Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A sleepless night (Solo)


Faithful Ninja
Oct 8, 2012
Kushin had recently arrived back from his mission, he'd been checked out at the hospital and done some training with a new apprentice. When he arrived home his wife was sitting in the living room, a silk gown on and nothing underneath. Her body was as beautiful as it had been before the birth of their child, perhaps more so.

She was talking to someone, a mans voice replied to her, their voices were low, delicate and Kushin could smell the sex in the room. It was hard for him, he was married to her, and so he felt that she should at least be loyal to him as he was to her, even if they didn't share any type of love. He knew that this would mean she would have an early period. He knew that because he would make it so. It was how he knew that his child was his child. Whenever anything was out of place, whenever she had slept with someone other than himself she would have an early period. For a time it had meant she'd stopped sleeping around. Apparently the run of stability in her cycle had meant that she thought that she could go about it again.

Clearly she hadn't put two and two together. He was Chigokai, master of blood. They could rename him to whatever they wanted, he couldn't care less, he was still a proud member of his clan. Though technically he now belonged to another.

He cleared his throat and the awkward moment where the man would realize that her husband had come home. That moment where his heart fluttered as he lied to Kushin and told him he had no idea she was married. He hadn't even said he was her husband, the conclusion of that statement even without Kushin's abilities would be blatant to anyone with a clue.

The man fled, his wife remained seated, silently, a smile on her face. She knew this would piss Kushin off and she knew the he would do nothing about it. At least that was her assumption. Kushin gave her a silent look, their eyes meeting, then Kushin looking away. It let her think she'd won. It was her body that would betray her. Perhaps one day Kushin would show her the side of him that would break her down into tears and make her beg him for forgiveness. Have her crawl into a corner and cry hoping, praying, that he wasn't going to take her apart.

Unfortunately for now she was too useful, and doing that would sever ties with the Isaki. Their money was worth something still, it helped fund the hospital when it was short in areas, and it helped him aquire resources he would otherwise question the worth of getting. If it wasn't his personal funds then it didn't matter. And he never used his personal funds.

I'm going to bed. He said as he left the room and headed down the halls. Something was saddened by what had happened. Perhaps it was because he had half-by wanted things to work out. For them to get closer to each other through their child. He walked to its room and opened the door. The baby slept and he walked to the edge of the cot to check on him. A small ruffle of green hair atop his head as he slept peacefully. A smile of love and his eyes moistened as he looked at his son. So precious to him. He'd done checks and knew that the boy had taken his Chigokai bloodline. A finger brushed over his child's soft face.

Closing his eyes he fought away the images of softness, happiness. His face hardened once more. He turned and closed the door on his son, leaving him in darkness again.

Going to his room he slid into bed. His eyes closed. He fell asleep.

Nightmares began to ravage him. Dark dreams of murder, his clans blood pooling around his feet. A strange creature slashed and killed. A swing of its arm and a head was lopped off. The head rolled and rolled. Blonde hair being stained red with blood as it continued to roll. He watched the head rolling towards him. He knew the face but couldn't make it out. It was familiar. Then it stopped, eyes staring at him. His wifes face dead. He felt nothing. He looked up to see who it was who had given her a clean unpained death. Who was it who had taken the kill away from himself?

He looked at his own face. Only it wasn't quite his own. It was a different colour. A grin on his face, evil in his eyes. Kushin wondered why he would have turned evil. To slaughter everyone was quite definitely evil, but what would cause him to do this? No it was a nightmare. He wasn't capable of such a disgusting act. He was righteous and he was doing good for the village. Removing those who hurt others, removing the weak, giving fertilizer to the strong so that they go beyond their natural limits. That was his purpose.

The image went and the pain began. A low guttural moan issued from his throat as what felt like a cramp gripped his skull. A migraine he wondered but dismissed. No, it couldn't be that. There was no reason for it. An aneurism? Not with his blood, not with his clans abilities. Letting out a scream of pain his hands gripped his skull. Now there was no thought going on in his head. He was running on adrenaline and his blood was bringing chakra to try and solve whatever the hell it was.

Kushin didn't notice but his wife had gotten out of bed already, when had she gotten in, and was pressed against the far wall. She was speaking to him, but he couldn't work out what she was saying. His hands issued healing chakra to himself, an automatic reaction, but it was having no effect. The pain was crippling, he couldn't think, he couldn't do anything about it. Everything he did was on instinct.

Sweat poured from him as his every muscle was clenched tight. He groaned again, then keeled over, then vomited. His eyes opened, there was no blood, good. Wait, he was thinking again.

He vomited some more. What was wrong with himself? His mind ticked through some more options. Then he heard his wife screaming "what are those marks on your face!!!"

Marks on his face? What were those... the image of the nightmare returned to him. He vomited breaking his concentration.

Neighbors arrived. Some went to his wife, some came to him before telling someone to get something.

He felt cold and then he passed out.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
