Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private A unique combination [Private][Training]

Sen Kaito

New Ninja
Mar 30, 2018
OOC Rank
“Yes mom I will take care in the academy” He says while trying to get away from his mom who has been kissing and hugging him for 5 minutes now “Eat your lunch, don’t fight, listen to your sensei, concentrate, don’t let...” kaito interrupted her “don’t let your friends distract you, yes I know mother” He said not caring that much “Good now you better listen to your own words” she said while kissing him again “Mother I want some kisses too!” Said his younger brother “The only kisses you are going to get are from me!” Said kaito to his younger brother while running to him and putting him on his back as if kaito was the horse, his brother was young and lovely and even more optimistic than kaito he had the same white hair and silver eyes as their father but he took his larger cheeks from their mother, “Leave your brother kaito you are going to be late and this the first day of the year, you don’t want to be late do you?” His mother asked with a rough voice, “she is going to kill me if I don’t go” Kaito whispered to his younger brother laughingly while he stood up to let his brother go, “Kaito can you at least show me the Jutsu father taught you?” He asked excitingly, “Definitely it isn’t that strong and not that hard to do” Kaito says while memorising the hand seals for it, “Open Your eyes cause if you don’t you are not going to see it, it’s called pressure burst” He said while using it on his brother teddy bear, the teddy bear fell from the table and hit the wall, “Kaito!! It’s even stronger than last time” his brother said excitingly, “I hope you are right” Kaito said while playing with his hair and smiling, “Anyway I gotta Go see you tonight” kaito said while running outside, “I will wait for you tonight!” His brother said screaming while kaito was running out of the house to the academy
”You are late” Said Hitoshi Hyuga angirly he was part of the Hyuga branch family, ”Sorry white eyes I didn’t get the same discipline training as you did” said kaito laughingly, ”Yayoi when I unlock my byukogan remind me to give kaito the honour of being hit by it” Said Hitoshi to yayoi ,their third friend, who laughed at it, ”Pretty sure he is going to fly with that body of his” said yayoi to Hitoshi ”Plus you are the one to talk with your silver eyes Kaito, I think we should make that a joke too, What do you think Hitoshi” Yayoi continues teasingly, “Fine I will stop” said kaito laughingly, ”it has been a while since we last went to the academy though what do you think they will give us?” Asked kaito, ”I have no idea but I really need to learn some jutsus” said Hitoshi, ” Both of you know jutsus I don’t know any” Said Hitoshi enviously, “Take it easy Hitoshi I am pretty sure you are going to be the strongest with that eyes of yours just ask your dad to teach you” said kaito casually, ”You know he can’t kaito he isn’t from the main family so it will take a lot for him to even convince them to teach it to him,My father said that the Hyuga techniques were one of the most powerful though he fought with them before” Said Yayoi excitingly, ”My father told me so too did you master that fire technique you told me about though Yayoi?” asked kaito a little bit excited, ”Yea I did it took sometime but I learned that fire technique at last my father also told me that I can use it with a wind style Jutsu to make it even more powerful do you believe that?!” Said Yayoi so excited he started jumping, ”We can??? I will have to ask my father how” Said kaito even more excitingly, “Shut up both of you, we are here” Said Hitoshi while smiling
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“What’s wrong kaito?” Yayoi asked Kaito when they entered their class and sat, ”It’s Nothing” Said kaito while blushing, Yayoi noticed what he was looking at immediately though and smiled silently, “YAYOI LOOK ISN’T THIS THE GIRL KAIT..” Hitoshi tried to continue while pointing at her and yelling but Yayoi grabbed him before he could continue ,”Shut up you Baka,You are so loud and stop pointing at people” Said Yayoi while holding Hitoshi, Kaito on the other hand didn’t notice them the only thing he did was look at her for all the ninjitsu class, He knew he was good at ninjitsu so he only wanted to look at her, Yayoi on the other hand smiled for most of the lesson while Hitoshi kept looking at both of them weirdly, “The class is over next you have a Genjutsu class” Said their sensei while leaving the room, “Thank god it’s over” Said Hitoshi, “Shut up Hitoshi” Said Yayoi, “You should really stop looking at her kaito someone is going to notice you are so obvious” Said Yayoi to kaito, Kaito snapped out of it “The lesson is over already? That was fast” Said Kaito, “That’s because you were looking at her for the whole class you idiot” Said Yayoi, “It is okay I can handle myself in ninjitsu I already now a lighning release jutsu and 2 wind release jutsus” Said kaito confidently, “You only mastered one though and it is the only one you use” Said Yayoi, “Yea I will try not to look at her for the rest of the day” Said kaito looking away, “You better do cause I won’t let you get distracted we have Genjutsu next and you are the worst at it” Said Yayoi while looking at kaito in the eye, “Yes Yayoi I get it I need to atleast know how to dispel Genjutsu to be able to fight against a Genjutsu user” Said kaito dismissing his words, While Hitoshi just looking at both of them in confusion “What are you guys talking about again?” Said Hitoshi confused, “Shut up” Said kaito and Yayoi at the same time while laughing, “Well if you guys talk in any of the classes today I am going to use my gentle fist on both of you, so YOU better shut up” Said Hitoshi threatening them while laughing
”I hate Genjutsu remind me to never ever attend Genjutsu classes again” Said kaito while standing up to get out of the class, “That’s because you are the worst at it” Said Yayoi to kaito , “Well I am sorry my mother isn’t a Genjutsu specialist like you Yayoi’ Said kaito, “YOUR MOTHER IS?” Asked Hitoshi surprised, “Ughhh did you really have to say that kaito?” Said Yayoi while noticing kaito grinning, “I don’t plan on becoming one though rest easy” said Yayoi,
“Well you are still gifted in it” Said kaito jealously, “Hey...May I speak with Yayoi please?” A voice came out of nowhere kaito looked and barely held himself,I am going to kill you Yayoi He thought,Hitoshi kept looking towards Yayoi,Kaito and the newcomer, Hitoshi got closer to kaito “Isn’t this the girl you like?” Asked Hitoshi whispering, “Shut up Hitoshi” Kaito Said angrily, “Yes definitely do you need anything?” Asked her Yayoi, “Well I am really bad at Genjutsu and I overheard your friend saying you were good at Genjutsu because your mother is a Genjutsu specialist so I thought you could help” Mei told Yayoi,
Baka you Baka did you have to say it out aloud now she is going to train with Yayoi
“So will you be able to help?” Mei reasked Yayoi, “Well I wish I could but I am really busy after academy but kaito here can help” Said Yayoi to Mei, Yayoi you are the best I would have kissed you right now but I better leave that to her, “Oh I can wait for tomorrow you are the best at Genjutsu in our class even better than most Uchihas” Mei told Yayoi, Yayoi please think fast, “True I am good at Genjutsu but I am really busy this days plus I am not that good at teaching since I never saw anyone teach before but kaito do you know he was tutored by a senin in Genjutsu?“ Yayoi told Mei, Yayoi please don’t start with that, “he can probably teach you what the sennin taught him this will definitely help you probably better than I ever could” Said Yayoi, “Oh a sennin really trained you in Genjutsu kaito? No offence but you aren’t that good at Genjutsu” Mei told kaito, “Yes I was trained by an Uchiha sennin in Genjutsu but yea I am not good at casting Genjutsu but I can break any Genjutsu you can throw at me that’s what she taught me and I can definitely teach you if you want” Said kaito while hesitating, “Definitely I will look for you after the academy” Mei told kaito while she ran to her friends
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“YAYOI you are best and smartest friend ever” Kaito said excitingly as he was so happy he was going to talk to maya, “Never put me in a position like this again ughh it was really hard to think of the right thing” Said Yayoi with a sigh, “You still nailed it Yayoi even I know that much” said Hitoshi smiling,”I hope you don’t ruin it though kaito you are really bad at talking with girls I didn’t do all of this just for you to get rejected” Said Yayoi,”Well...I do think I can manage but what do you think I should do” asked kaito, “Tell her you love her the second you see her!” Said Hitoshi excitingly as soon as he heard the question, “Shut up Yayoi even kaito knows not to do that” Said Yayoi, “Wait I shouldn’t?” Asked kaito, “Kaito for real? Ughh well treat her like you would treat Hitoshi and me in a friendly manner and try not to be as shy as you are around other girls” Yayoi told kaito, “Wow you definitely are good with girls Yayoi” Said Hitoshi amazed by what he just heard, “Huh I will try to do my best I definitely have a broad idea of what I should do to make this work out Thanks Yayoi we better go to the last class though I am dying to meet here” Said Kaito excitingly, “Do you see the two love birds Hitoshi?” Said Yayoi teasing Kaito, “Shut up Yayoi or I am going to kill you” Said kaito while rushing to class
I walk out of the academy after saying my goodbyes to both Hitoshi and Yayoi and actually thanking Yayoi, He better appreciates my thanks cause I am not doing it again I am going to beat him thanks to Uchiha sensei He thinks while jumping around and falling right ON someone, “Ouch Be careful Baka!” Someone says, A Girl Kaito concludes from the sound, “I am sorry Ma’am!” Kaito says immediately while bowing, “OHH KAITO?? Is that you?” The girl asks,”Mei? Oh I was...actually going to grounds you!” He says while blushing and his cheeks turning redder by the second, I need to keep my emotions in check He thinks while inhaling and exhaling slowly so she doesn’t notice him, “Kaito you are turning red no need to be shy around me treat me as if I am Hitoshi “ Said Mei, ooo boi you don’t want me to treat you like Hitoshi no one would want me to treat them like Hitoshi Kaiti thought while smiling but he was laughing like hell inside. “Yea,Lets treat you more like Mei and less like Hitoshi or Yayoi you are going to hate it” He says laughing and she laughs back, is she actually laughing or is she just complimenting me, no she is definitely laughing I need to be less insecure He thinks to himself, “You are cool Kaito you know that?” Mei asks him teasingly,”I am the best Mei even better than you” Kaiti says laughingly, “Nonsense I only said you were cool not the best” Mei says back,”Well you you pretty much admitted defeat when you said so” kaito told her, “nah I will never lose to you of all people” She says, “Well let’s make a deal why don’t we both become the coolest? You know as a joint rank” Kaito suggests smilingly, “I will take that as long as I am not losing to you” Mei said challengingly, “Then get ready to lose we arrived” Kaito tells her infront of the training grounds
“Kaito you definitely know a lot about Genjutsu, you might even know more than Yayoi himself!” Said Mei excitedly, “You think so?” Asked kaito His cheeks getting redder by the moment, “Yes you are definitely proficient at Genjutsu, Are you going to specialise in it?” Asked Mei, “I don’t think so I am mainly a ninjutsu and Taijutsu type ninja Genjutsu isn’t really my type, I never got it actually and I was never good at it, What about you though are you the Genjutsu type?” Asked kaito, “Well I was mainly ninjutsu but with you teaching me I actually think of becoming a Genjutsu specialist” She couldn’t hold her laugh after she fell to the ground and started laughing, This is actually getting somewhere Thought kaito excitedly, “Baka I am still better than you” Kaito said teasingly, “Is this a challenge?” Asked Mei but she didn’t wait for an answer, she jumped to stand up, they found their faces so close to each other after the jump, We are so close Thought kaito his cheeks looking like a tomato, he got control of himself after a second, “Let’s say you won and I am going to treat you to dumpling” He said immediately trying to sound confident, “You got that” She said her cheeks even redder than him and slightly smiling, “Let’s go then I know of a restaurant close to your home” Said kaito leading the way, “wow you know where I live?” She asked, What was I thinking ughh I am in trouble thought kaito, “Ye...Yea Hitoshi once told me he saw you going this way so I figured out you live in this area” Said kaito slightly worried, “Fair enough let’s go though I am hungry” Said Mei grabbing Kaito’s hand and running towards the restaurant in her area, Thank god she believed me Kaito thought
“20 Dumpling please I am so hungry!” Mei told kaito, “you gotta share you know..” said kaito teasingly, “Nope get your own I need to eat” She said sticking her tongue out, She is clumsy I like her even more, “40 Dumplings for me please” Said kaito in challenging voice, she laid her back and said “120 Dumplings here 60 for him and 60 for me whoever finishes last gets to pay for the whole 120 what do you say?” She asked staring at him, “you better get ready to pay then cause I didn’t eat a thing since yesterday and I plan on eating what you will have left too” said kaito kinda smirking, she is awesome I need to win though I can’t afford 120 dumplings He thought to himself,
“Gotta ask if you are from the akimichi clan cause if you are I already lost“ kaito tried to indirectly ask Mei which clan is she a part of,
“Don’t worry if I were from the akimichi I would have eaten you already, I am from the Uchiha clan though” Said Mei, Uchiha clan? The same as Uchiha sensei but why did she need help in Genjutsu? And why was she amazed when Yayoi told her that I was trained by an Uchiha sennin in Genjutsu, “You are?? How did you need training in Genjutsu then? You guys are supposed to be masters of Genjutsu” Asked kaito, “Well I am not that bad at Genjutsu but you said an Uchiha sennin trained you which is probably Asuka-Sama I have always wanted to be like her that’s why I wanted you to train to tell me what she taught you” Mei said, “I can get both of you to meet if you would like” Suggested kaito, “please don’t, I want to get stronger on my own without her” said Mei, “But never mind that are you ready to lose the challenge” Asked mei while getting ready to eat the dumplings that were just served, “Yes and I plan on winning this challenge too” said kaito dipping into the food immediately
“Told you I would win” Said Mei while walking back home with kaito, “No you didn’t I purposefully lost, so you feel better” Said kaito pouting with an enthusiastic expression , “No you are just jealous of me, because I got to pay nothing and you paid for all of them” she said sticking her tongue out, “Well I never thought you would be able to eat all of them you even ate the rest mine” Kaito Said still not believing she did this, “You should have known better than to challenge me” Mei said teasing him, “Here that is my home” Said mei, “Wow we are here already that was fast” he said a smile on his face, “Thank you for today Kaito, It was awesome” She said while blushing and giving him a hug, She is hugging me, she actually is hugging me, I never thought we would hug He thought to himself still amazed that she did this, it took him a while to realise he should hug back, and he did just that, it wasn’t that long of a hug or maybe time just flew fast with her around, He didn’t what he did know though is that his mother is going to kill him, it’s midnight already, “I got get in kaito, thanks for today, See you tomorrow” Mei said while opening the door and going in, and when she closed the door Kaito started running to get to his home, Mother is going to kill me He thought to himself still running, until he reached his home, he didn’t enter through the door though, he entered through the windows of his room, he was tired and didn’t want to argue with his mother, he entered his room and threw himself on the bed, He couldn’t believe it, someone was in the bed sleeping in his place, he couldn’t recognise him but he was sure, it was neither his mother or father, he was thin and got an average height, but the only thing kaito could see clearly is he wore a headband
"Oh, it's you" said Kaito with a sudden relief on his face when he saw his cousin, Yasue. Yasue was a Jonin who worked for the anbu, he sometimes worked with Kaito's dad as well.. "It seems you have had quite a few adventures in the last few days" said Yasue leaning on the door. "What do you mean?" asked Kaito shivering slightly fearing he might know he likes Mei. "You never told anyone how you broke your leg a few days ago, you fought with a previous Sennin" stated Yasue with the most serious face Kaito ever saw. When Kaito heard he turned pale "Previous sennin! what do you mean? what happened to Uchiha sensei and Ren??!" demanded Kaito from his cousin looking visibly worried. "Uchiha Asuka, is the Fifth Hokage now. You probably shouldn't bother her again, for both your own good Kaito and for the village's." said Yasue vanishing in the instant he finished his sentence. Kaito was very conflicted, on one hand Uchiha sensei became the hokage, he was so happy for her, and she deserved it. On the other hand though, she is as busy as ever and will probably have no time to train him. Kaito let it out a smile when he remembered their fight where he was outmatched, he remembered the exam and how he had to find one of them, he remembered the dumblings, he even remembered the time he spent with Ren which wasn't the best, but he will miss her nevertheless "I hope we will meet again soon Hokage sensei." Kaito said still smiling from all the memories he remembered.
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Kaito woke up to a sudden breeze of air coming out from the window. He thought he already closed it but with all that happened the day before, he might have just forgot. The sun was not out yet, he figured it will soon though since it was 4 am. He had only slept for 3 hours, he did not feel tired at all though which was very strange to him, he had a very tiring day yesterday and he thought he would not wake up on time for the academy. The Genin exams were happening soon, he already had one with Asuka, the now Fifth hokage, but she is probably too busy for this now. Kaito did not feel the urge to sleep again and did not want to waste the time just doing nothing. "Might as well use the time to train for the upcoming exams" said Kaito to himself while standing up to go out through his windows, he did not want to wake up his parents. He knew he was bound to get into a lot of troubles for coming home late yesterday, so he wanted to use the time before he was punished wisely. He got out of his windows just the way he came in before he slept. He went to a training ground near the academy, so he is not late when it is time to go there. When Kaito arrived he tried some Earth style Justus he has been learning. He mainly used Wind and Lightning together to enhance his speed. From his last battle with Ren, he knew he needed some sort of armour, to protect himself from attacks like the one that knocked him out. He already used stone golem then, but it was not enough. He also knew there was lightning armour that the Raikages were famous for, but no one was willing to teach it to him and even then, it requires at least a high level Jonin and he was still an academy student. He was just starting to do the hand signs but then he heard a voice. It was Yasue.
"What are you doing here, have you even slept?" asked Yasue with an emotionless, unmovable face. Kaito was frightened, Yasue was an anbu, and a very good one from what he heard, and Kaito seeing him twice in a few hours was definitely not normal. it felt as if, Yasue was following him, but why? "Yea I slept for a few hours. apparently I forgot to close the window after you left" said Kaito gathering his thoughts. "Why are you here though? shouldn't you be on a mission?" asked Kaito readying his equipments to train. Yasue didn't answer, he stood silently, for what seemed forever. "I should be, but tell me kaito. Have you ever asked, how we are so fast? Me and your dad that is". Kaito often thought of how he would be as fast as them if not faster, he never asked himself how they were so fast though. "No, I never did. I would imagine you trained very hard for it though" said Kaito looking to his cousin's face who started smiling slightly. "How fast do you think we are Kaito?" asked Yasue with the smile still on his face. Kaito still didn't know the answer to that question, and he didn't know what to say. "I.. don't know, I just heard you both were extremely fast" answered Kaito shocked at how much he doesn't know about his own family. "Kaito we ben reality! that's how fast we are." Yasue immediately summoned a sword out of thin air without leaving kaito a moment to speak or ask any questions. "Do you see this sword kaito? it is made of the same fabric that reality is glued with." Kaito didn't believe what he was hearing, is this even possible? "Defend yourself Kaito, i will show you how fast we are" in this exact moment Kaito found himself being hit to what seemed a million times everywhere on his body. He didn't have the time to process what Yasue said a moment earlier, let alone defend himself. Kaito would have been unconsciousat this point, or maybe even dead, if Yasue had hit him somewhere fatal. "83 hits in one second Kaito. That's how fast we are, and how fast you can be. As I told you before, we bend reality. It is the only thing our clan inherited from our original clan in the cloud village. Your father thinks you are not ready yet, and I wholeheartedly agree with him. You will never be if no one directs you in the correct way though, that's why I am here know without your father's knowledge" said Yasue while looking at Kaito who laid on the floor after being hit by Yasue that fast, he still couldn't get a grip on what was happening, he was barely keeping up. "I already gave you one hint to what we do, i will give you one to achieve it faster. Control, not just chakra control, but emotion control as well." said Yasue at last before vanishing, Kaito laid on the floor for another hour till he finally had the power to stand up and go to the academy. He ended up not training that day at all. All he thought about was how he was going to achieve this.
Kaito just came back from his mission, it was a very tiring one. They had a fight with the bandits and their leaders, neither Kaito nor Jirou knew what their goal was, did someone pay them to terrorise the village? or did they just do this for the sake of enriching themselves? This was for the interrogation team to find out. Something else was bothering Kaito though, the feeling he had in the middle of the mission, Twice. What was that? Kaito didn't know, he also didn't know if this was the power that Yasue was talking about or not. Kaito went to his courtyard, it was already midnight, and the sky was clear. His siblings and mother were asleep, and his father was on a mission. Kaito sat in the courtyard in front of the lake, he wanted to remember what caused this feeling to surge, he did take chakra pills before the mission, but from what he knew they never really caused that. Kaito closed his eyes, he remembered the fight they had, it was Kaito, Jirou and Kei against 7 bandits. Jirou and Kashioki handled two of them and their leader. Kaito and Kei both handled two each. neither Kaito nor Jirou could find Kei after the fight ended though, Kaito hoped he was safe. This wasn't what triggered the feeling though, what triggered it was the girl. She reminded him of his sister, and not only was she kidnapped by the bandits, but they also hit her and were going to kill her. Kaito remembered when he and the others arrived and saw the bandits, Kaito and the others were hidden, and they could hear and see the bandits. The little girl was in the basket, they hit the basket when she was inside and saw no use for her. That was when Kaito first felt this power surge through him, he felt like he could kill all of them in one second, he felt like he could be as fast as light, he didn't want to risk the girl life for a feeling though.

The second time though it was even stronger, it was in the middle of the fight. The girl was in the middle of the sky, Kaito's Tatsumaki immobilised one of the bandits and made her fly, this was safer for Kaito as then he could save her easily. He didn't see the other bandit coming though, he started attacking Kaito with
a water whip, and when the girl stopped going up and started descending, the bandit aimed for her with his water whip while she was mid-air. Time froze for Kaito, this power surged even more than last time, this time it felt like he could save her, kill the bandit and return her back to her father all in one second. Kaito refused to risk her life again though, he managed to save her by using Cyclone Movement, but he still had to figure out what this power was.

Kaito opened his eyes, stood up and closed his eyes again. He thought of the bandit attacking the girl, if the water whip had hit her, it would have cut the basket and girl in half. Kaito imagined himself in that situation again, he had to do something, for a second he saw his younger sister in this girl place. tears came out of his eyes out of nowhere, he couldn't bear to see her even close to danger. The same moment the tear came out of his eyes, he had this surge of power again. He was feeling this immense power, and this time he was going to use it. This time instead of restraining his body, he embraced this power. In a blink of an eye he was on the roof of his house. How did I get here?? thought Kaito, a little bit afraid of himself, how could he get up there that fast. Kaito could still feel the power, this time he will try to control which direction he goes to. From the roof of his house, he could see the academy. He looked at the academy and in a second he was right in front of its door. it takes at least 10 minutes to go there and kaito was there in less than a second. It felt like he moved even faster than light, he wasn't sure if this was even considered moving or not. It was quite late and Kaito needed to go back, the second he thought about it, he was back in the courtyard. He found himself extremely tired though, this ability seems to use a lot of chakra. Is that why Yasue told me to practice control? Thought kaito to himself again, he knew why now. Before Kaito could sleep though, he wanted to do what Yasue did, summon a weapon. It looked very strange, it looked like it was sharper and stronger than any weapon Kaito saw before. Kaito closed his eyes again, stretched his hand and kept it as far from his body as he could, so if something goes wrong he isn't injured. He focused, remembered what Yause did, Kaito channelled all the chakra he had left into his hand. He felt something forming out of thin air, when he opened his eye, he found a Kunai in his hand. it wasn't a normal one though, it looked exactly like the sword Yasue summoned. Kaito was happy, this meant he could be as powerful as his other family members, or at least had the potential to be. Kaito immediately fell to the floor, he barely had any chakra left. He hasn't slept for a few days, and with all the Chakra he exerted over the last few minutes, he needed to sleep, and he did just that.
This newly discovered ability was something Kaito barely knew hpw to use, he needed to train, but he didn't want to ask Yasue or his father for help. He wanted to do it all on his own, in a way he wanted to surprise them, he was sure they will be even prouder when they find out he mastered it all on his own. He arrived to the training ground near the academy in a blink of an eye by using this new ability. He remembered when he used to train with Hitoshio and Yayoi, and when he trained Mei as well. He hasn't seen any of them in at least a week, and Yayoi for a month. Kaito decided to meet them after he finished his training, for now though, he had to figure out what he was able to do, and what he wasn't. He knew he was able to travel with a speed unmatched by any normal shinobis, he also knew he was able to summon a weapon made out of reality itself. This implied to him that his powers were more than just speed. Kaito didn't know what it was, but he was definitely curious about it. He wanted to try using his new abilties in a fight, he summoned his kunai shaped energy like weapon. There were some training dummies already in the training grounds, and Kaito attacked one. He only attacked once, but he found out the dummy was cut in more than place, cuts that weren't previously there. When he attack a closer look, he saw it was made from his weapon, but he thought he hit it once. Kaito tried attacking again, this time, he focused more on what was happeneing while attacking, and again this time he used his powers. He found that, he appears in several places to attack the dummy from everywhere, and then goes back to the place he stood at, he was that fast. Kaito was quite astonished by himself, he never thought he could be that fast.
It has been a few weeks now, Kaito got used to his new ability, he has been training non-stop ever since, and he became faster than ever. Kaito still hasn't told his Father or Cousin though. He wanted to tell Yasue first, but Kaito haven't seen him since the last time he came to Kaito in the middle of the night to tell him about the ability that runs in his veins. Yasue didn't tell him much, he only told him what to focus on to awaken his abilities and showed him some of the abilities Kaito would be able to do. Other than that, Kaito was left to his own devices. Kaito knew both his Father and cousin would be very proud of him, but he wanted to see the full extent of his abilities, he knew that they won't show him what they are fully capable of, not unless they are in danger. Kaito had an idea, it was quite a dangerous one, one that might get him killed, but this just made the plan even more worth doing. Kaito knew that his Father and Yasue are going to meet tomorrow's evening to discuss clan matters, Kaito was never allowed entrance, but this time he will. Kaito planned to wait for them in the basement of the building their meetings take place in, and once they close the door, Kaito will come out wearing all blacks and attack them both, this will probably get him at least injured, but Kaito was willing to risk it.
Kaito had a plan, he was going to hide in the basement of the place they usually meet. Kaito's clan was small, but they were richer than most other small clans. Kaito arrived a few hours before his Father said the meeting would start, Kaito wanted to place traps all around the place, he wanted to make it count, Kaito wanted them to actually take this as a serious ambush. He set bobby traps all along the the room, if anyone passed through any of them, all of them would activate and it would rain shurikens towards the middle of the room, the entrance and the stage. Kaito wanted to use paper bombs but he decided not to as to not destroy the place, it was still his clan's after all. Kaito wore all black, the only thing that could be seen are his silver eyes.

Kaito waited, he was meditating in the basement of the place waiting for them to come. Then he heard the door open, a second later, the trap was activated, this was his queue. He jumped out of the basement while activating his Seikon weapon, he saw both Yasue and his dad being ambushed, Kaito saw his dad vanish the second his trap was activated, while Yasure defended aganist the Shurikens with his own Seikon weapon. The minute Kaito saw Yasue, he used his abilites to appear behind him and Kick him. Yasue wasn't taken by surprise, he had a buuble of air appear around him that pushed Kaito to the wall. Kaito was astonished by Yasue's reaction speed, he never thought anyone could have that fast of a reaction, it all happened in less than a second after all. Yasue apperared in front of Kaito this time, just as fast as Kaito did last time. Kaito Put his weapon between him and Yasue to defend from his attack, but Yasue was relentless he attacked in a 100 direction at the same moment, Kaito was keeping up, he didn't know how, but he was. Kaito was going to get overwhelmed eventually, and both of them knew it, Kaito had to do something so he activated the traps that weren't activated when they came in. Kaito could tell Yasue didn't expect it as he went to the other side of the room, and looked at the ninja how was in all blacks. Kaito knew he wasn't going to win this fight on speed alone, he needed to use his justus, that was his strongsuit after all. Kaito looked back at Yasue and put his hands a few centimeters away from his body, and lightning came out of his hands, Chidori. Kaito ran at Yasue as fast as he ever had with his enhanced lightning speed and Seikon. Yasue looked at this and readied a wind Jutsu that looked similar to the chidori. They ran at each other, they would have hit each other and caused a devastating explosion in a moment, but Yasue apperared behin him, and Kaito's father appeared in front of Kaito and held him in air from his palm, this was more than enough to disable his Jutsu. His father had a serious look on his face, but Yasue was smiling. "We need to talk Kaito" said Kaito's father still holding Kaito.

Current Ninpocho Time:
