffee sat across from him. As Satou approached the cafe the Elder stayed patiently sitting and waiting. His eyes upon the tall thine framed man as he approached, Kahako of course called out to the demon, the elder wasn't surprised but concerned at how the demon would act around Hoshikata.

Kotsurugi would pay no heed, less he was to restrain Satou and drag him off to the temple once more or to the hospital to be locked away for another two years or so. Sipping his tea, eating his food, and enjoying the atmosphere.


Satou paused in stride when he made it to the cafe and was now standing beside Kahako and before Hoshikata, Nothing was exchanged but the glance at one another. Those hourglass eyes came fourth, his own demonic gaze emerged but faded to dark opals, he wasn't going to risk a scene or a fight at this point. He didn't know if it was necessary. The tension of his aura erupted but for a moment, to let this traveler see the form. His, or rather it's shadow was immense, if the eyes of the hourglass could see. the monster in the man's flesh was a towering beast of dead flesh and maws, teeth of razors and tongues that lap the air hungrily, all the maws screamed to be fed over and over again. a mountain of darkness, a horror inside humanity. The aura was blinding in a way, blotting out the area around them in darkness, so cold, so evil in its malice. He would allow only this much to be seen by the eyes of this stranger, then it all abruptly vanish.

His demonic aura faded as Satou's eyes looked down to Kahako. "I try my best not to, but shit happens." He smirked, turning his attention quickly to the old man. Ignoring Hoshikata and walking over to the table to grab his coffee, not even speaking a word to Kotsurugi as he went and sat down with Kahako and Hoshikata. "Sup dude, you like what you see so far in Kumogakure?" And sat down, then addressing the hyper happy waitress. "I'm good with the coffee, thanks." He left a few yen on her tray for a tip.

He stared at Hoshikata when the question arose. Only to smile a bit and sip his coffee. Holy fuck this dude has some fucking balls man! I wanna rip those eyes out and eat em! But not before I shove new ones in so he can watch me eat his precious eyes! Shut the hell up, stop trying to press through. If you keep on being a nuisance I'll do horrible things to us. Oh whatever you pansy bi#@!, you should just kick the shit out of him instead of doing twenty questions.Though, this dude looks pretty smart, he could probably kill you to boot! Hence why I'm playing it cool and seeing what cards he has so far.

His inner chat with his demonic self went on as he looked between the girl and the foreigner from Mist.
Re: A Pleasant Encounter at an Unpleasant Location [PM to En

He sat in silence as the energy all but vibrated between them, finally closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath. He had no desire to be around this thing right now, not here in this village where it had allies should his baser instincts of ripping it apart come to the fore. Instead he would reach into his pocket and toss some money onto the table. It was likely far more than the meal was worth but he didn't seem to care as he bowed his head to the woman, gave a baleful eye to the thing, and turns about to walk off.

(Inactivity leaving. Sorry, I gotta be elsewhere soon XD We'll rp again though :p)
Re: A Pleasant Encounter at an Unpleasant Location [PM to En

Kahako was quite surprised at Hoshikata's sudden exit, as was Saki. She picked up his half finished food, and gave Kahako a 'What was that all about?' face before entering the cafe. Kahako returned a small shrug before looking at Satou. "I'm guessing you two have met before Satou-san?" Kahako said to him before leaning back in her chair. She knew from experience that not many people took to Satou's demon side well, having to stand in a deadly situation herself in his defense. But despite all of the evil that could be felt in him, he saved her life once. After all, who else could you stand beside if not the people who won't let you get killed? Even if one day they might want to kill you.

Despite the quick exit of a new friend, the fall weather was still very nice, and she was going to enjoy the rest of her day outside in the sun. "Ne, Satou-kun. I've been having an issue lately that I need solved discreetly. Care to join me?"

[Topic Left. It was super fun, and I am sorry my slow posting ruined it. Hopefully we will be able to do this again one day! MFT 176 words]

Current Ninpocho Time:
