Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A trip through time [Kin App]

Oct 23, 2012
[Note: Takes place during the time skip for my Reboot Card undo]

Jaehyun had only recently joined the medical branch, he had moved on past the academy showing his skill in chakra control and competent usage of every base element. While his taijutsu and genjutsu left a bit to be desired, he more than made up for it in his skill in ninjutsu. After becoming a genin he floated for a little while, unsure of whether he should stay in the main branch or apply for either medical or ANBU. He ruled out ANBU pretty quickly, his style of combat wasn't conducive to the stealthy nature of ANBU, nor was he a large fan of the stories people told about their methods of obtaining information. Main Branch was ok, but somewhat boring, he wanted to learn more. He choose the medical branch in the end, opting to learn more about medicine, more things for him to study and never truly find all the answers to, its why doctors are "practicing" medicine.

Once Jae had become a medical ninja in training he was giving menial tasks, following doctors around, moving and filing files and scheduling appointments. He almost gave up on being a mednin, he wanted to heal people in life or death situations or at least make a difference, but he was getting impatient with this grunt work. It wasn't until he got a peculiar assignment that he decided to stay put. It was the first time he was being let out on his own, though he was merely going to take care of some older lady. Looking over her file gave more questions than answers. This lady was only 30 years old but several of her organs showed signs of great age, at least 60. Some of her other organs were the size of a child's and needed to be surgically replaced. There were strange reports of her body rejecting the surgeries, but nothing could be medically or explained.

When Jae went over to this woman's home he had to let himself in, it was reported that she has been bedridden recently and needed to be placed under watch to see if another surgery is necessary. She looked her age, youthful yet the struggles could be clearly seen in her eyes. She walked hunched over, holding her stomach as if she was constantly in pain. Jae immediately began to go through the procedures and what he will be monitoring for. Unfortunately there were no available Hyuuga around to accompany Jae, their vision helps to see how organs are behaving.

While Jae was staying there, helping her make her food and some warm tea to to aid the body, her and Jae began bonding over some of the silliest things. She wanted to know a little about Jae, his upbringing, his time at the academy and his time while training to become medical shinobi. She was surprised once he began rambling about everything he's learned, unaware that once you got Jae to talk about his studies there was almost no stopping him. There were obviously several things he kept to himself, doctor patient confidentiality was always important even if someone promised they'd never tell.

[Post 1/3; WC: 524]

She continued to question Jaehyun on his abilities and training, enough so that Jae became more reserved and less open. It was as if she was trying to obtain a specific piece of information from him, but he couldn't understand what. He couldn't accuse her of anything, that would cause stress, which is the opposite of what she needs right now. So he continued to talk it out. It got to the point where she was asking very personal questions about his organs, how his body functions, that he let his suspicions known. He wondered if she was courting him or something along those lines. The files stated she was very inquisitive but this was ridiculous.

She seemed to sulk at his accusations, making Jae immediately regret them, but she confirmed them. She began to speak about her youth, how at one point in time she wanted to be a doctor, not necessarily a medical ninja but someone who could help without all the unnecessary training in the art of killing. During her time as a resident she met someone who was in a similar situation that she is currently in. His organs were constantly failing, and then reforming themselves, it was as if his body was aging and de-aging rapidly and his organs weren't keeping up with the rest of his body. However, nobody really believed her on this theory, as there may have been many strange occurrences within the shinobi world there was no written history of major time manipulation.

Unfortunately it had gotten so bad that several of his organs needed to be replaced because they were too young for his body and were not functioning well enough, but he needed them. She, as selfless as she was at the time, offered to have an organ transplant between them. Her organs would work for his body and the organs that weren't working would grow in her, and it should have been fine. Unfortunately there were unexplained consequences. Miraculously the organ transplant did wonders for him, all the replaced organs functioned perfectly and he seems to still be doing fine today, but not even three months after the surgery did she start feeling the effects.

She explained to Jae that not too long after she began experiencing major cases of deja vu. Usually deja vu consists of mere moments, but she began feeling like she was re-experiencing entire days. She showed Jae the diary she writes in and shows several days are the exact copies of previous days. She told her doctors about this but they wrote it off, there are many non-supernatural related explanations for this. They monitored her for a moment and diagnosed her with early onset Alzheimer. There were days where she would completely forget something had happened and repeat questions she had already asked, as if her brain had went back in time, but she wasn't convinced with the diagnostic. Unfortunately the issues persisted until she was unable to continue her work and she was forced to retire, and now she's there speaking with Jae.

Jae wasn't sure what to make of this, scientifically it all sounded ridiculous, and even with his shinobi training it all sounded unlikely, but strange things happen in their world. She went on to explain that the reason she was so inquisitive on Jae's body was that she had spoken with many other assistants that came to her, hoping to find someone to perform the same surgery that she did. Many of the people had terrible habbits, eating junk food, smoking, spending time near dangerous chemicals, that she feared the surgery and subsequent issues with the organs would kill them. She begged for Jae's helped, though Jae tried to dissuade her attempts, stating that he was too young and that his organs would lead to the same issue the original carrier had. However, she guilt tripped Jae, and he was too innocent and nice of a child to tell her no.

Jae went back to the hospital and gave his consent to the surgery, even though many tried to warn him against it.

[Post 2/3; WC: 687]
Though uncomfortable with the idea of performing such a surgery on a boy Jae's age he was old enough to make the decision, and willing to help save a life. He wasn't sure how things would go, he was definitely younger and healthy than both the original owner of the organs and the current, and he had training in fields that neither of them had, but doing this could mean the end of his career as both a medical practitioner and a shinobi. However, he wanted to save lives and this was well worth the risk to him.

The surgery was difficult. Her organs were fragile and needed the utmost delicate handling, doctors weren't enough and medical shinobi were called to aid in the healing progress. Both patients had flatlined once at different moments during the operation, sending the operating room into a panic. The operation concluded but nobody was certain of its success. Both Jae and the woman had been placed in an induced coma for their bodies to get accustomed to the organs. Unfortunately due to complications with adjusting to Jae's donations the woman regretfully passed. Complete organ failure to the point that they couldn't be harvested or even returned to Jae's body.

Jae lived through the ordeal, however. After coming out of the coma he knew hat his body was not functioning well enough to continue living. He was on assisted living for several weeks afterwards where he contemplated his paths. During this time he began experiencing many of the issues the woman had described. At times he thought he merely forgot something, but slowly came to realize that it was as if he had gone back in time before he did or said something and therefore had no memory of it. The days were often routine based, as hospitals are ought to be, but the conversations he'd have with one of the nurses seemed to repeat for several days at a time.

Jae began to his through his own body; at first he thought he was hallucinating due to the drugs the hospital was using, but upon closer inspection he saw his skin change from the smooth adolescent, a more rough adult, and back to a wrinkled man before it jumped back to normal. He was truly unaware of the effects these organs were having on him and he had nobody to talk to anymore. Or so he thought.

About a month after the surgery Jae had a visit from an older gentleman, couldn't had been a day over 52. This man revealed that he was the original owner of the organs that were within Jae's body. He began to tell Jae of his time as a shinobi, one who conducted experiments with ninjutsu, not to combine elements but to manipulate the fabric of reality itself. He had succeeded, for a time. He had attempted to manipulate time too much, aiming to help during the war against the Samurai, but it had drastic negative affects on his body. He didn't have the chakra levels or even chakra control to manifest such a phenomenon and control it. He was unaware of what the transplants would do and foolishly agreed to go through with the surgery with that woman and grieved her death. Before leaving Jae he gave him several books on the notes he had made for his time manipulating jutsu.

The notes were advanced and somewhat beyond Jae's comprehension, but one thing stood out to him. If Jae could somehow continuously and simultaneously bind his chakra to the new organs in his body and the surrounding world he could, hopefully, ground himself in the current time. He had to do this to be released from the hospital, as his body was not able to function correctly without the control. Sadly this method had left him with substantially less chakra to work with, and the constant usage made it difficult to gather his chakra back. But, he was alive, not so well as he still had moments of intense deja vu and even had times where he'd forget because he's subconsciously gone back in time. Maybe more study could lead him to living his life as if this entire ordeal hadn't happened at all, but he severely doubted it.

[Post 3/3; WC: 712]
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
