Mori Hana
But besides that, her parents were off in the other room, watching their young prodigy play with her teddy bear and other dolls. Next to them stood her tutor, Tachibana Shirou. There gaze was soon broken by words from the tutor. "We are taking a break today. She is progressing quickly, and another Shinobi has actually be ordered to come assist in her training." he said. But he could see the concern on their face and quickly added to his words. "Don't worry, you won't have to pay an additional fee. The one they are sending over has needed a more...permanent situation." he said with a small smile, wondering how they were going to react this time. The information he knew, and was purposefully leaving out is what made the grin appear.
"What do you mean permanent situation?" asked Hana's father. Of course he would be concerned. Shirou spoke in such a way only to court curiosity. So he would sate their desire for knowledge with appeasement being his intention. "Well, she purposefully requested to be placed into a position where she could help the youth of the village. And the headmaster deemed it proper to send her to help me out. Unlike me, however, the new tutor will be spending all her time within your residence. I am sure you can spare an extra room?" Shirou said, inclining the tone of his voice near the end. This time, Hana's mother spoke. "Yes of course, when will our new guest be arriving?" she then inquired. "Anytime now." Mr. Tachibana responded in a quick fashion. A small smirk drew across Mrs. Mori's visage and she hurried off to find a made.
"It's a good thing they aren't apart of the force, or else keeping them in the dark would be a lot harder." Shirou thought. See the truth was, Shirou requested the main branch send over someone to actually guard Hana. The experiments she had been delving into had been getting out of hand lately and he was going to need assistance in containing Hana's creativity. When he learned who was being sent over, he was outraged, but quickly learned the reasons behind his superiors decision. Of course, if he were in charge, he wouldn't place such an unstable individual in a position of protectiveness over a girl with unstable power. But those decisions were above his pay grade. Nevertheless, it would be interesting to see how the small child reacted to her new guardian angel.
Speaking of the devil... the loud chimes of an expensive doorbell resounded through the manor and Mr. Mori quickly made it his mission to answer the door to see whom his guest might be.

Kato Haruka
But her sad thoughts of the past were quickly pushed aside by the door opening; a fierce looking man starred at her for a moment. They always stared. No one ever seemed to expect a kunoichi to be really good looking. But of course, her curse help her from aging and made men oogle her like some toy to be played with. Haruka sighed silently. She knew it was going to be hard to convince them she was a good shinobi capable for the job. "Oh that's right, I'm not a shinobi. I was told to inform the parents that I was a tutor sent to assist some guy named Shirou." she thought, making the customary bow and waiting to be invited in. An embarrased Mr. Mori quickly followed suit and brought her inside.
"Ah good you've arrived!" Shirou said with false enthusiasm. In reality, he wanted to be as far away as possible from the woman. Haruka bowed once again and took a look around. The place was nice, really nice. Perhaps this assignment wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would be. "I am Kato Haruka, thank you for having me in your home." she said, speaking to Mr. Mori, whom eagerly replied with: "The pleasure is ours!" Naturally Haruka felt a bit queasy due to this; her mind was already worried about this guy trying to peep on her during a bath or something of the like. Thankfully, a small high pitched voice broke the tiny silence.
With a tug on his sleeve, Hana voiced her concerns, though they were hardly that at all. "Who's the pretty lady Daddy?" she would ask, to which Haruka quickly blushed. It had been quite some time since anyone called her pretty. Normally it was just 'hot and sexy', so this was a nice breath of fresh air. Mr. Mori quickly patted his young girl on the head and introduced Haruka by her false title. "This is Haruka, she's a tutor that will be joining Tachibana-san as an assistant." he said, looking to the pair of shinobi for confirmation. Needless to say, they both nodded their head with smiles. Hana then slowly made her way forward, her teddy dangling in her hand. Haruka responded by kneeling upon one knee so she was eye to eye with the young girl.
For a moment, they just looked at each other trying to get a sense of what the other was thinking. But Hana noticed something the took her attention away from Haruka's vibrant eyes. Reaching out with a finger, the small girl pulled on the cloth cover up some of Haruka's chest and pointed to the black mark on her bust. "What's this?" she asked curiously. Mr. Mori quickly intervened and pulled his daughter back toward himself with a red face. "S-sorry about that!" he stammered. But Haruka stood up straight with a smile of her own. "Oh it's quite all right, no problem at all." she replied and then looked to Hana. "Maybe I'll tell you about it soon? I saw that you were having a tea party, why don't you introduce me to your friends?" Haruka suggested and offered Hana her hand to be lead. Hana's eyes watched Haruka's smile for a moment before grabbing onto a pair of her fingers. "Okay come on!" she said with a wide smile, dragging the tall woman toward the play set.
Mr. Mori was surprised at how Haruka handled that and looked to Shirou with surprise. "I guess they really did send the right person, she seems great with kids-- girls at least." he said. Shirou seemed to be deep in thought and could only muster a nod of the head. This woman seemed nothing like what he had heard about. How could something so serene looking be so dangerous?
Well, you know what they say, don't judge a book by it's cover.
[Topic to be Continued.]