Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Gaia's Wrath said:
Gaia's Wrath
A high level technique that rips apart the ground, digging deeper to the core of the earth to the point where each crack and fissure glows orange with molten rock beneath the surface. This jutsu is far reaching, and continuously sends tremors across the area to upset the balance of those around while at the same time producing spires at the edge of this jutsu's radius to entrap any who attempt to escape, with new spires and walls of molten earth springing up instantly.

Prequisites: Lava Affinity, A-rank, 4 Mastered Lava Techniques

Rank 1/2: While this technique is maintained Fire and Earth techniques that are cast count as "Lava techniques" and gain buffs from both elements. All 'Lava' techniques gain +5%/+10% damage and have a 16%/20% chance of causing the 'Meltdown' and 'Eruption' effects; those already having these effects have the chance increased by +5%. All participants other than the caster must pass aNinjutsu Check at +0/-1 at the beginning of each round or else 'stumble'.

Rank 1/2 Cost: 2420/3030 CP to initiate, 1210/1510 CP/Rnd

  • This Terrain Technique
  • This technique may be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
  • At all ranks, other combatants must pass a Ninjutsu Check against the user at -2 in order to cast an Arena jutsu, or their own Terrain jutsu. If the opponent successfully casts their own Terrain jutsu, this one is dispelled.
  • Any participant in the battle who casts an A+ Rank Water jutsu will not have a chance to stumble the next round.
  • The 'Stumble' effect reduces AP by -1 and gives the victim a -2 Dodge debuff for the round.
  • The 'Eruption' effect allows this jutsu to effect 1 additional target; this target is chosen randomly among enemies if unstated.
  • The 'Meltdown' effect allows a strike to ignore up to 15% of Damage Reduction and deal +15% Damage to Barriers. Unused percentages are treated as an equal percentage damage buff, up to +10% damage.

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Final Confrontation said:
Final Confrontation
Like 'Lava torrent' the extreme. This Lava jutsu manipulates the ground between the user and the target, raising it into the air and melting it into magma simultaneously; creating a torrent of magma that attempts to engulf a target.

Prequisites: Lava Affinity, A-rank, 4 Mastered Lava Techniques

Rank 1: Launches a molten stream of magma towards the target dealing 4840 Damage at -1 Accuracy. This jutsu has a 28% chance to activate the 'Melty Blast' and 'Eruption' effects.
Rank 2: Launches a molten stream of magma towards the target dealing 5500 Damage. This jutsu has a 36% chance to activate the 'Melty Blast' and 'Eruption effects.

Special Action: The user may increase the Cp cost of this jutsu by +15% and lower the accuracy by -1 to add one of the following effects;
- Causing it to deal +5% base Damage.
- Grant it +8% chance of activating its effect.

Rank 1 Cost: 2420 Cp
Rank 2 Cost: 2750 Cp

- This jutsu's chance of activating special effects is halved for ten seconds after use. This does not stack, but resets the timer if used before that time.
- The 'Eruption' effect allows this jutsu to effect 1 additional target; this target is chosen randomly among enemies if unstated.
- The 'Melty Blast' effect dispels barriers or clones hit by this Jutsu. Additionally this jutsu ignores DR a target may have, and lowers a target's DR by -10% for ten seconds.

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Blazing Golem said:
Blazing Golem
The user summons a golem made of large chunks of earth, condensed under thousands of pounds of pressure and immense heats. Which is then covered by magma which seems to continuously pour from the top of its head down over its body. It is sentient enough to have actions of its own but is definitely a drain on the user.

Prequisites: Lava Affinity, A-rank, 4 Mastered Lava Techniques

Rank 1: Summons a golem created of Molten rock. This golem has 5 Ap, 5810 Hp, and secondaries equal to -4 of the user. Attacks deal 600 damage at +3 Accuracy.
Rank 2: Summons a golem created of Molten rock. This golem has 6 Ap, 6600 Hp, and secondaries equal to -3 of the user. Attacks deal 620 damage at +3 Accuracy.

Rank 1 Cost: Costs 2420 Cp, 1210 Cp/Rnd
Rank 2 Cost: Costs 3025 Cp, 1510 Cp/Rnd

- This jutsu is a 'Creation Jutsu', and only one of this jutsu type may be active at a time.
- Attacks cost 1 Ap and may use Melee or Nin accuracy.
- Creation's Hp and Damage may be increased through Lava Buffs.
- If this golem is attacked using melee accuracy, then the attacker automatically takes damage equal to 30% of the damage done to the Golem. (Damage may be buffed)

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Vulcan Eruption said:
Vulcan Eruption
A Jutsu which draws forth the power of the earth, cracking it into rifts and fissures before causing a vast eruption of molten rock to rain down as a large wave of Lava, engulfing and melting all in the wave's fiery path.

Prequisites: Lava Affinity, A-rank, 4 Mastered Lava Techniques

Rank 1: Launches a wave of magma towards three targets, dealing 3870 Damage at -2 Accuracy. This has a 36% chance of activating the 'Meltdown' effect.
Rank 2: Launches a wave of magma towards three targets, dealing 4840 Damage at -2 Accuracy. This has a 36% chance of activating the 'Meltdown' effect.

Special Action: The user may manipulate the magma to shield them instead of attacking. This effect may be used reflexively, blocks damage equal to the jutsu's strength, and causes attacks using melee accuracy to return 30% of the damage to the attacker (This damage receives Lava buffs). This lasts ten seconds.

Rank 1 Cost: 2420 Cp
Rank 2 Cost: 3030 Cp

- If used while Gaia's Wrath is active, the wave erupts from preexisting fissures; gaining a 20% chance to be a sneak attack.
- The 'Meltdown' effect allows a strike to ignore up to 15% of Damage Reduction and deal +15% Damage to Barriers. Unused percentages are treated as an equal percentage damage buff, up to +10% Damage.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
