Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 06:33:18

Akuma Kira reporting in! [private/permission]

Akuma Kira

Jan 11, 2013
He wasted no time getting to the Byoin to check himself back in and get into the schedule for work. Akuma noticed a few, as he ran over roof tops to avoid any traffic on the ground; things where being build and, reconstructed? He was puzzled to say the least but how much could have possibly happened in the month he was gone. Oh, what kind of a shock he was in for when he found out. Needless to say it was perplexing to the medical shinobi why they would remove so much of the village, making progress and advancements was all he could think of as for reasoning.

He was quite tired once he reached the Byoin, having not stopped from Sand to here. "Whoo!" a shout of relief he let out as he got there, walking into the building and saying hello to who ever he ran into.
"Is Yomi in her office?" He asked people he ran into, after getting their replies he made his way. Making small talk with a few nurses and doctors as he made his way to Yomi's office, but stopping along the way to check on the staffing board for who was on call and who was being tutored or making rounds and so on. A name struck him, Reoku, was that his Reoku? "No, it couldn't be. He is to hot headed to be healing people like that yet." Saying this to himself in a mutter, not assuming it was impossible for his adoptive son in the future to be a great doctor, but right now? Remembering the reason he rushed back here was to make sure he did nothing to stupid or reckless.

Making his way now with more of a drive than ever, he had to know if that was his son on the list of people who were being tutored or trained as medical shinobi. Getting to the office door, he gave a knock and waited to be told to go on in.

[MFT - 335]
Yomi was relieved when she looked up and saw a familiar face. While she was aware that Akuma was travelling, his absence was felt even on the slowest of days. She had a lot of things to tell him to catch him up to speed and let him know what work he should focus on since he was now home. The woman waved her hand, indicating that he was welcome to come in and have a seat as she furiously scribbled over some documents. Her paperwork seemed never ending and she wondered what would happen if she just...stopped filling it all out. As Akuma was seated, she put her pen down to give him her undivided attention.

"Welcome back." She began in a calm and even tone. "I hope your trip was as fun as you wanted it to be." She would listen to his response before continuing. "I want to get you up to speed quickly because a lot has been happening at break neck speeds." She picked up a conveniently placed cup of tea and took a sip. "When you were last home, we had a different Medical Sennin, Yuri. She's gone on a long term vacation and we have no date as to when she would return. The Hokage made the decision to promote me to Medical Chief and then to Sennin after careful consideration." Yomi was sure to keep the specifics of that to herself.

"And, while you were away, I am sure you realized the village isn't in the same condition you left it in. Well we had an incident at the Hokage/Sennin offices. Officially it has been declared a gas explosion. As a result of that incident, Reoku, whom I understand you raised, has been made to be myself and the ANBU Sennin's shared responsibility. You can ask him about the ANBU Sennin part, but, he made a conscious decision to be a part of the Medical Branch in order to find a way to control his volatile chakra and because I think he wanted to follow in your footsteps." Yomi picked up her tea cup and let all of what she had said sink in. The Goddess had more to say, but for now, she was sure that he had questions.
Akuma walked into Yomi's office, giving a bow before taking a seat. He wished he had gone home first to clean himself up, looking like he had been through a war zone and ran a marathon. All the while living in the mountain or wilderness as he was now sporting quite the full beard, nothing like a lumberjack or old hermit length but full enough to slow a month of growth. "Thank you, Yomi it has been some time... ever since that concert right?" Akuma asked smirking a bit as that was an awkward night of him trying to be more social than normal. "My trip was fun. I got to work out a few kinks."

He listened carefully only really interrupting for a brief moment after her explaining her new position and quick rise in the ranks with a "Congratulations" with a slight bow of the head.

The word, "officially" caught his attention, Reoku and a "gas exoplosion" letting her finish before letting out a sigh and saying "Yes, I have been raising him for most of his life. I admit he is reckless and you don't need to admit it if you can't but I assume this incident had everything to do with his fiery personality. I am glad he has been looked after by Anbu Sennin and yourself but I feel it would be wise to keep me in on this as well. Being the one who raised him and if he is trying to follow in my footsteps, I would be able to help curve this reckless nature of his. As I did for myself, for the most part." He said the last part with a chuckle.

Continuing quickly, "Also, if I maybe so bold to ask if you put me on the same shift as Reoku, so I can keep an eye on him and help guide him." Every ounce of his body wanted to punch his son through the moon and back but that was the side he had to keep in check and had to teach the boy.
ooc: The Yomi you met at the concert is a different Yomi. I OCR'd and am too lazy to come up with a new name. =) That Yomi, however, is now an NPC and we refer to her as Daisy to avoid confusion.

Yomi thanked him after receiving his congratulations. He picked up on her word choices but, beyond the fact that she had a great idea as to what happened, she only had the ANBU Sennin's word to go by. She made sure to clarify her statements.

"When I say official, I mean that that is what has been reported to me by the ANBU Sennin. I had just left the office before it happened. Reoku was there as was Takeshi. Reoku was brought to the hospital unconscious and with a concussion amongst other injuries. But, if you want Reoku's perspective on it, I would speak to him." Yomi shifted in her seat remembering that she wasn't the only recently promoted person around. "And we have a new ANBU Sennin as well, Uchiha Takeshi. The previous ANBU Sennin stepped down." In this moment she realized how difficult it was to update people on the happenings of the village when certain instances were considered "classified". She finished her tea before moving on to more Branch Specific conversation.

"I am not averse to having you work with him, but, I need you to train some others as well. I have a young lady that I hear may be interested in becoming a Medic. Ikou Ritsuko is her name. If you would seek her out and work with her, that would be a tremendous help to me. To be honest, I've been practically living here and "always on" shifts have been my norm." Yomi sighed, as she remembered she needed to mention Baba too. "And one of our medics has gone missing. While ANBU is out looking for him, it means we are short. Now that you are home, it's just me and you with the Hokage filling in on an extreme emergency as needed basis. Also, we are down a Main Branch Sennin so, the Hokage, ANBU Sennin, and myself all are sharing responsibilities there." What happened to the Main Branch Sennin was definitely on a need to know basis and so she could not divulge anymore than that at this time.

"As you can already tell, I am being stretched thin. I hope that I can count on you for support." Yomi exhaled. While she was handling everything she could with the grace of a prima ballerina, it was no secret that she was physically exhausted.

"So, I am truly glad you are home."
[OOC: Well then, oops. Don't know if to change it or not lol]

"Wow, quite a lot happened while I was away it would seem." He thought to himself as Yomi spoke. Being a teacher for someone, something he never really expected to do. He knew it was in his duties but not many seemed to want to follow this path while he was here and any who did were tutored by others. The sudden though of his being responsible for someone elses teachings to save lives was a heavy thought. He didn't know at the moment but he was ready for the task, although his methods maybe a little, alternative.

When Yomi finished, saying how she was truly glad he was home, and she seemed to mean it. "Well, if you would prefer I could also take on another student or two as well if that would help you get out of this place. You need to go get a beer or something. This place gets stuffy after a while, I remember." He mentioned as his life was filled with either study in the Byoin or raising Reoku; the prior sadly taking more of his time. Never the less he knew how this place would suck you in and never let you leave, Yomi sounded like she needed a break. He already had an idea about the lesson he wanted to teach, things may get a little bloody though.
[OOC: Nah, we'll just pretend that it was never said =)]

Yomi gave a small smile, bordering on relief. She was quite glad that he was willing to take on such a huge task without so much as a sigh or an eye-roll.

"Well, I think you'll have your hands full with Reoku and Ritsuko. I have a student, Tenkawa Kaori, who I am preparing to give an exam to. Once that is done, I will probably send her your way." Although the Medical Sennin didn't want to, she knew that allowing Kaori to get alternative perspectives was helpful for her and the branch as a whole. As long as Kaori was still within arms reach inside the Branch, Yomi would remain at ease.

"As a guide, I'd like you to help them become capable fighters as well as medics. I don't like the idea that we are only good for one or two things. We have time to refine our medical techniques, but, if something threatening were to come to our gates today, we need them to be able to defend themselves so they can save lives." Yomi looked over the stacks of papers on her desk.

"I'll try to get out of here eventually once things are settled. In the mean time, I'll be here if you need me." Yomi made a gesture to the door, signaling that he was free to go and do whatever he liked.

Nodding, Akuma stood saying, "I will get right on it, I may have to speak with Reoku before I teach the lesson. I need to see for myself that he is ready to try and control the wild side... I had to." He said with a little hesitation as he still struggled here and there to control his reckless nature but he was always making progress. Ironically that made the moments he did let loose all the better, even if he almost cause permanent brain damage or worse in his little spar with the Fang. Luckily he took this path and was able to use his medial jutsu's and his doctoral knowledge to save her.

Akuma then walked to the door, turning to bow his head before leaving her office saying in his calm almost doctoral voice, "Don't forget to get out and have a little fun."

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 06:33:18
