Izumi was looking to the mirror... to himself and repeating the words that were stuck in his head... "Twice a day... Each eye one drop..." He muttered and looked at the bottle and again to his eyes. It was less troubled looking... But he figured not much had changed for now. "Shitzu!" He shouted out and punched the wall... He felt rather hopeless right now and leaned with his back to the wall. "Why... Why didn't I just do it right from the start?!" He blamed himself right now for what had happened and what was about to be happening.
He was counting the days... Today he had that appointment again with the female doctor... Mikasa, if he had recalled her name right. He was nervous about the thing because at this moment... I would be up or down... a surgeon or now... "Hnnn...." He watched his hand with which he gave a firm hit to the wall. "Shitzu......" He muttered and placed his healthy hands on his hairs. He hadn't been to a barber recently... Which had made his hairs a few inches longer than he normally had? "Maybe.... I should keep things back on track..." With that said he stood back up again and walked towards the sink.
He started to clean his hands with water first before he disinfected the knuckle he scraped off his skin with. "Now... I am turning nervous..." A habit of talking to himself, with or without a sound... Was soon made as he spends more and more time alone. "What do I do...." He said after he had treated his own hands and started to grab his jacket to go towards the medical. "ERm... I hope things are fine..." With that, he walked to there, once he was there told who he was and for what he came and started the waiting game. From never to a medical... to suddenly a lot... damn.
// Requesting Mikasa