Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Raijin's Vengeance
A jutsu that summons a large bolt of lightning to tear through the sky to strike a target from above. The bolt strikes at the speed of light, making this technique very difficult to avoid; though difficult to control. Being struck will completely fry the opponent and possesses enough energy to heavily shock the senses of the target. Recommended for outdoor use only, unless broken roofs are not a concern to the user.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 7 mastered Lightning jutsu

Rank 1: Creates a bolt of lightning that strikes from the sky dealing 4400 damage with a 36% chance of activating the 'Photon Flash' effect.
Master Rank: Creates a bolt of lightning that strikes from the sky dealing 5500 damage with a 44% chance of activating the 'Photon Flash' effect.

Special Action: By paying +20% CP, the user may choose to have this jutsu modded in the timing of 1 AP. If this is used, this jutsu has a 30% chance of being redirected towards the last person to perform an action involving a weapon. This may only be done once per round.

Rank 1 Cost: 2200 CP
Master Rank Cost: 2750 CP

- The user may choose when this technique strikes during a round, or delay it until the next round. Only one use may be active at a time.
- The 'Photon Flash' effect prevents the jutsu from being auto-dodged, and gives it a 20% chance to auto-hit; this chance is checked separately from any other auto-hit chances the user may have.
Chidori Control
An advancement to the lightning jutsu known as Chidori, enabling the user to shape the blade of lightning into different forms of their choice. Because of the diversity, this allows the user to adapt the jutsu to their situation.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 7 mastered Lightning jutsu, Chidori mastered

Rank 1/2: Deals 4400/5500 Elemental Damage.

Special Action - Chidori Spear: Shapes Chidori into a long blade of lightning. This enlarged version has a 28%/36% chance of activating the 'Impale' effect. This uses either melee or ranged accuracy.

Special Action - Chidori Current: Releases Chidori in an electrical discharge around the user, even along the ground. This reduces the base damage to 80%, though strikes up to three targets. This has a 28%/36% chance of inflicting the 'Paralysis' and 'Electrocution' effects.

Special Action - Chidori Senbon: Disperses Chidori into countless needles of Lightning. This causes 5 hits each dealing damage equal to 15% of the base damage at +3 Accuracy. These checks may be split among multiple targets, and each have a 7%/9% chance to activate the 'Disruption' effect, but it only may activate twice per target. This uses either Ninjutsu or Ranged Accuracy.

Special Action - Chidori Blade: Channels Chidori through the user's weapon. The weapon is treated as Lightning element, Ignores Damage Reduction, and Taijutsu used with this weapon gain +20% damage for ten seconds. Actions with this weapon have a 12%/20% of inflicting the 'Stun' effect. This requires the user to have a weapon equipped, and cannot be used while Duel wielding. After use, this requires ten seconds of cooldown.

Cost: 2200/2750 CP

  • May only be used once per 10 seconds
  • This jutsu must always use one of the special actions.
  • The 'Impale' effect increases bleeding by one level and has a 35% chance of dealing critical damage. Additionally, this disperses clones.
  • The 'Paralysis' effect gives the victim a 10% to auto-fail a single action performed during a round. This effect lasts ten seconds, and may stack twice. (Only one action may auto-fail per round).
  • The 'Electrocution' effect causes a target to take damage equal to Hp damage equal to 10% of the Cp they use. This lasts ten seconds, and stacks up to three times.
  • The 'Disruption' effect randomly dispels a single random maintained jutsu active on the victim, and prevents it from being recast for ten seconds. If a Clone/Creation activates this effect, it is dispersed.
  • The 'Stun' effect lowers the victim's dodge by -2 and prevents them from auto-dodging, as well as give the attacks +1 critical chance.
An extremely powerful lightning technique that is said to strike quicker than a blink of an eye. This jutsu channels the power of a massive storm into a single, condensed blast of Lightning in the form of a large dragon that strikes down and virtually destroys a large area with its great strength. However, generating the storm required for this jutsu gives this jutsu a sizable delay before it is completed.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 7 mastered Lightning jutsu

Rank 1: Upon use, this Jutsu creates a storm in the sky that does not strike until the end of the following round. This storm can be strengthened or weakened during the time it is being generated. This deals 3080 initial damage to all within the battle, and has a 36% chance to dispel barriers/clones/creations.
Rank 2: Upon use, this Jutsu creates a storm in the sky that does not strike until the end of the following round. This storm can be strengthened or weakened during the time it is being generated. This deals 3850 initial damage to all within the battle, and has a 44% chance to dispel barriers/clones/creations.

Rank 1 Cost: 2200 Cp
Rank 2 Cost: 2750 Cp

- This jutsu may only be used once per battle. This Jutsu does not strike until the end of the round after use.
- This Jutsu always requires full handseals; regardless of any skills or abilities the user may have (Such as channeling or one handed seals).
- Once the storm is created, it may be targeted by jutsu; though only Fire, Lightning and Wind based jutsu have any effect upon it. Jutsu used upon the storm cannot miss it.
- Fire jutsu used upon the storm strengthen it; half of the Fire jutsu's base damage is added to Kirin's base damage. (This may be increased up to 5720/7150 base damage)
- Lvl C+ Lightning Jutsu used upon the storm grant it +1.5 accuracy, up to +4.5 Accuracy.
- Wind jutsu used upon the storm disrupt it; lowering its damage by 40% of the wind jutsu's base damage as well as giving it -1 Accuracy.
Gathering every bit of electricity from the surrounding area, the user causes a giant dome of electricity to encapsulate an area. The dome traps all within it's radius, escape becoming near impossible. Only the most powerful technique are capable of destroying this dome, and those that fail cause a backlash reaction that zaps the would be attackers with lightning.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 7 mastered Lightning jutsu

Rank 1: Creates a dome of Lightning with 5280 Hp that attempts to trap 3 targets at -4 Accuracy. The dome shocks any who attack it (Checked using the user's Nin Acc), dealing backlash damage equal to 15% to the attacker with a 28% chance to 'Stun' them.
Rank 2: Creates a dome of Lightning with 6600 Hp that attempts to trap 3 targets at -3 Accuracy. The dome shocks any who attack it (Checked using the user's Nin Acc), dealing backlash damage equal to 20% to the attacker with a 36% chance to 'Stun' them.

Special Action: The user may choose to entrap themselves within the Dome at no extra cost. The user may attempt to exit/leave the Dome for 1.5 Ap; this is modded in the timing of 3 Ap. If the user takes 10% of their Max Hp in Damage, then they cannot leave/enter.

Rank 1 Cost: 2420 Cp, 1210 Cp/Rnd
Rank 2 Cost: 3030 CP, 1520 CP/Rnd

- Lasts up to twenty seconds or until destroyed. This requires a Ninjutsu check each round maintained.
- Once used, no one may enter or exit the dome until it is destroyed, or succeeding in a Ninjutsu check against the user's +2.
- This is classified as an Arena Jutsu.
- Attempts to enter/escape cost 1.5 Ap. Failed attempts deal 3% Max Hp damage and 'Stun' the target.
- Those inside the dome cannot target those outside it, and vice-versa (Doing so is treated as a Blind Shot).
- HP of the dome can be boosted by Lightning buffs. The dome recovers 25% of its Max HP at the beginning of each round.
- This Jutsu always requires full handseals; regardless of any skills or abilities the user may have (Such as channeling or one handed seals).
- The 'Stun' effect lowers the victim's dodge by -2 and prevents them from auto-dodging, as well as give the attacks +1 critical chance.

Current Ninpocho Time:
