Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A sore sight to see // Mikasa

Izumi was looking to the mirror... to himself and repeating the words that were stuck in his head... "Twice a day... Each eye one drop..." He muttered and looked at the bottle and again to his eyes. It was less troubled looking... But he figured not much had changed for now. "Shitzu!" He shouted out and punched the wall... He felt rather hopeless right now and leaned with his back to the wall. "Why... Why didn't I just do it right from the start?!" He blamed himself right now for what had happened and what was about to be happening.
He was counting the days... Today he had that appointment again with the female doctor... Mikasa, if he had recalled her name right. He was nervous about the thing because at this moment... I would be up or down... a surgeon or now... "Hnnn...." He watched his hand with which he gave a firm hit to the wall. "Shitzu......" He muttered and placed his healthy hands on his hairs. He hadn't been to a barber recently... Which had made his hairs a few inches longer than he normally had? "Maybe.... I should keep things back on track..." With that said he stood back up again and walked towards the sink.
He started to clean his hands with water first before he disinfected the knuckle he scraped off his skin with. "Now... I am turning nervous..." A habit of talking to himself, with or without a sound... Was soon made as he spends more and more time alone. "What do I do...." He said after he had treated his own hands and started to grab his jacket to go towards the medical. "ERm... I hope things are fine..." With that, he walked to there, once he was there told who he was and for what he came and started the waiting game. From never to a medical... to suddenly a lot... damn.

// Requesting Mikasa :)


Ivory garbs adhere against the medical sennin, her next appoint was to be with the ANBU operative known as Izumi; hopefully the lad had listened to the kunoichi to ensure the highest possible chances of mending the poorly performed transplant. Turning the bend the platinum mane woman eyes the teen, an odd aura of sadness surrounded young man and led her to believe there may not be any headway thus far. Kneeling before the auburn hair shinobi, fondly her digits ruffle the locks of the youngster, "You don't seem too thrilled to return, Izumi-kun." Mikasa comments in a vibrant tone, attempting to offset the males disposition.

Flicking the ANBU's nostrils, she gestures for his immediate following and navigating to the nearest empty room to allow for privacy. Closing the door in his wake, she gestures yet again towards a familiar examination table. Positioning herself before the ANBU, a familiar otoscope with a dim light would appear, "Please, do your best to not blink for a few moments." awaiting for his potential cooperation before beginning with her assessment, "Have you been following my instructions and ensuring that you are placing two droplets in each eye and once a day?" the sennin inquires in a hushed tone, as if the walls had ears.

Logically, considering the dreadful air about Izumi, led her to believe that he had failed to notice an improvement with his vision and more than likely dwells upon another unavoidable procedure. Mikasa had warned the young man properly, being truthful and upfront, but if there was to be another operation it would be difficult to locate another set of Byukugan; a rarity within Konohagakure. Not wishing to go into detail of the subject, the floor was the agent of the village, allowing him enough time to get a word in edge wise.
There was a gloom hanging over the other as he was sitting in the waiting department... there were so many thoughts crossing his head that he didn't even know so good what to think of it... He rubbed his eyes and held the almost empty medicine in his hands. In his head he was only doing scolding, scolding himself that he had caused it to go this wrong... She was already trying out so much for him yet he had wrecked it at an earlier state.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even hear the other coming so close till she was literally right in front of him. "Hn--" He sounded and had tensed up for a moment. "No... I ain't..." He said softly after her first part of the words. He was slightly off guard by her action, but then again it had something funny on it which made his mood lighter at least. He started to stand up and walked with her. The same as last time... He did his best to not blink and looked in front.

"Have you been following my instructions and ensuring that you are placing two droplets in each eye and once a day?"

Izumi was silent for a small moment... recalling what he had done and tilted his head. "2 drops one in each eye for twice a day..." He muttered softly now that he thought about it... "That is what I did.." he said softly as he now knew he had made a mistake... but in his mind, it also went... it is the same now that he thought about it... the eyes still got 2 drops a day... "sorry..." He said really ashamed now that he thought about it more and more. "Ehhhe..." He scratched the back of his neck. "So... erm... what now.? I mean... they still got the drops twice on a day." He showed also the medicine he had gotten from her.

ooc;; Sorry that it isn't much to work with right now.
Izumi had been far too swift in replying with a slight variation of the amount of medication being distributed to each optic, unfortunately the slight increase would not have a negative effect. "Foremost, how are you feeling? Is there any lingering pain or is your vision getting worse?" Mikasa inquires. A few different scenario's were coursing through the mind of the Sennin in regards to the next potential step of action. "For the time being, there doesn't appear to be any additional worries; however I don't wish to be dishonest with you, Izumi-kun." the Medical Sennin responds in earnest.

Lowering the otoscope after additional moments of examination, the kunoichi allows the ANBU operative to regain his personal bubble. Settling before the auburn hair shinobi, she proceeds to explain the situation in a more detailed manner, "The tissue isn't mending, but not worsening either. This is nothing more than a temporary solution, for eventually your body will grow accustomed to the medication to the extent it will lose effect. I strongly recommend another transplant surgery." she summarizes. The news would surely require the youth to contemplate for his body was his own and no human being within the realm they live within could mandate a necessary surgery.

"I'll allow you to decide your own course, Izumi-kun." she murmurs, coming to a stand and crossing the room to place away the examination tool fully. ANBU personnel continue to require treatments due to the various enhancements each individual carriers and causes the Sennin to contemplate the actual necessity of it all. There was no longer a civil war within Fire Country, but she understood the fear of another potential clashing; fortunately the current heads of the villages were not so keen on allowing for another travesty to occur within the village gates.​
"Hmm... Last mission I had with the ANBU group I used them for a long period of time... Got a headache after... Not a bad one... More an annoying pain that lingered." He said honestly and would do the same as last time, trying to blink less as possible. "I do know the colors have faded towards pastel colors..." He said softly as he found that a sad thing, never seeing the beautiful sunset as how it was with bright colors.

He stayed as still as possible with his sitting, didn't try to blink too much nor too less. As he heard her words his eyes turned half-lidded and his gaze started to go down towards the ground. He sighed and bit softly on his lip. These were the words he had been afraid of, to say the least. "But... where would we get them..?" He said in a soft tune and looked back up to the sennin. "I do not have my own eyes anymore... and I do not know a Hyuuga that would give up their own set of eyes..." He sighed softly and placed his elbow on his knee as he leaned on his hand.

He thought for a moment, going through over all the positive thoughts and the negative ones... Not to mention the words of a certain Hyuuga here in the village.... "The Hyuuga clan is really careful with their own eyes... They don't give them up easily..." These words were partly quoted of a man he talked about the eyes before he even went to Mikasa. There was a clear worry sign on his face. "I would like to improve... Meaning an operation... Then so be it..." He said and nodded. "If you think that the operation can be a success... then I would say yes to that.. But... how..? The only Hyuuga I know is Yukio... And I ain't going to ask for his eyes..." He sighed heavily and placed his hands in his hairs. He was thinking and his brain was gnawing on all kinds of scenario's.
Erie similarities continue to align with Hyuuga Yukio's previous treatments, "To view the world in pastel has pros and cons." Mikasa attempts to reason aloud, "Though I am sure in the ANBU field it becomes difficult to perform your daily duties." admits with a faint zephyrs, a wisp hardly audible. Staring against the milky gaze of the Hyuuga implants, she finds beauty within the pearls; seemingly larger than the average humans due to the nearly invisible pupils. Nearly getting lost in the translucent moon optics, her thoughts snap back to reality on the notion of locating a fresh pair; a difficult task.

The Hyuuga clan was not a plentiful heritage in modern Konoha, one not able to grow eyes on tree limbs. Slim margins that the medical researchers would be able to release a valuable pair; assuming they even possessed a single. In that moment her left hand balls up and smacks against the palm of her opposing, "Yukio-san may be able to aid you." the medical sennin alludes, swiftly reaching into her ivory garbs to retrieve a headset, "If you will, please send a call out for ANBU Captain Hyuuga Yukio, the Medical Sennin is requesting for his assistance." Mikasa speaks into the headset, prior to shelving the device within the garbs once again.

Izumi would have to possess a bit more patience, the platinum mane woman giving a warm grin, "He won't be able to give you his own, obviously, but he may have a way for us to come across another pair." the kunoichi explains, not wishing to get the hopes of the youngster higher than necessary; to falter when a potential solution surfaces would be devastating. In the rear of her thoughts, the notion of the oddity of Byukugan implants going array would need to be investigated further.

[OOC: Requesting for Hyuuuga Yukio]​
Making his way through the halls of the hospital complex Yukio was used to receiving summons from those within his own branch however a direct summons from Mikasa was something new entirely he could only assume something either directly linked to him or linked to his line of work. The answers would become clear in due time approaching the room in question before pausing slightly before knocking entering the room and taking a brief moment to discover the circumstances that brought him here.

Seeing Izumi the pieces in his mind began to fall into place one by one making the connections before nodding slowly. “It was some time ago I told you to come here, so I can assume this is either a follow up visit or your first one preferably the former.” There were many questioned the Captain hoped to have answered however before all that he turned to address the Sennin with a smile and a nod. “Arrived as requested, seems we meet under work related circumstances once more though I assume this is something more serious than just the regular check up to have me brought here.”

There was a moment of pause the Hyuuga taking a few steps towards the Sennin though his focus was locked on the Trainee observing the flow of chakra through the young teens body a normal process at this point in time given how much trouble the AiT’s seemed to enjoy getting themselves in. “So what’s been going on here? I come back from making sure the rest in our branch are still attempting to stay healthy and then this pops up though until I know the details I can’t truly make a comment.”

There was a concerned tone prominent in his voice hoping this wasn’t due to some other threat the branch had not been aware of, though given the trend of events it wouldn’t surprise him, though it was also directed towards Izumi. He’d known the young lad since he was but an academy student hoping to grow into a great Shinobi now that could be at risk though this was thinking of the worst case scenario.

[Topic entered]
"It... might have pros and cons.... But... You end up missing things also... " He said softly and started to fiddle again with his fingers, scratch the nails a bit and be a little uneasy. How was he going to get them, where was he going to get them... Was he going to turn blind... Many worries started to fill him. He had looked towards her and eventually she moved back... Him having a small color on his cheeks covering his nose bone even and looking away... Why was she that up close... Not to mention staring.... I mean... What he meant... yeah... just strange...

Izumi listened towards the maiden call for Hyuuga Yukio. He was getting... a little bit nervous since it was him he had the words with at the Hokage rock. When the other made his presence known he would give a slight nod towards him seeing him enter. He would sign before placing down his hands on his lap again. "Hey... Hyuu-ga... Yukio..." He tilted his head a little, he was a bit lost in thoughts almost again. Negative thoughts running through his mind. What if there was a worst case scenario happening, what if he couldn't do what he wanted and work for the leaf with the ANBU.
He found himself also giving people a lot of nicknames and almost told the Hyuuga the one he had for him.

Izumi's chakra would be around the same, maybe a bit tenser. "You... were right..." He would start by saying and bit down his lip. "I shouldn't have gone towards the doctor... I shouldn't have gone that kind of dark path for some set of eyes..." He said and kept looking at the hands he had placed on his lap, slowly moving his fingers.
"I learned that... the medicine I had by that time wasn't medicine at all... Thank to Miss Mikasa... It was just water..." He was giving him a full report, a basic one to say... "The one she gave me after did help... but... in the end not at the same... It just lengthens the time I can use these eyes..." He sighed and would look up to them both before speaking again. "It's stupid... I am stupid... First I never needed to get here, not for injections, not for medicines, no nothing... and now because I thought I had done my research and everything... Yet still got them from a bad man and need to have a daily ticket... and worse case scenario... I might not look anymore..." He sighed and would pull up his leg and let his cheek rest upon his knee. He felt so stupid and placed the blame of this all on himself. "Please... Miss Mikasa... Yukio... Help.... I am scared, I do not want to be blind, helpless... I want to help the Leaf, I want to work with and for the ANBU." With that said enough liquid build up in his eyes to make a path down his cheeks and the fabric of his knee absorbing it... He felt hopeless and the fear of turning blind... Had him a bit in control.
Azure eyes settle against the ivory ANBU Captain, "My apologies on interrupting your daily activities, Yukio-san." the Medical Sennin murmurs with an apologetic smile. Motioning towards the younger ANBU Operative, Mikasa coughs lightly to give attention to herself, rather to indicate the missing puzzle pieces the captain may have been unaware of, "Izumi-kun here is having difficulty with a similar situation you once had. Unfortunately the medication is not producing positive results and in the near future his eyes will cease to view the world of light." the kunoichi explains, not wishing to dance along the edge of details and be blunt as possible about the situation.

Crossing the room to press the palm of her hand against the auburn locks of the youth, tenderly her digits stream through the nest of hair, "Yukio-san, I do not ask this request lightly of you and I wish for you to be aware that under normal circumstances I would not fathom coming to you directly." a light pause, a silent exchange between the two ensue, Mikasa sure that the shinobi knew the medical lead wouldn't inquire lightly. Gesturing towards the emerald spheres with her gloved hand, "I need to locate a pair of Byukugan. Not an easy task, nor one that comes with a light heart." the maiden summarizes, not hesitating to be blunt as possible.

Worst case scenario, the young Sennin would take the liberty of traversing Fire Country to locate the objects Izumi sought; for those within the village would not allow to prosper as long there is breath within her body. Surely there was a burial ground of Hyuuga, all one had to do was search detailed enough to narrow down potential areas of interest to inspect. With any luck, Yukio would deliver good news to the pair.​
There was a long silence as the Hyuuga took in everything said to him being taken by surprise by the whole situation and taking a few slow steps towards a chair slumping back into it a deep sigh filling the air hands coming to cover the Captains features thinking of what to say. "This has turned into something of a mess from the sounds of it then, safe to say we need to find replacements as soon as possible to save Izumi's sight however..." There was a moment of hesitation Yukio taking a moment to think over all the options available to them.

"I'm understandably hesitant about all this, as you are more than likely aware the number of Hyuuga within the leaf village has dwindled and for less than pleasant reasons. With the dispersion of the clan by our own hands and those seeking to take our eyes finding a living Hyuuga has become something of a challenge, as such the way I see it there are very few options remaining in terms of easy access to those willing to give away what we cherish most." There was hesitation in his voice almost as if deciding whether to keep information hidden or not though given the circumstances now was not the time to remove options from the table.

The words came in somber tone the thought of giving such things away being an event that pained the Hyuuga. "There are two options that lay ahead of us as i see things in my possession are the eyes of my branch of the family though they are from my grandparents and as such are losing their touch though they might do the trick. Had my parents survived or even had eyes left to give i may have offered that however this is not the case those eyes lost to me long ago." The words trailed off Yukio taking a deep breath to remain calm sorrow weighing on his shoulders at the memory of such things before he spoke once more.

"The other route open to us would be to hunt down and take back eyes from those who have killed the members of my clan in order to sell the eyes on the black market, treating them like items to be sold to the highest bidder though this will not be an easy task you can be assured they will be from the younger generation and in much better condition. It will also allow me the chance to take back what rightfully belongs in the clan house." With that the options were laid out on the table both being reasonable however each had drawbacks.
Izumi felt himself starting to panic and sob... He was afraid that he would turn blind, that he had let down Yukio who had trusted him with these so far... and now this...

The hand that went through his hairs were welcoming and calming him down bit by bit again... He stayed silent this whole time... Since the two adults here were talking about a lot. Slowly he moved not to scare the Miss Mikaza with his movements. As he sat a bit upright to use the sleeve of his jumper to remove the liquid. He then would watch the spots that had been made... He sniffled a time and started to listen towards Yukio his story regarding the eyes he had in his possession... About how he didn't have even parents... So much became clear in such a small period of time... Now Izumi even thought about it... He had never talked about family other than Takeshi... He felt rather sorry that Yukio had to be present to this moment... He felt like he had actually kicked a puppy......

"Yukio... Sorry..." He said softly in almost a whisper as if he didn't really dare to say something regarding the stories. "I... know the name of the doctor... Who first gave me these... Doctor Langhoff..." He said softly. "He said he had an easy way to get them..." He would just tell the story of how he had gotten the eyes exactly, describing the place he had been in almost perfect detail... Started to describe the male that had implanted these into him and how he had to let the eyes settle, the medicine he had gotten... "That... is the whole story..." He said after he had explained it... and as result, he didn't dare to look at either of them.. However, he had provided them with a starting place if they wanted. "Yukio... I... am going to leave the decision up to you and Miss Mikasa... Sorry that this has been asked of you... I know what the eyes mean to you... And... I want to tell you I am sorry I couldn't take care of these.."
No further discussion would be required, the ANBU Captain providing a clear indicator for the duo's course of action. Tenderly her hand grips on the shoulder of the ivory shinobi, a vibrant grin is beamed upwards towards the ivory shinobi; a hidden meaning between the two, "Thank you, Yukio-san." Mikasa remarks. Pivoting about the Medical Sennin leans forward to speak towards the distressed ANBU in Training, "Izumi-kun, it would appear you and I have a mission. You have two days to prepare before we embark." the platinum mane woman comments calmly.

Streaming her digits through her locks, the kunoichi in turn adjusts her ivory coat, "This will also be beneficial if we are able to obtain several samples." rendering a brief pause, her tundra gaze fixates against the ANBU Captain, "I'll be borrowing your underling, Yukio-san. This mission will also serve to showcase joint missions are possible between two branches." her vocals borderline mischievous. Treading towards the doorway, she raises her hand upwards to wave to and fro, "Until we meet again, Izumi-kun. I advise you rest up, I am sure this will not be an easy task." speaks in a light tone, despite the serious nature of the topic.

[OOC: Topic Left]​
There was a slight pause Yukio taking a brief moment to return to his normal self, shaking his head towards Izumi "There was nothing you could have done to prevent this sometimes the eyes of the clan simply reject their new owner. It takes time and effort to get such things to settle were things simpler we wouldn't be in this position." Tilting his head to look at Mikasa feeling the maiden's hands upon his shoulder he smiled a gentle smile laying his hand on her own for a brief moment in thanks for her consideration.

"No need for thanks, though if I have one request it would be should you find more than a single pair please bring them home, The last remnants of my clan have been out of their rightful place for too long now." Rising to his feet there was a deep sigh having not expected things to turn out this way safe to say the turn of events was a drain on the Hyuuga though having the chance to have the two branches work closely together like this was a good sign turning to leave the room to allow Izumi a moment of rest.

There was a brief moment he turned back to speak to the AiT nodding slowly at the act he was about to embark on. "As Mikasa has stated take it easy for a while and recover your strength there's a lot of work ahead of you and if you are lacking in both resolve and strength then things will only get worse so hold your head up and do what must be done."

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
