Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event After School Anarchy

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

It was nighttime in Sunagakure no Sato, and while life was still happening in and around the Toraono Dojo, the campus grounds for the Academy were usually relatively quiet this time of night. Tonight, however, would prove to be a rather irregular occurrence. For one reason or another, several students and shinobi still seeking something, whether it was knowledge or companionship, found themselves on the campus after hours. While the academy and the Toraono compound was massive is scale, the focus for tonight narrowed in on a singular building known simply as Building C-8.

Outside of building C-8 would be a training court, with posted sparring dummies, mounted targets for projectile and aiming practice, and several free weights. Here @Hayate Tadashi and @Hojirozame Samezuka would find themselves, whether they were aware of one another and whether they were there for the same reason, that would be for them to decide, but the fact would remain that both would be actively present at the training court. From here they would notice a figure with a rather large bag, acting mildly suspicious, enter the dojo. Neither would be able to make out who the figure was, and chances were low that they could identify them. Would they explore it just to see if everything was okay? Would they remain on the court, ignoring the sighting? Or would they attempt to contact an "adult"?

Inside the building, on the first floor would be several classrooms on the eastern half of the building but on the western half of the building, the first floor would essentially be a small library that would cover a broad range of topics that would benefit students, giving information on the village and its various processes along with appropriate basics for ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu. While the campus was essentially closed, locations like this were actually frequented regularly by eager-minded students. @Santaru Kazuma found himself in this very location, for what purpose was a secret known only to him, but he wouldn't be alone as someone who had already completed the exam to enter the ranks of Genin was also present; @Ryuzaki Megumi. While they could choose to interact or ignore one another, both would hear a faint sound outside of the library; would they investigate or ignore it?

On the second floor in the eastern half of the building, there was one room that was, as the kids of one generation would refer to as, popping off. Maybe that was an incorrect description, as on the second floor there was one room that had students present because of various academy-related disciplinary actions. @Chikamatsu Ayame, @Chikamatsu Sora, and @Chikamatsu Toyoko would all find themselves present in this room for one reason or another, or maybe a joint reason as they all resided from the same clan. Either way, they would have found themselves tasked with cleaning up the room, a room that was used for sparring, which meant a room full of sweat-drenched gi, mats and padding, and towels. The three Chikamatsu would eventually hear an odd thumping and scratching noise coming from the room above them. Will they explore? Will they stay put because they've already gotten in trouble once?

On the second floor in the western half of the building, there would be quiet and darkness, as all the rooms were empty. There was one exception; within one of the rooms, the daring duo of @Toraono Toji and @Amaterasu Hina would find themselves snooping around in the cover of night. One of them had forgotten something within the room, and because of their budding friendship, the other decided to join them in doing something that felt like it was against the rules; sneaking into the school at night. While everything was going smoothly, they would hear what sounded like a muffled scream. coming from the hallway. Would they check out the sound or would they remain hidden, as they shouldn't even be here?

On the third floor of the western section of the building, a nervous Chuunin who was carrying a bag, one that was much emptier than what the duo outside of the building would have seen him enter with, would be entering a room and placing a small box down. Letting out a sigh, he would mutter to himself.

"This is for progress. This is for progress.... what I am doing is for progress..."

While his tone wouldn't match his words, the conflicted Chuunin seemed to be up to something... or they had already done something.

On the third floor of the eastern section of the building, there would be a trail of blood leading out of one of the vacant classrooms towards the stairwell...

It is now up to each of our respective characters to decide what they plan to do. Within your first post feel free to come up with your own reason or purpose for being where you are, as I just rolled to see who would start where, and then in your post choose your next action. At the bottom of your post include a simple summary of what you are choosing to do with an example looking like the following:

[paragraph of my wonderful words]
OOC: Choosing to enter the school and explore

As stated in the signup, this is a pretty open concept. There is some unavoidable thing, but for the most part, if you wanted, you could just all bail, and the event would end. You get the freedom to choose what you do, but for now leave it to simply one grand action, more or less like having a single action to take in a D&D game.

BUILDING C-8: This building is divided into two sections, an east and west section. There is one primary stairwell between the two sections, which takes someone all the way to the roof if they so choose. Some rooms are locked, some are unlocked, and some are completely open. Most of the first floor has various lights on, the second floor has only the lights on in the section the Chikamatsu trio is cleaning, and the third floor is pitch black. It is a full moon so there is some ambient light from outside, but also some heavy shadowing depending on where you are, so think of this as a terrain modifier as Moderate Cover and bouncing between Dim and Dark. The first floor is Open and Average.

I will set a time limit of 1 week to get through this round, but if all nine of you get a post in sooner than that, I will mod the next round earlier.

Toraono Toji

New Member
Jul 28, 2023
After Toji's good friend Hina had told him she left her book on flowers back at the dojo he decided to go grab it for her. After all he was a member of the Toraono clan, and it was their dojo. As such there should be no problem if he went to grab something for his friend there. It was getting late however but Toji would never let it be said that he did not make time for a friend. Toji but his head down with steadfast determination and headed to the school.

Toji walked confidently down the hallway. He was not sure where Hina had left her book on botany but it had to be around here somewhere. with all the rooms as dark as they are it was hard for the pair to find what room she left it in. Toji would stop every now and then to look into one of the rooms. "I's it this one Hina?" Toji would ask. He would then wait for a response and if it was not go on to the next one. All in all this was a pretty fun night out with a friend for Toji. Until he heard something that immediately made his body tense, A muffled scream. It sounded like it was coming from the end of the hallway. Something was wrong. He would stand to his full height making himself as large as he could. Checking to make sure Hina was still behind him he would call out into the darkness of the hallway. "I am Toraono Toji show yourself or I will have no choice as a member of the Toraono clan to come in after you" Toji had heard his mother use that line many times before and she always sounded cool when she said it. He would then wait for a moment for a response before charging into the darkness to help whoever it was that could be in danger.

OOC: Toji would call out and if he did not get a response he would rush to the space he heard the scream.

Amaterasu Hina

New Member
Jul 28, 2023
Hina found herself at the end of a dark hallway. She knew she shouldn't have told Toji about her missing book. Why wouldn't he charge head first into the closed dojo? It not like they would get in massive trouble if they were caught, right? Hina followed him, trying to convince him that the book wasn't worth the trouble and she would find it next time they had a class. "Toji, we aren't supposed to be here we will get into trouble!" Toji would just keep charging forward, occasionally asking if they were in the right place. "Come on Toji, lets just go...."

In the midst of her speaking Hina heard something that shouldn't be there. A muffled scream, just down the hallway. Dread filled Hina as Toji turned to look at her. "Toji, don't-" Hina wasn't able to finish her thought before Toji was bellowing throughout the hallway. As Toji rushed towards the noise, Hina melted into the shadows, keeping a close eye on her friend, but an even closer eye on everything else surrounding her.

OOC: Hina would hide in the shadows and inspect her surroundings, seeing if she noticed anything wrong or out of place.

Chikamatsu Toyoko

New Member
May 24, 2023
OOC Rank
Toyoko grumbled to herself as she cleaned the floors of the sparring room, using her chakra strings to lift various sweat stained articles of clothing and towels and tossing them aside as she mopped. How was she supposed to know that there was an instructor watching her and Sora fight each other on the training grounds without permission, until they ended up breaking some training dummies and getting in trouble? Glancing over at Ayame, a feeling of guilt washed over her. The poor girl had just been trying to break up the fight, but the instructor lumped her in with the two combatants and made her come after classes to clean as well. "This is sooooo boring! Let's just ditch these two and go get something to eat. I don't understand why you're so concerned with what the instructors think. You're going to graduate soon anyway, so forget about all that. It's not going to matter much longer anway!"

Toyoko ignored Kiyohime as best she could, focusing on the task before her. While the dragon was right, she was close to graduation, she didn't want to start her path as a shinobi by disobeying direct orders from an instructor. That would reflect poorly on her, and she didn't want that. As she stops for a moment and leans on her mop, there is a faint sound coming from above her. It sounds like something scraping across the ground. Looking at the other two girls to see if they heard it as well, Toyoko drops her mop and runs to the door.

OOC: Toyoko is leaving the sparring room to go investigate the sounds she heard from the floor above.

Chikamatsu Suisen

New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Standing in the center of the room not actively cleaning like she was instructed Sora had her arms crossed and openly complaining about the situation at hand. "What an arrogant fool, doesn't Hishimoto-sensei know that we are members of the Chikamatsu Clan? We are one the newest generation of not only one of the five great shinobi clans of Sunagakure, but we are the next line of Medical Experts within these gates. If he expects us to think kindly on him the next time he needs an injury healed he has another thing coming."

Still not cleaning she continued on her rant. "I mean come on, if I am being honest one of us will most likely become a Medical Chief, well maybe not Toyoko actually. It's in our blood Ayame, we can't help that we are better than others, especially when it comes to the medical arts. Our clan is why the Omni Prime Medical Facility can function at its current capacity. I mean, hell, even Toyoko having been in our clan for some time now has managed to begin taking up shifts in the Omni Prime Medical Facility and she's adopted. That just shows how impressive our clan is! We have been able to train someone in our ways in such a short time that you could mistake her work for that of Amametarsu Hina's, which like I know isn't saying much but still."

She continued while still not helping clean. "I know there is no side branch in our clan, but the audacity of her parents to allow her to take that surname, but I guess we can't complain much though, they are considered heroes within the clan. I guess that is forgivable now. I mean, come on Ayame, don't you find this medial task beneath us?"

She paused for a moment noticing her sister leaving the room. "Where are you going? You aren't leaving me to do this all by myself! If you get to leave after I have done most of the work I cam leaving too!"

OOC: Following Toyoko

Santaru Kazuma

New Member
May 2, 2015
In the dimly lit sanctuary of the village's library, Kazuma found himself surrounded by shelves that seemed to stretch into eternity. The first floor was a treasure trove of information that sought to help all who wanted to deepen their understanding of the shinobi arts and the village's intricate workings. The young Kazuma presence here wasn't by mere coincidence, he felt he was lacking in knowledge about the village and hoped to gain more through reading of these texts.

As he wandered through the labyrinth of books, his gaze wandered, scanning titles in the hopes of finding something to aid in his quest to learn. Kazuma felt peace in the quiet halls, a place of enlightenment even during these times when the campus doors were sealed shut.

Then, while reaching for a book that had made its way to the ground, after picking it up Kazuma's eyes caught sight of a figure he hadn't expected but was thrilled to see Megumi, a fellow teammate he had become acquainted with on a mission. A warm smile came to his face, a silent acknowledgment of their shared achievement.

He approached her, and a sense of camaraderie was apparent in his demeanor. "Megumi," he greeted her softly, "I didn't expect to find you here, it's nice to see you again" His voice held an undertone of genuine pleasure, a testament to the bonds forged through their shared trials. He admired her spirit and determination during their joint mission at the oasis. It seemed that fate had reunited them once more.
Yet, their peaceful meeting was interrupted by a faint sound, echoing from beyond the library's walls. Kazuma's eyes lit up, his curiosity piqued. He exchanged a glance with Megumi, "Did you hear that? it sounded a little strange for this time of night". He began to slowly make his way to the door to attempt to hear more, should Megumi join him in investigating the noise.

OOC: Choosing to team up with Megumi(if she ok with it) and investigate the noise outside the library

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Toji would call out while Hina would slide into the shadows. His call would be heard but there would not be a response, at least not with words. Instead, there would be the sound of some shift, almost like metal grating against metal, followed by a thud. The noises would stop. Should Toji continue with his planned charge out into the hallway, he would immediately see a pile upon the ground. From a distance, it would be hard to make out. If they would approach it, they would notice that it was a body. Would they approach it? Was it a friend? Foe? Alive? Dying? Already dead? So many questions and one way to solve it would be to approach the body and inspect it, but would the duo choose to do such a thing? One was showing signs of charging headfirst while the other remained more reserved, would this be how they would choose to tackle this next stage in the mystery?

Amaterasu Hina Toraono Toji


Toyoko had enough of their discipline and was feeling up for doing anything else, even if what adventure awaited them might not be a fun one. Sora did not want to be left, so she joined Toyoko as they exited the sparring room into a mostly dark hallway on the second floor on the eastern side of the building. The hallway itself would not have anything major of note, mostly some doors open and some doors closed.

If they ventured towards the end of the hallway opposite of the stairwell, they find seemingly nothing, but might (a rolling scenario - one or both of you, or all three if the remaining member joins you next round, make a 1d20 dice roll in #botfun and post it at the bottom of your next post if you go this way)

If they ventured down the hallway towards the center stairwell, they would immediately notice a red handprint on the door entering the stairwell. Would this cause them to pause or to open the door and enter the stairwell?

OOC: Additionally, Kankoshi is Sora in this thread unless you'd rather remove them from the event due to the recent OCR, your call!
Chikamatsu Toyoko Chikamatsu Kankoshi Chikamatsu Ayame

While Kazuma waited for a response from Megumi, he would be met with the faint sound outside of the hallway.

"He... hel.... help...please... hel....lp...."

The voice was low, not quite a whisper but definitely attempting to be quiet. It was almost like someone was trying to yell as quietly as they possibly could. The voice would also sound shaky, as if scared, nervous, or injured... or maybe all of the above.

Megumi might have been lost in their studies, so maybe Kazumi would venture out on their own? Maybe they would remain in the library for safety in numbers or to protect Megumi. They choice would be one that it would appear each would have to make on their own. So what will they do?

Santaru Kazuma Ryuzaki Megumi
OOC: I know you are taking some time for personal reasons at this moment, Megumi, so this tag isn't to pressure you into posting, just making sure you know you are welcome to post whenever, if ever, it becomes something you feel comfortable doing. Otherwise, just know we are thinking of you.


These boys must love training and getting those gains! Or maybe they were just taking some time to process whether they would go inside or not. While they waited, they would notice a light come on in one of the windows from the third floor of the western side of the building. Who was up there? Would they be interested in finding out?

Hayate Tadashi Hojirozame Samezuka


The Chuunin would pull out a small device as a crackle would come over his headset.

"Souta? Sana? Toya? Anyone... what the heck... what was that thing... where are you!? Souta... come in you bastard! You told us to come he--"

"Sorry" would be all the Chuunin would say into his headset as he would activate the device. The communication over the headset would begin to make an overwhelming static noise as the device Souta had just activated seemed to be a headset jamming-type device.

Lines of communication, aside from word of mouth, were not cut off for all those within this building... and maybe even an area surrounding the outside of the building. While only a few would notice this, it would mean that whoever was here was now essentially cut off from the outside world.

Souta would take his own headset off and calmly place it on the table at the desk he was now sitting at, as he seemed to be resigned to what was happening, whatever that might have been. What he did not know, was how many others were in the area, as he had chosen this night because he assumed it would have been rather dead. But then why did it seem like Souta had invited others here? What was going on?

Maybe more answers would appear in the next fleeting moments...

Round 1 is completed, still in the initial stages of the event, so continue feeling your way through. I will let you know if you have an opportunity to roll for something special, and sometimes you choosing to do, or not do, might unlock something unplanned or planned as well. If you have any question let me know, and I am sorry for the delay. To make up, and I know it puts a bit of a rush on all of you as well, but lets make Round 2 due in 4 days, so please get your next post in before the end of the day Saturday site time!

Santaru Kazuma

New Member
May 2, 2015
Kazuma Santaru's senses sharpened as the faint, trembling voice reached his ears from the darkened hallway. The words were barely more than whispers, but they carried an undeniable plea for help. He was immediately put on alert as he was concerned for the person in distress. It was a cry, shaky and desperate as if the one calling out was in dire need.

He exchanged a brief look with Ryuzaki Megumi, he wasn't sure if she had heard the noise too but he looked over his fellow genin "Did you hear that". Megumi seemed to be tied up in her studies but her presence there made him more comfortable acting bravely in this situation. Kazuma understood the nature of their calling as shinobi, to help those around him and venture out. With a determined nod, he conveyed his intention to investigate the source of the voice as he moved towards the hallway at the ready. He moved silently through the corridor, towards the source of the sound he had heard before, peeking into each of the classrooms on the way there for the source. The darkness around him left an unsettling feeling as he was not sure what he was getting himself into. Kazuma's footsteps echoed softly as he followed the voice, an invisible thread connecting him to his target point.

(OOC: Exploring the hallway, gave option if megumi makes it back in time to join)
Last edited:

Chikamatsu Toyoko

New Member
May 24, 2023
OOC Rank
Toyoko would look behind her at her companions, noticing that Ayame was still standing in the training room. "Come on Ayame, I think we should investigate where that sound came from. Something about this doesn't feel right to me. So let's all stick together, and make sure that we don't get separated no matter what. Alright?" She fully trusted her fellow Chikamatsu, especially after she had helped her and Tadashi take down that boar that was barreling through the streets towards the Arboretum. Not to mention it was all Toyoko's fault that Ayame was even included in their punishment of cleaning the room. So she decided to take charge, and designate herself as the leader for this group.

Walking out, she looked left and right, and had a feeling that there was something off. She found herself drawn to the end of the hall opposite the stairs, her puppet lighting the way as she explored further down the hallway, keeping an eye out for anyone or anything that might decide to jump out and try to scare them or attack them. There shouldn't be anyone else at the Dojo this late, but clearly there was something going on.

[Rolled an 18]

Chikamatsu Ayame

New Member
Aug 20, 2023
Annoyed, Ayame mopped silently in a different section of the room. She can't believe she got roped into this punishment, she was trying to prevent this sort of thing from happening. She had hoped this was not going to affect how her advisers viewed her. She rolled her eyes as Sora acted like she was too good to be doing her punishment. "No one is above cleaning Sora.." she muttered as she mopped.

She stopped listening as Sora continued on rambling and was lost in her own thoughts. She was still feeling a little sad, having been avoiding Tadashi's invites to do things together. She could tell he was being affected by it too, and he had a right to be. She gave him no reason to suddenly never be available or willing to meet up, and she was too embarrassed to say the truth as well. She had a lonely look in her eyes as she stared down at the floor, not realizing she was mopping the same spot repeatedly.

She snaps out of it when she hears Toyoko shout for her to follow them along, not having a clue why they were already out the door. "Sound? What sound? I didn't hear anything." she would ask as she headed towards them. She waited for them to explain what they heard. "Hmm.. are we sure we should be investigating this on our own? Shouldn't we try to find someone to help? She didn't want to get in trouble yet again, for leaving their punishment, or potentially putting themselves in danger. But, she also didn't want to stay alone and they seemed determined to leave, so in the end ended up following Toyoko's lead.

[Rolled a 15]

Chikamatsu Suisen

New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
”Find someone to help? Ayame, don’t be ridiculous. Between the the three of us there’s nothing we can’t accomplish. I mean not only are we members of one of the most powerful clan, but like if you think about it we are some of the strongest Kunoichi in the academy. I’d be sorry for whoever is lurking in these shadows if they run into us.“

She would cover her mouth and let out a chesty chuckle. ”I mean between your water style, Imōto’s puppets, and my newly discovered Ice Release we could probably make the Kazekage beg for mercy! As long as the three of us stay together there’s literally nothing that could hurt us.“

She would lunge forward and attempt to wrap the two girls in her arms as she talked about how strong they all were when they worked together. Letting her guard down around Toyoko for the first time.

Hayate Tadashi

New Member
Aug 3, 2022
I have to get stronger... That was the only thought on Tadashi's mind when he arrived early that morning at 6 am to the training grounds of the school. He was there to hone his Ninjutsu and Taijutsu skills, and this was a great place to train them with the dummies provided. After a quick stretch he got to work.

Completely focused on his training regimen he didn't even realize someone else had arrived on the grounds to train as well. Having not met this person before, and not wanting to bother them, Tadashi decides to keep to himself and continue his training.

He was so determined and engulfed in his routine that he didn't realize that night had fallen on the village of Suna. Several of the sparring dummies were torn to shreds from his training and the ground had been battered and sliced by his wind chakra. Taking a short break he sits down and drinks some water to stay hydrated. While resting he notices a suspicious character with a large bag enter into the school. That was odd, he was sure the school was closed at this time and there would be no classes taking place. Maybe they forgot something inside? He thought to himself and watched the building as he rested. As the time went by he was starting to get an uneasy feeling about this character and their intentions when they didn't return. Should I go see what they're up to? Moments later a light flicks on up on the third floor of the building seemingly making his decision for him, whoever that was it looks like they were planning on sticking around for a while. Getting up from his seat Tadashi makes his way towards the building. He hadn't been a student at the academy long, but he felt a strong sense of pride and a duty to protect it and the village of Suna as a whole. Nothing was going to happen under his watch. Stealth was key here, if this person was up to anything dangerous or shady, Tadashi wouldn't find out if he rushed in and made a lot of noise. He silently opens the door to the building and slowly makes his way up to the third floor room where he saw the light turn on.

Word Count: 384
OOC: Entering the building and making his way up to the third floor as quietly as possible.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Hina and Toji would stand pat, or maybe they would find an escape route. Either way, it seemed their night was done for the time being.

The Roll: 7 (both 15 and 18 trump that, so praise be to the roll gods)

Venturing down the hallway away from the stairwell, they would come to a dead end. From an open classroom door, the sharp eyes of Toyoko and Ayame would notice something, a strange glint coming off of an object. Toyoko, with either sharper vision or just a luckier line of sight, would immediately recognize that the object was a strange-looking mask. Approaching it, the three females noticed that the mask looked metallic and rather bulky, it definitely did not seem to be a practical item that someone in ANBU would have worn. The side of the mask facing up was solid white, with red circles for cheeks, and a wide mouth smile. If they flipped the mask over, for whatever reason, they would confirm that the mask was not only made of metal but was very heavy. On the flip side of the mask, strange runic symbols would have been carved into it while strange wires ran across it from various parts before sliding into the interior of the mask.

What would the girls do with the mask and could any of them potentially read it?

Additionally, upon being touched, if they choose to touch it, the item would seem to start resonating with a low hum. Something about it would feel off. Feel wrong.

Chikamatsu Toyoko Chikamatsu Kankoshi Chikamatsu Ayame
OOC: If either of the three of you have access to Runic Terrain let me know and I will post in the inscription. If not, then it will go untranslated (for now)!

Entering the hallway, cautiously, it wouldn't be long before Kazuma would come upon a black mass against the wall. As he got closer that mass would get more details, and would clearly be a body lying with their back against the wall. If he got close enough he would see blood not only on the body but on the floor around the body. If he got even closer he would see that the young figure had glassy and glossed-over eyes. Were they already dead? If Kazuma called out to them, there would not be a reply. He would have to get closer to see if there were any signs of breathing or to check for a pulse.

So the question now, is would he?

Santaru Kazuma
OOC: Roll a t!dice 1d20 in #botfun channel in discord and post your roll at the bottom of your next post to see what sort of reaction you get from the body, if you choose to approach it close enough to check for vitals!


Inside the stairwell, Tadashi would be in one of the better-lit areas of the building currently, as faint emergency lights were periodically placed throughout the stairwell. Looking up, his vision would still be obscured by darkness. Additionally, the stairwell was enclosed, which meant that he was removed from what was happening on the actual floors themselves, so he would not necessarily hear the movements of his fellow shinobi.

Coming past the door marked "SECOND - EAST" he would notice a trail of blood that seemed to originate from outside the door, so within the hallway of Second Floor East, and then was drug into the stairwell. The stair was more of a smudge or smear, of something large, and seemed to go up the stairs.

Would Tadashi investigate Second Floor East or would he continue up the stairs to either find where the trail leads or continue on his original quest of getting to the third floor?

As he decided, he would begin to hear the sound of metal scraping against metal echoing from above. It would sound like it was still a distance away, but close enough to be heard.

Hayate Tadashi


The lone Chuunin, Souta, would continue to sit in silence, his eyes bloodshot as dried tears remained on his face.

Round 2 is completed
If you have any question let me know, and I am sorry for the delay.
Round 3 will end at the end of the day SUNDAY site time; or if all 5 of you post before then it will end sooner.

Santaru Kazuma

New Member
May 2, 2015
Kazuma slowly made his way over to the figure against the wall; the stench of blood filled the air as he grew closer. Upon examining her eyes, he could see they were all white. Poison? Are they even alive? He thought to himself before calling out, "Hey, are you alright?" slowly approaching closer to the figure. The black mass left him feeling quite unsettled. As he was within a couple feet he called out to his genin counterpart; "Hey Megumi, I think someone is hurt here!" He yelled out, hoping his friend would hear. Just then he tried to inspect the black mass, looking to see if this was even human or not.


Rolling dice!
[d20 : 2] In the end, the result was: 2

Chikamatsu Ayame

New Member
Aug 20, 2023
After reaching the dead end Ayame would cross her arms and look at Toyoko and Sora, "Are you guys sure you heard something? There's nothing even over here." she would say while motioning to the dead end wall. "Now let's head back before you two get me in even more trouble." As she'd start to turn she'd notice a slight glare as if there was something reflecting off the moonlight. "Wait.. I think I found something. approaching the object shed be able to see that it was a strange looking mask. It's kind of creepy.. I wonder who left it here? Maybe we should take it back to the classroom. What do you guys think? If no one opposed to the idea, Ayame would pick the mask up and realize the weight it held. How strange, this doesn't look like a mask the ANBU would use, does it? Feel how heavy it is. She would pass the mask along to the other girls if they wanted to feel it's weight. Ayame would lean forward and bring her ear closer to the mask, standing back up shed ask confusingly, "Is that— Is that noise coming from the mask??" She'd look to her cousins with a slight look of concern, feeling uncomfortable and unsure in the moment. "sh- should we head back to the classroom to drop the mask off?" Ayame knew she was a bit of a scaredy cat. Part of her wanting to train was to help her grow from her fears, which she was still struggling with. Although every part of her wanted to stay in the classroom and pretend nothing was going on, she knew that she had a duty to fulfill. She had to protect her village and friends and family, no matter how scared she was. She also didn't want to disappoint her classmates and cousin by chickening out. She would lose their respect and confidence in her, and that's the last thing she wanted. "Maybe we should go to the other end and see if we can find what made that noise." Ayame would wait to hear what Toyoko and Sora agreed to do, not wanting to separate from the group.


Chikamatsu Toyoko

New Member
May 24, 2023
OOC Rank
Toyoko would scan her Searchlight across the floor, stopping when Ayame said that she spotted something. Reaching out and taking the mask from her cousin, she turned it over in her hands and glanced at the back of it. Something was written there that she couldn't decipher, but it seemed to be something important. So she passed it along to Sora, to see if the other girl could make out what the writing said. Only after the mask left her hands did she realize that it was humming, and had a feeling that was off. She couldn't describe what it was about the mask that made her uneasy, but she knew that it wasn't something that they should ignore.

"I definitely heard something, but I don't think that this was it. We should definitely make our way to the other end of the hall and see what we can find. Sora, can you read what that mask says? It's written in a language that I don't understand. And Ayame, don't worry. I won't let you get in any more trouble. If anything happens, I'll gladly take the blame and say that I dragged you along with me because I was curious about what was going on. Besides, we were almost finished cleaning anyway. It's not like they are going to be upset with the job that we did."
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Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Santaru Kazuma

Would approach the figure and it would become clear upon closer inspection that it was in fact a person. The person had a nasty wound gashed across their chest down to their lower abdomen. The extend of the mass Kazuma had noticed when approaching, aside from simply being the body of the individual, would now clearly be a pool of blood. The shinobi, eyes barely open, would slowly turn to look at Kazuma.


It would be all they could muster. Without quick action, this shinobi would surely die, but what could Kazuma do?

THE ASSIGNMENT: Kazuma needs to quickly transport the gravely injured shinobi to the Hospital. You are required to make 5 posts total for this trip (1 will be your exit post from this thread, 1 will be your post arriving at the hospital, and the 3 posts between those points must be in a different village zone). Upon each post, use the bot-fun channel to make a roll and post it at the bottom of your thread. Each roll of yours will be stacked against two rolls that will account for two different scenarios: the failing health of the injured shinobi and the obstacles that might present themselves on your journey.

Total word count: 600

Special Note: Please "@" Raizo at the end of your posts as well so I can come and respond ;)

Chikamatsu Ayame Chikamatsu Toyoko Chikamatsu Kankoshi

There inklings of feeling unease about the mask were correct, but there had to be more to it, right? The three must now decide a path to hopefully obtain answers, but who might be the best resource?

THE ASSIGNMENT: The Chikamatsu Trio, or any combination or solo version of the three, need to transport the strange mask to one of the following locations:
Additionally, the trio could decide to pocket the strange artifact and bring it back to their Clan to both keep it a secret and to get feedback from their Overseer; if this path is chosen, please head the Arboretum.

No matter which path is chosen, those transporting must make 5 total posts, (1 leaving this thread, 1 arriving at their location, and 3 at other inner village locations) to make the trek to their destination. For each post, please include a roll from bot-fun at the end of your post. Each roll of yours will be stacked against two rolls that will account for two different scenarios: the potential hazard chance of the strange mask and the obstacles that might present themselves on your journey.

Total word count: 650 per character completing the task

Special Note: Please "@" Raizo at the end of your posts as well so I can come and respond ;)

OOC: Sorry, going to change up the format just a bit since we have had some dip in activity (from myself and players) I think I change in format might be a little help and hopefully speed things up so you can all be rewarded and return to focusing solely on your exams and other happenings!

DEADLINE FOR EACH POSTING Round is 3 Days - Please post your exit post by Tuesday (Nov 14) by 17:00:00 site time

Hayate Tadashi

New Member
Aug 3, 2022
Tadashi would continue his slow ascent up the stairwell. Taking careful steps as to not make noise on the heavy concrete stairs that scale the building. What could that person be doing here so late?.. He thought to himself. Controlling his breathing as well, Tadashi was entirely silent as he climbed his way up the flights of stairs.

Reaching the second floor he immediately spots the trail of blood on the ground. Having little reaction to the sight of blood as he was already on high alert, the blood confirms his gut feeling was right that something was going on. The blood trail was larger near the door and narrows as it led up the stairs. Tadashi quickly deduces that something, likely a body, was dragged up the stairwell from the second floor. I might already be too late, but that doesn't mean I can't catch who did this and take them in. Dead, or alive.

Having made up his mind to continue on his original plan of going to the third floor to investigate, Tadashi nods to himself with increased determination. Just after he hears a grating sound from above, it was some distance away but it sounded like metal scraping against metal. The only other sound in the stairwell was the electric buzz of the emergency lights. It must be the person that went into the building earlier. I have to hurry. With the new noise from above Tadashi was able to increase his speed while still remaining undetected. He quickly reaches the door marked for the third floor and opens it slowly to investigate.

OOC: Tadashi will continue to try to stay in stealth and investigate floor 3, specifically the metal sound.

WC: 265

Chikamatsu Toyoko

New Member
May 24, 2023
OOC Rank
After taking a moment to consider their options, Toyoko looked down at the mask once more. She wasn't familiar with what it meant, or what it said, but she felt like Shin might have some knowledge as to what secrets it held. She took it form Sora's hands, slipped it into her backpack, and shared a conspiratorial grin with her sister and cousin. "It seems that this fell into our laps for a reason. I don't know who dropped it or why, but let's take it back to the Arboretum and see if we can unlock the secrets hidden behind the mask. What do you two think? It clearly has some sort of power within it, otherwise it wouldn't be humming like it is. However, I think it would be wise to take a winding path back home rather than going straight there. This will allow us to see if anyone is following us, trying to retrieve their mask. Just follow my lead, if we get in trouble I will take the fall for it."

With that being said, Toyoko would swiftly make her way out of the Toraono Dojo. Sticking to the shadows and avoiding any spots of light that she could, thankful for her dark clothing, the young girl would dart from the building and off into Sunagakure proper, trusting that her sister and cousin were following close behind. She kept her puppet at the ready, Searchlight disabled, navigating the village by the light of the moon and any other sources of light scattered around.

[OOC: Topic left.
Rolled a 5.
[WC: 256/650]

Chikamatsu Ayame

New Member
Aug 20, 2023
Ayame's eyes widened as she sees Toyoko slip the strange mask into her bag. "Toyoko what are you doing!?" she whispers, after hearing Toyoko's reasoning, Ayame reluctantly agrees. It was true that Shin would probably be the best and safest person to take this mask to. There was definitely something up with it, and who knows what could be done with it if it fell into the wrong hands, or someone who knew how to use this thing. Ayame nods in agreement to the plan and prepares to stealth her way towards the arboretum. As she's silently following Toyoko's lead, she gets closer to whisper "I think we should split up and meet back at our destination. Think about it, if we are being followed, they can't follow all of us right? They'll have to choose and we can lose them along the way. I'm gonna split off and take a couple of random stops and meet you back at the arboretum. Be careful."

She takes off a separate path, making various quick stops to check if anyone was tracing her. After wasting some time and making sure she was alone, she quietly headed towards the arboretum to hopefully find her cousins already there.

[Topic left]
Rolled a 19

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
