Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Hailstorm said:
A potent Ice technique creates a blizzard composed of thousands upon thousands of tiny small ice crystals, each individual snowflake reinforced into a miniature blade that slowly cuts apart the victims caught within this icy tempest.

Prerequisites: - Ice Affinity, A-rank, 4 Mastered Ice Jutsu

Rank 1: Creates a blizzard that deals 2110 damage to up to three targets with a 20% chance of causing Bleeding, 'Chill' and 'Hypothermia'. Each has a separate check.
Rank 2: Creates a blizzard that deals 2310 damage to up to three targets with a 28% chance of causing Bleeding, 'Chill' and 'Hypothermia'. Each has a separate check.

Rank 1 Cost: 2640 Cp, 1320 Cp/Rnd
Rank 2 Cost: 3030 Cp, 1520 Cp/Rnd

- Lasts up to 30 seconds, and requires a Nin check at the start of each round active.
- The 'Chill' effect causes the target to take +10% damage for 10 seconds.
- The 'Hypothermia' effect lowers the victim`s dodge cap by -1. This lasts 10 seconds, and stacks twice with later effects resetting the timer. This debuff cannot be increased through any other method.
Koorikan said:
An Ice technique named 'Ice Emperor' for its sheer strength. This technique condenses chakra around the user's arm into a vapor that reaches Absolute Zero; simply by being activated the user`s skin seems to take a shade of blue due to the freezing temperature. Once this vaporous energy is condensed into their hand, any object they strike will suffer the full effect of frigid temperatures. Because of the strength of this jutsu, it cannot be used multiple times without the user endangering themselves.

Prerequisites: - Ice Affinity, A-rank, 4 Mastered Ice Jutsu

Rank 1: The user channels icy chakra to their hand to create an icy vapor around their fist, striking at their opponent at -2 Accuracy to deal 4840 Damage to the victim with a 28% chance to inflict the 'Absolute Zero' effect.
Rank 2: The user channels icy chakra to their hand to create an icy vapor around their fist, striking at their opponent at -2 Accuracy to deal 6050 Damage to the victim with a 36% chance to inflict the 'Absolute Zero' effect.

Special Action: By paying +15% Cp, this jutsu may be used as a called shot. This takes on all called shot penalties, and the 'Absolute Zero' effect is replaced with the chance to treat the limb as broken.

Rank 1 Cost: 2640 Cp
Rank 2 Cost: 3300 Cp

- This jutsu uses Melee Accuracy.
- This may only be performed once per round.
- The 'Absolute Zero' effect destroys barriers/clones/creations by shattering them into ice, and deals x1.2 base damage to normal targets while ignoring DR.
Falling Snow said:
Falling Snow
A high level jutsu which allows the user to summon an avalanche of super-chilled snow that freezes all it touches, leaving a pristine trail of icy vapor after use. Those caught within this technique feel their joints and bodies tighten rapidly upon contact with the white powder, as the subzero temperatures rapidly freeze and trap their skin and bodies inside an icicle.

Prerequisites: - Ice Affinity, A-rank, 4 Mastered Ice Jutsu, Ice Prison Mastered

Rank 1: Creates an avalanche that causes three targets to make 3 checks at -3 Accuracy. Each check coats a random limb in Ice that has 1170 Hp and raises the called shot level by 1 with a 36% chance of inflicting the 'Frostbite' effect for an additional penalty. Stacks up to three times upon the victim, and a random limb is chosen each time.
Rank 2: Creates an avalanche that causes three targets to make 3 checks at -3 Accuracy. Each check coats a random limb in Ice that has 1100 Hp and raises the called shot level by 1 with a 44% chance of inflicting the 'Frostbite' effect for an additional penalty. Stacks up to four times upon the victim, and a random limb is chosen each time.

Rank 1 Cost: 2640 Cp, 440 Cp/Rnd/Target
Rank 2 Cost: 3300 Cp, 550 Cp/Rnd/Target

- Lasts up to 30 seconds, and requires a Nin check each round active. This may only be used every-other round.
- This does not stack on the same limb.
- While coated in Ice, the limb has its called shot level raised by 1. The ice acts as a barrier against Called Shots against that limb until destroyed. The Ice also takes damage equal to 15% of non-called shot damage done to the victim as well (This does not reduce the victim`s damage taken unless it was a called shot).
- Should at least three checks successfully hit, the victim is treated as if `Bound` by Ice Prison (Rank 2). All rules and notes apply normally (Including prison Hp), aside from the round limit.
- The 'Frostbite' effect raises the called shot level of the effected limb by 1 and increases further called shot attempts on it by +5%. This cannot stack upon the same limb, and is dispelled when the victim is hit with a level A+ Fire Jutsu.
- Any level A+ Fire jutsu, including Major Fire advanced elements, that hits the user will automatically melt all ice debuffs from this jutsu unless they are fully frozen.
- This Jutsu always requires full handseals; regardless of any skills or abilities the user may have (Such as channeling or one handed seals).
Subzero Purge said:
Subzero Purge
A powerful Ice skill that releases a pulse of icy chakra in the form of a frosty vapor emitting outwards from the user. This icy energy instantly purges the heat from the area, creating a frosty environment around the battlefield that rapidly chills those within, heavily impairing their actions as the cold eats away at their bodies.

Prerequisites: - Ice Affinity, A-rank, 4 Mastered Ice Jutsu

Rank 1: Purges the heat around the user with a subzero pulse, effecting all Ice Jutsu used in battle. All Ice Jutsu now gain +5% chance to inflict secondary effects. 'Frostbite' now has a 36% chance of raising the effect limb by 2 levels instead of 1, 'Chill' has a 36% chance of increasing damage taken by +15% instead of 10%, 'Numb' has a 36% chance of causing actions to be modded .75 Ap slower. All Ice Jutsu have a 28% chance of ignoring Damage Reduction.
Rank 2: Purges the heat around the user with a subzero pulse, effecting all Ice Jutsu used in battle. All Ice Jutsu now gain +8% chance to inflict secondary effects. 'Frostbite' now has a 52% chance of raising the effect limb by 2 levels instead of 1, 'Chill' has a 52% chance of increasing damage taken by +15% instead of 10%, 'Numb' has a 52% chance of causing actions to be modded .75 Ap slower. All Ice Jutsu have a 36% chance of ignoring Damage Reduction.

Rank 1 Cost: 1980 Cp, 990 Cp/Rnd
Rank 2 Cost: 2480 Cp, 1240 Cp/Rnd

- This is considered a Terrain jutsu.
- This jutsu lasts up to 30 seconds.
- At all ranks, other combatants must pass a Ninjutsu Check against the user at -2 in order to cast an Arena jutsu, or their own Terrain jutsu. If the opponent successfully casts their own Terrain jutsu, this one is dispelled.
- While active, Ice effects will not be auto-dispelled by fire jutsu.

Current Ninpocho Time:
