Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Perfected Rasengan said:
A perfected version of the Jutsu known as Rasengan. This variant takes Nature transformation to the next level, perfectly infusing it into the spiraling sphere of chakra to create a completely new, powerful technique. This technique requires both a high level of chakra control and a great affinity to the elements in order to combine the two.

Prerequisites: A rank, Rasengan Mastered, 8 Mastered NE Ninjutsu, at least one Major Affinity

Rank 1: Base effects are 4400 damage. Secondary effects have a 36% chance of activating. This must be used with both special Actions.
Rank 2: Base effects are 5500 damage. Secondary effects have a 44% chance of activating. This must be used with both special Actions.

Special Action - Shapeshift:
- May use Ranged, Ninjutsu, or Melee Accuracy. (Must choose one)
- May be used at 100% damage as a single-target attack, or 80% Damage as an AoE targetting up to three targets. (Must choose one)
- +1 Accuracy and -10% Cp cost, but deal -5% base damage. (Optional; may stack twice)
- +5% Base Damage, but lower accuracy by -1 and increase Cp cost by +10%. (Optional; may stack twice)
- Gain +1 Critical by lowering secondary effect chance by -10% (Optional; may be chosen once)

Special Action - Nature Infusion: When using this Jutsu, the user must choose a single element to infuse. Each element requires a Major Affinity in order to be chosen;

Rasen-Shuriken (Wind): Morphs Rasengan into a storm of microscopic windblades that pierce through the body. Damage is split into 6 checks. Each check has a chance of inflicting the 'Chakra Sever' effect. A target may only be effected three times per use.
Rasen-Tsunami (Water): Shifts Rasengan into a torrent of water, each droplet infused with chakra to drown the body on a cellular level. Has a chance of activating the 'Bio-Flood' effect.
Rasen-Tremor (Earth): Slams the Rasengan into the ground to turn it into a giant Rasengan Earthquake.
Splits damage into 3 checks, each with the chance of causing the 'Inner Quake' effect. A target may only be effected twice per use.
Rasen-Nova (Fire): Alters Rasengan into a fiery vortex, with a chance of causing the 'Flesh Burn' effect.
Rasen-Flash (Lightning): Charges Rasengan into an electrical tempest, splitting the damage into 4 checks, each with the chance of causing the 'Mind Shock' effect. A target may only be effected once per use.
Odama Rasengan (NE): Forsaking the elemental properties of other versions, this increases the size and damage of Rasengan. This grants it the chance of the 'Non Elemental' effect and suppression.

Rank 1 Cost: 2200 CP
Rank 2 Cost: 2750 CP

- This Jutsu may only be used once per round, and must be used with both of the special actions.
- All versions do not require handseals, and may use Melee, Ninjutsu, or Ranged Accuracy.
- This jutsu is treated as its chosen element.
- This Jutsu may only be used three times per battle.

- 'Chakra Sever' damages the chakra system of the target, causing them to take -1% Max Cp damage per round for the remainder of battle. Stacks 5 times.
- 'Bio-Flood' causes the victim's body to become infused with water internally, causing all actions to cost +15% Cp for the remainder of battle. This may stack twice.
- 'Inner Quake' causes the bone structure of the victim to be infused with vibrating chakra, disorienting the victim upon any sudden movement. This causes the victim to have a 5% chance of failing any reflexive movements for the remainder of battle. Stacks up to three times.
- 'Flesh Burn' sears the skin of the victim, causing all attacks using melee accuracy used by them to take 10% Backlash damage for the remainder of battle. This may stack twice.
- 'Mind Shock' causes the nervous system to become destablized with electrical chakra. This increases the victims chance of auto-failing Jutsu and being auto-hit by +3%, that does not apply to caps for the remainder of battle. This may stack twice.
- 'Non-Elemental' increases this jutsu's damage by +10%. This does not apply to caps.
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Five Element Seal said:
A master level seal that all but removes the ability to manipulate chakra in its victims. This seal takes much time and dedication to master and understand, yet its benefits, or rather impairments, are well worth the effort. When scribed upon an unfortunate target, this infuses them with disruptive energy that interferes with the entire chakra system, forcing the subject to put in immense effort to perform even the simplest of jutsu, effectively sealing away years of training.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 8 Mastered Non Elemental Jutsu, 2 Mastered Jutsu of every Element, One Element Seal Mastered.

Rank 1: Scribes a seal upon the target at -3 Accuracy. The seal gives all elemental Ninjutsu +15% Cp cost, and prevents Major Affinity Moves from being used with them. Additionally, all Ninjutsu have a a 28% chance of being treated one rank lower.
Rank 2: Scribes a seal upon the target at -2 Accuracy. The seal gives all elemental Ninjutsu +20% Cp cost, and prevents any Affinity Moves from being used with them. Additionally, all Ninjutsu have a 36% chance of being treated one rank lower.

Special: Instead of scribing the seal, the user may attempt to remove one from themselves or another target. This make a Ninjutsu check against the original user. This may be done reflexively.

Rank 1 Cost: 2420 CP, 1075 CP/Rnd
Rank 2 Cost: 3025 CP, 1345 CP/Rnd

- Lasts up to thirty seconds
- Uses Melee Accuracy to scribe the seal, and a Ninjutsu check each round after the first.
- If a maintain check is resisted, the jutsu is not dispelled; its effects are negated for the round. It will remain until the time limit is reached or it is removed.
- Does not stack with One Element Seal, and overwrites it.
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Morality Sealing said:
A powerful sealing technique that is designed to restrain energies on either end of the alignment spectrum; effecting either Dark or Light Energies. This jutsu weakens any effects touched by these alignments.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 8 NE Jutsu Mastered

Rank 1: This technique requires melee contact at -3 Accuracy (Also applied to the users checks for this technique) to seal a target temporarily. All effected buffs have a 36% chance of being reduced by 1/2 for the round (Checked individually). All effected techniques deal -10% Damage during rounds effected.
Rank 2: This technique requires melee contact at -2 Accuracy (Also applied to the users checks for this technique) to seal a target temporarily. All effected buffs have a 44% chance of being reduced by 1/2 for the round (Checked individually). All effected techniques deal -15% Damage during rounds effected.

Special: Instead of scribing the seal, the user may attempt to remove one from themselves or another target. This make a Ninjutsu check against the original user. This may be done reflexively.

Rank 1 Cost: 2420 CP, 1075 CP/Rnd
Rank 2 Cost: 3025 CP, 1345 CP/Rnd

- Lasts up to thirty seconds.
- May only be used upon a target once per battle.
- The user must choose either Cursed, Holy or Spiritual when using this technique; it only effects one at a time.
- Uses Melee Accuracy to scribe the seal, and a Ninjutsu check each round after the first. Each round maintained the user loses -2 to their checks.
- If a maintain check is resisted, the jutsu is not dispelled; its effects are negated for the round. It will remain until the time limit is reached or it is removed.
- If this is maintained twenty seconds after the initial round used (without interruption) then any reduced buffs are automatically deactivated (If possible). Should this technique be resisted two rounds in a row, this jutsu is dispelled.
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Nature's Guard said:
Nature's Guard
A complex barrier jutsu created in a similar manner to the Rasengan, with a structure capable of allowing the user to imbue it with an elemental nature. Due to this, it has many different appearances and effects, making it highly versatile. Its unique structure makes it so that when the user imbues it with a nature, it readily absorbs chakra of that type, weakening attacks made upon it of those elements; though it also has the unfortunate habit of absorbing opposing natures, which weaken and destabilize it.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 8 NE Jutsu Mastered, An Affinity of the chosen element

Rank 1: Creates a Barrier that has 4,000 HP and DR against Elemental and Physical Damage.
Master Rank: Creates a Barrier that has 5,000 HP and DR against Elemental and Physical Damage.

Special Action: The user may choose to add an Elemental Affinity to the barrier. This does not increase the cost, but the user must have the Affinity of the chosen Element and must declare which is being used upon initial use. Advanced Elements cannot be applied to the jutsu. This changes the Ninjutsu type to the matching subtype, (eg, adding Earth Element changes this Ninjutsu from a Non-Elemental Ninjutsu to a Earth Ninjutsu.)

Earth: -10% damage to Earth Ninjutsu targeting the barrier and +10% lightning jutsu damage done to the barrier. Upon being attacked with a melee accuracy, the attacker has a 36%/44% chance of having their called shot level increased. (Either the hands or the arms)
- Fire: -10% damage to Fire Ninjutsu targeting the barrier and +10% water jutsu damage done to the barrier. Upon being attacked with a melee accuracy, the attacker has a 36%/44% chance of being burned and taking backlash damage equal to 25% of the damage done to the barrier.
- Wind: -10% damage to Wind Ninjutsu targeting the barrier and +10% fire jutsu damage done to the barrier. Upon being attacked with a melee accuracy, the attacker has a 36/44% chance of having their bleed rank increased.
- Water: -10% damage to Water Ninjutsu targeting the barrier and +10% earth jutsu damage done to the barrier. Upon being attacked with a melee accuracy, the attacker has a 36%/44% chance of being suppressed.
- Lightning: -10% damage to Lightning Ninjutsu targeting the barrier and +10% wind jutsu damage done to the barrier. Upon being attacked with a melee accuracy, the attacker has a 36%/44% chance of being electrocuted, and take 2% Max Hp Damage for two rounds. Does not stack.

Rank 1 Cost: 2200 CP, 980 CP/Rnd.
Master Rank Cost: 2750 CP, 1220 CP/Rnd.

- Can be maintained for 30 seconds.
- Requires a 10 second cooldown after use.
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Stardust Nova said:
A technique that creates a rift in the air, showing a deep, seemingly infinite cosmic dimension as if gazing into the heart of a galaxy. Through this distorted air, intensely bright balls of energy are launched upon the target, each blazing like a comet.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 8 NE Jutsu Mastered

Rank 1: Creates a rift that launches 10 comet-like bursts of energy at a target, each dealing 440 damage. Damage has a 36% chance of ignoring all damage reduction or barriers, and activating the 'Non Elemental' effect.
Rank 2: Creates a rift that launches 10 comet-like bursts of energy at a target, each dealing 550 damage. Damage has a 44% chance of ignoring all damage reduction or barriers, and activating the 'Non Elemental' effect.

Special Action - Starlight: The user may condense all bursts into a single check, dealing 70% of the total damage at +2 Accuracy, to three targets.

Rank 1 Cost: 2420 CP
Rank 2 Cost: 3030 CP

- May only be used once per round.
- This jutsu cannot be auto-dodged in any way.
- The 'Non-Elemental' effect increases this jutsu's damage by +10%. This does not apply to caps.
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Gate of Enma said:
A fearsome technique that is said to open a pathway to hell, this jutsu causes a wide rift to open, appearing as if reality itself was ripped open by the countless dark arms that come from within the rift. The lengthy arms, composed of pure dark energy, grasp on and tear through anything within their extensive range.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 8 NE Jutsu Mastered

Rank 1: Creates a rift of dark energy that deals 3870 damage to up to three targets. This Jutsu has a 36% chance of 'Non Elemental' and binding those hit by this Jutsu at -3 Accuracy.
Rank 2: Creates a rift of dark energy that deals 4840 damage to up to three targets. This Jutsu has a 44% chance of 'Non Elemental' and binding those hit by this Jutsu at -2 Accuracy.

Rank 1 Cost: 2420 Cp, 880 Cp/Rnd. Hp equal to 20% all costs.
Rank 2 Cost: 3030 Cp, 1100 Cp/Rnd. Hp equal to 20% all costs.

- This Jutsu may only be used once per battle.
- This action always requires full handseals; regardless of any skills or abilities the user may have (Such as channeling or one handed seals).
- This jutsu is considered Cursed, and bypasses all forms of damage reduction, shields or barriers, and damage cannot be reduced through any means.
- The 'Non-Elemental' effect increases this jutsu's damage by +10%. This does not apply to caps.

- Bound victims have a 5% chance of escaping for every 2 Ap they spend to escape.
- While bound the victim(s) cannot perform any other actions other than attempt to escape.
- This bind is broken if the victim takes damage, or the user attacks the victim. (They have a -3 Dodge penalty to the attack aimed at them though).
- This bind is also dispelled if the user loses 10% of their Max Hp or Cp during a single round.
- While bound, all maintained Jutsu used by the victims have a 36%/44% chance of being dispelled; this is checked individually for each maintained effect.
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Perfected Elemental Clone said:
A standard skill for all skilled shinobi: the ability to create a physical clone. This jutsu leaves room for much customization; allowing the user to alter the composition of their clones to their own affinity to have a variety of effects. Even choosing not to use a specific element has its benefits.

Prerequisites: A-rank, a Major Affinity in at least 2 Elements
Rank 1/2: Creates a clone with -4/-3 of the user's secondaries and Hp/Cp equal to 15/20% of the user's max CP. This clone may use up to level C/B Ninjutsu Techniques of any element the user has a Major Affinity in and up to level D/C Ninjutsu Techniques of any element the user has a Minor Affinity in. Rank 2 unlocks the special action

Special Action: Instead of creating a single clone, the user may instead choose to create up to 3 clones. However for each additional clone, their secondaries are reduced by -1 each, their secondary effects are lowered by -5% each, and Hp/Cp is divided among all clones equally.

Rank 1/2 Cost: 2000/3500 Cp, 1000/1750 Cp/Rnd

  • Advanced elements cannot be used by Perfected Elemental Clones.
  • All clones have 1/4 of the users AP. Lowest AP can go is .5 AP.
  • Once clones run out of Chakra, they disperse.
  • The amount of Max Cp is split into however many clones are created. At master rank, each clone would not have 20%, but the 20% would be divided equally.
  • Casting this jutsu while it is already active will remove all current clones from play.

Current Ninpocho Time:
