Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A tour around the city (open)

Azura Iza

New Ninja
Jan 26, 2018
Iza thought she knew what lost was just from wandering around the school. But this. This was insane. She couldn't even know if she had seen the same shop or not. She swore she kept going in a circle, but it seems like a small thing has changed each time.
She wandered around aimlessly, with no destination on mind, but to find a way to the outer parts of the city. But to her luck, she seems to be heading closer to the center.
That's when her anxiety started to kick in. She was panicking. She needed a place quiet enough so that she can get a hold of herself. Iza ran into the closest alley she found and stayed there for a bit.
Little did she know, that she caught the attention of someone. That person had a kunai in hand, he entered the alley after her.
"Give me all the Yen you have kid! Do it now!"

Iza, startled, ran further into the alley only to find a dead end. She turned around, scared, along with her anxiety taking over. This was not a good day at all.
Rinko glanced around the market stalls, jotting notes in the notebook around her wrist. While not her favorite chore of the week, her father had made it quite clear how important it is to know competitors' prices to raise the odds of a sale. Rikku's Raman is selling their regular for 100 yen less. Bono is selling his jumbo beef bowls for 1,500 yen. Continuing down the street, something caught the tanuki girl's eye. Her ears twitched as they strained to eavesdrop on the conversation farther down the alleyway beside her. Hearing the Y word that often sent a tingle down her spine, Rinko slide into the lane. It didn't take long to assess the situation. Desperate people, mostly from the Cronopolis, would slink into the richer districts to steal from the more fortunate. Nonchalantly, Rinko approached the robber from behind. "A true gentleman swindles a lady out of her money." Satisfied in her one-liner, she spun on her heels and smacked the thief with her tail. As the man staggered, Rinko grabbed for the scared girl's wrist. "Here-a we go!"

The brunette bolted out of the alleyway, pulling the dark-skinned girl behind her. The sprint transitioned into a brisk jog as soon as they reached the crowded streets, but Rinko continued to drag the girl with her. After a short time, the tanuki girl found a shogi parlor nestled in-between two shops. She pulled out a small handkerchief with a leaf in the corner and handed it to her traveling partner. "Put this to your mouth. The old fuddy-duddies in here love their cigars. If you aren't used to it, it can get pretty tough to breathe." She finally released the wrist in her grasp and pushed the doors open.

The smoke hung heavy in the air despite the brisk breeze entering through the entrance. Rinko waved at the man tending to the bar further in. "Hey Tatsuki, don't mind us. Just need a quiet place to hang while we wait for a creeper to skulk back to the slums." The thin man gave a nod and motioned with his thumb towards a back room. "Thanks!" She led the way, zigzagging between the tables and geezers in the main room. Once the two were safe in worker's lounge, Rinko motioned for the girl to take a seat. "Sorry if I was a bit rough...and if this isn't exactly where you want to be. From experience, delicate ladies like us get singled out a lot. Gotta stick together if you don't wanna get mugged." The small girl took a seat as well, letting her dangling legs kick back and forth. "Normally I get payment up front for my services, but you were in a nasty pickle, so I'll let it slide this time. But feel free to owe me one if you like." Rinko placed her elbows on the table between the girls and slipped her chin into her hands. "So I can't say I remember ya. Are you new to the city? Got a name? Mine's Tanuki Rinko." She held her hand out for the stranger to shake.
As the men came closer to Iza, she noticed something flash by them. And suddenly, she was being dragged away, through the crowd of people. With this being said, she kind of managed to get control of her anxiety at least for the moment and let herself be dragged along into a small building.

Everything was happening so fast that she was just doing, and not even speaking. The other girl handed her a small handkerchief with a leaf on it. She did exactly as the other girl told her and stuck it in her mouth. Sure enough, when they entered, there was heavy smoke that had filled the air. To Iza it was foul, and it made her want to throw up. But she didn't.

Finally when they were in a workers lounge, they stopped to talk. She was talking about how single ladies like them are easy targets. But then it made Iza turn her head away when she talked about payment. That is, until the other girl said that she'll let it slide for now.

Then the girl introduced herself. Tanuki Rinko. Iza shook the other girls hand and said, "Iza. Azura Iza. I just want to say tha- Oh you've got to be kidding me."

It was the guy from before. It seemed like he was pissed. He sat down and lit up a cigar. Obviously furious from what happened earlier.

Iza turned to Rinko. "I'm new here, yeah. But I've gotten out of tons of situations like this." She looked around, to see if there was any hidden doors in the little shop, which surprise surprise. There's none. That only leaves her a second option. Wait him out. Iza walked slowly until she was hiding by the side of the doorway. She looked at Rinko hoping she understands. If the guy comes through, they will get the jump on him.
[table=100,null][thead][tr=textleft][th=50,null]The Chronicles of Kyo-Moon[/th][th=50,null]Related Information[/th][/tr][/thead][tbody][tr=bg2][td=null,1]Kyo and Dakota were in the city after having left the massive estate that they 'inherited'. Kyo stretched as he walked next to the massive, white Direwolf. Kyo's eyes were closed as he felt every muscle in his body lengthen momentarily, hearing cracks and pops as his arms were up over his head. The feeling was absolutely divine! A sound caught his ear as he passed by an alleyway where he heard a threat and then instantly a flash of lightning as 2 children bolted out of the alleyway. Kyo remained out of their way, allowing them to pass by. After they left, Kyo filled the void, placed his hands into his pockets and turned the corner with the massive direwolf behind him. "Oiy! Whatcha got there?" he said as his eyes fixated upon the man's kunai. "You weren't thinking of getting physical with them, now were you?" Kyo asked as he tilted his head to the side.[lb2][/lb2]
"You weren't thinking of actually --physically-- hurting those children were you? Because I frown upon physical pain against children. You gotta mess with their minds, you don't actually physically hurt them, stupid," Kyo said as he tapped the side of his head all the while drawing closer and closer to the individual with the knife. The man's hand started to shake uncontrollably, almost unable to hold the knife upright. The rest of his body began to quake as Kyo continued to make his way towards the man. He shook and started to back up until his back was against the wall. Shocked, he turned to look back towards the wall and up above him for a means of escape only to see a massive building directly behind him and to his sides; he was a trapped rat. [lb2][/lb2]
"Now, the quieter you are, the less this will hurt," Kyo said in a taunting manner. Black and green energy started to 'evaporate' from his body as he drew closer to the man. "Don't worry, I won't kill you. I'm just going to teach you a lesson," Kyo said before letting loose a laugh before rushing into the man. The man let out a hushed scream before getting absolutely pummeled by Kyo with Dakota sitting back, scratching the back of her ear with her rear paw.
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OOC Notes:​
[/td][td=null,1]Name: Ryong Kyo-Moon[lb][/lb]
Age: 18[lb][/lb]
Hair Color: Red[lb][/lb]
Eye Color: Yellow[lb][/lb]
Height: 5'7"/67cm[lb][/lb]
Weight: 147 lbs/66.67kg[lb][/lb]
Special Characteristics:
  • Scar over left eye
  • Cloud Headband upon forehead
  • Canine-like fangs
Usual Gear
  • Gourd of Soju
  • Pouch on side
  • Bow and Arrow strapped to back
Name: Dakota[lb][/lb]
Age: 12[lb][/lb]
Breed: Dire Wolf[lb][/lb]
Hair Color: White[lb][/lb]
Eyes Color: Left yellow, Right blue[lb][/lb]
Height: (Paw to Head) 6'2"[lb][/lb]
Length: (Nose to Rear) 10'3"[lb][/lb]
Special Characteristics:
  • Red lines going over the body
  • Burning disk magically floating on top of torso
  • Human-like intelligence (infantile)
Nothing Here
Rinko cocked her head questioningly as Iza looked out the lounge door. Following the girl's gaze, she too noticed the familiar man. The tanuki girl slid of her chair and leered at the guy. "No way. I think I know him. Well, them actually. There's a pair of twins that are infamous in the underground. Go by the name Double Neo. They think it makes them sound more intimidating than they really are. They do petty crimes, so the shinobi can't just lock them behind bars for the rest of their lives, or kill 'em. The Raikage's too nice for that." Rinko placed herself on the other side of the doorway and gave a nod, indicating she was ready. "I think that's the twin that marks targets. Something must have happened to the other one if he's in this bad of a mood." The ragged man grumbled as he eyed the barkeep. Once the owner's eyes were focused on another patron, the rogue slunk towards the back door. As it swung open, Rinko jumped up and sunk her teeth into the man's shoulder. "Dn msh wiv ush!" Hopefully Iza would be able to capitalize on the opportunity Rinko had created.
Iza took the chair that she was sitting on and hit it against the guys head. He fell down to the ground, unmoving. Iza checked to see if he had a pulse, which he did.

Iza sighed. She didn't want to be responsible for the death of someone when she just got here almost a week ago. That would sure raise some eyebrows.

She walked out of the back room when she had a lot of eyes on her. Nobody made a move towards her. They just stared. It was really unsettling.

"You think this place was in partnership with the guy we just knocked out?" Iza asked. She didn't even bother waiting for an answer. With adrenaline rushing through her body, she grabbed the other girls hand and raced out back on to the streets. Dodging other people walking around.

And that's when Iza knew she messed up. They found themselves right back at the alley. Some dude was torturing the punk that tried to rob her. She even kinda felt sorry for the dude.

"Hey! Stop it! He deserves to be put before the law! Not tortured!"
[table=100,null][thead][tr=textleft][th=50,null]The Chronicles of Kyo-Moon[/th][th=50,null]Related Information[/th][/tr][/thead][tbody][tr=bg2][td=null,1]Kyo stood up with his knuckles bloodied, a few splats of blood upon the nice white fur. A little bit of water will wash that right out. He grabbed the knifed criminal by the collar only to turn around at hearing the voice of a child ring into his ears. The look of a wild beast chasing after his prey wore off and turned to complete disappointment as the child said that he was 'torturing' him. The Cloud Headband was clearly visible upon his forehead as he released the ne'er-do-well and let him fall flat on his back. His groans was clearly audible by the two children that had previous escaped his grasp earlier. He looked down at the fur over his left shoulder and brushed off some of the bloodied droplets. [lb2][/lb2]
"Torture? No. A good ass whooping for someone doing shady things? Yes. Do you think someone like him would be swayed by just words? Do you think the justice system would rehabilitate him to becoming a better person? He would just rot in a dungeon, grow more bitter, and probably do worse things. Going from doing something like robbing children to eventually killing children. Humans respond more towards physical correction than they do towards 'words-of-encouragement'. Nothing about a good ass-whooping is considered torture. If it was torture, I'd ensure he was still awake to feel every," he said before pausing. "single," he said before pausing again. "moment of pain. But I'm not questioning him for information so beating him up should work," Kyo said before nudging the guy with his foot.[lb2][/lb2]
"Don't worry, he isn't dead. Right?" Kyo asked as the man tried to roll over, groaning in pain. "Would you rather I healed him up and let him finish the job from earlier?" he asked the children inquisitively. "Or would you rather me turn him in like this? I'll leave that choice entirely to you," Kyo said before letting out a sigh. He placed his head into his left palm, a bit annoyed at this situation. Can't even be the good guy without someone thinking he's the bad guy.
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OOC Notes:​
[/td][td=null,1]Name: Ryong Kyo-Moon[lb][/lb]
Age: 18[lb][/lb]
Hair Color: Red[lb][/lb]
Eye Color: Yellow[lb][/lb]
Height: 5'7"/67cm[lb][/lb]
Weight: 147 lbs/66.67kg[lb][/lb]
Special Characteristics:
  • Scar over left eye
  • Cloud Headband upon forehead
  • Canine-like fangs
Usual Gear
  • Gourd of Soju
  • Pouch on side
  • Bow and Arrow strapped to back
Name: Dakota[lb][/lb]
Age: 12[lb][/lb]
Breed: Dire Wolf[lb][/lb]
Hair Color: White[lb][/lb]
Eyes Color: Left yellow, Right blue[lb][/lb]
Height: (Paw to Head) 6'2"[lb][/lb]
Length: (Nose to Rear) 10'3"[lb][/lb]
Special Characteristics:
  • Red lines going over the body
  • Burning disk magically floating on top of torso
  • Human-like intelligence (infantile)
Nothing Here
Rinko was caught off guard by the chair arcing towards her general direction. She released the man and watched as he crumpled to the floor with a groan. She rubbed the back of her head and let out an awkward chuckle. "You've been in these situations a lot, huh? Well, keep that spunk up and the shinobi academy will claim your chair-whipping skills as their own." It didn't seem like Iza heard the snarky comment though. The tan girl looked queasy as the silent patrons looked questioningly at her. This tension, along with the paranoia that the shogi parlor was in cahoots with the criminals, seemed to break Iza, resulting in her grabbing Rinko and dashing out of the door. The tanuki girl wasn't expecting such a turn of events and was easily dragged along.

Rinko didn't pay any mind to the direction they were going, instead focusing on answering the question from behind. "I don't think so. That parlor is co-owned by my dad. While I wouldn't call him a saint, he definitely doesn't condone violent crime. But he can't control who comes and goes, so it's possible a few rats are infesting the place. Maybe I'll let pops know later." Soon after giving her reply, Iza stopped dead in her tracks and yelled out something about law and torture. Cocking an eyebrow, Rinko peeked out from behind the tan girl to see a red-haired man with one of the Double Neo twins. Her ears twitched at the sight of the beastly man. However, his feral appearance quickly faded as he addressed Iza, causing the tanuki girl to relax a bit. While the young man didn't give off a malicious aura, there was still something about him that made her tail tingle.

The shinobi explained his actions to Iza, and Rinko couldn't really refute it. Some people just didn't have the mental or physical capability to follow the law. These Neo nincompoops were definitely the kind that didn't give a rat's ass about rules or regulations. A lecture or slap on the wrist wasn't going to change that. But she wasn't sure if kicking the shit out of the guy was going to change much either. It might just make him bitter towards shinobi and cause unnecessary difficulties as he spread the news about how a big bad Kumo nin picked on a "defenseless" working man.

When the man posed his question to the pair, Rinko looked to Iza for her answer. While she was most definitely a bawling infant compared to the redhead, the tanuki girl was pretty sure she'd learned enough from her shinobi classes to put up a reasonable fight against a regular adult with a weapon. Though honestly, she'd probably just run away. There wasn't much to gain from beating up a Cronopolis urchan. But this query was not meant for Rinko. It was Iza that called the man out, thus it was Iza's decision on what she wanted to do with the petty criminal. It would give interesting insight into what Iza valued.
Iza looked up at the man that stood before her. Even though he was right when it comes to certain parts of what he said. He's also wrong. Hurting people is not the answer. To that extreme of what he was doing. Violence incites violence. The more mistreatment one has to endure, the more that person will grow resentful and would want to do things on even a bigger scale of evilness.

"You are only half right. Yes people do respond more strongly to violence and physical punishments. But you also get out what you put in. You go around and do stuff like this, and people see. They will think of you no better than that of the criminal you are beating half to death. That, and there's always the possibility that he will not listen to what you said, of after his butt being kicked. That he might choose to get stronger instead and then challenging you, becoming even more of a problem. Doing even more crimes."

She stopped, to look to make sure the guy was still breathing. "You really want to know what I would do? Now that you have done your damages to him, there is a fifty percent chance he stops. Another fifty that you only pissed him off even more. To make himself even stronger. Just leave him. If he so chooses to do even more wrong, the very people that he went out to try to hurt will not be as merciful as me. They will either kill him, or leave him in the hands of someone like you."

Iza just stared at the man. Waiting to see what he would do. Would he leave the criminal alone? Would he finish him off? She didn't know. But she kept her eyes on him, waiting to see what he would do.
[table=100,null][thead][tr=textleft][th=50,null]The Chronicles of Kyo-Moon[/th][th=50,null]Related Information[/th][/tr][/thead][tbody][tr=bg2][td=null,1]
One of the children simply sat back and listened while the other went on a philosophical tirade about what's right and what's wrong. The richness of what Kyo just heard caused laughter to well-up within the primitive male. He placed a hand upon his forehead and laughed, running his fingers through his wiry red-hair. The laugh almost felt mocking in tone about, what Kyo felt, was naivety pouring out of the child's mouth. "I don't care about what others think of me. All people will see is that I'm a shinobi taking care of filth. They would see me as doing good for the village and will, thus, praise me and the shinobi of this village. One less scum-bag on the streets taking advantage of the weak," Kyo said as he squatted next to the girl who took her place by the down scum-bag. [lb2][/lb2]
"And if he doesn't learn from this, then let him get stronger; let him come. If he chooses to do more 'wrong' as you put it, then I will just deliver an even more stern beating. He should consider himself lucky. Most would've killed him and have been done with it. Kind words and hugs won't change the world nor will it change people from doing bad things," Kyo said.
Flashback said:
Kyo, as a young child, received a punch to his face from a large man he used to call father. The man socked him several times before Kyo fell over in a bloodied mess with the large man standing over him. A young boy of 4 years old reached up to his father, wanting only love from the man. Due to the mishap of being born with several 'deformities' with being born with claws, fangs, mis-shapened eyes, and even a small tail, he suffered countless nights like these for simply wanting to act like a child. "You know what I told you about going outside! If the public knew you were my child, you'd ruin my empire I'm trying to build! You disgusting creature!" his father shouted at him before reaching down and punching the boy repeatedly in the face, chest, and stomach. His mother simply watched with a stoic expression upon her face while his twin grabbed at their mother's side, crying into her clothing.[lb2][/lb2]
"Daddy! Don't hurt Kyo-Moon any more! Please!" called out his twin. Their words did nothing to curb the man's wrath before he picked up Kyo and threw him across the room, causing him to slide across the floor and slam ferociously into the wall of the house. [lb2][/lb2]
"You disgusting freak! Why couldn't you have been born normal like your @#$#@@! They will grow up to be the child of a rich merchant mogul while you will remain imprisoned in the house for the rest of your life!" the man said before spitting on the half-conscious Kyo and walking out of the room. After Kyo's father ran out of the room, his twin came over and hugged Kyo's nearly lifeless body. While this happened, Kyo's mother simply sucked air between her teeth and left the room with their father. "I'm sorry that you were born different Kyo-Moon. I would do anything to switch our places so that I'd be the one hurting and not you," said his twin. Kyo looked up to his twin and smiled at them before passing out from the pain.[lb2][/lb2]
Kyo started to regain consciousness moments later, fading in and out as he felt himself pressed against someone else's back. He found himself moving towards his room, while drawing nearer towards the parents' bedroom. The one carrying him was his twin, struggling to handle Kyo's weight on their backs. "Thank you, Ki-Moon. I love you, dear @#$#@@,"
"Wait until you become a ninja, little girl. The world isn't sunshine and rainbows like you desire. The world is cruel and uncaring and little nice words won't change anything. If he grows up to be a monster," he said as he reached out and pat the guy on his cheeks a couple times. "I'll kill him. But until then, if he doesn't learn, I'll beat sensibility into his body. Consider him lucky. Other people would've killed him," Kyo said. He wasn't a fan of needless killing. Every person he killed in the past had a purpose, a reason, why he killed them. Whether the reason was for the good of the village or to protect himself or others, he always had a justified reason. There were others that existed who didn't have the same code and would kill wantonly. Those were the people that this brat should be preaching to, not him. [lb2][/lb2]
"I'm going to assume you're going to try to be a shinobi? You'll learn," Kyo said with a big laugh before standing up on his own two feet. He turned his back to the girl and started to walk off. "You'll learn the truth of what we really are." Dakota, the massive white wolf kept her eyes on the children in the event they wanted to do something to Kyo while his back was turned. Even if they were children, they could still be a perceivable threat. Age isn't something to consider when living in a world full of shinobi.
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OOC Notes: Topic Left unless stopped[lb][/lb]
Thanks for letting me RP with you!​
[/td][td=null,1]Name: Ryong Kyo-Moon[lb][/lb]
Age: 18[lb][/lb]
Hair Color: Red[lb][/lb]
Eye Color: Yellow[lb][/lb]
Height: 5'7"/67cm[lb][/lb]
Weight: 147 lbs/66.67kg[lb][/lb]
Special Characteristics:
  • Scar over left eye
  • Cloud Headband upon forehead
  • Canine-like fangs
Usual Gear
  • Gourd of Soju
  • Pouch on side
  • Bow and Arrow strapped to back
Name: Dakota[lb][/lb]
Age: 12[lb][/lb]
Breed: Dire Wolf[lb][/lb]
Hair Color: White[lb][/lb]
Eyes Color: Left yellow, Right blue[lb][/lb]
Height: (Paw to Head) 6'2"[lb][/lb]
Length: (Nose to Rear) 10'3"[lb][/lb]
Special Characteristics:
  • Red lines going over the body
  • Burning disk magically floating on top of torso
  • Human-like intelligence (infantile)
Nothing Here
Rinko was taken aback by the passionate speech Iza gave. For someone who appeared so cowardly when they first met, it was surprising to hear her speak with such conviction. She wasn't as shocked by the shinobi's retort. What defined a shinobi was different between each individual, or so her father once said. It was obvious this guy and her dad wouldn't get along at all. As the man walked away, Rinko began to ponder if her father had ever killed a man. He had told stories of swindling lords and helping form business deals between Marsh and Bear, but he'd never mentioned if any of those scenarios involved murdering someone to get his way. She hoped it would never be required of her.

Once the dog had also departed, the tanuki girl turned to Iza with a smile. "Listen, you do you. If you want to go down a righteous path, I'll help you out. I mean, I'm still a kid too, so I don't have many connections now, but I'm working on it." Rinko pulled a business card from her pocket and handed it to Iza. "If you ever need me, just radio me using that frequency. It's a Tanuki specific number, so you should only get me or my dad." She paused for a moment before grimacing. "Or maybe my grandpa. You'll know him by the shaky voice. Try not to talk to him for too long. His morals are as low as his ballsack of holding. He'd even swindle a baby for a piece of candy." She shrugged before continuing. "Anyway, yeah, anytime. Since I'm mostly homeschooled by a dad who isn't home often, I'm usually pretty free." She trotted off, waving behind her. "Later Iza-Peeza Lemon Squeeza!"

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Current Ninpocho Time:
