Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Akane's alone time [Studying]

Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank


During her time off, and away from other people, Akane had spent her time studying medical field journals. Since she had returned from the void, she had become stronger, physically, and mentally, but she still felt the need for more knowledge. She could not explain this need, but she would fulfill the need by diving into books, and simulations. Akane had stopped by the bookstore, and used her allowance to acquire new medical books, more updated versions of the three she had, and a few other not so medical based books. Over a course of a few months, Akane had scheduled when, and how long she would study from each of the books. She would study the books until each book had nothing left for her to learn from.

The first book was not really a medical book, but Akane choose it because she believed it would further her knowledge, and possibly help her with medical like things, like medicines. Her first subject would be chemistry. Akane was in her room, at her desk, she opened the book, and looked through the index. She was more interested in the hands on, lab activities... But she would cope with reading first, and then practicing the hands on part.

Akane read into the book, she read about base's and acids, she then read about the pH scale, and so on. She read through the basics, the connections between chem, and bio. It took about four hours of reading until she got to actual chemicals, and reactions. She didn't understand why they had to include history of people, she didnt care if whats his face discovered a watchamacallit. She only really cared about the after facts. Akane took a break in between her study, and slept.

The next day, before Akane went on duty, she woke up early to put in some more study time. Akane found herself with an experiment to do, and which she would love doing, and she assumed everything she needed was in her kitchen. Her mother had plenty of measuring utensils, and products. So akane went downstairs, and dug around the cabinets until she acquired everything she needed for this experiment. She then brought everything into her room, and went over the list: 50 mL (circa 2 ounces) of 3% hydrogen peroxide, one tablespoon of activated dry yeast, two quart kitchen storage bags (with ties), small glass jar with cap, matches, fireproof surface, and a cigarette or wood splint.
Part B: two tablespoons household flour, fireproof surface, funnel with three foot rubber or plastic tube attached, matches.

She knew her bathroom counter was pretty fireproof... Also there was a sink near by, so she moved everything into bathroom, and started the experiment. She filled bag 1 with air, and tied it off. She then took bag 2, added yeast, and capped jar containing hydrogen peroxide. She forced out most of the air out of the bag, and tied off, then she removed cap from bottle, and allowed contents to mix. The bag slowly inflated as an enzyme in the yeast acted as a CATALYST for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water, and oxygen gas. She placed bags on her bathroom counter surface and touch each with a lit match. Bag 1, a small hole formed when the plastic melted but bag 2 bursted into flame, demonstrating the effect of reactant CONCENTRATION on reaction rates.

Akane was amazed with the results, she put out the small fire, but had little time to clean up, so she left the mess in her bathroom. She also had no time to perform part B of the experiment. So she left her house, and made her way to the hospital.

Once Akane was off on free time again, she found herself wondering the Hospital, soon finding her way to the research area. She found herself in one of the chemistry labs, though unsure if she was actually allowed to be there, she didnt know. As long as she didnt destroy anything, she believed it would be find for her to take a look at more advanced part of medicine, or chemistry. She picked up a book that seemed to tell of different chemicals, and reactions. It listed all sorts of items, some of which she didnt think would be listed.

Akane read through the list, Aluminum, Carbon, Chlorine, Ethanol, Fluorine, Gold, Hydrogen, Iron, Mercury, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Plasma, Potassium, Radium, Silicon, Silver, Sodium, Sugar, Sulphur, Sulphuric, Uranium, Water, and many more items. Each one coming with a description as well, some poisonous to living beings, others harmless. Then it went into how some things that were poisonous, sometimes can be combined with other chemicals to make it not so harmful. Like salt, sodium chloride, A vigorous reaction occurs as both atoms form ions and these ions are immediately attracted to each other, and the salt, sodium chloride, is formed. That is result from the neutralization reaction of an acid and a base.

Akane became more curious, she wanted to see chemical reactions hands on, but she believed it would be better to read, as it was the safest for now. Maybe she could be granted access to this lab for research, or hands on study of this art.

Akane went home afterwards, and took a small break, before diving into her books again. When Akane picked up her basic chemistry book, she read about balancing chemical equations. It seemed to have seven parts to it, advanced balancing, visually understanding balancing, etc. Akane seemed to get into the reading zone, as she studied that one section for a few hours, and without a break, moved onto the next part. The next section was Stoichiometry, a section of chemistry that involves using relationships between reactants and/or products in a chemical reaction to determine desired quantitative data.

There only seemed to be four parted to that section, so Akane swept through that easily. She then read on to the next section, Limiting reagent stoichiometry, which had one less part from the last section. She then found herself memorizing the periodic table of elements After Akane read through it, she went over what she read in her head, remembering key components. She then decided to take a break, eat, and nap on her new found knowledge. Akane studied from the book for about three months of so, before she felt ready to actually go into a lab.

The Next morning Akane woke up extra early, five hours early, to get in study time, she read one more section, Molecular composition, it took about four hours, and then she left to the hospital early. She left early to ask permission to study in the chemistry lab, which she found out she could study in there, as long as she is not found stealing any chemicals, books, or equipment.

After her day of work, she made her way to the chemistry lab, her notebook bag in hand. Once there, she set her notebook on the a table, and flipped it to a blank page. She then acquired safety gear, goggles, and gloves, and started studying different chemical reactions, heads on. She wrote down notes, on each experiment. Akane made medicines, and studied different chemical reactions. She made sure to keep her work station clean, and free of any spills. Akane found herself fascinated with the different chemical reactions. She ended up staying half the night, spending eight hours in the lab. Finally someone came in to tell her to get out, and go home. Akane was so intertwined in this science, she had lost track of time. So she cleaned up her mess, took her notebook, and went home. Once she was home, it didn't take long for her to pass out. Akane went back to the lab daily, every day studying more, and preforming more experiments. She studied this way for a few months.

The next morning Akane went over everything she had learned the past six months, and she remembered more than half of it. She would keep her notes close still, as she did not want to be naive enough to think she wont forget one or two things. She would focus on embedding everything she had learned into her mind.​

WC: 1377
Edited: Made it longer, and fixed a few mistakes

Current Ninpocho Time:
