Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Dragon Flame Bomb said:
Dragon Flame Bomb
A technique which kneads chakra into the form of a flowing, oriental-style dragon created entirly of flames. This technique is constantly fueled by the user's fire breath, meaning as long as the user continued to fuel this technique the dragon will continue to exist until it catches up with the target...Or the user takes a breath.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 7 Mastered Fire Jutsu, Dragon Fire Mastered

Rank 1: Creates a torrent of flames in the shape of a dragon that strikes and bursts into an explosion of flames, dealing 4400 damage with a 36% chance of setting the target afire.
Rank 2: Creates a torrent of flames in the shape of a dragon that strikes and bursts into an explosion of flames, dealing 5500 damage with a 44% chance of setting the target afire.

Special Action - Fire Dragon Devastation: The user may maintain this technique by paying 1 Ap and the maintain cost, granting this jutsu another chance to hit the original target or a new one. This may only be done when performing this technique normally, and only if the initial strike misses. This lowers the base damage by -20% and chance of setting afire by -8%. This is modded immediately after the initial use, and may be done up to three times per cast.

Special Action - Great Dragon Fire: By paying +20% Cp, the user may divide the attack into 4 large balls of fire in the shape of dragon heads. Each deals 30% of the damage, and have a 14%/17% chance of setting the target afire. Only 3 may hit.

Special Action - Dragon Hydra: By paying +20% Cp, the user may create a flame dragon with multiple heads. This allows this jutsu to strike up to three targets, however inflicts 90% of the damage at -2.5 Accuracy due to the difficulty of controlling the jutsu.

Rank 1 Cost: 2200 Cp. 1100 Cp per maintain use.
Rank 2 Cost: 2750 Cp. 1380 Cp per maintain use.

- Setting the target 'Afire' automatically deals damage equal to 30% of the jutsu's strength at the start of each round after the initial use, this amount is doubled if it effects barriers or clones of any kind. This effect lasts twenty seconds, does not stack, and is overwritten when the victim is set afire by a stronger Jutsu.
- If afire, the flames are dispersed if the victim spend 1 Ap to put out the flames, or is hit by a level C+ Water jutsu.
Sol Fire Tempest said:
Sol Fire Tempest
A destructive fire jutsu only able to be used by those who truly mastered the art behind flames. This technique condenses chakra high into the sky above, creating a huge ball of white hot flames. This meteor takes quite a long time to form, but once it crashes down upon the ground it creates a powerful firestorm of insatiable flames.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 7 mastered fire jutsu, Firestorm mastered

Rank 1: Creates a giant meteor of flames in the sky, which then explodes into the ground to deal 3520 damage to three targets. This jutsu has a 36% chance of causing the 'Flash Fire' effect.
Rank 2: Creates a giant meteor of flames in the sky, which then explodes into the ground to deal 4400 damage to three targets. This jutsu has a 44% chance of causing the 'Flash Fire' effect.

Special Action: By paying +30% Cp, the user can have this jutsu target all in battle; doing so makes themselves a valid target as well, however.

Special Action: The user may pay +10% Cp and lower this Jutsu's accuracy by -1 to add either +5% Base damage, or +4% chance of activating the 'Flash Fire' effect. This may stack up to three time.

Rank 1 Cost: 2200 Cp
Rank 2 Cost: 2750 Cp

- This jutsu may only be used once per battle. This Jutsu does not strike until ten seconds after use.
- This Jutsu always requires full handseals; regardless of any skills or abilities the user may have (Such as channeling or one handed seals).
- The 'Flash Fire' effect dispells barriers/clones/creation jutsu hit by this attack, and deals +25% base damage against non-barrier/clone/creation targets.
Abysmal Harbinger said:
Abysmal Harbinger
A powerful fire technique that draws forth the users chakra, morphing it into the fearsome image of a large otherworldly spirit composed of flames. This flaming wraith is manipulated by the user, and is said to burn brighter and brighter the more it is harmed until eventually bursting into a torrent of flames.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 7 mastered fire jutsu

Rank 1: Creates a large figure of flames with 5280 Hp and 3 Ap. Each strike deals 1170 damage with a 9% chance of 'searing' the target.
Rank 2: Creates a large figure of flames with 6600 Hp and 4 Ap. Each strike deals 1100 damage with a 12% chance of 'searing' the target.

Special Action - Ragnarok: The creation may pay 2 Ap to make an AoE attack dealing +45% base damage at +2 Accuracy. This has a +3%/4% chance of 'searing' the targets.

Special Action - Flames of Purgatory: The creation may detonate into an inferno. The amount of damage depends on the Ap put into this action. This deals damage equal to 35% its remaining Hp for 1 Ap, 70% for 2 Ap, and its full remaining Hp for 3 Ap.

Rank 1 Cost: 2420 Cp, 1210 Cp/Rnd
Rank 2 Cost: 3030 Cp, 1520 Cp/Rnd

- This is a 'Creation' Jutsu
- Lasts up to thirty seconds.
- This jutsu has secondaries equal to -3 of the user's. Strikes cost 1 Ap.
- This jutsu's Hp and damage may be increased with fire buffs.
- At all ranks, this jutsu takes +25% damage from water damage.
- Composed of flames, any attacks using melee accuracy against this creation deal 15% backlash damage to the attacker.
- When 'Seared' the target has a 10% chance of taking critical damage to the next attack to hit them. If this is not successful, then they only take +10% damage from the attack. This does not stack.
Flame Shield said:
Flame Shield
A defensive flame technique, this jutsu is initiated by the user focusing chakra around them and rapidly igniting it into a burning wall of flames that erupt from the ground, either as a wall or a encircling the user.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 7 mastered fire jutsu

Rank 1: Summons a wall of fire that erupts from the ground, absorbing up to 4840 damage. Attacking this barrier has a 28% chance of causing the 'Sear' and 'Burn' effect.
Rank 2: Summons a wall of fire that erupts from the ground, absorbing up to 6050 damage. Attacking this barrier has a 36% chance of causing the 'Sear' and 'Burn' effect.

Rank 1 Cost: 2200 Cp
Rank 2 Cost: 2750 Cp

- This jutsu must be used reflexively. This jutsu only lasts for one action.
- Can defend against a single physical, non elemental or elemental attack.
- Attacking this barrier with melee accuracy deals 20% backlash damage to the attacker.
- This jutsu does not protect against Level A+ Water damage. Lower levels deal +20% damage to this barrier.
- When 'Seared' the target has a 10% chance of taking critical damage to the next attack to hit them. If this is not successful, then they only take +10% damage from the attack. This does not stack.
- The 'Burn' effect causes the target to take +5% damage for ten seconds. 'Burn' stacks up to three times.

Current Ninpocho Time:
