Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Short Stop [Requesting Entry]

Oct 22, 2012
Katsumi took a deep breath once the winds calmed down enough to where he didn't have to breathe in grains of sand. It was also enough to make out a rather decrepit looking building, with a banner flying above. Despite all of Katsumi's training and his former rank of an ANBU, most would be surprised to know that he's never been in any real combat. Nor has he ever left his village; save for when he was forced to relocate with everyone else to Stone of course. So this was all new. These were all sights he's seeing for the first time and they were incredible. " I've been living under a rock, huh?"

Approaching the building's large doors, he hesitated, one hand lifting to push his way inside. "Is it occupied?" Katsumi took a step back, pulling his blue scarf down from his nose and mouth, back against his throat. "Hello...? Is anyone in there? Can I come in?" He had no idea if he was just talking to an abandoned building or not. But he didn't want to cause any trouble by barging on in there. Of course, curiosity gets the better of him and he slowly pushes the door open anyway, once again calling out and looking around. "Hello?" Inside, he noticed how parts of the building seemed to be in ruins. "Maybe it really is just a random, abandoned building after all...? I mean, I don't see anyone here. Did I really just hit a dead end? Should I keep going?" Slowly and carefully, Katsumi steps inside.

[Topic Entered - Requesting Entry]
[MFT: 261]


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Re: A Short Stop [Requesting Entry

"The next thirty days may come with some rain. The thirty days after that may beat us with heat. The thirty days after that may keep the land neat. The thirty days after that..." The boy started towards the Sand Village with a song that he learned while helping out on a farm on the outskirts of the village. All the hard work he did from early morn to late sunset, really did ware the boy out. He spent a few months there, and it even sharpened his skills a bit as a shinobi, but he had his fun outside the village. He was ready to reenter the desert lands, and again lend his helping hand to the village. "Pigs and sheep, E, I, E, I, OOOO!"<i></i> Anyone around could probably hear the boy's melodic voice and he sang aloud the tune. There was no chance of sneaking up on anyone this time.

Before the boy could make his way back into the village he noticed someone that looked rather familiar. 'Wait a minute. Isn't that Kat?' Of course from far away looks could be deceiving. He figured he was in the desert heat too long and was starting to hallucinate. He began to think of the Mist Village for a moment as he came closer to the figure in the distance. "OI! WHO IS THAT THERE!" The boy tried to sound friendly as he shouted. He didn't want an episode to outbreak before the village gates. He waved as he moved closer to the figure, showing a rather large grin. One could see him carrying a rope across his shoulder tied to a gigantic bag full of... something.

[ Topic Entered - Requesting Entry ]
Oct 22, 2012
Re: A Short Stop [Requesting Entry

Katsumi already had a foot in the door of the Dojo when he heard such loud yet almost pleasant singing coming from behind him. He'd be a fool to just ignore something like that. Besides, something sounded so familiar in the voice. Curiosity alone had him turning to see who it was. The heat made the small figure seem so hazy and he squinted to try and make out who was walking towards him. He blinked when the person demanded to know his identity. "Am I trespassing in his home? But there's no way someone lives here..." Maybe he shouldn't be so quick to judge. He himself had taken to an abandoned warehouse back in Mist, when he had no income.

Upon fully turning around and noticing just who was talking to him, Katsumi broke out into a grin. He waved back, finding himself relax at seeing a familair face. He never thought he'd see anyone he knew again. "Back in the Mist village...I remember talking to him. Uziuke was his name, if I remember correctly. It's been so long. Maybe I'll show him something cool..." With that thought, Katsumi took a breath, stepping forward and parting through reality. The air around him seems to shimmer as he steps through an invisible tear. One second he's by the doors and the next, he's right in front of Uziuke. (1.) "Hey! I'm...I'm really surprised to see you here...It's me! Katsumi." From the grin on his face, Uziuke can probably tell that he's quite happy to see him. "I hope you remember me, because I sure remember you. Back in Mist?"

Such a long way from home. These lands seem to be the complete opposite of their cold, snowy village. He missed it so much. "I just abandoned Stone...I up and left them. I didn't even really think about it. Hopefully I can be accepted somewhere."

[OOC Notes]</COLOR>
<COLOR color="#0080FF">


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Re: A Short Stop [Requesting Entry

The white haired teen abruptly stopped as the figure appeared before him. It was at such an abrupt speed that the young traveling shinobi was a bit surprised and taken aback. The Kiri native sort of let out a breathe after the mystery dude, who he recognized from Kirigakure, introduced himself. Thoughts of The Mist Village swarmed the boy's mind as he looked towards his companion. "Yeah I remember you Kat. I haven't ran into anyone from the village as of lately." He and Akkuma were the only two he could account for from Kiri that wasn't dead. "Truthfully, I was wondering where everyone from the village had gone off to." The boy looked in the direction of their old village, wondering what had become of it. 'I gave up on trying to restore the village a while back. It seems like everyone else has done the same.' The boy tried to shake the thought, but it worked to no avail. " I hope they didn't all die out while trying to make a new life for themselves." The boy looked back to Katsumi, still wondering where everyone's been hiding. His concern may have been a bit much, but without a home village, who could blame him.

"What are you doing in Suna? Looking for a place to rest for a while? Or maybe you're looking for the perfect one." The boy spoke in a playful tone, giving a playful nudge with his shoulder. "Or maybe you're just looking for some work like I've been doing." Just then he remembered he was carrying a large sack of crops that he helped plant and watch grow from the earth. There was a lot one could learn from the farmers near the outskirts of the village. He planned to help the village out a bit by shipping them off to one of the market owners. It was what he called making the most of his time while visiting other villages. There were always some type of deeds to get done. If not, hanging around wouldn't be a bugger would it?


Mar 25, 2015
"Fuck." He'd blurt out while raising his bloodied right hand to his lips. "Well if you didn't catch the frickin' blade with your hand this wouldn't happen!"</COLOR><i></i> A woman's voice dripping with both concern and disbelief reached out to him. "Well, I killed the bastard didn't I?" Was all the dark haired man had to say for himself. Jin'ichi wore a simple long-sleeved black shirt, along with matching dark jeans and boots. About his hip were a number of assorted belt pouches, all also an ebony hue. Eyes that were normally the color of a shadow's umbra now seemed pale and greying. Nothing was right with him as of late, and his problems went beyond skin deep. On a subatomic level his cells had been affected, charged to the point of bursting with some vile force. His cellular structure was unstable, causing fluctuations in his very pigmentation and genetic building blocks. He had grown pale, when once he seemed far more fitting for the desert. Avoiding sleep kept him from having the same dreams, those recurring memories that echoed horrors in the present day. The slight bags beneath his eyes showed just how much he'd been running himself ragged, but his expression and demeanor was that of a well rested man.

The woman standing to his left practically glared as she stared with a hand on her waist. Her dress was revealing, thin red fabric tailored into a traditional-styled dress with a slit that went up and over her hip. Her brownish-bronze skin made her stand out, just as easily as others claiming ancestry from demonic roots in Sunagakure. The long pointed ears she had twitched, as did the antennae-like strands of hair atop her head. "Why pair me with the overgrown Genin?" She seemed to ask herself more than anyone else. Apparently the two had been debating back and forth, and although she was a medic Jin'ichi continued to bleed right before her very eyes. "Maybe I wouldn't have reacted so late if you weren't dressed like that." An offhanded compliment and perhaps insult at the same time, causing her cheeks to turn red before she flicked him on the forehead. "Now stop being stubborn." Without warning, she snatched his hand from his mouth and turned his palm upwards. With her thumb pressing deep into the center of his wound, blood would pool around her fingernail.

Jin'ichi bit his lip and squinted a single eye as he fought back a reaction. His vision settled on her other hand as she produced a small vial, uncorking it with her teeth and pouring the clear liquid into his wound. It bubbled and popped, stinging his muscle tissue as it forced the cells to stretch and tether themselves to one another. In a matter of moments the wound was closed, and Jin'ichi snatched his hand back. "Ow! I told you I wasn't going to be one of your damned experiments Ruka!" The concoction had been of her own design, and while she'd tested the results in more controlled environments Jin'ichi was in fact her first human test subject. "It worked, didn't it?"<i></i> She practically mocked him, brushing her fingers along his cheek before turning to look towards the light from outside. The massive door had be cracked open, and with her ears she'd been listening to the conversation outside although not catching every word. "Company's always good." She murmured as her fingers left his skin, and almost as if pulled he rose to his feet and quietly followed behind.

As Ruka pushed the door open even further, she'd quietly observe the two foreigners. Jin'ichi was busy mumbling something about how useless it was to be paired with a medic who refused to fight, leaving him to do all the hard work and heavy lifting on the mission. Seeing as she was a physician more than a warrior in any capacity, her job had been mainly to assess the situation and come up with an antidote before it all went south. Jin'ichi played his part, but didn't like it very much. The aesthetic destruction surrounding them had been the results of consistent attacks in recent times, but souls walked its walls nonetheless. Takahashi Jin'ichi and Toraono Ruka were proof of that, and even further still into the vast structure would be the likes of Kuro and many others. Those that tread the desert in the head should always be aware of mirages, for things never were exactly as they seemed in Wind Country. There was always something more to something else... <COLOR color="red">"What village are you dudes talkin' about?"<i></i> He asked, stepping out from behind her and scratching the back of his head lazily. Ruka looked towards him with a raised brow to which he'd shrug. "What? Just 'cause my ears ain't pointy don't mean I can't hear shit..."<i></i> He crossed his arms with a confident smirk, glad he still could surprise her despite her lineage and power.

OC: Consider Ruka a 'faceless NPC' for now, but I've already got permission from Kuro for a set of Toraono sisters. I just haven't had the time to fill it all out. Hope you two don't mind me stepping in for a little.
- Marked for Training.
- Word Count: 824


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Basic Knowledge:
Birth/Real Name: Kanemoto Akujin
Adopted Name: Byakko Kyūji
Alias: Mikisugi Kyūji
Physical Age: 24
Height: 5 feet 10 inches tall
Weight: ????
Gender: Male
Day of Birth: October 5th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Village: Sunagakure, Formerly Iwagakure
Alignment: ????
Rank: ????
Religion: Agnostic
Skin tone: Well he was white but now he is darker like all of Kuro's clan apparently. He is not black, but has a tan I would say.
Eyes: Golden(They glow yellow in some situations) and they are feline-like eyes
Glasses: Not anymore, corrected visions through taking the Byakko Oath
Hair: Long, straight and white. I suppose if you would like a reference image look at Inuyasha.
Hands and feet: He has normal feet, but his hands are cat-like claws.
Markings/Tattoos: Silver-white markings formed around his left hand and forearm; also Byakko Tenshi seal is on his back.
Other features: Neko-ears
Relationship: Betrothed to the Head of the Byakko Clan
Looks Like: Dark Mousy from Dark Angel​

After quite a few long days in the Toraono Clan, primarily the Byakko Clan's branch in the Dojo, Kyuji was finished the honeymoon stage, trials and paperwork to make himself connected to the village and his clan. He finally had a little free time to explore the village and the outskirts of his new home. It was going to be a nice, peaceful few hours before he would need to go to the Byakko infirmary and then the hospital to do his medical training and rounds for the village and his clan. It was going to be quite a lot of getting use to, but he was determined to prove his worth to his village and his new family. There was a lot riding on him succeeding and he would definitely be working under some pressure, but now was not the time to let the stress flood over him. No, it was time to explore and have fun or so he would think~

He would proceed to leave his clan's chamber kissing his lady on the forehead as he got out of bed and proceeded to put on his medical robes that were like any typical medical attire: a white coat bearing the village's emblem on the right arm and his clan's emblem on the left arm. His hair was tied back into a ponytail to not interfere with his work later on in the day and he was wearing comfortable, black shoes with black pants and a white undershirt. His hands were hidden in his robe to not give away that he was the descendant of Byakko which also hid his wedding henna on his left hand and forearm. Trying to be as casual as possible, that was the plan. As he walked out of one of the another entrances to the Toraono Dojo since there were plenty entrances that linked to different branches and the village, he could feel the windless hot air blowing on his tannish skin as he looked out into the wasteland and noticed figures in the distance that seemed to look like foreigners, but they could be villagers for all he could tell. It would be time to find out!~

He would begin to proceed towards the group watching any and all events that unfolded in front of him which to his relief there was none. When he was within a talking distance, he would wave his right arm and hand, still cloaked under his coat, at the party that had actually been four people total: one female and three males. He assumed from the darker tone of the female that she was a citizen of the village at the very least and the man beside her must've been her partner or at least another villager. The other two males however did not match the traditional description of Wind Country with their lighter skin and attire. Once he was near the group, he would situate himself off to the side and say calmly, but with a strong tone behind his voice: "Are we all doing alright here? There's no problems, right?" His gaze would then peer at the two lighter skinned males and say: "You are not from this village are you? Can you please give us your names, village affiliations, and why you are visiting our village today?" He would then turn his head at the other two there and say: "Haven't seen you around the village yet! Then again, I just recently signed all the paperwork to join the village myself. What are your names?"

This was going to be fun to say the least.
Oct 22, 2012
Katsumi couldn't help but grin slightly. He rather enjoyed seeing the surprise on Uziuke's face as he suddenly appeared in front of him. However, when Kiri was mentioned, his smile waned slightly and he relaxed, pressing the balls of his feet into the sand. "Ah... You're actually the first I've run into that I remember the village. I feel like everyone just...vanished. Not that I talked to a lot of people back then... I was a pretty shy kid. Obviously it's gotten better, but I just wish I could have made more friends over there." The boy paused, smiling at his old acquaintance but this time it has more of a sad twinge to it. "That's why I'm just so happy to see that you're here. That you're alive. It's crazy that we got to meet up like this. Fate maybe? If you believe in such things..." Upon asked what he was doing in a place like Suna, Katsumi sighed and brushed some pieces of sand from his blue hair. "Well, to be honest, I just kind of decided to head out on my own. I wanted to see and experience the world. And this place...It just so happened that this was the first place my feet brought me. I actually intended on revisiting our old village. If there's anything left..."

Feeling the presence of another, Katsumi stilled and turned just as the door was pushed open even further and someone finally came out. "So there was someone in there? How long have they been standing there like that?" Katsumi turned to face the two strangers, standing slightly in front of Uziuke. "I'm originally from the Mist Village. I was simply discussing that. Who are you two, exactly? Are you from around here..?" Seeing as he didn't know these two and he didn't know what Uziuke told strangers, he didn't want to give away that he too was from Kiri; in case he wished to keep that secret. He however, didn't mind revealing where he originated from. "Have you never heard of it?" He asked innocently.

Yet again, they were interrupted by another soul entering through the doors of the building. "Another? How many people are in that place?" He blinked in surprise at the man's word choice. "Village? Have I stumbled into a village's gates? Seems a little crazy..." He now turns to face the ANBU, answering his question. "No, I'm not from this...village. My name is Katsumi. Honestly... I don't have a village anymore. I'm more or less travelling around. I know it's not a very exciting story... But if you say there's a village here, I'd really like to see it. I have a passport if you'd like to see it." If the ANBU wishes to see it, Katsumi would then offer it to him.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
"I'm from The Mist Village as well. My name is Uziuke, and I happened to stumble upon the outskirts of your village. From there I got lost and for several days was traveling in circles. I ended up finding my way after running into a pack of nomads that led me in the right direction." He didn't mention the fact that they began eating one another. It was something he thought he hallucinated, or maybe even dreamed of while lost. "I ended up running into acers of farmlands, and stayed there for a while." The boy let go of his grip on the rope that he used to tie the rather large sack that he carried. He opened the bustling package to reveal a numerous amount of crops that he helped plant and grow while visiting the farms. "I have fresh crops from the farms that I visited. It isn't much, but I helped the farmers there and was rewarded rather nicely." The crops were numerous. They were items that could be found at a local market place. "I wanted to present them to a local market of the village as a gesture of peace." The boy had already been in the village, but he slipped out unnoticed. It was something that he forgot to mention.

He hoped the group of foreign nin weren't intimidated by the two. "I am also requesting a term of stay within your village." Uziuke knew that it would be safer living within the village than striving off. Roaming around these lands were dangerous, even for an experienced shinobi. The boy's crimson eyes looked over each individual, attaching a voice to a being. From hearing alone he knew there were at least three of them. "I'm seeking shelter from what lies beyond your village gates." The boy paused, shaking his head, remembering what he'd seen. "It's really bad out there." The teenager looked back to doorway that led to the inside of the village. Only the three villagers before them had a say so in letting the two in or not.


Mar 25, 2015
He thought to himself for a moment, wondering idly about the differences between people in the world. There were those tied to nature in unimaginable ways, and others born of incomprihensible means. The woman next to him was part demon, but partly human as well. It would answer most questions in regards to the curiosities of her appearance. However; the blue hair sported by the young man might have been simple dye rather than hints of his inheritance. Then again, he wouldn't have been surprised in the least if the man favored ice or water techniques. A small chuckle escaped his lips while his eyes turned to the floor at the mention of Mist Village. It wasn't one of mocking, but had the tone of realization and disbelief. Still leaning forward lightly, he looked up at the young man more with his left eye than his right. While healed, his right hand was still covered in blood while his left hung in his pocket. "Actually, I have heard about Mist." His response was subtle and concise.

As he heard footsteps approaching from behind, Jin'ichi would straighten up and shake some of the blood of his hand. Little red droplets scattered onto the sands, turning dark and forming little spheres. Looking back and over his shoulder a man dressed in medical garbs bearing the village emblem emerged at the same time. Uncharacteristically pale eyes watched as the good doctor spoke with a tone of authority, as if he'd come to police the situation. All the right questions were being asked, which the foreigners would easily comply with but not before the unamed medic asked about Jin'ichi and his teammate. Instead of answering right away, he would wipe the rest of his blood off on the side of his thigh, the black material easily absorbing it and somewhat hiding the mess. "Filthy. It's like you don't have any manners at all."</COLOR><i></i> Ruka's soft voice was tainted by disgust, but the only thing she'd get from Jin'ichi was a middle finger. A vein swelling with anger would appear at the corner of her temple, and her ears twitched before she swung a slap at his face. Leaning back just at the last moment, her sharp nails would graze his cheek and draw blood.

Giving only a wry smirk, he wiped the blood from his cheek with his thumb. "Why I oughta'-" "You ought do what?" She interrupted, sneering in the process. Shaking his head and closing his eyes for a moment he shrugged and looked at the other three males. The smallest and youngest of them had begun talking while him and Ruka grated each other's nerves. He too was from the Mist Village, and had apparently been on his own struggling to make it ever since. Jin'ichi found himself getting lightheaded, but only barely swayed in stance. He'd reach up and place a hand on his forehead, closing his eyes. He could see the boy he'd killed... They were probably the same age. They both had white hair. They both had red eyes. Why did that face keep haunting him? It wasn't as if he'd just murdered the boy, the child was in a bloodlusted rage and drenched in demonic essence. How was it his fault, was he supposed to just let himself be killed? Letting his hand drop, he laughed a little and showed almost no signs of the inner conflict. At best, he seemed to be a little ill or simply fatigued.

Tugging at the collar of his shirt, he would reveal the Sunagakure forehead protector wrapped around his neck. The sun would glisten off its hourglass shape, while the crimson orb at the front of Ruka's obi glowed with the same Sungakure emblem. "My name is Toraono Ruka, and it's a pleasure to meet the three of you." Her tone was pleasant, and welcoming even. Unlike when she spoke to Jin'ichi and every little thing seemed to cause friction. Rolling his eyes and finally speaking out he'd state his concerns. "Look, I know you have this under control and everythin' but it wouldn't right if I didn't ask any questions." Though calm in his demeanor, he seemed to avoid paying any real attention to Uziuke. The boy was an eyesore to him, and for no other reason than the child reminded him of the blood on his own hands. There would be no feelings of animosity or hatred, but a feeling of guilt began to gnaw at his intestines whenever he looked at the youth. He was far too much like Shiori's boy. "My cousin told me that Mist Village was frozen in an ice age, for lack of a better term. Buildings and people frozen in place, trapped in coffins of ice on display... Like some sort of wax museum. Meaning whatever happened there happened pretty quickly..."<i></i> It might have seemed that he was digging nowhere for no reason, but he would eventually have a point. He had more information on Mist than anyone would have though, even if it wasn't in depth or insider experience.

It was then that, while Jin'ichi spoke, Ruka could see the signs of fatigue more clearly on his face as he stood in the sunlight. A small frown found its way onto her face, and she'd merely fold her arms as she listened. "How did you either of you avoid the big freeze?" It was a simple question, but perhaps one that would be more complicated to answer than anything else. Neither young man nor boy seemed to harbor any ill-intentioned secrets, but Sunagakure itself was crumbling and perhaps their method of survival would come in handy preventing such a disaster for them. Maybe he just wanted a verbal sparring sessions to see if he could find any weak points in their stories, but whatever the case was it was obvious that Jin'ichi was doing his job for once.

"I don't have the authority to stop you or let ya in, but she does." He nodded over towards Ruka, whom then placed a light finger on his shoulder as she looked at the bags beneath his eyes. She could be a bitch, but she did care what happened to the Shinobi of Sunagakure. It didn't particularly matter whom they were, or how long she'd known them, there was a comraderie baptized in the legacy her father had left behind. It was that care for others that spurred her to become a medic in the first place. Her hidden benevolence wasn't limited towards residents of Sunagakure alone though. <COLOR color="#997a00">"He's right. I think you both should be fine, it's not as if Kuro-sama would ever turn away those in need. I am interested in hearing the tale of your survival though. If it's not a too sensitive topic. After all Katsumi-san, Uzi-kun... You were both just speaking of home any way, right?" She grinned pleasantly, somehow reinforcing her comarde's interests while having clashed with him mere moments before.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
[OOC: Before you read, I am sorry it sucks. Cannot for the love of me think or type anything wonderful for the topic.]

Upon his arrival, he received the answers that he needed from the foreigners. They were apparently from the frozen tundra that use to be called the Village Hidden in the Mist and were seeking shelter while exploring. It was innocent enough to say the least, considering he would have said the same exact thing to the shinobi had they stopped him from just running into the village. In all honest, the village was in such a panic and dealing with so many hardships that they didn't need to worry about foreigners especially a bunch of teenagers who were seeking a place to stay. He would offer his home to them after he received more intelligence from them to engage their true strength and thoughts. Innocent, but potentially dangerous.

However, they were not as dangerous or reckless as the fellow male of his village who was "playing" with his blood appeared. Truthfully, he never had seen the man or the woman before in his life but the bickering between them and the authoritarian words from the female gave off a strong sign that she was related to the Toraono Clan which would be proven when she introduced herself to them all. Most of the dialogue between the group would come from the other male of the village as he would talk about the Hidden Mist like it was a mere ancient story that would not tear at the heart of the two foreigners. The story was accurate, but the comparison to a wax museum seemed quite inappropriate for the time. In all honesty, he wanted to correct the man, but he kept his trap shut as he continued on saying he had no authority to let them in. His "girlfriend" however apparently had the authority and she said it was fine, but she wanted to hear about the Hidden Mist somewhere which would cause Kyuji to turn his head momentarily mouthing some curse words from his mouth before returning to face them with a calm demeanor on his face. One was for sure, these two fellow villagers did not hold any punches when asking about someone's past which felt really disrespectful to him, but he couldn't change the world...only people's bodies with the power of healing.

He would look at all with his arms folded and calmly say: "Katsumi and Uziuke, you are free to go into the village from me. I may not have the authority of Lady Ruka, but I do come from a sub-branch of the Toraono Clan which somewhat gives me a say. If you two need a place to stay, my fiancée and I would be more than willing to let you stay with us or I can give you some money to find a decent place to stay in the village together. Oh, before I forget, my name is Byakko Kyūji...Jounin-ranked medic of Sunagakure. As for talking about the Hidden Mist, I heard the same rumors while living in the Hidden Stone about it being a frozen is highly dangerous to go to now just like the Hidden Leaf."
Oct 22, 2012
The last thing Katsumi wanted to do was imply that he was a threat of some kind. He was truly simply traveling and only happened to stumble upon the village. He didn't even know it was a village. He glanced at Uziuke as the boy mentioned how bad it was outside the safety of a village. " Was it really so bad?" He was always a bit annoyed with just how clueless he was. It's partly the reason he's traveling. The former ANBU wanted to gain knowledge of the world not just by books or word of mouth. The experience is what he wanted. He was there when the storm froze his entire village. He was a part of that history. He wanted to be there for everything.

The young man frowned at the sand shinobis' line of questioning. Their tone was friendly despite breaching such a sensitive topic but Katsumi couldn't help but feel like it was accusatory. As if, since they had survived, they somehow had a hand in what happened. He cringed to even imagine such a thing. Mist was his beloved home. He couldn't imagine purposefully harming it or anywhere else. " You are asking how we possibly survived? Well. It's true that it happened quickly, but the village was evacuated. The ones... Frozen in place... They were the people who chose to stay; who wanted to deny what was happening. I can understand... Having to leave was... Horrible. I admit... I had hope that it wasn't going to be that bad. That we could return once the storm was over. That wasn't the case, obviously. Those people who you refer to as pieces in a wax museum...," His tone had darkened slightly in disapproval of the man's word choice. " They were simply people who desperately wanted to believe their home wasn't going to be destroyed."

Katsumi relaxed slightly once the man in white eased his mind by saying they could enter the village and even going so far as to offer them a safe place to stay. " Thank you. I very much appreciate your kindness... "

[So sorry about the long wait guys!]
[MFT: 353]


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
After Kat explained his piece, Uzi went on to add a bit on to what was said. "Yea it's true, the lands were frozen over in little to no time." The boy remembered the event as if it were yesterday. "I left during the Chuunin exams and made it out alive. It was like a game of 'believe it or not'. Those that got word were out early, those that didn't have an ear to lend..." The boy's tone was dark as his words trailed off. He didn't want to make up a fairytale and say everyone made it out with their cheese and cake. The boy cleared his throat, continuing on. "I didn't stay long enough to become a piece of ice." Of course he was trying to stray away from speaking about his village's current condition. He wouldn't say anything else about it. That was only the beginning of the chain of events that led them to Sunagakure. The Village of Sand, and lots of sun.

After hearing that entering the village wouldn't be a problem, it lifted his spirits a bit. The boy felt as though weights were lifted off of his shoulders. The burden of living in the missing lands was off of his mind, but he wouldn't let go of his survival skills. He went through a few dangers and gained experience and wisdom from what he endured. It was just something he could not let go of. It's what made him a better shinobi. What he couldn't learn from others, he learned on his own. But there was only so much one individual could do on their own.

"Oi! Before bolting in, I wanted to know if there were any events going on within the village. I wouldn't mind helping out a bit to earn some yen." He wondered what he could expect from the village as he already met three of it's residence. Each of them were cooperative and seemed relatively kind. Were the homes here the same as back in Kirigakure? Even though he'd visited the village before he still had many unanswered questions that he wanted to unravel. Hopefully the village wouldn't have a problem with his curiosity. His methods of solving problems were a bit unorthodox, but he got the job done all the same.

[ MFT | WC: 380 ]


Mar 25, 2015
Regardless of how calmly this Kyūji fellow spoke his words, they'd have the same effect. Jin'ichi would raise his brow and squint at the doctor for a few seconds without a single word. Ruka stepped forward as if to say something, but got cut off. "Doc...Kyūji...Whatever the fuck your name is? Ya got some nerve. Ain't we 'sposed to be all comrade-like?" Letting his shoulders droop and a false frown hang on his face, he glanced over the inhuman features of the medic. As if he'd seen nothing he'd tilt his head and shake it with a gesture of pity. "For a Jounin you sure don't know how to keep appearances in front of guests. Ruka clearly said she'd let 'em in, but you still felt the need to try an' one-up her? I guess Kitty's overcompensating a li-" "Enough, it's not that big of a deal. Byakko means he's family after all."</COLOR><i></i> Ruka took the perceived slight in stride and gave a warm grin devoid of malice to the men from Mist.

Dropping the subject as easily as he picked it up, Jin'ichi would shrug and look back towards the large village gates as they spoke more. Just as nonchalantly as he broached the subject about Mist, he would as easily absorb the information about its end. A small chuckle left his lips, imagining how typical of people it was to ignore all the warning signs until death. Sometimes it made more sense to save your breath than to warn he willfully ignorant. "Sucks what happened mate. Least ye' ain't dead, right?" He failed to be subtle or successful in pointing things towards the bright side. "I got shit to do, Cap'n Doc over there's got you covered." With that he was already walking off towards the village. It was pointless for him to be there if someone else was willing to handle the matter, Ruka sighed and waved as she followed. <COLOR color="#997a00">"I'm sorry for your losses, and I hope things will take a turn for the best while you're here. Feel free to ask for me around the Dojo. I have reports to fill out, that moron won't do them anytime soon."<i></i> She spoke softly while motioning to the empty space where Jin'ichi once stood. Then, like he, she was gone too.

[Topic Left]​


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Standing his ground with his arms folded, he listened to the foreigners talking about their past and having to escape from their home country in order to survive. It was understandably tragic and he felt bad for the boys considering he went through the same things in the Hidden Stone only weeks before with the village undergoing an outside force invading and the leaders of the village trying to kill off the ones that they did not want as their kage. Quite sad, but there was no time to reflect as the sharp-tongued individual who had been digging at his nerves since they met finally went off on a rant in front of the visitors at him saying some peculiar things like jabbing about his sexual organ and calling him Cap'n Doc before storming off with Ruka behind him but not before her letting the strangers come to the Toraono Dojo if they needed anything. Kyuji would shrug at the foreigners as he saw the "pissy" male leaving. He would then place his hand behind his back and say with a smile: "If you guys need anything, you may come to the Dojo like Ruka said and ask for her or me. Here is a little map that I was using to not get lost, but you two may have it now. Just following the arrows and you will get into the village and be on your merry way. If you desperately need me, just come to the hospital! As for your question, we are currently rebuilding our village on the surface and I am sure there are jobs there that need help which could earn you some nice, shiny yen. Nice to meet yous, but I must go talk to them."

He would then would wave goodbye to them as he dashed over to the male and Ruka who were not the far away. He would appear in front of them with his arms crossed and stare right at the "boy" before shaking his head and looking at the woman and shrugging. He would sigh heavily as he began to talk: "Dude, you got some nerve talking back there making assine comments about their village in front of them and making idiotic comments about me. Do you have no control over your words or any sympathy for them? Are you really that incompetent as a shinobi to act like that? You realize that is how you get into fights and hurt, right?"

His gaze then would look at Ruka as he continued: "By no means was I trying to, as your friend calls it, "one-up" you. I am sorry towards you if you felt that way. Only reason I decided to show my face at all was because I was headed into the village anyways to do my job which apparently is something your buddy needs to learn to do properly or he is going to find himself six feet under the sand. But anyways Ruka, you may go if you want. I just want to talk to your friend here."

[Access Granted to Katsumi and Uziuke if they would like to go in. Topic Leaving for Takahashi is stopped. Takahashi, your NPC may stay or leave.]


Mar 25, 2015
That should have been the end of it, but people who considered themselves important couldn't stand being brushed aside. As Jin'ichi and Ruka made their way through the Dojo, they'd hear footsteps approaching and while Jin'ichi paid the sound no mind Ruka looked back curiously. When she saw the doctor, she'd halt her movements and fold her arms. The doctor called out behind Jin'ichi who hadn't bothered to stop, but once the voice of the Byakko heir reached him his steady gait would cease. Both hands were now in his pockets, and he looked towards the ceiling while rolling his eyes. Ruka had already felt the tension in the air, and decided it wasn't in anyone's best interest to say anything. For now, she would simply observe. The doctor's apology towards her would be met with a soft grin and a nod, showing how little she cared about the whole thing.

Taking a couple of steps backwards and then looking towards this Kyuji fellow, Jin'ichi would stick his pinky finger in his own ear. After cleaning it out for a moment or two he'd flick the earwax onto the floor somewhere. "Blah... Blah... Blah... I am that incompetent a Shinobi, I don't give a shit what happened to Mist, and if you're going to kill me then do it or shut the fuck up and leave me alone." It was clear he cared not for mending the situation. At best, he would just walk away from it and remain a memory of dislike for the Byakko heir. Threatening him wasn't going to work, because death was an inevitability he'd already accepted and perhaps even awaited with fervor. The man wasn't his direct superior, and so he couldn't care less about etiquette or Kyuji's Jounin status. If it wasn't Sousuke, there wasn't really a single person in the whole village that could actually make him do anything, and even then he listened to Sousuke because of a mutual respect between the two relatives... This... This stranger meant nothing.

He'd snort loudly, hocking up a thick glob of phlegm that he spat onto the floor between them. "Go measure your dick somewhere else, fop. If you gotta' problem with how I do my job, go speak to our boss and make a report. Tell him you didn't like the way Jin'ichi talked, or the way he looked. Tell him whatever you like, but I can promise if you tell him your opinion mattered to me, that you're a fuckin' liar."<i></i> He'd flip the doctor his middle finger, and proceed to walk off again. If the Byakko man wanted to assault the Takahashi based on attitude, then it would simply have to be done. There would be no flinching on Jin's part, and he could already hear Sousuke complaining about the Shinobi fighting one another without cause. Then again, cause was an easy thing to create and when people clutching the idea of nobility and societal importance cross paths with people who simply didn't care... It caused friction. Friction was a constant pervasive force in Jin's life, and he wasn't even going to pretend to try and be anything other than himself. Ruka would slip off should Jin'ichi depart, or stay and watch if the situation carried on further. However; unless Akujin physically held Jin'ich in place there was no stopping his departure. Byakko, Toraono, Ancient, none of that mattered to him. He wasn't in the mood for titular bullshit.

[Topic Left /Again]​


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Standing there between the two men was Ruka, the one who had not said anything negative to the strangers or Kyuji the whole time when they were interacting. She was not the one who was creating tensions, but it was her little friend who decided to identify himself as Jin'ichi. This guy seriously had no filter in his mouth it seemed as the terrible language escaping his lips just made the medical shinobi shake his head as he kept throwing more and more insults at him. The last straw that broke the camel's back from the man is when he flipped Kyuji off which caused the Byakko's golden feline eyes to glow and his body to shake in anger. This boy needed to learn his place among men and he was going to learn real quick by the hands of a medical shinobi who could save his troubled self if he would just have given it a chance.

Cracking his knuckles, he looked at Ruka and said: "Ruka, please move out of the way and get Toraono Kuro here ASAP. Tell him that Byakko Kyuji is dealing with a shinobi of our village and he is only restraining the male until he can be questioned." He then turned his gaze to the man and said: "Since you love to use that trash mouth of yours towards me and show absolutely no respect towards anyone, you are going to learn a lesson. Prepare yourself to learn some respect, you incompetent imbecile!"

[Yeah, you are being stopped and calling b-mod]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Thread is momentarily put on hold due to reports currently being discussed by the Admin Team.
Please hold until we're finished.


Mar 25, 2015
OOC: For the record, let it be officially known I have not reported anything. Until seeing Tetsuo's post, I hadn't even spoken to anyone regarding this topic. I've also been contacted by two other administrators in regards to this topic. I think it's pretty obvious here:
I'm going to let the administrators do their thing. I have responded to statements made, but have not rejected the b-mod call. The decision about some rather blatant things will be made by those designated to worry about such malarkey. I'll continue as directed once an official statement has been made.

“The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity.” - John F. Kennedy 4.12.1959
(Even if technically incorrect, his point and meaning were both understood and meant.)

I'm sure I'll find a way to enjoy myself irregardless of circumstance. This is a game after all.

I don't mind taking a beating, it could build character.

I don't mind getting killed, would just make a new one.​


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
For the sake of papertrails. Please send communications to my (or any Administrator's) PM box. This thread is placed on hold due to a metagaming complaint filed against you Takahashi. Copies of communications from you regarding this thread have been sent to the Administration. If you would like to say anything in your defense or make a counterclaim against Akujin then please send what you want to send to any Administrator's PM box or you can contact me on skype and I will send a verbatim communication. I should remind you of course in out of character on-site communications (which does extend to the PM box) that you cannot use uncensored cuss words.

As per site rules I am sending you a warning regarding this -- the use of uncensored cuss words in PM communications. We received a copy of a PM communication between yourself and Akujin that contained profanities and for that I do have to give you a warning. Please make sure that you censor yourself in future on site OC communications.

I have also locked this thread because the discussion/debate here is not meant for public scrutiny.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
The Admin team has concluded their discussion.
The reports that was received were unfounded.

You may continue the thread, under the stipulation that the B-mod call is cancelled.
You may rethink your responses and your actions from this point on.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
