Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Question of Trials [Shinrya Estate]

Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
Shin frowned slightly as he gazed up at the gate of the Shinrya Estate, its large walls preventing him from getting a true estimate of the place he would be request entrance. For a trainee, nothing was worse than walking blind into a situation, combat or otherwise. That only true information that he could get from his vantage point was that the clan was both wealth, and one keen on keeping it secrets close to home. Something that Shin, himself could appreciate, it was one of the few reason he had chosen to travel to the Seki District, his mind set on joining a clan who pedigree when back to his home’s founding. An impressive beacon of strength and dedication must have line though this estate walls, the chance to become a part of a family who was there from the beginning, how could he not wish to join them. But how did one become a Shinrya?

He knew that he held none of the their blood in his veins, his demonic blood a gift from a nameless mother and Achimou, his father, had been the only living relative left on his side. He held no connection or relations that would allow Shin the ability to be adopted to the Shinrya, and while he was a marriage age, he held no such attraction to either gender. Being drifted more things other than loyalty or responsible were tiresome ideas; these fleeting feeling that others had for one another was not something he felt he would truly understand. So that left one option, a trial. While Shin had long learned to burn out the emotion of feel, he still held in inherent feeling of caution as he waited outside these walls. Shin didn’t not know much about the women known as the Matriarch; he had already had to prove his dedication once by nearly slitting his throat prior to enrolling into the ANBU program. Walking in without any knowledge for these trials could be costly, and Shin had already paid for foolish mistakes. Memory of the burning eye scarred on his chest, causing his hand to move involuntarily. I wonder how long this scar will trouble me.

Ignoring the phantom pain, he straight himself, as he stood at attention; waiting for his presence on the outside to be noticed. It was time to see what these trials would require.

WC: 397
Kitsune sat in her lab, drafting up support modules for Hisako. There were certain requirements for them. They had to be small enough to be built into her frame, and they had to be effective enough to matter. So far she had designed a bunch of modules that fit into one or the other category, but not both, and that annoyed her to no end. Finally, she ended up coming up with a form of self-assembling cloth that would be stored inside Hisakos limbs and clothe her when the support mode was activated. Next she came up with a set of chakra absorbing wings. They didn’t give the ability of flight, but they did absorb inactive chakra from the surrounding area, giving off the appearance of bright yellow blades extending from the mechanic wings themselves. They too would be placed inside Hisako, and be extended whenever needed.

The final modules would be a modified headband with bio-sensors built into it to allow Hisako to scan for diseases and injuries. Quite the nifty modification, and also one of the hardest ones to build. Fortunately that was an issue for a later time, as this was still just the design stage. ”Yes, these addons will do nicely” Kitsune mumbled before grabbing a final piece of blueprint paper to design a staff. ”It should be possible to channel medical jutsus through a weapon, so why not combine that with the ability to use them at range, hm?”

However, just then, she was notified that someone was loitering around outside the estate gates and was expected to decide that individuals fate. ”How long have they been there?” she asked the maid, only to be informed that he’d been there for about half an hour. ”Show him to the study. I’ll meet him there.” she said and warped to the study immediately, to meet the mysterious individual hanging out by the gates.
As he continued to wait, Shin began wondering whether or not a gravity powered knock on the door would be considered rude. It had been several minutes and his own presence had not been noticed, and with the doors size, there was the chance that the knock might or might not cracked the wooden frame. Defacing property would make a hard reason for him to be accepted into the estate, though the idea still remain in the back of his skull. It was in this wondering that his eyes drifted to the side of the door frame, an odd device placed slightly in the middle next to the door. Walking over, he eyes narrowed as he recognized it. An intercom? The young trainee didn’t say anything, he hands tense at his side as he managed to control a flush of emotion from playing out on to his face.

A few moments passed before he breathed calmly, his form relaxed as the sound of the massive doors opening, alerted him to a new presence. Noticing the maid standing at the entrance way, he began walking over to address him. His loitering, as the maid had addressed nicely, had been noticed and his presence request to study room within this estate. Remaining friendly, he smiled and allowed her to lead the way. Shin had to say, the he wasn’t prepared for the vastness of the estates properly. True, the wall alerted him to that fact that Shinrya land was large, but he didn’t think it would be the size of market complex.

The smell of fresh produce the numerous trees, along with what appeared to be multiple greenhouses, he found himself impressed. Not but that amount of wealth, Shin wasn’t petty like that. It surprised him that a family with such a long lineage appeared to still contain those few roots that made them into what they were today. That and the fact, that this land must of be collected by previous members and continued to be expanded. To be able to keep such amounts, it spoke a lot of their ability. It made him wonder what kind of leader the woman known as the as the Baroness was, and if his request would even be heard.

Continuing his walk with the maid, he continued taking in the sights of the place, remaining almost as silent as his guide as the finally entered the home. The walk continued for a little while before the came to a fine looking door, which the open and had in directed inside. Standing near a rather elegant desk was the person he wished to speak, the authority aura rolling over her, even before the maid addressed the woman and began leaving. Respectful, he gave a short bow before snapping to attention, his hand placed behind his back as he begun address her.

“Matriarch Shinrya Kitsune, I’m glad that you could meet me on such short notice.” He paused, deciding whether or not he should have included her title, not wishing to be insulting the patron of this home. He would know regarding her response; making sure to remain respectful to the woman in front of him. “I wished to ask of you a request regarding the Shinrya clan.”

WC: 542
Kitsune let her gaze run over Shins features, already evaluating him before he even began speaking. ”I always have time for curious younglings stalking around my property.” she said with a sly smirk as she stepped around the table and sat down in her luxurious, leather, high-backed, office chair ”A request, hm? Well, do tell. However, it might be an idea to introduce yourself first~” she continued with a small smile.
Shin relaxed slightly as it seemed as though the conversation would be going a civil route. Even with the light teasing in regards to waiting out sound the estate, Shin felt that he had caught the clan head at a good time. Blinking at the mention of forgotten introduction, he began speaking.

"An error on my part, apologizes. I am Kurogane Shin, Chuunin, Matriarch."

Shin paused for a moment, looking around the room as he attempted to gauge both the office and the woman in front of him. This was someone used to a sense of luxury, as well as seemed to have no problems with a leadership position. At least, with his knowledge of human anatomy, the way she carried herself, even with the brief sentences gave a small clue at whom held the power regarding this request. These thoughts passed for a moment, as he continued, his blue eyes showing a small spark of determination.

"My request is not to be blunt, however I wish to become a Shinrya. I understand that there are certain requirements to such a request, either though adoption or marriage. However, I do not feel that this will prove my worth to your family. I am a rather unknown shinobi, a competent one, yet still an uknown shinobi at best. It would seem odd to have such a man as I enter your clan with a rather blank history, and I do not feel right asking for one your family members hands in marriage to become a Shinrya. It Is for those reason that I wish to know if there is a way for me to prove my ability to both you and the Shinrya."

Starring at the woman, his voice betraying no lack of conviction. Rather the spark into his eyes seemed to grow hotter with each passing moment.

“I do not come here with the intention of wasting your time with this request; I am not some foolish man who would ask this of you without any actions to back my statements. To do so would be an insult to one of our village's founders and I am not that type of man. Whatever I must do to prove myself in this matter, I am ready for it. All I ask is for that chance, Matriarch Shinrya Kitsune.”

Still standing at attention, the trainee waited for the woman’s response, his eyes studying to see how she would respond. He saw two ways this conversation could go, either with some alternative way of entering the clan or having him be asked to leave; something that made Shin silently pray to Raiden for the first option.

[WC: 443]
Kitsune smirked almost unnoticeably. She had seen the spark of determination in Shins eyes, and she liked it. It showed will to succeed, and a drive to get to where he wanted to be. ”You’re quite correct that, as a relatively unknown shinobi, you wouldn’t exactly be a good fit for marrying one of the clan members. Fortunately for you, the clan also has a series of trials. Twelve, to be exact.” she said and gestured for him to sit down, as it could take a while to explain, and well, Kitsune preferred to have people be seated when she spoke to them (and was seated herself, that is)

”Fortunately for you, I’m not the kind of person to be insulted by questions. Questions are why we keep accumulating knowledge. You’ll never know if you don’t ask questions. And as such, you’ve actually already passed the first of the twelve trials. The rest are individual assignments, but the first is always to ask the right question. Congratulations on taking the first step.” she continued, and smiled. Surely Shin would be surprised at how fast things were proceeding already.

”Now then, you don’t have to be so overly formal, I mean, we’re practically colleagues. As for the second trial you’ll face, well… It’s a simple one, really. It’s the Trial of the Paper.” she revealed, dramatically… Ish. ”It’s akin to a written exam, but designed to test your mental faculties. I’m sure you’ll do just fine on it.” she said and handed him a sheet of paper and a pen. On the paper there were a multitude of questions on all kinds of subjects. Everything from physics to math. It had been designed to be simple questions if you knew the trick to them, but annoyingly difficult if you only went by the wording which was designed to be as verbose as possible.

[MFT; WC: 312]
Twelve trials? It seemed as though his time coming here would prove a good boon after all. Though his there were no emotions placing out on his face, Shin was surprised that he managed to even accomplish a single trial, especially considering he had no idea that such things existed. His request had been a shot in the dark, one that he was glad had no proven worthless. Noticing Kitsune's request to sit down, he complained, while he continued to listen to her description about the trials. He paused for a moment at the notion that he was being to formal, considering that he wasn't sure how to handle a meeting with a clan leader without some form of respect. Though if she considered them colleagues, he would make an attempt to not use her full title.

"Understood...Kitsune." Shin respond, before continuing to listen to the rest of the conversation, attempting to focus on whatever currently trial he would be facing. The small pause for dramatic effect had caused him to tense up, before he looked down at the paper she had handed him. Grabbing the pen also reached to look down the paper, his mind calculating the reason for an exam as a trial. I could understand these time of times during my time in the academy, but to enter a clan? This is an odd choice. Also these questions... Frankly, they appeared too easy at his first glance when she had given them to him.</COLOR>
Key term, first glance.​
<COLOR color="#0040BF">

Some of these questions, made no sense to him, and it wasn't from a lack of knowledge. Shin was a rather intelligent shinobi, however between the wording and the problems he need to solve, he questioned if he was meant to pass this trial at all. I’m not sure why this exam keeps mention this Johnny and his apples, but it's becoming an annoyance. Taking in a breath, he managed to control the negative emotions from playing out on his face, as he began opening his senses and drowning out anything that wasn't the paper. Ignoring attempting to analyze each one, focus solely at the one in front of you. Pulling his hair back, small movement appeared to be happening on his forehead before Shinrya Kitsune would be greeted by the sight of another eye. It remained open for a few moments, before closing as Shin’s haired fell back into place; though his face remained rather calm, a coldness appeared in his eyes as he began scribbling onto the paper. His third eye, while not able to give him the answers he sought, did given him clearly insight on the problems he was facing.

He thought of the questions, rather than focusing solely on the words and instead focus more onto what it was asking. Ignoring anything unnecessary and focus on what mattered at hand. Once he realized what the question were attempting to do, breaking down the wording and picking up small aspects of the problems, the questions started to make more sense. It still took a several minutes before he had finished the paper, his eyes scanning over them two more times and make small changes as he noticed either his math was done wrong or his focused to make on unnecessary information.

“Tell me something Ma-…Kitsune, why test my brain’s functions? Surely there are other ways to test me for any…mental irregularities?” Shin asked, placing the pen down along with the paper before handing it back to the one. He looked at her, gearing up for her answers, as well as the results of his exam.

WC: 600
Kitsune smirked, watching Shin take the test. The kid had interesting methods, that’s for sure. Then, upon his finishing he asked a simple question. ”Oh I never said irregularities. I did however say faculties. I wanted to see how you handled a sudden test. And you performed well.” she answered with a smile, accepting the paper and placing it on the desk between then. ”According to this, you’re actually well above average. I like that.” she said before pointing out which answers made his ‘score’ jump to not just above average but well above.

”Now then, if you’ll follow me…” Kitsune said and got out of her chair, and headed out the door, walking towards one of the kitchens in the mansion. It wasn’t a far walk, actually. It was across the entrance hall, down a hallway, to the right, then the third door on the left. The kitchen in question was the size of a middle-class family’s living room, as such it was equipped with just about every device and tool you could ever dream of. ”Welcome to one of the kitchens. Your third trial, while it may seem nonsensical, is to cook a ten course meal.” she proclaimed and grinned.

”There’s a pantry through there” Kitsune pointed out and gestured towards a door. ”And there’s a series of freezers and refrigerators over here” Once again Kitsune gestured. ”As for the dishes. Well. Surprise me. Be creative. Be adventurous. But don’t forget it has to look, smell, and taste great.” she finished before sitting down at the big dinner table situated in the middle of the room.

[MFT; WC: 268]
“I see…”

These challenges seemed to become odder as he passed them. first intelligent and now cooking. Shin ponder this for a moment. Perhaps it was survival training? Shinobi have to be able to blend in different parts of life, so the Shinrya might be making sure that future members are at least cultured to a degree. Another thing to thank Achimou for it seemed. Say what you wanted about his father, Achimou make sure that his son knew how to cook. While not at the level of a master chef, he was skilled enough to command a presence in the kitchen. Rolling up his sleeves, Shin began walking to the nearest sink, his walk slow and calculating as he thought about this challenge. Ten courses…challenging in the fact that the meals can’t be too heavy in the beginning or the consumers will be too full to finish it. But what to make. He thought on this, before a small smile played out onto his face. Yes…that was something he could try.

Reaching the sink, his hands blurred for a moment before two clones appeared next to him, each waiting as he began cleansing his hands. Waiting for the clones to wash their hands as well, he only gave them brief nods, before the trio split apart, each working on their assigned task. He glanced over at Kitsune, not breaking a set as he pointed towards his headband. It will be a taste of cloud, was what his eyes seemed to convey as he continued to one of the refrigerators. In seconds he was selecting his items, while Clone #1 began placing different utensils and cook wear on differently stoves and counters.

Clone #2 began searching through the pantry away from the other clone and his creator, before he began closing it, a few seasoning in hand as well as different types of stock. Clone #2 headed towards one of the open, stoves, moving calmly as he pasted be Shin, he handed him a few vegetables and a portion of frozen beef.

Shin himself finally found what he was seeking as he closed the fridge and headed to his spot, the items undisclosed for now as he began crafting the first courses. The first Clone, headed back to the pantry, gathering a few more items and before go to both Shin and his second clone, dropping them off and walking between them.

Shin used one of the bowls the man had left and began stirring the mixture, before he sprayed down one of the pans and place it on his stove, having it on a low-level. It was a few minutes of stirring before he began pouring the mixture onto the stove, the stuff clumping together like gelatin. The smell of vanilla filled the air for a moment, as the stuff began to rise very slightly, dropping as Shin continue to stir away, as the mixture began to turn a very light white color..

On the other side, Clone one handed back the meat that the second one had given him, the item cleaned and in the process of being seasoned. Rather than leaving, he began working on the same stove as the clone, pouring down a mixture of stock and stirring it as needed. While the pot was heating, the clone began dicing up different vegetables, pouring them in a bowl with the no seasoned meat, before cracking an egg into and going off to disposes and clean his hands.

Back to Shin, his mixture hand finished and the smell of vanilla was very heavy in the air, as he poured on an empty plate, causing the mold to form the insignia of cloud before he poured another mixture of a clear sauce that smelled of an unidentifiable fruit over the item. Picking it up he headed back to the freezer, placing the item carefully there as went off to work on the disk with his clones. Each would work on a different part as for a few minutes, before Shin left them. Walking to the pantry, he pulled out a small bottle and a single glass, before he began ahead towards Kitsune. Placing the glass done, he filled with the liquid, giving the Shinrya head something to wash the first course down, before placing the bottle off to the side, so that she could request a refill when they came with the finished meals. Leaving he hand began to the sink, preparing to prep himself.

Shin cleaned his hands once again, before he went to open the freezer, taking the disk he had created prior to helping his clones and walking it off to the woman. Placing down the disk, if Kitsune was checking it out properly, she would noticed that it was a cream like substances, though it move like gentian. It also gave off a mixture of blueberries and vanilla as the plate slowly warmed to the temperature.

“Course One: Snow Custard with fruit topping.”

Leaving he began cleaning his area before setting up for the next meal. His clones on the other hand it seemed had finished their meal and the smell of fresh stock and meat filled the air. Clone one walked over and began placing the item down on the desk across from the first dish. The meat had cut into four round shapes around the plate, which contain the soup stock inside of it and small leaves of basil sprinkled onto of it. Other small vegetables, such as carrots, onions, and tomatoes were inside the soup, yet cut it a way as not to distract the eye from the stock and beef.

“Course Two: Soup of Entry.”

The clone then went back to his station, cleaning it with help of the other clone also began working on another dish. This would process of Shin walking along with the clones would continue throughout the day, each heading to the main table once they finish a dish and placing it in front of Kitsune. Each potion came in different sizes, yet none made to overpower one another.

“Course Three: Salmon of spring.”

This course contain a salmon grilled, and split open with cucumbers diced up and placed on different parts of the opening as a light yellow sauce mixture of egg, butter, pepper, and salt was drizzled over it, mixing with the flavors well.

“Course Four: Awakening of Taste.”

This course contain two dish, one as a classic formation of filet mignon that had been seared with a duck liver and sliced pieces of truffles that held it on top of potatoes and a rich sauce drizzle over it. The next was a green squash type that tasted like zucchini with sampled. It contain a mixture of mushrooms, rice, chopped onions, oregano, and placed onto of the squash and cover with cooked parmesan cheese, butter and bread crumbs with basil melted onto of it.

“Course Five: Ascension of Buds.”

While the other course had been just a small meal, this one contain like a large family dinner, with lamb cover in a glazed honey sauce, and roast duck smelling like apples. Another portion held a Sirloin, roast well, with steak sauce place in the center of it and parsley sprinkled onto it. The Sirloin also contain a mixture of Cajun butter that had been injected into during the cooking process, giving it a rich aroma. A plain rice portion was on one, plate, however Shin began flipping it over, causing a jelly substance to pour over it, the heat from it melting the substance and filling the noises a smell of sweat and spice as a fish/meat mixture cover the rice in a golden sauce.

“Course Six: Raiden’s Cleanse.”

This dish was made in a wine glass filled with lemon and rum mixture at the bottom of type of shaved ice. Twist of orange peels topped the ice as garnish and once feast upon, the alcohol and citrus items would work in a way as to reset the tongues flavors in preparation for the final courses to come.

“Course Seven: Seki Roast.”

This course contain a small bird cooked, and topped juniper berries on the side, and seedless grapes to give the meal a sweet, crispy, and salty taste all at once. A single bacon was wrapped around the bird to give it a crispy taste as well.

“Course Eight: Salad of the Spine.”

This meal was a portion of asparagus that had been chilled in ice water, to keep the stocks firm during cooking. It was then mixed with some white wine vinegar, honey, and mustard with olive oil whisk into it. The asparagus was then seasoned lightly and covered with small coat of dress to give off the impression of snow falling onto grass.

“Course Nine: Closing of Snow.”

It was with the ninth course, that Shin Clone’s had disappeared, Shin no longer need maintained them as he began putting on the final topping for the last course. It had taken several hours, and his hands and mind felt exhausted from the task, but he had completed the challenge. Walking over to Kitsune for the final time, he placed down his final disk, before standing at ease and spoke.

“Course Ten: Snow’s End.”

The final course contained, three items on different plates, each lighter than the one before it. The first was a pudding mixture with walnuts, sliced apples, and vanilla pudding which had been filled with nutmeg and whipped creamed mixture for the filling. The second dish was a plate of two pastry like items, with a chocolate filling in the one the one that was all white and vanilla filling in the one that was all black. The last dish, was in a cup of ice-cream with small amounts of chocolate source injected into it, so that it seemed as though the chocolate would remain undetected until taste upon. This ice-cream was made in a similar style as a custard base, to give it a denser feel when tasted.

“Your ten course meal is served...Kitsune.” Shin spoke, hiding the fatigue from his voice as he waited for the results of his challenge. Hopefully his items tasted as appealing as they looked.

[WC: 1701]
Kitsune watched Shins culinary exploits with great interest, he seemed to know his way around a kitchen, even one as grand as Kitsunes. Surely Shin would be wondering what was up with these tests by now, and Kitsune delighted in that idea. This time though, she’d be throwing a curve ball at the poor kid, as she got off the chair she was sitting on. ”Surprise time, my dear prospect.” she said, grinning at the kid. ”I want you to consume every single bite of the ten course meal you’ve cooked up. I hope you’ve brought your appetite.” The last words were said with a sly smirk, as Kitsune gestured for Shin to sit down and begin.

While Shin began the arduous task he himself had cooked, Kitsune would pour herself a cup of hot coffee and drink it slowly, as she observed the eating. She’d be paying close attention to his manners at the table. Because if he was out and about as a Shinrya, he had to be able to handle himself with perfect manners, and know how to do fine dining. Basically, it was a test to find out if he had the class needed for the Shinrya life.

[Sorry it’s so short, but, y’know. Plot twist. :p]
It seems as though she’s a credit to her name sake. Shin thought to himself silently, looking at the meal he had just completed and was now being ordered to eat. He silently fixed his shirt and rolled back down his sleeves, straighten out his outfit to be presentable. He attempted to figure out the reasoning for this test, other than torturing the potential prospect, yet he couldn’t find any true meaning. Sitting down at the table, he placed one of the napkins onto his lap before he allowed his hands to hover slightly above the table. Shin waited for a moment, his gaze analyzing the woman in front of him once again. Even with the feeling of fatigue, he understood that he was being tested somehow. It’s rather odd that she would reject the food…yet observe how I eat. He pondered this for a moment, unsure of how to respond. I should make as little mess while eating…especially with her staring right at me. Shin glanced down at the set of silverware on his table, before lightly picking up a small spoon, while his other hand careful drew the first course towards him.

The Snow Custard he had created hours earlier was giving off the faint smell of blueberries and vanilla, giving the gentian mold an enticing aroma. Shin carefully place his spoon through the mold, making sure that his movements were careful, yet firm. He ate the food slowly, his mouth mostly close as to no gross out his host. With each bite, he realized slowly how hungry he was, the up-keep of maintaining his clones for a few hours giving him quiet the appetite. Yet he was unsure if that appetite would amount to ten courses. Finishing the first course, he carefully place the spoon onto the empty plate, making sure that it was would not be used again for any of the other meals. If he wanted to last long enough to finish each of the courses, he need to make sure his palate was not ruined.

Pushing the dish to the right, he moved the second course, making sure that his right hand carefully grabbed the farthest spoon for the soup. Carefully placing the spoon underneath the pieces of meat, he made sure to catch as much broth and vegetables on the utensil before bringing it slowly to his face, sipping quietly as he drank in the broth before placing the piece of meat into his mouth. It was good, still warm and the meat rather tender. Shin managed to maintain his self-control as he ate his meal, his form careful as he enjoy the soup. With the dish done, he remove a napkin from the table, dapping his face slightly to make sure any residue was cleaned before placing the napkin on the center of the plate holding the soup before putting the soup spoon down on the plate as well.

As he reached the third course, his left hand went for his knife, pointing the utensil downwards as his fork in his right hand was position inches from his plate. Cutting the salmon, he twisted the piece of meat around the cucumbers before placing the knife under the fork as he lead the food to his mouth. It was an odd taste, and while no bad, not something that he enjoyed. Making sure to keep any sign of disgust out of his face, he in took the meal, the hint of salt with the flavors of York making the meal tolerable. Even with his distaste for the course, he made sure to stay control his chewing, his eyes focus on the item in front of him as he ate in silence. Finish the item, he placed the silverware slowly down before placing the next course in front of him.

The fourth course was one he had wanted to sample long before this curve-ball. The rich smell of the steak and sweet smelling sauce was one of the most appealing parts of the meal. Getting new utensil he made sure that the meat was picked up with the drizzle potatoes and the liver, using it knife to prevent the pieces from falling out as they reached his mouth. Sauce somewhat cold, yet with the heat from the liver…hardly a problem. As he ate, he make sure to take piece from the vegetable mixture, blending the flavors of the different dish together and enjoying each bite. Well, at least inwards, his face remaining rather neutral with the exception of a small twitch of his jaw. Minutes pass as he ate the meal, his stomach slowly expanding with the weight of the previous courses. Just complete the next course…and then everything else should be easy. As he had done with previous dishes, he placed the silverware carefully on it, before using a clean napkin to clean any specs, no matter how unnoticeable from his face. Placing the napkin onto the center of the plate, he began moving it to the right before placing the five courses in its place.

Shin didn’t dive right until the meal, his hands making small signals before another clone was summoned behind him. Rather than helping the original with the meal, the clone began picking up the discarded dishes from the previous four courses and headed to the kitchen. This small reprieve allowed the trainee to take in the three meals he created for this course. Ignored the clone as it began take the used items to the kitchen for cleaning, he reached for his last set of silverware and started to sample the duck.

Bring the knife down along with the fork, he cut a small piece of the roast duck, the smell of honey and apples hitting his notarial as mouth water in anticipation. Even with his stomach in almost full capacity, his body still craved the course. The moist meat melted in the trainee’s mouth as he ate, the food going down smoothly even as he stomach began bulging in protest. He had eaten the sirloin in a similar matter as the duck, before going on to the rice with the fish/meat mixture on top that seemed to glow ever so brightly. By now his stomach had begun to settle, but that would only last for so long. Finishing the course, his stomach was the edge of bursting, however it seemed to be getting slowly better as he began going through his ritual of making sure the discard dish was presentable and the used silverware placed careful on the plate.

The sixth course, allowed to stop for a moment as he eyed the wine glass and the scent of lemon that came with it. His stomached pained him slightly less, though he could feel the feeling of fatigue creeping back onto him as he used his right hand to pick up the glass, careful in touching it so that the heat of his hands would not warm the alcohol and citrus taste from the cleanse. Taking a small taste of the drink, he felt the burning sensations run along his tongue; the alcohol near making him winch. Even though there was hardly any in the palate cleanse, it was enough to make citrus elemental sharper and more noticeable. Placing the empty glass down carefully, Shin put the item to the right side, and picked the seven course. Stopping, he continued to silently move the mixture around his mouth as he felt his stomach slowly loose some of his previous weight. A small smile plastered on his face, he gazed at the seventh course for a moment; His clone move silently as he picked up the plates from the previous courses, continuing to take the item back to the kitchen for cleaning.

It wasn’t a mistake that Shin had summoned the clone to clean the items from the table, even with the clone slowly draining his large reserves. Slowly depleting his chakra allowed his body the burn of some of the extra weight from food, giving his stomach enough room to hopefully finish this challenge.

The seven course was on the light side, something that was better suited for a small snack, even with the bacon. The crunchiness of the bacon complimented the bird and the berries rather well. He had finished it rather quickly, enjoy the taste for a moment before placing the plate to the right along with the used silverware. As he reached for the eighth course, his clean set of silverware was greeting him along with the salad. His clone had caught up to him and was already taking the discard items back to the kitchen for cleaning while he ate the eight course.

This meal was rather, chilling. The stocks remain firm as if they had come straight out of the freezer. The parts coated by the sauce was slightly softer, causing Shin to be careful as he cut the stocks to eat, not wanting to accidentally scrap the plate. This meal took a bit more time because he had be careful as he chewed, not wanting the host to hear a loud crunching sound as he ate.

The Nine course wasn’t that memorable, it was as if the topping were light enough that they had hardly existed, making it one of the easiest meals he finished.

The tenth course, he found was quiet enjoyable, the different small deserts giving him a chance to enjoy the different weight and depth of the items. By the time he finished, the clone had already had grasp the last dish, allowing Shin a moment to brush his face with his lap napkin before he placed it onto the dish, letting the clone continue on its way. Once the water had stopped he dismissed the Clone, no longer carrying to maintain it. Looking at Kitsune, he didn’t speak, his fatigue gone but his body still trying to adjust to food he had consumed. Shin looked at the woman and awaited her judgement. Regardless of the results, he knew one thing for certain, he wasn’t touching cooking again anytime soon.

WC: 1682

occ: Sorry for the late post, got sick.
Kitsune folded her arms as Shin summoned a clone. That was a minus point. But she held her tongue until he had finished every single dish. ”Congratulations. You failed the test.” she said in a displeased tone. ”Under any normal circumstances, you wouldn’t get to summon a clone to remove your plates, OR remove chakra from your system so you’d burn through the food faster.” she explained, pointing out that she had seen straight through his plan. ”As such, I can’t let you pass the test. Cheating is not tolerated during these sacred tests.” Kitsune scoffed and shot the kid a glare. ”You were doing so well, and then you had to go and ruin your chances with this.” she continued, obviously displeased.

”My maids will escort you out. There is no point in prolonging this at the current time. I will allow a second attempt in a years time. With different challenges. But, the bright side is, you don’t have to start from scratch.” she said, and gestured for a maid to escort Shin outside while she simply returned to her study to resume work on her designs.

[Terrible shame. Cheating doesn't pay off here~][Topic Left]
Shin remained silently as he listened to the woman displeasure at his actions, keeping well to bit his tongue least he say he respond negatively. He had used a plan to handle the challenge, and held felt no shame in his actions. As a shinobi, he used whatever advantage he could to achieve his goal, yet it seemed as though he would have to revise those ideals for this…place. The only positive note was that he could take these challenges again, but he doubted at this moment it matter to him. To be discard so effortlessly, his mind hardly cared for the small boon she granted; only on small ember developing inside him. I need to get out of here. Standing up he looked at the maid for a second before giving a small bow of respect to the woman.

“Then I’ll take my leave Kitsune.”

Turning away he left with the made, the emotions of his face remaining neutral as he made his long walk back towards the gates. With the exceptions of the slight tension in his muscles, he doubted that anyone would know the ember of rage building up inside of him. He need to leave this estate before he did something he regretted. As he made his way at outside the gates, he turned to take one last look as the closed, the small windows of opportunity taken in an instant. This decision would way heavy on his mind for the days to come.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
