Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Visit to Akira [Tutorial with Junko]

Re: A Visit [Akira]

Kiri glanced at Junko for a moment before he was surprised when the latter brought out his sword. He was only mildly surprised, knowing that the latter wouldn’t attempt to kill them there. Or would he? Then they were lightly tapped by the sword, and Kiri almost felt as if there was something that happened but he couldn’t exactly tell what it was. He did, however, hear Junko’s words as they echoed in his mind.

Almost instantly, he felt a strangely familiar presence next to him. Without hesitation, he rolled to the side and got up on his feet, eyes wide as standing right next to the tree they were under in was the beast. It stood tall on in all six of its legs, its body wrapped in plated armour, with wisps of shadow and mist escaping from the gaps. Its gold erie eyes looked straight back at Kiri without any feelings. Normally, Kiri would be able to sense the beast’s emotions, but right now, there was nothing.

“Hey, what are you doing?” asked Kiri, a little wary but unmoving as he kept his eyes on the beast. “Why are you out here? Am I dreaming again?”

Just then, the beast launched at him without any warning and Kiri jumped to the side, barely avoiding the said beast. All the while, he would not know that everything was just happening in his mind. Then again, this has happened before and he better than to simply be complacent with the beast. What was odd, however, was the silence of the beast. He was his brother and still he was as mysterious as ever.

And just as he about to turn around and face the beast once more, he would find the said creature running straight at him, lunging with its jaws open, fangs glaring and trampling him into the ground.

Just then, he would open his eyes and everything became white. In this void of a world, he was the only one standing, right until a presence was felt behind him.

“Are you running away again?” said a voice all too familiar that Kiri felt a chill run down his spine. He didn’t dare to turn around.

“Why don’t you look at me?” insisted the voice, and Kiri found himself lowering his head, pulling down the hood of the cape he usually wears. He didn’t find it odd that even his clothes changed into his usual ones.

At that point, he heard footsteps coming close and while he wished he could walk away, he couldn’t even move. He saw the boots, the movement of feet, circling to stand before him, but he would not raise his head. Instead, he drew the cape lower to hide his face, a visible remorse on his face.

“You can’t hide forever, Kiri,” said the latter. “You can’t hide from your true self.” At that, two hands would reach out to him, grabbing his arm and lifting the cape off his face. This made Kiri look at the stranger with shock as he saw himself looking back at him, disappointment evident on his face.

“You cannot lie to yourself anymore.”

Meanwhile, outside in the real world, Kiri was standing still now, head hung low while his demonic aura began to gather around him.

“I… I am…” Kiri mutters as his aura would begin to intensify, no longer a simple demonic aura, as if something else was about to infuse with it.

WC: 578

Looking at the boy as his head fell, Junko's hidden rinnegan eyes were practically staring at the soul of the young lads. Junko knew of the beast inside him, he could feel it the moment he stepped onto the Tsuyoshi Estate. It was much like Junko's dormant demon inside his blade, but Junko had control. The same control that the boy drooled to obtain based on his words during the class. The control that balanced the light and the darkness of Junko's soul.

Without that control, Kiri was a walking bomb waiting to explode and flood Kumogakure with chaos. Chaos that would paint Kumo in blood. This session was about facing your fears, but Junko's main objective had to be placing the appropriate seal upon the boy. That way, he'd have the key to begin the process of gaining control. It was an odd time to do such a thing, but Junko knew he could contain things in the area with causing little to no destruction with the genjutsu placed on the boy.

This was far from Junko's first go around with a situation involving sealing demons. Learning from the destruction of the Susukino District caused by Mazoku, Junko could seal things down now before it would get to that point. Reminiscing, Junko could still hear the screams, could still sense the darkness in his veins, and could still feel the pain his body was in every time a memory came to mind. Little would the village every know, Junko was about to save kumogakure today while teaching a valuable lesson in fear.

"It's said that fear can save you. True, but some say that's a phrase the weak use when cowering. It's also said that fear can also kill you and the people around you." Junko said with a pause. "It's a double edge sword. Face your fears and you'll excel. No one knows their potential, so why not push. The sky is the limit and even above that are the stars." Junko said as his chakra began to build and course through his veins intensely.

Training with Akira and Shu, Junko learned a valuable lesson involving chakra control. Such a valuable lesson that Junko began only surviving using a partial amount of the full amount of chakra he had pent up as it continued to build. In fact, he was building up so much chakra that it had slowly began effecting his reality bending energy. His blood still coursed with the gene of the Seikon, but his high amount of chakra was beginning to take over.

Controlling his chakra, it wasn't visible, it couldn't be felt, or sensed. If one was to look on the inside though, they'd likely see a different story. Using the genjutsu on Hoshi to continue to distract and to put distance between him and Kiri, Junko would allow things to continue to play out for the students.

[Chakra Attuned Build Up ^_^ .... ]
In his world, Kiri was shaking in uncontrollable emotion. His other self that was once standing before him earlier had vanished. The white world had changed. He now found himself inside an empty hall, much like an old dojo that was all too familiar. The wooden walls were filled with seals. The windows were all barred with cold steel. On his arms were heavy cold metal cuffs as he knelt on the cold wooden floor. This was a scene he had long been used to. And only the humming of the rain outside would fill the silence of this place. It was as if he had returned home, to the place where his father had kept him for many years in fear of the cursed beast of ruin that dwelt inside him. Here, he was forsaken and awaited his sentence.

“No. I don’t want to die,” he murmured, both in this world and in the real world. “I want to see the world. I want to live. Brother… I…”

“Kiri, lose yourself,” whispered the beast’s voice inside him.

Looking up, Kiri would hear that just outside that abandoned dojo, people were gathering. He quickly stepped back, pulling on the chains, trying to free himself. If not, they would enter and he would be killed.

Much like in the real world, Kiri would suddenly jump back, hit against the tree, pushing against it as his demonic energy began to spike, increasing further and further that would be leaving a heavy atmosphere around him.

And once the door to the dojo slid open, Kiri caught sight of his father leading the men, holding the very sword that he once used to kill his brother who had a similar fate as him- having only a cursed beast of ruin. Though pretty words escaped from his father’s lips, he knew very much that they were lies. There was no remorse. There was only a mission that reflected in his eyes, and those very eyes laid upon him. He would kill son a second time.

“No! I won’t let you!” Kiri screamed as his entire being was enveloped with fear and hatred. Thinking that his brother would be killed once more together with him, Kiri could not afford to have it. He, who had come to rely on the beast’s presence as his only hope in that bleak world he lived in, would not allow the same brother to experience death a second time.

And such, in the real world, Kiri began to manifest a far more dangerous aura, one that swirled with a shadowy mist, eating away and breaking against the tree behind him. He was quickly letting lose a jinchuuriki’s power. [Demon Cloak Alpha] And all of sudden, the aura around him would completely burst far stronger and even knocking down the tree behind him in the process, as he roared. [Demonic Burst]

In his mind, Kiri was slaughtering every of the clansmen that came along, breaking free from the bonds of the chain, dragging along a corpse as he approached his father by the doorway. “I’m no longer as powerless as you think,” he said before dropping the corpse and aiming to strike at the man.

WC: 536
Junko responded saying he had his own new jutsus as well. Shouyu smiled wide, having another chance to learn from an upper class ninja would be great, so he slowly pushed himself up to a standing position, and slid into a loose horse stance. Junko unsheathed his blade, pointed at the two and spoke of a fear. His smile was replaced by a look of concern, mouth agate as he was in thought. "Huh, my fears?" At this moment, he was staring down the tip of a sharp katana, its cold tip tapping him in the forehead. As it did, it caused him to almost lost consciousness at that moment. He felt warped into a different world, inside of his mind, darkness all around him and a wet floor he was standing in.

It's true he was blessed with a sensory others would love to have, and in this moment it was very useful. A dark, sinister, negative energy filled the atmosphere, a chakra aura that almost froze him like a cold Kumo winter breeze. He nearly shivered, but he maintained his composure by keeping a rather slow breathing pattern. What was this dark energy he was feeling? He began to look around, engaging his surroundings before a large dark hooded figure was before him. He seemed like a man, though his face was hidden from the boy. He was a shadowy figure who began to change form, from his figure he began to distort his body into extra arms reaching out to Shouyu.

His eyes grew wide, he was paralyzed by fear and contentment. Something was familiar about this guy, but Shouyu couldn't grasp it. He was breathing short, rapid breaths now, before catching himself and slowing down once more. Through an echo in his ears, Junko's words resonated some hefty advice. Though, his words now were more confusing, maybe because he was distracted by this frightening figure. He couldn't tell what was happening, or where Junko and Kiri was. His eyes couldn't move from his assailant, and a muscle in his body couldn't even flex. He started to really think...

"Face my fears? Who are you?" He spoke to the figure who did not say anything except shoot tendrils that seemed to be extensions of his shadow fast to pierce Shouyu in the torso. In real time he was frozen still, much like he was in this mental trap. Just as the tendrils struck through him, a cloud appeared and the tendrils were stabbing a thick wooden log. The figure showed no emotion though Shouyu had appeared behind him with resentment on his face. He would leap, spin and send a roundhouse kick, duck and dodged by the shadow who seemed to mirror his Hyuuga style of Taijutsu.

He could hear, shrieks and screams of many people, distinct voices sounded like his parents and manic laughter from the demonic village. It all caught him now, fears, the identity of his assailant, and the Genjutsu he was under. "Definitely, this has to be Genjutsu." He was encumbered by the burden of fear and worry that wouldn't escape this powerful visual jutsu. More tendrils stuck out from the solid ground, Shouyu side stepped most, getting nicked by a couple spikes.

[WC 504]
Re: A Visit [Akira]

Osu looked at the hand that was placed on his shoulder, once more becoming very aware that Akira Saito was a rather huge individual, but more importantly had a sense that his questions were considered understandable. Of course the following revelation was much more surprising and very well punctuated by a sword flying in out of nowhere.

As a medical professional Osu could actual say that individual eyes were actual more unique than fingerprints but now didn't seem the time to comment. Rather... swords with eyes... and now he felt like he was missing a broader story considering he didn't know Akira had gone looking for a missing Shinbatsu. To be fair though this was likely well before he was born and didn't sound like something people discussed over tea.

The imprisonment of Akira Saito was also interesting though Osu felt like a good portion of the story happened to be missing as... well it only took a few minutes to remove an eye and that was with being careful. Even if he were ever to do something as inhumane as experimentation on a living Hyuuga to learn more about the workings of the Byakugan itself he felt like it wouldn't take more than a couple weeks of thorough research. The torture for months seemed like a rather personal affair, not that he was going to pry. Still the level of starvation and energy selection described sounded carefully regimented. He doubted with the so called "common knowledge" that circulated around nutrition that a complete layman could starve someone without accidentally killing them through complete deprivation of vital vitamins and minerals. So either someone knew proper details around diet or they had starved enough people to become good at it. Again when told about how one eye was sold he couldn't help but think that the only two reasons Akira was alive was do to his captors' spite/love of torture or incompetence in preservation skills.

The continuation of the tale didn't really become more pleasant. The death of his friend seemed to be a burden that was heavy for even Akira's heroic shoulders. Then the tale became one more fitting with the common image of the former Raikage. And... wait... Osuteno saw the Mangekyou Sharingan and then remembered that rather blurry experience when Akira and roughed up a large man in a back alley in the defense of Osu and a student.

That was really... the eye of Shinbatsu? That made the glaring sword somehow even more intimidating... And then it flew back inside... The following theory about the workings of the gods were not an more pleasant though reasonably realistic.

Osu watched the rather old and weary man return his attention to his blacksmithing. The next bit however was yet another surprise. A Myoumi Akuhei. Well if anyone was to know about gods a high priest was a fair candidate, though...

"Combat then," Osu said with an uneasy smile. Ah he wasn't really much of a fighter. He was a good medic, fairly stealthy and had a good head but strong he was not. Still Bishamon's temple seemed like the place to go if he in fact wanted more answers.

"I don't suppose that asking directions to Bishamon's temple is as difficult as it was in getting people to direct me here... I greatly appreciate your words and time. I wish you good health and peaceful days." Osu then made his departure, nodding towards the others as he left.

[Topic Left Unless stopped]
Blood trickled down to the floor, dripping slowly from his body. Whoever this masked figured was never spoke, but when he did it came out as either his Mother's or Father's voice, why?! He was stumbling back, trying to collect himself and rid his body of the freezing fear. He couldn't bring himself to understand, or believe what was happening. His surroundings morphed again, into a wild battle field.. Blood spills, all through the air, pools of crimson, thunderous shrieks and screams of ninja and innocent civilians resounding in the air. The laughter of the black figure.

These visions seemed to come in flashes, not only visible but felt. Yes, he felt the blood trailing down his cold skin, thin beads of sweat sliding down his hair line and the back of his neck. His teeth was clenched, gritting in agony. He himself fell to his knees, put his forehead in his lap, hands over the back of his head as if to curl into a ball and protect himself from nothing. He couldn't understand this ninja world, he was just a kid and yet he was to endure such dreaded torture. It was almost as if, he were forced to watch his village get massacred all over again. He rose his head slightly, eyes trembling and looking left to right at the murderous scene.

Brave ninja were fighting back, but no avail, the dark figures multiplied and began to swarm on his illusion, now it was mostly the figures that stood, dripped in scarlet moisture from the innocent blood of his village. This time when he spoke, he sounded like that of a demon yes. He recalled, a history lesson, Cloud was previously caught in a demon war. Could it be, years ago, his village was overrun by demons before they waged war against the cloud.

Speechless, the boy grabbed a handful of the grass in real time though his eyes were sealed shut. In the illusion, he was doing the same, surrounded by ten black menacing figures with large flexible tendrils extending from the torso, almost baiting Shouyu by rubbing against him, as if the demons were toying with him

Demon: "Boy! Useless boy! Do you not remember? How I slaughtered your family!"

One of his tendrils began to wrap around his neck and face, tickling his nose as the demon thought this was funny. Just feeling his cold body, frightened the boy more as his was head was force lifted. His eyes were still shut, he didn't want to see him at all, he felt just as scared as when he was a kid, it didn't matter if he was strong now. He trembled and then suddenly, his body fell limp, as if he gave up.

"I know... What I must do"

He thought that sentence to himself, opening his eyes to face the demons. This time they were wide, veins from his face bulging. The Byakugan was active, and just like last time when the demon's had seen this, the fear grew within them. Long ago, there was a reason this kid didn't die and was lucky enough to find an escape route. He was released due to the large amount of chakra he leaked through his pores, which began to singe the demon's body on contact like water water. His eyes shut.

"You will not defeat me a second time. Behold, another Kekkai Genkai."

His right hand formed an open palm, the arm of the hand extended fully upward, above his head, until the flat palm was high and facing the blue expansion called Sky. Gravity seemed to pull wind, no chakra, the wind just followed from such a sudden increase in build. A small gale formed around his body, moisture in the atmosphere formed small particles of water, that would merge with other smaller particles creating fewer, but bigger drops of the water.

The demon's now looking confused began to create distance from Shouyu, panicking they all formed together to make a larger, one demon. This man's eyes were a neon red, glowing with murderous intent, the demon drooled, a face of a dog, man, or a goat, he couldn't tell. This was no time to be thinking, the water droplets materialized into long, thin streams of water when enough was sufficient to do so. These many streams of water seemed to dive into his palm, pulling more moisture in from the air.

The sky thundered, swirling water chakra was encasing his open palm and diving into it's center, the sky became black, he couldn't tell if this was happening in real life, as he been seen sitting motionless, face to the ground looking scared as before, when in his mind, under the genjutsu, he was getting things under control. Around his palm, with the water coursing, small bolts of lightning began to jolt around this energy of chakra. Bolts of lightning shot from his arm, his body, and from the center of his palm. The current coursed itself around his body.


"Most of my clan, are unable to see past Taijutsu. I... I am different... Is this not, why YOU fear ME?! AHHHHHHHH! LIGHTNING STYLE, STORM NINJUTSU! FISSURE SLASH!"

A sudden wide arcing, razor sharp chakra energy, almost like a crescent moon, his hand fell down, in one swoop toward his opponent, as he did, the arc began to change shape as if a sword swinging with his arm and colliding with the demon. The initial contact was the arcing storm energy slicing through his body in a clean cut. Though, the demon felt much pain, this only split him into two more entities.

"I no longer fear you... Cancel!."

He stopped feeding himself chakra, canceling all movement and use of it, allowing the Genjutsu to be dispelled with no energy to attract to. Once the bond was almost broken, he was caught in it again, a strong Genjutsu it was, but he was will power to overcome it was strong indeed. This will power and his maneuver cancel, completely dispelled the Jutsu as Shouyu returned, gasping, huffing and puffing, his real body was coated in that same electric current, was cut short once he gained full consciousness again. He was before Junko sensei, winded, and Kiri who's back was to a tree.

[WC 1,014]

"Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear! Face Everything And Rise! Fear is nothing more than the minds way of telling you that their is something vital for you to overcome." Junko said watching as Kiri's power became even more chaotic.

As he backed away, only a tree stopped him, but only for a short time. The boys chakra practically began to howl as he was engulfed by the demonic energy. Watching as the tree fell, Junko knew it was nearing his time to act. Inside Junko's body, his heart thumped harder as it pumped more of his dense stored Chakra. Opening a single hand, a portion of his chakra was leaked from his fingertips. He could feel the fiery chakra flames as they ignited with the properties needed for the sealing jutsu. It needed to be placed on Kiri and Junko would make sure he wouldn't fail.

Observing Hoshi, Junko nodded. The boy was beginning to move, sending off kicks and much more. His body was emitting sparks of lightning and Junko could tell He was facing his fears. Overall, he was really moving forward to success. Even though he could've been staring death right in the face. Out of the two, Hoshi needed this the most. He constantly held his head down during tough times. Constant failure only would spark more fear into the boy. So, if he wanted to ever truly be a man. He'd face his biggest fear, triumph, and never hold his head down ever again.

Looking back, Junko saw Osu leaving. Their conversation was wrapped up apparently. "Good." Junko thought giving the lad a small nod as he was making his way. Now, Junko needed to finish up his part so that he could talk with Akira as well. The Sennin had a scroll for the friendly giant. Hopefully he'd enjoy it and Junko had a few concerns in mind. Something was about to come and Junko couldn't help but feel like he'd once again have to tap into the darker part of his soul.

The part of his soul that he hid away and had no desire to use as he grew, but only came out to protect the things he held close. He was still known as the child raised from the chilling streets of kumogakure, but he was no longer remembered by the killer he use to be. At least... by the village. With his blade,he took many lives. So many that till this day, he still have killed more than he have saved. Outside the village, the Prodigy brothers brought fear to some. Looking at him now though, how could you tell?

The Tsuyoshi family's hard work flooded the village, an estate was built in their name, they were the family everyone knew or was connected to in some type of way, shape, or form. They trained under Raikages, Sennin, and other fierce leaders of the village. Most importantly, they were producing more leaders and impacting the village daily. How could a man under such operations ever be remembered .... as a killer.

Soon, Hoshi fell to his knees. He was gassed out and managed to break the genjutsu. Smirking, they both looked to Kiri as he was still having his battle. He had to conquer and triumph. "Good job." Junko said with a smirk.
Kiri stared down at the dead corpse of his father. The rain had never felt any better for many years. This was what he truly wanted. Revenge. Or was it?

Looking down at his bloodied hands, he felt his tears streaming down his face. Was this truly what he yearned for? Did his hate evolve into something so inhumane; something so unforgiving that he could only think of killing the man who despised his very existence?

“No. This isn’t what you want,” said a voice. A pair of hands would then embrace him from behind, a familiar presence washing over him. A hand wraps around his head and covers his eyes, while the other tugs him in the chest, pulling him closer. “This is my wish, not yours. For I can never forgive this man. But you don’t need to make it your own. You have your own wish. Your own goal. Don’t lose sight of it, Kiri.”

Raising his hand to touch warm hands that held him, Kiri couldn’t help but cry as he nodded. He may never have seen this form, never heard such a warmth voice, but he knew who it was. It was the brother he never got to meet. It was the soul behind the cursed beast that was residing deep within him.

“You don’t need to cry. There’s no reason to cry,” said his brother. “This world is where you can always meet me. And I’ll always be here to protect you. So, don’t shun yourself away from the truth. Go, open your eyes, Kiri. Don’t let this power consume you.”

“But brother, I’m scared.”

“Silly boy. How can you be scared of yourself?” a chuckle and then a whisper, “Just believe in yourself.”

In the real world, he lowered his head as the emerging demonic aura continued to flow out of him, but his eyes were slowly opening to reality. Standing, taking a step forward, he then raised his head to the sky as the aura swirled about him like a pyre. It was not as malicious as before, but it didn’t show the slightest bit of stopping either.

Inside his mind, Kiri opens his eyes to find himself in the white void once more. There was no scent of the bloodshed he had caused, nor the presence of his brother behind him. Instead, before him stood himself from earlier. This version of himself looked back at him with a blank expression as the demon’s chakra began to flow out from him.

Stepping back, Kiri would sense the chakra trying to approach him, but he was confused as to what to do.

“Why? Why are you running away again?” asked the other Kiri, who took a step forward, the aura making a crack in this white void world. “Don’t you see? You will only continue to hurt. You have the power to correct everything. Use it. Use it!”

With each step that he neared Kiri, more cracks were made, running across the void and chipping off the world, showing the vast emptiness beyond it. The real Kiri merely stood there as he braced himself, feeling the oppressiveness of the demon’s chakra as it began to lace around a shadowy mist along his other self.

“I can’t. I don’t want it that way,” said Kiri.

“Bullshit. You’re just scared. Let me show you!” at that, the other Kiri leapt forward and grabbed him with both hands, face close enough that when the third eye opened, the real Kiri could feel the intensity of the chakra seemingly burning him. “There’s nothing wrong with letting go. Come on. Be true to yourself. This is who you are.”

“No,” he gasped as the burning intensified, feeling as though he was burning from where the other touched him, coursing into his body, through his blood and his heart. “I’m past all these. I’ve moved on. I will protect my brother from you.”


Looking at the other Kiri, he could see the shadowy mist deform and contort the body, turning him into a beast of ruin. And with ease, it tramples and pins Kiri on the ground with ease, leering closer with its jaws open.

“You’re the curse of my clan, but I will not let you corrupt his soul or mine. You may be a part of me, but that’s all you are. You are not the entirety!” bellowed Kiri as he was loosing strength. “So just try and bite me if you can. You’ll see it… I won’t fail.”

In the real world, there was a sudden spike of the aura that coursed around Kiri’s body as he let out another roar. This time, however, he managed to wrapped his arms around himself as if he was struggling. Indeed, inside he was struggling with his inner demon and it was a fierce one. The genjutsu was only feeding into it, but it would slowly dissipate as the demon would eat on it.

In that world of emptiness, Kiri found himself lying on the ground, tired, bruised, and large bite scar on his neck but he wasn’t restless. Rather, he found himself looking up to the endless sky with a carefree expression. He grins before his closes his eyes. “Told ya. I won’t fail. Not when my brother believes in me.”

And so, the once clouded eyes began to see through as he falls on knees on the ground. Glancing to the side, Kiri spots Junko and Hoshi, and to another side, he spots the hut. For a moment, he tries to recall what was happening but the surging of the aura was quickly depleting him of his energy. Soon enough, he was beginning to feel cold and weary.

Closing his eyes, he tries to will the demonic aura to stay and calm away, but it was hard. Still, he wouldn’t give up so easily just like that. He would fight it. He would not lose control. Curling forward, burying his head into his hands, he grunts as the burning of the chakra intensifies but he could already see through the illusion. It was just a matter of calming himself, for never was he brought to such a length of fury and depravity. And it sucked knowing how difficult it was to regain his control over his own power.

“Damn it,” he cursed under his breath, “Calm down… there’s no reason for this.”

WC: 1,066

“Damn it,”

“Calm down… there’s no reason for this.”

"Welcome Kiri. To the first step in gaining true control." Junko said walking closer to the lad. He could see the boy was in a spiritual and physical fight. Something he'd get use to as he'd continue through the Shinobi world. "Whenever either of you feel afraid, remember this moment and what it took to conquer that fear. You'll be able to make it over any obstacle." Junko said bringing his hand forth as it was time to place the seal on Kiri.

The technique about to be used was pretty Advance. A technique Kiri would likely learn some day. Who knows, he'd probably have to save someone else one day just as Junko was saving him. "The young ones are the future. Without a doubt, you two are destined for greatness. Dark times may come soon. Be apart of the light that casts out the darkness." Junko said beginning to overcharge the jutsu just to put some extra umph into things and to make sure it held.

Thrusting his arm with speed, Junko came in contact with Kiri's stomach. For a moment, it would seem as if Junko was digging into the child's belly, but upon the spark of chakra flames, one would be able to see that it was a jutsu. As Kiri would fall, Junko would watch as the jutsu takes its course.
He was on all fours, his left down to his forearm as he continued trying to catch his breath. He heard Sensei say, 'Good Job' and he couldn't respond. That genjutsu was tough, had it not been for his experience with Kiri and his mist against his Byakugan, who would have never understood the prowess of visual illusions. True enough, Sensei was right, he was scared to death. Cold beads of sweat trickled down from the nape of his neck, to streams down his back and torso. His breathing began to slow, he looked at Kiri and looked away. Held his breath for a moment, and exhaled slowly. He was feeling a bit better now. Though Kiri appeared to be a struggle Shouyu couldn't even dare to imagine. His radiant chakra burst out, his thoughts went to the hut if Akira or Osuteno could see, or hear any of this. This shinobi world was crazy, life lessons like these, at a time and place like such, heh, crazy life.

Junko's words hit heavy in Shouyu's heart. It was relieving that after this trial Junko would find some hope in him to do good for the sake of Kumo. Shouyu nodded, and fell back to a sitting position, tilting his head back to the skies for a breather and back on to Junko and Kiri. He listened with a blank face, but believed in Junko's words. He smiled lightly.

Kiri come back to consciousness but still releasing this different chakra. He felt many before, but this was the same exact feel he was dealing with in their battle in the forest. Shouyu didn't fear, there was no time for that, and after what Junko Sensei taught him, there was no place in his heart for it. Even then, as Kiri was still physically battling whatever it was he seen in his Genjutsu, Sensei seemed to be preparing, so Shouyu decided to push away from the two. Kiri was trying to calm himself and he was thrusted by Junko, Shouyu didn't have a clue what was going on, he just watched, eyes wide. It looked as if Kiri was hit by a jutsu, and maybe Sensei was attacking him, but no.
As he continued to struggle against the tide of energy that was converging at him, Kiri heard Junko’s voice. It was like a loud crash within the waves that bombarded him and he couldn’t help but be thankful for it. For once, he could somehow try and let his mind get away from the pain he was suffering, as Junko’s voice echoed in his head.

But that was only for a brief moment as the chakra inside him welled up once more. He was certain he would break. In fact, he wondered if he would explode. That wouldn’t be a pretty sight at all. But before anything else, he caught sight of Junko next to him and then suddenly struck him in the stomach. A coursing sensation was felt, as if chakra burned against him. This, however, felt slightly more peaceful than the one that was raging inside him.

Struggling, he would grab Junko’s arm as tight at he could, seemingly afraid to let go. He eyed the man defiantly as he gasped but all else faded. A sudden rush of cooling sensation washed over him, and his demonic aura died down. Almost instantly, he collapse onto the ground, slow breathing.

It would be a while before he regain consciousness, and when he does, he felt as though his entire body was aching. Sweat trickled down his chin, his hair wet and plastered on along his face, and his eye, glassy and trying to focus his vision. When he finally did, he saw that Junko and Shouyu were there and seemingly fine. Somehow, he smiled, knowing that he didn’t cause any harm.

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He watched Junko and Kiri, in awe and wonder. That familiar eerie chakra began to diminish slowly and fade away, at the same time Kiri seemed to be drained but calming down. From a distance, he watched Kiri falling to the floor, fainting or so it seemed. Shouyu scooted closer and looked over to Junko.

Now Kiri seemed peacefully asleep before he woke up again with a light smile. Shouyu just sat up next to home, exchanging gazes at him and Junko. He wanted to ask what happened but was afraid to. That chakra Kiri emanated reminded him of his own genjutsu, that dark figure he was tussling with. Or maybe Shouyu was just thinking too much.

"Thank you Sensei, your lesson will not be soon forgotten, I will remember, and be fearless! I am thankful!"

He stood up as he spoke to Junko, giving him one good serious look, and a smile as he completed his thank you. He then looked down at Kiri, he didn't want to leave him here just yet, so maybe he would wait until he gained the strength to walk out of here together.

He inhaled a deep breath, recalling the lesson. It made him curious again as to what happened to his village, and even more curious to what just happened to Kiri.

As the chakra began to fade, Kiri fell unconscious. Looking to Hoshi, Junko could see that he was wore out as well. Making a few simple hand signs, Junko's Chakra surged through the ground, connecting to the plant life around him. Placing a palm on the ground, Junko's Chakra surged into the very roots of the tree knocked down by Kiri. Soon, the roots of the tree began to expand and extend to the ground. Once the connection was made to the ground, the tree began to slowly rise from its fallen position, and became rooted as it previously was.

Standing up and looking at the tree as it once again stood tall, Junko nodded to Hoshi.

"Thank you Sensei, your lesson will not be soon forgotten, I will remember, and be fearless! I am thankful!"

"Keep moving forward. Fear shall never hold you two back again." Junko said placing a hand on Hoshi's head. "Now, it's time for you to take care of Kiri just as Kiri took care of you. Take him to the hospital. Don't worry, he's fine. I spiced that jutsu with some healing chakra. So, he just needs rest." Junko said with a smirk. "Now, go on. Class dismissed." Junko said before turning away and heading towards Akiras shop. Coming to a stop though and looking back at the young lad, Junko smirked.

"Hoshi. You're passionate about becoming an ANBU right? and you obviously want to become stronger. I shall introduce you to two ANBU personnel. Seek out knowledge of the one named Tensai. He's pretty popular in the branch from what I hear." Junko said with a smirk and nod before turning away again. Little would the lad know, Tensai was a Tsuyoshi. A child Junko took off the street and made his own. Just like he did with many others. The other person he'd meet, would be Shu. The elder would surely be able to help the lad. Something was telling Junko that he could likely benefit from learning about the spiritual realm. "Don't worry about the blade, Kiri will have it by his side soon enough." Junko said giving a wave.

Stepping into the shop, Junko looked at the giant. He was old in age, but practically still in his prime in fighting spirit. Junko knew this first hand. "My good friend! How are you?" Junko said moving in for a handshake meant for true warriors such as themselves. "A gift from the wife." Would say before placing a scroll on the counter in front of Akira. In it, would be food Karin prepared.

Mini Class over.
Kiri, still a bit out of it though slowly getting his bearing back, would glance between Junko and Hoshi as he found himself feeling a little better now. Still, he would rather go back to bed. It seemed like whatever that jutsu Junko had used on him made him feel like this was the best of days to get a good long rest. Besides, it’s almost been so long since he has had a so-called rest. What with training, studying and the occasional hunting, there was simply little time for luxurious rolling on the futon and not caring about duties.

Still, he would only see Junko walk away after a few words and his head was getting heavy again. So he slumped back to the ground, eyes closing as he would fall back to sleep. Inside his head, he could hear the beast in a rather surprisingly warm voice. He was seemingly praising Kiri for a job well-down at something. Whatever it was, Kiri would have to ask about in detail later. For now, it was much like a lullaby as his consciousness would fall deeper and deeper into sleep. It was just a good thing he had long grown up from being a drooler. Still, this was one of those rare moments of defencelessness from him.

[WC: 219]

Current Ninpocho Time:
