Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Sense of Belonging [Open]

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
He breathed in the smell of disinfectant, enjoying the sterility of the environment as it brought back pleasant memories.

It was here, at least at the old hospital that once had stood here, that a young Yushi Migoya had stood and decided that the art of medicine was something he could and should do. Under the guidance of skilled med-nin he had learned, and in turn taught his skills to others. It was here he had saved lives and in so doing found purpose and belonging.

It was here that he had been when the samurai attacked. It was here that he had seen friends and colleagues butchered - those who had stayed behind to care for the wounded. It was here that he had succumbed to his own wounds, ones he still carried, for not all wounds could be seen.

He was dressed in an immaculate white robe, woven tightly and made of fine woolen cloth that covered a chuunin vest, made of tooled white leather. The insignia of the Myakashi clan could be seen near his neck - an inverted fountain pen nib - but no-where was the insignia of the hidden leaf. His shock of white hair seemed to have been styled as it framed his face perfectly making him quite handsome indeed. Crimson eyes seemed to drink in the surroundings as he silently walked forward to once again take his place amongst the best and brightest in the village.

A smile graced his porcelain features. He was back where he belonged.


The threads of fate wove ironic situations, this day no exception as Mikasa stood at the main entrance of the Konoha Byoin. An ivory coat adorns her figure, the underlining her usual attire of crimson, and her platinum mane braided neatly as opposed to their initial meeting. Turning about she blinks from behind the safety of her spectacles, Migoya-san?" she inquires with a broadening grin. "You clean up very well!" she compliments with a chuckle, alluding to the notion of their previous encounter under the bridge, recalling the drowned mouse appearance. Pressing her left index against the rim of eye wear, she nestles them snugly on the bridge of her nose, "Welcome home." she murmurs in a tender dove tone, a melting wafer on a choir girls tongue.

Deciding to stroll towards him, versus standing idle until he entered, she joins by his side to view the Byoin from the outside - an item she seemed to do less often. "Not as glamorous as previous rendition, but a work in progress." Mikasa comments in a brisk tone, "Although I am very proud of the patients ward garden and amount of sunlight each room now receives versus the previous blue prints." a slight pause, Are you aware that the lack of sunlight causes mild depression?" she uses as a basis to start up conversation, clearly eager to begin with another.

Trudging forward, she pivots around to raise an eyebrow towards the ivory hue clean cut shinobi, "Foremost, I want your expertise on potential changes you feel are necessary. Having one who is familiar with the previous building is extremely beneficial. Thus, I am giving you a mandatory tour, assuming you have the time, Miyoga-san?" she leans forward with a sly grin. Oceanic hues shimmer, obviously ecstatic to his recent arrival.​
A familiar presence, cool yet with the strange murmur of unseen power, drifted around Migoya as his gaze rested upon the newly built building.

Migoay gave a friendly wink, clearly playing along. "Not too bad yourself Mikasa-sama. I figured looking like a dirty wet rat would be counterproductive in instilling a sense of... competency," he added with a grin. Indeed, Migoya tended to not care about his appearance unless it suited a particular purpose, and in this instance being a doctor required a certain image. No-one wanted to go to a doctor who looked like a bum.

"Welcome home." The words were uttered, and they brought emotions out, ones that Migoya quickly pushed down. Giving what appeared to be a sad smile, Migoya nodded softly. Thank you - he left the words unspoken, but it was clearly felt.

Mikasa then spoke of the growth of the byoin, and the implementation of a patients garden and sunlit rooms. Such additions were clever - happy patients tended to heal quickly. All they needed now was puppies.

"The greatest masterpieces started with but a single stroke," he responded. "And it is clear that you, and your predecessors, knew where to start." he said honestly. Out of all the branches, the Medics were the most long-sighted. I guess having to deal with death more closely than the others made them see the importance of legacy.

When Mikasa continued about depression in those who did not have access to sunlight, Migoya chuckled. "Well - that explains a lot of things!" he laughed, mostly towards himself. "My particular lack of melanin makes the sun a vicious enemy - I think I would be depressed in the sun all day," he joked. "But I can definitely see the benefits in such a treatment. Very clever."

The pair started to walk towards the Byoin, Migoya continuing to gaze over the building in an effort to find things to suggest. It was not as large as the previous hospital, but that building had included features that were best placed away from the infirm. Research and Development was best done offsite - this building should be, and was, focused on healing.

"Of course Mikasa-sama, I am willing to help where I am needed. First off," he said making sure others were not listening in. "Are the escape tunnels and patient bunkers still intact? If things are going to get worse..." he let the sentence drift off. There was clearly a feeling of panic around the village, and this in and of itself would not help the patients. If there were, however, a place to protect them it would ease Migoya's troubled thoughts. Mikasa then offered a mandatory tour, which lightened the mood.

"You lead", he said with a grin. This would seem to be their catch-phrase.
At first, Kotori had been sunbathing with learning books along with her. She kept studying but found herself getting more lost and lost watching the flowers and the sakura tree around her. Slowly she started to gather up her stuff again and pack it all up. 'This isn't going to work...' These were the thoughts that went through her head. Slowly she shook her head even, letting her crimsons hairs weave in the wind.
As she started to make way inside she grabber her practice sword. It was really custom designed to have the same length, weight, look of her usual sword. Yet this one was made out of wood and the sleeve of it was just regular cloth. Strong enough to hold it, use it for a couple of years. But not the trustworthy material she normally used for a real sword. She started to make her way outside and train for a long while, this was until she had scraped herself. Knowing too well she should take care of it, but having at a spot she couldn't exactly see clearly... She decided to go to the medicals in the village, after all, she was already well known there because of her illness sometimes.
Ever since Kotori was a small little baby, she had a hard time getting ill. But boy... Once she had the illness it really caught her badly. Yet she kind of had 2 types of illness. One of a bacterial infection, the other of over-exhausting her own body. When she went over her own limits badly.. She would be asleep most of the first day, the second day she would hardly be been able to move at all.. The muscle ache would get the better of her. Luckily, this wouldn't always be that severe. However, this illness still was. Having a high fever for almost a solid 4 days, always making people worry about her because such a high fever was lethal. With everything aside, she couldn't hold in water which she drank often. After the first day of being sick, she would stop throwing out everything and slowly adjust... After 3 days... She was good enough to eat food again. A week later she could finally be up and be moving and after two weeks she was finally well enough to be active again in the community.

Once Kotori finally arrived she started to walk around the place, humming to herself, taking a step by step and not even flinching because of the scrape on the back of her shoulder. The girl was happily counting up in the most common language the Leaf inhabitants had, fuego.

Once she heard two voices, she took one out of it in an instant. "Mikasa!" She said a little bit happy and started to rush towards the place, running and jumping as the last step, almost missing the last step and taking her balance back. This small girl was always a happy energy ball that tried her best for everything and everyone. "Ello! Can I... erm... do I disturb you guys..?" She questioned, seeing how they were alone... and instantly... One thing in her mind went... "Mister and Mikasa were all alone... K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" She giggled and stuck her tongue out. "Just kidding!! I think... I heard it from Academy Students! The teacher laughed... It is funny?" She tilted her head. She... actually went to a lot of topics in a short while. "S-sorry..." She patted the back of her head and took a step back, making sure that when they told her to go back, she would easily be able to.

Spoken language. and then this is thoughts going by her.
Ooc message: [topic entere]
Word counter: 603
Inquisitively the Sennin stares at the ivory shinobi, not taking into consideration his genetic disruptions, an apologetic smile is given as an immediate response. Prior to their conversation going into any greater depths, a rambunctious youth bounces into the scene. "The tunnels caved in during the previous iteration and currently being re-secured to ensure safety while traversing is in tip top shape." she affirms, although not mentioning the bunkers, for she knew that there were currently none underneath; despite the need. This wasn't to delude to the notion Mikasa arrogant to the matter, merely lacking the man power to begin reconstruction, however Miyoga's clan more than capable of providing aid in that department.

The future was bright for the pair, Mikasa requiring a fill in in the future for a research head and Miyoga eager to obtain trade routes for reasons that did not concern her. "Lets hope I manage to not step on your toes aga-" she pauses to lean forward to rustle the crimson locks of the youth, "Kotori-chan, feeling well today?" she inquires in a silky tone, ignoring the childish antics with a light chuckle. The time line was a bit fickle, the child's birth was a blur and yet the kunoichi felt no different, for various of reasons. Never the less to enjoy anothers company was fantastic,

Instinctively she holds hand outwards to be grasped on by the youngling, "You are just in time for a tour, I am sure we have lollipops somewhere near the reception desk." the maiden offers as a means to coax the Hokage's daughter; however this would also prove to be a turning point if she wished to not attend to their adventures. "You don't mind do you, Migoya-san?" she inquires before realizing there wasn't a proper introduction. "Ah! Apologies, this is Uchiha Kotori-chan and this fine gentlemen is Myakashi Migoya-san, the Byoin's sharpest scalpel." she jests, although Mikasa held actual meaning behind the statement.

[OOC: Apologies on the delay!]​
"Hmm. Understood," Migoya replied, stroking his chin in thought. The old tunnels and bunkers under the hospital were strong, but the explosions caused by the samurai during the war would have caused extensive damage. He hoped that during reconstruction they might find some of them still intact - but perhaps that was another adventure that the med-nin would need to undertake in the future.

Mikasa then began to speak about stepping on his toes when a burst of energy appeared between the pair - the Hokage’s daughter. Migoya had met, well seen, her once before at the gates where Nitish was decimated. This child, so full of energy and enthusiasm, almost immediately put Migoya on edge, unfamiliar as he was with ‘happy’ children. His own past and that of most of his clan were filled with traumatic childhoods, and this sort of child was foreign to him in the extreme.

He listened with interest at Mikasa’s introduction of the girl, before going to one knee to look her in the eye. His face wore a wide smile, and his crimson eyes glinted in the sunlight. He first looked back towards Mikasa.

“No problem at all Mikasa-sama. Any opportunity to teach the young of Konoha is always advantageous,” he added with a grin, obviously ignoring the k-i-s-s-i-n-g barb. Seriously, what were the Academy Students on about… He turned to look back at the kunoichi, or at least the one in training. He gave a nod with his head.

“Well met Katori-chan. Mikasa-sama gives me too much credit - Im still a student, just like you, well we all are really” he said with a grin. “Sorry to be nosey, but I’m a doctor. Mikasa-sama asked if you were feeling well today… do you have days when you don’t feel too good?”

This Katori… she is either naive, or is faking it. No child in a shinobi village should have this much… joy. Or perhaps… if the child suffered from an illness, perhaps she has not had the same experiences as others...

Perhaps there was a measure of good in Migoya in asking, or perhaps this was an opportunity to hold something over the vicious Hokage. Always plotting…

“Well, unless there are more interesting people jumping out of the bushes, may we please begin the tour? I’m quite excited about seeing the Byoin.”

She felt bad for the words she had spoken, hoping they indeed took it as a joke... Slowly the patting on the back of her head started to stroke the long strands of her hair before Mikasa was inching closer already. The soft rustles through her hair made the small girl giggle and stretch out, after that she took the others hand which was already there for her to hold.
She didn't answer just yet as she looked towards the male on the company, something... was odd.... Where had she seen him before now she started to look better at him.
“Sorry to be nosey, but I’m a doctor. Mikasa-sama asked if you were feeling well today… do you have days when you don’t feel too good?” Kotori jumped a little, feeling even more rubbish she forgot to answer that question at all.. Tightening the grasp on Mikasa's hand for just a single moment.
"Ah-!" She said in surprise and made a bow. "First... Nice to meet you Mr. Myakashi." She slowly would stand up and start to answer them. "I am doing alright now. Sometimes I get sick or I overwork myself on the trainings... Then I am here often... Or rather... a lot..?" She turned her head and made a small giggle. 'Where do I know him...?' Were thoughts meanwhile crossing. "Once I get sick I always get treated here... They say I get a devilish fever! Other times I just sleep a day passed here..." She snickered at it. "But... I am sorry to correct you. I am not an Academy Student myself, neither genin or chuunin..." She made an apologetic smile towards them. She looked towards Mikasa... Back to the male. She was still trike by the looks of him... Slowly inching closer to try to pat the hairs. "White and crimson eyes... Albino right..?" She muttered in herself, taking note and information this quick on her young age was for some a whole task. "Hm hmm-! I like you!" She said, took a few steps back and turned, having her hair swirl along.

"So... So..." She hummed from one leg to another. "Can I please walk with you?" Weaving from one leg to another she started to look a bit impatient. "I can grab us all lollies if they have enough! That way we have something for in between the tour! I can show you where the lollies are!" She offered to show the first thing of the tour. "Or... erm... If you want I can go to papa in the office...?" She took note that she might be forcing herself to much with them.. as her father often said, big people, are at work. But her herself with her ANBU work wasn't much difference, but the smile became a bit more apologetic. She staggered in her movement, recognizing where she knew him from, her smile fade as she looked to him. "You are from the time Nitish died..." She said neutral... " You were there too, same as the other small child, papa and mama and the Hyuuga.., Hmm..." She started to ponder about something before smiling again, the mind of candy crossing her head again. "Candy!" She announced that that would be the first stop for Kotori at least.
Spoken language. and then this is thoughts going by her.
Ooc message: [MFT]
Word counter: 546
Mikasa didn't find any harm for the daughter of the Hokage trailing the duo for a majority of the adventure; however particular sections would be forbidden due to branch specific skeletons in the closet - so to speak. "Kotori-chan, has severe chronic illness and at times requiring extensive recuperation. Thus far, nothing repairable, however further research will be required to find the exact reasoning." a brief pause, "I'll go over the files at a later date with you, Migoya-san." she addresses before strolling forward to press the main entrance doors ajar to welcome them into the realm solely based on attending to the injured, mending the broken, and thriving minds eager to advance.

This particular morning was a tad bit more busier than normal, the receptionist was usually calm and collected, but the amount requiring general check ups were piling up due to the looming potential threats of the unknown proclaimed Frost. Unfortunately a single petite lollipop remained in a stereotypical translucent jar, "The receptionist area hasn't been altered, at least to my knowledge - at least too drastically." she comments, the typical front desk with an abundance of chairs against the walls form isles. The main difference were the large vases of fragrant Stargazer Lilies, Mikasa's personal favorite; a sensual and spicy scent to guise the stereotypical smell of hospitals. The walls were a gentle cloud ivory.

Peering towards the receptionist she gives a gentle wave, bowing her head in the process and receiving the same in return prior to the faceless returning to the numerous of guests beginning to gather before noon. Continuing forward the Sennin gestures towards the east and west wing, "The west and east closest rooms are for patient wards, each has an access door to enter the patient gardens, which circle a majority of the Byoin. Various activities take place, assuming the weather isn't dreary." the maiden murmurs in a gentle tone, "Although I have been tempted to create a barrier to prevent bad weather, but I wouldn't be able to guise the discolored sky on a rainy day would I?" she chuckles.

Pivoting about she gestures towards the north, "Most of our examination rooms are behind the receptionist desk, fairly standard I would believe. Further in the rear are the critical surgical rooms. Let us get your opinion, Migoya-san." she walks forward for him to peer into each room to his hearts content.​
Migoya took in the evaluation of him being an ‘albino’ in stride - at least it was not said in derision as it had been in the past. White hair seemed to be ‘in’ these days. Mikasa was able to elaborate a bit on the girls condition, attracting Migoya’s interest.

“Hmm. I’d be more than happy to research something should you wish Mikasa-sama, and you Kotori-chan. I like… challenges.”

Migoya reached over towards the jar, pulling out the sole remaining lollypop. Teasingly, he put it towards his mouth before stopping, turning to Kotori, and offering her the treat with a grin. “Yes - I thought I recognised you. It is a shame we met under such circumstances,” he was going to continue, but the girl was wrapped up in the candy.

Her acting is… very good.

“You have done a fine job Mikasa-sama. Stargazer lilies if I am correct. Such a beautiful fragrance, and very few cases of allergic reaction. A good choice indeed, and clearly someone knows how to tend them properly,” he said as walked over and held one of the delicate flowers in his pale hand, its pink petals fading into white somewhat similar to his own colouring. “A symbol of prosperity… but also sympathy…”

His gaze rose from the flower and he looked at the busy receptionists, doing the often unrewarded trade of having to deal with people at their most vulnerable. He offered a warm smile and a bow towards them - they were unsung heroes.

“Very nice. Perhaps a small water feature with koi or the like. I hear the benefits of fish tanks have great thearpudial effects, and offset with the flowers would make this place very inviting.” It could also be used as a defensive measure…

Indeed, his expert gaze looked around the hospital, trying to find any hint of security features. They were limited, but obviously the focus was on the patients here, rather than threats, so it was understandable. After the Frost threat though it would seem that security measures would have to take place, but such discussions could wait until the two were alone.

As Mikasa had explained there was not much change in the reception area, but functionality was key here. Mikasa further explained that the emergency section was behind reception. This had once been Migoya’s area of expertise - diagnosis and emergency treatment - but his interests now lay elsewhere. Immortality gave one a deeper perspective on long-term goals after all.

Migoya first walked to the wards, bowing towards the nurses as he scanned the rooms. They were modern and up-to-date with all the necessary features, along with access to the outside. From a holistic perspective they were impressive, but again there was the risk of security, but one could not have both.

“Even the most beautiful places must have rain, otherwise how will we appreciate the sunlight?” Migoya muttered in response to Mikasa’s words on creating a barrier, clearly drawing on their previous conversation. No - it was beautiful the way it was.

“Excellent… these rooms are better than they used to be. A nice upgrade to be sure.”

He continued to look around the different rooms, taking each in and nodding with approval. Apart from security issues, something he dwelt on, they were functional and well maintained. Excellent in all respects.

“It is a fine place of healing Mikasa-sama, and, whilst not as large as the previous hospital, this will serve the needs of our village. We probably will need to ask for a grant to expand further… and there are some ‘security’ issues I would like to propose, but it looks fantastic."

“I know its a bit of a stretch, but perhaps a more dedicated triage section near the front of the hospital? One of the issues we used to face is having to determine the severity of required treatment all within the same space as those undertaking emergency medical procedures. Separating the two might help us organise and navigate, and hopefully reduce patient waiting times. That’s just a suggestion though - this place is fantastic.”

Normally Migoya only gave compliments when they suited him, but these words rang true. He was impressed indeed. However, his thoughts now drifted below to the many storage rooms the old hospital held, each full of proverbial and literal skeletons. Yes… research and development was now his interest, and whilst the treatment of the afflicted was a worthy goal, prevention was always better than the cure.

WC: 745
Secretly... there was an aim made to this small aim to raid the reception of the candy they held stashed away...
Softly she started to move, swinging her arms and humming loudly a song of her own childhood. "Kotori-chan, has severe chronic illness and at times requiring extensive recuperation. Thus far, nothing repairable, however further research will be required to find the exact reasoning." Kotori looked towards them both as it was mentioned... nodding and snickering a time she turned around, having her hair dance on her shoulders. "Aye!" She said with a happy tune. "They always do patch me up! They are amazing on that!"
The child soon running to the front of the reception. "This is where people tell they are here!" She announced what and where it was... "And you get candies..!" And with those moments she turned towards the receptionist. "May I please have 3 candies? One for me and two for me friends?" She asked politely and offered a wrapper in return. It often got her as she usually had a charm with her with the way she asked and 'bought' the candies each time. Running back to the two adults she started to hold up the candy, up to them to take it from her. "These are for you!" She grinned and took her own and popped it in her mouth. Kotori was listening with them as they started to walk around the place. "Hmmm Oh-! Mikasa-san... Those kid proof things.... don't really work... I cloned myself and opened it up on the top..." And she gave another thing that was supposed to be kids proof... a failure. "The cabinet in the kitchen you told me to stay out of..." She explained to what and where and she of course... got this kid like grin, she kept walking with them... and this small girl sometimes gave a little explanation about the spots she knew... and of course... once the kitchen was there... She would tell them which was good, which was yucky... and o on. if they were to pass it.

occ;; Sorry, small post. Didn't knew anyone had posted... got no note and felt I needed to post. Please poke me if something is off or odd with it.
On the mentioning of constructing a Koi pond as a soothing focal point was a welcoming notion, "Brilliant, placing a shishi odoshi would be fantastic as well, assuming the noise wouldn't bother residents." she comments in a chipper tone. Truthfully the Sennin was a bit perplexed behind the meaning of lass, not wishing to ignore her the kunoichi tilts her head to the side, "I'll have to look into making the counter higher then." she jests with a warm grin. Curiously she observers Migoya for any potential facial expression to give away potential hints to what his true thoughts were.

Fortunately the ivory shinobi was polite, "A further expansion would be ideal, and would allow us to station an emergency station versus having a single generic. I do admit, that is a foolish item and luckily we haven't encountered an issue thus far. Not that I expect that to hold and I will allow you to get together with the proper higher ups." the Sennin places the ball into his court. While she placed her faith in medical nin, she wished for him to regain his previous status in the village and rebuilding up his confidence was not an item she wished to rush. Gradual steps down the path were ideal and if the male choose to accelerate periodically, then Mikasa would be ecstatic; however she was no stranger to patience.

Concerning security threats, it wasn't an item she wished to discuss openly, especially considering the status of the youth accompanying them. Kotori was not only the daughter of the current Hokage, but more importantly an ANBU and allowing them to know of potential flaws in their system was less than ideal. Shockingly, the child was able to replicate the sweets and thrust one towards the pair and without much thought she plops the treat into her mouth.

"Our personal medical offices are fairly standard, I'll show you the research facilities in a bit here." she murmurs.​
Migoya accepted the wrapper with a polite smile. Great. Now Im getting rubbish from young girls. Young girls that are far more than what they seem. Looking at it and waiting for Kotori's interest to flick to something else (it wouldn't take long), he slipped the wrapper in one of his hidden pockets. He gave a knowing stare to Mikasa, slightly rolling his eyes, his mirth obvious. Still - the child had created an object without effort - a feat possible by the two S-Rank shinobi in front of her, but they had been training for years...

That child aint normal, Mikki - who was currently resting in the hood of his robe - 'imparted' into Migoya's mind. And I want that other ones glasses. The one you are sucking up to - Mikasa-su-casa. Can I have em?

Ignoring the Tsukumogami, Migoya smiled. He was more relaxed here than he would normally be - a surprising thing indeed. Mikasa seemed to actually accept his advice, a far different thing that what the other leaders in the village seemed to do, and as such he was content to be a bit more casual around her. Kotori was a mystery wrapped in an enigma - which was great. Migoya though really wanted to see some of the more... restricted areas of the Byoin.

"Certainly - I am looking forward to it. A quick question - are we able to personalise our individual areas... I mean, I have family photos and the like." There was clearly a deeper question there, but the surface inquiry was clearly there to avoid a certain young lady from listening in.
"I'll have to look into making the counter higher then." The smile was something Kotori really could appreciate and smiled bright back. "I will try it again next time then again!"

Kotori had been using her ability to 'duplicate' the said candies, maybe abusing her ability to do so maybe. But she had always more than enough candy this way and for a lot of children, that alone, was a dream coming true. She was glad how Mikasa had placed that candy in her mouth and she did the same. Enjoying the taste that spread from the candy she started to hum once more. She had been taught to keep a tune down with candy inside her mouth... but she was rather quick with eating it and there she went, half dancing and doing all the time again. She knew Mikasa knew, but was curious if the other company knew about her double life at all. "Hup...skip...jump!" She said and made a few jumps. "I can show you the playground after if you want to?" She offered once she heard about the possibility on an area she might not be able to enter.

Her eyes went to the white-haired male. "If that is the case... then I will draw you something sometime!" She grinned wide.
Mikasa admittedly was becoming fond of the albino shinobi and the mannerisms he continued to implore, cheekily she eyes the male, "Of course, we strongly emphasize ones creative freedom." the Sennin responds, the hidden meaning doubtfully would be lost on Miyoga. Unfortunately she unable to pry into the mind of the hidden Tsukumogami, nor be aware of the whereabouts; otherwise the maiden may have obliged the puppet if the pair would be alright with her being visually impaired. Never the least, the remainder of the 'tour' wasn't one in which she felt comfortable with the child of the Hokage being part of.

Casually, the kunoichi crouches to extend her digits caringly against the lass, "Kotori-chan, I would love to have you on the remainder of the adventure, but this is about to become a private matter between Migoya-san and myself." Mikasa explains in an alluring tone, "What I mean to say, is would you be alright with sitting this one out? I promise to make it up to you!" she insists with a widening grin. Cerulean orbs glance towards Migoya, perhaps he would be able to also aid in persuasion, although she didn't expect any resistance from the ANBU youth.

Returning to a full stand, casually she gestures towards the cafeteria in the distance, a handful of patience mucking past the group in hopes of scrounging up a morsel or two. "If I am correct, I believe the desert is frozen yogurt of some kind, why don't you help yourself, Kotori-chan? I am sure our elderly patients would love to see your charming smile!" Mikasa continues to coax the lass further. In any event, despite how the events would unfold, the Sennin had much to discuss with the Medical-Nin and to state particular items in the open was far from ideal.​
At last - someone that could understand the hidden meanings, delve beneath the shallow words to find their true intent. Migoya gave the Medical Sennin a smile and a nod, both out of respect but also out of the deeper understanding that she had implied. Mikasa had then indicated to the pair that what they were going to discuss needed to be a bit more… private. The presence of the young girl obviously wasn’t ideal from this point forward, even though Migoya was beginning to like her presence. It reminded him of old times, the innocence of youth - though this one seemed far too innocent...

Talking the cue from Mikasa Migoya nodded with what looked to be a disappointed look on his face. “I expect that we will be talking about boring things, like work rosters and the like. In any event, I believe you have a picture that you need to draw for me!” he added with a grin. “I’m sure there are some pencils or the like in the reception area to go with that dessert!”

He looked back at the Med-Sennin with the same grin on his face.

“Time for boring things I guess.”

Time for the good stuff.
She nodded, one twice even as she listened to them both. Slowly she was snickering a little. "What I mean to say, is would you be alright with sitting this one out? I promise to make it up to you!" She was already agreeing to it. She might have been a 9-year-old, but stupid was one thing she most certainly wasn't in this case. But their words... They made that 9-year-old sparkle inside of her. Coming to live even, her eyes seemed to bloom up a little. "Aye!" She said with a big big smile and started to run towards the counter.

The small girl gathered her drawing supplies and the small desert as she started to draw where all the others were remaining in the room. She helped sometimes an elderly person, sometimes she sat down next to one and drew... She would keep her day busy like this.

The Uchiha youth scurried away to leave the medical pair to dabble into matters of higher interest; particularly for Migoya. Silently the Sennin gestures towards the opposing wing, strolling forward with a pep in her step. Once out of ear shot, their true conversation would be underway, "Well, Migoya-san, I was a bit dishonest with you initially. We have redone a few of the previous escape tunnels, sealing the rear thoroughly while allowing freedom of judging eyes." she begins in a cryptic tone. Before them was an ordinary corridor, surely housing additional workspace and offices; however she would pivot to face another ordinary door.

Extending her hand outwards she would press and ajar the heavy oak, a solid ivory wall would greet the dynamic duo. Whimsically she caresses her sole ungloved hand against the texture, a faint veil of chakra surfacing about the flesh to only be absorbed by the ordinary in appearance petite room. Without a word, the door in which the pair enters swings shut and the lights within the diminish as a cool zephyr greets their features. "Each active medical-nin and higher member can access the below through excreting chakra." pausing momentarily, Mikasa ponders on a proper explanation, "I would chalk this up to a multiple series of barriers, we mix our chakra to maintain on a weekly detailing and thus allowing access to those who participate in the maintenance." she murmurs, as the light within the room returns to normal as a spiral staircase reveals itself.

Nonchalantly the kunoichi continues forward and begins her descent. No doubt that their journey downwards was a few stories, the faint echoing of her leather boots ricochets off the cobblestone walls. "There is only two rules pertaining to this restricted area." she murmurs, holding up two fingers as she halts at once last door at the base of the stairwell. "Foremost, this area is for medical research only, those who are not normally allowed should not be allowed access under any circumstances. Secondly, human research on our villagers is strictly prohibited." the medical lead enlightens Migoya, allowing him to use his brain for the unspoken.

With a faint grumbling, the door creaks forward to reveal a well light hallway, similar to the hallways of the Byoin above. A series of doors are closed, in a few various sounds can be heard - ranging from mumbling to the explainable. "My personal is in the rear and yours..." she halts to gesture for one last instance towards a ivory door with a brass handle. "Is here. Although, this can only be opened normally only by you. Your chakra signiture acting as the key."

With each passing moment Migoya's fickle respect was being earnt by this Sennin. There were many subtle things hidden under her words - even the way she spoke was a puzzle, needing to be solved - but the effort was worth it. He had followed her, gauging all of her slight mannerisms, from the sounds of her boots on the ground, to the firmness of her voice behind that which she tried to portray. She seemed more than capable - even better than Migoya - at reading the mood of a situation, and Migoya was impressed. Part of him screamed to be careful with his true feelings around this woman, as if she could almost read his mind.

The ivory wall had been hidden away, protected and sealed specifically for access only to med-nin. A very clever and expert addition to the security of the Byoin... but why? What did this place of healing have to hide?

Migoya chuckled. "Some things are best left in the dark Mikasa-sama. No offense taken - what is the point of a secret escape route if everyone knows about it?" He placed his hand alongside that of the Sennin, allowing his own shadowy chakra to flow forth, imprinting on the doorway. He watched with approval as a spiral staircase was revealed - another fine security measure if you knew what you were doing - and followed silently behind the kunoichi. He watched carefully as he was led down a cobblestone passageway, so similar to the ground on which the two med-nin had met, one stormy night.

Rules were laid out - intelligent and necessary rules. Migoya nodded, understanding their importance. Certainly, medical research needed... supplies but they were easily obtained outside of the village and left no trail. "Understandable and accepted, Mikasa-sama," he added with a respectful nod. This was her domain, and her rules would always be followed. She then proceeded further into another well-lit hallway, again demonstrating her understanding of security and tactics. A well-lit hallway prevented infiltration, but also would confuse would-be attackers as each hallway looked the same. Migoya looked over to the platinum-haired Sennin.

"I must say I'm impressed... and I offer no meaningless platitudes because you are my superior." Migoya meant it. Placing his own pale hand again next to the Sennin's he imprinted his chakra into this, his own office door. No labels or name tags would designate his office as another security measure.

"You are a pleasant surprise Mikasa-sama... someone who understands, who seeks to find truth, and knows how to protect it properly... a skill set so lacking in leaders these days." His pale hand went to the brass handle, pushing the door open. "To open doors, sometimes people need to push..."
Migoya's flattery wouldn't fall onto deaf ears; however it would fail to influence the words spoken by the kunoichi, "I would rather consider myself an individual who is merely open minded to all opportunities to benefit Konohagakure." she responds in a cheery tone. Silently she observes his movements, the albino's hand turning the brass knob to reveal an astonishing amount of space. In fact, the dim lights hum into existence before intensifying, revealing a fifth of a wing length and width. Workspace with various instruments liter table tops and leaving ample space to modify to his heart content. Viles and flasks contain various liquid, Bunsen burners await capable hands to awaken them from a deep slumber.

"What research you perform within this room is your kept secret, I solemnly swear to never intrude unless given permission. Although I do ask you be discrete with items you manage to bring into this area. Furthermore you have my trust, but in return I wish for no surprises that will muddle the overall branch." she reiterates, giving a gentle grin; however behind the words was a crystal clear message. Given Migoya's track record thus far, it would be difficult to not comprehend she was given him enormous freedoms while requesting their trust remain intact.

Delicately she pats the back of the medical shinobi, in time pivoting about to leave him to collect his thoughts. "I'll let you contemplate how you wish to rearrange your new space. I am sure you have many items coursing through your mind. Let us speak again soon?" she muses aloud. "Have fun~" she coos, waving her hand over her shoulder and departing down the corridor. In the distance faint echoes of her leather boots contacting the tile floor distance themselves and signify her ultimate disappearance into the unknown.

[OOC: Topic Left]​
The doors gave way to a large laboratory, huge even... candyland as it were to a mind such as Migoya's.

"For you I am happy to adopt an open door policy - despite my... unwarranted reputation. My own research is experimental, and I would appreciate input from someone who, or want of a better phrase, knows what she is doing..."

His face held the tiniest smirk in the corner of his mouth, but his eyes spoke volumes. They spoke of understanding at Mikasa's hidden message and overt warnings - the simple redress that he was to not get caught. He rarely did, unless he wanted to be. He bowed politely, understanding that the tour was at an end.

"Thank you Mikasa-sama. I look forward to it."

Migoya ears bristled at the intended clop of Mikasa's boots leaving the vicinity as the Medical Sennin casually walked away. His red eyes followed her, a myriad of thoughts running through his brilliant yet convoluted mind. Whilst Migoya had no indications to suggest that she could read minds, his Myakashi training had placed his true feelings and thoughts behind the true barriers of happiness, elation, and awe at the laboratory and resources put before him.

There is much more to that one that she lets on. Someone to respect... and to watch. Yet another piece on the Shogi board, but this one I am unsure of its value, its purpose, and how to use it most effectively...

Entering what was now his laboratory, he shut the door behind him, locking it to ensure safety. Casting a gaze around the room in an attempt to find hidden cameras or the like and finding none, he relaxed, taking off his white coat and placing it on a nearby desk. He looked over the various chemicals - mostly inert base material for use in a variety of experiments, and smirked.

Its better than the last lab, though number 6 is still my favourite. . A small wooden puppet would intone, climbing out of the dropped robe to stand on the table and affix its expressionless gaze onto Migoya.

"It is suitable and effective. I will have to transfer some of my experiments here... traveling to Crater City can be tiresome at times," Migoya stated, taking a seat at his new desk.

Leaving forward, Migoya peaked his fingers, a clear sign that he was thinking deeply. It was a fortuitous thing that he had met Mikasa and been elevated so quickly. Certainly, it was far too convenient at the face of it, but perhaps the Medical Sennin saw talent and was smart enough to use it. Who knows, if Takeshi and Kenshin had actually respected him enough to discuss his ideas rather than steal them and cast him out he might just be standing next to them, fighting on their behalf. Perhaps an ANBU mask would now cover his face rather than the robes of a med-nin.

A game of shogi now played in his mind, a long-term game that required sacrifice for greater reward. Konohagakure was on the precipice of greater disaster and often it needed a slight push in the right direction in order to find itself once again. Sometimes in order to progress certain obstacles needed to be removed.

"It is time. Let Yong know."

If the wooden faceless puppet could smirk, it would be doing so right now.


[Topic Left - thanks Boss!]
[MFT: WC 564]

Current Ninpocho Time:
