Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Mission A Test of Your Reflexes! [SSM]


May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Otami sat on a bench dressed in a wide brimmed hat, big shades, and a trench coat covering light clothing underneath. An unusually cool breeze swept around the town where she reached into a bag of hard candies to pull them out by the fistful. With a deft toss, the candies would pop into her mouth to be crunched on like popcorn. Across from the tall Genin was a normal looking motel where guests entered and exit at an alarming pace. At first glance, it looked like a “love motel”, whatever the hell that was. A place, she was told, where people went to spend a short amount of intimate time together and then got on with their day. The blond teen saw very little reasoning behind it, but people would be people; she guessed. Of course, anyone with the foresight to know how long acts of physical love take would realize something was up when couples would walk in for just ten minutes and then leave - together. Her current master, and jack-ass that had her out in here in the first place, had done some tracking to find that once apprehended the people going in an out were all loaded with contraband; usually alcohol. Not that alcohol was illegal in the Fire Country but there were very strict regulations. It tended to turn up the price of higher end stuff and someone smart got the idea of selling under-the-table booze with the pricey labels; except it was all home brewed. Some batches were full misses and had actually caused alcohol poisoning from a few buyers. Smuggling was one thing, especially this close to Crater Town, but bringing in bad mountain dew was another.

The last candy was crushed between Otami’s unbreakable teeth as she wiped her mouth looking at the hotel; a rainbow smear of colors glided down the back of her hand and wrist from the candy residue. She didn’t even notice it. The girl was doing everything she could just to get her nerves in order to actually do a raid and uncover the little operation. She had her master’s instructions, which was ‘beat everyone up.’ Well, he said kill them all, but that just wasn’t how the Wildling rolled with humans. Unfortunately, in the thirty minutes she sat there crunching down an entire bag of hard candies, Otami hadn’t come up with anything either.
Wing it,” she muttered as the bag was folded and shoved into the pocket of her coat. As she walked towards the building, the blonde grabbed a random guy off the street, dragging him in behind her as he complained, startled more by the strength of her skinny arm’s grip than anything.
One room, please,” she said, dropping some Yen into a cup meant for tips from her spare hand. The man behind the desk just stared at her for a second before looking to the girl’s neck where her mark as a Genin was tied around; something the girl outright forgot to remove. He went to push a large red button and, thankfully, something inside of Otami’s head decided it didn’t need to be pushed. The spare hand darted faster than a snake, catching his hand a good six inches away.
One. Room. Please,” she repeated with a threatening growl. The man responded to violence with violence, drawing his spare hand back to throw a hay maker. The Wildling jerked the wrist holding her hostage forward, causing him to suddenly lurch forward and take the hit square on the jaw.
Hit boyfriend! Otami mad now!” she shouted at the now incredibly confused receptionist. The hand holding his hand back from pushing a button was suddenly on top of his skull, and then his face was just as suddenly shoved through the entire front desk. With both men now knocked out, the blond whistled a poppy tune as she reached over to grab the set of keys that looked the most used.
Now where go…

Some quick tracking told her where the most foot traffic was going, and sure enough the worn out key fit right on in. She opened the door and felt the edge of a kunai slice right past her cheek. Danger instinct kicked on, causing her body to lunge forward suddenly and fly across the room to slam into the person who threw the knife. A strike on either side of his head and he was out. More rolled out, and Otami rolled in. Like a hurricane in a porcelain shop the girl savagely beat the group of men within on seemingly pure reaction. The more they threw at her, the stronger she reacted; all the way down to one. The skinny blond, coat gone and clothing torn but with her accessories amazingly still in place held her stance before the last combatant who held up his hands crying for mercy. The adrenaline slowly began to wind down throughout her body before the Wildling finally sighed in disappointment. Once again instinct made a fool of her as she did exactly the opposite of what ‘winging it’ was supposed to do. She made a thumb gesture behind her back to belay that he could go, and the smuggler didn’t waste a single second as Otami turned and flopped on a pile of bad-guys; someone near the bottom of the pile was sobbing. The blond pulled out the little ear-piece used to contact the outside and gave it a double-tap.

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Current Ninpocho Time:
