Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Test Of Skill [Pvt]

May 7, 2017
Waiting in the academy training grounds Yukio sighed as he paced from side to side waiting for Suyashi to arrive, he had summoned the young student for specific reasons after watching the tournament there would have to be a test, the Hyuuga had been left unconvinced everything he truly had to give had been shown and now he was content to draw it out of him.

It would take time the boy being rather quirky and enthusiastic when they had met prior to his entry into the tournament but that had not been enough to catch Yukio’s eye what did gain his attention was how long he’d spent toying with his opponent rather than finishing it from the beginning like he more than likely could have.

It was possible he didn’t understand how much the tournament meant it was a chance to progress into one of the branches through their own strength and seeing as he couldn’t decide how serious Sayushi was about achieving that Yukio had decided to take matters into his own hands crossing his arms and coming to a stop as he tapped his fingers against his arm.

“He better arrive soon, this is going to be interesting and I am tired of late students.”

[Summon Minamoto Suyashi]

'...One down... but what is this next obstacle?...'
With the first round behind him, Suyashi would rest up for his battle... though, before he would get home, he had something come through at his home. A Challenge? Had someone Noticed? Had someone figured him out? Surely not... he'd found ways to push himself further. And his chakra may not have been... Clean. But he was still p for a challenge. However, if anyone were to find out he would have no choice other than to drop out the tournament. So, he'd take heed. The man who had taught him about the Eye Techniques of the Hyuuga and Uchiha wanted to see what he was made of? Surely. He'd even brought Crimson Sky out of a box to figure out how he would fight with it. 'I see...' it wouldnt take long for Sushi to make his way to this fight... He even thought about bringing his canines here too... If anything taught him well was not to underestimate an opponent. However, Maybe Yukio was a push over? No... He knew and had read about Hyuuga since being taught about them. They were strong. Fierce fighters.

There he stood after his fight, his clothes changed to something a bit more comfortable, but something he still could manage with full range of motion. Leaping from one of the trees in the Academy grounds he would find himself settling down on the soft soil. "I hope I didnt keep you waiting. Green Eye Senpai.", with a smirk sushi remembered that he didnt recall the man's name. He had bad memory like that. Though, only with names it seemed because he recalled everything and every jutsu he learned and saw. "So... Why did you wanna meet me here Green Eye Senpai?", with a tilt of his head he would continue to wonder. And the fate of this moment would surmise himself into the thoughts that would come. He knew that many kids werent on his level. It was sad really... but he couldnt help it. He was just better than most. He knew it, but could he outmatch an ANBU Trainee? Did he have the ability to use what little chakra he had as reserves?...

"And why here of all places?"
Turning on his heels the Hyuuga's eyes met Suyashi the green glow being much darker and more intense than their prior meetings as he walked over, from the his person he was in full combat gear, arms folded as he glared down at the young Shinobi. "Green eye senpai?" his voice had a chill to it cold and unforgiving at being so easily forgotten by Suyashi as his arms slowly came to his sides closing into fists and the crack of his knuckles echoed in the air.

"I called you out here because I am not convinced you are really putting your all into this, if there is anything that puts me on edge its the thought of the younger generation wasting their potential. So I call you here to see if that is really the case." he was straight forward and blunt as he had always been, observing the chakra network of the student, this was not an idle challenge nor was he messing around. "I am going to push you to your limit, and see what the truth of the matter is."

For all he spoke the truth there was words that needed to be said before hand, for all he had been made stressed and at times agitated by the last few weeks he took a deep breath. "This is not a persecution, nor is it a punishment. This is me giving you one of the greatest lessons I can think to give and that is true experience of being in combat with someone above your station. When your out there this can happen and if you hold back it could end you in but an instant, so prepare yourself and I will begin. Trust me when I say this will be much more than anything you experienced in that arena."
Off Guard | Student Tournament Arc said:
[col]Nodding he would manage himself to notice that Yukio was quite angry with him but why? "...It is true that I held back alittle... but thats not because of anythign but myself. I'm older and more experienced than alot of these kids, I had to fight in the forests and out of the land of Kirigakure thats frozen over. Most of them in this tournament never had that... They never had to fight for their lives as a six year old.", nodding Suyashi would clench a fist lowering his head, he didnt want to be scolded by someone he respected. A Sensei of his. However, Suyashi had reasons for withholding his power in the tournament.

Though Yukio would assure him that it was not a punishment, but this would be Sushi's first chance of seeing how he compared to other shinobi. He would call this his spar, but he didnt have to hold back in this fight? So with that Suyashi would allow the electricity to rummage around his body and begin to buzz louder almost like he was pulsing with so much lightning that coursed through him, "Alright! I'm up for the challenge... but beware of the storm you brewed!", and with that he'd flip back into his style readying himself for the battle. This was going to be fun... especially if Suyashi was gauging this right... enough perfection and he would have an advantage but this was an opponent he knew nothing abot aside from the class that Yukio taught. 'Crap... I'm going into this blind but he knows my abilities..' Hm.... Maybe he'd have to show something new?
[legend="[glow=Yellow][b][size=5][color=white]Minamoto Suyashi[/color][/size][/b][/glow]"]

Rank Student!
Height: 5'5"
Build: Lean and toned
Blood Type: A Positive!
Student Data
[Theme SongTo be sent!Actions- Basic Armor
- A Few Sheaths on a belt with scrolls on his thigh.
Weapon Equipped
He watched the student a smile creeping across his face as he placed his hand on the Scythe ready to draw it in a split second cracking his neck to the side as his eyes locked onto Suyashi as he began to take paces across the field. "Then let's see if your ready for something greater than simple student work shall we, don't disappoint me Suyashi" His voice had a much more sinister tone in that moment, it had been some time since Yukio had truly been able to test one of the students he had put some effort into training.

It would not be subtle and it would not be slow, the way Yukio moved it was clear he intended to begin then and there with little in the way of warning from this point forward his footsteps light and his armour clad beneath his coat as the Scythe finally came off his back the refined blade cutting through the air as it came to the ANBU's side. Within Yukio's eyes was no hatred nor was there a sense of killing intent but there was excitement a sigh that this was for his benefit and not only the students.

"I will make this swift do not worry yourself, but if you hesitate or show any signs of holding back consider this done"

[B-mod called]
Welcome to your Modded Fight!

I will be your moderator for this fight! Send, in a PM, your actions and all your battle information: Stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc.

When sending this information, I would prefer to have hyperlinked stuff or regular links. This greatly decreases the time it takes for a moderator to mod as it cuts down on searching.

If you feel that I may miss something, please feel free to add in a list of passives or effects that you wish to be given special attention, or just a list of all of your passives works as well, whichever.

Lets have a nice fun fight on this one, remember both of you will be under a 48 Hour time limit since the B-Mod goes up. Right now lets get ready to rumble!​
</i> [col]

Minamoto Suyashi
HP: 22,500 – 141 – 141 – 141 – 318 – 7,680 – 4,620 – 1,956 (Dual Weapon) - 495 = 7,008
CP: 9400 -1500 – 2,478 – 600 – 1,920 – 1,155 - 245 = 1,502
AP: 6 AP – 6 = 0 = 6 AP next round
Status: Not Feeling Great, Arms Sprained, Heart Sprained, Bleeding Rank 2

HP: 7,350
CP: 3,900
AP: 3 AP Next Round!
Status: Sniffing Around

HP: 7,350
CP: 3,900
AP: 3 AP Next Round!
Status: Sniffing Around

Hyuuga Yukio
HP: 27,336 – 570 + 570 (Vampiric) – 285 + 285 (Vampiric) - 1,200 = 26,136
CP: 19,430 – 2065 – 640 – 2,310 = 14,415
Nature energy: 4,341
AP: 8 – 8 = 8 AP Next Round!
Status: Taking Sushi back to School

<COLOR color="#BF0000">
0 Seconds – Sushi used duelist against Yuki
0 Seconds – Yukio enters into Jyuuken Style
0 Seconds – Yukio equips his Gloves
0 Second – Yukio uses hidden action against Sushi and Hits! (Dual Weapon Hits)
- Sushi doesn’t feel that great!
0 Second – Yukio uses hidden action against Sushi and Hits ( Dual Weapon Hits)
0 Second – Yukio uses hidden action against Sushi Hits! (Dual Weapon Hits)
- Sushi’s arms become sprained!
0 Second – Yukio uses hidden action against Sushi and Crits! (Dual Weapon Hits)
- Sushi is now Bleeding (Rank 1) and Sprained His Heart
0 Seconds – Yukio attempts to enter into Sage Mode
0.41 Seconds – Sushi summons Aki and Tadashii to the fight!
0.41 Seconds – Sushi quick draws his Tonfas
1.24 Seconds – Sushi enters Piercing Style
3.43 Seconds – Yukio uses Devastating Aura and hits Aki and Tadashi
- Sushi Body Switches the incoming Jutsu!
4.13 Seconds – Sushi uses Storm Call towards Yukio and Misses, Misses and Hits!
5 Seconds – Yukio enters into Sage Mode
5.3 Seconds – Yukio uses Eight Trigrams Tenketsu Strike at Sushi and Crits, Hits, Hits, Hits, Hits, Hits, Hits, Hits
- Sushi is bleeding more now! (Rank 2)
6.21 Seconds – Sushi uses 7 Hit Combat against Yukio and Misses, Hits, Misses, Hits, Hits, Misses, Misses
6.55 Seconds – Yukio used Slime Trail
9.98 Seconds – Yukio uses Eight Gates Assault and Hits! (Dual Weapon Hits)
</i> [col]

Minamoto Suyashi
HP: 7,008 + 900 – 141 – 532 – 2,700 – 405 (Dual Weapon) – 1,360 – 1,250 = KOed
CP: 1,502 – 285 – 1,217 = KOed
AP: 6 AP – 5.5 = 0 = 6.5 AP next round
Status: Not Feeling Great, Arms Sprained, Heart Sprained, Bleeding Rank 2

HP: 7,350
CP: 3,900 – 575 – 75 = 3,250
AP: 3 – 3 = 3 AP Next Round!
Status: Sniffing Around

HP: 7,350
CP: 3,900 – 910 = 2,990
AP: 3- 3 = 3 AP Next Round!
Status: Sniffing Around

Hyuuga Yukio
HP: 21,918 – 150 – 600 – 1,326 + 162 = 20,004
CP: 14,415 – 820 – 1,326 = 12,269
Nature energy: 4,341
AP: 8 – 8 = 8 AP Next Round!
Status: Being shown up by Sushi, Stiff

<COLOR color="#BF0000">
0 Seconds – Sushi calls Storm Call on himself!
0.625 Seconds – Yukio preforms a basic strike against Sushi and Hits!
0.83 Seconds – Sushi summons clones to the fight for him!
- Yukio cannot tell the difference between the two Sushi’s
1.66 Seconds – Aki equips the claws and paws
1.66 Seconds – Tadashii equips the claws and paws
4.15 Seconds – Aki using Arcing Slash against Yukio but Misses!
5.312 Seconds – Yukio uses Fist of Sin against Sushi, Hits and Hits!
8.12 Seconds – Yukio uses Jyuuketsu Combo against Sushi – Hits, Hits, Misses, Misses, Hits (Dual Weapon Hits!)
9.06 Seconds – Sushi uses Rigor Mortis towards Yukio, Miss, Miss, Miss, Crit, Miss
- Yukio is feeling kinda stiff right now
10 Seconds – Aki uses Grapple towards Yukio and Misses
10 Seconds – Tadashii uses Gigavolt Cannon towards Yukio and Misses
Sushi has been KOed due to the fist of sin hitting!
As the fight came to a close Yukio took a deep breath, it appeared at least his hunch was correct his vision focusing on the two Canine's that now stood before him being proof on their own of how far the student had come in such a short time. One thing did concern him however and it wasn't so much Suyashi's apparent skills he'd been hiding, as he closed and opening his fists stretching his fingers certain more than a few of his strikes had caused more damage than expected.

Internal damage was to be expected when fighting a Hyuuga, however exactly how much had been inflicted Yukio couldn't say for sure he was no medic nor did he have any form of medical skills to repair what damage had been done all his eyes could show him was the Student chakra levels were dangerously low it seemed that the fight as a whole had burned him out. It would take some time to repair so much so he wasn't sure how long Suyashi would be out of commission.

He was certain through his vision he'd picked up another watching them tilting his head to the side as he focused his eyes, it seemed a rather important individual had decided to observe the fight and it was just the kind of person he needed calling out as he bowed his head in respect and greeting. "Apologies I did not see you had arrived madam, however your timing couldn't have been better. I don't know if you can help at all but I need aid in helping the young Suyashi here, I am no medic and my combat style is not the most forgiving for all I try not to cause too much damage."

The request was understandable the fact of the matter was Yomi was the only one present out of the three that could do anything to assist moving Suyashi from one point to another without causing further damage and given the circumstances it was the best choice to make in Yukio's mind.

[Requested Yomi to return for assistance]
Falling to the ground coughing and wheezing, he would feel every thing in his body burning as Aki and Tadashii ran over to his position, "SUSHI! You gotta get up! We have to get you to a doctor!", Tadashii was still looking a the Hyuuga, knowing he was no personal match for the man but he would stand infront of Aki and Suyashi to protect them, "A-...Aki... Aki... Its...its okay...", he would cough up crimson fluids from his body as his stained teeth would attempt to smile to calm down the the duo, "...You...Guys...gotta...leave... I'll speak to you both later... kay?", moving his body he'd reverse summon Tadashii and Aki back home before falling unconscious.

[Sorry for the short short rp]
Yukio had flagged the waddling Yomi down. If he was doing this, she was sure that Sushi was beat up and she could not ignore it. She came up slowly upon the scene, looking at a yapping Aki who was unusually adorable and whom Yomi wanted to covet. The woman looked down at Sushi and gave him a little smile.

"Being a hot head got you laid out, hmm?" The woman meant no malice as she looked between him and Yukio. She knelt next to Sushi and gave him a once over as she began talking to the Hyuuga.

"Did you have to hit him so hard?" Yomi joked. "You only hit them this hard if you're trying to kill him. Imagine if this lowly medic had not been around. Would he make it in time to the hospital to be saved?" She glanced over at Yukio with a raised brow, hinting that this was not a trick question and wondered if he had an answer.

Yomi looked over to Sushi and shook her head a little, wondering if she was ever this rambunctious as a youth. Perhaps....maybe even more so. Yomi had no time for a thorough examination as Sushi was steadily loosing consciousness. In the presence of Yukio and Sushi, Yomi remembered to use her hand seals for healing purposes. In a slightly exaggerated fashion she cast the 'jutsu', letting her dark healing aura radiate over him for a while.

It was a little more difficult seeing as the kiddos she was carrying were completely throwing her off, but, not by enough where it would cause her great concern. As she held the 'jutsu' she spoke to them.

"Suyashi, until you are medically cleared to participate, you are hereby disqualified from the remainder of the Student Tournament." If Sushi could hear her and argue her down she'd simply pluck him in the forehead. If not, her statement would still stand. "No objections." Yomi sat back on her heals and waited for him to stir or not.

[ooc: Cast Resusciate on Sushi]
[Topic Entered]
Yukio paused for a moment as he heard the question given to him, it was true he had gone all out just as he said he could but his reasons in his mind were just and made sense given the circumstances they found themselves in. "I know and some may say i went to far however i have a habit of following my own teachings, if i told him to use his all against me and then didn't do the same in return this would have been a fight will little meaning." he nodded slowly though his voice was strangely gentle coming to one knee beside Suyashi.

"Though i do understand he wanted to win the tournament however what he's learned today will teach him much more and take him far further than anything in the tournament could have." tilting his head to look at Yomi he sighed slightly understanding exactly what he'd done to teach what in truth was a harsh lesson. "I know it could have ended poorly in truth many of the things i did were things i haven't used before but i had confidence, he proved he has endurance and stamina something like this wouldn't be enough to end his life"

Those words he spoke with confidence from what he had seen here his hunch was correct, the fact of the matter was Suyashi was much stronger than he was letting on to be and that was something Yukio would be sure his teachers were made aware of, a chance to better make use of his rapidly growing skills. "If i were to be so blunt his growth rate is unbelievable, But it needs to be nurtured and cared for. He's already passed that of what an academy student is expected to be."
Laying face down int he dirt Suyashi would find himself breathing on his own but blood would slowly trinkle out of his mouth and nose, but alas in his dreaming he would be going toe to toe with Yukio. the trio would hold their own and even begin taking over Yukio. A Barrage of lightning and the ringing sounds of booming thunder took over the land, and the strikes that Suyashi had taken earlier in the bout had not stopped him at all. In his mind he was already healed, ready to go and prepped to overtake the entire ordeal. "Haha! You thought you were tough enough to beat me!? You're not even tough enough to lace my boots!", outwardly Suyashi was muttering to himself... blood slowly dripping from his mouth and body to the outside and unto the ground below. It wasnt until he was standing over the downed carcus of Yukio, that he realized something was off... Everyone from the tournament was standing around him. And Maru would step forward from them all with his barbie doll to and within a matter of seconds his body would be overtaken by strikes to his body and stomach, causing him to bleed out falling to the ground in the same position as his eyes would flutter open to.

"Ugh...Huh?", and the words he didnt want to wake up to would be those last words from Yomi, "Suyashi, until you are medically cleared to participate, you are hereby disqualified from the remainder of the Student Tournament.", his body ached too much to move but he could feel his body motioning to get up as Yukio continued on, bringing his hands up to his sides he'd lean back and attempted to turn himself on his back but he managed to lift his knees upbefore coughing again.

"...Tch, I already... knew I was the best Student... I'm older than most of them... but I've been trained since I was six with my mother...", shaking his head though he didnt want to believe it, he had alot to learn, he was bitter, especially towards Yukio, "And now I lost my only chance to show the village... ho-..", coughing a bit he would stop before huffing in frustration. "I could've been made a Genin... if I did well enough." which he was sure with his fight against Maru, that he'd shown he would recover from mistakes and defeat an opponent that had the better of him early on. Maybe that would be taken? But he was no Sennin or leader so he didnt know what they were looking for.

'I have to find another way...' he would think for a moment before bringing his hands behind him to assist in keeping his upper body up while he slipped unto his bottom to look up at the two. Yomi and Yukio, maybe there was something else going on? Maybe he would find out sooner or later, however it didnt matter because now... he was out of the tournament, a punishment in his head for not going all out in the tournament... but if he did he might've killed someone.

Current Ninpocho Time:
