Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Prompt Sealing [Masaru Clan][Solo]


Faithful Ninja
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto sat alone inside of his room consumed in darkness, the shadow void the only thing sustaining it. He was easily able to craft this indestructible barrier and his ability in Ninjutsu withheld to keep those who sought to enter out. It would take great force for any one person to break through this and with the power of the Lunar Seal it was only becoming greater. The first layer of defense was set and another would need to be layered in it's stead to protect the outside world from his next feat. A ring of black flames would surround him as the young Masaru clansmen began to focus his life energy once more.

Since the time in the library he'd done nothing but apply himself to the studies of necromancy and sealings. However Yuuto was always one to learn through application better than any text or lecture. He'd tried contacting Uza to report his progress and gloat in the face of the Primordial Lord that his instruction was not needed. Through his own violation the caster had unlocked the secrets of the tainted nature energy that now coursed through his body. It had been a trial to learn of such things but it's as though his body and mind subconsciously understood things before he did. He had the power to amplify himself enough to take on the Primordial Lords, creatures that still sent shivers down his spine. If his "master" was a weakened one how bad could a strong one truly be? The more that he trained the stronger his connection to the ancient realm became. It was quite clear that he had much to learn still but for this moment Yuuto was on his way to a new level.

Since studying the seals he had come to learn that their power literally altered the cells of the user's body rewriting them to fit a specific need. His Lunar seal was a direct result of life energy forcing manipulating his chakra system to become more controlled and destructive. The power of his Ninjutsu were amplified as though they were coming from his body directly. Yuuto sat here now utilizing the Lunar Seal allowing it's grasp to take full control of his chakra network as the life energy began to swell. This particular form of meditation within shadow void allowed another source of energy to be taken in as to buffer the amount of his own vitality he had to use. It was so he could focus on applying this new power elsewhere.

Yuuto's fingers would glow a great lime green as it's chakra build up was at a near maximum. Now that he had accumulated all the power he needed the sealing could begin. Instead of following the normal ritual for the basic seals the caster was focusing on creating his own. There was no proper name for this seal in his book, so he'd refer to it as a seal of vitality, something to regenerate the life inside of his own body that he willingly spent for his techniques. The part of the body that focused on healing and regeneration would be completely tainted by this seal's power. His hope was to apply so much of this natural energy from the Primordial Realm that it would become a self sustaining substance. Power flowed into his body like a searing sensation but the mark of the Lunar Seal helped lessen the burden as if protecting Yuuto from the sister seal.

He would burn the sigil onto his chest, over his heart as if to poetically symbolize what this seal's job was to do. His life was in its hands now, as the power began to flow into him. Unlike last time his consciousness was not fading but truth be told there was a great desire that it would. This pain was even worse when you stayed awake. For the next few hours he'd spend his time howling in pain, but safely inside of his pocket dimension while he applied the power of this unknown vitality seal.

[Solar Seal Scribed]

Current Ninpocho Time:
